Newspaper Page Text
B-12 THE EVENING STAR! • Washington, D, C. TUESDAY. MAY 1. 1956 AUCTION SALES (Cent.) THOS. J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneer!, 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ sale ot Valuable improved real estate consisting of an undi vided one-half interest in a two story brick dwelling, being premises 65-A *L M street n.e. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 9407 Folio 188 et sea, of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the partv secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction within the Office of Thos. J. Owen & Son. Suite 801. Perpetual Building. 1111 E Street. N.W.. on WEDNESDAY THE SECOND DAY OP MAY. AD. 1)56. AT TWELVE-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situ ate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being an. undivided one-half Interest in and: to Lot numbered Pour Hundred Nineteen t4l9> in the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company's; subdivision of lots in Square num- 1 bered Six Hundred Seventy-four! <«74i. as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for thei District of Columbia in Liber 26 at folio *5 Terms: Sold subiect to a prior (building association! deed of trust for approximately $7.750.0q further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of S.'Mto.OO required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within , thirty days, otherwise deposit for- 1 felted and the property ma,v be advertised and resold at the discre tion of the trustees ABRAHAM H LEVIN. ROBERT G. WEIGHTMAN. ap2_l,2*s-myl _Trustees._ THOS. J. OWEN & SON. Auctioneers. 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable improved real estate consisting of an undivi*. ded one-half interest in a two story brick dwelling being premises 69 ”L” Street. N.E By virture of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 5)412. Folio 481) et seq.. of the land rec ords of the Distriet of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos J. Owen ft Son. Suite 601 Perpetual Build ing. 1111 E street. N.W., on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OP MAY. A D., 1950. AT TWELVE THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M., the follow ing described land and premises, sit uate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being an un divided one-half Interest in and to Lot numbered Pour Hundred Twen ty-one (421». in the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company’s subdivision of lots in Square num bered Six Hundred Seventy-four (674), as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the Dis trict of Columbia in Liber 26 at folio 85 Terms: Sold subject to a prior (build ing association) deed of trust for approximately $7,760.00 further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale; the pur chase prive above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $300.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be ad vertised and resold at the discre cretion of the trustees ABRAHAM H LEVIN. ROBERT G. WEIGHTMAN. »pr2l ,26-royl Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN * SON, Auctioneers. 1111 E St. N.W’. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable Improved real estate consisting ot an undi vided one-haif interest in a two •tory brick dwelling being premises 202 Bates street N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 9,458. Folio 483 et seq . of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos. J Owen and Son. Suite 601. Perpetual Building. 1111 E Street N.W., on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OF MAY, A D 1956. AT IWELVE THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M., the fol lowing-described land and prem ises. situate in the District of Co lumbia. and designated as and being an undivdied one-half in terest in and to Lot numbered One Hundred Forty-six (146) in the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company's subdivision in said Bouare numbered Five Hundred Fifty-two i 552). as per plat re corded In the Surveyor’s Office for the District of Columbia in Liber 31 at folio 117. Terms: Sold subject to a prior (build ing association) deed of trust for' approximately $7,750.00. further I particulars of which will be an-' nounced at time of sale; the pur-' chase price above said trust to be! paid in cash. A deposit of $300.09 required. Conveyancing, recording. - etc., at purchasers cost. Adjust-! ments made as of date of sale.i Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for-! feited and the property may be, advertised and resold at the dis-: •ration of the trustees. ABRAHAM H LEVIN. !, ROBERT G. WEIGHTMAN. J _tp2L26-myl _ Trustees. _ THOS. J. OWEN * SON. Auctioneers. 