graved, 7 sizes. 9 ’ ° PP * ].J9 Crownford china, English dinnerware, 50-piece
45c Monongahela tumblers, “Laurel" and “Dot" service for 8, floral spray pattern. Regularly 29.95,
2-gallon^bow^*ladlei^l^8 > 'cuF» t ,n Pmwfieel P ° t Crooksvdle T.ffony pattern, 50-piece sendee
1.00t03.25 Heisty glassware, "Old Williamsburg," 6 P atterns - P ,at * and cup. j 25 for today's living. Choice of Riviera or dork cordovan finished mahogany,
stemware and accessories. 79c to 2.25 w&l— china, sth Floor, Upp. r l.v«i Double dresser and mirror, chest and bed in twin or double size, 222.50.
3.50 and 3.95 sets Colony "Vanity" glasswore, . . . «i*> Ch«vy Chose and Alexandra Matching night stand (not shown), 35.00.
8-piece dessert bowl or salad plate set.
2.50 and 3.00 Well-known make boudoir chairs with full spring construction. Three styles,
w&l Giauwar«, sth Floor, Upp«r Level florol, striped and plain color, 24.95.
. . . also Chevy Chase and Alexandria
J brass fireplace ensemble, 8 pieces. 79.95 12.95 German steak knife set of 6. 8.95 Wllilliyiill^lllll;^
HHMMMkUEHMHIMHfIHHHMHHH 89 95 fireplace ensemble, round-base flreset, 54.95 8.95 Japanese steak set of 6. ' 5.95 HMHllMiHllllilfl
Fi.M.r.,l “Royl V.1,«” t.w.l 59.95 fireploc. .nsembl., bro«, 49.95 995 Inco
tub mat, regularly 4.95. 395 1 4.95 brass wood basket, 22" long, H 95 10.95 adjustable ironing table, 54 high, blue. 8.95 de luxe base Cabinet
bortvtowel, 27x52", regularly 3.95. 2.95 9.98 brass firepot with torch, xnc 8.95 regular ironing table, 54" high, blue. 5.95 B 2 shelve* and
hand towel, 16x32", regularly 1.75. 1.50 3 9 1 ! hnth mm t J' 39 95 —56-piece stainless-steel flatware in chest. —. ■ , _ ,
, ' VJ 1 ' 3.Vi bath mot set, 2 mats, lid cover, \7A oqqc „ ■ Cutlery drawer
washcloth, 13 Vi square, regularly 60c. 55c uo \*/ m. •! . L . . , , . <£9.90 ». ■ i 7 « nr
Fieldereit “Fi.ldjJo” toweU; 7 color,: l” ™ bmSh °" d h ° ld *\ 12.50 silver chest with drawer, holds 150 pieces. li*' I B regularly 25.95
bath towel 25x48" TSO 2.69 Wolff round waste basket, N 179 10.59 B a4 7:
bond M. 16x28". Wc 1 .79 Wolff tissu. box, tig.r Illy d«i,n, 1.29 <95 and 9.95 Fwrlvrick hampers. 2>*« . 21"
r?ll h; l2 kT, , , , Mc 398 WotfM.,i,,,h.lf. block, 2.49 27.95 bps. «bin.f, cufl.ry dr„.r, utility dro».r,
I.edy Atkin, bath towel,, S color,. 16.9;> picnic kit, two 1-quart vacuum bottles, 995 SCTVette ensemble shelf S|xice. 2275
, S& 9 « 1 ' ceber,,r - ** rack and 4 tables « * '""jjS
I wpsh cloth, 12x12”. 28c . ” . ** regularly 19.95 27.50 Homilfon Bosch hqnd vocuum clMner, Mr*
I Tennessee Tufted rugs, lid covers: » 0.98 toilet seat with pearl finish, plastic, 7.59 /\M 1 (T. 95 weight, easy to use. 19.95
W 24x36", 2.98 - 24x42", 3.98 4.95 chrome cake carrier, ripple' finish', 3.95
27x48", 4.98 lid cover, 125 2.75 Welmoid Oriole ironing pad and cover, 2.18 ( \ 14 95 impor,ed c « rafT 5'C 8-doy clock, add 10%
Cotton end rayon d.mesk dinner set, 5 color,: 1.35 Welmoid ironing cover, 1 IS. 2 for 7 25 * . c u . -one
64x84" cloth with 8 nopkins. 5.98 25c Welmoid heavy duty dish cloths '* 6 for 119 395 chrome-plated towel stands 2.95 ??‘?5 d '" e . ' s ' p '* c cbr °™ e ' e9S>
64x104" cloth with 12 napkins. 7.98 39c Welmoid handy pot holders, 3 for 85c 3.95 Whirlybrush, for washing cars, windows. 2.95 1 1l ♦' / C< £"}2'oo
White cotton dinner sets, hond drawn and embroi- 1.19 Welmoid flannel dusters Dockoae of 6 1 (¥1 298 G o ' aluminum water pitcher, 1.49 » qcltll* 1 U ,' " ty cab,ne
