Newspaper Page Text
A-14 THE EVENING STAR * Washington, D. C. SATURDAY. AUGUST 6. IBSA HUP—DOMESTIC (Cent.) MAID, good with children: young, neat appearance: live in: lovely rm with pvt. shower Plain cooking, cood salary. A-l ref». OL. 4-6272, MAID: must be taper., with local! refs., to care for well-furn. apt. i ldia Harvard at.. Embassy ants.. Apt 202. —8 ! MAIDS, white, to work at the Palls! Church Motor Court. 607 S. Wash-] tngton st.. Falls Church. Va. —7 J NUR6E-GOVMLNEBS, live In; must! be able to travel: 2 children, aces] 4 and tft. Recent references re-, quired Btate qualifications. Porj Interview, apply Box 215-M, Star —7 GIRL to do cleaning in small nur sery school: under 46, not heavy; must have refs. Salary cpen. Apply ' 9001 Riggs rd.. Hyettsville, Md . Sat. all day. Sun. alter 2 p.m. —7 GlßL—Care of small boy and gen eral housekeeping duties: 5 days, beautiful new rambler overlooking Potomac. Phone LO. 7-5204. —7 WOMAN for cl\ild care, light bouse work; 6-day week; live out; $26. HI. 4-2167 —7 WOMAN. white. settled, middle: aged, to live In take care home and: edlerly lady. 2 working adults in' family. Good home: small weekly; salary. Md. auburb. Box 456-8.1 Star. —7 WOMAN, white, g.h.w. and care of child; 25 to 40 years old; live in. JU. «-944*\ —7 WHITE HOUSEKEEPER-COOK tn need of good home, under 65. live in: 2 children, parents work: compl. charge: 5Mi days. $25 wk.; refs.. J*. 2-4642. —7 COUPLE, white, man employed; help part time; wife for maid for room, and board plus salary. AD. 2-6754., SETTLED COLORED WOMAN, live! in: assist in g.h.w., child care: no cooking; other full-time help em ployed pleasant upstairs private! room and bath; sft-day week. EM j, WHITE” WOMAN, middle-aged - * or over, to live in: 1.h.w.. care for eld-t erly lady: small salary. UN. 4-0418. —8 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to live in., care for children and 1.h.k.; salary! open.: HE. 4-6396. —7 SOMEONE TO CARE FOR 2 small children, prefer middle-aged lady:i 6-day week; must have refs. Call; Kt. and Sun., between 6 and 9; : 6-1424. —7 i E.—Wife, g.h.w. for 2; husband to be otherwise employed, in exch 1 for apt. OL. 2-3173. 7* COUPLE: man cook preferred: Ist class; recent references. Box 349- M. Star COLORED LADT to share home and I small salary for light housekeeping! and child care. LU. 2-2668. —7: SITUATIONS—MIN COOK for private family and care- : . taker. Best references. LI. 3-2169 . after 4 p m 7* DRUG CLERK, white. 15 yrs... exper sober reliable. Phone HU. 3-82»2. MAN. white, experienced as janitor . to care for small building or offices in eyenings and Saturdays in n.w area. A-l refs. ST. 3-7148. 7* YG. MAN. (Spanish but citizen) seek full oppor to work; knows elec., carp., refer , paint, has transp. 3 yrs. coll : worked for Govt. YOU MAN E. DP 7-7316. 7* SITUATIONS—WOMEN PRACTICAL NURSE, colored, de-j sire* nursing convalescent, or part time. TA 9-8257. • ETAONIds- THAROIN SHRDLU ET PRACTICAL NURSE wants job with children, invalids or doctor s of fice; city refs ; liv out. LI. 8- , 7426 —7 PRACTICAL NURSE, exper ores work in Arl. or Fairfax Co., has j own transp. DU. 5-9421 —7 REAL ESTATE SALESLADY, 37 yrs., old 12 vrs. exper In project sell-, ing snd general brokerage, plus ad- j ministrative background, interested, in locsting with builder, sales plus] office work. Box 229-R. Star. 7* rOUNG LADT desire* Job elevator operator apt. Apt. house. 5 day* wk. Call DE 2-7481. 7* |] TONG WOMAN desiresc a Job clean ing offices or operating an eleva tor. Call RE 6-7295 • 1 COLORED GIRL, as waitress, foun tain worker or short-order cook; day's work. TA. 9-0361. 7* COLORED COOK, short order, guest I house or boarding house. CO. 6-J 6561. ! SITUATIONS—DOMESTIC 1 GIRL, rolored. wishes 3 day* a week, light cleaning and some ironing In n.w. Mon . Wed . Fri Phone AD. 2- 7848 til day Sat COLORED GIRL from Va.. h school grad mother * helper or general housework. ' Live in if needed. , 4110 sth st. n.W. RA 6-8785 • j' COLORED GIRL wants lob. ft days week. Child care or g.h.w. WA. 5-9046. —7 COLORED LADT desires work Wednesday and Friday. Call Satur- l dav. LI 3-5031 COLORED WOMAN want* plain rooking, child care or day s work. •TO. 3-5066 7* COLORED woman wishes 3 days’ , work. HU. 3-3298. j 1 INSTRUCTION COURSES THI NATIONAL ACADEMY OF BROADCASTING *t*rt» n,w 1, Rcpt. 26. Job jetting courses In radio and TV. dar and night' i el asses. DE. 2-6580. —l2 TfiE CAPITAL SCHOOL 1 For Doctors’ Assistants f months course for employment in a doctor’s office. Free placement Good salaries Constant demand. Info., call RUTH FAIRMAIL direc- , tor. TU 2-6171 j MOTOR TRAVEL DRIVING FLORIDA Deatre B*»- senger. Share expense. Call eves.J JU 9-4559. —« tO ASHEVILLE. N. C.. Aug 12. Will! take 1 or 2, Share expenses. Phone i HA. 2-8384 after 6 p.m 8* i REPAIRS ANpTERVICE 1-1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR—Re-! modeling, cement, brick, any kind of construction. WILAND CORP RE 7-2291, RE. 7-2350. ADDITION, oorefae*. rec. rms . drive w*ys, fences, aluminum windows and doors: FHA terms Call MR. CALLOWAY. LO 5-2900 or LO 5-2418 _ —7 | ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS porches, jalousies, kitchen modernized, rec. rm.v. complete remedying service: estimate* free all work fully guar.; no money down. 36 mo. to pay BECO SALES JU. 8-3010 EM. 2- 8749 dsr or night. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS: porch es. recreation room*, and com plete remodeling service, all work fully guaranteed. "IF I DON’T ES TIMATE WE BOTH LOSE" TU 2-5685 *ny time. —7 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS. JA. 6-6927 BOND STONE i* the very finest ve-! neer finish vou can have applied to the outside wall* of your home. The rost 1* but a fraction. BOND- 1 STONE adds to the value of vour property. Free e*t . nothing down, up to 5 vr*. to pay OL. 4-6133; after 8 n m.. OL 4-0900. CAP ITOL CONTRACTING CO. Beth,] BR?CK and block WORK All type* of brick masonry free esti mates. Call anytime. JO. 2-6057 —ll BRICK AND BLOCK WORK. No job 100 small Free estimates. Call i collect. ED 9-6328. —ll j BRICK AND CEMENT WORK; ga-i raae*. additions. Call CO. 6-0459 from 5 p.m. til 9 p.m. —lO BUILDER-EXPERT HOME REPAIRS at loweßt prices, addit. rms. bath rms installed, brick work carpen try. new furnaces, porch enclosures low cost financing. Call Mr. Smith | LI 3 1023 or RE. 7-2700. —7 | BUILDING. REMODELING. RE PAIRING Carpentry brick cement work especially porches MR BAKER. HU 3-8589 or CO ! 6-462' 6* CARPENTERS. gen remodel : com ml . re*.: kit,*,, baths, adds - FHA., term* Satisfied customer* for 25 yrs. JA 5-6061. LI. 6-8100 CARPENTRY. remodeling. repairs and painting TOYB BOOK SHELVES MADE TO ORDER; free, estimate. LI. 7-3461. —7 CEMENT CONTRACTOR Step*,; porches, bsmt., driveways, floors.; patios. JE. 2-2490. —lO . FLAGSTONE. STONE. CEMENT, pa- j Mos, walls, step*, etc Free estimate.! _C*11 JERRY. LU. 1 -4756 ! ~ Flagstone and Stone WORK porches, patio*, walks, retaining wall*, tile drainage. ANGELO MARCUCCIO, JU. 9-1769: GENERAL REPAIRS, ~*brlek mason, cement work, plastering. JO. 1-t 4187 after 6:30 p.m -15 HOME IMPROVEMENTS, additions, recreation rooms, concrete porches , Inc), iron works: free est. Will fl-l nance through FHA. HA. 2-7611. PAINTING, papering, gen. remodel ing. Satisfied customers for over 25 yr*. Call MR LAWRENCE JA 5-6031. LI. 6-8100 PAINTING, Interior and exterior. Ist-class work, free estimates. MR., THOMPSON. LO 7-3789. 7* PAINTING, interior and exterior i Call sny time A. DONINICK.I JA. 4-1453. —8 i PAINTING, interior and exterior; Ist cl*** work hv while mechanic, rea sonable rate* free estimate* Phone DE. 2-2779 PAINTING —Color in home inter, and exter.; 20 years exper.. no drinking, honest work. AD 4- 6326. „ 4 , —lO PAINTING, exterior; flrst-clasa work, materials. Do own work; 2 broth ers. white; refs. JA. 2-1731. —7 PAINTING, interior and exterior; lowest price; free estimate; guaran teed work. DU. 7-1914 12* PAINTING, interior, exterior; reas; white mechanic. MR. BUNOER. 8T 3*4923. —* PAINTING, interior and exterior •U work. OL. 6-4689. 7 # • 6 I , REPAIRS SERVICES (Cart.) painting. Nmne. fuitii- ING. any Htt Job; whit* tnacht, 30 m exper : free eet. Ve.. D C. end Md MR. STANLEY, JA. 5-0424. ’ PAPERING, *lO end up Oita week; only 1955 tunfest washable pepert. RA. 3-7393. JU. 9-7008 PLASTERING, PATCHING: new end old low prices. LI. 4-bB3«. «• (HOOFING, ell types: (utters, spouts. ! cenersl sbeet-metsl work. A. D. THOMAS. WA. 7-735*. 1 ! HOOPING, GUTTERING. SPOUT ING, painting; Iree estimetes. LI. i 4-397 f —7 ROOFING. ALL TTPHS iRRROOFINO. REPAIRS, REPAINT -1 ING GUTTERS AND SPOJTINO ■ LO. 4-0776. PATKUS. OL. 4-6808. —IS Window Repair Service All parts lor steel and aluminum windows. RB. 7-0606. —ll SUSINESS SERVICES FIELDSTONE “The Stone of Ages'* Yes! Give your home the beauty and protection of Washington's most beautiful stone facing. U*ed over any surface—insulates—wa [! terproofs and no upkeep coat. No i: down payment required. Term pav ij menu arranged. Call now! MR MARTIN. RR 7-2700. dny or night ! -m MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ACCORDION. 120 bmss. 6 switches. Italian make,, good condition. Call LA. 6-3874. —7 ADDING MACHINE! We are loaded, boss says let 'am ao: $36 j up Come and get ’em. CENTRAL 2019 I4tb st. n.w —lO <AIR COMPRESSES—Two 60-ft t sections hose. 2 hammers. Call aft. ! 