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS 723 PRINCETON PLACE. NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No 10329. Folio 315 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Colum bia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the under signed trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on MONDAY THE SEVENTH DAY OF MAY. AD 1956. AT THREE O'CLOCK PM . the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 242 in Square 3031 in the subdivision r of “Pleasant Plains” made by How enstein ft Kennedy Bros., Inc. Terms: Sold subject to a prior (building association) deed of trust for approximately $7,960.17 further particulars of which will be an- , nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $1,000.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser s cost. Adjust ment* made as of date of sale Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discre tion of the trustees HARRY BERMAN SAMUFI, R. LAFSKY 1 ap26.28-mv1.3,5 Trustee*. | THOS. J. OWEN * SON. Auctioneer*, 111! E St. N.W. Trustees’ Bale of V*luable TWO-! STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMIBES NUMBER 1213 E BTREET. NORTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 10283. Folio 558 et seq., of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party •erured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction In front of the premises, on MON DAY. THE SEVENTH DAY OF MAY. AD. 1956. AT TWO-TEN O'CLOCK P.M., the following-de scribed land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 187 in Burn’* subdivision of lots in Square 1008, as per plat recorded in the office of tne Surveyor for District of Columbia In Liber 31 at Folio; 80. Term*: Sold subject to a prior • building association) deed of trust for approximately $6,950.73 and a prior second deed of trust for approximately $4,700.00. further particulars of which will be an-, nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of SSOOOO required. Conveyancing, recording etc. at purchaser's cost. Adjust ment* made as of date of sale Term* to be complied with within thtrtv day*, otherwise deposit for-, fetted and the property may be advertised and resold at the dUcre- I lion of the trustees. EDWARD BHAPIRO. WILLIAM D PAYNF. >p25.28-my1..*1.& Trustees. ZED L. WILLIAMS A ZED L. Very large consignment r rugs, new and antique. £ owners and collectors. Nui large, regular room sizes, tl etc., etc. None finer or moi dsrful pieces. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT Williams Auction House 1206 H st. N.w. 3 SESSIONS THIS THURSDAY MAY .'lrd. 11l .10 AM ft T3O PM ALSO SATURDAY MORNINO. MAY sth. 10:30 AM PUBLIC INSPECTION ft EXHIBITION ALL DAY TODAY AND . WED H AM TO 0 PM Various sizes, finest grades and colors of Kermens. Real Sarouks, numerous sizes, including up to 12x20. Hamadans, Heriz, Kopotrangs and others, all sizes. 15 various size runners. Finest of the fine Chinese, soft high Manchester pile, gorgeous colors and patterns. No higher class Chinese anywhere. Alio about 15 various size antique pieces. Pekin Chinese capstans. Kazaks, etc. PUBLIC INSPECIION RKBPECT FULLY INVITED SPECIAL NOTICE School* or tnchrrt wlahin# to df menu rot# products of th# Old World —Chino, Iron Peru*, the For Foot—cor rtlillv Invited to Print 'heir entire clnso in (or o Srst-hnnd study at Iht (rest ruts of these murnrie. AUCTIONEERS PH NA S-M7S ' AUCTION SALES THOS J. OWEN A SON. Auction'.,, Ill) E St. N.W. rnjjtcc'i S,l» ot Vuluublc TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 1730 A STREET SOUTH- By virtu* of a certain deed of tru,t duly recorded. In Liber No. 917. T. Folio 51 d et sett., of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will sell, at public auction front of the premises, on MON DAY THE SEVENTH DAY OP MAY. AT ONE-FORTY-FIVE o< -W)CK P.M the following-de scribed land and premises, situate Ir the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Part of Lot 61 In Steuart and others sub division in Square 1 tlOft. as per Slat recorded in the Office of the urveyor for the District of Co lumbia in Liber 71 at folio 101. being more particularly described by metes and bounds in said deed of I trust Now known as Lot HI 7 In | Souare 109 d. Subject to and to-! aether withi right of way of record | r 'r m ,s , Sold subject to a prior ; (building association! deed of trust! lor approximately $5.1182.90 tur- 1 ! ,htr Particulars of which will be! I announced at time of sale; the pur ! ch »« Puce above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of wsnn.oo required. Conveyancing, recording. etc u at purchaser s cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale Terms to be compiled with within ft I ,*? ?