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Classified Ad Rates: . Local Advertisers 3 Lines (Minimum) One time, 50c line. Three to tie timet consecutively, 44c per line. Seven timet consecutively, 40c per line. Special Notices and Personal, 5c per line additional. Out-of-town rate, 72c per line each insertion. i 4 line minimum.; Claims for errors must be made in time for correction before second insertion. To Place a Star Classified Ad Call STerling 3-5000 MONDAY EDITION, S P.M. Sunday TUES to FRI., 9 P.M. Day Before SATURDAY EDITION, 10 P.M. FRI.' SUNDAY EDITION, 10 P.M. Friday SPECIAL NOTICES 1 Will, NOT BK RI.srONSIKLK for flebli, but my own. H. M. VVIL . i,i; ' s. Iltb W . All. v». • \NM.VI. MEETING OF SHAKE IIOI.DKKS, Washington Permanent Building Association, will be held at the Office 629 F street. North west. May 9. 1956, at 3:00 P. M . lor election of Directors, and any! other business that might come 1 before the Shareholders Polls open from 10:00 A M to 1.00 P M STUART O THOMPSON. Secretary.: PERSONAL MOUNT VERNON Ho3*ITAL nurs ins service, professional carp and lasiy food nonalcoholic. 'Mol Cal vert st. n.w CO, o-as-ft. 0 to |». MIMFOgRAi-iiing ;,oo copies - ; Sfl. EXCH SERV CO , Kill K ■ n w. km is s'l. ;:-ulB6. an lORMS A*, tj. S job applications prepared and typed: personnel counseling. EXCH, SERV. CO.. 1740 K st, n.w. ST. an- WEDDING INMiIM EMESIS and invitations: iN-hr service STAN LEY ADAMS PRINTING 50."> 11th n.w DI 7-1434: eves . JA 5-K'MS HAIR TINTING, 25-vr. exper. Clairol or Roux tint. sh.Aii comp Perm, -•> FRENCH BEAUTY SHOP "SJI Mth st. n.w AD. 4-11874. —l)7 EXOTIC DISHES. French cookinc lessons, experienced Paris teacher; I Reasonable JE. 4-7787. *.’W PERM. WAVES, 83 Mo shmp and wave, tot: cuts. s(lc, WASH , D. C , BEAUTY ACADEMY. 1 .']<)« H st.l _n w* LEARN TO DRIVE IN A WEEK~I AADTA DRIVING SCHOOL D C, Md Va. ME. 8-l<>so AUCTION SALES ~ ‘ ADAM A. WESCHLER * SON Auctioneers-Appraisers NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Dor. othv Matthew, 513 3rd St. NW and Gateway Finance Co. 3400 Rhode Island Avc , Mt Rainier, Md that on FRIDAY. APRIL 77 !«■>«• AT 10 O CLOCK A 11, we w,.i .-ell by public auction at 2-17 -nd St N w Washmeton. D. C . to enlorce our lien for repair and or other charges: 1051 Willy,; Iv-ton pick-un truck. Motor No J -737 8, Serial No. 45 I-DC!-105.5:1 II'.IJ D C Tag No CA 3583 Far oes in interest please take notice : Term- Cash By MITCHELL'S MOTORS. INC 1 »Pl2.lfl.;ti ADAM A WESCHLER A SON, Auctioneers-Appraisers. UNITED STAT ES MARSHAL S SALE of NEW DISCOUNT STORE STOCK I By virtue of a Writ of Special Fieri facias issued out of the Municipal Court for the District of Colum bia anri to me directed I will aell for cash BY PUBLIC AUCTION At WESCHLER?. 905 E ST. N.W SATURDAY May ft. 1956, JO AM. Jive Torn rotary lawn mowers 2 i Remington portable typewriters,' hand luggage, briefcases, radios.' combinations elec irons, hot plate, cutlery, phonographs, records, an tennas. heat pads, elec blankets, party cart tovs, toasters, coffee maker, cookers, slide projector, etc seized and levied upon as property of the Delendant. Excel Products Corporation, a corporate body, and sold to satisfy a Judge tv.ent a: Law No M 9970-56 in favor of M David Dubb T A Wash ington Wholesalers. CARLTON O . BEALL. U S Marshal in and for the District of Columbia. ap2tt-mv4 THOS.'j. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers.* 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS 1705 TENTH STREET. NORTHWEST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No 10357. Folio SI et seq of the land re cords of the District of Columbia ar.d at the request of the party secured thfreby. the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in fron T of the premises on WED NESDAY THE SECOND DAY OF MAY AD 19.50 AT POUR THIRTY OCLOCK PM. the fol low mfr.desor.brri lard and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated a* and being Lot l.':o m C A Lemar - subdivision in Square 363 a*, per plat re corded in *he Office of the Sur veyor for t!ir District of Columbia in I.'ber 15 at Folio 185. Terms Sold ?>bject to a prior 'building a relation- deed n f trust for approximately $1 270 91. fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale the purchase price above aid trust to o'- pßid in casli A deposit of *>"(> mi required Conveyancing, recording, etc a* pufeha er’s cost Adjustments marie a? of date of sate Terms to he complied with wi’hin thirtv days, otherwise de posit forfeited anri the property n-.ay be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. FRANK PARONI i NOEL P OMLOR ap‘?l 21 26.'’H-my I Trustees \DAM A. WESCHLER A SON. INC. Auctioneers NOTICE OF SALE TO ENFORCE T IFN FOR CHARGES —To whom it may concern Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the 4th dav of May. I fifth, at the hour of nine thirty o’clock a m and continuing each succeeding Tuesday and Fri day until all aoods are disposed of at the auction rooms of Adam A Weschler A- Son. situated at No 905 E Street Northwest, lu the city of Washington. District of Columbia the undersigned will sell at public auction personal effects for the accounts of Mr F W. Don lon- Mias Antoinette D’Urso Mr or Mrs William F Frve: Mr or Mp R A Hansen Mr. or Mrs P R Kanorir; Mr or Mrs Harry T Kelly Mr. Houston A. Kellev. Su7anr Laurent Mr Robert D Levi. Miss Alma Schulnierirk Mr- Caiherine Wells and Mr R D White or Mr? Joyce T White Bald Vtctiori and Sale will be made under and bv virtue of section 33 of an Act of Congress approved April Ift into, r.w stat . Part 1 p Tot i known as the Warehouse Receipt Art and for the purpose of sattsfv-ng the lien of the under signed on said personal property for storage charges and other law ful charges in connection with caring for and safekeeping of said persona! property together wi*h co.-» of *airi sale AMERICAN STORAGE COMPANY T V War ing President apl 0.26 The STAR Is the Dominant Classified Medium of Washington AUCTION SALES (Coni.) f - THOB. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneer*. 1 till E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable improved 1 real estate consisting of an uudi-: vidtd one-half interest ift a two-j story brick dwelling, being premises' 65-A *'L” street n e. By virtue of a certain deed of trust J duly recorded, in Liber No. 9407.1 Folio 188 et sea . of the land records’ of the District of Columbia, and; at the request of the partv secured; thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction within : the Office of Thos. J. Owen A Son. Suite 001, Perpetual Building. 1111 E Street N W.. on WEDNESDAY THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. A.D. 1 156. AT TWELVE-THIRTY O'CLOCK PM. the followins ! described land and premises, situ ate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being an I undivided one-half interest in and to Lot numbered Four Hundred Nineteen <4l9> in the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company's subdivision of lots in Square num-l bered Six Hundred Seventy-four • h74t. as per piat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 20 at folio sft Terms: Sold subiect to a prior! • building association) deed of trust for approximately $7.75000 further) particulars of which will be an-j nounced at time of sale; the pur-; chase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $.’100.00 reauired. Conveyancing, recording. , etc., at purchaser's tost. Adjust- 1 ments made as of date of sale Terms to be complied with within , i thirty days, otherwise deposit for- ] feited and the property may be ; advertised and resold at the diacre tlon of the trustees . •, ABRAHAM H. LEVIN. * ROBERT G. WEIGHTMAN. I ap2l ,26-myi _Trustees. | DAVID NIMETZ * CO.. Auctineers, lo‘ls Vermomt Ave. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 2312 SECOND STREET N.E. By virtue of a certain deed of trust ! duly recorded, in Liber No. 9580 Folio 384 et seq . of the land , records of the District of Colum bia and at the request of the party secured thereby, the unrier ' signed trustees will sell, at public; auction in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE TWENTY SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL. A.D. 1956 AT THREE O'CLOCK PM. the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 4.; in Square 3540. reruns: Sold subject to a prior • building association! deed of trust for approximately 5T767.29 further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale; the pur chase pric" above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of 5500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording , etc . at purchaser's cost. Adjust-!' ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discre tion of the trustees. ERNEST T EILAND. JOHN H. EILAND. i Trustees. DAVID NIMETZ * CO. Auctioneer's. 10‘ift Vermont Avenue, N.W. • Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO | STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES I -'.13 TRINIDAD AVENUE. N.E. By virtue of a certain deed of trust i duly recorded, in Liber No. 1U516. i Folio 357 et seq.. of the land rec ; ords of the District, of Columbia. : and at the request of the paety ! secured thereby, the undersigned ! trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, oil FRI DAY. the Twenty-seventh DAY OF APRIL. A.D. 1956. AT ONE-THIRTY O'CLOCK P M . the following-described land and prem ises. situate in the District of Co lumbia. anri designated a* and being Lot 94 in Square 4067. ; Terms- Sold subject to a prior <building association) deed of trust for approximately $8,054.07 fur ther particulars of which will oe announced at time of sale, the i purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of i $500.00 required Conveyancing. ; recording, etc., at purchaser's cost Adjustments inane as of date of sale Terms to be complied with i within thirty days otherwise de posit forfeited and the property ! may be advertised and resold at i the discretion of the trustees. HOWARD BERNSTEIN. ! THOMAS W. HUNT, apl 7,23,20 Trustees. : DAVID NIMETZ J CO.. Auctioneer*. 1025 Vermont Avenue. N.W. ! Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO SIORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES ••.Nil*.* NORTH CAPITOL STREET B’. virtue oi a certain deed of trust i duly recorded, in Liber No. 10361 1 Folio 505 et seq . of the land re cords of the District of Columbia and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction in lront of the premises, on FRI DAY. IHE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL. AD. 1956. AT TWO-IHIRTY O CLOCK P M . the following-described land and prem ises. situate m the District of Co lumbia. and designated as and be i ing Lot 119 in Square 3124. Terms: Sold subject to a prior ; <buiiding association) deed of trust j for approximately $8,723.61. fur j ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of ss<mumi’ required. Conveyancing, recording, etc . at purchaser's cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirtv days, otherwise deposit for leiten ana the property may be advertised and resold at the discre tion of »hr tiustees HOWARD BERNSTEIN. THOMAS W HUNT apl7 23.26 Trustees DAHD NIMETZ A CO Auctioneer*. 1025 Vermont Aft. N.W. 'lnn-tees' Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES 732 THIRD STREET NE. Bv virtue ol a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 10491. Folio 569 et seq.. of the land rec oid of !he District oi Columbia and at the request of the party .>e<uied thrreoy. the undersigned truster will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on FRI DAY. THE TWENTY - SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL. AD. 1956. AT TWO O CLOCK P.M . the follow ing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, a’-d designated as and being Lot I: in Square 752 Sold subject to a prior 'ouilding association) deed of trust for approximately $7.208.76. fur ; ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale, the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of sftOooo required. Conveyancing, re cording etc., at purchaser's cost Adjustments marie as of date of sale Terms to be complied with within thirty davs. otherwise de posit forfeited and the property •nay be advertised and -esold at the discretion of the trustees CHARLES E MITCHELL. HOWARD BERNSTEIN, apl 7.23.26 __ Trustee*. ' TllOb. J. OWEN A sOS, Auctioneers, lit I E St. N.w. 1 Trustees’ of Valuable TWO-i STORY CORNER FRAME DWELL ING. KNOWN AS 900 K STREET. SOUTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed oi trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 9469. Folio 389 et seq . of the Gnri record* of the District ot Columbia and at the request of ihe party secured thereby, the "nclersiKMfd trustees will sell, at , public auction in front of the ! nremises. on THURSDAY THE IHIRD DAY OF MAY A D 1956. AT THREE O'CLOCK PM the follow ing-drscribed land and pretn -rs situate in the District of Co urnbia. and designated as anri *eins: Part of Lot 13 in Eleanor N. T Meeds subdivision nf lot* in Square 951. as per Plat re i corded in the Office « f the Sur- I \rvor for the District of Columbia i in Liber WBM at folio 28T; being ; more particularly described by mete* and bounds in said Deed of Trust. i Terms ALL CASH. A deposit oi 55H0.00 required. Conveyancing recording, etc . at purchaser * cost Adjustments made as of date of Terms so be i omplieri with within 39 days, otherwise deposit forfeited ana the property may Os advertised and resold at the dis-, cretion of the trusters JOSEPH A KAUFMANN. THOMAS V LODGE ap23.26.28.30.niy2 Trustee* THO*. J. OWEN A SON. Aaclloneer* 111 I F. 81. N.W Trustees' Bale of Valuable Improved reai estate consisting of an undivi ded one-half interest in a two •tory brick dwelling being premises 69 "L" Street. N.E Bn vtrture of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No 9412. Folio 489 et seq. of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the rrquen of the party ve aired thereby, the undersigned' trustees will sell, at public auction ( within the office of Thos J. Owen 1 A Bon, Suite 691 Perpetual Build-; ing I 111 E street N W.. on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAT OF MAY, A I) . 1956. AT TWELVE THIRTY O'CLOCK P M . the follow ing described land and premises, sit ua»e in the DiMrirt of Columbia, and designated as and being an un divided one-hall Interest in and to Lot numbered Four Hundred Twen ty-one <4"l In the Wash in--ton tfanitarv Impro\ement Companv a subdivision of lots in Square num bered Six Hundred fleventv-four (674>, as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the Dis trict of Columbia in Liber ?6 at fit’o Bft Terms Sold subject to a prior ‘build ins generationi deed of trust for approximately s7.'L*»9 9n further particulars of which will be an neunceri •* time nf silt; the pur chase prhe above said trust to hr paid in caGi A deposit of IflOtl " 1 required. Conveyancing recording etc, at purchasers cost. Adjust-, ments made as of riste of sale 1 Terms to be rompueri with within thirty davs, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may he ad vertised and resold at the discre* cretlnn rs the trustees , ABRAHAM H t EVIN ROBERT O. WEIGHTMAN •pr’il ae-mrl Trustee# 1 ft AUCTION SALES DAVID NIMEtZ A CO.. Aartloneeri. 1025 Vermont Ave.. N.W’. Trustees' Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 1623 MONTELLO AVE NUE. N.E. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No 10464.1 Folio 537 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Colum-■ bia and at the request of the party secured thereby, the under signed trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises on FRIDAY. THE TWENTY SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL A.D. 1956 AT ONE O'CLOCK P M the following-described land and prem ises. situate in the District ol Co lumbia and designated as and being Lot 185 in Square 4055. Terms: Sold subject to a prior 'building association) deed of trust for approximately $5,955.13. lurther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to he paid in cash. A deposit of $500.9(1 required. Conveyancing, recordirtg. etc . at purchaser's cost. Adjustments made as of date of rale Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise de posit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. RICHARD A DORFMAN. DAVID SHERMAN. •Pl7/-3.26 Trustees DAVID'mmETZ A CO.. 1025 Vermont Avenue N.W. Trustees' Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW’ BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES 39 FLORIDA AVENUE N.E By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Lib*r No 9712. | Folio 75 et sea . of the land rec -1 ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the partv secured thereby, the undersigned i trustees will sell, at public auction In front of the premises, on FRI DAY. THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL. A.D 1956. AT THREE-FIFTEEN O'CLOCK PM . the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 73 in Sauare 668 Terms: Sold subject to a prior (build-’ ing association) deed of trust for approximately $5,790 on further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur-, chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $599 90 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc. at purchaser's cost Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within, thirty davs, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees HARRY B WOLFE. ABE WOLFE. ap17.23.26 Trustees THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneer*. 