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WEATHER FORECAST Rain tonight possibly beginning as snow, low in upper 30s. Warmer with some rain tomorrow. (Full report on Page A-2.) Temperatures Today Midnight 29 6a m 24 11 a m 37 2 a.m—27 8 a.m 26 Noon 39 4 a m—26 10 a.m—3l 1 p.m 42 104th Year. No. 55. Johnson Maps 3-Point Curb on Election Funds Hopes for Action On Spending Laws Before Campaign By J. A. O LEARY Senate Democratic Leader Johnson of Texas today revealed he ls working on a three-point plan for strengthening the elec tion laws and hopes to get action at this session in time for the 1956 campaign. Designed to eliminate the need for big National campaign budg ets and large individual contri butions, the plan would: 1. Seek to encourage smaller contributions by allowing an individual to deduct up to SIOO from his income tax for a dona tion to his political party, or S2OO in the case of a man and wife. 2. Let the television networks divide between the major parties a fixed amount of free time. 3. Require stringent reporting of all contributions, with limita tions on the amounts that may be raised. Knowland Agrees Senate Republican Leader Knowland of California agreed with Senator Johnson on the need for changes and said he too would like to see something ac complished in time for the 1956 campaign. He was not ready to commit himself on detailed pro posals. Although not committing Sen ator Knowland to his three specific remedies. Senator John son made it clear he is trying to achieve bi-partisan co-operation to expedite action at this session and said he believes he and the Republican leader are thinking along the same general lines. These developments came on the heels of appointment of the new eight-man bi-partisan com mittee to investigate any im proper attempts to influence legislation through lobbying or campaign contributions. Senator Gore. Democrat of Tennessee, who may be chair man of the new committee, had said earlier he thinks new elec tion and lobbying legislation can be recommended within a few months without waiting to com plete the investigation. Won’t Affect Primaries Senator Johnson indicated that his new program does not Include extending Federal con trol to cover primaries, which is a main feature of the Hennings clean election bill already ap proved by the Rules Committee and awaiting Senate action. Opposition to including pri maries has been a mam stum bling block to getting considera tion of the Hennings bill, which has been on the Senate calendar since last June. Senator Johnson also pointed out that his tax-exemption pro posal would have to originate in the House. But the television and campaign reporting pro visions could be offered as amendments to the Hennings bill in the near future. The cost of network television speeches by presidential candi dates has been a factor in the mounting cost in national elec tions in recent years. Would Raise Ceilinr Recognizing this, the Hennings bill would increase to about sl2 million the $3 million ceiling present law places on the total outlay by either party in a na tional campaign. This ceiling has proved ineffectiye, however, because independent committees may be formed by supporters of either candidate, and each such committee may spend another $3 million. In another development today, Senator Goldwater of Arizona, one of the Republicans appointed to the new investigating corn- Continued on Page A-4, Col. 4 25 U. S. Jet Fighters Turned Over to Spain VALENCIA, Spain. Feb. 24 </P). —John Davis Lodge, United States Ambassador to Spain, turped over to the Spanish air force yesterday a squadron of 25 F-86 Sabre jet fighters. They are the first sent under the Spanish-American military pact. Mr. Lodge said that by June it is expected at least 60 of these planes “will be in active use by the Spanish air force.” DEADLINE 10 TONIGHT FOR PLACING YOUR WEEK END WANT ADS In the Big £tar CLASSIFIED The deadline tonight far want ads to be published in The Sat urday or Sunday Star is 10 o'clock by telephone or 9 o'clock at the business counter in The Star lobby. If you hare something to buy, trade or sell, and want speedy results. Call STerling 3-5000 Aik far au ad : taker I Ww Ibmitm §kr J V WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION L/ Phone ST. 3-5000 ★★ "'lifer ~ *|Kr J ~j sdm f * $* >_■ ' jPp?