**■*• otherwise deposit for irf,.iSfiA5 d ’ll' P ro ,Perty may be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustee CECIL R. COX. _.p ? w- ms , .Surviving Trustee. THOS. 1. OWEN * SON, Aactlaneer,. nil E St. N.W. I ! AS pr D emisfl NG numbfr KN °?'i« I BELMONT ROAD NORTHWEST By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No 9311 Folio 406 et seq.. of the land rec "tds of the District of Columbia. ,and at the request of the partv Tecureri thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction l?. ,he Promises, on FRI DAY THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY P M Jh 56 i ~A T, TWO ° clock PM, the following-described land and premises, situate In the Dis trict of Columbia, and designated ** and being Lot 36 In Tuliock et Hi subdivision 01 Part of Block 6. Washington Heights '’ as per plat recorded In the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia In I.ioer Countv 12 at folio 69 Now known for purposes of assessment and taxation as Lot 36 in Square -.5.>2; *ubject *o covenants of rec ord. 801(1 sublet to a prior (building association) deed of trust for approximately $9.44*5.63 and a prior second deed of trust for approximately $2,362.67 further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale; the pur chase prlce above said trust to be paid In cash. A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property mav be ad vertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees THOMAS A. MEDFORD. DURANT MCDOWELL 1 p 24,26.28-myl,3 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN * SON. Auctioneers, 1111 E St N.W. Sale of Valuable TWO 1 STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING; BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES 922 FIRST STREET SOUTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of trust! duly recorded, in Liber No. 9139. Polio 54 et seq., of the land rec- 1 ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the partv! secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY THE SECOND DAY OP MAY A.D. 1956. AT ONE THIRTY O CLOCK PM. the fol lowing-described land and prem- j ises. situate in the District of! Columbia, and designated as and: being Part, of Lots 3 and 4 in i the Subdivision made by Blagden et ! al in Square 738 as per plat re-: corded in the Office of the Sur-j veyor for the District of Columbia! in Liber W P. at folio 92. being! more particularly described bv metes and bounds in said deed: of trust, now known for purposes! of assessment and taxation as Lot 813 in Square 738. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A deposit of $600.00 will be re-' quired at time of sale. Adjustments! made as of date of sale. AH conveyancing, recording, revenue ■ stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees re serve the right to resell the prop erty at the risk and cost of de faulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published in Wash ington D. C. BARNUM V COLTON. EDWARD M THACKSTON. ap21.24.26.28-my 1 Trustee* _ THOS. J. OWEN * SON. Auctioneers 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable improved real estate consisting of an undi vided one-half interest in a two story brick dwelling being premises 428-A Warner Street. N.W. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 10129. Folio 123 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Colum bia. and at the request of the party ecured thereby, the under signed trustees will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos J Owen Sc Son. Suite 601. Perpetual Building. 1111 E Street, N.W.. on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. A.D. 1956 AT TWELVE THIRTY O’CLOCK PM., the fol-i lowing-described land and prem-j Ises. situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and: being an undivided one-half in terest in and to Lot numbered One Hundred Seventy-six (176), in the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company’s subdivision of lots in< Square numbered Five Hundred; Nine 1 509). as per plat recorded In: the Office of the Surveyor for the' District of Columbia in Liber 26 at j Folio 175 Terms: Sold subject to a prior (building association) deed of trust' for approximately $7,500.00 further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur /chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $300.00 required Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjust ment* made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees ABRAHAM H LEVIN. ROBERT O. WEIGHTMAN. aD21.2«-myl _ Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers. 