11l 1 E St. N.W. Trustees' Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 1335 EMERALD STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 10484. Folio 51 e; sea . of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the reauest of the party ' secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on FRI DAY. THE FOURTH DAY OF may A D. 1956. AT TWO-THIRTY O CLOCK P.M , the following-de scribed land and premises, situate m the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 86 in Wine and Mayses subdivision of Square 1029. as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor lor the District of Columbia in Liber 19 at folio 63. Terms: Sold subject to a prior (build ing association) deed of trust for approximately $5,848.30. further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale; the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $509 99 required. Conveyancing, recording etc:., at purchaser's cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised ana resold at the dis cretion of the trustees. HERMAN MILLER ROBERT W KID WELL. ap24.26.28-myl.3 Trustees. I THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneeri; _ I M 1 E St. N.W. trustees g a j e 0 , Valuable TWO- K?no v R kM SS ; N O r’FH WE ST THIRD ™ By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in No 9421.' Tj lo , et seQ • of lil ® l ft nd rec- 1 ords of the District of Columbia ' * n d it the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction * f{on f of the premise . on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY MAY. A.D. 1956. AT TWO 5* M the following-rie iv.nd and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 17 in Duvall et al subdivision of lots, '■ in Square 569. as per plat re corded in the Office of the Survevor for the District o! Columbia in Liber 1J as folio 82. lerms: Sold subject to a prior 'binding association) deed of trust for approximately $2,275 Ot) fur ther particulars of which will be announced a» time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be nald in cash. A deposit of s»niMin required. Conveyancing, recording, etc . at purchaser’s cost. Adjustments made as of date of b * complied with *‘thin thirty days otherwise de posit forfeited and the property may he advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. HERMAN MILLER „ HERBERT M. HOLTZ. ®p2l_. Trustee? THOS. J. OWIN’ 4 SON. Auctioneer*. 1111 E St. N.W. f;V Balp 01 Valuable TWO story row BRICK TWO-FAM FLAT BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 924 FIRST STREET. SOUTHWEST By virtue of a certain deed of trust dulv recorded in Liber No 9898. Fono 215 et seq . of the land rec ords of *he District of Columbia, anri at the request of the partv secured thereby, the undersigned trustees wi 1 sell at public auction m from of the- premises on FRI DAY. THE TWENTY - SEVENTH , DAY OF Ax’RIL. A D 1956 AT FOUR O CLOCK PM the follow ing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, anri designated as and being Lot 62 in Brennan s subdivision of lon In Square 6»5. as nlaf recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 31 at folio 38 Terms Sold subject to a prior •building association* deed of trust for approximately $3,819.70 fur ther particulars of winch will be announced at time ol sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of 8009 on required Conveyancing, recording, etc. at purchaser’s cost Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be compiled with within thirty days, otherwise de posit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. L A SINCLITICO. FRANCIS D ALEXANDER. ap17. Trustees._ THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers. II 11 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable THREE STORY ROW’ BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS 1259 IRVING STREET. NORTHWEST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 10569. Folio 524 et seq . of the land rec ords of the District ot Columbia and at the reauest of the partv secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction »n lront of the premises, on WEDNESDAY THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. A D 1956 AT FOUR O CLOCK PM. the following described land and premises, sit uate in the District of Columbia and designated as and being Part f I.ot 5 in Block 22 in Sherman't subdivision Known as ‘Columbia Heights'* desbrlbed bv metes anri bounds In said deed of trust. Now known as Lot 8«»}• in Square 2847 Terms Sold subiect to a prior (building association* deed of trust for approximately $6 865.63, fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be nald in cash. A deposit ol SSOO 00 required. Conveyancing recording, etc . at purchaser's cost Adjustments marie as of date of salr Terms to be complied with within 39 days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be ' advertised and resold at the dts i cretion of the trustees HARRY BERMAN. MO.SFS OFFENBERO • D 21.24 26.28-mvl Trustees THOB. J. OWEN A *ON. Agetloneers till E St. N.W. I Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY DETACHED FRAME DWELLINO BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 616 WHIT TIER BTREFT NORTHWEST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 10329 Folio 'Oft et seq of the land records of the District of Columbia •nd at the reque*-* of the party I I secured thereby, the undersigned i, trustees will sell, at public auction i! in front of the premises, on FRI DAY THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY. > A D 19.56 AT THREE-FORTY r FIVE O'CLOCK P M the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia and ■ designated as and being Lots 19 • and 29 In Square 3166 in H Val • Burts subdivision of part? of "Rob > erts Choice" "Ould's First Va cancy” said subdivision being now » known as 'Fairlawn Manor" as » per plat recorded in the Office of • the Surveyor for the District of r Columbia In I iber 57 at folio 46: »■ r ubirct to building restriction line and covenants of record, t Terms Fold sbhject to a prloi (building association) derd of trust for approximate!' p* ano r a prior second need o' trust for r approxlrnatelv s2.l()9<m» further • particulars of which will be an nounced at time of salt, the pur ' chase price above said trust to he 1 paid in cash A deposit of 8599 90 required Conveyancing recording ■ etc at purchaser's cost Adjust ment* marie a< of date of sale » Terms to be complied with within ■ thirty nays otherwise deposit for feited and the properu may be ■ adverted and te«olri st the dil . cretion of the trustee* | I GUIS YtTDILEVtT ROBERT W KIDWEta! 1 *024.26.28-mfl 3 Trustee*. DAY SHIFT —By Frank Adams' MX ■/?<?*>*!> “Sometimes it’s quicker just to walk to work, but this is about th’ only real exercise we get, off th ’ job . . ~~ AUCTION SALES THOS. J, OWEN £ SON. Auctioneer,. 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable improved 1 real estate consisting of an undi vided one-half interest in a two-; story brick dwelling being premises; 428-A W’arner Street. N.W. Bn virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No 10129 Folio r 23 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Colum bia. and at the request of ihei party ecured thereby, the under signed trustees will sell, at public' auction within the office of Thos 1 1 J Owen A Son. Suite 691. Perpetual Building. Jill E Street. N W\. on: WEDNESDAY, THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. A.D 1956 AT TWELVE THIRTY O CLOCK P M., the fol lowing-described land and prem ises. situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being an undivided one-half in terest in and to Lot numbered One Hundred Seventy-six <l?6>. in the: Washington Sanitary Improvement Company’s subdivision of lots in Square numbered Five Hundred Nine (;»09), as per plat recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 26 at Folio 175 i Terms: Sold subject to a prior •building association' deed of trust for approximately $7,500 oo further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $309.00 required. Conveyancing, recording etc. at purchaser's cost. Adiust ments made as of date of sale Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for- i feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees. ABR AHAM H I EVIN. ROBERT O. WEIGHTMAN j ap2t.26-myl Trustees. ! C. 6. SLOAN A CO., INC., Auctioneers-Appraisers. LARGE STORAGE SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT SLOAN S GALLERIES 715 J3th ST. N.W. SATURDAY. APRIL 28 AT 19 AM Antique drop-leaf table. Chippendale upholstered arm chair Windsor . chairs, mahogany and walnut chests . of drawers, mahogany double and single beds, springs and mattresses, leather upholstered open arm chair. Sheraton mahogany china closet. Oriental and domestic rugs: fold ing top card table, player upright piano, metal file cases, window fans. china, glassware, bric-a-brac, etc By order of Federal storage company to enforce liens for storage charges and other consignors. Terms: Cash. C G SLOAN A CO . INC.. Auctioneers. Established 1891 rp26.;T THOS. J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneers. 