ATH. HJ*N.—P.C (Cat.) Conn. Avt.-Calvert Area 1 ••IT Ma pi.I oxtranaly ale* • rat., kit. sad bath. modern b»mt. apt. with net. front and rear en- ■ EffiT; fffeag- f ogy™’ DI : PLEASANT HILLS SB6 AND UP Acent at let and Tsrlor flte. N.E. j > tiftty * bon m 8-3668 RA 3-2400 Dwntn. Bachelor Apt. Moot convenient elevator bide. Suit able for bualneae person. $68.16 Includes all utilities. Apple Jani tor. USB 11th at. n.w. NA. 8-0580 Prayfuea Broa. 1018 16th St. N.W. Fairfax Village Apts. 2001 38th ST. B.S. See Ad. Under ApU. Unfurn.. D. C. ; 1724 17th ST. N.W. 1 and 2 bedrms.. liv. rm., kit., and hath. Ho__2-8793. —8 THE CHESAPEAKE 4807 CONN. AVE. N.W. Efficiency, nlcelv furn.. Immediate occupancy. Call EM. 2-1200. 2800 WOODLEY RD. AIR-CONDITIONED Furn.. 1 b«drm.. It*, rm.. dinette, kit. and bath; secretarial awttch hoard service, receiving room and all utils, inel.: $l5O per mo.; *a- , rage space avail. Call MR. DAVIS Tit NO. 7-5131. —8 COLORED—I74S EUCLID ST. N.W. —1 and 2 rms. kitchen, private hath; in tlev. bide.; utila. incl. See tanitor. —-0 rOI.OSED NEATLY FURNISHED 1 rm bedrm. apt.: accept 1 child.: >13.60 Wk. AD. 4-8248. —7 APTS FURNISHED—MO. SILVER rm*.. kIT. bath; H blk. Georgia ave. bus: 2 bias. Hecht’a. Adults. JU. 9-*825 TAKOMA PK—Attr. well furn. 1- . bedrm.. Ilv. rm.. kit., tile bath. pvt. entr.; nr. East-West bwv. and •tore*. 7 Lee ave.. JU. 7-5549 ADJOINING CAMPM OF U. oFMP j —1 bedrm.. liv. rm., kit. and? bath. Call WA 7-3990. —l2 1 HYATTS.—Ist fl.. 2 rms.. pvt. bath and entr.. utila., porch, yard; j conv tranap. and shopping; adults only; SSO. WA. 7-5520. —8 , SILVER STRING—One-bedrm. unite 1 in Sligo Creek Park. Sep. dinette, tood closet space, nice kit., cross ventilation, laund. and storage , faclls.. TV antenna. From $79. 1 lncl. utils. JU. 7-7372. —7 TAKOMA FAEK—Lae. Ilv. rm.. din. rm.. 2 bedrms.. kit., bath; newly dec.; pvt. entr.: adults only: SBS plus utils. JU 7-9138. —7 MAM. AV*. N.W.; sßo—2 lovely tge. rm*.. lge. kit., flrepl . pvt. •ntr. No children. OL. 2-3541 BSMT. ErriC. AFT.; convenient to transp.; TV: suit. 1 or 2; $55; mo. JO. 8-4322. —7 I MT- RAINIER—AP. 7-2935. One rm., lge. kit. and bath, elec., gas and heat turn., no linen or kit. i Ptonslla: S6O month. —8 j NR. WALTER REED —Bsmt. effic. i apt.; pvt. entr. and shower; utils.; Incl.: $65 mo. JU. 6-4588. —8 NICELY FURN. TERRACED AFT.— Television included. Liv. rm.. din rm.. kit., bedrm. and bath, pvt . < entr., nice yard and trees: nr. shopping center, nice neighborhood, use of laundry room. Adults. SIOO me., util*, furn. 8207 Greenwood I ave., Takoma Park, Md.. JU. 8-2054. —7 TAKOMA FARR—Two uedrms., liv ing-dinette comb., elec. kit., freeser- 1 mgr., pvt. showar. utils., linens, silver, phone; SIC 6. JU. 6-4688.! 8 I 9ILVER STRING—Two-bedrm. apts.j in Sligo Creek Park. Picture win-: down, cross ventilation; nr. trade j school and Blair High, ronvenientj to Walter Reed Hospital; laund.; and storage faclls.. TV antenna.') From SB7, incl. utila. JU. 7-7372. DISTRICT HEIGHTS APTB. “I, 3 and 2 bedrooms Cool suburban * surroundings: medern. attractive j furniture: from SBI.KO up. incl. alii utils. For *nformation. call RE. 6- 8001. $ F g O, INC. RENTAL AO ENT SEE IT—BELIEVE IT s NEWLY FURNISHED FOR YOU • 1 Rosemary Apts. Met. Washington’s Finest 2-Bedrm. Furnished Apts. Luxurious Living Plus Free Swimming Pool TV AVAILABLE 1929 EAST-WEST HWY. , JU. 8-1170—JU. 8-4313 Writs, Phone for , Free Brochure BEAUTIFUL 1 ROCK CREEK , GARDENS NEWLY FURNISHED AT MODEST RENTALS i •horning center and restaurant on < premises; on D. C. line, near Rock Creek Park. CALL JU. 5-4030 RENTAL OFFICE ON PREMISES AT * 8327 GRUBB RD. SILVER SPRING. MD OPEN SATURDAYS. WEEKDAYS 9 TO 5 Directions: Out 15th st to East-West . hwy.. left to Grubb rd and left to J office, or out Conn, ave.) right on East-West hwv. to Orubb rd.. tight to offlee , MANAGING AGENTB EIG & McKEEVER i KAYWOOD GARDENS 4101 KAYWOOD PLACE MOUNT RAINIER. MD. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Ju*t terns* the District line. 1 bus! fare, convenient to shopping center; and theater: excellent bus faeili-l ties * 1 Comfortably furn. apt. consisting of! reception hall, liv rm. dinette.! bedrm. kit. and bath. slos in cluding utilities. i AVAILABLE AUGUBT 16 v Nicely furn. apt . consisting of re ception ball, liv rm.. dinette. 2 bedrm*.. kit. and bath; $124 20. incl. utilities. t Plenty of narking, lovely ground* Apply In person. WA. 7-5200. —8 AUS FURNISHED—VA. ■ 1 ] H. ARL.— 2 bedrm*.: newly deco rated; close to Pentagon and shop ping: utilities end phone; $125 month. Call JE. 2-3581 or J*. ' 4-3985. —8 ARL.—Bed-living rm.. lge. kit.. I pvt. bath and entr.; conv. to buses; 1 $65. Jo. 7-2660. —6 I AVAILABLE NOW—I bedrm : newly |1 redecorated; furn. apt., adjacent to Ft. Mytr. Apply Apt. 2. 118! 8 Court House rd.. Arl. —lO j, ARL.—4 turn, rms.: cony. loc. to bus. shopping and theater, 16 min > to Pentagon and D. C. Call JA. , 2-6466: after 6. RA. 3-2118. —Bj ALEXANDRlA—Efficiency and 1- bedroom apartments; janitor serv-j Ice. laundry privileges; downtown; location: all utilities: $76 to 1 $92.60. Call TE. 0-6670 between 10 am. and 5 pm. ARL. —Two bedrm*.. beaut, new; Turn.; 10 min. from Pentagon;l $136 mo., utils Incl. JA. 7-B*“3. OL. 5-4477. —7 LIV. RM.. bedrm.. kttchenette. lull bath: SBO mo. Util* turn Refined; adults. Available Aug. 10. JA. 7-- 2586. —6 ARLINGTON. SOUTH—I bedrm., liv. j rm.. kitchen and bnth; S9O For ? couple. OT. 4-9328. —7 ALEX.. VA.