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable Improved i real estate consisting of an un- j divided one-half interest in a two story brick dwelling being premises 1328 "L” Btreet. 8E Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust; duly recorded, in Lioer No. 10043, j Folio 494 et seq.. of the land rec- 1 ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party • secured thereby, the undersigned, trustees will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos. J. Owen St Son. Suite 601. Perpetual Build ing. Ill] E Btreet N.W on WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OP MAY, A.D 1956 AT TWELVE THIRTY O CLOCK PM. the fol lowing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being an undivided one-half Interest in and to Lot numbered Fifty-four (54) in the Washington Sanitary Housing Company's subdivision of Lots in Square 1047. as per olat recorded In Liber 43 at folio 177 of the Records of the Office of the Sur veyor of the District of Columbia Terms: Bold subiect to a prior (build ing association) deed of trust for approximately $7.()()0 .on further particulars of which will be An nounced at time of sale; the pur-' chase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $300.00 • required Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser s cost Adjust ments made as of date of sale Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for- 1 feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees. ABRAHAM H LEVIN. ROBERT O WEIOHTMAN. ap21.26-myl Trustees. WILLIAMS. JK. Auctioneers •eal Persian and Chinese 3ent in from 5 different merous sizes. Large, very hrow sizes, runners, mats, re authentic; many won- AUCTION SALES ADAM A. HESCHLER A SON. TRUSTEES' SALE OF THREE STORY AND BASEMENT UE- , TACHED FRAME DWELLING NO 1 3360 Ml. PLEASANT ST. N.W., CORNER OF NEWTON ST By virtue of a deed of trust re corded. in Liber No. 10594. folio ! 226. et seq. one of the land records < of the District of Columbia, and at the request of party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale bv public auction in front of premises on WEDNES DAY. MAY SECOND. 1956. AT TWO O’CLOCK PM., the follow ing-described property in the Dis trict of Columbia, to-wit: Lot 668 in Jennie Reinhardt’s subdivision of Lot 130 of Chapin Brown's sub division of “Mt. Pleasant’’ as per plat of first mentioned subdivision recorded in Liber 64 at folio 189. Office of the Surveyor of the Dis trict of Columbia. Said property being now known for assessment and taxation purposes as Lot 668 in Square 2613. | TERMS OP 8 ALE- The property will be sold subject to the balance ' of a prior# Building Association trust In the sum of $11,059.59 as; of April 30. 1956. payable $102.38 per month including interest at' l sVa*#. taxes and insurance Bal- ' ance. cash. A deposit of $500.90 p required of purchaser at sale.;’ Examination of title, conveyancing. ’ revenue stamps, recording and no tarial fees at cost of purchaser. , Terms to be complied with within j 30 days from day of sale, other-] wise trustees reserve the right to; resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after 5 days! advertisement of such resale in i some newsoaper published in Wash ington. D. C.. or dfposit may be 1 forfeited, or without forfeiting de- j ! posit, trustees may avail them selves of any legal or equitable V rights against defaulting purchaser ' 4 j WALTER D. NEWRATH. I 6 HENRY S SNYDER. ap19.23.25.28-my 1 Trustee* | 1 j THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneer*. 