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable three story semidetached brick dwell.ns known as premises 19 Eighth Street N.E Bv \irtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 19.580. I olio 41 et sea . ol the land rec- 1 ords of the District of Columbia ana at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on FRI DAY. THE TWENTY-BEVENTH DAY OF APRIL. A D. ,956. AT THREE O CLOCK PM. the following-de scribed land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as anri being Lot num bered Thirty •39) in Allard and Appleby's subdivision of Lots in Bquare numbered Nine Hundred Nineteen •919). as per pla l re ! corded fn Liber 35 at folio 140 in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia, excepting the East 19 feet of said Lot condemned and taken for aliey bv proceedings in District Court Cause No 1309 in the Supreme Court for the D’.-trict of Columbia and shown i on plat recorded in Liber 65 at i folio 193 m said Surveyor s Offlcf Said property belne now known tor I assessment and taxation purpose -1 as Lot numbered Eicht Hundred Thirty-one ih;;i » in Souarp num bered Nine Hundred Nineteen (919). , Terms: Sold subject to a prior <huild -1 inn association* deed of trust for i approximately $9.224 52 further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of ssoo ou required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Adjust ments made as cf date of sale Terms to be complied with within 39 days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be ad vertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees PAUL R. KELLEY. GEORGE HANLIN. apl Trustees THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers, till E St. N.W. Trustees' Sale of Valuable improved real estate consisting of an undl- I Mded one-half interest in a two-i ! story brick dwelling being premises . 202 Bates street N.W. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 9.458. i » Folio 483 et seq . of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the reauest of the party 1 ■‘•ecured thereby, the undersianed trustee* will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos. I Owen anri Son. Suite 691. Perpetual • Building. 1111 E Street NW . on I WEDNESDAY THE SECOND DAY . OF MAY. AD 1956. AT TWELVE i THIRTY O’CLOCK PM, the fol low ing-de.scrlbed land and prem -1 lse.v situate in the District of Co lumbia. and designated as and being an nndivriied one-half in terest in and to Lot numbered One Hundred G46* in the Washington Sanitary Improvement i Company's subdivision in said ! Square numbered Five Hundred Fifty-two (562». as per plat re corded in the Surveyor s Office for the District of Columbia in Liber L 31 at folio in Terms Sold subject to a prior (build ing association* deed of trust for • approximately $7,750.90. further t particulars of which will be an l nounced at time of sale; the pur chase price abo\e said trust to be palo in cash. A deposit of S3OO Oo f required. Conveyancing, recording. i etc . at purchaser's cost Adjust -1 ments made as of date of sale • Term? to be complied with withtn thirty days, otherwise deposit for : feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trusteev ARRAHAM H LEVIN ROBERT G. WEIGHTMAN. ap21.20-myl Trustees. THOB. J. OWEN A SON'. Auctioneer* nil E St. N.W. • Trustees' Sale of Valuable improved real estate consisting of an un . divided one-half interest in a two -1 story brick dwelling being premises . 1328 "L" BtreeL 8 E I Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust , duly recorded, in Liber No 19943. ’. Folio 494 et seq . of the land rec- I I ords of the District of Columbia. 1 and at the request of the party • secured thereby, the undersigned ; trustees will sell, at public auction 1 within the office of Thos. J. Ow’en' A Son. Suite 691, Perpetual Build- J ing. Mil E Street N.W. on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. AD 1956 AT TWELVE -1 THIRTY O CLOCK PM . the fol- j • lowint-described land and premises. l •' situate in the District of Columbia.; r and designated as and being an J undivided one-half interest in and « to Lot numbered Fifty-four (54* in i the Washington Sanitary Housing CompanvT subdivision of Lots in f Square 1047. a? per nlaf recorded in Liber 43 at folio 117 of the t Records of the Office of the Sur t veyor of the District of Columbia t Terms Sold subiect to a prior »build r ing association) deed of trust for f approximately $*.09009 further • particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale the pur f chase price above said trust to he > paid in ca it A deposit of moo mp required Conveyancing, recording, etc . at purchaser s cost Adjust ments m#de a.? of date of sale t Terms to be compiled with within thirty day*, otherwise deposit for r felted and the property may be advertised and resold at tha dis cretion of *he tru«trr? ftBRAHAM H trVIN | ROBFRT O WEIGHTMAN *p21.26-myi Trustees. 4lr AUCTION SALES THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers, 1111 E St. N.W. Ba i f 01 Valuable TWO STORY SEMIDETACHED BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 24(1 FOUR TEENTH PLACE. NORTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No 9984. Folio 369. et ?eq of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, anu at the *equest ol the partv , secured thereby, the undersigned, . trustees will sell at public auction i in front of the premises, on FRI DAY. THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DA\ OF APRIL. AD 1956. AT FOUR THIRTY O’CLOCK P M the following-described land and prem ises situate in the District of Co lumbia. and designated as and being Lot 24 in Howard Orem sub division of Square 1055. as per plat recorded in the Office oi the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia ; in Liber C H B at folio 399 Terms: Sold subject to a prior (build ing association) deed of trust for approximately $5,347.72. further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above said trust to be; naid in cash A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing. lecording. etc., at purchasers cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale Terms to be complied with within thirty day? otherwise deposit for feited and the property mav be advertised and resold at the discre tion of the trustees. FRANK PARONI. JOSEPH G WEEDA i ap1?.19 21 24.20 Trustee? THOS. f. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers, 1111 E St. N.W. i Trustees' Sal- of Valuable BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES 1012 Tth STREET S.E. ißy virtue of a Deed or Trust re ! corded in Liber No. 19509. at ! folio 501 of the Land Records of I th- District of Columbia, we shall srll in front of the premises on; MONDAY. THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL. AD. 1956. AT THREE O CLOCK PM. Lot numbered Eleven <il) In Andrew Oehman's subdivision In Square numbered Nine Hundred Six i 906). as per plat recorded In Liber 24, at folio 166 in the Office of the Survevor for the District of Columbia Terms of Sale All Cash. Deposit of $509 00 required at time of sale. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from date of sale, otnerwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the propfrtv at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days adver- ! tisement of such resale in soniej newspaper published in the Dis-; trict of Columbia or deposit may ] be forfeited, or without forfeiting' deposit trustees may avail them-' selves of anv legal or equitable rights against defaulting pur chaser. Further particulars at time; of sale. Adjustment ol Real Estate! taxes so dat* of sale. All con veyancing. recording and revenue stamps, e’e . at <o:T of purchaser. SAMUEL SCRIVENER. JR . JUNIOR F CROWELL, api Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneer*. 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY STUCCO OVER FRAME DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 4214 FOURTH STREET NORTHWEST By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, m Liber No. 9335. Folio 548 et seq . of the land rec ord? of the District of Columbia, ana at the request ol the party, .Necured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at pubhc auction in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OF MAY A D 1956 AT THREE THIRTY O CLOCK PM. the fol- 1 lowing-describeri land anri prem ; l situate in the District of i Columbia, and designated «<• and being North 29 fee; from bv the full depth thereof of Lot 29 in the Wa.shingtun Loan anri Trusr Com pany.