^ ; %Ujtij&&' *% 1 LOOKING DOWN ON DEATH AND DESTRUCTION —This is an early morning air view of the wreckage of the Washington-New York train which crashed ■ near Odenton, Md., last night, killing five men. Living Cost Dip Cuts Wage Rate Prices Down .1 Pet., Agency Reports ; By JAMES Y. NEWTON > The cost of living declined only 1 one-tenth of 1 per cent last 1 month, but the Labor Depart-i : ment reported the drop was suf i fleient to cost a million workers a cent an hour wage cut. J The workers are in the auto -5 mobile and farm equipment ‘ manufacturing industry and their j pay is adjusted every three ' months according to the rise or r fall of national living costs. They , received a-cent-an-hour pay ad -1 justment last July. The Bureau of Labor Statistics . said that lower prices for house . furnishings, which declined 1.4 per cent from December to Jan uary and for food, down .3 per cent, were the principal causes of the decline in living costs generally. Prices of apparel and trans portation also declined slightly, while prices were higher for all 1 other major categories of family 1 spending. Food Prices Up Here Retail food prices in Wash . ington, meanwhile, increased 6 . per cent between December and . January. Substantial increases i in prices of fresh fruits and vege : tables, the bureau said, were largely offset by price decreases [ for fresh meats, eggs and . poultry. , The Washington food index , was .5 per cent below the Janu . ary. 1955. level. Fresh vegetable ; prices here rose 17.7 per cent 1 over December. The cost of neats, poultry and fish in Wash , ington declined for the fifth . consecutive month and is now > nearly 10 per cent lower than in ' September. The bureau said the National Consumer Price Index for Jan uary was 114.6 per cent of the s 1947-49 base period used for l calculating living costs. This ; was .3 per cent higher than a 1 year ago. Fourth Month of Decline Nationally, the retail food i price index in January was 109.2 [ or 1.3 per cent lower than a year i ago and .3 per cent below the I December. 1955, level. This was the fourth consecutive monthly decline in food prices. Restaurant meal prices, the I bureau added, which have been . moving up steadily since last [ June, were slightly lower last month than in December. Lower prices for pork, beef,; eggs, fresh milk, fats and oils and coffee, all contributed to the decline of food prices generally., But substantial increases for I fresh vegetables offset most of . these reductions. • , Housing Cost Down r Housing costs declined .2 per . cent between December and . January led by the drop of 1.4 ’ per cent in prices of house fur ; nishings. Widespread "white ' sale” prices for sheets, towels and blankets as well as reduced prices for most electrical appli ances were the principal factors in the decline of house furnish ings. In another report the Labor Department said the average take-home-pay of American fac tory workers in January was at a record level for the month but was slightly below the De cember, 1955, gll-time peak. Net spendable weekly earnings in January averaged $71.92 for a worker with three dependents and $64.59 for a worker with no dependents. Both were record highs for the month and slightly more than a dollar below the all time peak levels recorded the previous month. Reds Shell Quemoy TAIPEI, Feb. 24 l/P).—' The Chi nese Reds and Nationalists had another one of their spasmodic gun bouts across Formosa Strait today. The official Central News Agency said the Reds on Amoy fired 137 shells at Quemoy and Little Quemoy. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1956—SIXTY PAGES. Dr. Snyder Says 2d Term Might Be Safer Now Declares President Hasn't Been Fatigued At All During Vacation in Georgia By GARNETT D. HORNER Star BUS Correspondent THOMASVILLE, Ga, Feb. 24.~-President Eisenhower's doc tor said today it “might be safer" for the President to undertake a second term now than it was before his heart attack five months ago. Maj. Gen. Howard M. Snyder, the President's personal phy sician, added that “I don’t know what anyone can tell” for sure about whether Mr. Eisenhower or anyone else is able to serve a term in the White House. j Dr. Snyder insisted that he has “no impression” about whether Mr. Eisenhower is going to run again. “All he can do is trust in God it he goes ahead,” he remarked. Hunters Drive Off Dr. Snyder talked briefly with reporters as the President and Secretary of the Treasury Hum phrey, his vacation host here, drove off through pine woods; in a mule-drawn hunting wagon for a morning's quail hunting. Mr. Eiaenhower plans to flyi back to the White House to morrow after having tested his physical stamina in 10 vigorous vacation days of hunting and golfing. Presumably this personal test ing of his feelings has helped the! President reach the second term decision he is expected to an nounce next week. Asked how Mr. Eisenhower looks to him after playing 18 holes of golf and hunting wild turkeys for two hours yesterday —his most active day since his heart attack in Denver five months ago today—Dr. Snyder said: “He is in very good shape. He hasn't been fatigued at all down here." Doesn’t Know Answer As to whether the President is able to run again, Dr. Snyder . said: "I don't know what anyone j can