6 p.m., Otis 4-8496. —7 AIR CONDITIONER. Admiral. ft ton , i Now operating. Owner leaving 1 I town. Call LO. 5-3127. —7 j AIR CONDITIONER. Mi-ton console, , I as I*. S3O; 20-tn. TV/ $46; new ' I antenna. *B. LO. 7-8820. —ll !AIR CONDITIONERS. >«-h p. 1966 models. $199: up to 3 years to pay. JU 8-1010 or JU. 9-1011. BERNE ELECTRONICS —6 AIR-CONDITIONER H h.p.; needs some attention. $25. HU. 3-6739 i AIR CONDITIONER compressor - snd 1 cooling unit tepsrste: 1 ton *IOO ; or best offer. JU. 8-1298. —7 AIR CONDITIONER—ft h.p. Philco Used 1 season. New cond. $125. i 2 youth beds and mattresses, built , in storage drawers. $35. 80 5- 7023. —7 AIR-CONDITIONERS, like new. for casement windows, used less than 30 days: 2 Chrysler Airtemps; Mi > ton and ft ton. Call O. G. BNYDER, JE. 2-1196 between 8 a.m. and 6 ! p.m. weekdays. —7 AIR CONDITIONER, 1965 In ermte. ! 3 4 ton. flush mount: 5-yr. guar : cost $370 sacrifice. $lB6 or best I joffer Must sell. JU. 8-4177. —9 ANTIQUE—Cheat of drawers, pine, about 1820; needs repair and re finishing: $25. WA. 7-9331. —7 ANTIQUE CREDENZA BUFFET. 100 veara old. imported from Europe. Also dining room suite. MRS. W DUBIN care of Ashton Nursery . Ashton. Md. Out Colesville pike. Route 29 —7 ANTIQUES—THE LAMP. 250 W Broad st.. Fall* Church. Va Selling , out. Prices reduced. ANTIQUE walnut panel corner cup board. Queen Anne period: all-wool Chinese hook rue. 14 ft. 9 in. by , 12 ft.. OL. 2-0075. 1 BABY CARRIAGE. English Leeway, beautiful dark green, cream uph„ i chrome wheels; cost new. $99.50: sell for $46. JE. 4-6441 —6 BART FURNITURE Crib, high chair, stroller, toilet seat; good condition; reasonable. KI. 8-7697. —8 BATHTUBS, new and used, basins, i toilets; at lowest prices. BLOCK'S 1746 Lee hwy.. JA. 8-8700 BED. Hollywood. $25: dresser. $25: . maple dinette set. $32 50: sofa bed. S3O: studio couch. $lO. ST 3-1 8546. 12-9 p.m. —8 j BED. hospital. Poster. duo-hite. i adfustable. with mattress cover:! 1 like new S6O. SO 5-4066. —7 BEDS <bunki. maple, compl. S9O val , SSO; 1 yr old. 4700 30th st.. Mt Rainier. Md . Apt 6 —7 ; BED. twin siie. complete with Serta smooth top mattress, box springs. , Like new. LU 1-1341. —7 1 BEDS (4), sls ea.; newly uphol. i cedar-lined box couch. S4O. bureau. $10; maple chest. S2O; desk, sl6: 8 chairs, $3-920: mangle. $25 Ige. ladder. sls. WO. 6-6306 —6 , RED. Hollywood) dresser, chairs. 1 sec. desk, end tables and other pieces: aood cond.; reas. priced. I HO 2-2947 before 4 30 BEDROOM SETS Solid Korina ; double dresser, beaut, mirror, cheat on cheat, sleigh bed. Inner spring mattress and box soring*. Also mahogany set. cheat on cheat, lee vanity and mirror, bench chair sleigh bed. spring and mattress Both excel cond. All day Sat , after 1 Sun 1735 New Hamp shire ave. n.w.. Apt. 503. —7 BEDROOM SUITE, limed oak with*, box spg. and foam rubber mattress: 2-dc mod. sectional sofa, solid walnut Duncan Phyfe table, other,, mlac. Items. Sacrifice for auleki sale KI. 8-0760. after 6pm BEDROOM SUITE, twin bed. swirled!, mahogany, purchased l yr. ago at! 1 Maver Co.: cost $9.33: sac.. S4OO. incl innersprlng matt, and box springs. JA. 5-3118. after 6 pm. BICYCLE, girl's: trombone, child's" j violin; reasonable. JU. 9-7685. —6 TVI table model, and stand. Good i cohd . SSO HU 3-6998 7* , BICYCLES (2). English racers, 26 1 in* high; sacrifice. Call EM 2-; 7138 —7 ! j BICYCLES <l6>, boys’ and girls’;! painted and rebuilt: sls each. Open all day Sat. and Sun. BOB’S FTXIT SHOP. WA 7-0264 —7 iBICYCLES, boys' and girla’: 26-in : sls each. In the rear of 33.33 Rhode Island ave. n.e. —7 BUFFET, mahog. 6 mahog. din chairs (2 arm. 4 straight): reas All day Sat . Sun. EM. 2-7960 BULLDOZER. Oliver. DD nearly new. excellent condition, with 4-vard: i pan and back hoe: coat nearly $lB.-! ! 000. aell for ft on terms MARJEC. INC. Soring 4-6814 —9 CAMERA. Contax Ilia with Sonnar ; f:1.6 lens. Eve.ryready ea*e. *un j shade. 4 Zei**-Ikolor filter*. Zei**- ! Bernotar polar, filter. Ednalite | chrome blue 80 with adapter and leather caae. Coat. $610; beat offer Box 262-R, Star 8* CAMERA. Retina IIIC. F 2 len*: ranee finder, light meter, inter-: j changeable lens. JA. 2-0149. —7| CAMERA. Leica in. f with f:1.6 lens, like new Also light meter. Universal view finder. EM. 3-4991. | CAMERA. Retina UA case.' 2 \ filter*, tripod, light meter. KE »- 0322 _ —7 CAKH REGISTER, gas station type. $l5O. See at 2019 14th at. n.w. CEMENT MIXER, portable. 3H cubic ft capacity, electric motor. $.60 WA. 7-1407. —7 CLARINET. B-flat. Selmer: excellent condition. $l9O including nipper case and case cover. EL. 6-3213 i —l2 j CLOTHES DRYER. Westlnghouse. good cond. SIOO. LU. 1-4861 —7 COCA-COLA COOLER, pract. new. holds approx 12 cases, used only 8 mo*., in excel cond. Cost $.300. sacr $l5O cash. NO. 7-8343. —7 COUCH. 2 piece sectional. S4O; end table, blond. sl6: floor lamp, blond toTchere. $10: double-star mattress. $lO. EM 2-978.3. —7 DE HUMIDIFIER, excellent condi tion; portable. SSO. LI. 3-4.364. DESKS, office 6-drawer and .3 drawer, tio ea. while they last. | AD. 4-SSST . —1 DESK—Living room: spacipus: prime condition. S3O Afternoons only. 1930 Columbia rd , Apt. 321. j DESK. unusual atvle. like new. Also; liv. rm tablet, lamp and cocktail , AP 7-690 K. —7 i DESK, walnut 60x34. mod : rugs. 9x12. blue. Alex. Smith, both A-l. cond aac. 5712 Paul at . Sunset i [i Manor, n r Balleya Croaa Rda. —8 DESKS . Special purchase, maple, made bv Remington-Rand. complete with trays. Roll top. Good condition. » Suitable many use*. While they last . $.3 107 F st. nw. —6 DIAMONDS, lady’s 1 ct marquise i cut. $396; iadv’s cti., $600: I lady’a 7s» cts.. $995: lady’s !*• | cts $.300; lady’s »« ct.. $125; man’s IVa ct* . $576. LIVINGSTON Ai CO 1423 H at. n.w.. ME 8- , 5208 —6 , 'DIAMOND RING!. 2 ladies - approx IVa karat each, will aac.. best of fer Call TA 9-3595 —7 | DINETTE SET. chrome and yellow -■ formica top table. 6 chairs, like new; S6O. Also several beautiful, » liv. rm. piece* at a bargain KI 9-0463 —7 ' DIN RM. FURN., beautiful mahog china closet. $66: chair*. $lO ea,. .} like new; buffet. $.36. WO. 6-3.349. ,| 8 DINING RM. SET. buffet table and K chairs, leather seats, new scr., i door: very reaa. WO 6-1688. —7 DINING ROOM SUITE. 9-pc. solid, mahog Cor. china cab. Very, good cond $l6O. JU. 5-54 19 , I JU. 6-6218. —7 ; DINING RM. SUITE. 10-piece wal nut veneer, $)45. JO. 8-8886. —7 liD'NVNG RM. SUITE, mahogany, very cheap Call at anytime. TA. •t-.llll* 7 DINING ROOM SUITE, dark wood, substantial condition. SBO or best offer. RA. 6-0240. —7 DINETTE SET—6-plece maple di nette. leatherette seats. sls. LO. 7-9002. —7 DINING ROOM FURNITURE. 10 pieces; will aeil as set or separately RA. 6-2640 DINING ROOM BET. solid walnut: complete; like new; $275. Call! ', Crescent 8-2496. „ 7* DINING ROOM BET— Dropleaf table , and wall china closet; reasonable ,1 DE. 2-619.3. -“7 DINING TABLE, modern Cordovan t mahog dropleaf; extra leaves, table .pads, ft chain. In llke-new cond; $125 or beat offer. LO. 6-8462. f DINETTE TABLE, 4 red leather seat 1 ai chair*, light oak Oood cond.; reaa. -I JA. 6-4.364 —7 j DINETTE SET, Nubian oak. 7-pc., .i modern. 3 end tables, lawnmower. - OL 6-h312. DINETTE SET. pgrly American. ; solid maple corner cablntt. buffet. -1 drop-leaf table, 4 chairs. Ouliatan rug 9x12 and misc. furn. Apt. ;! ft 12. 2440 16th at. n.w., Bat. and I Sun DRUM RET- Baa*, snare 2 tom tom* plus goek e.vmbal and other MttMnrlaa. JA. 4-1593. —4 MISCIL WIIAtI (Cut.) j DRUM BBT. Oretaeh. stare, tom bass 2 cymbals, font eymbali. ac cessoriea; like new. Eves., CO 6-6642. —6 DRY CLEANING BQUBFMKNT. off set presses, hub heads, puff Irons, sleevers. vacuum pump. Ironing | boards. I Prosperity 36-lb. washer. 2 speeds. JU. 6-2664. —7 ELEC. RANGE. Kenmore. de luxe; mod.; used 6 mos.; cost. $270; ask ing price, $l3O LO. 7-2606. —7 ELECTRIC ROASTER. Nesce. com plete with stand and grill: like new; $25 OL. 2-3141. —7 FAN, Westlnghouse MobUalre. less than 1 yr old; S3O. Also Simmons Bofa-Bed. excellent condition; $75. NO. 7-8299. Bat. and Bun. —7 FAN. window. Vornado. retail $79.96 practically new. S4O. LA. 6-6682. —-7 FAN. attic. 36-ln Lau, In new con dition. $56. KE. 8-626 J. —7 FANS, steel casement-window type: easy to Install. Special. $24.96. HE. 4-6592. Rental also. —7 FAN, Homart. window model; per fect condition; S4O. Phone CO. 5- —7 FENCE, chain link. Bethanlzed; $1 06 ft. installed. Terms. Whlts ha)l 6-6663 —8 FOAM RUBBER CUT ANY SHAPE Cushion. Jumbo Mattresses ■ Gilliland. 2146 F N.W , EX 3-6633! FREEZERS. (2). 30-cu.*ft. upright; 30 degrees below sero: 5 shelves;; new, cost $1,200 ea.; will sacr.; pvt owned. SO. 6-6168. FRIGIDAIRE, 5-ft.; in excel, work ing condition; S4O. JE. 4-3293. —7 FURNACE, nipeless. Buckwheat burn-: ing. therm, control, water heater and tank. $35. BP. 4-6531. —6; FURS—We challenge you to dupli cate this value; fine, silky, sheared mouton lamb jackets, $59; easllv! worth $125 Every wanted fur at! every price. BABKINB FURS, cor ner Bth and G sts. n.w. —7 ! FUR COAT—Leaving for Florida; Hudson seal coat. Also a fur stole, very reasonable. JA. 2-1069. —7 FURNITURE—Sofa-bed with cover.! good condition reasonable. Call HE 4-218.3 after 6 p.m. FURNITURE—Jr. mah din. set: mah. twin bedrm. set; Bimmonsi sofa bed, chaise lounge; upholstered, chairs; marble-top table, coffee, table: Bharon pattern Syracuse! china. Silver: books: glassware ;i misc THE WESTCHESTER. 