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THE BIG DANCE—A deep amethyst short formal gown with a teamed-to-match
velveteen shrug shoulder covering shows the young sophisticated look for the big
fraternity dance. Nancy Lee of the University of Idaho modeled the gown last eve
ning ot Hecht's show featuring its College Board members.
It's Ofl-to-School
Time in the Stores
Yesterday was kick-off time
for the back-to-school fashion
The first of the big-store
fashion shows was staged by
the college board of Hecht’s.
Betty Coffey of Mary Wash
ington College, Doris Lee of
George Washington University,
Nancy Lee of University of
Idaho (they’re not sisters).
Anne Howe of Radcliffe, Ann
Hughes of Dunbarton, Mimi
Gurwin of University of Miami.
Ann Wissler of Randolph-
Macon and Sandra Smith of
Stephens College modeled the
newest in suits, coats and
many of the old classic fashion
standbys of school life like
sweaters, skirts and blouses.
Nancy Walker, size - seven
featured star of “Phoenix ’55,”
a noncollege girl she informed
me, was the guest of honor at
the show. She’s mad about
clothes and watched with in
terest the various types of
outfits tor classroom, dating,
and dormitory wear the college
board member modeled.
One costume had her a bit
puzzled. It was for dorm wear.
The black and white cotton
jersey balbriggan PJ’s came
equipped with footees. Miss
Walker's quote: “She looks like
a tired black bat.”
Audience Meets Her
Later when she was intro
duced to the audience by Mrs.
Glenna Grubic who commen
tated the show she informed
them that she really wasn’t
bom in a trunk as advance
publicity releases may have
noted, but she was considered
by her family to be the laziest
member. She started working
very late in life for them—l 3.
One of the masculine mem
bers of the audience later
came up to her. When we asked
him what he was doing at a
WERE 9.95 to 32.95
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r « i
| fashion show he told us. “I
! came for her autograph." said
Joe Forrest of 3717 Thirty -
j fourth street N.W.
Some of the strong campus
fashion notes observed for fall
| include—
attractive in a charcoal, lilac
and olive drab colored dress
and coat duet. The horseblan
ket plaid coat is sure to click
1 with the college girls.
I velveteen in brilliant jewel
| colors and very sleek black
sheaths with a contrasting red
velveteen coat. Jannine Chap
delaine. 4467 Fort Drive. Suit
j land. Md„ liked best in the
date group a long sleeved black
! velvet shirtwaist sheath with
a white collar and cuff treat
Personal Interest
Like most of the girls in
the audience, 21-year-old Jan
nine who is going back for
her third year at Towson State
College in Maryland, this show
was her first fling at getting
started on the road to look
ing around at all the fashion
ideas she may be applying
personally to her own ward
| the show were Black Watch
I long, slim Jim pants.... tweed
| suits with a surprising detail
j note in their satin collars.
! no slickers for rainy day wear,
rather a blackened green
cotton tweed raincoat that
could double as an extra coat.
. . . Bermuda shorts, of course
. . . bright red slinky long
sleeved torso lined wool jer
sey dresses for extra-special
i date occasions. . . . and a left
over from Summertime the
striped Italian T-shirt with
i % sleeves and meant to be
worn out over your ankle-bone
length leisure time pants.
Hips Still
Frowned on
By Paris
PARIS, Aug. 5 UP)- —lt'S
legal to have a bust and a
waistline ' again, but heaven
help the girl with hips, lot
they’re still on fashion’s black
This much has emerged
| from the Paris fall openings
of high fashion houses, which
have just finished.
Dior sprang a surprise by
bringing back the bosoms he
abolished only a year ago. His
new "Y” line is without ques
tion the big success of the sea
son and American buyers are
praising it extravagantly a*
perhaps the best collection of
! Dior’s career.
The most controversial is
young Hubert de Givenchy's
“shape” show, which has no
shape to speak of and no waist
at all. Some like it.
Top trends are:
A return to curves and a
natural waistline, fitted right
where nature put it.
A hardly changed hemline,
| still just comfortably below the
| knee.
Predominance of black, fol
: lowed by browns, blueblack,
dark green and a whole range
of reds.