1111 E St. N.W. \ i Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO i BTORY STUCCO OVER FRAME! V DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS - PREMISES NUMBER 4214 FOURTH f STREET NORTHWEST C By virtue of a certain deed of trust 1 duly recorded. In Liber No 9335. - Folio 548 et seq . of the land rec -1 ords of the District of Columbia, t: and at the request of the party ;. j secured thereby, the undersigned t i trustees will sell, at public auction {, - in front of the premises, om‘ i WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY i r OF MAY A D 1956. AT THREE- , t THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M . the fol- 1 lowing-described land and prem .! ises. situate in the District of! Columbia, and designated as and r being North 20 feet front by the . full depth thereof of Lot 29 in the j Washington Loan and Trust Com -j pany’s subdivision in Square 83. pj “Petworth Addition to the Citv , of Washington.” as per plat re ‘ > corded m the Office of the Surveyor . i for the District of Columbia in Liber County 10 at folio 45. Said property being now known for pur •j poses of assessment and taxation ', as Lot 800 in Square 3243. { Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed . i of trust for approximately $3,- „ I 253.84 and a second deed of trust . for approximately *2,785.78. fur-! ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the' Eurchase price above said trust toi e paid in cash. A deposit, of i $500.99 required Convevanclng.l , recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost., - j Adjustments made as of date of > 1 sale Terms to be complied with: H within thirty days, otherwise de j: posit forfeited and the property l mav be advertised ano resold at ii the discretion of the trustees. WILLIAM J. MILLAR. ;! CHARLES F McKAY .! * p 2L24.26.28-my 1 Trustees. ' THOS, J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneers. I nil E St. N.W. 'Trustees’ Sale of Valuable IM PROVED REAL ESTATE CONSIST ING OP AN UNDIVIDED ONE- I HALF INTEREST IN A TWO-STORY; : BRICK dwelling being prem : ISES 142 QUB STREET NW. By virtue of a certain deed of trust: , duly recorded In Liber No 9803,1 i Folio 294 et seq.. of the land rec-| j ords of the District of Columbia.! ! and at the request of the party, ! secured thereby, the undersigned I trustees ill sell, at public auction ! I within the office of Thos. J. Owen i * Son, Suite 601. Perpetual Build- - ; Ing. llli E Street. N.W.. on j WEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY OF MAY. A D 1056 AT TWELVE-, ! THIRTY O’CLOCK PM.. the follow- 1 ! I Ing-described land and premises, j situate in the District of Columbia.; I and designated as and being an un-! divided one-half interest in and to Lot numbered Seventy-Seven 1 77), in the Washington Sanitary Im provement Company’s subdivision! of Square numbered Five Hundred Fifty-Two <552), as per plat re corded in the Surveyor’s Office for! the District of Columbia in Liber 27 at folio 193. Terms: Sold subject to a prior • building association) deed of trust for approximately $8,250.00 fur ther particulars of which will bei announced at time of sale; the Eurchase price above said trust to! e paid in cash. A deposit of I $300.00 required. Conveyancing, j recording, etc., at purchaser's cost ; Adjustments made as of date of; sale Terms to be complied with within thirty davs. otherwise de-i posit forfeited and the propery may; be advertised and resold at the * discretion of the trustees. , ABRAHAM H LEVIN. ROBERT G WEIGHTMAN. Ir THOS. J. OWEN - * SONT Auctioneer! 1111 E St. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable ONE-! AND-ONE-HALF-STORY FRAME 1 DWELLINO WITH EIGHT ROOMS AND ONE BATH KNOWN AS, PREMISES NUMBER 3000 ALA BAMA AVENUE B E. By virtue of a certain deed of trust 1 duly recorded, in Liber No 10391, Folio 37 et seq . of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the partv secured thereby, the undersigned, trustees will sell, at public auc- 1 tion in front of the premises, or, TUESDAY THE EIOHTH DAY OF MAY. A D. 1956. AT ONE-THIRTY O CLOCK P.M.. the following-de scribed land and premises, situate, in the District of Columbia, andi designated as and being all of Lots! numbered Fourteen (14) and Fif teen (15 1 in Square numbered Five Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-two ’£•652) in Jarvis and Berry. Trustees subdivision of part of a r t£»ct of land called ’Chichester" in the County of Washington. District | of Columbia as per plat recorded i in Liber 63 folio 28 in the Office of the Surveyor for said District ! Except the Southerly 15 feet by the full width of said lots con- j demned and taken for the widen ing of Alabama Avenue by District! Court Cause No. 1920 in the Su preme Court of the District of Co lumbia. Said remaining property being now designated for purposes of assessment and taxation as Lots 8,, and 829, in Square 5652. T « 1 c * sh A deposit of 91.00000 required. Conveyancing i recording, etc . at purchaser’s cost ! Adjustments made as of date of. *•!