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Tourists Revel in Charm Os Old Key West KEY WEST. There is only one thing that can be aaid of Key West. Fla., that everyone will agree on—it’s different. Visitors and natives alike will argue with you on an endless assortment of points but they aU admit that the place is one American city that falls in a class by itself. First, the real name of the place isn’t Key West, anyway. It’s Cayo Hueso, so dubbed by some early seafaring Spaniards. In spite of the way it sounds, it means "Bone Island.” The name results from some rather outstanding prehistoric activity among the natives. Seems they set the place aside as a battleground and used it so faithfully that their bones were soon strewn all over the island. Firate Headquarters After the Indians had suc cessfully exterminated each other, the pirates moved in and made the little island a head quarters for freebooters. They got so annoying that the United States esablished a base there in 1823 and stayed on till today. In the meantime, the Key Westers became thoroughly mixed up in their blood line which descends through Ba hamas’ Englishmen. Spanish. Cuban and Yankee seafaring transients, and somewhere along the way picked up the title of "Conchs.” To further make the place different, it’s the only truly tropical town in the United States and it’s never had a frost. The city takes up the entire island. It has a romantic, old. Santa to Arrive Thanksgiving Day In Macy Parade 1 NEW YORK. < Macy's Thanksgiving Day Pa-;! rade has become a tradition in ( New York City. It is one of the . most delightful and entertaining , events of the year, for children J and grown-ups alike, and a top j attraction for visitors over the , long Thanksgiving holiday week , end. i Santa Claus is the star of the day and the parade is in his : honor. Hoats, famous entertain- i era, bands and tremendous bal loons wend their way through the city to herald Santa’s ar rival and the start of another, holiday season in New York. i The parade is scheduled to i start at 9:45 a.m. on Thanksgiv- j ing morning at Seventy-seventh : street and Central Park west. \ It will go down Central Park to < Fifty-ninth street, then down | Broadway to Thirty-fourth street. Santa Claus at the end of the parade, will arrive at Macy's a little before noon to l greet the children. _____ —— | Time Plays Tricks 1 COPENHAGEN. If you’re planning a visit to Denmark, expect to tell time * little differently from back ham#. Time there is referred to as half of the next hour, rather half-past an hour. For instance,) "six-thirty” is referred to as "half-seven." RESORTS. DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. A Hearenly V»e»tton . At Down-to-E»rth Prtrn! DAYTONA REACH RECREATIONAL AREA Com* b*fore F*b. l»t—*nJ*jr »n "op In ON TIM OCEAN Rcoowned for chb-Nlu topoipbfft, superior •min ud furnishing*. . 196 rooms with riM bMb tad cross ventilation, MMI with ocMt vitwi. Swimaiag pool and delightful beech. Opao all jwr. Low fahiog-aeeaoa % raws thru Dec. 14 start e? $7 • day for loro. For folder write: C. I. K»%M, Owow-Mpr. lex SSI* tU PORT UUPERDALE, FLORIDA ' * FLORIDA. Ferfenerralaxini “7 Rt KEY ROLONT / *'4** Oa theOeaaa / t*. tOOMilattaeOaf » IRIrmI hinhf irfMih / 4. ▼ / Road Malt Cwnedaweinddleawrßiiiaewway •I Hfe-yeeT wed la day lartvtfTl la NauMd haaa ffaa ady t«,M aywr M-da iiwama daplwit. . i r Mail Coupon Today far fall Information. 