—Sublet Aug. lftth-Jan. Ist. congressional couple* 2-bed-!! rm garden apt., util incl. Park-; falrfax. Alex.. Va ; $l6O. TE 6-8620, NA. 8-3120. Ext. 7i9, - 8 ALEXANDRIA i 1 SHIRLEY DUKE APARTMENTS 1 4613 DUKE ST. ALEXANDRIA FREE INFORMATION MAILED YOU TODAY! j CALL KI. 8-5100 ! , Inquire About the Attractive Furn. Apartment Plan SINGLE APPLICANTS ACCEPTED UNFURNISHED 1 BEDRM., $66 to $68.00 2 BEDRMS., 75.00 to 77.50 INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES EXCEPT ELECTRICITY Rental office open 7 day* each week j Mon through Fri., 830 a m to 8 » m : Sat. W. 30 am. te A p.m.; 1 tun., 10 a.m. to 0 pm. Am. FUEN.—VA. (am.) If. ARL. - Cool, beautifully deco rated: 1 bedrm.. Ilv. rm,, dinette, kit., bath; 9*460 mo. JE. 3-7648. POMPONK) * FURNISHED 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS Convenient JA. 2-3295 JA. 7-6660 Immediate Occupancy Beautifully furnished, clean, 1 and 2 bedroom ants., in modern LARCH MONT GARDENS, nearby Arling ton. Large room*, spaeiojs lawns, recreational and playground facil ities. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Also Unfurnished Apts. RES. MGR., JA. 7-0300 Larchmont Gardens South Frederick St. at Columbia Pike APTS. UNFURNISHED—P~ 1- and efficiency apt. De sirable location. DE. 2-6816. —7 GEORGETOWN.-2530 Que *t. n.w— Two 2-bedrm. apt*, in apt. bldg. Ooen Apts 32 and 21. RE. 7-3215. GEORGETOWN—I bedrm., mod. kit. Bath; finer residential street; $96 Dav. JA. 8-8700; eve . TU. 2-2952 DOWNTOWN. 1116 Mass. ave. n.w —Newly restored building. 1-bed rm. apt. available. reasonable rental. VINNICK A COHEN. 1404 L st. n.w ME 8-2294. —5 COPLEY COURTS. 1514 17th »t. n.w.—2 rm*.. kit. and bath: cor ner apt.: SBO mo. inel. util*. 24- hr. switchboard and elevator aerv lce, new stove and refer. E. QUINCY SMITH. INC. Call Resi dent Manager. DE. 2-0300. —6 4319 GA. AVE v N.W—4. rm*.. kit. and bath apt. with rear yard; $62.50. Call NA. 8-8093. —6 209# H ST. N.W—2-bedrm. apt., nr GW. SBS. Key with Janitor. NA. 8-8093. —6 *Mt O ST. N.W.—3 rms.. kit. and bath apt. $69.50. Key with! lan.itor or call NA. 8-8093 —6 i * BEDROOMS. $75 mo. Includes' utilities. S.e. Cali OL. 4-0362. —5 \ j 1916 16th ST. S.E. —1 bedrm.. liv. ! rm.. dinette, kit . bath; $66. RES. | MGR . LU. 1-7485 —7 DELAFIELD FL. N.W.. .301 23- i unit bids.: 1 bedrm., Ilv. rm , di ; nette. kit . bath; $65. RES. MGR.. RA 6-5617. —7 DUPLEX APT., newly dec : 3 rms . kit.and bath. $75 mo. Heat incl. no. of 16th and H n.e. See to appreciate. LI. 7-9661. —ll LIV. RM.. bedrm . kitchen, dinette and bath; all utilities. 4817 14th 251* nth ST. N.W., off Col.*"rd.— Lge elfic . tiled bath, kit . porch: S6O: parking avail. AD. 4-0328 —8 CAPITOL BILL, conv. to many fed.' bldgs. Clean apt. bldg., ideal Govt girls, efficiency., S6O; 1 bedrm $79.95; utils incl ; air Condition i Ing avail.: Immediate occupancy, i 247 Del. ave. g.w. EX. 3-8170. —9 X. CAPITAL AT HAWAII AVE. N.E. i —Modern 8-family bldg*. Choice of Ist or 2nd floor. 2 room*, kitch , enette. bath. Lockers and laun ; dry On hr $53.50 incl heat and i hot water. Also 6-ft. refrigerator. ! STEUART BROS.. INC. DI ?- 2434. DI. 7-8596. —6 CONN. AVE. AFT.. 3 bedrm* 2 baths, din. rm.. kit., lge. foyer comp, remodeled and redec. HO. 2- ! 0674 BEACON AFT*., 1801 Calvert *t Elevator; l and 2 bedrm. apts.; liv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen, bath; balcony. EM. 3-9077. 91* 18th ST. N.W., Downtown loca : tion. Efficiency 1 room, kitchen- I ette. bath. BEVERLY COURT*. 1730 Columbia; i rd. n.w.—2 bedrms. liv. rm.. din.' rm.. kit. and bath, porch, beauti i fully redecorated. Key at No. 109 ! Call MR SIMS at RA. 3-8441 for ; information. —lO BEAUTIFUL NEW AFT.. »e. area: 1 conv. to everything. Call day*. JU.; 9-3240: eve*., JU. 8-2669. MR I JERRY. —lO ! 516 2nd ST. N.W—Nice, light apt : 3 rm*.. kitchenette, nvt. bath; in: j small, well-kept bldg.; only 2 ten > ants in bldg., ideal for couple em r Jloved downtown. All utils, furn. ■ Only $55 per mo. McCREA EQUIP MENT CO . RE 7-3424. —l7 2110 20th ST. N.W.—2 rms . kit i and bath: lust redecorated; Bhore i nam Hotel vicinity; $72.60 per mo Incl. utils. See Janitor on prem ! ,»es or call DE. 2-3600. —7 1 1303 RANDOLPH ST. N.W.—l rm . kit and bath: $46.28: and a corner apt.. 2 rms.. kit. and bath. *OO per month. Janitor on prem • fses or call DE. 2-3000. —7 1135 R ST. N.W.—2 rms. kit. J bath and porch: Apt. 3: SSO per mo. 3 ran., kit., bath, porch; Apt.! i 41: $50.40 per mo. Open for in-; i spection or call DE. 2-3600. —7l 2105 ISth ST. N.W., nr Columbia; J rd—3 rms. and bath; entire 2nd; i E.i $67 50. NO. 7-4646. RA. 6-4055 \ 2537 39th ST. S.l.—Large ltvT’Vm J ! bedrm. kit. dinette, bath: newly j dec.: new Venetian blind*; S7O. all i util*, incl. LU. 1-2051. —7 INI WYOMING N.W Spaelou, bsmt. apt. In excellent bldg at; low rent to suitable tenant. 2,: large rms.. kitchen, dinette, bath., 4 large cloaets; newly decorated. 