40001 Cath. ave Apt. 108-B Saturday.; Sun. 10 to 5. —7 FURNITURE—2 club chairs with ottomans and slip cover, $26 each | Large sofa with slip cover, $25: * end table. $6: unpainted dressing table. $6; trunk $7.50; 10 pair, draperies. $2 pair. DE 2-9040. —7! FURNITURE Complete l-bedrm apt. furniture, modern, brand-new Also carpeting and drapes. TU. 2-8127. —7 FURNITURE—Bedrm. suite: chairs; kit. stove, gas: din rm. table and chairs. Leaving city. ST. 3-2827. - -8 FUBNITURE—SELLING AT A SAC RIFICE. MOVING TO FLORIDA Liv. rm furn.. credenza. lamps, dinette set. refgr.. Chines* rugs, mirrors, carpeting, couch, chair*, tables, drapes. WO. 6-6315'. —7 FURNITURE—2-bedrm. set. maple, antique finish. Call OL. 4-i053 bet. 7 and 10 o n» —6 FURNITURE, contents 3-room apt : din., liv., bedrm.. kit.; aisu misc. RA. 3-1606. —7 FURNITURE—Loveseat. S2O: mahog executive desk with chair. $1:*: mahog. bookcase, $6. OV. 3-3252. FURNITURE—Entire content* of fi rm. apt. Excel cond. All day. Sat., after 1 Sun. 1735 New! Hampshire ave. n.w.. Apt. 50.3. —7i FURNITURE Divan. 3 sections curve, excellent condition. $126. FURNlTUßK—rurnl.hln,!. etc!"'of' 6- bouse. 726 Tewkesbury pi. I n.w.. east of 6400 blk. Oa. ave —7 FURNITURE—I-bedm. apartment complete. Sell together or separate ly. JA 5-4162. —8 FURNITURE—Living room sofa and chairs: traditional style, reasona bly priced WO. 6-5788 —8 FURNITURE—Antique sofa, tufted back: 2 matching side chairs; un usual bargain OE base cabinet. 24’ sliding shelves. S2O: lady s riding pants and vest, size 16. never worn. $lO. 4947 North 34th rd . Arlington. Va.. KE. 8-4797. FURN.—Din. rm. table. 6 chairs,. buffet and china cab., walnut; $75. Good cond RA. 3-2367. —7 FURN.—Giving up apt. New TV 21-in. screen. 6 mo> old. CBS Columbia twin speaker: new di nette set of wrought iron. Formica table top. used sofa bed, $26. LU. 2-17A6. —8 FURN.—Mod. sofa, lounge chair 3 occasional chairs, limed oak cock tail and end tables and dinette set incl. china cab.. Ige. picture, dble j GE elec blanket with dual con trol. 2 table radios, mahog. cheat, night table and sgie. bedframe set. torchiere and table lamp, an tique plates and pitchers and 2 moon and star pieces. 8.33 ft Grubb rd. Apt. 102. Bilver Spring. JU 8-2344 —7 FURN.—TwoS bed*. 1 double. w3th, springs; 2 chifferobes. chairs. Crex! j rugs; make offer. OL. 6-5836. —7 FURN.—2 sofa bed*. I 6 mos old $45; 1, $26: 1 stle. bed. compl . S2O: refgr $26. TA. 9-3925 —8 | FURN.—Wrought Iron dinette. 2-pc liv. room. oce. tables, chairs bed i rm.. rug*, din. rm KI. 8-0035. —6l FURN.—Walnut bedrm. suite ivory painted 4-pc, springs, mattress. SSO. Will split. Chrome kit. table slft JE. 4-6100 —7 FURN.— 1 coffee and 2 end tables. . mahogany, S2O. One bookcase. $lO, wrought iron card table and 2 chairs. sls. Slmonlted. 3801 Conn ave . Apt. 419 —6 FURN.—2-pc. liv rm. set; Louis XV SI 00. Also other furniture for i sale RA. 3-7355. —7 FURN.—Occasional chairs. end table, corner knick-knack stand., children's oek table and chairs, smoke stand, croquet eet. summer ruga JA. 2-4109 —7 FURN.—Chests $45: bed. dble.. $25;! beach chairs. $2; table. $3. stools. $3. KE. 6-8630 —7 FURN.—3 beautiful bedrm. suites. sofa, couch, chairs, lo leather-top , mica end tables, tapestry, French . mirror Haviland china. BABY GRAND PIANO, vanities, chest*. ( many misc items. No price beat offer. Must aell for lack of space i ALI BABA'S CAVE. 1710 17th at. n.w.. AD. 4-0099. Open Bundar. FURN.—Chests, ocra*. chairs, ta-l bles. $2 to $5: armchair. $7. Hoi-! lywood bed. $10: lawn furn . house- I hold effects, all cheap. JA. 2- 8315. —7 | TURN. Beautiful 8-Plece bedrm ! suite (walnut), twin beds, springs.: ( 2 marble lop chests; oil painting etc. Any reas offer accepted Musi; sell JU. 7-7603. —7 , FURN.—Table, buffet, china closet. , ovetstuffed chair, kit., table LI 4-0228 —7 FURN., UNCLAIMED Occ. chair. $lO. Modern love seat. S4M, Law son chair. $36 Drop-leaf table. $34 Television table. $5. Maple dresser and mirror. $26 Fan-back chair. $49 Bookcase-headboard. fin. Leather-top coffee table. VI.Y An tique Victorian rocker. $22.60. 3 French side chairs. slft. Dinette set S2O. Desk. $lO. RollawaV bed. sl2. Marble-top coffee table. sl2. Sofa and chair. $75. Sofa bed $49 Dining table 6 chairs. s3n., Studio couch. S3B Channel-back chairs, sls, Hollywood bed. $22.! Youth bed. incl. spring and mat tress. $25 Bgle. or dble bed. V 4 up Innersprlng mattress, siu Chest of drawers, fin Pair of end tables. SB. Dresser with minor, fin Coil spring. $5. Wardrobe. *lO We also do reuphol*terin«. reflnish lng. cabinet work, furniture clean ing. draperies and cornices, custom-* made funiture. Slip cover sofa and chair. $54 Sofa and chair re upholatered. SB9; l« colors of tex-j ture* and stripe*. HOFFMANN* UP HOLSTERERS. 2447 18th st n w CO. 5-51.16. 10* GAH CONVERSION UNIT. Climatrol thermostat control, will fit anv fur ii nace. will Install st reasonable rate or otherwise TA. 9-329.3. -—7 GAS RANGES, new. used. Installa tion PEERI ESS SALES CO.. 2237 Ga ave. DE. 2-6566 iGAS RANGE, Kfnmore, 3«-ln . brand-new. never used. Call Red wood 5-7748. —7 GAS RANGES, new, used, rep : oil. coal wood range*. ACME STOVE I 101.1 7th st. n.W . NA 8-8957 GENERATOR -1 portable power ; unit. 2.000 watt*. 4 outlets. Brise* A Stratton engine: practically new; $250. JE. 2-3743. —7 fj ICE SK ATES, woman s, sire 6. white, like new. excellent condi ! tion; $7. UN. 4-1996 after 6 pm. j LATHE, MO-ln. metal), floor model I! drill press: sheet-metal shearer, ift powered); extension ladder, wheel barrow irubber tiresi. chain drive tricycle, used, good condi tion JU. 8-2549 —7 ! LAWN MOWERS, hand, all sire*. $8 each, in the rear of 3333 Rhode Island ave. n.e —7 I LAWN MOWERS—lust sharpened $5 each BOB’S FIXIT SHOP WA. 7-0264 —7 MANLEY POPCORN MACHINE, clerk operated: excel, cond , 270 volts, split, 35-hr. potential. S4OO. Orig. cost. SB6O. LU. 1-0399. —7 MATTRESS and springs. Simmons Beautyrest. dbie. si*e. used only a few months: excellent buy EM 2- ) 6172 week end. after 6 weekdays. MIMEOGRAPH AND MULTIQRAPH -—Model 92 and 300; excel, cond.; excel. price Also segments, type setters and some type JE. 4-7303 MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE. good condition. $75; lady's clothing, size 14 and i« UN 4-0062. —7 MATTRESS. loam rubber. box springs dble. sixe, New Englander, practically new. Cost $166. asking $95. TE 6-0763 after «. —6 I Ml I.TI ('ONUIUTOR CABI.R. ' ft. of 18 conductor shielded aud 80 ft of 12 conductor cable: like l new. Best offer. JE. 3-6323. —8 MfAPEK CUTTER, Inver. In,, S knives t new. It's an old cutter, but In good working condition. Re placing with larger power cutter; $.300 where It is. Call Monday. JA. 7-2006. UNIVERSAL PRINTERS. PERSIAN RUGS—-10x13 Bokhara. ; red and blue geometric; 9x17 i Turkish bright multi-color. 5166 Lee hwy K rl . CR. 3-0674 —7 PIANO. Bteinway grand, perfect con : dition. arsatly reduced KITTB. . 1330 OST N.W . RE 7-6212. —6 PIANO. Kimball upright; good cond ; recently completely overhauled: . $126. PO. 2-2161. —6 - PIANOS—Don't miss our semlan > nual clearance sale of pianos. Sav ing* up to S6OO. New full kev- I board piano* as low a* $496 Also large selection of grands, priced from s69ft Convenient term* r CAMPBELLS. 1106 O st. n.w DI. 7-6464. —6 | MISCILLANtOUS *o* SALt PIANOk SpMttl mrchMa. Plat quality apm«u. 1*45; rmterl, »<m>s Kirra. i»so o «t. n.w.. I KE. 7-8218. —« .i PIANO. Chickarlnt. concert grand. ! in playing condition. S6OO or beet l offer. LO. 4-6799 —7 ! PIANO, Kimball grand: forced to sell; bargain. Must be seen. Gar den 4-8900 or WO. 6-0728. —8 PIANO, baby grand: 5x6-ft. walnut case. 9x16 broadloom rue: 9x12 rue: other household furn. KE. 8-5637. —7 PIANO, blond, apt. Hie. full key board. like new; S4OO or best offer , under. LU. 4-6616. —7 ‘ PIANO, large upright, light oak: 1 very good buy: S6O. JU. 8-9821. PIANO, baby grand, made by Chicker in- excellent condition Call JE. 4-3069 * —7 PIANO.—SPINET Very good cond. $286. LO. 5-2605. —7 PING-PONG TABLE, new. 8 legs Golding). 2 tec. painted and court lined, Appt. AD. 4-2133. ( PIPE, galv.. black, copper, cast Iron, cut. thread, fixtures. BLOCK’S. INC.. 1746 Lee hwy. JA. 8-8700 POOL TABLE. REGULATION BIZI. ; I GOOD COND.. $l6O. JA. 2-48^90. i i POWER MOWER. 21-inch Reo. reel good shape; SSO. Call JA. 2-7741 rowER MOWER. l»-ln.. reel "tipe; Briags and Stratton engine: good cond.: S4O KE. 8-4643. —7 POWER TOOLS—Shopsmlth, Model 10-ER. >4~h.p. motor: standard equipment, plus Jigsaw and blades, router, shaper, dado and insert. ;{ Many access.; S2OO. Jl. 3-8064. badlaTarm For excellent for home! i workshop. JEROME B ROD IE. OL. 4-0.300. —7 RADIO EQUIPMENT Portable I fadio. TV set, other radio and TV equipment. LU. 2-9575. —8 RADIO TKANSMTR , Halil. HT-19. Abt 1950. 190 watts, VPO. NBFM. supply built In. 80-10 meters: good cond Cheap Orchard 4-3311. Ext. 4602. W3AXF. Ft. Meade, Md. —7 RANGE —Gas. Hardwick. 1954 : mod., de luxe: complete auto. lighting; used 6 mos.; $125. JE. ! 7-6110. —7 REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES, i used; excel, cond. Bargain prices. ; Phone EM. 2-8.344 —l2 REFRIGERATORS, apt. size, excel. ' cond.. most reas. DUNN-MARK. ; 413 d Georgia ave. n.w., TU. 2- 1155 —l* REFRIGERATOR. 