Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR A-16 • Washington. D. C. gATPKBAT, «MW «. '»M Am UNHJKN., P. C. (Cut.) UPLAND A CAFRITZ DEVELOPMENT In the City—Sioale Fere 13 MIN. TO DOWNTOWN t Slock, From Ne*al Reward! Lab. ' 5 Min. From Bolling Field 3V 2 LARGE RMS., $72.50 4Vi LARGE RMS., 84.50 ALL UTILS. AND TV ANT. INCL. Bee. mgr.. 57 Oelyeeton ft. s.w.. oK 8 Ceplto) et.. JOJUfIfIOO. l2_ NEAR SOLDIERS HOME 220 ALLISON ST. N.W. Beaut. bcbdrm. apt. with dble. rx- Eosure on 2nd fl.. in mod., well ppt bldg., on dead-pnd st.: $69.50. Bpp Unitor on premises, or CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9080 —7 48014th ST. N;w. Aot. 2, conelstin* o( 2 bedrms.. Hr.: rm., din., kit. and bath. $81.50 Incl h. and h.w. Avail. Aug. Ift. Be* Unitor at .337 Delafleld pi. n.w. CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9080 —7 10 MINUTES FROM THE CAPITOL IN MODERN SUBURBAN GLASSMANOR NC^NI A B^d' J SP UNFURNISHKD - DAILY. , WEEKLY. MONTHLY RATES BEGIN- I NINO AT *BU UTILITIES INCL. Office, 7in Winthroo *t. toss 4#nru blk 8 Caoitol et.) Mon. through Fri'. 8 e.m-S pm; get 8 am -5 p m LO, 7-8100. —8 ’GARDEN APTS. ' 1 BEDRM. *74 and *77.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED _ Automatic washer and drier in base-, ment. private locker oom; within walking distance of shopping and , theater, one block to busline. Naylor Gardens 3725 30th ST. S.E. LU.__2-ftl 00 —l*_ I AIR-CONDITIONED |' CARILLON HOUSE 2500 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. EFFICIENCY AND 1-BEDROOM APTS. luxury living with *vtrv modern . convenience; beautiful views; sec-i pet art al service: package and re-1 eetvlnc rooms, sun deek; master; antenna, laundry facilities and ga- , rate. Your Inspection Invited Call EM. 3-8800 GARDENTOWERS FACING PARK 2325 ISth ST. N.W Modern elevator building: parquet floor*, full-sire kitchen, dinette,, tile bath. Efficiency and l-bed-J room apartments ivailablle: $67..60 up. Rental includes utilities and i secretarial service. Resident man ager. AD. 4-4900. —7 ! WILTSHIRE PARKWAY S7Ol CONNECTICUT AVENUE M AIR-CONDITIONED Larae efficiency. dreeetn* room. Ige eloget. -olored tile bath *88.50. CAN BE FURNISHED Available Sept. I—l bedrm.. *l3O All utilities Included, 74-hr. .ecre rarial eervice. run deck, lajndrv room Call ruldent manager. EM 3-Cfltlfl. . SAVANNAH APARTMENTS 11-Cu.-Ft. Refrigerators BRAND-NEW WITH ACROSS -THE-TOP FREEZER ' Spacious 2-bedroom ants, ggo. including utlltles: near •hopping, bus. fust off Ala. ave. at 1305 Savannah st. e.e. Call lUI 10 p m.. RA A-8110. RA. 3-283 f. —7 | AIR-CONDITIONED 1-BEDROOM APTS. BEAUTIFUL WESLEY HTS. WALKING DISTANCE NATIONAL CATHEDRAL. ANNUNCIATION> CATHOLIC PARISH AND WASH-! INGTON HEBREW CONGREGA-! TION. Upper-floor choice apts. with Ideal! floor plan, in this desirable loca tion. with attractive, pleasant.] open vftw: reasonably priced Mod ern. centrally air-conditioned blda. affording an attractive private front entrance driveway, beautllul lobbv and carpeted hall*, well-kept’ ahrubs and lawns; ‘.’4-hr. tecre-j tarial switchboard service and ele-: vstor service, roof *un deck, mss-: ter TV antenna, ample free nark ing. through busline at corner, j Idaho Terrace Apts. 3040 IDAHO AVE. N.W EM. 3-6600 —7 AIR CONDITIONED Brand-new luxury buildings in the beauti ful Park Area—with fine stores and big movies right irouni your corner! PARK ELLISON 1700 Harvard St. N.W. ; 1-Bedroom Apts. *137.50 Efficiencies *95 Huge room*. closet snsr» to •pare, picture window*, elevator. 24-hr. switchboard - secretarisl service, root garden, carpeted corridors, garage facilities— everything! RENTALS INCLUDE ALL UTILITIES AD. 4-3636 or ST. 3-6584 —7 SAVANNAH TERRACE APARTMENTS Alabama Ave. at 23rd S.E. 1 Bedrm., $67.50 up 2 Bedrms., 81.50 up All Utils. Inch IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Resident Manager on Premises PHONE JO. 2-8933 -7 CONNECTICUT AVE. APT. J8(»0 Conn Ave. at Pla. Ave. N.W. Lge 1-bedrm. apt.; lovely liv. rm., kit. and bath. Cool and breezy a inn gee lanitor next door. 2031 Florida ave.jOL. STOP AND RE AD *Bo—*—*Bs 2-BEDRM. APTS. 76 FORESTER ST. S.W. UTILITIES INCLUDED Large rm*. 5 rlosts: playgrounds; laundrv rm storage rm janitor service: block chopping: express bu«es dowptnwn near schools end churches. Will furnish if desired BA. 3-293 J. RA ft-8110. —7 APTS. UM6UBNISHBP—P. C. | “THE BARLEE” ! 80S N W. APARTMENTS LOW PRICED 1 BEDROOM, *87.50 2 BEDROOMS, From *112.50; Including All Utilities Most convenient location in city. Modern building, designed for your comfort. Bee Rea. Mgr.. Apt. 10ft Aldon Mgmt., NA. 8-5740 Ives.. TU. 2-8765 _ _--7_ COLORED—DEANWOOD—Cnme ‘ out I to see these huge --bedrm. apts. 1 wish cheerful living room, dining alcove and kit.: front and rear en trances; $67.,60 to S7O, plus utils. Just off SherifT road and close to Minnesota ave. shopping area. See Mr. Williams. 916 4flth st. n.e.. No. 2. LU. 1-08A5 or SHANNON Si LUCHB CO.. 724 14th st. n.w.. NA. 8-2345. COLORED—I7 M ST. N.W.