*« T "®* 10 complied with, within 30 days, otherwise deposit • forfeited and the property max be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees JOHN M CONROY. GEO L. BOSWELL _ ap27.3n-mv3.4.: Trustees. _ 7 ADAM A. WFSCHIF.R* SON X Auctioneers-Appraisers Attorney’s Sale of Practically New High-Grade D Bt»!nl ess Steel and Chrome KITCHEN AND BAR FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT By Public Auction At 837 14th ST. N.W. WEDNESDAY May 2. 1956. 10 A M STAINLESS STEEL EQUIPMENT Stakold bottle cooler, double door : reach-in refrigerator, bartender’s i pcndi. Hobart "AMA" dishwasher. BWS glass washer. Waste King d sposal. spray, soiled and finished dish tables sandwich unit steam fable, vegetable and pot sinks. 5- ft salad-dessert case with water station ! , . Also Garland gas range, broiler-griddle.i Victor "R820II,” 6x6'x7'6" metal! . walk-ln cooler, maple table pot i rack, range hood. „ Also Eleven ’ Duran Plastic” booths, wall j settees of same. 17 Formica tables, r chrome chairs. 1” bar stools, etc. ! PROMPT REMOVAL REQUIRED .Re; Conditional Contract of Bale Recorded November 9, 1955. as Instrument No 6*.’ 16. Recorder of I Deeds Office. D. C Terms Cash JOSEPH A RAFFERTY. Jr . Attorney for Party Secured. •p27-my! Southern Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES JOHN SiLARD, Attorn.,. I«:tl K Strrrt. N.W. ORDER PUBLICATION—ABBENT DEPENDANT Pllrd April 13. 105(1 H»rr, M. Hull UNITED STATES COURT | lor the District of Columbia,— I GRACE M. WOODSON 401111 6th Street. N.W., Wnshlngton. D. C..1 Plaintiff vs. OERAI33 L. WOOD SON. United States Pub Healthi- Set Hos., Lextneton. Kentucky. De fentlant.—No. HSI-nfi—The oblect! of this suit Is to obtain an absolute “ divorce by plaintiff from defend- s ant on the arounds of defendant’s conviction of a felon, Involving moral turpitude and to obtain cus.j todv of the minor child of the! parties to this action. On motion' of the plaintiff. It Is this tilth dav; of April. IftMl, ordered that the defendant Gerald L Woodson cause his appearance to be entered here in on or before the fortieth da, exclusive of Sunda,. and lexal holidays occurring after the day of. the first publication of this order! otherwise the cause will be proceeded with at In casa ol de fault. Provided a copy of thle order be published once a week for three successive weeks In the Washington Law Reporter and The Washlnxton Eveninx star be i fnre said day 9 < JAMES R , KIRKLAND Judae ‘Seal ) Attest HARRY M HULL. Clerk By MAR , OARET J UNQER Deputy Clark . aplT.X4.myl Classified Ad Rates; Local Advertisers 3 Lines (Minimum) Orvo timo, 50r lino. fhroo to si> times consecutively, 44c per line. Seven times consecutively, 40c per line Special Notice* and Personal, 5c per line additional. Out-of-town rate, 72« par line each insertion. (4 lino minimum.) Claim* for errors must bo made in time' foe correction before second insertion To Place a Star Classified Ad Call STerling 3-5000 MONDAY EDITION, t P.M. Sunday ITUES to FRI. # 9 P.M. Day Before .SATURDAY EDITION, 10 P.M. FRI. |SUNDAY EDITION. 10 P.M. Fridoy I ~ LEGAL NOTICES (Com.) j THOMAS MORTON GITTINGS. Attorney UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT lor the District of Columbia Hold j ing Probate Court.—No. 89.695, I Administration.—This is to Give j Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of Maryland has obtained ) from the Probate Court of the I District of Columbia. Letters Tes tamentary on the estate of Ada I C. Moody, late of the District of. j. Columbia, deceased. All persons! ; having claims against the deceased i are hereby warned to exhibit the: ; same, with the vouchers thereof.! i legally authenticated to the sub scriber. on or before the 15th day of October. A.D. 1956; otherwise ! they rnwy by law be excluded from, all benefit of said estate. Given: under my hand this 12th day oi April. J 956. THOMAS MORTON GITTINGS. 416 sth Street N.W , I Washington. D. C. (Seal.) Attest:! THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Colum-! bia. Clerk ol the Probate Court. ap17.24-myl SHINBERG A SIIINBERG. Attorneys. • Washington Bldg. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 90.064. Administration.—This is to Oive Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has ob tained from the Probate Court ol the District of Columbia. Letters Teatamentary on the estate ol Lewis Waxberg late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All person* having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 16th day of October. A.D. 1966; otherwise they inay by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 12th day of April. 