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' " KltilMra flu A Ik 'mMEmm' - : <-Sji(BBBBI nbhßbK aSh^ [ MjJ I TO BE OPEN FOR HOME TOUR—Grover House, now the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Winder, is one of the restored homes that will be open for public inspec tion during the Waterford (Vat.) Fair next week end. Mrs. Winder chats at the gate with C. A, R. Lindquist, president of the Waterford Foundation, Inc. Waterford Will Exhibit Early Arts and Crafts By JAMES BIRCHFIELD Star Staff Correspondent WATERFORD. V»„ Oct. 3 This sleep/ Northern Virginia village will come to life this week end tor the 12th annual exhibi tion of country arts and crafts by die Waterford Foundation., Throughout the Loudoun county town, which has under gone a voluntary renovation dur ing the last two decades, crafters are busy arranging exhibits of the old arts, many now forgotten. Waterford’s annual exhibition, a time when the village is turned over to outside visitors, will be held Friday, Saturday and Sun day. It will open at 10 am. and dose at 5:30 pun. each day. Two new features will distin guish the exhibit this year hourly concerts by the Potomac English Handbell Ringers on Sat urday afternoon, and an exhi bition of original Currier and and Ives lithograph! loaned to Northern Virginia Faces Slower Population Gain By PAUL HOPE Population growth in North ern Virginia is expected to be only half as great in the next five years as it was during the past five years, according to a study released today. A slowdown in the rate of growth is noted in a report pre pared for the Northern Virginia Planning and Economic Develop ment Commission. The report is one of a series being prepared in a SIO,OOO fiscal study authorized by the commission. The population of Arlington and Fairfax Counties and the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church will reach 400,000 by 1900, according to the report prepared by Dr. Lorin A. Thomp son, director of the Bureau of Population and Economic Re search of the University of Vir ginia. Population for the region is now estimated at 407,000, a 34.2 per cent rise from the 303.328 reported In the 1950 census. The increase expected > during the next five years is estimated at 134 per cent. 1. Employment In the Metro politan Area is tending to sta bilise. Increases in the next dec ade will be relatively small compared to those since 1940. 2. Further expansion of ac tivities of the Federal Govern ment in the area will be quite limited since further concentra tion of activities in Washington is contrary to sound national defense policy. 3. The annual number of births during the next five years will be maintained at approxi mately the current level. 4. Famines with children will continue to move from apart ments into the single family areas, causing Fairfax County to grow more rapidly than other areas of Northern Virginia. He said the pattern of growth McKetdin's Lyrical Decree Proclaims Oklahoma Jubilee ANNAPOLIS, Oct. 3 OP)— Gov. Theodore R. McKeldln, to a burst of verse, has proclaimed October 10-18 “Oklahoma Song test Week” In Maryland. Here’s the proclamation: "Out in Oklahoma where the com grows tall— Where the peanuts grow deep— and where that ain’t all — Where the cows are contented and the sheep are'too— Where the hills are green and the skies are blue. "Breakfast in the saddle, and dinner at the well Where the oil spouts as high as the tales that they tell — Out in Oklahoma, where there’s room to spare— Where there’s friendship in the heart and freedom in the air/ "Where they sing a song of beauty for all that it’s worth And inspire good music for the rest of the earth — the foundation by the Travelers Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. The usual exhibit#, which have i interested the public for the last ; 11 years, will include examples iof early American handcrafts, i antique furniture, hand-woven coverlets and hooked rugs, a , demonstration