—2 rm*.. kit. bath, porch, painted walls, quiet apt. open 12 to 6. —7 COLORED—I RMS. and oath: 2351 Champlain st. n.w.. Apt 1: also 467 M st. n.W. OL. 2-7128. DO. 7 0312. —ft COLORED—7I4 FLA. AVE. N W.—2 rm*.. kit., bath; ssft mo. OD 7- 9375 —ft COLORED—MM7 LIE ST. N.I 2 rms.. kit., bath, gas heat, sun porch, lge garden; 875 DE 2- 5«16 —7 16 25 ltth ST. N.W.—Colored 3 large rms.. kit. bath. $66 No children. DI. 7-7740. -8 COLORED—S2I3 15th ST. N E.— Two-rm.. kit. and bath apt., with rear yard: in an excel, neighbor hood. nr. Brentwood Village: $69.50. incl heat. NA. 8-8093 COLORED—2I7 F ST. N.W.—5 rms., and bath. lge. rms.; 873. I DI. 7-4335 —7 | COLORED—I6Ift GEORGIA AVE. i N.W —2-bedrm. apt. in apt. bldg. I p *y for cooking; gas only; $82.50. ! CO 5-•’833. TA 0-6249. —7 COLORED—COLUMBIA MANOR— Newly remod.. I and 2 rm apts.: reas. rental; all utils, incl Janitor. . 1301 Columbia rd. n.w. —7 COLORED— 1264 HOLBROOK TER N.E. —lwo-rm. kit. and bath apt.: in an excel, location: $68.60 incl heat, call NA. 8-8093. —ft COLORED—I9I6 Iflth ST. N-W. Modern 1-bedrm apt., available for ; occupancy; reasonable rental. To Inspect, see Janitor i COLORED—NIW 1 -bedrm. apt. I $07.50 and 2-bedrm. apt*., $77.60 1 now available at Roland Park Apts.. ! 4813 Texas ave a.c. Apply MR ROSB Bupt. LU. 3-0834 or for information ME S-sftoo —7 COLORED—NEWLT DECORATED 5 j rms.. k.. b., 2 entrances; reduced: children: sublet; 320 3rd at. s.w : DU 8081. EM. 3-0047. T COLORED—IfttI 12th N.W.—2 bed i rooms, liv. rm. kit. and bath: new ly decorated: adults only: $63.50 GEORGE P. HANE. INC.. NA. 8- i 3964 or RA. 3-4609. —8 COLORED—CENTRALLY LOCATED. Newly decorated. Bedrm.. liv. rm.. equipped kitchen and bath: walking distance to many Government bldgs., at 432 Sth st. a.w.: S6O; re fined couple only. Key at Apt. No. 1. SHANNON Si LUCHB. 724 14th st. n.w.. NA. 8-2345 —7 COLORED—I9II VERMONT AVE. , N.W.—2 lge. rms., dinette., kit., bath. Ist fl.; S7O incl. beat. Adults AD. 2-4516 —8 COLORED—S 66 MO., incl. all utill i ties; liv. rm., bedrm . kit. and bath: 738 51st St. s.e. M. PAUL HAN ' NAN. ME, 8-4100. —7 COLORED—DUPLEX. $47.50 Nr. 14th and 8. Carolina ave. se. 2 rms. kit., din., bath: Ist class I ref required. LI. 4-7265. 7* 1 COLORED—MODERN APT. ALMOBT NEW All utilities incl.. good location: 1 i bedroom. $77.50: n .bedrms.. SB9 50 4909 AYEKo PLACE BE WASHINGTON REALTY. RA. 3-8300 j COLORED—MODERN 2 BEDRMB : Redec.. ,11 utils, incl.: almost new. : luxurv apt. only $87.50. 10 49th 8.E.. APT. 301 WASHINGTON REALTY. RA. 3-8300 ! COLORED—NICE PLACI~TCT~LIVi Your choice of these ovely 2-hed i rm. sots., new bldg., utils included. « Only s9l 50 Applv janitor. 50 49th ST 8.E., APT. B-l 1 blk. from 49th and E. Capitol sts WASHINGTON REALTY. RA. 3-8300 ; - -7 1 Colored—l2lA 53rd St. SI. 1-Bedroom Duplex Apt 114 ft 3rd St. K.W., $«0 611 7th St. 8 W . 2-bedrm. 422 M St S.E 1-bedrm. EX 3-6707 RA 3-2456 COLORED 5812 EADS N.I 2 rms - kl»., bath $55 00 1224 SIMMS PL. N E. |2 rms . kit., bath $65.00 849 48th N E 13 rms kit., bath *75 00;. 1942 CAPITAL AVI N.E 2 rms . kit., bath $65.00; 1740 GALES ST. N.E. i 2 rms . kit., bath $62 50 , | CALL MR. DUVALL. DI. 7-6400 j i COLORED ~ j 14.10 BELMONT ST. N W. ; 1 bedroom; available now $63 : self-service elevator; convenient lo i ration. See 'snitor on premises. J A McKEEVER CO . INC 1732 K St N.W. ST 3-8800 ‘ . "JLi_ COLORED—NORTHWEST 1236 10th ST t NOW AVAILABLE jl-bedroom apartments with living i room*, dinettes, modern kitchens i and baths, refrigerators, sas beat: I • rlose-in neighborhood, practically i ; new building. These desirable i j apartments may be inspected by; ' contacting the Janitor at 1504 ' Kingman pi. n.w. 'between P and I Que and 13th and 14th sts.> CO 5- 0254. Rents $«7.50 and S7O. * Also available at 1604 Kingman pi.: j a 1 -bedroom apt. at $65 See the ! janitor. B F SAUL CO 925 15th St N.W. NA. 8-2100 COLORED 1317 Corcoran *t. n.w —3 rm*. kit. j and bath: redec ; SSO. 4411 Foote st. n.e.—2 rms . kit. and bath. $65 228 N »t. nw—Lge. effle.; S6O. 1204 O st n.w.—2 rms.. kit and bath. S7O 733 6th *t. * •.—Lge. pvt *»c ; $45 See janitor HARRISON A ADAMS. NA. 8-8308 COLORED—WALK TO WORK AT Gun fartory FBI. Health and Wtl i fare. GBA. etc. We have some beautiful, remodeled. 1-bedrm apt* , all modern, in • w community for selected tenants, from $56.60. plus utllltiea. NOT TO BE TORN DOWN See BAKER. Apt. 1. 74 Ire st. s.w. after 4:30. or call NA. 8-9267 ! . 10 | COLORED Two bedrms. liv cm dinette, tit and oath 2426 Queens Chapel rd > n.e., Apt 4. $76 per mo . plus utils P t CONBTR CO _ST 1-11 AO COLORED NEWLY REMODELED 200 55th ST. N.E. 1 Bedrm. ~567.50-$75.00 2 Bedrms. SBS-$89.50 (UTILITIES INCLUDED) Large, modern, new apt*, with huge j closet*, laundry and storage rm*.; : convenient to shopping and tran*- i portation; immediate occupancy i Re*, mgr Apt. 12. i DIRECTIONS; Out East Capitol at to 56th *t.. turn left 2 block*. Sidney Z. Mensh & Co. 1613 Eye St N.W. NA. 8-H440 ' COLORED 13th and Monroe N.W. Attractive: 2 rooms, kitchen, large elo*€U; excellent n.w. location. $74.50 includes heat and hot water Apply janitor. 