322 *th ST. N.E.—Entire 2nd~'f! . 3 room*, kitchen, bath. May be; seen Sunday. —7 i 1735 POTOMAC AVE. S.E 4-room apt. and bath ; utils, incl.; *7O mo. LI. 6-0247. —8 I*o3 11th ST. N.W.—Newly dec. 1 bedrm ; $56.60. and 2 bedrm* . S7O Bee MANAGER. Apt 1 —7 1713 E ST. N.E., NO. I—3 rm*., kit . bath, porch: 152 60. DUVALL A CO. NA $-1149 *• 2912 O ST. N.W.—Bachelor apt . 2 rm*. and bath: refer, and hotplate See janitor, on premise*. Apply AMERICAN BECURITY A TRUST CO.. BT. 3-5000. —7 NEAR PA. AVE. BRIDGE—I bedrm . liv. rm.. dinette, kit. and bath: i conv location: $62.60, plus util*. Directions: Aero** Pa. Ave. Bridge, right on Fairlawn ave to 1412 Yeung st. s.e. LU. 2-4960. —l7 1471 CHAPIN ST. N.W.. near Me ridian Hill Park—Apt. bldg ; 2 room*, fully eauinped kit and bath. Newly dec.: heat and hot water furn.: $62.50 per mo. Key with! Janitor. WM J. DAVIS. INC. *ooj H st. n.w.. NA 8-3566. —7 1636 MASS. AVE. S.E.. 2nd Boor—, 7 rms.. kit and bath: inclosed! porch, garage; range, refgr. and ! util*, furn. Reasonable. LI. 4-7576. —7 WALTER REED AREA. In apt bide :; lge. 3 rms. kit., bath, pc.h.: newly dec.; Jst fl.; $95 RA. 3-1505 'THI* m TOIIK I.WCKY BBFAK —r ; Oniy $63.60. incl. heat and hot water, for thi* fine and tfteerfuH ! on«-bedroom apt. Oust newly dec-: 1 orated) with Urge dining area and ' nice room arrangement in a nulet; 1 and convenient area; only ** block! i to express transportation. See re* j rrgr., 44 Forrester *t. *w. No l. j JO. 2-6677 or SHANNON At LUCHS; ! CO, 774 14th st. n.w.. NA 8-2345. 2074 NAYLOR RD. *.l— Ju*t off l Minn. ave.. near Pa. ave. Large! modern 1-bedroom *pt. Immediate)' occuupancy, $65 mo plus utilities. I BIDNEY Z. MENSH A CO NA 8-6440 —7 | 4216 2nd *T. N.W.—Modern 1-bed.; room apt.. large living room un-l u*al large bedroom, large kitchen, and dinette, private parking. Front! and rear entrance*. $76 mo. plus' utilities. SIDNEY Z MENSH A 1 CO. NA. 8-6440. —7 ! 2633 ADAMS MILL RD., Nr 18th and Columbia.—Bedrm. lge. liv.:, rm., din. foyer, lee. kit., walk-lnl closets; newly dec.; $75. Janitor on premise*. NO. 7-2785 or ME 8-6790 weekday* —7 I BASEMENT APT.—I room. kit. and bath, pvt, entrance nr. Catholic Univ . rent reasonable, utils, incl ! Call LA. 0-5093 —7 ' THE LAMBERT. 1791 Lanier Pl. ! Nr, 18th and Col. rd.. 2 bedrms . | lee. liv. rm., kit. and bath. $75. ! Key with janitor. EM. 3-5962. _ —9 MAC ARTHUR BOIXEVaRD. 4554 : —2 bedrmr. Ilv. rm . kit and bath ! Conv. to everything; $72.50. Open ; Sun, —7 DOWNTOWN, 720 11th *t nw a_ 1 3 rms.. kit. and bath. $75. DU-; VALL A CO . NA 8-1149 8* PLEASANT HILLS — I bedrm apt.: I i Catholic U. vie : 6 mos lease avail.; i Bus route, auto. Idrv. TU. 7-3906! —8 j ONE riFDRM lge. hr rm ar,d| bath. 1640 Park rd. nw $72,501 ! Incl. utils. CO. 5-8537 «r DI 2- —l7 GLOVER PARK -Mod liv. rm , bed-| rm dinette, kit., bath, screened, porch, bus at doom: 2 adults; SIOO. EM. 3-0061. 4024 Calvert at. n.w.j 2931 FLA. AVE.. cor Conn ~Uill ! apt.: excel, loc., refgr. only; SSO. ! *WO. 0-2020 —7 '2031 FLA. AVE., cor Conn —Studio ; and bedrm apt.: very desirable loc. ) 405-170 WO 6-2020 *—7 7816 CONN. AVE., nr. Bheridan Pk 1 ! —1 bedrm and studio apt.' desir , location S7O-$76. WO. 0-2020. —7 ;424 CONDON TER. 5.F... nr Bolling, Field—-3 rm* . bath in 4-yr -old duplex bldg. $77.60 mo plus utils ! EM 3-5678 or JO 7-3840 - 8 ROLLING FIELD AREA. 4th and At lantle. st r . * e.—A real monev-aaver at S6O 60 and $79.60 (all utilities incl.i. yet these one ond two bed rm. apts. have excellent room sites, nice kitchens and random oak flooring plus good closet space and cross ventilation; basement, laun dry and storage; express transp. at door Mr Dennison, mgr.. JO. 2- 9847. 3945 4th *t. *e. SHAN- I NON A LUCHS. 724 14th at. n.w I NA 8-2345. BOLLING FIELD AREA. 2800 2nd ; *t. s.e—-Redec.: 3 rm*.. kitchen. 1 bath and screened porch: $75 mn . i incl. util*. Phone Mr. Yount, with FRANK 8 PHILLIPB. EM. 3-2279 1567 GOOD HOPE RD. 5.E.—2 rm* . kitchen, dinette bath heat and gas; $64.60. E P SCHWARTZ INC . DI 7-6710 or Mr Kramer, JU. 6-6975 —7 317 DECATUR *T. N.W. —3 rm* bath (i bedrm.), porch; $61.76 monthly. ROGER MOBB. HO 2- 6020. —7 IfATH. U. VlC.—Attrac.. clean: Ilv ( rm., dinette, bedrm.. kit . *rr. pch can furnish Call AD, 2-7583. —l2 NEAR ROLLING FIELD 3O days' ' free rent: unu*. large 2-hedrm. ant | Pl*varound faclls Janitor and 1 washing. Applv 1112 Savannah at. • «.. or JO. 2-7256. —7 a APTS. UNPURN., D. C (Cmt.) MT. rLBAIANT. 1065 iAßoat at. nw— N,wly d«.; S rat., kitchen, dinette and bath apt.; *BS ran. See Janitor on preml*„. —7 KRXTON AFT*., 2714 Quarry rd. n.w.—2 bedrmi.. Ur. rm.. kit, hath: newly dec.; Ideal Inc.; Incl. utila and Janitor service. A. 8. ICON. OMON. JU. 7-*42». —A WFAVI* APTS., 1473 Irving at. n.w. —Living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bath; redecorated: new re frigerator: Venetian blind,; *BO month. Inquire realdent manager. Ant. 21. —7 518 ETC ST. N.W.