1956 LEON M. SHINBERG. 614 Washington Bldg. (Beal.) At test: THEODORE COGBWELL. ; Register of Wills for the District j of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate ! Court. ap17.24-myl WILKES A ARTIS. Attorneys. 500 Tower Building UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT , for the District of Columbia Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 89.893. Administration.—This is to Give i Notice. That the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Testa- i mentary on the estate of John O. 1 Weigel. late of the District of Co- 1 lumbia. deceased. All persons hav-! ing claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 29th day of October. A.D. 1956: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 28th day of April, 19BH. HEN RY E. WEIGEL. 4115 22rd Street, N F ,'Seal.) Attest: JOHN W. FOLLIN. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. my 1.8.15 I)RI RY. L*NHAM 4k POWELL, Attorneys, 1341 G St.. N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 90.155. Administration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained 1 from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Edith de Koranyi Wilson, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 29th day of October. A.D. 19.56; otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 26th day of April, 1956. EDWIN C. WILSON. 3122 P Street. N.W. • Seal ) Attest; JOHN W. FOLLIN i Deputy Register of Wills for the! District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. my 1.8.15 MEAT YARD AND CARLIN .TtlirßeyT 820 Woodward Building. Washington. D. C. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 90,121. Ad ministration. —This is to Give No tice: That the subscriber, of thei State of Maryland has obtained; from the Probate Court of the Dis-i trict of Columbia. Letters Testa-1 mentary on the estate of Susie M. j Cuuheon. late of the District ofi Columbia, deceased. All persons l having claims against the deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the' same, with the vouchers thereof, 1 legally authenticated, to the sub .scriber. on or before the 25th day: of October. A.D J 956; otherwise, they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand (his 25th day of April. J 956. HERBERT L. BUR GESS. 7523 Hampden Lane. Be thesda. Md. <Beal.) Attest; THEO DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia., Clerk of the Probate Court. _ my 1,8.15 j \V HITE FORD, HAHTT"CA RMOD Y AND WILSON. Attorneys. 815 15th St. N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 90.136. Administration—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Benjamin Lowndes Jackson, late of the Dls-| tTict of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 29th day of October. A.D. 1956; otherwise they may by law be ex-: eluded from all benefit of said! estate. Oiven under my hand this 26th day of April. 1956. BENJAMIN LOWNDES JACKSON. JR.. 29(111 Woodland Drive. N.W (Seal.) At test: THEODORE COGSWELL. Rex lster ot Wills lor the District of: Columbia. Clerk of the Probate: Court. inyl.tUS J ARTHUR F. C AEROLL.Jr., Attorney. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT: for the District ot Columbia. Hold-i ini Probate Court.—No. 89(148, Ad ministration.—This Is to Give No tice That the subscriber, of the State ot Maryland has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Charlotte D. Stephany. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons havlnt claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with (he vouchers thereof, lnally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 25th day of October. A D 19. V! i otherwise they may by law be ex- 1 eluded from all benefit of said I estate Oiven under my hand this I 25th day of April. lflsH. ARTHUR F. CARROLL. Jr., Dupont Circle j Bide (Seal I Attest: FRANK J. BURKART. Deputy Register of • Wills for the District of Columbia, i Clerk of the Probate Court, m,1.8.1S WILKES A ARTIS. Attorns,t Alio Tower Building UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia Hold- Ins Probate Court.—No. 90.(188. Ad ministration.—This Is to Gife No tice: That the subscriber, of the pistrtet of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Daisy V. Pearson late of the District of Co- j lunibta. deceased. All persons hav-i Ing claims against the deceased are I hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, laxtlly authenticated, to the subscriber, on Or before the Tilth day of October. A. D, 1958: otherwise the, mgy by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hend 28th day of April. 