3504 13th st n u NA 8-0680 DREYFUSB BROS 1019 IMh ft. n.w. COLORED 'NORTHEAST—I BEDROOM : 1 705-A Holbrook st |f12.50 11721 Holbrook *t $«2.60 Keys at 1709-A Holbrook 8t *lBOl Maryland ave . No 5 sfts 1813 Maryland ave . No. 3 $87.60 >j 1840 Maryland ave.. No. 11 $65 11113 19th *t.. No. 5 . s7o 11113 I»th st.. No 2 $07.60 j Keys at 1113 19fh St.. No. 1 ) SOUTHEAST-1 BEDROOM 1407 Congress place. No. 1 S6O Kev With Janitor at 1452 ! Alabama Ave . JO 2-5334 1628 C at.. Apt 304 $67 50 gee .?«ntt«r *n B**em"it Apt. at 1740 Bay St 8.E.. LI 7-1339 1464 Smith place, No. 91 $63 Key With Janitor at 1443 Smith Place, JO. 2-0041 . SOUTHEAST—2 BEDRMS. '•181# S»»t, Cpltnl «t„ Apt. A f7ft ;• I*sl E«jt Cpilfll ,t.. Ant. « 175 , ! Kn> With .Unltnr «t 1 | 1 ISth 8t S.E., LI. 7-A277 1400 Iftth »*.. Apt. Ifl4 *7l Ks. with Janitor »i 1441 flmlth Place. JO. 5-0841 B. F SAUL CO »Ift Iftth gi N.W.. WA ft-1100 l' ~ COLORED ■ll4l M atreet n.e.. apt. 4—l room, i kitchen and bath, #57,50. > IN4O M street n.e., apt I—l room.. ir t kitchen anti bath. $57 50. s THOMAS P. BROWN 1 jfllft 4th Street Bw. I4A. #-fla7l |Aet*. UN*U*NI»HIfr—P. c 1 COLORED—WDRIDGE APT., $45 COMFORTABLE APT. IN WOOD RIDGE BEC.. N.E.. IN APT. BLDG. NOW VACANT AND READY TO MOVE IN OTHER APTB. AND HOUSES AVAIL. Ist NATL. REALTY 2 Thoma* Circl«_N.W.. RE. 7-3534 li COLORED 1 IMPERIAL ARMS 1009 11th ST. N.W. Smartly renovated A-atory elevator apt. bid# Each apt. has l#e. liv - bedrm . dinette kit. bath. All apt houae eerv'ees. Progaaional eou- Elee and carear alna preferred ive downtown. ">nl» *fllso mo. Bee elevator operator or call SIGLER 4i CO.. RA. 3-3411, COLORED 1315 Clifton St. N.W. ; I BEDROOM AFT. $75 LGE. 1-BEDROOM AFT. S**s Nrwlv redec apt. In excluatve apt. ' blda No children Heat end hot water Inrl Inspect no to fl p m See superintendent on oremlaes. ; THE HARTFORD CO. RE JlfjJ 84 COLORED __ PARKLANDS “Best Rent Buy in Town” A NEW CAFRITZ DEVELOPMENT Alabama Ava. and Stanton ltd. S.E. LIMITED NUMBER AVAILABLE ! 3Vi Rms.. *6B to *7O 4 Vi Rms., $81.75 and *84.50 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED SINOLE-FARE BUS SHOPPING AND SCHOOL AT PROJECT RENTAL OFFICE JO. 2-SMO Open Mon to Sat. # AM. to S F M SUN.. 12 TO 6 P.M. COLORED APT. VALUES 114 One ST. It *. Apt. 3—2 rms.. kitchen, bath, *72.5». „ Mil NEW JERSEY AVE. N W —1 rm.. kitchen and bath. SSO. 1015 RHODE ISLAND AVE N E—2 rms.. kitchen and bath. S7O. 1130 12nd BT. N.w —3 rms . kitchen *nd bath. $77. 3»11 GEORGIA AVE N.W.—2 rms.. kitchen and bath. SSS. 1400 10th BT. N.W.—2 rms.. klUhen and bath SBB 50. 1827 Bth ST. N.W—S rma.. kitchen and hath. $71150. 480 N ST. N.W Apt. B—LIV. rm.. bedrm., dinette, kitchen and hath, 48fl '(UDOE ST. N W.. Apt. 2 Lie rm., bedrm.. dlaette. kitchen and bath. SBS. *R. A. HUMPHRIES 2 if mat Ava. N.W. Realtor. NA. 8-502* —lO APTS. UNFURNISHED—MP. 81.100 CBEEK PARKWAY—I-bed rm. apt., redec.. laa. rma., wired ter air eond.. Ida.; park, faell.. on buallne: select co-op. bid* ; SBS. Incl. UtltS. JU 5-3418. —7 ROCKVILLE—I and t bedrms . He ine room, dinette, kitchen, bath and rear screened noreh: near achools and shoppln* center: SBS to SBO per month PO. 2-3003. ANTONEYTE GARDENS » bed rms.. *79 50. SBB. SRO. Incl. utils. Adjacent shoppln*. transp Other llatlnis, SB2 up. JO. 8-811#. —7 3181 17th AVI.. Colmar Manor. Md . nr District line—2nd fl . 6 , rma.. #76 mo. WA. 7-6407. 6* GAITHERSBURG —1 and 3-bedrm unite w'th rear porch: close to elementary school and ihoppina: SBS to SBS par mo. SAMUEL E BOOLEY. INC.. PO. 5-8151. —6 CORAL HILLS, aarden ants., at D C line—2 bedrms.. SBS: 3 bedrms. SOS. utils incl : nr. shops, schools, bits. JO 8-7088. —lO SILVER SPRING—New. specious 1 bedrm,. adt nark ample closets, parkins, laundrv facilities: sofl 50 all utile. Included JU. 5-777.1 or JU 7-8468. —lO TAKOMA PARK. 8821 Flower ave.. adjacent shoo, ctr —L«e 2-bedrm., Ist floor: SBS. JU. 8-1747. —lO TAKOMA FARK—Attractive roomy. 4 exposures: adults only; nr. shops and transp : occupancy. Au*. 15: SB2. incl. utils. Call JU. 8-2115 or JU 0-8718, —■ TAKOMA PARK—2 bedrms lee attic: 4 exposures: adults only: nr shoos and transp.: Seot. 1. oe rupanrv; $87.50 plus (as and elec Call JU. 8-2115. —7 . TAKOMA PARK —1 rooms and bath, oienty of closets, pvt. entr.: 1- fare tone: f«5 per mo JU. 9-6M7. TAKOMA PARK —Very attractive ant : liv rm.. kit., dinette, bed room: close to buses, stores Adults only. WA. 7-6030; evea.. JU. 9- , 4781. —7 TAKOMA FARK. nr. Wash. San ! 1-bedrm. terrace apt plus sep. rm. i all convs and utils *52 718 Manlesood ave., JU. 5-1747. .—0 I BETHESDA. MD.—l and 2 bedrooms liv room. din. space kit., bath and rear screened porch: SBO-988. BAM ; URL E BOOLEY. INC . OL. 4-1270. BRENTWOOD. MD.. 3404 Upshur , st. —1 lane rooms, kitchenette bath, back screened porch. Pri vate entrance. No children. *iO Available now. —7 BETTER BEE THIS. TAR.-BIL. BP. i —Ltv. rm bedrm.. bath. lac. kit.: I 1 exposures porch, new dec. Apt i bids ' bus S6O plus utils. 