—Spaelou, 3-rm.. ki'rhen, both apt.; *58.50 mo. Soe Janitor to in,pect. —7 M NEW YORK AVI. N.W.. Apt. 2 Redec.; 3 rm*. and bath aPt.: *58.50 month Phone Mr. Yount, with PRANK 8. PHILLIPS, BM. 3-2278. GEORGETOWN EPFIC-. full kit In apt. bldg., nice loc.: *78.50, utils. Day. JA. 8-8700: eve,.. TU. 3-2852 CONN. AVE.. 3432—1-bedrm. apt.. In apt blda. Special Aug. rate. *BO. RA. 0-8161. EM. 2-8068. ——7 3 . MS., kit. and bath: util,. Incl : *75 mo. 4420 7th at. n.w.. TU. 2-5954. . —7 45*4 IOWA AVE. N.W.—2 rmg , kit oath: *«3 Incl. heat. R. R. RUP PERT. M. 3-8484., —7 1814 N. JCAPITOL 4 rag., kit., bath: *82.50. incl. heat. R. R. RUPPKRT, 1017 7th at. nw. —7 500 3rd ST. N.W.—3 rm«. kit., bath: *SO. Incl. heat. R. R. RUP PERT. 1017 7th jt. n.w. —7 OFF THOMAB ClßCLE—Living rm . bedrm.. kitchen, bath, modern apt. Just redecorated: *72.50. CO. 5- .•1533. DI. 7-8700. —ll GEORGETOWN. 2511 Que »t. n.w.— Effic apt : *75. utila. and «ecre tarlal aervlce, Incl. DE. 2-1811. DUPONT CIRCLE AREA—Bedroom, living room corner, newly deco rated: also efficiency. RE. 7-8299. 4215 2nd BT. N W—Large liv. rm„ larae bedroom, kitchen-dinette, com bined. bath, lit floor: 4 closet,, large yard and barking atea. For Information, call NA. 8-2457 or TA. 9-9882. —T 1307 12th ST. N.W.—'Two rmg klt., bath; *55. One rm., kit... bath: *38.50. Elevator blda. Call mar.. Dtl. 7-7163 . —;« SHORT WALK CAPITOL—Lov.. clean j lat-8. apt.: 2 rms. and bath: all I conv,.: 601 C at. n.e. LI. 4-nOJ!i. Mil TUCKERMAN ST., Westbury Apt,—l bedrm., will be dec- *.6; alsc effic. apt., *6O. RA. 3-5001 or JU. 8-4160. --7 tat FLR. APT.. 2 lge. rm,.. dinette. , ktt. and bath, heat furn : adult, only. *7O mo. 1941 Vermont ave. n.w. AD 2-4610. —7 *l* DOUGLAS ST. N.E. <3 blka. north 4th and R. J.>—Two arge. bright room,, sop. dining alcove, screened porch, redec., oil heat and hot water for *02.50 Incl. refgr. Key at No. 2. STEUART BROS., INC DI. 7-8005 or DI. 7-2434.-7 1510 HOLBROOK ST. N.E. <3 blkt. north 15th and H). Modern «- family blda- delightful corner 2-rm. apt- hut and hot water for *53.50. well-euuip. kit. Incl. 6-ft refgr. STEUART BROS- INC- DI. 7-2434. DI. 7-8005. —7 I 1451 PARK ROAD N.W.—Attractive bedroom, llvlna room, kitchenette.i dinette and bath apartment, 5.5, monthlv. Including utilities: aim] big llvine room. 2 bedroom,, kitch-! enette. dinette and bath, lust re decorated. *OO monthly, lncludjni; utilities. ! *149 loth ST. N.W.—Several jlie«:| 1 rm kitchenette, dinette, dr. c10,.| and bath. *72 50 per mo ; 2 lie j rm,.. kitchenette, dinette and bath., *9O per mo : 3 lge. rm,.. kitchen ette. dinette and bath. *lls per mo.: and living rm- dining rm kit- 3 bedrm,. aod 2 bath,. *IOO per mo Adolv ,wttchboard. —. NEW. MODERN, downtown, elev. bldg, with ,un deck. bsmt. gar, avail.; ideal employed girls and couples: new. mod. furn.. beautiful spaelou, bedrm. apt. *lO9 50: ef ficiency. *89.60. 1825 T Jt. nv„ AD 4-0270. _ . CAPITOL HILL—l«t « S cool j spac rm,. hiah cell- lovely lge kit. pink bath, aarden. LI. 8-8134. IHO* MINTWOOD PL. N.W.—2 bed.;' ! rra am. elev. blda. nr. 18th and, Columbia rd Avail, immed . *102; per mo. Janitor on oremieeg i AMERICAN SECURITY ft TRUST! i CO. BT. 3-6000. -7 | ISIS COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—Bach ! elor aot.: avail Intmed. *SO per ngo AMERICAN SECURITY ft TRUST CO . 8T 3-6000. 7 '1741 2*lll ST. S.E.—Lovely 1 bed rm., redec., *72.50. utila. Included, i see resident manager. Apt. ion ; LU 3-0154 —l2 , 700 CHESAPEAKE ST. S.E. Large, light, airy apt,. Uv rm . bedrm- b«th. *62.50 2-bedrm , i apt- *74 .50. Be,, manager will j •how or call u, for tran,portatlon ! MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO | 1224 14th St. N.W. AD. 4-20051 3032 QUE ST—(Oeoractownl *. b«lrm. apt,, utilities ini. *llO up '4BOI 3rd N.W.—3 bedrm. apt- heat J incl- *07.50 : 11314 ORREN 5.1.-1 rm,. kit. bath, porebe *45.50 L T ORAVATTE ' ! 1518 K St Realtor NA. 8-0.83 ! 519 4th ST. N.W. Conv. downtown location. Efficiency : ant, . 1 rm. kit. and bath i Air Conditioner !fD««ired Priced Low, *54 to *02.50 Month See Resident Manager, or Apply WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP 931 H St. N.W. NA. 8-4818 , 330 ADAMS ST *l-4 rm,. kit , and bath, redec.; *56 ! ! 1717 E Capitol et.—2 rm,. kit and bath; *45. I ,2501 N «t ~e.—2. —2 rm, . kit. and i bath, -edec.: *7O Incl. utIU. See i Janitor. . ... _ . 410 11th «t re—4 rm«- kit. and bath. rrcW ; $56. HARRISON k ADAMS, NA. 5-MOP 2712 WIS. AV«7~N^ 2 Rooms Kit.. Bath. 4116 l»t ST. 8.1. 5 Rooms. Kit.. Bath: $#5.60. 1009 17th 8T N.I. 2 Rooms. Kit.. Bath; $55. 1367 K SJE. 2 Room* Kit. Bath: $55 CALL MR. DUVALL, DI. ROOSBVBLT~G ARDENS 413 TO 429 17th ST. NI 1 BEDROOM *67.65-*65.60 NEWLY DECORATED FJr«t and second floor apartment* availablv now. Liv. rm.. kit . din . 1 se.r. porch; heat and hot water fur nished. To inspect. *ee janitor, rear 419 17th at.. LI 4-4507. j 1 B F SAUL CO m J ,926 15th St. NW NA. 5-2100 j I NEAR CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY j I 709 QUINCY ST N.I, APT. 2 $66 60 ,'Livinf room, bedroom. dinette.! ! kitchen, bath, screened porch. «ra* j heat Apt. in «ood condition Im mediate posaesslon Key in Apt. 4 B. F SAUL CO j 925 15th St. N.W. NA. 5-2100 ! 674 rcoMtoDO AViTn: hide . air cooled corridas. 1 | bedrm.. liv. rm.. dinette, kit. and ! bath. SB3 50. incl> all utila. See | Janitor for inspection. ! 