9’*-cu.-ft. Kel vinator, 70-lb. freesing unit; 1963 model, like new. 1160. LL 4- 5382 —7 REFRIGERATOR. OX. Monitor type, good condition. sl6. JE. 3-9408. I —7 j REFRIGERATORS, $24 50. elec., gas.! guaranteed. PEERLESS BALEB C 0..! 27.37 Ga ave n w.. DE. 2-6666. REFRIGERATOR. Frigidaire. apt. slae; excellent condition; $75. HU.! 3-8928. —7 ! REFRIGERATORS, used: rebuilt:! painted: $26 up; some guar. 1 ! year FREDERICK'S. INC. 39051 14th st n.w., TA. 9-7900 KEFRFIUERATOB. Frigidaire. 7, . cu. ft.. $26: RA. 6-9008. —7 I REFRIGERATOR. Hotpoint. perfect cond.. must sell; $96. JA. 8-4772.; ■EFRIGEKATOB. »>»t ~Kel-! vinator. perfect cond., reasonable., WH. 6-7840. —7 REFRIGERATOR, elec, 11V, cu. ft : Coldspot. Excel, cond. Like new.! j Call LO 5-3127. —7__ REFRIGERATORS GE. Westlnghouse. Frigidaire elec., gas. Guar Del. incl.; S2O up. BLOCKS 4610 Balto. Ave., Nr. Peace Croa*' ,l«4tt Lee Hwy., Nr. Key Bridge JA. 8-8700, WA. 7-6601 I REFRIGERATOR I FREEZER CLOSEOUTS Entire stock must be moved of new 1956 Frigidaire. GE. Philco. Cros ley. Gibson Admiral refrigerators and freesers: no reasonable offer refused All new and fully guar. Free del., free service. Open eves til 9. STANDARD TIRE U BATTERY CO ; loth, and.H N.E U, 3-9082 REFGR., Westlnghouse 9 cu. ft., aood cond . s6o. pool table. sl6. TA. 9-5042. 7 REFGR.. new. gas stove, mahog. china closet: all in perfect con dition JE. .3-8772 —8 ! RUG. wool green twist. 9x15, al most new recently purchased. $96. will sacr,. $45 JU. 5-9473. —8 ables. desk models ond consoles | RUGS. Oriental; targe and small: reduced prices RARE RUO SHOP. 7477 18th st. n.w SAW. power. 10-in. Craftsman; exeel. cond . also mt*c. Items. JA. 8-7596 —7 i .SAXOPHONE new Selmer tenor: ripper leather Chesterfield case.i j with access.; $375 or best offer. Box .383-8. Star —8 ! SERVICE STATION EQUIPMENT— Cash register, lub. equip, batterv' charger, oil purger. jacks, etc : reas Call JA 5-9.336. Sat and Sun. any time; weekday* after 5 pm —l2 SEWING MACHINES, Singer port ables desk models snd consoles. All floor samples, carrying new machine guarantee*. Bavlnga up to 45*>. Also widr-sf lection of used electric* from sl9 95 up BINOER SEWING CENTER. 1340 O st n.w. NA. 8-0184. —8 SINK, new double drain, white, cost S4O; will sell $26. Dunkirk 5- 8506. —7 SMALL BLDG.. 12x9. in perfect cond costs SBOO to build, will sell for $260 JU 9-9596 7927 Oa ave . Silver Spring. Md —8 [ i SOFA, new liv rm.. sleeps two. red tweed covering: $249. new: sell for highest price. WE. 5-6660. —7 i j SOFA. 2 chairs, console radio. S3O. : quick sale. JA. 5-1483. —7 SOFA AND CHAIR, mohair, excel cond.: bedrm. furniture, rugs. 9xl? and 8x10; fiber ruts. Bxlo and > scatter, andirons, drapes. EM 3- j .3685, —7 I ' SPRINGS AND MATTRESS, for 2 Simmons twin beds, like new; reaa- I I TU 2-3106. STEEL ALL SIZES OF ; I-BEAMS. ANGLE IRON, , CHANNEL AND ; REINFORCING STEEL CUT TO SIZE GENERAL WRECKING CO. 1037 Brentwood Rd. NI. AD. 2-6177 —6 TABLE, mahogany extenaoie, seats 1 or seat* 10. converts to a hand some console: ideal for effle apt JA 6-3010 eves, and week ends, TAPE EECORDEE, Federal FM*. 7-speed recorder, used very little; sell or trade for a larger 4x6; also Mossberg 22-repester rifle with sling. Call OT 4-7.307. —7 TAPI! RECORDER. Concertone. 1501-D. perf. cond.; case, amp It spkr., incl: S2OO. TU. 2-5686. TIRE SALE ~~! One of the world’s largest recappera I is offering you a tremendous value on a fullv retreaded tire Thev look and wear like new! 6.00x16. 6.70X15. $6 76: 7 !f>xls. 6.50x16. 7.6(»k15 $7.76. Prices apply to j recap your tire or your own tire i in trade when you purchase our! .! tire. ALL SERVICE TIRE CO.. 3734 Ga av*- n w . H A 6-986 u '< TRANSISTOR RADIO Little Wonder Crystal radio. $7; head, phone Crystal radio. s23*B. - complete; portable Crystal radio, j * $5 98. complete; 1 tube portable radio $10.50, complete; {-tube long and short wave radio. $17.60; I kit for building .3-tube short and, ; long wave radio. 91 '.’.50: transistor batiery radio_kiL, |B. AD 4 M ;•' ’ TV. mahogany. 74-inch Admiral con-' sole., still in factory carton, beat ; cash offer TU 7-72.30. —7 TV SET. 21-in. Philco. practfcaily, new $175 or best offer See Mr i ‘ Reno. 2nd floor. 1258 44th pi. s.e., *! or call LU. 1-9082 after 6 p.m TV, Silvertone 17-lnch. in working I order $25. HU 3-67.39. —6 * TV. Muntz, 71 in. with red TV chair. S7O cash, set in top cond. , 1 WA 7-1604. 8 am. to spm No dealers, —« TYPEWRITER. Roval. KMM with ji magic margin. $77.60. DE. 2-4249. WALKER: portable aluminum walk-' „ ei practically new Price. S7O. K CO 6-7230. ask for 203. North-i f brook —7 WASHER, late model Bendix. good 3 condition: $26 LO. 5-4749 -—6 WASHERS, all make*, types. $8.95 up. moat guaranteed, repairs and K service FREDERICK'S. 3906 14th •' *t n.w TA 9-7900. * WASHER. Kenmore, auto, pump; *3O. WA 5-8422. —7 * WASHER. Kenmore auto, with suds * return. *56; 30-ft. ext. ladder. S2O. - NO 7-8797. 7 WASHER, i 960 Hotpoint automatic: . has 2 new motors, other new parts; I S3O JA. 6-7592. —7 WASHER; Hotpoint automatic: .3 j vrs old: good condition. $76. JI ’• 2-0173 —7 WASHER, late model Easy Splndry; 3 perfect condition. $46 Call LI. •; 7-2.32.3, —8 * WABHER. wringer type;, excellent x ! working condition EM, 3-6794. —7 HAKIIMt IBfif. Ap.x, wrlntrr, »-lb. «i load. *»0; TV IHM Motorola, 21- I In tablr model with matchtnt .wivel II base. *IOO. AH T-lIIKI —d >1 WASHING MACHINk. Blackatone. c automatic, stainless-steel agitator: , excel cond WH 6-8918. —7 < WASHING MACHINK: auto., al.o bo'-kcusr. extension table, break fast set desk lawnmower and Mouton coat, size 16. RA. 3*68.30. k. ——B WASHING MACHINE g, like new; Blackatone. cost $150; *ell for S6O i. Easy Splndrler. cost $180; aell for ’? S9O. OV. 3-3262. —7 6 WASHING MACHINE. Handv-Hot. portable; perfect cond : S2O. Util. - cabinet, steel, white enamel, ideal l. for kit.: S2O. TE 6-9067. —7 6 WARMER. Bendix. auto., like new. Reas RA 6-9213 —8 ; WATER HEATER. OV. 82 gallons, 2 years old, like new. Reasonable. - CR. 3-0009. - WELDERS new or used LINCOLNS -for sale or for rant EARLBKCK Sr 0 LANDRUM INC 1023 Cathedral d st Balto MU 5-861 1 i. WHEEL CHAIR. Hollywood tope. [. metal, folding, new. 666. KB •-4961. —7 MItCILLANIOUS POK SAU aspja dz: S4O Call RE. 7-7009. 609 4th st. b.v. —6 t«C ROADSTER SCRAPERS. 16 yds., Lo Teauneau Westlnghouse; excellent shape: late models - sell for $.30,000 each new: will sell for $9,000 eaeh. AP. 7-4465. 7* MISCILLANtOUS *o* SINT CHAIN SAWS. 1-bu. SIS per Sen MISCILLANtOUS W<INTiT~ BEDROOM, dining room, contents of home; cash. We do moving, stor age. TA. 9-2937; eves.. RA. 4-1416. 8* BOOKS BOUGHT any quantity a fid removed at our expense. ALBION BOOK BHOP. 1768 Fa. avt. n.w.. 1 ST. 3-6698. ENLARGER, 4x6; will trade 2-speed Federal tape recorder. Call OT. 4- —7 FORD 1932 ROADSTER EM. 2-4232 —7 . FURNITURE wented: will bur ell kind, of cood used furniture; top nrlce. JA 8-HSlu We do mo,!n*. FURNITURE—WiII buy entire con tent, oi odd piece,: nUo eld chine, brlc-e-brec Burins end seUlnc for I 65 reers. HOPWOOD S. Bth ond K I sts, n.w., ME. 8-6387. GOLD Brins rour dentel sold, vletlnuni, discorded iewelrv. We dot ceen. A. KAHN INC; i i 6$ TEARS AT 936 F BT. HW. OLD gold, silver and jewelry; highest cash prices paid. E. ZUCK ERMAN 716 17th st. n.w. 7* PIANOS ALL STYLES WE FAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES Call dmv or night, JU. 9-3039. I REFRIGERATORS, heatera. ranges, stoves, mattresses, furniture ACME STOVE A FURN., NA 8-8952 REFRIGERATOR not over 6 yrs. old. Will pay $4«. Must be In good condition JE. 4-3636 —7 CAMPBELLS pav top cash for up rights. spinets and grands Will also accent your piano in trade on Hlgh-Pi. organ or piano. Call MR. LEONARD. DI. 7-8464. —l4 FVT. PARTY WANTS REFGR. AND PIANO must be clean, good cond. and very reasonable. JE. 3-9897. WOBLD ROOK ENCYCLODPEDIA, complee set. recent edition; good condition. Box 79-M. Star. —7 WILL BUY Your antfnque silver after Labor ! Day For further Info., call NO. 7- i 6665. D. KRUPBAW MILESTONE DOGS, PITS, ITC. BEAGLE FUFB. AKC reg.. sl6 and S2U. Phone Vinewood 6-3314. —7 BEAUTIFUL purebred collie pups, sired by champ., wormed and abots: , $25 and S3O. UN. 4-7561. —7j BOXER PUPPIES. AKC reg., 8- ' weeks old Champion blood line. ■! KI. 9-8954. —-7 DOG AND PUP. spayed; one rued., j one small breed; brown, smooth.' Need kind, fenced-in auburb. homes.! Also one small white collie type.: Small donation. APA, LO. 4-6801, U. 4-0342. CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES. AKC regls-1 tered. 10 weeks. 716 N. Buchanan at.. Arlington. Vg. JA. 5-6023. —7; GERMAN SHEPHERD rUPFIES. 7\ wk*.; AKC ret. show prospects: good disposition* JA. 7-7188. —7 [ ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES; 7 wk* i Registered FDBB snd AKC. Fine: prospects Mole. S6O: female. S4O-4 JE 2-7572 —7 \ i GOING ABROAD, must Mil COCktr! I .übnl.l, blbck mkl*. tt mo.. AKC. ch.uip bloodline. ,11 ,bot«. worm.d, *4O Kid's pit JtJ. H-4393 —7 KKRRT RLUE TERBIF.R FUFFIKS., show ,nd obedience stock, blso ' Kerr, blue st stud. JS. 2-,46_.. PARROT, double ,ellow-he»d; ,ood ‘ talker JA 7-BMO. DOBERMAN PINSCMRR FUPFISS. ■ blue JA. 7-BS4U V 7 o BOXER, fmwn. colored, female 7 mos.. purebred: ears and tali clipped' S-6. SO. 5-4013. —• < STRINGER SFANIEE PUFFIEII. AKC. J 75. S B KOBERTSpN. Waldorf, Md IC. 6-4173. —8 SPRINGER SPAMEI.. AKC: all : permanent shots: hou.ebroken. in tellltent. 