Oriental touches in Japanese
j obis, Chinese sheaths, kaftans.
Persian prints, rich eastern
embroideries and back but
The comeback of the strap
i less evening gown, with neck
j lines generally high and often
j scarf-wrapped for daytime.
Formal bare backs.
The almost complete disap
pearance of classic suits, now
1 replaced by thick woolen
! dresses with jackets in the
j same material.
Metallic lames and . satins
are favorite materials for eve
ning. but lace clings to its
' popularity. For daytime, there
are tweeds, thick soft blanket
1 woolens.
Yif ftoenine JJiaf
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BABY CAP—Newest head look for schoolgirls is seen
in the little baby cops of jersey and brightly colored
velveteen. Ann Wissler, who attends Randolph-Macon,
models a red velveteen cop to set off her bright red
wool jersey slinky sleeved date dress.
f st..«
H~ With weeks of summer ahead .. .
Branch Stores
Clearance Sales
offer tremendous savings TOMORROW
at Silver Spring, Shirlington and Bethesda
• Summer dresses, coats, suits, sportwear! \ VE
• Everything in beachwear marked way down! f I / 1 /
• Summer accessories, shoes, hats, lingeries, negligees! f T 0 |
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Bathing Suits White Stag $ 8.95 to $ 14.95
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Regularly $10.95 to $22.95 Regularly $3.95 to $7.95 $- q-
56.57 to $ 13.77 $ 2.37 to $ 4.77 D
Famous-make suits in Lastex, gay cottons, . Lots of White Stag pants . . . clam diggers, Things ore really bustling, buzzing in our
bengaline. One and two-piece styles, sassy Lots of Wh.te Stag tops Cotton Shops . . . and here's why: cool cot
, , ~ , . ~ , camisoles, sun bras. |ackets. Lots of Vi ton voiles, lawns, printed broadcloths, shirt
dressmakers, flattering designs with elas- Maq skirts, caps, baqs .. . why, you can , _ . . „
,idzsd «*»"*'• **** ,ron,! ' f,o" strlS d »Sd ‘rtS Z*X. « Sell savings tor thrifty
lit tie-boy pant legs. A rainbow of colors. sturdy sailcloth; mix them, match them. season-end shoppers. Sizes 10 to 20 and
Sizes 10 to 18 in the group. Sizes 10 ta 18 in the group. 14 V2 to 2214.
Bonanza for you tomorrow ot Bonanza for you tomorrow at Jelleff's Bonanza for you tomorrow at Je.leff i
Jelleff's Shirlington, Silver Spring, Bethesda Shirlington, Silver Spring, Bethesda Shirlington, Silver Spring, Bethesda
Tomorrow at Silver Spring, Shirlington, Bethesda ...
Extra! 5 69.99 to 5 98.99 Fall Coat Samples
Jelleff's advance-fashion coup brings you pre-seoson savings!
SYCAMORE COATS in misses' "model sizes" 12 and 14. Soft-touch precious blends and polished fabrics worked in the slimmer sil- C [T Cj
houette that is such a coat prophet ... see it in short coats, dress coats, beautiful casuals ... buy it ot fabulous savings tomorrow y *
at Jelleff's Shirlington, Silver Spring, Bethesda.
Only at Silver Spring! JUNIORS' $59.95 to $69.99 COATS in sample sizes 11 and 13! Luxurious wools blended with the delicious (T A Q
soft-touch precihus fibers; tweeds, too. Slimmed full-length coats in nude, blonde, natural, blue, grey, navy, black. Remember, just * y *
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Special excitement at Jelleff's Silver Spring
| Tomorrow winds up Silver Spring Week! All departments feature special values . . . the kind that Jelleff's quality *
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BACKSTAGE WITH NANCY—Nancy Walker (left), star of 'Phoenix 'ss' at the
Carter Barron Amphitheater, goes backstage as Sandra Smith of Stephens in Ber
muda shorts (center) and Betty Coffey of Mary Washington College ore getting
ready to go on the runway. Nancy said she's yet to see anybody look good in Ber
muda shorts. Thousands of schoolgirls who wear them stand to tell her she's
wrong.—Star Staff Photos by Gene Abbott.