of the art of metal working and a demonstra tion of the old-fashioned meth ' od of out-of-doors apple butter ; making. In addition, a number of homes that have been restored : will be open to public Inspection. Waterford, settled in 1735 by 1 Quakers who came from Pennsyl ' vania, has gone through a period of gradual voluntary restoration. Many of its homes represent masterpieces of early American stonework. Among the restored houses that will be open during the ex hibition are: l Friday—Bruce Anderson house. ' Charles Gill house. Dan Spalght could be accelerated If national policy is changed with respect to t concentration of employment in ; the Washington area, if the pro t posed S4O million Central In , telllgence Agency headquarters is located in Virginia, by expan ■ sion and increase in the number of private manufacturing estab lishments, construction of ad ditional expressways and rapid i development of integrated water and sanitation facilities which attract more families in the Washington area to Northern Virginia. Gains of 10 per cent between 1960 and 1965 and between 1965 and 1970 are forecast. Another 10 per cent gain is expected in the 10-year period 1970 to 1960. The Northern Virginia popula tion in 1980 is expected to be 616,000. Here is the outlook for the four jurisdictions according to the Thompson report: Arlington—A rise from an es timated 157,000 in 1955 to 170,- 000 in 1960,184,500 in 1965. 190,- 000 in 1970 and 200,000 in 1980. Fairfax—lncrease from 159,- 003 now to 195,500 in 1960. 211,- 000 in 1965. 249.500 in 1970 and 280400 in 1980. Alexandria lncrease from 82,000 now to 90,000 in 1960, 100,000 in 1965, 110,000 in 1970, and 125,000 in 1980. Falls Church—lncrease from 8,900 now to 10,500 in 1960 and remain at that figure. A total metropolitan area pop ulation of 1445,500 Is forecast by 1960, compared to 2.040,000 pre i dieted by Mr. Hoyt. This-would include 895,000 in the District, 290,000 in Montgomery County, 1 300,000 in Prince Georges County ■ and 460,500 in Northern Virginia. The Washington Board of ’ Trade estimated Saturday that ’ metropolitan area would have a population of between 2 and 3.1 i million by 1960. Where Rogers said to Hammer i stein: ’Oh, this is it/’ . And they wrote a grand show • with the music to fit. “Now up in Old Hew York, on October’s tenth day. They’ll present a fine treat to 1 the whole U. S. A— An Oklahoma songfest to let the people hear : Att about the jubilee in ’fifty -1 seven year. * "Maryland is glad that nearly 50 years ago Oklahoma joined the Union and l helped the nation grow. Here, young Oklahoma, come i shake a friendly hand. We’ll listen to your music, back r here in Maryland. i "So, therefore, at Governor, I i hereby do proclaim Oklahoma songfest week—and don’t forget that name. 1 The week begins October tenth i —start of the singing spree. ■ All hall to Oklahoma and her golden jubilee.” f house, home of Mrs. Heath Mc- Callura, anq home of Mrs. Wil liam Holmes. Saturday—Old Meeting House, now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen McDaniel; Basil Haley’s Cottage, and the homes of Kirs. > John Payette. Mrs. William T. Burch and Mr. and Mrs. George • Bentley. t Sunday—Mr. and Mrs. Hans i Tofte’s Pink House, Grover . House, home of Mr. and Mrs. i William Winder, and the homes lof Mr. and Mrs. John Cutler,! ! Mrs. Marion Fitzpatrick and Mr. I ■ and Mrs. Charles C. GUI, Jr. ► i ■ "■■■■■■ ' ■■■■—a— ■■■' 'I 1 —i NOW NO CHANGE OF PLANE to both coasts of South America r DETROIT * 1 * MCLEmANpX • Y|%p«f Easterp Air Lines and Braniff International Airways—two of the world’s SAN TVER most experienced, dependable airlines—now link New York and Washing mmt » WASHINGTON ton with Panama and the most Important cities in South America. This new, direct, through-plane service offers you the height of air tmvel lux* HOU |AM I 1117 PIUS thC scen * c route to both court* of South America! • On« plane... one the wayl * Double dependability—dependable 