*, subdivision in SQuarc v;. ‘ Pei worth Audition to the Citv of Washington." as per plat re corded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District ol Columbia ;n Liber County in at folio 15 said property being now known for pur poses of assessment and taxation a* Lot 899 in Square 3243 lerms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for approximately s.{,- ! 253.84 anri a second deed of trust for approximately $2.785.78. fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale the gurchase price above said trust to e paid in rash. A ceposit oi $509.0n required. Convcvanclnß, recording etc., at purchaser's cost Adjustments made as of date of sale Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise de posit forfeited and the property mav be advertised ann resold at the discretion of the trustees. WILLIAM J. MILLAR. CHARLES F McKAY _ ap21,24.26.28-myl Trustees. THOS. J. OW EN a SON. Auctioneers, 1111 E SI. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW FRAME DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 1419 FIRBT STREET SOUTHWEST. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust dulv recorded, m Liber No 9709. Folio 214 et seq.. of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sen. at public auction, in front of the premises, on FRI DAY. THE TWENTY SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL. A.D 1956. AT TWO-THIRTY O CLOCK PM the following-described land snd prem ises. situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and being Lot 18 m Provost's subdi vision of lots in Square 599, as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia in Liber 21 at folio 3 TERMS OF SALE ALL CASH. A deposit of >500.09 wil: be required at time of sale Adjustments made as of date of sale. All conveyanc ing, recording, revenue stamps, etc . at cost of purchaser Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from dav of sale, other wise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser. 1 after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published ;n Washington. D C. DORA PALKIN HARRY J KANE Jr , apl Trustee* THOS. J. OWEN A SON.' Auctioneers 111 I EM N.W. Trustees' Bale ot Valuable IM PROVED REAL ESTATE CONSIST ING OF AN UNDIVIDED ONE HALF INTEREST IN A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING BEING PREM ISES 142 QUE STREET N W B\ virtue of a certain deed oi trust duly recorded in Liber No 9893. Folio 294 et seq . of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request ol the party secured thereby, the undersigned, trustees .Til sell, at public auction; within the office of Thos J, Owen; A Son. Suite 691- Perpetual Build-; ' in*. 1111 E Street. NW. on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. AD 1956 AT TWEIVE THIRTY O'CLOCK PM. the follow ing-described land and premises, j situate in the District of Columbia. and designated as and being an un i divided one-half interest in and to Lot numbered Seventy-Seven (#7). in the Washington Sanitary Im provement Company's subdivision of Square numbered Five Hundred Fifty-Two (552*. as per plat re corded in the Surveyor s Offi» •• for: the District of Columbia in Liber 21 a' foil" 193 Terms Sold Mibieit to a prior • building association' deed «f trust for approximately $8,259 oo lur ther particulars of which will be announced a* time of ale the uurrhase price above *airi trust ?n he paid in rash A deposit of *309 99 required. C’otivevancina terorrilna et< at purchaser'• rest. Adjustments made a« of date of sale Term* to be complied with within thirtv days otherwise rie. pout forfeited and the properv mav be advertised and resold »r the discretion of the trustees ARRAHAM H LEVIN ROBFRT G WEIGHTMAN ap2i.26-mrl Trutttti. V* [ AUCTION SALES THOS. J. OWEN * SON. Anctisnun. 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees' Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES 922 FIRST STREET. SOUTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of trust 1 duly recorded, in Liner No. 9139. Folio 54 et seq.. of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party .secured thereby, the undersigned 1 trustees will sell, at public auction. in front of the premises, on , WEDNESDAY THE SECOND DAY OP MAY A.D 1956. AT ONE , THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M. the foi -1 low ink-described land and prem ises. situate in the District of; Columbia, and designated a* and beiiu Part of Lots 3 and 4 in the Subdivision made by Blagdcn et 1 al in Square 738 as per piat re corded in the Office of the Sur veyor for tlie District of Columoia in Liber VV. F. at folio 92. being i I more particularly described bv I 1 metes and hounds in said deed J i of trust, now known for purposes! of assessment and taxation as Lot M 3 in Square 738. |, TERMS OF BALE: ALL CASH. A j deposit of #509.09 will be re -1 quired at time of sale. Adjustments ; made as of date of sale. All ' conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with ' within thirty davs from day of . sale, otherwise the trustees re-; serve the right to resell the prop-i ertv at |he risk and cost of de > faulting purchaser, after Avc days’' | advertisement of such resale in I some newspaper published in Wash ' mgton. D. C. BARNUM COLTON. EDWARD M. THACKSTON ap21.24.26.28-myi __ Trustees ] THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers. INI E St. N.W. j Trustees' Sale of Valuable BRICK BUILDING KNOWN AS PREMISES , 49J9 DEANE AVENUE. N.E. I By rirtue of a Deed of Trust re , corded in Liber No. 19134. at folio 430 of the Land Records of the District of Columbia, we shall sell in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. AD 19.56 AT TWO THIRTY O'CLOCK. P M Parts of Lots 50 and 71 in Square 51 <9 in ' Glennan's subdivision of land known as "Beall's Adventure." as per plat recorded in the Office ■ of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 36 at folio 46; being more particularly described bv metes and bounds in said deed of trust Now known for purposes of assessment and taxation as Lot 896 *n Square 5119 ;Terms of Sale: All cash. Deposit of $599.99 required at time of sale. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from date of sale, otherwise the trustees re serve the right to resell the prop erty at the risk and cost ol the • defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in the District of Columbia, or deposit; mav be forfeited, or without for feiting deposit, trustees mav avail themselves of any legal or equitable rights against deiaulting pur chaser. Further particulars at time of sale. Adjustment of Real ! Estate taxes and water rent to date of sale. All conveyancing recording and revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser SAMUEL SCRIVENER. Jr.. JUNIOR F CROWELL. I .!_ •P-i : 24.‘. > 6.28-myl Trustees. | THOS. J. OW EN A SON. Auctioneers. fill E St. N.W. Trustees' Sale of Valuable THREE STORY AND BASEMENT ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN .PREMIBE3 NUMBER 1816 BELMONT ROAD. NORTHWEST. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust! , duly recorded, in Liber No 93T1. Folio t()6 et seq., of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia. ! and at the reauest of the partv l secured thereby, the undersigned ; trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on FRI ; DAY THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY A D 1956. AT TWO O CLOCK PM. the following-described land and premises, situate in the Dis trict of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 36 in Tullock et Ml subdivision of part of Block 6 ■ "Washington Heights.” as per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia in L;oer Countv 12 at folio 59 Now known for purposes of assessment and taxation as Lot 36 in Square 2552, subject to covenants of rec ord. Terms Sold subject to a prior (building association* deed of trust for approximately $9,445.63 and a prior second deed of trust for approximately $2.362 67 further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale, the pur chase price above said trust to be l paid in cash A deposit of $509.09! required. Conveyancing, recording., etc., at purchaser's cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale, j Terms to be complied with wiihin ; thirty days, otherwise deposit for ; feited and the property mav be ad i vertised and resold at the dis ; cretion of the trustee- THOMAS A MEDFORD. DURANT MCDOWELL. I ap24,26.28-myl .3 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers, INI E St. N.W. Trustees* Sale of Valuable IM-* PROVED REAL ESTATE KNOWN AS 514 Bth STREET. N.E , WASH INGTON D C Bt virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 8337,! Folio 465 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OP APRIL. A.D. 1956. AT THREE-THIRTY O CLOCK P.M.,' the followinß-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as ana being Lot numbered Sixty-six <66i| I in Edward T. Crismond's subdivi-1 bion of certain lot? in Square num bered Eight Hundred and Ninety- < , two *892). as per plat recorded ! in Book 49. page 10 in the Offiir ! of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia also pa it of l.ot num bcieri Sixtv-fHe *65) in said sub division in said Square and oe •'cribed as follows: Beginning at ;he Southwest corner of -aid l,ot 65 running theme North with the line of a public aliey 19 fret, thence East Hi feet to the North west corner of Lot 66 of said sub division. thence South with the rear line of said Lot 66. 