1 J EEYOOtORT M * { Marathon Storaa, Florida , I Plata sand fra datailton; ! □ Vacation CotUga Ran Ult • I Q Acrtaja □ Ratiramant Profram J J n lutintta Proparty CJHoute 1 { pHonwaita □ Hotel a Motal Wo J I 0 FLORIDA KEYS MAP 1 laa...n>t.i>»w» ■■■•• | I Addraa J world appearance with narrow streets, buildings of various architecture and age and a tempo that is decidedly ped strian. At one time, Key West had the highest per capita wealth of any city in the coun try thanks due mostly to a profitable ship trade and the the salvaging of ships wrecked (partly by accident, partly by design) on the surrounding shoals. It was also the busiest port in the country except for New York. Late Tourist Discovery As far as vacationers are con cerned. the city got a slow start. It was not until the completion of the Overseas Highway through the Florida Keys that the tour ists began to find the place. They have been delighted ever since. The most appealing fea ture is the overall tempo of Key West. Key West is set in one of the most beautiful seas found any where, the fishing is superb, the sunshine continual and the breezes always balmy. For points of interest there are the turtle crawls, where giant sea turtles from the Caribbean are unloaded for dispersal to American mar kets, the southernmost house in the United States, glass bottomed boat trips over fantas tic coral reefs, ancient forts and excellent beaches. The first-time traveler to Key West generally loves the place. It’s the special flavor, the tex ture, the tropical nature and “foreign” charm that sets It apart, the things that combine to make that difference. Scandinavia Cruise Series Announced BERGEN. Norway. A summer program of seven cruises in Scandinavia has been announced by the Bergen Steam ship Co. for the Meteor in 1958. This is the second . summer cruise progiimftor the Meteor, which was launched in 1955. The ship was expressly designed for cruising in Scandinavian waters, her speed permitting the inclu sion of a great many fascinating and interesting calls in the vari ous itineraries. The first cruise will sail from Dover and Calais on June 9. Cruise fares start at 1185. NOTEBOOK Continued From Page E-19 Coast; perhaps a mountain re sort such as Mandevllle. In Dominica, it's Ciudad Trujillo first (the plane lands ~ i within the city limits) then a start ho tel bv the sea or in the moun tains. Adventure in Eating But first, an adventure in din ing— The broad and palm-lined ooulevard that skirts the Carib bean Sea has a familiar ring. RESORTS ALL THE WAY TO THE 20th DAY d*c. at« frt. i Europe** fie*, too, of court* KITCHENETTES AVAILABLE A UO ROOMS, 140 EATHS PlfmudU yt Adaml i||| •t tilt St. • Miami Buck Loci' fttoo* CO. 5-3828 SEBBINO, FLA. BEBBING, FLA. SEBBINO, FLA, B EENRWORTR LOME, EeMue. PleHdu • N. T. OR.. t» NwA Aw, Nw UcfoA*. H. V.. .UL MCw taeMb J4FIP | B's George Washington avenue, end on it are located two of the best restaurants the Vesuvio and La Cremlta. The latter, a sidewalk case is operated by an Englishman. At La Cremita, diners eat on a softly-lighted veranda fur nished with Chinese red tables and chairs. Patrons may eat anything from hot dogs to such unusual dishes as La Carbonnade Hamade. a savory beef stew made with beer. In the distance, ships can be seen setting out to sea from river docks. The Vesuvio specializes in Italian food. Historical Sightseeing Before the visitor leaves the! capital city, which really has fun and facilities enough to be classed as a resort itself, the va cationer is duty-bound to catch up on some of the historical points in the city founded by Bartholomew Columbus, brother of the admiral, in 1498. i On the bank of the Ozama River stands the ruins of the Alcazar, the viceroy’s palace started by Diego Columbus, son of Christopher and governor of the colony, in 1510. Plans are underway to restore the building, whose walls still stand, to its original appearance. In the Santo Domingo Ca thedral, oldest church in the Western Hemisphere, an ela borate tomb holds the mortal re mains of Christopher Columbus himself. Few indeed are the tourists who care to argue against the guide, fortified by many expert opinions, that here the actual bones of the admiral are enshrined. One Last Trip But one last trip is in pros pect for the Discoverer, who sailed the seas after death as well as in life. Across the river, on a 2,500-acre tract, a $lO million Columbus Memorial