4 moa.; SSO. JK. 3-11^.2. COCKER PUFB. small teddv bear t*p e houaebroken: $25 up. 8615 Hamilton st.. Hygttsfillt. WA • 7-2278. -—lO BOXER at stud, champ, sired. flashy fawn. Bang Away grand son KI 8-6994 —6 POODLE PUPPIIB. small black min iature*. AKC registered. JE 4- j 6441. _ -T" 6 BOXER PUrriES, 6 wks. old. fawn, good AKC ret pedigree. OL. 2- 1168 COCKER PUFB Champion sired: good quality; reasonable. Call JE I 4-40 H - —n COCKER rUFFIRS. black: AKC: tentle slock JE. 7-4343 —' EREE—I black female. 1 «rar male kitten Call OL »-»»«. 77®,. i KENNEL RUN A -4 portable. 14 ft. lona, el ft hlah, 4 ft wide Manu factured bT Mason Fence Co. Ex cellent condition. Sava sBll. 80 5- 7 TOT BOSTON TERRIER, male. a,e 3 yrs., AKC re,., fin, pot. LO. ' COLLIE* FUFPIE*. loeelr: ARC. sa bles and trl-eoiored; S6O up. JE 3-4697 — 7 CHIHUAHUA put*. 3 malea 7 I weeks old. AKC refisttred. pedt-; ,reed champion stock, homebred, i health,; choice. $.6. JA. 2-KJ37.. ! COCKERS. 1 male and 1 female:, I black, thoroughbred, no papers, , SKI Call JE 2-0804. —7 PERSIAN KITTENS, wbltt » weeks old. JA 5-9167 after 6 Frt.. aU: ■ dar Saturday —» _i AIREDALES, litter. AKC ra«.; 7 ! wks old; pet or show; r.adr to ,o; both parents st bom*. AP. 7- 1 4^84. LABRADOR RETRIEVER EUrTIEA. AKC. Ideal famll, do,. Th, breed mo*t anxiou sto please. KI. 8- 2364. PARAKEET*, flock of 3ft: cages snd neattna boxes, normal*, opalines snd albinos OL. 2-6262. —7 POMERANIAN TOY. male and fe male. 6 wks. old: reg. AKC: orange and sable JO 8-3232 —7 GREAT DANE FUFB. 3 left: AKC ret. wormed; $35. OL. t-6622.j BOXER, brindle. female. 2 yrs; fawn male. 1 yr.; come see. make offer; must sell. TO. 9-6069. —7; COLLIE PUPS. AKC registered. 0 weeks old; wormed: lovely sable and white and tri-colored: females, $36; male*. S4O. LO 5-4596 7* . FRENCH POODLE, brown minia ture. 6 mo*.: housebroken: good buy, $76. 8T 3-7227. CO. 6-8218. BEAGLE PUPS, fleld champ bred 4704 Garrett ave.. Beltaville, Md.. WE. 5-6539. —7 6-WEEK OLD PUPPIES, mostly trl - colored reasonable. Jl. 2-2851. DRAHTHAAE PUPS, pedigreed. Im ported parents pointer retriever; family dog*, easily trained: Hie i best. Call Otis 4-7*906. —7 BOXER PUPPIES. AKC reg.. fawn. 8 wks.. grandatred Ch. Barmere's Talisman Phone OL. 9-9463. —?! BEAGLE PUPPIES, mixed. $3 eaxh; very gentle, ideal for chUdnm.; TA 9-6*’49 ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPPIES. AKC reg.: 1 male and 1 female. Call, Warrenton 760. Ext. 402. —l2 FOX TERRIER, smooth-hatred male.! purebred; 2 mos.; wormed. $26. j Call LO. 5-0063 before 6 p m. —7 BOXER PUPPIES, fawn. 7 wk* . AKC. ear* cropped; rea*onable.j TA 9-0984 —l2 POODLE PUPS, standard: black.] I brown: imported stock; reaaonable.: J JE 2-8326. —7 j » PUPPIES, min collie type. Bhet- I land sheep: 11 wk* : 2 male. 2] ij fern ; beaut., fluffy. JU. 9-7007. j SIAMESE KITTENS, female; Seal point: houaebroken; Inoculated: ! ! $lO. DU. 6-9042. —7 . L SIAMESE KITTENS—2 beautiful! , male*. 2 mo* old. purebred. $26 } pr. or will sell singly. JE. 2-5069.: ' ISIAMFSE KITTY, cream, brown! i markings: wants good home In ( Virginia Call KI 9-3959 1 M 4RMOSETTE MONKEYS, tamed ft pets: *35 each. Rare bird*. PO. 2-9030 —7 ) 1 TALKING MYNAH BIRDS, toucan*. finches, cockatlels, love bird*, para «. keel*; many other kind* of rare 1 bird*. PO. 2-9030. .—7 !TOY FOX TERRIERS. Manchester*. . J cocker. 1 shepherd and collie ; mixed. JE 4-7777. ■ BOXER PUPPIES, fawn. AKC. cham pion background, ear* clipped: 1 male*, female*. WH. 6-8931. —8 t BOXER PUPS. AKC reg.. 6 Weeks * old; wormed and shots. KE. 8-44^74. i BOXF.R PUPPIES. purebred. 10 week* old. S2O each Phone WI. ; 5-3179. .—? j GREAT DANES, all ages: all AKC’i » reg Priced S6O up. Have one tood| wntchdoß for firm. See our pup pies KLPAW KBNNETB REG, : Alex,. Va TE. fl-2430. OV, 3-4501. . SPRINGER RP4NIEL PUPPIES, 0 wks . AKC, from champ, stork, I male and female: SSS-ssd. WO. H -7Bftn. — 7 POODLES. LARGE BLACK stand ards. from championship stock, 7 i weeks old. S4O to SSO. EM 2- SSfIE. — 7 : COCKER BPANTBI., BLAST 3'b MOB.. MALB. S3O. CO. 6-45^16. ■! ~ CHIHUAHUA' pups _ .AKC TU. 3-0784 , Hdachshundpuppy ■ i AKC re,.; health,. JR. 2-B7HB II —7 IPARKWOOD KENNELS BOARDING rl Tor Manchester terriers and Minia ture Plnsrhers for sate. AKC. 6016 Branch ave. s.e , RE, 5-5440. I FARM AND GARDEN ’. —I PEACHES OOI.DBN JUBILEE—Tree ripened B Oood for Freezing and Canning I I BUMMER RAMBO APPLES 1 Also Tomatoes, Sweet Corn LEWIS ORCHARD 16 miles w of Rockville on Rte 28 I. Phone Foolesville 2036 FARM bml CARDIN (CdhM LANDSCAPING, sodding and grad ing, bine graasinc 26c par square yd- 20e delivered. TU. 8-0806. FORD YBACTOB AND MOWBB. clean and In excellent condition, best offer; hay, 80c per bale, de livered: chain saw. Mall. 3ft Bp very good condition. $l6O or best offer: locust posts, saw faced. 100 more or less. 36c each, delivered; rubber-wheeled whee* barrow, used very little. Sift; horse plow and cultivator, collar. bridles and traces, any offer accepted. DUN KIRK 5-8506. —7 PANZER RIDING TRACTOR, 8 h.p. with 36-in. rotary mower. Like new. Reasonable. JU. 9-3076. —7 TOP SOIL, highest guality: deliv ered. $lO per load and up. de pending on distance. JO. 0-3300: eves.. JO. 8-0301. —l2 I FREE PABTUBE—About 05 acres: 1 mile, from Croom. Md. This is a legitimate offer to anyone inter ested in pasturing horses and/or • csttle. This offer will bold good from the present time until approx. April 16. 1960. If interested, plctse call MA. 7-2447 or WO. 0-8201. —7 FRONT-END LOADED. Dearborn standard, for Ford “8” and tractor, complete with hydraulic cylinder on bucket: SIOO. JU. 9-0881. —7 l TOP 80IL—Very good, rich top soil » for lawns and greenhouses; very reas. Call JO. 8-4933. —l9 TRACTOR. 6-h.p. David Gradley. with Briggs & Stratton motor, sickle bar. riding sulky, plow, disc cultivator, new tires; $250. Fairview 2-4084. —8 TOMATOES, $i for ft bu.; corn. 40c dozen. Other vegetables. Bring , containers. JA. 4-0934. —7 TRACTOR. John Deere. B. with cultivators. $500; also plow, har rows. etc. Come, see. and offer. K. B ROBERTBON. Waldorf. Md.. ; MI. 6-4173. —6 . TREE REMOVAL, prunnlng. topping, trimming; D C. Md.; free esti mates. MR. CLAYTON. UN. 4-0903 ; TOPSOIL SALE, 7 tou deMv«r.d . distant del. RE. 0-0004 ! BULLDOZER for grading, excavat ing. land dealing; free estimates. Call UN. 4-8633: night AP. 7- 0598 TOPSOIL, from dairy farm, very ■ rich. 818 for 6-yard load; del. 1 within 6 ml. JB. 4-3116. 1 SOD WANTED BY ACRE. CALL TU. 2-0866. 8* POULTRY, RABBITS, EGGS KEW HAMPSHIRE rut chicks. 2Vi wkx. old. sl6 per 100. 1 week old. 1 sl4 per 100. O. O MAXWELL. tJ S. 60. L.nh.m, Md. WA. 7- 1546. —7 BART CHICKS And pbultry supplies. JAMES FEED STORE. 619 K «t JW_ltErSJttoßo EGO WASHING MACHINE, ELECTRIC. LO. 7-8352. , CATTLE AND LIVESTOCK 4-YEAB-OLD FILLY, % p.loatno: { broke for riding, spirited, very gen ' tie. Intelligent minded, can be zur . tber trained. JE. 2-4182. —7 SHETLAND PONY COLT, male. 3 - moa.: blk., 4 white feet. DU. 6- ■ ! 7537. 7• BEAUTIFUL AND GENTLE red pony, j suitable for child 8 to 12 yrs. Ives. ' snd week end* call La Plata 7841: | wkdys., call OT. 3-6200. Ext. 3222. HEIFERS. 50 springing Holstelns. 2 I fresh, bangs calf hood vaccinated; . excel, dairy stock. DU. 5-7080. —l4 MEXICAN BURRO. $65; also some new and used saddles and bridles. CR. 3-0099. DU. 5-7864. —7 s WANT TO BUY 2 or 3 head of ■J white-face Hereford feeder steers. ! from 300 to 500 lbs. at market ’!. price. Also family milk cow. reason able. Call MR. WAPLE. OV. 3-4601. HUNTER MARE, black, will foal' In ■ February gentle with anyone; 1 $l5O Dunkirk 5-8606 —7 8 WELL MANNERED PONIES ln . eluding 4 mares. sevei%l in foal, 6 5 Western horses, several walking horses: 2-horse trailer. A-l coti • dition: pony buggy and carts. Re member Friday. August 12, Bpm Western Night HILLTOP FARM Fisher rd.. Temple Hills. Md LO 7-8022. —7 ROOMS FURNISHED—N.W. i —— —■ —- 1709 CRITTENDEN BT. N.W. —Sin- gle rm.. pvt. phone, pvt. home; conv. transp. RA 6-5309. —0 ‘ $2 A DAY per person 1101 17th n w • Attrac. sgle dble. rms :s7wk , up. VANNEB HOTEL DI. 7-7888 1530 18th BT. N W.. former em bassy—First-floor sincls room with running water. Only $7.60 wk —6 1755 F ST. N.W., ”The Dupont Manor" Unusually largs single room adjoining bath: $8 wk —6 1760 QUE BT. N.W.. "The Kennert’ —Only $6.26 wk. for real nice 2nd fl. single room. —6 1705 QUE ST N.W.—Tired of a drab rm ? Want new modern furn.’ Soft carpets? Free TV in svery rm ? Bele *lO dble. sl6 wk. Call DU 7-3.301 after 6 o.m —8 REI.IABLE LADY, to supervise chll i dren. from 4 to 6:30; live In if ; possible, in exchange for room and I board OL. 2-9873. —7 NR. MarARTHUR BLVD —Single rm Adult family: quiet house. I h k.; ! $25 mo WO. 6-(r988. —7 p 1033 18th BT. N.W. Business women. sgle. snd dble. mi.; clean, beaut, furn.. mod. baths. NO. 7- 9129 CHF.VT CRAPE. D.. C-. 