8220 Greenwood ave. JU. 0-1806. —l2 605 SILVER SPRING AVE.-l-bed rm. apt., excel location. *80.50 pel mo See MR FORD at address I c r cal! ST. 3-0550. —7 TAKOMA PARK—Apt. In pvt 2- tamily home: main floor. 3 bedrms . !lv t rm, dinette, kit, util, rm #87.50. JU 8-0871 —8 COTTAGE ClTT—Vacant: 4-rm aot . Ist fl pvt entr.: utils. Jur ; pished: $75.50 mo. WA. 7-SINJO. MT. RAINIER—Liv rm, bedrm. lee kit, bath, Ist A Nice porch, yard cellar for washlna: heat, i elec furn refgr, *87.50; nice, for couple. Af> 7-2035. —8 8117 DIXON AVE, IK. BFO 2- b#»drm Apt. in dF*lrAbl« location Completely »-edecorAted through out: abundance of elo»et* and rablnet* Lge. refgr.. pvt. entrance, porch $9sV To Inspect eall KM «.#o«3 —7 ■ SILVER SPRING—BB4I UP. All Utils ! Inrl AVAIL. IMMED. Mod. I or 2 bedim, apts.: 1 ex not, sep. din rm , md. thermostat and iterate Conv to shopping, schaoli. 8607 Plymouth it.. Apt. 1. JU. 8-?997 _lf no answer, call TP. 6633. —7 'BRAND-NEW QUEENS CHAPEL LUXURY APTS Ager Rd. aad 29th Aye., Hyattivllle. Immediate and future occupancy EXPRESS BUS SERVICE This proleet planned for comfort able living with feature* found only In apts. renting much higher 1-BEDRM. AFT. SBO DF 2-BEDRM. APT $92.60 UP 3-BEDRM APT. sll2 50 UP All utilities and elec, for air eond incl. OFFICE OPEN DAILY 9-6 UNTIL 1 PM SATURDAY CALL AP 7-.33.38. COUNTRY CLUB Section of Bethesda LUXURY 2-BEDRM. APTS FROM $l2O ’ INCLUDING UTILITIES IM ; Feature* include dt*hwa*her. gar - bage disposal, master TV Antepna. i receiving t oeet and air-condition -4 tng facilities Situated in mid*t of beautiful wood land netting bordering Rork Creek Park. 1 ml north of Naval Hos -9 oital and NIH PARKSIDE , APARTMENTS OL. 7-9370 j GREENLAWN SECTION 3 f)| 'J One-fare bus rone. 15 min direr! to downtown rlose to goon school*: all sparlou* lovely room* 's Lowest Rental in Area Jj Utilities Included 1-Bedroom Apt.s. *BS 2 Bedrooms *97.50 LOOK FOR GREENLAWN SEC. 3 SIGN 0 ! 408 GREENLAWN DR . APT. 101 APPLY 3 * D. &F. Management Co. JU. 6-3184__ —l4 GREENLAWN v Section 1 and 2 ONE-FARE BUS ZONE 15-min. dirert to down -2 town close to good schools. •11 ipaciou* lovely rooms : UTILITIES INCLUDED 1-BEDRM. APTS *85.00 „ 2 BEDROOMS 97.50 • New Hamp. & Eastern Aves. tAT DISTRICT LANE I 3 i JU. 8-4934 AW. MD. <C—t.) KAYWOOD GARDENS j 4101 KAYWOOD PLACE MOUNT RAINIER, MD. . IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY j Just across the District line. I Ousfsre. Convenient to shoppln* center sod theater. Bxcellent bus . facilities. Keceutlon hail. Itvln* room, dinette, bedroom, aitchen and bath, 576. Including utilities. : Reception hall, llvlnc loom, dinette. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath. 690. - Including utilities Plenty of parkin*, lovely ertunds Apply in parson. WA. 7-fI'SOO. ■ —B BRADLEY BLVD. MANOR APTS. In Bethesda, Md. ONLT 4 years old: 1 and 2 bedrm. snU, Ineludln* llv lne room, dims* space, esulpped kitchen, bathroom, screened porch. *65 AND *BO Fes lures: Adi. to ahopplnc. convenient public transpor tation. ample parkin* area, coin-operated laundry faell- Hie*. Janitor service. Rrs. M*r., Mrs. Reeves. 6046 Bradley blvd. Ant. t. OL. 4-5466. or eall SBMUXL 1. BOOLEY. INC. OL. 4-1270 The BRADLEY BOULEVARD APARTMENTS AN ALBERT W. WALKER COMMUNITY We will have a lew 1 and 2 bedrm. apts. available from Sept. 1. 1 BEDRM SBO.OO up 2 BEDRMS. ..$94.50 up; RENT INCLUDES HEAT. HOT WATER ELECTRICITY AND OAE | These apartments are wlthla welk ins distance of shopolne renter and recreational area: waahtne and drylnt machines; play yard and parkin* space. . _ , „ Office open Mon. throu«h Frl. team fl am. te 6 p m.: Saturdays, 9 a m ; to 12 noon. Oliver 4-3240. DIRECTIONS - North on Wisconsin eve. te Bradler blvd, left 2 bike, to Hlllandele. left to 8701 Hlllan-| dele rd, Chevy Chase, Md LOWEST RENT-BEST VALUE NEW LUXURY APARTMENTS' 31/2 Rooms From $63.25 Rooms From 75.00 Furnished Apts From 81.50 RENT INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES Free Supervised Day Camp and Wading Pools EVERYTHING THAT TOO WOULD EXPECT IN A MODERN APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING ADJ4C3NT. W M A A BUSES OPERATE DAILY FROM PROJECT TO 11th AND PA AVE NW. FOR INFORMATION CALL RE. 5-8000 DISTRICT HEIGHTS APTS. Rental Office, 7812 District Heights Pkwy, In Md. HOURS' 0-8- SAT, 10-4-30: SUN . 1-6 EVFNINOB BY APPOINTMENT DfBCTIONS DRIVE OUT MARLBORO PIKE TO DIRT HTS LEFT ON GATEWAY BLVD TO 78th AVE.. LEFT TO APTS. OR TAKE W, M & A. BCR GO ON, BE GOOD TO YOURSELF! ! ! LIVE AT POORS HILL At the Northern Entrance to ROCK CREEK PARK Location for Beauty Superior Service Tranquil Atmosphere EFFICIENCIES $69.50 I BEDROOM $99.50 2 BEDROOMS $139.50 CUT WIB AVE JUST PAST NAVAL HOSPITAL TURN LETT AT OUR BION OL. 4-0300 BRODIB-MANCHE6TER * CO. .... DI 7-602* OL 4 "84? 