Lighthouse is under construction. It is designed in the form of a recumbent cross, a half-mile long, with each arm stretching .out a tenth of the mile. At its heart will be a great chapel, and here the bones will be finally placed. The serious business of his torical sightseeing having been disposed of. the traveler can take a swing downtown into the orig inal part of the city for color typical of Latin America before motoring out to the resort he selects. Located in the Jaragua is the island’s lone travel agency, Southerland Tours, authority on island travel, hotels and prices; also what you would and would not like. Arrangements also can be made there for motor trips to the mountains and along the seacoast. ! There Is one principal salt water resort—the Hotel Hamaca and Beach Club—and two high in the Interior—the New Swiss BESORTS LAKE WORTH. FLA. CHIP STRIRRI ROTH • lefts Wonts, Pfsrfge • Nor. HWton. I-IBM**td»****b*•••*. two t« • imol ewe* b*» *nd an* m*d* to aw* OMflf Rmsl XMRMiMU * rwn. Ut*M*n mm mmmt Writ* mhn m dun*. VIRGIN ISLANDS. • kiMMi *mL <Mtio*. H nMX VIM ••»«*■* As M MM KM Rto JM and the Hotel Montana (pro-1 nounced Mon-tan-ya), h Ceel in Mountains ;i Trujillo City can be hot and i sticky in October and November,, yet a 100-mile drive can put the ( visitor under a blanket for sleep ing at Hotel Montana’s 2.500-foot 1 elevation. But if a mid-October Friday is typical, a lone Ameri-« can might find he is the only, English-speaking guest present, and it may be necessary to call ’ Peters, the chef, from the kitchen • to serve as a conversational 1 companion. Peters apologized for the small crowd on hand, but indicated the place would be jumping within 24 hours. "I wish you . could stay,” this native of Trini dad and former sailor said in his best British English. "It. gets lively on week ends.” An orches tra then would be playing for, dancing on the star-lit terrace, and the Dominican version of case society from the capital and Santiago, the nearby and second largest* city, would be well rep-! resented. New Road Coming . | They think nothing of the! three-hour trip for dancing and associated fun. although the highway takes some of the shine off their American-made cars and the chuck-holes play hob with wheel alignment. But the twisting road gives occasional glimpses of better things to come. Giant earth-moving machines are straightening and leveling the road at several points. When finished, the broad and smooth highway will cut virtually a third off the mileage between Ciudad, Trujillo and Santiago. The New Swiss Hotel, which the government built at) Con stanza’s 4,800-foot elevation, al ready is benefiting from a recent highway project. It cuts Off about half of the old road jour ney from (he capital. Unfor tunately but understandably, late summer rainstorms washed out a section of it. and only recently has it been reopened for traffic. Easier to Reach Easier to reach and conse quently having fewer peaks and valleys in the fun chart is the RESORTS WILLIAMSBURG, VA. ZXk&X&Z&ZZZ Enjoy Jllk Century Hospitality TI*G IM I i & Come to reitortd Williamiburg and diicover what life wat like in colo nial daya. See the magnificent Gov ernor’! Palace ... Vioit the Capitol by candlelight... Stroll through pic turesque gardeaa . . . Dine m the colonial manner at King’s Armi Tavern. Fine lodging* in modern hotel*. Golf and tenni*. "* William short Lois 9 Tooarot Double from $4-00 William short lot 9 Collagal Double from SIO.OO ato s nous* at cat | f.t infsrustisu: irt trm I sc ml Jt . #r of. tut i9ik st., 4B V n. r Repose 7-*nt. jfg SfißJi IRSMniHH Hotel Hamaca, which offers such | vacation sports as deep sea fish ing, spear fishing, water skiing and cock fighting. Also, a pri vate beach and the privilege of eating -lunch in one's bathing suit on the terrace. There is less need for a knowl edge of the Spanish language there, too, although the North American should take along a bit for complete enjoyment of a Dominican Republic vacation. SONG SLEUTH ANSWERS See Quiz Page E-4 1. "Takes Two to Tango” by A1 Hoffman and Dick Manning. 