4-engine long V. rang# aircraft, dependable personnel! GUAYAoHBfik • Money-saving tourist accommodations! | • Courteous, bilingual purser* and hostess—l t f • Hy now, pay later—convenient monthly payments! janiiro SAO PAULO jm r FOR RESERVATIONS, call ||||HM a ibNE#MONTEVIDEO ■*» , BUENOS AIKESP' Easters Air lines -executive 3-4000 / / Braniff International Airways-MEIROPOUTAN 8-3054 1 \ / or your travol agent ( EASTERN Air Lines AN IFF yy INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS JJ > m « A fi Irish Setter Is Best Dog At Old Dominion Show Nearly 2,000 persons watched an Irish setter take the prize as best dog yesterday at the 25th annual Old Dominion Kennel Club Show. Judging the contest, at Arling ton’s Thomas Jefferson Junior High School, was Frank Down ing of Towson, Md., who also was Judge of the top dog at the club's first show 25 years ago. Best dog in the show was Ch. Duguaire Bryson, Irish setter owned by Dr. Jack H. Shelskle of BpringfleUl. Mass. Other Group Victors Winners of ther groups in cluded: Hound group. Smooth Dach shund, Brett of Marldox, owned by Bencella Kennels of Alex andria; working group, Dober man Pinscher, Ch. Aida’s Hilda, owned by Fleta R. Ruff. Norfolk. Va.; terrier group, miniature schnauzer, Ch. Delfin Victoria, owned by the Delfin Kennels of Ednor, Md.; toy group, a toy Manchester terrier, Ch. Right Joy of Park wood, owned by Velma I. Agnew and Harold K. Thompson, Washington, D. C., and in the non-sporting group, a Dalmatian, Ch. Teatotler of the Walls, owned by the' Hobby ho use Kennels, Tuxedo. N. Y. Among the show’s 513 entries, the following were Judged best of breed; BOUND BREEDS Taranoh, Douilsi A. ■ -KSdffi. b “- faxtafc M..rc j. J.JUUOR of ! hjSrSfara 21u * h ' Mlrum I SPORTING BREEDS • IT"’ H,rb * rl . Fotatan (Gerinan Skerlhalred I—Gu*- ■iS’SSTL’ufe SSSsnsSts &•; *™W«a*araMes—Ch. Artful O'Wolf Trots, C.D., Copt. Raymond C. Ooosoa. Hratu »lll*. WORKWO BREEDS ""BSera—ich Hdctle . Acres* Loud Bp a l if r l ES&i-iwtt B S w <#usß: C<mkUn ß °Betbe*d»* ,,t ’ * Bd * r *‘ *' Orest Danas—Ch. ShnUott * Sir Court -1 biUn U Gran *Btaßco Mta’aayl/wray. Warnejboronah Va’’ garnered*—Dunya of Enelno. Mr. and : Mr gkJ3:sr i s^ eß biMhcm* T?ff^ Toro sgJ ff. r * TRREIEB BRZEDS 1 Aired Ue—Breeiewood Bonania. Mr. ! nod Mr*. O. Robert Reerer. York. Pa , Rowanoaft?” Mr.*"nd Mr*. Oeorae w ° Bard*?*Terrfsr—Phiiabe* Loral. Mar ri,kJS ?SS.,^io, V A-lUk. Ttkl Os “W'fcrSU,*’ atKdta. tan. Mr. and Mr* C Hnntler Chr&t m*Wte»hair*d ° U T‘*r^ier f -Mr Trndltlon. A Al b*Sea*», *h m,k TeertCT—Ardseoed Scarlet O Brren. Mr*. Ruth a. Caotklobn. Mount t 0 Wel*h Terrier—-Pen*ance Panic. Nell Benton Hudeon. Vienna Va. TOT BREEDS Chthaabaae. LOao Coat Crotue’e ' Cota Will-Back Kennel*. Norfolk. Cfclhaahna*. tatooth Coal—Theln* Dream Bor. Bun Theln. Arllntton. N. J. Peklaceoe—Oh. Kal Lun* of Vlne deanf of Orchard HlUi. Mr*. Richard 8. 1 QU Ha*eb*raf k Rltehcreft* WllboU. Mr*. W. O. Rltchl*. Barllnstoo. N. C Psmeeaalan*—Crown Prince** Candr Jade. James K. Artm*. Wajhlnaton. ; One 'wilwr*’ XeKeli. Mmitehantan. Shr’&vecft NONSPORTING BREEDS 1 Be.taa Terrier—Arnold ! Sweet Ro i«arde. Mr* Porothr Arnold. B**t pSidie^ 1 Standard—Ch. Tuttancoro Voter Signup Drive io Begin An October drive to sign up Montgomery County voters will get underway tomorrow with a program of special registration hours at 17 {daces throughout the eountf. In addition to its regular hours of 9 am. to 4:30 pm., Mondays through Fridays, the office of the supervisor of election in the County Building. Rockville, will be open this month on Tuesdays through Friday* from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Registrants will be accommo dated at the Bethesda County Building. Wisconsin avenue, and the BUver Spring Armory, Wayne avenue and Pershing drive, Tuesdays through Fridays. 