19 feet, thence West 1 *'. feet to the place of beginning: ail of said properties now being known for purposes of assessment and taxation as Lot 8"I in Bquare 892. TERMS OF SALE ALL CASH. A deposit of $500.0(1 will be required • at time of sale. Adjustments made i a* of date of sale. Ail conveyanc ing. recoralng revenue stamps, <tc . at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty davs from day of sale otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting pur chaser. after ft days’ advertise ment of such resale in some news gap« published in Washington 'THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OF •I WASHINGTON. D C., TRUSTEE. SUCCESSOR TO THE WASHING TON LOAN AND TRUST COM PANY BY CONSOLIDATION OC TOBER 1. 1964. Trustees. ' By HERBERT W PRIMM. ! «a „„ Vict PrMidmt. •p17.1P.21.74.26 THOS. J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneers. 1111 E SI. N.W. ; Trustees’ Sale of Valuable BRICK , dwelling known as premises 1 69! ninth street nohthfast By virtue of a Deed of re . corded in Liber No loom;, at ! folio i of the Land Records of the , District of Columbia, we shall sell in front of the premises on MON i DAY. THE SEVENTH DAY OF H MAY. AD 1956. AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK P M Lot 52 in Jefferson B Cralle ? subdivision of lots in Square 936. as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the Di.tnct of Columbia in Liber It) a* folio 33 , Terms of Sale: All cash Deposit of I *599 99 required at time of sale • Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from da*e of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve !l the right to resell the property at i the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five day?’ ari , vertisenient of such resale in some newspaper published In the District I I of Columbia, or deposit may be! 1 forfeited, or without forfeiting de-' ■ posit, trustee? may avail themselves of anv legal or equitable rights! against defaulting purchaser Fur-i ther particulars at time of sale. Adjustment of Real Estate taxes and water rent to date of sale All • conveyancing, recording and reve nue stamp?, etc. at cost »f pur chaser. SAMUEL SCRIVF.NFR JUNIOR F CROWELL • ap26.28»myl ,3 ft Trustee? . THOB. J. OW EN A SON."Auctioneer*. Mil E St. N.W. Trustee?* Sale of Valuable TWO -8 TORY BEMIDET ACHED BRICK DWELLINO KNOWN A8 PREMISES 1118 AMES PLACE. NORTHEAST , By virtue of a certain deed of trust dulv recorded, in Liber No, 19260.1 l ! Folio 569 et seq of the land rec -1 ords of the District of Columbia.; and at the request of the party se-j [ cured thereby the undersigned' trustees will sell, at public auction) • in front of the premises, on MON DAY. THE .SEVENTH DAY OF MAY. AD. 1956. AT ONE-THIRTY; O CLOCK PM the following, described land and premises, situate i 0i the District of Columbia and! designated as and being Lot 86 in Kennedy and Davis Company’s i subdivision of lots in Square 1056.1 I as per plat recorded in Liber 33 folio 139 of the Records of the Office of the Survevor for the Dis trict of Columbia Subject to right of way for allev o\er West 3 feet of said lot Terms Sold subject to a prior (building a -ociaiion l deed nf trust . for approximately $6 249.41 fur ther particular? of which will be announced a* time of *g|e the , purchase price above said trust t.• be paid in cash A deposit of $.99 91) required Conveyancing recording *t- a* purchaser s cost Adjustments marie as of date of •ale Terms to be compiled with within 3" day* ofherw;?** deposit forfeited and the property mav he ■ advertised and re old at the dis* i cretion of the trustees FDWARD SHAPIRO WILLIAM D PAYNE | M>29 28-myl 3.6 Trustee*. 1 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE every Wednesday night, consisting of good quality furniture, antiques, decorative ac cessories. silver, chandeliers, bric a-brac. etc On view dally from 0 to 5. Sale starts 7:30 promptly Use our services to sell vour house hold goods Just consigned, large GROUP OF FINE OLD PAINT INGS. SOME BY MASTERS MONTGOMERY AUCTION GAL LERIES. 11306 Fern St.. Wheaton Silver Spring. LO 4-7800. THOS. J. OWEN * SON. Auctioneers. Illi E 6*. N.W Trustees’ Sale o; Valuable ROW FRAME DWELLINO BEING KNOWN A8 PREMISES NUMBER 1127; PARK STREET. NORTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of trust; duly recorded, in Liber No. 10115. Folio 217 el sea., of the land rec*. ords of the Ui'-trlct oi Columbia.! and at the request of the partv se-. i cured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public in tronti I of the premise:, on WEDNEDAY. i THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. A D ! 1956. AT THREE O'CLOCK PM the iollowinß-descnbed land and' premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot in Gnlick's subdivi sion ol Square s<B7. as oe.r plat re corded in the Office of the Surveyor for the Di>triet of Columbia in' Liber R. L. H at folio 4i Terms Sold subject to a prior (building association' deed of trust ; for approximately $5 694.68. fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to i hf naid in cash. A deposit of SSOOOO required Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser s cost. Adjustments made as of date of ?ale. Term? to be complied with I within thirty days, otherwise de posit lorleited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustee.?. CHARLES E MITCHELL. ROBERT W KIDWELI. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON Auctioneer*-Appraiser? STORAGE AND ESTATE BALE of New and Used Household FURNITURE Television—Refrigerators Mirrors—Rugs—Lamps New Living Room Groups Sectional Bookcases Complete Set Corpus Juris Sectional Sofas—Lounge Chairs—Floor Coverings By order Joseph H Batt. Executor: Union Storage Co. and other con signors. BY AUCTION AT WESCHLER’S TOMORROW 905 E ST. N.W. COMMENCING !>::«» AM Sofas sofa beds; lounge, occasional and sectional chairs; chest of draw ers. dre.'sers. beds, box and coil springs. innerspnng mattresses, lamps, dinette sets, bedroom anri dining groups, fine old ettigere. j modern chrome, folding invalid’s chair, etc j INSPECTION INVITED 1 ap26 PROPOSALS SEALED BIDS for replacement of Elevators in B. C. A* Shop' Bldgs., at Saint Elizabeths Hospital. Wash ington. D C will be received until 2:0o P.M. EDST. May 15. 1956 in Rm. 7109 GSA Regional Office Bldg.. 7th A D Sts. S.W.. Washington. D. C. and then pub licly opened in Rm. 7199. Bidding material mav be obtained from Pub lic Buildings Service. Rm. 1394. GSA bldg 19th F Sts. N.W . Washington. D. C EX. .’,-4999. Ext.' 2397. Fred S Poorman. Deputy Commissioner of Public Building? Genera] Services Administration ap25.26.27 LEGAL NOTICES IIOGW A HARTSON. AND FREDERICK >l. BRADLEY. Attorneys. 810 Colorado Bldg.. W ashintton. D.C. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Dis.trici of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court—No. 89.951 Administration.—This is to Give Notice That the subscribers, of the District of Columbia and the State of Maryland, respectively, have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. , Letters TVstamentary on the estate of Max O'Re.l Truitt, late of the District of Columbia, dcceasen. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the .same with the vouchers thereol. legally authenticated, to the .subscribers, on or before the 9th day of October. A. D 1956; . otherwise thev may bv law be excluded from ail benefit of said j estate. Given under our hands this ; 17 th nay of April. 1956 THE RIGGiS NATION AL BANK OF j WASHINGTON. D. C. By E B SHAW Vice President. Washington. l * D C. PAUL T TRUIT'I. 7209 Lenhart Drive. Chevy Chase. Mary land 'Seal, i Attest: FRANK J. BURKARI. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia Clerk ot the Probate Court. • ap19,26-my3 JOHN C. POOLE "Attorney. *607 Connecticut Avenue. N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing a Probate Court.