7 Get a BANG! Out of Living at ROSEMARY APTS. Extra-Large 1 and 2 Bedroom Apts. See the Exceptional Features Recreation Supreme Offers SWIMMING POOL Separate Wading Pool Sun deck, refreshment bar, canopied obser vation deck, barbecue pits, picnic tables, basketball courts, slides, swings, *ee-saws, merry-go-round. FREE BUS SERVICE TO CAPITAL TRANSIT AND SILVER SPRING SHOPPING All Available to Residents Only * DIRECTIONS: Bv ret out lfllh at to E»»t-W»al nwr. turn last at tr»ffie lt*ht 3 blnrka Prim Conn nr Wla »»«», turn n*ht , en Eut-Weat h*y dirtrtly to nroltct al*n>. 1929 EAST-WEST H-WY. Call JU. 8-1170 or JU. 8-4315 Open Every Day, 10-5 E Write or Phone for Free Brochure STOP SHOPPING! Real Value for Your Money FROM 1 BEDROOM $68.50 FROM 2 BEDROOMS $78.50 (Rent Includes All Utilities) ; CHILLUM HEIGHTS APARTMENTS (WEST HYATTSVILLE) Vi Mile to D. C. Line 'Between Rlt*a *nd Oueem Chapel Rdi > Large play yards, schools, picnic areas, shop ping, transportation; baseball field and wading pool for children. NEWLY DECORATED APARTMENTS FURNISHED SAMPLE APARTMENT RENTAL OFFICE ON PREMISES 1520 CHILLUM RD, HYATTSVILLE, MD. Phone WA. 7-3948 WA. 7-6745 i 0 OPEN DAILY AND WEEKENDS ’TIL 8 P.M. 0 DIRECTIONS' From D. C. —Out MlehUtn »v» (Queens Ctupel rd.i. left at Chlllum rd to project, OR out Ritce rd. to Cnlllum rd.. right to project. H. G. SMITHY CO. *ll 16th ST. NW. BT. I-A3OA —7 Am. UH»U»NI»HIP—MP. LIVE AT THE ALDON In the Finest Suburban Area—Bethesda Bl« apt*.: 1 block from tranaporto tlon. ahopplnc. playcround xnd ehurehei. With beautiful l»wn> Laundry. *toro*e. ate. \ IS& -JJW See Re*. M*r . 4740 Bradley Blvd NA A^ 7 "4O ,rANAO U2 OT OL CO 6 R 7 P fI26 —7 BEAUTIFUL ROCK CREEK GARDENS In Montgomery County, Md. On the District Line and Near Rock Creek Park SCHOOLS New. modern, elementary •rhool tn the development. Fine high gchoola In the tm modlit* area. Free school bus service; nursery school on premises. TRANSPORTATION Service te *ll downtown ere*, by Capitol Trtnalt buaea. Also feet local bui aervlce. SHOPPING Complete shopping center In the development, minutes away from major shopping areas: churches of all denom inations nearby. 1- APTS—-*87.50 2- APTS— -107,50 j RENTS INCLUDE ALL UTILITIES j FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED , APARTMENTS Room, are large with ample elosete .pace; playcround for ! children: wid* lawn area* for •ate play. CALL JU. 5-4030 Rental Office on Premises AT 8327 GRUBB RD. SILVER BPRINO. MD. OPEN SATURDAYS, WEEKDAYS, 9 TIL 5 Directions: Out 16th et to East-West hwy., left to Grubb rd. and ’eft to office: or out Conn. ave. right on East- West hwy. to Orubb rd.. right to office. MANAGING AGENT! |Eig & McKeever APTS. UNFUKNISHIP—MP. A CAFRITZ DEVELOPMENT AGER TERRACE rr: LOWEST RENT IN AREA 2 BEDRMS.—SBI 1 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Choice apt*.; echool opposite, bua at • door, cloee to ahopplnc; re*, irgr. j at 2018 Oalethorpe »t. ‘til 6 P» Mich. ave. to Acer rd, turn left: ft E-4 bua from Baatern ave, rtcht. erma. HA. 2-7811. BLADENSBURG Larae 1 and 2 bedrm. aarden apta.; #74.60 and *89.60 up; newly re decorated: ahopplnc center, one block achools. fast transoortailon downtown D. C, 53rd and De fense hwv. Reeldent manacer. WA. 7-3721 BELVEDERE APTS. GEORGIA AVE. IN SILVER BPRING Two-bedrm. apts., lge. rooms; off • street parking; cross vent., par quet firs.: $97.76. incl. utlla. JU 7-9439. or see res. mgr. at 2106 Belvedere blvd. _ LONG BRANCH APARTMENTS 8721 Flnev Branch Rd, S. 8, Md. Newly Decorated Eaay-to-Clean TUe Floors Cross Ventilation In Every Apt*. 1 Blk. to Mont. Co. Public School 1-BEDRM. APTS. --- --- *75 UP 2-BEDRM APTS. #sß UP AU, UTILITIES FURNISHED RBB. MOR . JU. 7-8731 MOnTbAT, 9-5 BUN, 12-6 KENT VILLAGE See our spacious apart ments. Schools, shops, eon- Ivenlent bus service. Utilities included; 1. 2. 3 bedrooms, rent from $73. 689 sllß. ) SP. 3-6300 fairvievT FLOWER Newest and Most Modern Apartment Development \ 8600 Blk. Piney Branch Rd. At Flower Ave. 6 Minutes from Stiver Spring Shopping Center , S Bedrooms, SIOO 2 Bedrms., *82.50 and *87.5C Includes the following: Large circulating fan, disposal, over 9-cu.-ft. Frigidalre, master antenna, Individual • storage lockers, some with balconies, some with patios. > Complete Air Conditioning at Bm*ll Cost. (OPTIONAL! Near Schools, fthonpmg end Fa*.t Bus Transportation CARL M. FREEMAN MTG. CO. JU. 5-9630 Riggs Manor Corner Riggs and Ager Rds. WEST HYATTSVILLE I LARGE DE LUXE APTS. ! APTS FEATURE LARGE ROOMS I THROUGHOUT. TREMENDOUS ! CLOSETS. GARBAGE DISPOSALS ! KIT EXHAUST PANS AND INDIV | STORAGE BINS FOR TENANTS. | 1 BEDROOM, $83.50 2 BEDRMS., From $92.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED , Transportation, schools and shopping adjacent to proj i ect. RESIDENT MANAGER 6803 RIGGS RD. HA. 2-7851 OPEN DAILY TILL ( HI SAT. AND SUN TILL 7 PM. H. G. SMITHY CO. «ll 16th 8t N W BT. 1-3100 D. C.’s MOST COMPLETE SUBURBAN COMMUNITY LANGLEY PARK APARTMENTS NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE EXTEND ED AT UNIVKRSrrY LANK il BEDROOM $73.50 2 BEDROOMS 83.00 AIJL UTILITIES INCLUDED Most Reasonable Rents in Area Spacious apt*., all double #xp«*ure and erngg vennietlnn Two large ehonning center* and grade school adtarent to project. OPEN S*f . 