2 to 5:30 pm. and 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Fourteen other locations will be open to registrants from 7:30 to 0:30 pm. on certain days and supervised by roving registration boards. They are: Bamesvffle district. BeaUsvllle Fire House on October 4; Pooles ville, Poolesville High School. October 5; Damascus, Belllaon and Burdette store. October 6; Gaithersburg, Gaithersburg Fire House, October 7; Olney. Mur phy's Tin Shop, October 11; Burtonsville, Burtonsville Fire House, October 12; Colesville, Colesville Elementary School, October 13. Also, Laytonsvllle. Lay tons ville Elementary School, October 14; Glen Echo, Cabin John Pin House, October 18 and 19; Ta koma Park, fire house, Carroll avenue. October 20 and 21; Kensington, Kensington Armory, October 25 and 26; Glenmont, Glenmont Elementary School, Georgia avenue, October 27; Four Corners, Four Corners Elementary Bchool. October 28. Tlnlojn. Mr*. Oeorss Lemon Jr.. Balti more. BalM etc— Bodies’* Bull of the Wood*. John C. Bodies, WMhlneton Chew*—Porvlir* Starduet, Lout* M. Crabblll and ZUa R. Porte*. Alexandria. Peadk*. Mlatatare—WaejiV’ata V44C ° ———— J " '' ■ THE EVENING STAR, Wuhtegton, D. C. ■ .. MONPAT, OCTOBBR X 1M» MARYLAND-VIRGINIA NEWS ; Baltimore Arrests 162 In Big Night Club Raid A police drive here is driving was so crowded they could hardly some sex offender* to Baltimore, | police of that city said yesterday. The Baltimore vice aquad ar t rested 162 persons late Saturday i in what they termed “the largest ' night club raid ever made in Baltimore." “Most” were from Washington, I the raiders said. „ i The nlght spot was the Pepper . Hill Club. Gay street, on the > fringe of “The Block.” Balti . more's notorious dub district. I Sergt. Hyman Goldstein of the I Baltimore vice aquad led the I raid. He said: "We hare received i word that Washington police are conducting a drive on homoeex i uals; apparently some of them . are coming to Baltimore for their , entertainment.” i • Five Convicted. 23 Forfeit Yesterday 139 persons ap ' peared in Baltimore’s Central ' Police Court on charges of dls . orderly conduct. Twenty-three others failed to appear and for ’ felted 826.45 collateral each. The court session was a wild climax to a wild night. After . several outbursts in the court , room. Magistrate Meyer M. Car ' din threatened to add contempt l of court charges to the leaser counts. Only five persons con ’ victed. All gave Baltimore ad [ dresses. Sergt. Goldstein testified po i lice found ’’evidence of homo . sexuality” in the elub in the 200 : block of North Gay street. Crowd Jams Place Late Saturday night, Sergt. . Goldstein said, he sent two ’ patrolmen to check on the club. “They reported back to me In ’ about 25 minutes that the place B-3 get in: In fact, they almost had ’ to force their way In,” Sergt. 1 Goldstein said. In view of the crowd, he went ' on, be was told by Lt. Joseph ;J. Byrne to call Fire Depqrt , ment officials and make an offi cial visit. j “We were met by a human ’ wall,” Sergt Goldstein testified. “The management had no csn ' trol at all over the patrons. ! When Morton J. Cohen, a eo ■ owner, saw us he yelled ‘Open thy aisles, open the aisles.’ ! “We found complete disofjter •and In the rear of the place I there was no light at all. Bsck 1 there we found seven! couples.” ‘ The sergeant put in a call for ‘ aid and five police ears and six r wagons responded. Everyone was arrested on disorderly con duct charges and the wagons . shuttled the patrons to police j headquarters, less than a block ’ . away. - Silver Spring Man, 74, i Found After Hunt by 100 A 74-year-old Silver Spring ’ man. the object of a 24-hour [ search by 100 firemen. Boy • Scouts and neighbors, was found wandering in Sligo Creek Park ’ yesterday. Police said Peter T. Pomarzyn . ski. a retired tool and die maker . of 9308 Ocala street, was found » near Washington Sanitarium. His daughter. Mrs. Henry M. Dombrowski, said Mr. Pomarzyn ski apparently sat up all night In t the park. He had left home at ~12:15 p.m. Saturday to mail a i letter and was found at noon i yesterday. —— j i> '<