3223 Morrt aon st. n.w—Comfortable rm . pvt. home no parking problem. WO I 6-7517. —7 CONN. AYE., near Shoreham-Lge 14x20 studio rm.. adj. tile bath, dallv maid. pvt. entr.. pvt park : ing: 1-2 persons. HO. 2-0334 —7 FRONT MABTER BEDRM. with pvt. . bath. SSO per mo. TA 9-0064. —7 LARGE STATELY MANSION, ha. several beautifully furnished, re > decorated studio rooms, connecting bath, for discriminating gentlemen Parkins facilities: maid aervic* AD 4-9078 —ll j 1740 P PT N.W., -THE CHURCHILL” i —Single room. run. water - maid service: $7 week up. NO. 7-9868 —9 i DOWNTOWN—Big bedrm . l.h k . refgr.: weekly. $lO up 70$ Mt Vernon pi. n.w., cor. 7th st —7 ACROPB PTATLER—Large comer room*. t4ln bed*, adjacent ahowera; find.. ST; dbl., sls. 1501 K it. b w DITONT C9BCIM tut—Room for •j gentleman, use of kit. DR 2-0199. ; IN TARK. 2044 Fierce Mill rd —8 ;) small rooms. 1 person; ground level; private entrance and bath: cool, ’j dean, comfortable. S3O. AD. 4- f \ 5197. —-8 ROOM AND BATH in quiet, pvt. home at 42nd and Wis. ave. n.w. J Garage; kit. privileges, telephone: 1 biic to streetcar and bus; for re. fined lady or gentleman. Sept. 1. Call eves KI 7-1083. after 7 ym. MASTER BEDRM.. nicely Turn.' 3 window* next to bath; all privt lege* RA 0-5407 —7 I R ST. N.W.—Rm in rear with porch: qui*t man preferred: $36 month. DU 7-7189 —7 j 1347 L PT. N.W. —Nice large room for gentleman; convenient location: i $8 weekly II CHEVY CHAPE—Room snd board • j for reliable tady in exchange for : caring for children 4 to 7 p m . OL. 2-9873. —7 326 SHERIDAN PT. N.W.—Conv ' ■ trsnap.; nicely furnished room, L reas.: I lady or couple. RA. 6-4239. .jf AI3 16th BT. N.W.—l single. $7: . 1 lge double, facing 16th st.; both ' nr. bath CO. 6-3627. MD. 2-9871. l5 -ISTUDIO ROOM, gentleman: running ; water, semipvt bath: nr Statler. . Eve*. OL. 0-0914. NA. 8-1030. KENNEDY PT. N.W., 1409—Lge. cool rm., next bath; 2 exposure*. 2 ! lge. closet*, lge. yard and porches: i lndry. snd refgr. privlls.; sun deck, i girl; S3O mo. \ 7* BASEMENT is cooler, refgr.. grill. ; clock radio. TV. air foam matt., i 2147 F; SH-sl2: EX 3-0053. —l2 I CLEAN, comf., srl.: nr. bath Lge i closets; pvt. home Lady Nr. shops ,; snd transp DE 2-9154. —8 I VERY CLEAN SINGLE ROOM with i pvt. bath. 3 window*. New Holly .; wood bed 3319 17th st. n.w. —8 11308 N. H. AVE. N.W., nr Dupont I circle—Nice, clean, single room. ! near shower. Only $7.50 wk. —6 1314 16th BT/N.W.—Elevator bldg.: de.*lrable. redecorated, aingle room, i near shower; $8 wk —6 . MT. PLEAS. PEC.—-Lge . plea*, rm . hot plate, refgr.. laun privlls., , unllm phone, gent. CO. 5-3731 t EMERY-GEORGIAN HOTEL 1812 O *t. Air-Conditioned Rms. » Lobbies and TV Rm. . Free parking, garden and summer porches, tile shower*. Special wkly. and monthly rates. Bee MRB J HILL. mgr. —8 > ALTURAS HOTEL j 1509 16th ST. N.W. i! Now available air-conditioned rma V with private bath, also singles ' from $lO 60 wk.; $2 a day; din ing room, elevator and awltch j board HU 3-61 10 ? THEMAURY • 701 19th St. N W —Lovely twin room. pvt. bath. 2 large closet*. • foyer, fan. s2l week; other twin*. SLAUGHTER—Du Cir7 , Sv ls., dbl*., fr. $9 wk.; rm.. ph.. elev. 1 Mod. serv. 2007 O n.w. NO. 7-4000. S7WEEFrANDUP Single rooms, suitable for ladies and gentlemen; also dbl. rms.; $12.60 [wk ; next to bath, maid service; cool, clean, comfortable. Walking distance downtown. 1 block off Conn. 1220 I7th n.w.. EX. 3-1916. ‘ THE GILL-BERT * 2460 16th it. n.w.—Newly deco rated; maid and 24-hr FBX. Silas. _ $7.60 wk. up; dbles.. sl6 wk up. pvt. bath: $lB wk.; silt.: $6 dble. CO. 6-7381 , EBBITT HOTEL Conv. to shopping, theatrical and business district. Rma. with air eirculator. pvt. bath, tub and shower, special weekly rates to permanent sueata Apply mgr. EBBITT MOTEL, 10th and H at ■ w. —l4 BOOMS *U*N.—N.W. (Cwrt.t ; Officers’S ervice Club Rms. by day. wk.. month with club and social octhrit!as~or active, in active and reserve officers. 1044 21st st. n.w., AD. 4-2400, PRINCE KARL HOTEL 1901 K ST. N.W. AIR-CONDITIONED 24-hour switchboard serv.; modern showers, pvt. baths avail.: singles, dbls.; reas. weekly rates to per manent guests. EX. 3-7725. COM)BED —ISO# EUCLID *T. K.W. , —Larie rm.: prtTlU.: turn, or un furn. reduced rent; newl, dec.; lorelr nelihbortaood: AD. 4-8048 »fter 5:80 p.m. —7 ' COLORED—SUM 18th ST. *f.W. end 1615 Dew Hempshlre eve. n.v.— Rme.. nicely fumtibed; tor em ployed perxon,. DU 7-U52. AD l 2-9270. n _« COLORED—LGR. BSMT. KM. with ; pet. entr. for 2 employed perxon,. I Nr. 14th ,t. TU. 2-4468. • COLORED—IB32 BELMONT RD.— 1 Lge. front room, double ilte. • sl2 .50; lerge .Ingle room. $8.76; t cooking prtvllene. AD. 2-9375. ; COLORED—NICELY FURN. acT. or ' dbl. rm,.: kit. privtl,.. pvt. refer. ; . tor refined people. 018 3rd M. n.w. ‘ MR 8-9787 or LI. 4-9144. —7 COLORED—DOWNTOWN ' 1326 13th it. n.w.. Apt. 7t—Welk to work Lorely room. Lody or gentl Home prlrll., «• ■ ROOMS FURNISH IP—H,L~ . COLORED—LOVELY DM. In nice pvt. home; itngle or couple; home privilege,. RA. 8-0077. —7 ROOMS FURN.—S.I.-S.W~ ' HILLCEEBT, Br . 80th end Ate bema—Front rm. In new home. , eemtpvt. bgth; gent.: 836 mo. LU. 1 2-7810 —0 CAEITOL BILL, opp. Houie Office— Block Library oi Congrcu. Well furn. mu., men. LI. 3-2013. —l2 ROOMS FURN.—MD. b Sk. ARL.—Cool, quiet room next to bath, cross ventilation; garage If desired. . JA. 7-1860. —6 ARLINGTON VILLAGE Rm. for gentleman, conveniences. $lO wk. JA. 6-0024. 7* ALEXANDRIA—I room. 1 blk. off King st.: kit. privlls. Coupls pref.; ' sl6 wk. KI 9-6713. —9 • CHEVY CHASE—Lge. rm.. gentle • man: cross ventilation; walk-in closet; bus at cor. OL. 4-2690. —7 LOVELY LGE. FRONT RM.. nearlv • new home: pvt. bath, beautiful high wooded location; near Pentagon; ; gentleman: no drink. OT. 4-7949. - —7 ! » WIDI-OriN SPACER—IO minutes* from D. C. Lovely room with pri-; vate bath; maid serv.; parking. JA. 8-8910. —l2 ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING : LARGE FRONT light housekeeping room, near bath. RE. 5-6153. 7* - STUDIO RM., porch, yard, clock i radio. TV. airfoam matt.. $lO - sls. 2147 T n.w., EX. 3-063:!. —l2 IStb ST. N.1., 3010—Large. 2nd floor front rm.. lge. closets, refgr.. single. LA. 6-2482. —7 : 516 Uth ST. 8.t.—3-rm. apart ment, furnished: housekeeping; LL 4-4072. —8 ! LARGE L.H.K. ROOM, for 1 or 2 people; detached house. CO. 6- r 1178. —7 • NICE L.H.K. RM., sink, stove, refgr.! Lady only; $36 mo 1438 Newton r st. n.w., NO. 7-4627. TU. 2-2952 J . JUST THI WAT you like it. Large. j clean, cool, refgr.. sink, hot plate.; sls a week. Also l for sl4 a week ! 1416 20th st. n.w. —9 i 1750 QUE ST. N.W.—l room, kltch-! 1 en and private bath efficiency; will rent bv wk. at $11.26. —0 COLORED—N.W.—CIean and neat: television, washing mach.. nicely > furn : nr. 9th and N Y. ave. Apply [ 1116 9th st. n.w. HO. 2-7967. —7 ROOMS UNFURNISHED BINGLE BOOM: home privilege* *8 per week. LI. g-SRet. —8 ■ 1073 COLUMBIA ED.. Apt. 410— I Lares room for Protestant: S4O lent and share all apt. exp. No • young girls, no smokers. ROOMS WITH BOARD NURSE, kind, understanding, open ing home for elderly retired people; large detached house, large porches. ‘ lawn, overlooking beautiful Rock Creek Park. This Is not a nursing or convalescent home. Single ana! . double rooms, reasonable rates, ex-i 1 celient home-rooked meals served! r three times daily, freah fruits, vege-j tables, eggs, poultry right from the 1 farm For further information. AD ' 4-0443. . —8 . 1400 18th N.W —Rest food in D C ; or without. TV. washer, attract. , home. fan*, sjl.. dbl., triple. i WALTER REED VIC., 6931 9th at. n.w.—Nicely furn. twin-bed rm.. del meaia. home privlls. RA. 3-4124. . —6 i 1401 ]«tk BT. N.W.—Spacious rms.. lge closets: showers: selected menu: switchboard: TV —l6 WILL give ROOM and board to eldrrly iadv nursing cart, rates reas. OL 7-8831. —7 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.. 9001 Ntee large dble. rm.: new alr-cond.' *lO wk. Sgle. sl2 to sls Good meals: voung people CO 6-2493 8* CLUB MASON. 1720 N Hamp. ave.! —Residential club: snei. and: others; *10.60 wk. and up, Inel.i meals and hotel services CO \ 6- NO. 7-6770 lft_ ! : JOHN KILPEN HOTEL 2810 ASHMEAD PL. N.W Just off 2300 block Conn. ave. at . Taft Bridge. Roek Creek Park area Low weekly rates Include room . breakfast, dinner; 24-hr. hotel •ervice; friendly atmosphere. HO 2-3666 J . What’s in a Name? ' WESLEY HALL ! • Good food, pleasant accom • ! modation* and lots of jocial actlYltlefi at low monthly r ratei. ! 1426 21st ST. N.W. C HU. 3-5432 :. C&LORfcD—N.W7—Wondtrful neat rma . double and triple: best meals 1! plus maid service, television and -i many extras children allowed; i also child care avail.; S6O t>er mo HO 2-7967 and AP 7-3817. —7 ’ ROOMS WANTID IN N.W. BECTION Man. settled. i double amputee, must have hath on S same floor, also rails on all step* AD 2-8416 906 Westminster st. • n.w. —7 j ; EMPLOYED LADT wants furn. rm« and meal* in refined home; n.w i DU. 7-6170 after 6 p.m. r ROOMS# ARTS. TO SHARK ROOM IN FLAT to share with single; man or married, settled couple; downtown vie., quiet, refined neigh borhood. reas. rent. DE. 2-0689. J . 1 OR * GIRLS to share apt. with 2 other girls; 16th st. n.w. Phone l DU 7-1000 Ext. 215. 7* j . 3309 B SJf B.E.—Man to share; furn. apt.AFlth man; TV: $7 week.' See 12 to 3. LU. 1-0111. 7* GIRL will share an apartment with another girl; refs. JA. 8^1289.^ 1 N.W.—2 men will share apartment with 3rd man; TV. window fan .: DU 7-3869 before 7:46 P.m —7 . | LADY OR GIRL, to share attr. apt 2 with another lady, everything furn. ! Convenient. NO. 7-8681. —8 ||VIC. 10th AND F STS. N.W.—'Twin bedrm apt., air conditioned; to :ii share with employed lady of middle -I age. Box 193-8. Star. —7 K|WORKING MOTHER. 