9 ■ m-7 nm ; Bun. 1-7 pm ; weekday*. 9 • m to 7 p m Offces: 8701 New H*mp*hirc i»*., AND 1402 UNIVERSITY LANE r CALL RESTDENT MANAGER r j HE. 4-3200 H. G. SMITHY CO. 81 l 15th St. N W. ST. 3-3300 CHILLUM TERRACE AIR CONDITIONED Ultra-modern. 1 bedrm . an entirely different concept tn apt. design. sllO. Include* utilities. Resident manager. 623 Sheridan st. jn, S-H726. Directions N. Hampshire ave.. 1 blk. past D. C line, right on Sheridan. CHILLUM TERRACE AIR CONDITIONED Ultra-modern 7-b edr m . beautifully furnished. and entirely different concept in apt design. flftO Includes utilities. Resident manager, 823 Sheridan st.. JU 8-8725. Directions N. Hampshire • vr.,, 1 blk past D C line, right on Sheridan l2 APTS. UNFURNISHED—VA. For People Who Deserve the Very Finest THE DOMINION ARMS 333 SOUTH GLEBE ROAD Arlington, Va.’s Most Distinguished Address Offers Luxury Living Plus Convenience • SWIMMINO POOL * AIR CONDITIONING • BUN DECK * SECRETARIAL SERVICE • TENNIS COURTS * HUGE PARKING AREA • HIGH-SPEED ELEVATORS * PLENTY OF CLOSETS • CARPETED CORRIDORS * SHOPPING IN THE BUILDING 2 BEDROOMS $154.50 1 BEDROOM $125.00 EFFICIENCY $95.00 Includes All Facilities MRS. LEE, JA. 5-3500 SHANNON & LUCHS 0 Management AST*. UNFUHNUHIP—MP. Queens Manor Gardens . 888.60, utlla. incl, UN. 4-42*8, —4 APTS. UNFURNtSHiP—VA. ARL.—Lovely t-b*drm. apt.; elaan. Hechl’i* shoppln*' •t. N. Apply Apt. tO2. KB. S-8720 ABL., 989—1-bcdrm. apt. In apt. t blda, Incl. cute. Wry , pvt. parkin*: 3 min. Pvnt.; mar Ft. Myar. BM. 3-6678. daya: KM. 9-9*oß. avn. '. 1539 N. LANCASTER *T. (Ari l— -1 bedrm, liv. rm, dinette, kit, ' bath; *66. Rea. Mar, KX. 6-6369. *-EM. BSMT. efflleleney- 960 mo. Inrl. elec.: nr. Lae-Waahlnatoa J ehop ctr Call hi. fl-6762. —8 E 1005 N. KENSINGTON ST, (Art.)— , I bedrm, liv. rm, dinette, kit. ; bath: *88.60 and *70.60. Incl. all utils, except, elec. Res Mar, JA. 6- 8263. —8 CLOSE-IN ARLINGTON Move In - now, rent brains Sept. 1. Overlook lna Arlington Towers, transporta tion nearbr. 1 bedrm, 876. JA. * 7-2497 —lO ‘ CLOSE-IN ARLINGTON Move in now. rent begins Sept. 1. Large apts. in modern fireproof bldg.. > stores and transportation V% block. _ 1 bedrm.. SBO. utlla. furn. JA. 7- 2497. —lO j 1 hoi N. QUINN ST., (Ar!.>—l bed i rm, liv. rm., dinatte, kit., bath; S7O Res. Mgr., JA. 8-4137. —8 BEVERLY PLAZA SECTION. ALEX. —Conv. to Pentagon and Navy An nex. ] -bedroom units; redec orated; deep freese refgr., dead-end street safe for children; adj. Ar landrla shopping center. Care taker. OV. 3-2093 or DI. 7-7740 ! JI7IB N. 10th RD, Arllnfton—l-bed , rm, liv. rm, dinette, kit, both; 664.80. Re,. Mar, JA. 6-626. T ARLINGTON. Columbia pike at Frederick st.?- Magnolia Gardens— Avail, now. Beautiful and spacloui living-dining room combinations, 2 large bedrooms, latest in kitchen equipment, parquet floors, Venetian i blinds. 3 exposures, utils, furn. $96 1 a mo. One bedroom. $82.50. For | info, call JA 8-3070. 1-BEDRM. alr-cond. apt. In 2-fam ily house: 26-ft. living room, fire place. private yard and shaded patio; near Arlington Towers Apt. f 116. tncl. utilities. JA. 2-1586 or NA. 8-3120. Ext. 2066 —7 ARL., 1300 N. Pierce st.—J-bedrm. apt.; clean, redec ready to move in eond.: $75 includ utils. MAN AGER. Apt. 104. JA. 2-0713. —7 ARLINGTON—I and 2 bedrms.: re decorated. mod. kit., walking dis tance Arlington Hall, wooded area; bus. shopping center. Quiet. $79.50 and $96. Nr. Glebe rd. 4014 Co , lumbia pike. JA. 2-9576. —ll ARL.; cool wooded area close-in. near Key Bridge, with view of Po tomac; adjacent to n.w. Wash., Pentagon: modern 1 and 2 bedrms.: $82.50 and $lO5. No children. Out Wilson blvd.. left on Oak st.. right to 1500 16th rd., N. —ll 1111 N. KENILWORTH ST. (ARL.) —1 bedrm.; liv. rm.; dinette; kit.; bath. $62 60. Avail. Sept. Ist. RES MOR. JA. 5-8263. —7 1527 N. 17th §T. (ARL.)—I bed rm . liv. rm.. dinette, kit., bath: $76 60 Incl. utils. RES. MGR.. JA. 7-2673 or DI. 7-7740. —7 PRESIDENTIAL GARDENS Adja cent to shopping center and achools. Lovely lawn trees and flowers; 6 mln. to downtown. 3 min. to Pentagon. 6 buslines at ' your front door. Ample parking. * Front-office aervlce. Laundries and stores in your building. New reftrs. with freeaor tops. Two and , three exposures; 1 and 2 bedrms. ■ From $75. Cony, for Army, Nary. Air Force personnel. Mt. Vernon >! and Russell rd., Alexandria. TE. ft-4400, * CITY LIVING IN THE COUNTRY— I Beautiful, mod . house-sise apt. on 1 floor in 2-apt. building: private \ entrance; located on 60-acre estate, tv-hour drive to D. C ; paneled liv. rm.. large fireplace. 2 bedrms.. library or TV room, dinette, kit. snd bath, walk-in closets; $97.50, plus utilities. Phone BR. 8-8410. —7 8. ARL.. very conv. Pentagon, shop ping. bus—One bedrm.. Ife. liv. rm., kit., bath, yard; s<o mo. OT 4-90J9 or OT. 4-9239 —7 N. ARL.—Nr. Westover. Completely redec.. I bedrm.. liv. rm.. dinette, kit and bath: s«* per mo. No children JA 7-5377. 