2. “Two Sleepy People” by Frank Loesser and Hoagy Car- i michael. - 3. (a) “Two Cigarettes in the Dark” by Paul Francis I Webster and Lew Pollack; (b) | “Mr. and Mrs. Is the Name’’ ! by Mort Dixon and AUie j Wruble. 4. “Tea for Two” by Irving Caesar and Vincent Youmans.. 5. "For Me and My Gal” by Edgar Leslie, E. Ray Goetz and George W. Myer. m For the Latest and Most Comfortable in | TRUSSES and ELASTIC WEAR m Consult the Trained Lady or Gentleman Attendant at m | either of these PEOPLES DRUG STORES.. • Expert | Fitting with the best for your particular needs. ff! - 1 IJUNOFORM NYLON ELASTIC Helps relieve varicose veins, gives sup- B . , \ \ \ SOTjjR B port to weak or swollen limbs. Often S fAod«» w M i \ \ recommended for wear- ■ s.l # _* \ SupP®” 1 B gBB mg during pregnancy 0,00 tV to sl° °L- 1 SoCf 0, ' ,OC r B Prevent varl- I afcpnir ®1 ” * B JmKt INVISIBLE LIGHTWEIGHT VM SA-50 w*9 \ B /j/j Elastic Nylon Host |S " \ —— “"8 I srgjfgS’"*** -1 i Bm HI “"IT I Lofstrand JSSi lIHK k ADJUSTABLE L/f VS* r.„ I M I aluminum W A s Pad> ■H extrasize HOSE i CRUTCHES l/jy _ s&, -="S 'III HHI SAUER b BLACK M - /A y comfort. ARCH surfOßms B —-rr I IghWiUßLg ]3‘ 7S I For Mdn or Women W ff-- I _ » /e*l sf mm AA RK I ST H ft , co "' jSj I I ■ ANKLETS! E->J3'W~S nSs JIgpSSS I Jv $A.75 »B.BS I B H Am each Pjlli * c 50>wa St*. N.wJ ! Shannon Airport Marks Birthday * || SHANNON. J Ireland’s Shannon Airport, one of the busiest airports In the 'world, celebrated its 10th anni ■ versary recently, but, except for >!some gay decorations and a glass j of “Irish coffee” on the house for every passenger in trangit through the airport, there were 1 no formal celebrations. Everyone! was too busy working. ’ In 1947, Shannon became the world's first customs-free airport and today it ranks as one of tjie best happy bargain - hunting ■ grounds for United States tour ists. TOPS IN 'POPS' Continued From Page E-4 : ! excellent version of “Out of This World.” (Epic LN-3171) Lou Busch—Lou’s suave or chestra, with vocal group, has j two interesting sides in the ! pretty “Rainbow's End” and j the catchy “Zambezi.” (Capi tol F 3272) ”$84,009 Jazz”—This fine LP of jazz features famous jazz performances by a dozen dif ferent artists, culled from their various other LPs. Performers THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington. D. C. SCNDAY. KOVUMS&IOM are Goodman, James, ' Arm strong, Condon, Clayton, El lington, Vaughan. Herman, Gamer, Brubeck, Rugolo and J. J. Johnson and Kal Wind ing. (Columbia CL-777) Sarah Vaughan—Her ren dition of the lovely “C’Est La Vie’’ is one of the finest rec ords released this year. The divine Sarah is at her best, re TRAVEL TRAVEL EUROPE-’6#l 11 COUNTRIES Soiling on QUEEN MAIY and QUEEN EUZAIETH MATIffIINO Amu WEEK •• FtIMCM MVIMA . . Soiling from N*w VoA on januory 4*4, Jommry I**, foWvory l« ond f*bruory IT*. An AU ISHNSt, RMSONAILY ESCORTED luroow Orond Toor vl»H>*g Inglond, Hollond, lu**mbourg. Owmony, Switiorlond, liodHWHtoin, Awtrio, Holy, frond. livmro. Monro Carlo, franc*. Indud** round trip »- ——“ “ “ “ T touriit »t*om»hiß on QUEEN MARY and j MMMf TO9ES QUEEN ELIZABETH, oH howk, mod | r ,„ N o. 124-t m*oU, oil «igh»M*mg, Honoportofion, . dotcribing European Grand Tour frontier, and ***n tip*. Lot*r roturn if [ for soft. dotirad. Tour limited to 40 mom ban. Im- I Nam* madia** rawrronotw nacaitory. SEE J YOU! TOAVEt AGENT or writ* for fraa illuttrotod Book la. No. 124-C. j cifr *f4N CARAVAN TOURS 'VLX* A E-11 ceiving sympathetic orchestral support from Hugo Peretti. Pairing of the lilting tango “Never” is almost as fine as the topside. (Mercury 70727x45) Deris Day—“Oob Bang” If an average novelty that's mated with a fine rendition of the slow-paced, sentimental “Jimmy Unknown.” (Columbia 4-40581)