20-30. share l j expen of apt., child care with an • j other work, mother. TE. 6-0080. : | 1 OR 2 GIRLS, 23 to 26. to share • l-bedrm furn. apt. with one other, girl Avail. Sept. 1. AD. 4-7005. —7 • COLORED WOMAN to share 1 -bed rm. apt with another woman; n.e. area: S4O mo., all privlls. LU. J 3-0338 —7 AFTSrVuRNISHEP—P.C. 1044 NEWTON ST. N.W. (white)— 3, 2 and 1-room apt*., furnished. r utils, incl., $66. $56 and S4O. ADAMS 4-9607, after 7 p.m. 8* GARDEN APTS., 8. E.— 5-bedroom furn. apt., $122.75. utils, incl. Conv. to transp., shopping, schools LU. 2-01(H). —l3 BEACON APtS, 1801 Calvert st. n.w —Elevator; 1 bedrm., liv. rm.. kit., bath. EM 3-9077 . 4620 13th N.W.. 4620 Oa. ave.—2 and 3 rms.. kit., bath, utils : $17.60 ■ to $22 Wk Cples. RA. 3-IRB3 —l3 M.OVELY EFFICIENCY, *76: 1 bed - i rm., SB2; utils, incl. Agents, 1844 Columbia rd. n.w., AD. 4-2069. —lO 1 1323 R ST. B.l.—Liv. rm , bedroom., • kitchen and bath. Entirely private;! SO6 mo LI. 7-4413; If no ans .i . LI. 0-7353. —6 1034 17th ST. N.W.—Centrally 10-, cited: 2 rms,. kit., pvt. bath, utils, j Included. Apt. 2. —0 , .! FRANCIS SCOTT KtY AFT. BOTH.; —Completely furn. apis, bv dav or' ! week. Call NA. 8-5425. 1812 BELMONT RD. N.W.—2 rms . j kit.; conv. location; $66 ino.; (i couple only. AD. 4-9173. —8 CAPITOL HILL. 308 2nd ft s.e.— • Nicely furn. 2 bedrm*., liv. rm.. ( din rm.. kit. bath; SIOO per mo Call Midway 6-2861. 212 DOUGLAS ST. N.E., Apt. 3 Beautifully furnished duplex incl piano 3 exposures. 2nd floor. Newly decorated 2 lge. rms.. dinette, kit., bath: also lge. screened porch. Oil heat, hot water incl. In *B6. BTEU • ART BROS . INC., DI. 7-2434. DI 7- —6 11165 CALVERT ST. N.W.. nr. 18th and Columbia rd. and Bhoreham Hotel—Effle. or l-bedrm. apt.: ele a vator bldg. Bee Janitor on premises r —7 d EMPLOYED PARENTS! Attractive n club plan home offers rm*. apts teas : child care. meal*, laundry; L. lge. lawns; free park. MO. 7-6(U3. A ASTS. FURN D.C (Coat.) FA. AY*. DIU. KXCU By. rm.; nicely furn.: prt bsth. dinette kit., rear porch: centlle home; neel. trensp. Refined adult,. Bo chtldru: SBS. LU. 2-3196. NICELY FUKN. EFFICIENCIES. utils., linens: $lO-sl4 wk 13-J4 Vermont ave. n.w., CO. 6-6004. —7 320 UPSHUR ST. N.W.—Liv. rm . bedrm.. kit., bath; S6O mo. utils. < incl TA. 9-6929. —7 S.E.—Liv. rm., bedrm., kit. and bath. Conv. to Bolling and Andrews Air Base; $75 JE. 3-9773. —9 DUFONT CIBCLE— Bsmt. apt.; 2 rma. kit. bath. Sultsbl, tor rou plea. DE 2-0199. —9 MT. PLEASANT—2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Call WO. 6-4116. —9 MT. PLEASANT SECT.—Liv rm.. bedrm.. mod. kit.; all utils, furn.; lge. window fan. CO. 6-2967. 1433 C ST. N.E,—Furn. apt7 8 rooms, liv rm.. bedrm.. kitchen. : •eralpvt. bath. BmpL onle. pre ferred. Close to transp. U. 4-3995 —7 t RMS., semlpvt. bath; no objection small baby: $14.25 per wk. 604 < G st. s.e.. U. 8-9092. TU. 2-2962. —7 ATTRAC. TV APTS., sl4 wk. up; child or babies welcome. Also hskpg. rms.. 1101 17th n.w.. DI 7-7888. GEORGETOWN. ,3246 P st. n.w.— Attrac. studio rm.. flrepl., dinette, kit., garden. slls. JA. 8-3523. —7 1838 CONN. AVE.—Effle.. SBO no.; l-bedrm. apt. for 3. SIOO mo.; 2- bedrm. apt. for 4. $35 mo. each. BASEMENT APT., liv. rm.. bedrm., kit., bath. S6O incl. utils. No drirklne. Adult couple. LI. 0-7298. RIGGS PL. N.W.. bet. 10th and 17th J st., nr. Chastleton Hotel—Attrac. liv. rm.. separate bedrm., kit. and . bath apt., entire fir. Excel, transp. 1 and shopping. Livable and clean, suit. 2-3 adults. Today’s rentals. DE. 2-6194. —7 1 I*B VICTOR BT, N.E.—Nicely furn liv. rm., dinette, bedrm., kit., bath. Open daily and eves. RA. 3-2400: eves., OL. 0-3794. —8 1324 FARR RD. N.W.—Liv. rm.. bed rm.. kit., semibath; redec.; adults: $06.60 mo. RA. 3-4310. —7 1736 18th BT. N.W.—One room, kitchen and bath efficiency: walk ing distance downtown: bus and stores across street: immediate oc- . cupancy. See Janitor. $55. —ll ’ DOWNTOWN. 87 New York ave. n.w.—Lae. effle., complete kit., Ist- , fl trout; sl2 wkly. —ll LIV. BM . bedrm.. dlnlnr are*, kit., thower bath; avail. Aua. 13. 1416 Oak at. n.w. TA. 9-0120. —7 NB. WALTER KEED—Lae. 2nd fl., in private home for employed couple: SBO mo. RA. 3-4440. —7 t ROOMS. 3rd floor. $46 month, also 1 light housekeeping room, running water, refrigerator. S3B month. Children welcome. AD. 2- 4640. —7 GEORGETOWN 6ft rms.. porch, garden; S9O plus utils. Take over modern furniture and household goods. Very reas. CO. 6-2986, i! DE. 2-4073. —7 NR. CAPITOL—FuIIy AIR-COND., indiv. control: luxuriously furn. 1 twin-bedrm. apt Avail, now *166 mo. OL. 6-6439 —7 NEW MODERN, downtown elev. bldg, with sun deck. bsmt.. gar. avail. Ideal employed girls and couples bieautiful spacious bedrm apts., $89.50: efficiency. $09.96. 1826 T st. n.w. AD 4-0270 CAPITOL HILL—Conv. many Fed. blda with sun deck. bsmt.. gar. ideal Govt, airls* efficiency. $69.50: 1 bedrm.. $94.50: utils, incl.; a. c. avail.: immediate occupancy. 247 Del. ave. s.w.. EX. 3-8170. —9 3* rABBAGUT FL. N.W.—Lit. rm.. badrm.. b„ kit- prch , yd. Util,, furn. Crow ven.; pvt. entr. RA. 6-9382 I**4 VERMONT AVE. N.W.—Baihe lor apt., nicely furn Nr 15th and K sts. Walking distance of Govt. , depts. and downtown area. Con ! ststlng of 1 room, tile bath with ! ahower. elec, refgr.: $66 per mo., ; Incl utils. Inspection weekdays, j 9 am. to 5 p.m. HENRY J. ROBB, INC., 1024 Vermont ave. n.w., DI. 7-8141. —8 ft SQ. OFF CONN. AVE. at Calvert Bt. Bridge—Alr-cond , de luxe. 1- bedrm. apt Call CO 6-9292. —7 503 CONSTITUTION AVE. N.E. 3 room*, private bath: nicely furn. LI 6-7043. TU. 2-5418. . DUFONT CIRCLE AREA. 1726 19th I at. n.w.—Effle. b*mt apt.: SSO j mo. Apply Apt, 21. Utils. Inch 1324 PARK RD. N.W.—Lge. Taint apt., 4 rms., redec.. good furniture. ■ pvt. bath; low ’•ent; 2 or 3 empl i adults. RA 3-4310. —7 i GEORGETOWN. ,507 ,30th st. n.w., ! Apt. 2 —Spacious, 2 bedrm*.. living < rm . dining rm . kit., bath and ' porch; $126. Janitor will rhow. • DI. 7-2342, 9 to 5 pm. JEFFERSON ST. N.W., 441—Two twin-sized bedrooms, kit . liv. rm and private hath: all util* incl.; 3 : or 4 empl adult* preferred. —7 5827 7th ST. N.W.—Well-fnrnlshed it bedrm.. liv. rm. and kit.; util. ! incl.; $75 month. —7 ! ! 3025 Jftth ST. N.W. Efficiency! apts. All util, tncl : *7O mo. See 1 REBIDENT MANAGER after 4 p m 3 ROOMS. RATH, completely furn.: garate, gm. yard: bet 2 shopping centers, nr. transp.: SB6 mo. Incl! util. Call AP. 7-5883. I WALTER REED AREA. 6519 Plney ! Branch rd. n.w.—apt . new. i modern, de luxe furn ; rear and i front yards: ldry. factls ; aood and j conv neighborhood, incl. pch.; aft 12 p m 7* FARK LANE AFTS., 202 ft EYE St. N.W BACHELOR APTS . INCL REFOR. (NO KITCHEN) IN HEART OF DOWNTOWN: 24-HR. j ELEV. AND SWITCHBOARD SERV ICE. RENT. $59 50 PER MONTH ' 1 -BEDRM. AFT., avail.. In i dlttoned bldg.; loc right off Conn i ave.; from Aug. 1 to Oct. 10. $176 per mo. EM. 2-0900 —7 1720 36th ST. N.W. 2 room*. | kitchen and bath; *76 per month ; AD. 2-8299 —7 CLEAN. ATTRACTIVE. 2 bedrms : I apt bldg . sllO N. Hamp and Emerson. ST. 3-8501. RA. 3-8679. GEORGIA AND N. HAMPSHIRE. N.W.—Entire Ist fir Also large l.h k. rm.. good transp RA. 3-480,. 1960 CALVERT ST. N.W.—4-bedrm i apt for 4 working mothers with 1 , ! child each: must share kit., bath, i Compl furn AD. 4-2694. —7 j ;«*lft KANSAS AVE. N.W.—2 rms J kit , and bath: aged cuple. ! ! desired. Reaas.. new furn. and dec. 13th »T. N.W., 4510 Basemen’ apt., above street level, nicely *' furn : Uv rm . bedrm . din rm.. I kit . bath, large closets, pvt en trances. Child accepted. SBO mo ’ *l* VARNUM *T. N.R.—Brand-njw. beautifully furnished apt.; l bed rm, liv. rm.. kit. and bath: $97.50, i incl. all utils. Avail, now. 2 adults. Call RA 3-2400 or see MR. PARKER at 210 Varnum st n_e. 705 Sth ST. S.E. —2 large rms, modern kit., bath; clean and neatly i L furn.. near Naval Oun Factory and ; Andrews Field. 16 mins, down- I town. RE 6-6998 —l2 1739 PARK RD. N.W.—Cool, at trac. newly dec. bsmt. Private bath, utils. Conv. *18.60 wk. NO . 7-8681 —8 1 BEDROOM. alassed-in bark porch. Hv. rm . dinette, kitchen. ‘ and bath Will sublet for 1-yr to reliable people. Everything fur ' nlshed LU 1-8554 Will be on j premises Sat. and Sun —7 ; SENATE COURTS ft blk. from I d Senate Office Bldg., lovely furn j alr-rondltloned. 1 bedrm. and eff apts. 120 C st. n.e. LI. 0-4460. | ' 717 A ST. S.E.—2 rms. and bath . ; Priced reasonably. —7 3-ROOM BASEMENT APT. Pri j vate bath, private entrance. In new location Near bu* and shop ping. For couple. RA. 6-0132. I ROOM AND KIT. APT..~"pvt ahower. all utils, incl : very conv.; ! reasonable. TA. 9-5798. —7 CONN. AVE.. address of distinction . —l-bedrm apt., also effle*.: all i conveni.. shop*, utils. EM. 2-0843. DUFONT CIRCLE AREA—NtceT ige. 1 enough for 2 ladies; fine neighbor hood. $66. Incl. utilt LO. 4-H67S. 1 2315 LINCOLN RD. N 8.. Ant 202 j Liv. rm., bedrm.. dinette, kitchen, bath; sllO per mo. 1009 N. QUEEN BT., Arl.. Va.. Apt 2—Liv. rm., bedrm., dinette, kitch-i en. bath; sßft R A HUMPHRIES ! Realtors. 2 Mass ave. n.w., NA. 8- 5070. —lO 1622 MONROE ST. N.W.—New. en tire 2nd fir. and bsmt., 3 rms., kit., pvt entr.. for 2 or 3. DU. 7-9054. 3072 N ST. S.E.—Air-Conditioned. Immaculate cond. 1 rm., complete ! kit., tiled bath. pvt. entr.; em ployed adults. LU. 2-8336. —6 1303 ALLISON ST. N.W.—Bed liv rm.. kit-dinette, pvt. bath, uttla. furn. Good location. —7 720 HAMILTON ST. N.W.