2504 14th ST N.W. Nice apt . in ! elev. bld« . 4 rooms, kit. and bath, ' newly decor • SBO per mo See i Janitor or elevator operator for j Inspection. j 2225 N 8T N.W . 1 bedrm.. liv , rm . kit. and bath newly decor. $55 25 per mo Also. 2-bedroom ! apts $07.50. See janitor for in- I spection. ;004 F ST N.W. Several nice apts. 2 room*, kit. share bath. 140 per mo. Key in Apt. 4. HENRY J. ROBB. INC. 1024 Vermont Ave. N.W. DI. 7-8141 —8 1 BEDROOM. MODERN. 904.95 2 rms.. kit.-dinette, bath. acr. rear ' porch, close to shopplnx. 3004 Nichols Ave. S W . Apt. 3 WASHINGTON REALTY. RA. 3-8300; —7 j N.W., LOW RENTAL—*6I.3O 2 rms.. kit., bath; heat, not water ( incl. Redecorated. j 1101 Euclid St NW . Apt. 3 WASHINGTON REALTY. RA. 3-8300 j 2 BEDRMS.. REDUCED. *82.60 ! Almost new bids.. close to bus and j ‘hopping, large rm* : all util*. Incl. 950 SOUTHERN AVI SB. APT. B 1 lAt Wheeler Rd, and Southern Ave WASHINGTON REALTY. RA. 3-8300 _____ ~7_ N.W.-—ADULTS 'Lovely *pt.. *crox* from Rock Creek Pk ; utilities Incl.. »75. 10301 1 Hth 8t N.W. Res, Mgr.. 204 WABHINOTON REALTY. RA. 3-8300 »,W~l BEDROOM. #65 2l« Upshur st.. Apt. 206—Heat. , h w Incl.: redec.; vacant. WASHINGTON REALTY. RA 3-8300 2 BEDRMS —DOW NTOWN—-$53~" ' ! 1317 R I Ave. N.W . Apt . I AND 2 BEDROOMS (With 1 snd 2 Bath*i MRS WINYALL. TA. 9-8127 Resident Manager on Premises 12 Till 0 P M SHAPIRO INC. OWNERB-BUILDERB 1413 K St. N.W. ME. 8-1717 BRIGHTWOOD CTST 6320 Bth st. n w.—Liv. rm., bed rm . kit pnd bath; 970; utils, incl. Desirable apt. In conv. located apt bldg.; newly decorated Equip, with new 8-cu. ft. freezer top Westing ! _hou*e refgr. EM. 2-8063 —7 ' HOMESTEAD APTS. 812 Jefferson st. n.w.—l rm.. kit., * ! dinette and bath; $07.50: 2 rms. ' kit., dinette and bath: $76 and SBO Rentals incl. all utils. Newly dec : avail, immed Elevator bldg, with carpeted air-cooled halls Good transp and shopping EM. 2-8003. —7 PARKWAY 2315 LINCOLN RD. N.E. Large efficiency apt. with huge dressing room, separate dinette and - kitchen; including utilities. 952 60. One-bedroom apartment, parquet fl* Including utilities; 977.60 and up. For further information, see janitor on premises. OR CALL R. A. HUMPHRTVS S Max,. N W.. Realtor, NA, » J«(I II) ACTS. UNFUKNISHIP—P. C. STOP LOOKING! YOU’VE FOUND THK SPOT THK GRANITE STATE 1731 New Hampshire Ave. Efficiencies With Completely Modernized Kitchens $82.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED And You Can Walk to Work RES MGR HO 2-6161 BFODII-MANCHESTER At CO DI. 7-6022 OL. 4-7042 THE ELAINE 3210 WIS. AVE. N.W. OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL In this modern. 8-story, elevator building, with awttrhboard service and AIR CONDITIONING. 2-BEDRM. 2-BATH APTS INCLUDING UTILS.. *lB6 UP SEE RES. MOR. ON PREMISES OR CALL R. A. HUMPHRIES 2 Mass. N.W.. Realtor. NA. 8-5020 1310 N. Hampshire Ave. Apt. 34—2 bedrms. liv. rm.. kit. snd bath; very fine in-town loca tion: low rental of *78.60 See Janitor on premises. Avail. Aug. 10. J. A. McKEEVER CO. INC. 1732 X BT. N.W. ST. 3-8800 ~Alir CONDITIONED FULLY AIR-COND. WITH INDIVID AND AUTO CONTROL. Embassy section st Meridian Fk. All ultra-modern facilities, also TV and garage. See to appreciate. HILL TOP HOUSE. INC.. 1475 Euclid st. n.w HU. 3-3402 —7 COLUMBIA APTS. 14th and Oirard Sts. N.W. Available in automatic elevator building, close to transportation, schools churches and stores. I room. kit. and bath, from SSO up Large efficiencies, from *SO up Rents Include Utilities See Mr Langley at 002, 1405 Oi rard st. J. A. McKEEVER CO, INC j 1732 K FT. N.W. ST. 3-8800 j "GOOD"HOPE HILCs” Vic Naylor Rd. snd 30th St. S.E. 3-bedrm apt., suitable for adults« i and children over 12 yrs. old: cross ventilation: ample closets: j conv. transp. and shopping facili- J tie* elec washer and drier avail-! i able: also storage lockers. ! RENT $95. INCL. UTILS 1 Apply In person to rental mgr j Apt. 1. 2900 30th st. s.e. or call ! LU 1 -3300 —7 CRESCENT > HILL 2 Bedrooms, From $84.50 Large newly decorated apu. with mod. kit., and bath: 30-in. cooling fan* and large separate dinettes. Rent Incl. all utils. Resident man ager. Mrs. Edwards. 306 37th st • «. LU. 1 -1908 (37th st. bet. Ridge * rd. and Ely pi. s.e.). H. G. SMITHY CO. SJI 15th St. N.W. ST. 3-:t.100 “southern” - HILLS “YOU’LL LOVE IT” 300 Livingston Ter. S.E. One. 2 and 3 bedrm* . well-planned kitchen*, oodle* of eloaet .space; 2 and 3 exposures; cross ventilation: newly decorated. Larse efficiencies with full kitchen and bath; nursery school on prem ise*. sitter group: schools within walking distance; bus to parochial 4 school Short bus ride from Pa. ave. and 10th st. tLIVINGTON BU8) brings you to your door where cool breeses blow from all directions. WE INVITE COMPARISON Office hours 9 to 6 weekdays. Sat. and Bun. by appt. JO. 3-6797 PRICE RANOE FROM SOS TO $lO9 I Utilities Included —« DOWNTOWN J Air-Conditioned Sherry Towers 2117 E St. N.W. OPPOSITE NEW STATE DISTANCE TO MOST GO Effic., from $89.50 Lge. 12>25 LI. Rm. 25x12 7x13 Kitchen and Dinetta 13x17 7xß Dressing Closet FURNISHED EFFIC] Westinghouse cross-to] range, master TV antenna ridors and other features ti RESIDENT MANAGI BT. 9*6867 FIRST SHOWING WINCHESTER. TAKOMA Section 2 NEW DE LUXE APARTMENTS Takoma Park* Only 6-STORY BUILDING—3 ELEVATORS 1 LARGE BEDROOM. -.579.50 up 2 LARGE BEDROOMS.. $109.50 up BEAUTIFUL. LARGE LOBBT SPACIOUS ROOMS, LARGE CLOSETS. CORNER WINDOWS. COLORED TILED BATHS. BRIGHT KITCHENS LARGE WMT INQHOUSE REFRIGERATORS WITH DEEP FREEZE. AMPLE LAUNDRY FACILITIES. MASTER TV ANTENNA. WIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING; OARAGES. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED This Is an Amazing Oiler, fcn Opportunity That May Never Again Be Oflered in Takoma Park COME OUT TODAY AND SELECT YOUR APARTMENT DIRECTIONS Plr*F Branch r* to Phils, avr . Hrsßlo ltshti. rlirht a blk». to Maple, left on Maplo 4 short Mk». to bulldlnt on left. CAN BE SEEN ANYTIME MRS SPALTER, RESIDENT MANAGER Jtl. S-SOSS TO. 0-43*7 SHAPIRO INC. REALTORS AND BUILDERS 141* K rr. N W ME 0-1717 •—7 \ k APTS. UNPdSNISHID—O. C 1869 Mintwood PI. N.W. (19th and Columbia *6.1 LIT. rm.. bedrm. dee. kit., bath, screened In porch, etc. J. a. McKeever co. me. 1732 K *t. n.w. rr. ;i-**oo 1630 Potomac Ave. S7e.~ Apt. 2 ATOtUble Now 1 bedrm.. Ut. rm..■-dinette and bath; *57. Key at offlea. J. A. UcKBVIR CO . INC 1732 K St. N.W. BT. .1-6800 25 Kannody at. n.w.. Apt. 10*—lit. rm.. bedrm. din., kit. and bath; f 77.50. 01 27th at. a.e.. Apt. 106—Ur. rm., bedrm. din., kit. and bath: 570. 1727 K at. n.w., Apt. 303—1 rm., din., ktt. and bath: *62.50. I*l4 Mlnneaota a»e. a.e.. Apt. 2 2 bedrm,.. lie. rm.. din., kit. and bath: *6O. Key. No. 4. 2020 Shepherd at. n.e.. Apt. 2—Ut. rm.. badrm.. din., ktt. and bath: *62.50. Key. No. 9. Other, available. Call er see A. S. GARDINER Si CO. 1631 L Bt. N.W. NA. 8-0334 —7 1808 CONN. AVE. N.W. ELEVATOR BUILDING 2 rms.. kit. and bath: front apt. on Bth floor; vacant; rent. *7O: heat, hot water and refrigerator in cluded Bee janitor. AD. 2-6619. B. F. SAUL CO 925 15th Et. N.W. NA. 8-2100 —7 CAPITOL HILL 215 sth ST. S.E. RESTORATION Excellent 1-bedrm. apt. with liv rm . dinette, bath and kit. (tar. dunl.i. all new: orivate rear yard: adult, en’.y. Rent. *74.fin te *82.56. Incl. ■a: Call Mr. Vocal. H. O. SMITHY CO. ST. 3-33(10. for appointment te »ee. —7 2-BEDRM. APT., $91.50 With Private Balcony UTILITIES INCLUDED Newly decorated: beautiful kit., large closets; cloae to transp. and shopping center; laundry, storage room* and incinerators; near Boll ing Air Field and Nava) Rec. Bta. RES. MGR.. Apt. 104. JO. 1-3460. 4000 Livingston Rd. S.E. DIRECTIONS: Out South Capitol *t. to Atlantic st.» down Atlantic to Livingston rd.. right to address. —7 NEAR OREENWAY 2 BEDRMS.—SB7.SO INCLUDES UTILITIES Newly dec apts. In quiet neighbor hood: laundry, storage rooms and incinerators: near shopping center and transportation. REB. MGR.. APT. 202, LU. 1-0736 224 '36th ST. S.E. DIRECTIONS. Out Minn. ave. s.e. to Croffel pi., right Vs blk. to apt. THE RAVANEL 1610 16th ST. N.W. EFFIC—S62.SO 1-BEDRM.—S79.SO Effic apt. in modern elevator bldg Full kitchen, dinette, lge. walk-in closet, dressing rm. and bath. See Janitor on premises or call Mr. McGroary. EM. 2-9000 Legum & Gerber Realty Co. _ THEDANFORD 1423 HARVARD BT. N W. EFFICIENCY, $57.50 1 BEDRM., $75 INCLUDINO UTILITIE6 Completely redecorated apt*. close to shopping and transportation; storage and laundry facilities pro vided. See resident manager. Apt. 107. for Inspection or call Mr. Mc- McOroary. EM. 2-9000. Legum Si Gerber Realty Co. 3315 Conn Ave, N.W. Ell.. 2-9000 Sarbin Towres 3132 16th ST. N.W. AIR-CONDITIONED 1-BEDRM., $117.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED Spacious corner 1 bedrm available immediately in ultra-modern bldg - Effic. apt. has picture window over- < looking city Inspect today. See superintendent or call Mr. Gill. EM. 2-9000 Legum & Gerber Realty Co. j j ~1732C0nn. Ave. N.W. ; Nerwly decorated, living room with ( fireplace, large bedrm . bath, eouio kitchen with dining area Available this week: *76. Call Mr. McGroary. I EM. 2-9000 Legum & Gerber Realty Co. | i 3315 Conn Ave. N.W. ' j 2445 18th St. N.W. Newly decorated. 2 rms.. equipped j kitchen and bath *6O month. nr.< store*, theaters, etc Call Mr, i i McGroary. EM 2-9000. Legum 6c Gerber Realty Co. 1731 F ST. N.W. i Lovely new efficiencies. Walking dis- , tance to major Govt deptg Avail • immed NO. 7-1925 or NA. 8- THEBERKSHiRE 4201 MASS. AVE. N.W. Air-Conditioned ■ A MOST DESIRABLE EX CLUSIVE BLDG. WITH DOORMAN AND SECY.- SWITCHBOARD SERVICE WILL HAVE THE FOL LOWING APTS. AVAIL ABLE SOON. 1 bedroom, living room, din ing area, kit. and bath, $125. LARGE ATTRACTIVE j EFFICIENCY APTS., SBO J All Utilities Are Included ' RESIDENT MOR., KM. 2-4200 THEM APARTMENT* MAY HE BEEN DAILY. 