tell. “These physical accidents' come out of nowhere and he has no guarantee this (a heart at tack* will not happen again. “All he can do is trust in God if he goes ahead. “But it might happen to any man. It would be the same for a new man. Even many young men die—have a heart attack without any warning. “It might be safer for him than it was before.” Presumably Dr. Snyder meant that, with the experience of his ■September 24 heart attack be , hind him, Mr. Eisenhower would ; watch his health and his doctors ■ would guard it more closely with , a view to preventing strain on • his heart than was the case be fore it gave him trouble. The President took the mid Three Phantom Slayings In Detroit Puzzle Police I DETROIT. Feb. 24 (JP).— ln , the last month three men have ' left their Detroit homes in the predawn gloom to go to work . and have been struck down dead .with single bullets. None of the three was robbed. None had any police record. No [ arrests have been made. Each man was shot with a dif ferent gun. Each killing was In' a different neighborhood. One ! victim was a Negro, one a native i . Detroiter and one a former i [ German prisoner of war from I the Russian Army. i In reviewing the cases today Lt. George Bloomfield, acting i , head of the Homicide Bureau, i quickly discounted the possibility that a homicidal maniac is at large in this sprawling metrop olis of two million people. "Our experiences and our rec -1 ords show that a maniac killer : usually uses the same weapon," ; Lt. Bloomfield said. "The only i link in the three slayings is that ' each man was killed while on l!the way to work, and for no ap-, ‘parent reason.” Arrow indicates dining car, which led the section of the train off the track, tearing down a steel power pole. It was most seriously damaged of the nine cars that were derailed. —AP Wirephoto. day rest that has been pre scribed for him between his golfing and hunting yesterday, but was so far from feeling fa tigue that he stayed up last night until about 12:30 a.m. playing bridge. Dr. Snyder dis closed. He waa up bright and early this morning and, breakfast over, headed for the hunting field at 8:45 am. as a bright sun began taking a chill off the morning air. Riding most of the vm over a dirt road under tepair byTpeoigia chain gang prisoners, the Presi dent and Mr- Humphrey drove about 18 miles from the Secre tary'* Milestone plantation to the property of hi* daughter, Mrs. P. H. Finnan. There they stepped from a black limousine to a wicker seated hunting wagon, drawn by two white mules, as news photo graphers recorded the scene, s Wear* Suede Jacket Mr. Eisenhower wore a suede hunting jacket over a light colored sport* shirt, a brown fig ured tie, and had his suede covered gray hunting Jodphurs tucked into ankle-length boots. Smiling and looking fit, he obediently put his double-barrel led 20-gauge shotgun over his shoulder when photographers asked him to. although he tried to explain that wasn't the way to carry it. But when a photographer asked him to sight the gun, the President said “let's don't be corny.” President to Join Dinner for Dulles THOMASVILLE, Ga.. Feb. 24 {/P). —President and Mrs. Eisen hower will attend a 68th birth day dinner party for Secretary of State Dulles in Washington to morrow night. Announcing this today, White House Pres* Secreary Jame* C. Hagerty said the party will be at Mr. Dulles' home. Mr. Hagerty also announced that Mr. and Mrs. Elsenhower will leave here by plane about 11 a.m., EST, tomorrow. The flight to Washington takes 2',* to 3 hours. The latest victim was Gurgen Marik. 46, a factory worker, cap tured by the Germans while in the Russian army. He was found dead on the sidewalk a few doors from his home yesterday morn ing. He had been shot in the back at very close range, appar ently with a rifle. His billfold and pockets contained $10.47 when he was found. A week ago today Clement Campeau, 48, a warehouse fore man for the Grand Trunk Rail road, was found dead beside the Rarage of his home. His death first was attributed to heart dis ease. An undertaker later found a bullet wound above the heart. Police said he had been shot with a .38 revolver from more than 12 feet. He was carrying S3O and &«i#old watch which were undisturbed. A morifh ago Gervious T. Barker. 