—Bed liv. rm.. kit., bath, scr. back! porch. Adults. RA. 3-4005. —-6 i • 1720 NEWTON ST. N.W.—l -bedrm liv. rm. effle. apt.: kit., bath, large: . clos., 4 windows, 2d-$. front. Util.! incl.: suit. marr. cple. or 2 adults ! $56. 7* 321 F BT. N.E.—Large bedrm. klthcen: sl4 wk. Incl. utils. CalL : RA 3-9183. —0 HAMPTON COURTS APTS., 2013 New Hamp. ave. n.w.—Bedrm.. Uv rm.. deception hall, kitchen and batn. Beautifully furnished: sail j utilities included. Alr-conditionlnt available elev. bldg. Res. mgr., NO.; » 7-1998. I DOWNTOWN. 1740 FA. AVE. N.W. I —2 bedrms., liv. rm., din rm..; . kit and bath: $64 60 mo. Limited amt. furn. for sale. ST. 3-287« GEORGETOWN. 2630 Que st. n.w. —Two 2-bedrm. apts In apt. bldg. ;! See any Apt*. 37 and ’ 1 NEWLY DEC., vie. Oa. and Sheridan . --Pvt. entr.. 2 bedrms.. liv. rm.. . din kit., bath. RA. 0-1300. j JSth-COLUMBIA RD. VlC.—Liv. rm.. ,| flrepl.. bedrm. kit. bath; suit. 3; 1 SIOO mo. OL. 4-5827. AD. 4-6249 ; —lO .1930 K ST. N.W.—Several furn; effle. avail., conv. to downtown, in' very good cond.; $69.60-$67.60 | Kev with Janitor in bsmt. FLOYD E DAVIS CO.. 1629 K at. n w NA. 8-0362. -—6 2440 J6th ST. N.W.—Several sizes; 1 rm . dr. clou, snd bath, for 1 h k , $07.60 per mo.; lie. room. kit.. ' dlnetta, big dr closet Usable for bedrm. and bath. S9O per mo.;! I 2 lge. rm*., kitchenette, dinette and bath, slls per mo.; and 3 large rms., kitchenette, dinette and bath. $l6O per mo., all incl. utila. Apply i switchboard. —7 I 3340 16th BT. N.W.—Studio apt., 1 - rm., kit. and bath, $62 mo ; bamt. apt.. 2 rms., kit. and bath, $66 mo. DU. 7-8124. —6 I 14SI PARK ED. N.W.—Several ■!*«: Irm., kit. and bath. $72 60 mo : rms.. kit and bath. s9ft mo.; also rma. kit. and bath, slls no.; wMllTtoa Metedod. —7 /( APTS. SUSNISHtP—P.C. IMSFAKK ID. N.W.—On, rm., ML. bath. s#6; 2 rms . kit., bath. *75: 3 rm,. kit. and bath. SAS and $95 an., util, incl. See re,, an., Apt. I. 191# 17th ST. N.W.—Nicely Turn, apt., in larte apt. bld(. with elev. •erv. badrm., liv rm.. kit.. b*>h and din foyer. $55 an., tnrl. all utila. To lnapeet ,e« rei. mar., cr cal] DU 7-1432. —9 GEORGETOWN. 1514 2»th it.—2nd fl. rear, etudio ant., utila. furn.; $74.60 mo. OL. 2-7128. DU. 7-0312. DUPLEX AFT., nr lit and KannedT »t*. n.w.—Liv. rm., 1 bedrm.. Mt.. dinette, bath, nicely furn.; SR7 B 0 mo. CO 5-4047. —fl S.E.—3 rma.. bath: canr. to An draws. Bolllna and Naval Air. -I blk. to ahop. and bui. JO, 2-4910. —lO 2 furnished AFTS., cleanest in town. 320 D at. n.a„ LI. 3-2851. —8„ 3*oo CONN. AVE.. Apt. 107—Be*tit. furn. apt., ault. for cple. Liv. rm . bedrm., kit., din. and bath, incloaed porch for bed: *126: reatrlcted -Pldk- By appt . KM. 3-6215. —7- 4MOO GEORGIA AVE —Newly dec • bedrm.. Uw. rm.. dinette kit. and bath; all utile, incl. Suitable for 8 kir'a or cple. Call BA. 6-7377. 16th Alts.' COLUMBIA KD.—Spar new !y dec. 2-bedrm. apt.: 4 adults: well furn.: $125. SO K-8964. S Wth AND ONTARIO ED. N.W 1- bedrm. apt., air cond. avail , nicely furn . ldry. facil. EM. 2-814 S: HU. 3-6149. g 1141 Iwb ST. N.W—Lorely ca dency apt.; utila Incl.; S6O mo. HU. 3- JA. 8-6318 —9 #l9 6th ST. S.W.. $7 wk. up—l In 3 rooms. Child accepted. Completely furn. Utila. incl. ME. 8-5096. —9 FRONT AFT.i apt. bid*., 1604 Cue at. n.w.; 1 bedrm.. liv. rm., kit, and bath. *75. AD. 2-1895. —7 CAPITOL HlLL—Attr. llw. rm.. bed rm.. kit., bath.; nr. Sen Ofc. Bide ; SBS. IX2 C ,t. n.e., LI. 4-15/9. NB. DUFONT CIKCLE—L*e. rm', .2 lae. bedrms.. kit.. Ike. bath, utils linens furn.; ault. 3or 4. 1818 19th n.w.. CO. 6-0600 or AD. 2-9783. —7 134# OAK ST. N.W—Effle. Also 1 bedrm., liv. rm., kit.. 2 lge. elosets. Adults. TU. 2-8037. —7. CAPITOL HILL Cheerful. S-rm apt., neatly turn., $66 per mo. or $16.60 wkly. LI. 4-2584. —7 *6lB 17th ST. N.W., off Columbia rd.—l and 2 bedrms. apts.. 174.60 up. Mgr.. Apt. 1, AD. 4-0328. MT. PLEASANT, attrac. 4-rm. ap( ; close to all conv.; also lge. front rm.; rent reas.. DE. 2-4287. —8 MT. PLEASANT—Coiv small bsmt studio. Pvt. entr., pvt. bath and kitchenette. Redec with mod. colors New Hollywood bed. In a good bouse. 3319 17th st. n.w. —B. MT. PLEASANT. 1666 Laaotit st. n w.—Entr. halL liv. rm . kitchen, dinette, bedrm. and bath. $89:50 mo. Incl. utils. See Janitor to In spect —7 MT. PLEASANT. 1717 Kllboume al. n.w.— v> blk. from car terminal; 2-rm. ant. with pvt. bath; nicely turn.; suitable to adults. HU. 3- 92«4 — x. MOD. 2-RM. AFT. Bedrm. and kit. Clean and nicely furn. Rent reaa. Suit, for 2 adults. 104 13th st. n.e., U. 4-0592 —7- X-E.—2 and 3-rm. apte.. furn. for rent. 11l 3rd st. n.e. —7 GEORGETOWN EFFlClENCY—At tractively decorated, wall-to-wall carpeting, complete Pullman kitch en; sllO, Incl. utils. CO. 5-0622. —7" MT. PLEASANT COL. RD.-lSth— Redec.. 3 apts. Reduced Baby Con?, loc Also Md. home. $6,000. AD. 4- —l2 1156 NEWTON ST—Ltv. rm.. bed rm, pvt. bath, kit, scr. back porrh; utils, furn.; 2nd fl. CO. 6-5403. —7 S.E.—Lovely apt. for employed couple, modern Ist fl, pvt. entr.; good neighbors. LU. 4-7425. 4021 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W lie. spacious, very clean, liv. rm, bed rm, kit, nvt. bath, pvt. entr. Best transp. All utils, furn. $75 mo. TA. 9-0543. RA. 6-4641. —l2, AIR-CONDITIONED 2-bedrm apt.: beaut dec . new kit and bath. Ige. closets, 1842 16th st. n.w. —7 CONN. AND FLA. AVES—Ektra lge. liv. rm, bedrm, kit. and bttb: utils furn. Suitable 3 adults. AD 2-3869. —‘ 2145 CALIF. AT CONN—I snd 2 bedrm apts, tastefully furn : ex cel loc.; *IOO up. W 6. 6-2020. —J 4 ROOMS, nicely furnished: pvt. home, pvt. bath and entr.: 6 mt. north Ft. Belvoir. Va, *IOO mo ; all utils, furn, SO, 8-7012. —7; 604 2nd BT. S.E.--Bsmt. apt, nicely furn, 2 rms, pvt. entr. and bath, l S6O. LI 4-4236. —l2 1170 HAMILTON ST. N.W 3 rms, : liv. rm, bedrm, kit, bath, bsmt. apt. *65 mo conv. transp. RA 6- - 6491 —7 3075 16th BT. N.W—Effldenry apts. All Utils, incl . $65-S7O-$75 mo. B»* I RESIDENT MANAGER after 4 r m. EFFICIENCY APT, COOL, S6O. ! 1369 IRVING ST. N.W, MO. 1 7 * ,g71 - -11" ! GEORGETOWN, 3316 Prospect siT n.w.—2 apts, attrtc. furn duplex. 1 bedrm, lge. liv. rm . flrepl, book shelves. knotty-plne kit, modern bath, garden. $135. 2 bedrms . lge. ltv rm, flrepl, pine kit, mod bath, rear porch. $l5O. JA. 8-3523 —7 _ 2015 COLUMBIA RD. N.W. Off Conn, ave . Apt. I and Apt. *— Attrac 1 lge. rm, kit, pvt tiled bath, tastefully furnished: $67 50 mo Includes refgr. spd all unis. Open for Inspection 'til Bpm FED ERAL RENTAL CO , 915 N. Y. avt. _n w . NA. A-7418. AIR CONDITIONED FULLY AIR-COND. WITH INDIVID. AND AUTO. CONTROL. Delightfully furn. apt. In embassy : section, at Meridian Pk. All uttra f modern facilities. Also TV and ga ■ rage See to appreciate HILLTOP HOUSE. INC, 1475 Euclid st. n w. HP. 3-3402. —7 THE CAVALIER * 3500 14tb st. n.w, TU. 2-8600. l-bedrm. apt.. *BO .SO snd up; 2- ; bedrm spt.. $1(>2.60: spta. redec., : sun porch; good trsnsp.; 24-hr. ! switchboard snd elerstor service, j —IT j Connecticut Ave. Apt. One isrge bedroom snd efflciericT apartment svsilsble. Living room, dining lover, kitchen snd ba’K Modern kitchen snd built-in tub with tile shower; walk-in clOM I **. Tastefully snd completely fur nished. Venetion blind*: 24-hour switchboard snd elevator service. Also available. 2-bedroom apart ment, HO. 2-6674. EMBASSY APT. 1613 Harvard at. n.w.—Eff., lge. Uv. rm., mod. klt.-dinette,. bath. Plenty . of closet space. Air cond. Nicely furnished. -—7 ; DAY— WEEK —MONTH Rates for Transients and Semipermanent residents GLASSMANOR New neatly furn. garden aofs.; ! some completely equip . linens, ! dishes TV. etc 3-day mm. 2in Winthrop st. <off 4»oo, block Boutb Capitol st.) Mon -Fri . 9 a m to 8 p.m.. Sat.. 9 to 6. LO 7-6100. HOTEL"![44O 1440 Rhode Island n w.—Air-condi tioned 1 rm . Pullman kit . hath, comf. lor 2 people; $24.60-»3ft wk. 1322 15th SITN7w7~ Mid-city arts.: lovely 3 rm.«. bath, foyer. Walk downtown. *BS, ine> Utils. TA, 9-414 Q. NO. 7-611 113 SHIPLEY PARK Attractively furnished and redec orated. 1 and 2 bedrooms. Hv. rm., djnette. kit. and bath, lge rm . picture windows, ample elo«*t space, laundry facilities: conven ient to bus and shopping center: office on development. 3400 25th j si. s.e., JQ. 2-0135. J__ CONGRESS PARK 1365 SAVANNAH BT. BE. - SOUTHEAST INQUIRE ABOUT OUR FREE PICK UP SERVICE DURING THI J transit strike. 1 and 2 bedroom apts. furnished ! or unfurnished: $71.50 through ; *114.60. including all utiliUes I Open Monday through Friday o to 9: Saturday. 9 to 6: Sunday. ! 11 to 6. JO. 2-0161 JO. 2-0152 'j I 1112 16th ST. N.W. ' ! OPPOSITE THE STATLER HOTEL !;Nicelv furn.. modern bldg., elevator i and switchboard service Bee res mgr. on premises or call NA. 8- 0933 J A McKEEVKR CO INC 1732 K St. N.W. ST. 3-KJOO l6ooT6tirsTTN7w. AIR-CONDITIONED Beautifully furnished efficiency apt. in modern elevator bldg., nr. transp.; secretarial service; I avail able now at only s9ft. incl. utils.; ! others avail August J. See MR? I FAR WEI.L for inspection or call | NO. 7-0600 —fl NEW FURNISHINGS RICHMAN APTS. 1100 Trenton PI. S.E. 1-Bedroom $95;00 NEWLY DECORATED 1 Immediate occupancy In modern bldg., close tn bu*. ahnpmnc ren ter. movie*: convenient to Bolling Field. Andrews Field and St Eliza beths Hospital, storage and laun dry facilities. (INCLUDE® ALL UTILR ) Rental Agent. Mr. Hall, Apt. ]O2 JO. J -7894 DIRECTIONS Out, Nichols ave. to Alabama ave., left about 6 blocks to 11th pi., right to addvegs. —n