8 A M TO * P.M AND SUNDAY. FROM NOON TO 6 P.M. H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 15th Bt NW. ST. 3-3300 NEW 8-STORY Elevator Bldgs. Michelle Towers 2116 F St. N.W. E DEPT., IN WALKING JVERNMENT BUILDINGS 1-Bedrm. Apts., from $l4O 2 Living Rm. 10x11 Dining Rm. 7 Bedroom 9x7 Kitchen :iENCY, FROM $l2O >p freezer refrigerator, 36" i. carpeted lobby and cor too many to describe here. ERS ON PREMISES RE. 7-4237 APTS. UNfUUNItMIP—D. C. Connecticut Ave. Apts. Opa lorn bedroom, dining room. , dining foyer, kitchen and bath. Newly remodeled and decorated throughout: new modern kttchen. i new bathroom eaulpmcnt: oagtri tile bullt-ln tub and thowar. walk in (loaetg; 24-hr switchboard and elevator gervlce; alio available effl cleney apartment, HO. 2-6574. HIGHPOINt APTS. 4200 WHEELER ROAD B E i Lae. ant,., bright and airy, with 3 exposures. All ante completely redec.: 24-hr. Janitor service. School and shoo, center seres, the street, 5 min. Iron dolling Fielc. Bt. Elisabeth, Hospital. Anacoatla Naval Air Station; 10 min. from down* town. 1 BEDRM.. LIV. RM . DINETTE. KIT. AND BATH, *87.50. 2 BEDRMS.. UV. RM., DINETTE, ; Kfr and bath, *79.60. 1 Plu, small fixed charge for t:tlia. Apply RES. MOR.. JO. 2-22*0. The Jennifer 1415 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W APTS. AIR-CONDITIONED 1- apt,.. *llO to *125. All rms. bright and airy' gar avail, li desired: blk. 16th at. bu, non Mar on premise,. RA. 3-912 L 1724 17th ST. N.W. i 1 and 2 bedrms.. Ilv. rm., kit. and bath- HO. 2-8793. —8 TRENTON TERRACE , THE BEST BUY IN TOWN 2 BEDROOMS—SBI.SO ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Larse. attractive rooms: completed modern playground: parking: laun dry rooma. Apply office, corner 10th pi. and Mlululppl ave a.e., or i call JO 2-0618. Georgetown . Unusually fine apt. avaUable: 5 large room, and foyer, kitchen and bath All utUitieg and 24-hour secretarial service included. KEW GARDENS : NOTHING FINER ! GREENWAY A C A FRITZ DEVELOPMENT Large Beautifully Decorated > 1-Bedrm. Apt. Starting at s6l 2- Apt. SB2 OFFICE OPEN MON. THROUGH BAT., 9 A M TO 6 P.M. OR BY APPOINTMENT i 3539 A ST. B.E. LU. 2-5250 r —l2 i LOWER RENTS? HERE! ! ! EFFICIENCIES 1-BEDRM APTfi $69.50 ... $82.50 Superintendent TA. 9-6623 5950 PINEY BR. RD. JUST ACROSS PEABODY FROM NATIVITY CHURCH Brodie-Manchester & Co. OL. 4-7642 DI. 7-6022 ! =Z_ OUTSTANDING NORTHWEST SELECTIONS Miramar 1301 15th BT. N W EFFICIENCY AT *«3 In Modern De Luxe Elev. Bldgs. With Switchboard Service Otis Gardens 1446 OTIS PL. N.W. Attrac. brdrm apt. at 990. Effic. at *O6 Ogden Gardens 1446 OGDEN 8T N.W. L«e. Bedrm. Apt. at *93 Set Rtsidtnt Manager CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9080 —7 4707 CONN. AVE. N.W. This address of distinction offer, unusually larse Ur. rm. and bed ! delightful 1-bedrm. apt. with foyer, rm. olu, porch. Secretarial serv ice and oil-,treat parkins. Resi dent manaaer. Mr,. Elpern. EM 3- 6*oo or SHANNON A LUCHS. 724 ■I Hth at. n.w. NA. 8-2345. —7_ ! 9th and Gallatin N.W. Spacious 2-bedroom apt: modern bldg. Only $84.60 for thi* excep tional value. Apply Janitor, 900 . Gallatin *t n.w. NA. 8-0580 : Dreyfus, 8r0,.. 1019 16th St. N W. 329 3* m **** “ bloCk NA. 8-0580 DREYFUBB BROS . IfllP |Mb N w NORTHWOOD GARDENS S. CAPITOL and EMERSON Modern, tarden-type apu. with play area for children plus a large Gov ernment park adjoining. 1- APTS. ... $82.50 2- APTS., $87.50 UP INCLUDING ALL UTILITIBS RES. MGR. ON PREMISES RA. 3-0656 OR CALL i R. A. HUMPHRIES 5 Mat,. N.W., Realtor. NA. *-5020 ! —IQ Move in now and enjoy a cool summer (also perfect weather the year-round)... in the most convenient location in town! GELMARC TOWERS 1930 Columbia Road Northwest COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED With Individual Room Controls Efficiency Apartments from $82.50 1-Bedroom Apartments from $127.50 RENTALS INCLUDE ALL UTILITIES ALSO —24-Hr. Secretarial - Switchboard Service —Air Conditioning —Big 10.7-Cu.-Ft. Kelvinators —High-Speed Elevators —Laundry Rooms —Package and Trunk Rooms A FEW FURNISHED APARTMENTS ALSO AVAILABLE Apply to Resident Mgr., Noon ’Til 9 P.M. AD. 4-4023 GARAGE FACILITIES AVAILABLE MANAGING AGENT THE GELMAN COMPANY INVESTMENT BUILDING 1511 K ST. N.W. —7 (Continued on Next Page) i N I APTS. UNFURNISHED—D. C ’ BRIAR MANOR 4829 NORTH CAPITOL ST. ■ i 'NEAR KENNEDY) , 2 BEDROOMS— SIOO INCLUDES UTILITIES I Large modern newlY decorated apt. ■ with exhaust fan and garbage dis posals: reserved Individual parking ] apace; largs laundry and storage J facilities. 1 SEE RENTAL AGENT. AFT. 101 ' | OR CALL TU. 2-1045 1 , SIDNEY Z MENSH ft CO . NA. S -1 6440. —7 • APARTMENT VALUES i 3201 D ST. It. Apt. No. 4 Liv. - rm , bedrm.. dinette, kit. and bath; I *63.75. , ■ 4302 HALdET TER. S.E.. Apt. No. 1 —Liv. rm.. bedrm.. kit. and bath: . *69.60 1*35 3rd ST. N.E.. No. «—Lie. rm., . bedrm.. kit/ and bath: 167.60. . 3725 MACOMB ST. N W.. No. 410— Liv. rm., bedrm., kit. and bath; i *67.50. Including all utilities. 361 RALEIGH ST. SB.. No. 17—1 Uv rm.. bedra.. dinette, kit., bath -544 MASS. AVE. N.E.. No. 17—Bill- - ciency with dinette, kit. bath: *65. I 1731 28th ST. 8.E., No. 401—Ltv. , I rm . bedrm.. dinette, kit., hath: *7O. 1 , 25 H BT. N.W.—2 rm,.. kit., bath; . *57.60. - 3947 NBWDALK RD.. CHE VT , CHABK. MD. Liv. rm.. bedrm , , dinette, kit., bath: *76. 3 2321 LINCOLN RD NX—l rm.. dressing rm.. kit., bath; *02.60. 23”) LINCOLN RD. N.E.—Liv. rm.. bedrm . dinette, kit., bath: (69.50 . R. A. HUMPHRIES 2 Mass. Ava. NW , Realtor,. NA. *-5020, —io I ! ; CONGRESS / PARK e 1386 BAVANAH ST. g.E. * SOUTHEAST ( - INQUIR* ABOUT OUR FREE PICK UP BERVICE DURING THE TRAN SIT STRIKE. 