2024 80. sth ST—l-bedrm. apt.. S6O per mo ; avail. Aug. 10. In qulre KI. 9-6782. —7 i ARLINGTON. VA— ) 2708 N. PERSHING DR. 1-bedrm apt with end. porch. BAM ROBEY. AD. 4-2700 1 —' HARBOR TERRACE APARTMENTB If you are Interested in an apt. con venient to National Airport, we have newly redecorated 1-bedroom ant*, from $70.76 to $76.76 per month; also 2-bedroom. $80.75, incl utils. For Inspection, apply at Apt. l, 1301 Abingdon dr.. Alex andria. 1 FORT CRAIG GARDENS Also, newly redecorated 1-bedroom apt adjacent to Ft. Myer; $70.75 per mo., incl. utils. For inspection. , applv Apt. 2, 118 8. Court House 5 f d . Arlington. Va. —lO Broyhilton Apartments VIC GLEBE RD AND LEE HWY. NORTH ARLINGTON 1- APT. ..SBS 2- APT. ~105 INCLUDINO OTILB EXCEPT ELEC , One block to 'hopping and bus, l equipped kitchen with garbage dis do*i£ storage and laundry fa- C M T. Broyhill & Son <5:4 Lee Hwy. JA 4-1 .hop v IN ALEXANDRIA THE AREAS MOST ENJOYABLE APARTMENT LIVINO • HUNTING : TOWERS Beautiful Potomae Water Views Efficiencies at *9O With Separate Outside Kitchens Bedroom Apts. From *llO Large Rooms and With Dinettes SWIMMING POOL. YACHT HAR BOR. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS AND OUTDOOR PATIOS; OVERLOOK ING RIVER AND MT VERNON MEM. DRIVE. Utils, incl Shop ping center, free parking lots, buses direct to Pentagon. Navy An nex and downtown. Furniture plan available IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ) SHOWING. 9 ‘TIL 9 ON MT. VERNON BLVD. IN ALEX ) KI. 8-8484 ALEXANDRIA 1 and 2 bedrooms, liv rm.. dinetta. kitchen and bath; 1 block to stores, theater and bus. Minimum fare to » Wash, and Pentagon. * RIVER VIEW APTS. I 1116 N. Pitt Bt. —ll ALEXANDRIA AIR-CONDITIONED BROOKVILLE DUPLEX APTS. 2 AND 3 BEDROOMS IVi BATHS With or Without Basement 1 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED FROM $102.50 UP Open Dally. 9 Till 9 FOR FREE HROCHURE KI. 8-8181 DIR.: Arrn*x 141. hSt Bridge to Shirley hwy., follow Shirley hwy. to Seminary rd exit, turn left and follow Brookville signs to model apt. ARLINGTON, VA. DAWSON TERRACE 2-Bedrm. Apt. With Balcony Fine, new, modern bldg,, quiet man agement and no parking problems; unusual closet, spare, laundrv. stor acr convenient tn Pentagon 10 minutes to downtown D. C. Over Key Bridge, west approx. Mi mile , in N Scott *t.. turn right tn bldg See MRS. BOWLES at 2006 N Scott. JA. 6-0681. —7 am. uwfusn., va. tc—*■> . LOOK OTHERS OVER THEN I SEE OUR me* law mu, hast es natal . tananaa aanlca, era** ventilation. , elec* te ahopplnc, **«t*r, Yards wall kept, larc* laundry rooms, i plenty storacs apace, all unities . paid. W* will har* a 1 -bedroom aad $-bedroom apt. a.allabl* Bapt. : * ~%?ir2BG! Washington-Lee Apts. - *OO N. Warn* St, Art.. Ta. ; MONROE NELSON ALEXANDRIA’S ! LARGEST 3-BEDRM. APTS. . *139. AH ptllltias Included Near buaea. eburches, schools, shopping center. Wonderful location. Directions: South on No. 1 highway to Monroe ore. In Alexandria, turn rtaht to Commonwealth and 1606. Open 1 to fl. Axent on premise*. KI. 8-6117 • —T : 1200-1218 N. ROLFEST. Arllnaton. Ya. 1 bedroom, llrlnc room, dinette, kitchen and bath. Larae parkin* . lot. Plenty of lawn. Cloae to Fort Ifyer, fl minutes from downtown. 10 minutes to Pentaton Bids. Most reasonable rants In this area; 507.50-Sflfl.6o Includes all utilities To tnapect. see Janitor at 1220 N. i Rolfe at. JA. 7-4 BSA. B. F. SAUL CO. I 9*6 16th St. N.W. NA. 8-tIOO I —7 ARLINGTON ] POLLARD GARDENS j 1-2 BEDRM. APTS. i i »74.10-SB7 ) INCLUDING tmUTHBi Near Hacht’a and Kann’g •hopping center. Good trans i portation. Call rental office. [ JA. 7-9016. ! S7O MO. Arlington, near Courthouse. Eatra large bedroom, living room, dinette. , kitchen and bath, with plenty of ! 1 closet*. BEST VALUE ‘ JA. 6-6640 JA. 6-A261 - j =L_ 1 ARLINGTON ; PARKGLEN APARTMENTS ! 1-Bedrm. Apts. __ $81.50 , (With Bun Deck) 1 2-Bedrm. Apts. __.591.50 AU UtlllUec Included. Frederick Courts |. ; 1-Bedrm. Apts., .. *BO-*82.50 , 2-Bedrm. Apts., *92.50-897.50 ] AU Utilities Included > RENTAL OFFICE 6050 COLUMBIA PIKE Harry Cr&gin, Mgr. Phone JA. 8-6630 'MASON : HALL !| 1420 Abingdon dr., Alex., Va. —Truly one of Alex ’s finest apt. bldgs, with modest • rentals. Only minutes to l! National Airport, Pentagon and downtown Washington. EFFICIENCY—*74.SO 2-BEDRM. APT.—*IOS.OO i |! UTILITIES INCLUDED j* \ Beautifully decorated and i appointed apt*., lge. room*. manv cloeett. nun deck, car ! neted halls; playground: in cinerator*; 3 elevator*: laun dry and storage facilities; off-street parking. > A FEW FURN. APTS. AVAIL. Rental Office on Premises OV. 3-2704 DIRECTIONS: South on Mt Yernon 1 blvd. to 2nd traffic light on enter-; ing Alex., turn right and follow 4 sign* Legum & Gerber Realty Co Lee-Albemarle Apartments YIC. GLEBE RD AND LEE HWY 1- Apt.. -*7sj 2- Apt 95: ' Incl. utils., laundry facilities; 1 blk to chopping and butllne; 16 min.! to D C and Pentagon. , M. T. Broyhill & Sons . . 