28. was killed on his way to work at a city garage. He was shot once in the left side with a .32 revolver. Mr. Barker jWas a Negro. Police found $4.96 lln his pockets and a wrist watfh. -1956 Pension Gains Possible House Group Studies New Finance Plan By JOSEPH YOUNG The House Civil Service Com mittee is giving serious consid eration to a new method of fi nancing the civil service retire ment system, it was learned to day. The method of financing the system may well determine whether Federal employes this year will win an increase in their retirement and family survivor ship benefits. j. Under the plan, said to be gaining the growing support of top committee members. Con gress would discontinue the pres sent system whereby annual lump sum payments are sup posed to be made to the civil service retirement system. Yearly to Departments Instead, Congress would be re quired annually to vote funds to each Federal department and agency to enable them to match their employes' contribution to the retirement fund. The agen cies in turn would then deposit the money with the civil service retirement system. Backers of the plan feel that it would end the present situa tion which has seen the Govern ment fall sl3 billion behind in its contribution to the civil serv ice retirement system. Congress has never matched the employes' 6 per cent con tribution to the retirement sys tem and in recent years did not vote any Government contribu tion to the fund. sl3 Billion Owed The sentiment in Congress ap -1 peared to be to put off the Gov ernment's obligations until some future time# The result has been to increase the Govern ment's obligation to the fund to a point where it now stands at sl3 billion. Then, too, the administration for the past few years has been ! reluctant to propose that the Government meet it* obligation !to the fund. Budgetary reasons were behind this reluctance. The point made by supporters of the new plan is that if each agency were held responsible for an annual contribution to the retirement fund, then neither Congress nor the White House could evade the responsibility for providing the funds. Under the proposed plan, each agency would receive an annual appropriation from Congress, as part of its regular personnel funds for salaries, overtime, etc . for its contribution to the re tirement fund The agency's appropriations for this purpose would probably be 6 per cent of the total salaries of its em ployes. This would match the ’employes' contributions. Or ,t would be 7 per cent if the em ployes, as seems likely, paid 7 per cent of their salaries to See SPOTLIGHT. Page A-4 Karrick Observes Budget Hearing David S. Karrick. named by President Eisenhower to suc ceed Samuel Spencer on the Board of Commissioners for a term beginning April 5. today 1 had his first lesson on how Con gress tackles the problem of Dis trict budgets. He attended as an interested observer at the closed-door hear ings of the Rabaut subcommittee of the House Appronrtatinns Committee considering the Dis trict's $182.8 million budget lor the fiscal year beginning July 1. It was reported that he was asked no questions but that he listened closely as subcommittee members inquired into the jus tification of the requests of sev eral of the city’s regulatory agencies Including the Public Utilities Commission. All three District Commis sioners were present. Yesterday they could not attend because of House Commerce Committee hearings on the transit* probl**| Officials Hunt Cause Os Train Derailment Dulles Confronts Critics At Open Senate Hearing George Hopes That Bipartisanship 'Will Get Back on the Right Track' J By the Associated Press j Secretary of State Dulles confronts some of his most out- ] spoken critics this afternoon at a public hearing which Senator George, Democrat of Georgia, said he hopes will get “biparti sanship back on the right track.” Mr. Dulles was invited before the Senate Foreign Relations j Committee for questioning about administration policy toward 1 | the tension-ridden Middle East and on ways to counter new Rus sian economic, political and dip lomatic moves. Senator George, chairman of the committee, said so many questions have been raised in ithe minds of committee members that Mr. Dulles may be asked to return Saturday or early next ’week for further questioning. ! “I am glad Mr. Dulles is ap pearing at an open hearing.” Benator George told reporters. "I think it is advisable." Agrees to Open Hearing The original plan was for a session with everyone but com mittee members and Mr. Dulles j and his aides excluded, but the Secretary agreed to an open hearing after it was urged by Senator Humphrey. Democrat of Minnesota, and others. Senator George said he thinks ■ the session “will help get a re - turn of a greater measure of - bipartisan consultation.” and - added. "I think it would tena in that direction." i Demands for an explanation Mrom Mr. Dulles stemmed from 5 the furore over shipment of 18 rjlight tanks to Saudi Arabia. But - Senator Humphrey said he wants to question Mr. Dulles ■ on everything from his "brink [,of war” interview to policies in - Korea and South Asia. Pressure Increased j State Department sources said l*Tn advance, Mr. Dulles would tell the committee that vital security interests In the Middle . East dictated the decision to , send the 18 tanks to Saudi j