dered luncheon ond dinner size 7 oft 17 Oft ' A ~ or °usrers, package or o, I.UU / 895 kitchen stool, chrome frame, 24' high 7.50
SX« m.r,«T»rriLn '50.£,; <9B
4-Übrl7'mm UnsnS color. _ 2.95 choling pish, 2-quarf sire, copper or brass, o [°T P '°" '“"u 5.98 indoor clothes d.y.r, 10 lin«. 498
“ ,zx,/ mats, 'l—izxiz napkins. -.W 09c 9.98 Loroman chafing dish, copper, black stand, . . , . J, . Zno
Exclllo kitchen towels, 2 sizes. 1.00 ond 1.49 *95 gloss .tor suson, gloss dishss, m „ol Irons. *9B 3.98 book trough .fond, 3 shelves_ 2.W
Magnetic pot holders, quilted cotton, 3 for ft9 C e'pe 5.95 Atkins corper sweeper. 4.79 rodio-book-magasme rack, 20.10,2 2.98
Belgian linen kitchen towels, 17x28. 39c 24.95—24-piece stoinless-steel flatware in chest. 1.95 dozen W&L toilet tissue 25 roils, 3.25 -> no ep " o,^ e ' ma 9°^ mft * s e ves -•
in ac ooc r ..i j- ~ , ~ v-rbc 3.98 utility-phone-light stana, 3 shelves. 2.98
W&L— Linens s»h 'Floor , 19.95 9.95 fireplace andirons, black ond brass. 6.95 tno u l\Z » s . ii ■> ek.i„.< ioo
... oiso Chevy Choi* ond Alexandria 3.95 nylon dust mop, 3 colors, use os dusters. 2.95 3.95 aluminum casserole, pie plate frame. 7%, 298 book-whatnot-wa l rack, Z she IV«
• -7 OO I J I • * e-» AAO 100 magazine rock, black metal. 85c
7.98 colored aluminum beverage set. 7 pieces, 4.98 <5 95-3-tier tea cart, 29" high. 8.45
7.95 Forman sizzle maid steak platter. 6.25 6 95 black metal TV stand, swivel top 5.98
*v Unpainted furniture in handsome knotty pine, with
f»Jj|—metal pulls:
. ljl lj ’ P*CCCS and 22.95 — 8-drawer chest, 36x33x14'. 18^
• Our convenient Deferred Payment Plan makes it easy for you to enjoy the igA J Ji|h (! regularly 12.95 24.95—4-drower desk and chair. 19.88
homefurnishings you want... pay for them on budgeted monthly payments. You /SJ Bill) M||\ ' 8.95— 2-drawer night chest, 14x14x28'/2". 7.88
pay 10% down .. . the balance in payments over 4, 6, 12, 15 or 18 months T yfij J 2 7 ‘ rower es
This applies to ony amount from 25.00 up. On purchases of less than 50.00
there is a minimum down payment of 5.00. 4 98 alum,num ice tubs - c° lorcd - 3.49
2.98 aluminum beverage pitchers, colored. 1,89 ___
• Use c. B. A. .. . Continuous Budget Account .. . poy 1/6 of your balance , JS B l “ in ° lum 7 m *>*“■. , ' Lg
. ,i a ... , , 7 , 4.98—4-piece aluminum canister 2.98 * ■UiMMMBAiIMHHNMHMABI
each month. A plan which you can en ( oy for homefurnishings purchases now 4.95—3-piece mixing bowl set, 3 patterns. 3.95
... use for other needs, too. . 2.98 wooden shoe shine boxes. 2.49 4.95—45-rpm record filing box, metal, plastic
1.55 angel food coke pans, aluminum. 1,29 handle, cushioned dividers. 3.89
• Open a regular 30-day charge account. With each statement is o complete 6.98—14-quart Sanetie step-on pail. 3.98 10- Inch long-playing records, classical and popular,
record of oil purchases. With the use of a Shopping Plote purchases require 2.98 aluminum lazy suson, ball bearings. 1,29 in storage jackets. 69c
less time .. . eliminote the need of corryina cosh. 4.95 bra,, book rock,. 2.9 S 21 95 Conc,r ' H °" P h f l ««™l> h ' b, 'r"
495 Welmaid laundry carts, convas bog. 3.79 simulated cos*, 3 spe s. 17."a
——— W&L—Houseware*. Ist Floor, Norfh BuilHing W&L -Radios and Records, lit Floor North ftu.ldtng
N ... also Chevy Chas* and .• • •■*> Chevy Chase; phono Oise
THE ETENING STAR. Washington, D. C