4624 Laa Hwr. JA. 4-1301' ' 1 ARLINGTON : PIERCE QUEEN APTS. : 1 Bedroom—* INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES Located near chopping and fa«t tramp, to D C. and Oovt. agen cies. Thege gmartly decorated gar den apt*, are the ultimate in modern convenience. Apply Res. Mgr., Apt. No. 1 1520 N. Pierce St. OR CALL JA. 5 *lO3 r j DreyfuM Brow., 1919 15th Bt. NW PRIVATE HOUSES FOR RENT First Floor: Large Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen Second Floor: 2 or 3 Bedrooms and Bath Each house has front and rear yards. Lawn care, garbage and trash removal; gas, water, heat, laundry facilities and repairs provided free. 2 Bedrms., $93; 3 Bedrms., from $109.50 ALSO A FEW FURNISHED APARTMENTS SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING CENTER ON SITE JEFFERSON VILLAGE [> 1734 ARLINGTON BLVD., FALLS CHURCH, VA. i JE. 2-5500 Dally. 9 TIL 6 SUNDAY. 1* "TIL 4 BATURDAY. 9 'TIL 1 / i LEE GARDENS f COMMUNITY OF APARTMENT HOMES 1- Apt., from $73.50-$81.50 2- Apt., from $89.50-$99.50 All Utilities Included Playgrounds and Tennis Courts erce„ to pentaaon and Nevr Department Near Fort Myer. an busline to downtown Wtshlnaton. local ebonoms center. DIRECTION#: Arr"»« Lincoln Memorial Bridge, follow Arllnaton blvd turn rlaht at Alan to Clarendon and Rte. 237, then Ve block to offlre. Daily Hours, 9 'Til 7:30 Saturday, 9 ’Til 5 Sunday, 1 Til 5 Apply Office, 701 N. Wayne St. Arlington, Va. Rental Mgr., JA. 5-6546 Office, JA. 5-6986 —B (Continued on Next Page! APTS. UNFUBNISHID—VA. PARKWOOD APARTMENTS DKUGHTFULLT LOCATED Da FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA NEAR LAKE BAR CROFT 6 MILES TO WASHINGTON, D. C. CHILDREN ACCEPTED AIR-CONDITIONED Lars, rooms and kltehma; ahaiea as two (I) floor plana. Flantr of eloaot spaa* with addi tional clothe, cabinets In hallway*. Complete maintenance and Janitor •ervic*. Recular bu, transportation te Nary Annex, Fentaaon and othor Vlr clnla localities. Express buaea to 12th and P*. are. n.w. via 14th at. and Mamortal Bridies. SHOPPING CENTER, SCHOOL* AND CHURCHES WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE |1 BEDRM $79.50-185.50 2 BEDRMS 589.50-595.50 UnUTIKH INCLUDED EXCEPT TELEPHONE SHOWN DAILY. 9 TILL • SUNDAY. 10 TILL 4 Direction!: Out Columbia pike to Baileys Crossroads, right to Glen Carlyn dr. (shopping center), left to office and apartments; or out Arl. blvd. to Seven Corner*, left on Leesburg pike to Glen Carlyn dr (shopping center), right to office and apartments. APPLY AT OFFICE OF GLEN CARLYN DRIVE MR. M. C. RYAN. MGR. PHONE JE.^-1382 BELLE VIEW On Mount Yernon Blvd. 1 mile south Alex.. 20 min. from downtown D. C.. Pentagon, main Navy and 10 mln. to Fort Bel voir. ENJOY OUR BIG, NEW ; SWIMMING POOL i Available to our tenants at no-extra cost, look forward to glorious days of health and relaxation for you and your family; carefree subur ! ban living combined with every convenience. LARGE BHOPPINO CENTER AND SCHOOLS ON PREMISES. BUSES AT YOUR DOOR. 1. S. 3 bedroom apts.; SBS-s9i-*O - all utilities paid. Rental office. 601 Bene View blvd. Open Daily Through Fri.. 9-S; Sat.. 9-6; Sun. Noon Till $ PM. PHONE SO, 8-6000 AND 8-9001. CHOICE N. ARLINGTON LOCATIONS 1 AND 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED APTS. POMPONIO 2222 Wilson Blvd., JA. 7-6680 MODERN, SPACIOUS 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS, CLOSETS GALORE, BUS BERVICE, SHOPPING, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS.. CALL TO SEE THESE OUT -1 STANDING APARTMENTS. ! POMPONIO ! JE. 3-8573 JE. 2-3295 CALVERT APTS. Furnished and Unfurnished CHOICE, CLOSE-IN N. ARLINGTON Spacious 2 Bedrooms De Luxe Kitchen Private Porches POMPONIO 2222 Wilson Blvd., JA. 7-6660 bashforxTapts. ALEXANDRIA, VA. 1 BEDROOM $79.50 2 BEDROOMS ... 94.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED Apt. completely redecorated Dinette, lge. rooms. 3 exposures and plenty of closet space. Includes spacious lawn and laundry facilities. Close to shopping and transp. See janitor at 810 B&.shford lane or call Mr. Gill. EM 2-9000. Legum & Gerber Realty Co. FORT BENNETT APARTMENTS Beautiful View With High Elevation Overlooking Potomac And Washington In Virginia ARLINGTON'S MOST CONVENIENT APTS. One Block From Key Bridge ; New fireproof apartment*, large liv ing rooms, plenty of closet* and storage space, master TV antenna, equipped kitchen with garbage dis posal and exhaust fan, laundry fa cilities. off-street parking, fenced in equipped playgrounds for the kiddies; close to schools and shop ping. 5-min drive to Pentagon. 2 i ; min. to bus. 5 mln. to streetcar ! downtown. 2 Bedrooms *IIO.OO 1 Bedroom 90.00 1- furn. apt... 125.00 2- furn. apt... 150.00 INCLUDING At.L UTTLITIBB SOME WITH BALCONIES SOME WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCK To reach: Ov.r k.t Bride*. w.*t as L», hwy.. 1 blk. to Oak at., rlaht to Flare, at., left on Plorco to corner. Bee Mar.. Mr,. Cumberland 1821 N. 21et, APT. 1 JA. 5-4044 FREE BROCHURE AVAILABLE ON REOUEST M. T. BROYHILL & SONS 4524 Lee Hwy.. Arl., Va JA. d-lflflfl