1 and 2-bedroom apts., furnished or unfurnished: 171 M) through *ll4 60 ineluding all utilities 1 Ooen Monday through Friday. 9 to 9 Saturday. 9 to 6. Sunday. 1 11 to 6 2 JO. 2-0151 JO. 2-0152 — * , .BELLEVUE GARDENS i. 4688 NICHOLS AVE. S.W. )l Bedrm., Unfurn. ..$65 up 3 I Bedrm., Furn. 88 up (INCLUDING UTILS I i See and eomoare. Ask those who ri live here *bout our mtlmenanee 1 ; end service Completely modern, large eioset* | specious lawn, playground, balli 2 diamond for children end edulte.i One-fare gone. PHONE JO. 3-4040 Open Eves. 'Til 8 P.M. Sunday, 1 to 6 P.M. BRANDYWINE TERRACE We have beautiful modern, large' apts at low. low rents. Hurry, while we still have choice apts. 1 BEDROOM . $72.50 2 BEDROOMS, $77.50 UP All Utilities Included See Resident Manager ! 724 Brandywine Bt. BE. Apt. 104. 1 Directions: 8. Capitol st. to Atlantic) st ve.. left to 4th st.. right to Bradywlpe st. to apts. D. Sc F. MANAGEMENT CO. Call JO. 2-8457 —7 Beautiful Grounds CONGRESS HALL APTS. 3325 13th St. B E Finest Garden Project t All Spacious. Corner Apartment* . 1-Bedroom Apt. *70.60 ■ 2-Bedroom Apt. 87.60 INCLUDINO ALL UTILITIES . APPLY REB MOR.. JO 2-8660 DREYFUBB BROS i 1019 16th Bt. N.W. NA. 8-0680 1 ~949Randolph St N7w7~ n BEDRM APT., $68.60 -| SCREENED PORCH 0 Attrac. apt. with liv. rm.. dinette, kit. and bath. Avail, now. To in spect Inquire at Apt 1. H. O. BMITHY CO . 811 16th et. n.w., . 8T 3-3300, —7 NOW SHOWING : 2828 CONNECTICUT “AN ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION” l Completely Air-Conditioned i Brand-New Luxury Apts. FEATURING . —INDIVIDUAL ROOM CONTROLS —EVE-LEVEL OVEN AND BUILT* ’ FOR COOLING AND HEATING IN RANGE - DISPOSAL —MASTER TV ANTENNA ; —AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER AND —SUN DECK _ k ll-CU.-FT. REFRIGERATOR —SECRETARIAL SWITCHBOARD WITH FREEZER TOP AND DESK SERVICE —RICHLY CARPETED CORRIDORS—OARAGE PARKING 3Vi ROOMS FROM $l3O 4V 2 ROOMS FROM 169 i All Utilities Included in Rent , Choice location, only a few steps from the Sheraton-Park and Shoreham Hotels. . . . Unex , celled shopping and just 5 minutes from the down , town business district via express buses at corner. BEB BKAUTIrUL SAMPLE APTS FURNISHED BY PIERLEBS MODERN AND COLONY HOUSE Rental Office at Building Open Dally, 11 A M to 8 PM. CAFRITZ » 14th AND K N W. DI. 7-9056 —T A-15 ITHIIVIEING STAR Wuhin‘tnn. n. c. ' ' urn“ . em 0. l” m AFB. UNNlNlflllb—J. C. W ELEVATOR BLDG. . 1154:!”th “AID""OOLLM'DD. [ E. EFFICIENCY "-374.” 1 BEDROOM _-___-_-- 92.50 lee ii! I . grins :nufmi‘vm °¥:§'°.:§.’:.‘.. 7'35: . _. 236 HAMILTON ST. N.W. Duh-bl. 2W. '3; in tolu- In-il! bldg. Rent only ”is no. incl. en! nnd by. gun“; I 1.3.: Waun'rm' M gloslfiligi ‘ .6. n.-'.. '3l. 3.3300. "~7 g R BT. 8.E., NO. 2115 ; .1.. .. . 9155”“? fi...g=.:~.n "1:: I think. lee lenilor "man’s-262“. 1755 GALEN ST. 8.13. NR. NAVAL RIC. flit. NAW‘YARD AND BOLLINO m 1 BEDROOM ""4568 Modern newly decor-ted Ina. Ivnil. “0': can. ee. locniion. nr. cot. 3 may M'- 99:.- an"; x . ,n. . e : c-s $129330? H- °- ”:3? i n i 1729 MIN'N. AVE. 83. ll bedroom. livinl room. dineiie. i kitchen. hem. screened north. in heat; vaceni. Rent. 882.50. ey ; with inner n 1917 Min. In. me. . LU. 1-787]. 3. r. SAUL 00.. 925 .1 5!!.’1-. iFL‘ILEYB'jzi BEST VALUES IN N.E. l-BEDRM. APTB. COMPLETELY DECORATED g—mse w. VI. Ive. n.e. .u‘om -—)125 Cent. eve. n... 153.50 All note. with um. iuiiv eauin. kitchen-i. good-nine livinn rrruu. screened porches. nvnll. Bent. l. lev- inniior on premium CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9980 “‘S9I’IT3‘tFSTTNTV‘V. Ant. 3. con-isiinl of iiv. rm. bed rrn.. dim. kit. end huh: $65.50 Incl it. end h. v. "nil. lent. i. CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9089, fi-connmo - HlGHTowfifi’s 1530 16th gr. KW. Aline. bodnn u 107.60 end nn efllc. n mi. incl. mm. in de luxe elev. bids. with switchboard service, Avail leni. 1. See nan. CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9080 ‘g‘ififnocx cunt mum‘n'if l? 1 HAWAII AVE. NE. iAnr-eiive eillc. It $50.60. Anilnbie ‘ Se 1.. 1. See hnltnr. ‘i éAFRITz, DI. 7-9080 g ‘lst"F'lTi'—§e’cimbt. = $64 Plus Utilities Very convenient modern l-bedm. In. with 7 cloutl. urbane din nonl nnd exhnuni. inn in kitchen: 3:: egr:hgpnpi!i2'll‘uliddry?3mg. an num&r MANAGER. m. 101 1101 BELLEVUE BT. 8.11. . JO. 2-3739 Directions: Out Wheeler rd.“ no. u [ 3°“4&9_99_-.Je9ll26_drew:7.- q 1 BEDROOM—S69.SO ; cur-mm” INCLUDE!» ”Cool ntirnciive newly decor-led IDL' . convenient to Bolling Air Field nnii 'l Nnvnl Receivrn: anion: but It ’ corner: V, block to shoppinl cen ter; lnundrf Ind niorlu facilities. month CID iol end Chmpenke nu. . 1... l Lightwood Gardens face Jeniwr in MmL. J 0 3-412! 5 18 cmnnm 31'. n.l, i ‘—m‘ his" nu' m‘dm‘" ‘ % lst Floor, 1-Bedrm.,s7s I 2 BEDROOMS—SB9.SO I INCLUDES UTILITIIB ‘ vCool. briehi. decor-ted corner wt. I ample closets nnd lovelinkit. Clone . to trump. Ind rho” I center. 2’ more” laundry rooms end incin ; enters. .RES. MGR. Am 101. JO. 1-458. 2 3333 lot PL. BE. ‘mnmxona: om Nichols nu. i: ; Ain. eve. leii on All. nun: E bike. lo 10m pl. right to nddregl. —I I THE CHESAPEAKE i 4607 CONN. AVE. NW. 1 . L‘Jlfihni’cy‘f“??? 62‘ .2- gavedn—‘S