— of May S. Fitzpatrick, also known as May > C Fitzpatrick. Dei ea>ed.—No 90 - 994 Administration Docket 188.— Application having been marie here in for letters of administration on j said estate, by Harry W. Child-, it I i? ordered this 25th dav of April, j A D. 1956, that Joseph Paul! Stearns and all others concerned.! appeal in said Court on Monday.! the 4th day of June A. D. 1956 at 109»o o'clock AM., to show cause whv such application should not be grained Let notice hereof, bp published in the Washington Law Reporter" and "The Evening Star ' om r in each of three suc cessive weeks before the irtutn <iav herein mentioned, tlie first publi cation to be not Ir>s than thirty days before said return day Wit ness. tile Honorable BOUTHA J. LAWS Chief Judge of said Court, this 25th dav ot April A n. 1956. •Seal.' ft’test: FRANK J BUR KART Deputy Regis:ri of Will? for »hc DiMnrt of Columbia. Clerk ! of the Probate Court. THOMAS MORTON GITTINGS. I Attorney. 116 sth St N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing a Probate Court.—Estate of Jennie M Johnson Deceased No. 90.046 Administration Docket 188-—Application having been matie herein for letters of administration 1 on said estate, by Thomas Morton Gittings it i? ordered this 24th day of April. A D 19.56. that the un known heirs at law and next of kin of Jennie M Johnson de ceased, and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Mondav. the 4th dav of June. AD. 1956. at 19:99 o'clock AM to show j cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof 1 be published in the "Washington law Reporter" and "The Evening Star." once in each of three sue- * cessive weeks before the return day herein mentioned the first pubh-: cation to be not less than thirty 1 days before -aid return nay Wit-' nesv the Honorable BOLITHA J. LAWS. Chief Judge of .said Court.; this 24th day of April. AI) 1956 'Seal > Attest- JOHN \V FOILIN' Dcputv RrgLter of Wills for the District of Columbia Clerk nf the Probate Court JOHN ALEXANDER Attorney. 630 Woodward Building. Order Publication- Absent Delendant Filed April 24. 1956 Harrv M Hull. Clerk UNITED BTATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia RUTH B GREGORY. Plaintiff \t. HINTON A GREGORY. Defendant —No. 1308-56 —The object of this *uit is for absolute divorce on the ground of two years' desertion On motion of the plaintiff, n r this' 24th dav of April. 1956 ordered I tha’ the defendant HINTON A ! GREGORY cause his appearance to' : be filtered herein on or before the 1 ! fortieth day, exclusive of Sunrinv ; and legal holiday?, occurring after the day of the first publication rs this order otherwise the came will be proceeded with as in case r.f default Provided a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive week? in the Washington Law Reporter, and The Evening Star before said day «S * JAMES R KIRKLAND Judge • Seal ) Attest HARRY M HULL Slerk Bv MAROARKT J UNOF.R _ eputv Clerk ap26-my3.10 JOHN 1 LARSON and BENTON 1. TOLLEY. Jr . Attornev* 910 ftmertean seeuril? Bldg Washington .ft. D C Filed April 24. 1956 Harrv M Hull, Clerk. i UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT . for the Distrlc' of Columbia I JOHN B HORNE et al. Plaintiffs, i vs. MARSH J HORNE Defendant.' Civil Action No 14,0-5.5 j ORDER NISI THE AMERICAN . SECURITY AND TRUST COM PANY. Trustees, having reported to the Court receipt of an offer to purchase real estate described a i Lot 210. Square 2539 improved! ; by premises known a? 23M0 Nine , i teenth Street NW for the sum ' of Thirteen Thousand Five Hun dred Dollar? ($13.500901. term?, 1 . cash at the date of fonvevancr l ' and said trustee? having recom mended acceptance nf said off» r 1 it is. bv the Cour’ *hl- •*4th dav of April 19.56 ORDERED tha’ said offer he accepted a nd the ?*> ratified and confirmed unle - cause hr >hown ’o the contrnrv oi * higher nffr- sot said »e». estate acceptable to the Court be made on nr before the Bth dav nf Mav 1956 at !0 "0 * m at which ’line higher offers v» 111 he confideren and objection* to said sale heard Srovideri tha’ a copy nf this order e published nnce m the Washing •or Law Reporter and nnce in The Evening Star newspaper publica tion to be made at least 19 da?* before 'to* last-mentioned date <8 JAM E? R KIRKLAND Judge Sea. • A True Conv i HARRV M HULL r>rk Bv | MARGARET J UNOEP Dtputy Clerk apffi LEGAL NOTICtS (ConO 1 DANZANSKY * DICKEY. Attorn,,, I ItHt G M. N.W. Washington. D. C. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT - for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court —No 89242, Ad ministration.—This is to Give No tice That the subscriber, oi the; State of Virginia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia Letters of Ad ministration on the estate oi John Moore Walters, late of the District • of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the ■ same, with the voucher.? thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 14th dav ot August. AD. 1956 otherwise ‘ they may by lav be excluded from ; all benefit of said estate Given ij I under my hand rhi> 17th day of ' i April. 1956 MAXINE PATTON* i ZOLLMAN. 711 E 21st St.. Buena , I ‘Seal.* Attest- FRANK I tL,,?^F K ART Deputy Register of | 3K*Hs Jo/ the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court i apl 9 26-my.i j DEWEY M. CARR, Attorney 128 | la. Ave. N.W. Hied April 24 1956 Harrv M Hull UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 1 II the. District of Columbia WILLIAM POINDEXTER. Plaintiff . I vs Ella Parker. Alias Ella Pom- 1 1 dexter. Defendant.—-No 1276-56 ; The object of this suit is for abso lute divorce on grounds of deser- . tion On motion of the plaintiff, it 1 i .this 24th nay of April. 1956. £ r a d^r2-thal the defendant ELLA PAfRKER. alias Ella Poindexter cause her appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the dav of the first publication of this order; otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of de- i fault. Provided, a copy of this 1 order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Wash ington Law Reporter, and The Eve- ] lung star Newspaper before ?aid day (8 ■ JAMES R KIRKLAND. &| 'dsr *Seai . Attest HARRY M HULL CieDc By MARGARET J. UNGER Deputy Clerk. ap26-mv3 19 { HELP—MEN ACCOUNTANTS, tumor and semi- 1 '“A'■lor. for- local CPAs office Apply SINROD Ac TASH. 1T35 De Sales ,1 , n.w.. ME S-495, ACCOUNTING CLERK ' , TRAINEE Immed. opening in commercial hotel for young man in earlv 20s knowledge of typing and addinß machine Apply personnel dept . AMBASSADOR HOTEL. 1424 K 6t n.w —•,»? ACCOUNTANTS, JRS ~ For local CPA office. Excellent op portunities for advancement and ex- , penence. Cali CO. 5-5481. —2B ' ACCT. OFC. MGR. ; Appliance store, downtown SIOO Acct.. Far East $10,000! i - Acrt.. const r.. Sil. Sr»g. to $l2O . Bkkpr . credit org . dntn. S| son 1 Bkkpr . cost exper Arl. ___ $375 1 Bkkpr . constr., Alex SBS-S9O j Bkkpr.. Bethesda SBO Bkkpr. hotel downtown >75 j Jr. cost. acrt.. downtown $4,000 Bkkprs.-Acct.s (11) S6O-SBO 1 OTHER POSITIONS Engineers, all kinds to $14.000; Clerk-typists (3) to $275 . Inventory control clerk Open, File room clerk exper S6O Photo helper, office clerks, stock- 1 • shipping (lerk« s,*>o to $65 : Atlas Agcy., RE. 7-5767 14 JO N Y. Ave. NW Rm 506 Architectural Draftsman 1 Fully experienced man. commercial industrial and residential buildings. Hraw program Call MR WERNER DI 7-9089 —27 ARTIST ASSISTANT, in 1 ominercial art studio: knowledge of parteup : and preparation tor printing ral-i arv based on experience DESIGN A PRODUCTION INC KI 8-8980 ASSISTAN r BOOK Kill PER—Exper j , young man. for account? pavable and sales analyse.- office, must type: pleasant working conditions ■ and company benefit? Permanent See Mrs Steelman. I) J KAUF-! MAN. INC . 100.5 Penna a\e n w . ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER - Youn* man graduate bookkeeper, for mortgage servicing department of real estate firm. Virginia resident preferred Reply own handwriting Riving qualifications and starting ! salary requirement Box 353-Y ■ __Star —26 : ASSISTANT MANAGER ; Downtown coffee shop young man . fully experienced with complete 1 knowledge of food costs: excellent , salary, many employe benefit*. Send ; complete resume. Box 255-A. Star » ALTO MECIIftMCS. Mercury 5-day wk : paid hospitalization, iife in surance and vacation O BRIEN & ; ROHALL. JA 5-8900. —27 ! ALTO MECHANICS—We are in ■ creasing our force; steady and re ‘ j liable only; free hospitalizaticn, life insurance and paid vacation-. See ! Mr. Mils’ead YELLOW CAB CO.. ; 4th and Eye ?t? nr —27 AUTO MECH . OPEN f D. C. EMPL. EXCHANGE WHITE AND COLORED Chief engineer. 2nd cl. $6,500 iShort order cook $45 un ‘ Dishwasher $35 'Prosser, silk, wool $59 Porter S4O Busbovs exper. ...... $3.5 . 