Arabia. , One effect of the shipment , has been to increase pressure . on the State Department to ac t cede to the Israeli government's , request for authority to buy SSO million worth of weapons to t counter Egypt's arms purchases . from Communist Czechoslovakia. . The request was made last No , vember. The announcement eight days ago that tanks were being load ] ed lor Saudi Arabia brought - from some Democratic Senators . accusations that the administra t tion was denying weapons to . Israel while helping arm her iArab neighbors. Ordered Embargo The administration quickly - clamped an embargo on all arms f deliveries to the Middle East, in -5 eluding the tanks. Two days 5 later it lifted the embargo, say t ing a determination had been made that . the tank delivery , would not affect the over-all 1 arms balance in tne Middle East. s The tanks were shipped from v New York Monday. s Mr. Dulles, who was vacation ing in the Bahamas at the time, has said he knew nothing of the I ■ Z—~..T=ZI 1 Malenkov Under Attack! As Lagging in New Job f -j MOSCOW, Feb. 24 UP).—The , Soviet press today published a 1 direct attack on the Ministry of Electric Power Stations which former Premier Georgi Malenkov s heads. ! The ministry was accused of t "procrastination" in a speech to ■ the 20th Congress of the Soviet ? Communist Party delivered in t the Kremlin yesterday by the - state planning boss, First Dep r uty Prime Minister Maxim Z. ) Saburov. 1 When Mr. Malenkov resigned the premiership on February 8. 1955, he publicly confessed he had been inefficient and not suf ficiently experienced In adminis tration. / Mr. Saburov did not mention - Mr. Malenkov by name, but he * left no doubt that the Soviet i government is dissatisfied with /the way his ministry is being -run. "The Ministry of Electric Power Stations,” Mr. Saburov 1 said, "is proscrastlnating too - much with the putting into op - eration of new equipment and - electric stations. Due to this, - one million tons extra in con r ventlonal terms of fuel are con sumed annually at high-pressure s i electric stations alone.” ? It was the first high-level si criticism of this ministry since - Mr. Malenkov took it over. Before the party Congress / opened, there was considerable c! speculation in Western circles as ;to whether Mr. Malenkov would - retain his place. This was al / \ layed when he got up in the f[Congress and indorsed the cur el rent line sponsored by Party l First Secretary Nikita Mjiru Metropolitan Edition New York Markets, Pages A-22-23 WMAL—RADIO—TV / I incident until he got to Miami two days ago. Senator George said he is dis- ( turbed over what seems to be | the uncertainty of American jj actions in the Middle East and j i South Asia. j, 1 Want to Catch Up “We want to have Mr. Dulles before the committee from time I to time so we can catch up with i what’s going on.” Senator i George said. “There is too much : confusion in the public mind and in the congressional mind.” i Mr. Dulles has not been before ' the Foreign Relations Commit- i tee since Democrats criticized i him widely for a Life Maga- 1 zine article quoting him as say ing administration policies saved , the country from war three , times in Asia. The art, he was j quoted, is to get to the brink j without getting into the war , Nor has he reported on the , recent talks between President , Eisenhower and British Prime Minister Eden, or on the sub- j sequent Anglo-American discus sions with the French on means of easing tensions in the Middle East | ' ■ i One Killed, 1 Hurt ! At Underpass as Car Drops 28 Feet : One Marine died of injuries and another was critically hurt early today when their car dropped 28 feet onto below surface streetcar tracks on Con necticut avenue at the Dupont Circle underpass, police reported. Dead oi injuries suffered in’ the crash was Sergt. Albert A. Powell. jr„ about 20. of Daniel son. Conn., stationed at Quan ; tico, Va. He was pronounced i dead at Emergency Hospital at i 9:05 a.m., eight hours after the ; accident. The other Marine, Sergt. ' Jerome B. Aeolin. 25. of the Bionx, N. Y„ is in critical condi tion at the hospital with a ' fractured skull and internal in- ; juries. Police said the car, headed i south under the circle, apparent. , ly at high speed, failed to angle i to the right on emerging and ran ; headon into an iron and concret» guardrail above the streetcar tracks. , A section of the railing was ; tom away as the car went ! through. It landed on its top. Police have not determined who 1 1 was the driver. 