2nd cook S2BO Parking lot attendant $42-vsi» Service station attendant $55 1512 9th ST N.W. HO. 2-5542 27 * Al’TO PARTS, young man to work • in Ford part? depargment some Ford part? experience preferred ; ft 1 z-day week See Mr. Buynak 1 j ERWIN FORD CO lee hwy and 1 Chain R<*irice rri Fairfax CR 3- • 133*i, JE ••-5777 29 AllO SALESMAN, we need a sale--! man who ha- successful alr.v record not necessarily automobiles . , e offer to such a man an oppor ; ;unit•« to earn up to SIO,OOO pci vr through our incentive compen .»ation rian Apply in person to Mr Casper. BANNING AND SONS MOTORS INC Dodge-Pis mouth .5809 Raltimoe ave HyaUnville. Md —27 AllO SAILBMEN—Have 2 opening? left Here i>- area! opportunity to earn real money, selling for one ol Washington’s largest Ford dealer? Moving in’o the most modern auto center in this ritv Mu t be experl ! eticed sober and reliable, neat in ’ appearance. Can earn from SB,OOO 1 to sls turn per year An opportunity i that conies once In a lifetime for the right person See Mr. Cocker ham. or Mr. Watson THE LOGAN MOTOR CO.. H!1 1 Bth st n.w . or 1 our new location will be 1I5«* 20th 1 st n.w —29 At TO SALESMAN—Used car? Ac ; tive lot Tramp, furn Companv benefits BOWMAN STUDEBAKER. | _7600 Ga ave See MR DAVIS , Auto Sales Manager Due to expansion, need 9 man who 1? honest sincere and a real , hßrd worker experience necessary. 1 .’must stand thorough investigation' also have successful sab? exprri- ( nice See Mr Jenkir.s. OBADY MO- I TOR CO 7 800 Wis ave Bethesda. • Md 1' ..... ■■■ AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN We have openings for 4 man 23 to 35. to sail I incoln and Mercury car - Sai arv plus commission. Demon strator furnished, many other * company benefit? Box 118-Y, . Star —26 ( Auto Salesmen If you are a good salesman and 1 interested in a permanent good . paying career mb selltnc new F'oid? call Harrv Monroe MONROE FORI) CO We'll teach you car selling if von are willing to work hard Guar anteed minimum during training ' JU, 5-7 890, I engineers' McDonnell Os St. Louis Will Give WASHINGTON INTERVIEWS Thursday and Friday ELECTRONICS DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS DESIGN ENGINEERS STRUCTURES ENGINEERS THERMODYNAMICISTB FLIGHT TEST ENGINEERS CONTROL DYNAMICISTS ‘Flutter A Vibration) AERODYNAMICIS7B TOOL DESIGNERS ACOUBTICAI ENGINEER* LOADS ENGINEERS WIND TUNNEL TEST ENGINEERS POWER PLANT ANALYSIS ENGINEERS TECHNIC AI ILI ÜBTRATORR TECHNICAL WRITERS EXPERIMENTAL TEST PILOTS METHODS ENGINEERS W> also have positions available for recent eolltte enti neerine traduatei, Work in a professional atmosphere where your own Ideas will be welcome and rewarded Portion* of technical lead ership exist in Airplane. Helicopter and Oulded Mluile dcvfiooment project.* £OR PERSONAL INTERVIEWS WHICH WILL IN CI CDF ON-THE-SPOT JOB OFFERS AND RELO CATION ASSISTANCE 10 QUALIFIED APPLICANTS Telephone Our Engineering Representativs Mr. Jay Whaley, at EX. 3-5032' Thursday, April 28—12:00 to 9:00 PM Friday. April 27—9:00 AM to 4 30 PM If You Are Unable to Apply in Perinr Write in CorVrnr* TECHNICAL PLACEMENT SUPERVISOR Box 316, St. Louis 3. Missouri McDonnell AIRCRAFT CORPORATION _ -ti (Continued on Next Page) » V THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. THIKSDAY. AFRIL 28. 18S8 When in o tevertuemtnit addressed to Star boxes do NOT enclose onomai references pftofo graphs or othet materials of per sonal value Copies serve the pur pose Originals map oet lost HELP—MEN iCont.l Auto Used Car Manager Due to expansion, need above average man. capable of buyiug and kood a: retail: must stand thorough luveotigation. dec Mr Jenkins* GRADY MOTOR CO. 7 899 WiS. a vr, Bethesda, Md. Al'TO HASHMAN, large Esso sta tion. good working condition*. Must be experienced Appiv LEE PERSHING ESSO. 2300 N. Persh ing dr.. Arlington. BAKLK. all-round experience; per manent position profit sharing; all day work, with no Sundays or holidays FEDERAL BAKE SHOP, 611 14th st. n.w. —-1 BARITONE BASS SOLOIST, down town Alexandria Protestant Church. TL 6-4324 or KI 9-5162 Ht.1.1.M AN • hotel, experienced top -alary, good tips, employe benefit*; 6-day week. Phone for appt. LI. BOOKKEEPER, full charge, for amal! established real estate, loan ana insurance office, must have experi ence. be very good typist, ana hav* good local reference.-: salary com mensurate with experience and _abl!ity. Reply Box 79-Z, Star —3O Bulldozer Operator Only fine grade experienced man need apply Report 7:30 am. for *4901 RANDOLPH RD. Rockville. Md WH. 6-7 220 —26 BUTCHER, exper. only, for first class meat dept Top salary. Apply in person. 7838 Eastern ave. n w. CABINET MAKER, permanent*' Job for sober, intelligent, young family man. Start $75 FE 3-1852. after 11 am. —27 CAMERA SALESMAN, good salary. Ambitious, willing worker, chancb for advancement, other benefit*. RITZ CAMERA CENTER. 618 12th st. n.w. See Mr. Keir —3O CANVASSERS—We have a surenre money-making opportunity for you. Earn SIOO to $l5O weekly, part time or full time. If you are in terested in finding out further de tail.-. call AP. 7-4109 or be at 4925 Calvert rd.. College Park. Md Fri day. April 27. 10 a m to 12 noon. CARPENTER. Ist clas? only: man that can lav out work, run job. Call EM 3-7846; nights. SP 4- 67 66. —2 6 CARPENTER—Own tools and car: home improvement work: steady job begin 52 hour. SECO 617 Sligo ave. Silver Spring. Md 8 to 9 a m. CARPENTERS, stcadv work 52 50 per hour: 6-dav week. Call JA 7- 5283 after 7 p m —26 CARPENTERS, trim, for housing project. Report to MR ALLMAN, a’ job on Parker st.. ' 3 blk. from West st.. in West Falls Church. —29 CHECKER, part tune, experienced. Appiv in person. BUCKINGHAM SUPER MARKET 1323 Rhode Island avc. n.e —1 CIRCULATION TELEPHONE SOLICTORS Immediate openings art now available in our Circu lation Dept for persons with pleasant telephone manner* - with the confidence and ability necessary to do tele phone sale.?work The sales commission is liberal and th® hours can be tailored to fit ! your requirements in many ! ca-es If interested in steady and enjoyable work, contact Mr. Harvey. Room 2**4. between 9 atn and 6 p.m. The Evening 1 Star llth and Pa. Ave. N.W. CIVIL ENGINEER F'or large proiect in Ail Meat b® thoroughly exper. Good .-alary. Ap ply Personnel Dept.. C A FRITZ CO.. 1424 K st. n.w.. Room 319 —27 CLERK. 18 to 3** yrt,.: part time. 6- day wk and week ends, ft to Hi pm. Personal interviews only. TROVER SHOP 143 Independenc® ave. s o —27 CLERK-SALESMAN Retail tit® .-tore. All inside work. No solicit ing Guaranteed salary, plus com mi.sMon and bonus Experienced men average $l5O per week No Phone calls. BEN HUNDLEY TIRES. 3446 11th st n.w CLERK-TYPISTS $325 mo. ALLEN-O'BRIEN Personnel Service, 1494 N Y. Ave RE 7-7280 Clothing and Furnishings Salesman Experience Necessary. Apply PRITCHARDS 1704 Eye St NW. o« COLLECTION ' AND CREDIT MEN We have several openings for ex perienced help inside work: good salarv plus manv company benefits. Ask for Mr. Buskev. EISMAN'S. P ft. at 7th n w —26 COLLECTORS, part time, white, for small regular monthly magarine accounts: Alexandria or s e Wash ington area car necessary. Cali RE 7-6483 —26 COMMERCIAL ARTIST Well-established organisation de ?!:c> ’he services of a young man. 21-30 vr* of age who ha? som# fxncrieme in ayout and general art work Some agenev or news paper experience desired P!ea?e forward resume covering practical experience and persona, background •o P.ox 2’ t-Y Star COMPOSITOR. daywork perms* nem position, union shop, seal® plm convenient to transportation; ma’ute man preferren Apply rom posinc room NATIONAL REPUB LIC 51! llth st. n.w —27 CONSTRICTION MAN. experienced in job rating Storm sewer work, curb and gutter Mu*t he able to use tram it follow’ plan? and direct installation ’.040 Columbia pik®. JA .-4466 —59 CONSTRICTION TIMEKEEPER fnr job loca’fd in N Springfield. Va. Appiv ’ob superintendent, ft .5 40 Black lick rd . N Springfield, bet. 4 and *■ p.m —27 COOK, working chef for high-type, small restaurant excellent *»iary; opportunity for voting chef: closed Sundays CAFE BURGUNDY .5031 ave. —27 COLNTER-C.RILL man. white Call JA 8-97 14 —26 COUNTERMAN, white, experienced: must be nett and a fast worker; hospitalization and vacation bene fit? Bee Mr Hutchins. DEE CEB DINER, lino Vermont ave n.w. C RE PIT MAN. good salarv plus rn m mission wonderful opportunity, i See MR GOLDBERG 714 ’h it n.w. —36 CREDIT MANAGERS' AND ASST. MANAGERS For the world large.-.’ jewelers. Good ‘farting -aiarv unlimited fu ture for the rjght. mrn Manv com pany benefits, employe discount*. App v Mr ftpolont FRANC JEWELERS 11 11 F St N W —27 DRAFTSMAN Minimum 3 vr? exper perma nent position with local roniultlna engineer? Phone rs ;-fti.n —2d B-15