1 The victims were taken from the wreckage by persons from a * nearby restaurant before Fire 1 l Rescue Squad No. 1 arrived, < . police said. The track was 1 i cleared In about an hour. < Police said two witnesses es- '• timated the speed of the car , before it entered the underpass ] at 80 miles an hour. ( m I \ II ) GEORGI MALENKOV Not Enough Electricity —AP Photo shchev. which gives highest pri ority to the continued develop- 1 ment of heavy industry. During his time as Premier, Mr. Malen kov put special emphasis on con sumer goods. Until Mr. Saburov spoke, the only references to the electric power industries at the Congress had been praise for plans to in- , crease drastically the building ( of hydroelectric plants and the ( creation of power grids. However, Mr. Khrushchev, in ; his keynote speech, assailed ( “pipe dreamers" who cham- | pioned priority for light industry.; Mr. Saburov said Soviet pro- | duction both per capita and total would overtake that of the United States in "the short- j 'est possible historical time.”|e L SCENTS 'Embassy' Crash Leaves 5 Dead, Nearly 100 Hurt Investigators searched today for a reason why nine cars •of the Pennsylvania Railroad’s New York-bound Embassy de railed near Fort Meade, Md, last night, killing 5 and sending nearly 100 to hospitals. Running at normal 80-mile an-hour speed, the 14-car Pictures «nd Other Stories on the Train Wreck. Page A-5 train was 24 minutes out of Union Station, Washington and making a slight curve to the left when there was a bump, a swaying motion and then dis aster. Engineer Herman Malzer of Point Pleasant, N. J„ said the air brakes suddenly grabbed. But railroad officials said they were satisfied there was no brake failure. Rather, the braking was the result of something which caused the cars to sep arate, thus severing the air line and automatically setting the brakes. Heading the investigation were representatives of the Inter state Commerce Commission, as sisted by Public Service Com mission and railroad officials. It did not appear likely a report would be forthcoming before a thorough examination of equip ment and interview of employes had been completed. 400 Passengers Aboard The accident occurred at 5:26 p.m., four minutes after the train carrying about 400 passengers had passed Odenton Station. The point is about 22 miles north of Washington and 10 miles south jof Baltimore. Within five hours workmen had removed enough of the de bris and repaired the track suffi ciently for resumption of south bound traffic. By 2110 a.m, northbound trains were moving again Over the three-track route. The railroad said commuter service was provided as usual to day, though trains were running late. Before noon five cars had been cleared from the main tracka and two of the three tracks were available to normal traffic. The third was still being worked on, and traffic over that link was slowed to 10 miles an hour. Georgetown Student Killed None of the dead was from the Washington area but one, Alex ander Nero. 22. of Trenton, N. J, was a second-year dental student at Georgetown University, and was to have been married to morrow at a church in Yon kers, N. Y. Another. Alfred B. Haupt, 67, of Baltimore, was an attorney for the interpretative division of Internal Revenue Service. He had commuted from Balti more since joining the agency nearly 28 years ago. Mr. Haupt had been riding ahead of the diner, the first car wrecked, and had he not decided to drop back for a cup of coffee would have been safe on one of the coaches which safely rode out the trouble. Friends said he had just reached the diner when the ac cident occurred, having left another Internal Revenue em ploye, Elmer R. Ford of Balti more. Mr. Haupt was of volun tary retirement age. but was in good health and had planned to work until required to quit at See WRECK, Page A-4 HOW CAN INCOME AFFECT CHILDREN? DAD WON T PAMPER—A mother'! complomt that her husband gives his children too little spending money, although he spends freely to main tain his position in the community, is token up today by The Fomily Coun cil, a regular feature in The Star, on the Feature Page, A-25. WILL MEETS K.P.—Will Stockdole, the Simple Simon hero ol Mac Hy | man's best-selling book, “No Tim* I tor Sergeants," flounders good na turedly along in she service. This fime it's K.P. duty. See page A-25. FLORIDA CAUCUS—SureIy it's co incidental, but Star Reporter Betty Beale discovers that about oil of President Eisenhower's official fomily are headed for Florida The President is vacationing in Thomosville, Ga, |ust north ot the Florida State line. For Reporter Beale's conclusions, see pog* B-l. LENTEN THOUGH T-Marty Gallagher, bo« in g instructor at Georgetown University, offers words by Saint Paul os an instance ot what Lent meons to him on page A-15. Guide for Readers Amusem'ts A-20-21; Financial A-22 23 Classified C-5-16 Music All Comics A-28-29 Obituary / 3 Cross-word A 29 Radio-TV A-2'. .7 Editorial A-12 Sports C 4 Edit'l Articles A-13|Womans Feature Page A-25 Section B 8 Hove The Star Delivered to \ our Home Doily and Sunday Dial STerling 3 5000 1 -V-