19 .Mi GRACE M SPINDLE. 914 9th Street N.E. (Seal i Attest: THEO-, DORE COGSWELL. Reatater ofi Wills for the District of Columbia ! Clerk of the Probate Court. my 1.8.15 PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to the Mayor and Council. Rockville,: Maryland, for Constructing ofi Water Main Extension In Horners Lane from Pumping Station to: Woodland Road. Rockville. Marv-i land, will be received by the Mayor! and Council. 120 South Washing ton Street until May 8. 196(1. 8:00: P M D 8 T. The work proposed In volves the following: «•' Water Main Extension. 156 ft . 8" Water Main Extension. 1.120 ft . Setting 5 Fire: Hydrants and work Incidental I’ thereto plans and specifications ■ are on file In the office of the Mayor and Council. 120 8 Washington |i Street. Rockville, Maryland Bids:: must be accompanied by a certified r cheek for five per cent (6*ll of then amount of nropo-el made navable : to the Mayor and Council. Rock- : nile Maryland. The Mavor and': Council reserve the right to reject l an, or all bids, in part or la full i m,l I HELP—MEN ACCOUNTANTS, junior and semi senior. for local CPA’* office. Apply SIN ROD A TABH. 1735 De Sales st. n.w., ME. 8-4954. —7 ACCOUNTANT, for firm of CPA. Experience not necessary. State education, age. marital status, etc , Box 193-Y. Star. —7 ACCOUNTANTS—Jr. and sr. ac countants needed by local CPA ; firm. Salaries commensurate with ability. Excellent working condi i tlons. and very little travel in volved. Call NA. 8-9289 for ap pointment. —6 ACCT., exec.. $8,000; service large ! estab. accts. for a local well-known media. WILBON PERSONNEL. 1400 ■^COUNTANT - Young man with .accounting ex- S Hence to Join new corporation. ust be willing to make some sacri fice now for greater opportunity in near future. Chance to grow with company. Call MR. FRANK. EX. 3- 7343. —1 ACCOUNTANT Immediate opening with national corporation for person with varied accounting oackground. Must know all phases, general ledger through financing .-ta’ements: 25 to 36 year* of age; sty-dljr week. Willing to work overtime when necessary. ONLY those with retail account ing experience need apply. Salary open. APPLY IN PERSON 614 10th ST. NW„ 7th FLOOR MRS B4RNEB OR MR. FRYE —3 ACCOUNTANT, slo,ooo' Cost Analysts, Budget—Far East Bkkpr.. constr.. 811. Spr. *l9O Bkkpr.. retail, downtown .. *95 Accts. (2). cost exper., Alex. *BS Bkkpr,. <f>>. *ll locations «7R-*RS Asst, bkkprs. (6) S6O-$79 OTHER POSITIONS Engineers, all kinds to $14,000 jHead teller, bank. Arlington S3OO Clerk-typists (6) to $65 'File clerks (2), young $45-S6O j Stock-shipping clerks (3) $45-*65 Atlas Agcy., RE. 7-5767 ACCOUNTING CLERK TRAINEE Immed opening in commercial ; hotel for young man in early 20s: (knowledge of typing and adding machine. Apply personnel dept. AMBASBADOR HOTEL. 1424 K st. n.w. —4 Applied Mathematician VITRO LABORATORIES Has * position available for a mathe matician with a B 8. or M.B. degree. A minimum of 3 years’ experience in applied mathematics, involving not only aolution of problem* set up by others, but delineation and form ulation of problems 1* required. THE SALARY 18 OPEN. FULL CREDIT IS GIVEN FOR EXPERI ENCE. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE IS ONLY ONE OF OUR EMPLOYE BENEFITS. You should have extensive Inter est in a wide range of technical problems. Background in acoustics, statistics, magnetics and fluid flow is desirable. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT THIS POSITION. PLEASE CONTACT Personnel Department JU. 5-7200 VITRO Laboratories DIVISION OF VITRO CORPORATION OF AMERICA »eC WAYNE AVE SILVER SPRING, MD. —3 l ASSEMBLY WORK In storm window factor,: prefer experienced: must be good steady worker. Apply In person. BEN CORSON MANUFAC- j TURINO CO.. 1215 Kenilworth ave. n.e. 2 ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER—Expert-; euced voung man lor accounts pay-1 able and sales analysis office:- good working conditions, company bene- : fits: permanent; salary open. See ' Mrs. Steelman. D. J. KAUFMAN. INC.. 1006 Pa. Ate, n.w. —*_ ASSISTANT MANAGER Downtown coffee shop; vounc man. ji i fully experienced with complete j knowledge of food costa: excellent , salary; many employe benefits. Send \ complete resume. Box 256-A. Star. : i ___ —'■4 j ASSISTANT STEWARD ' For evening shift; must be experi-i, enced. See Mr. Brosmer at THE [ WOOPNER, 3636 16th at. n.w. —1 j AUTO BODY MAN Perm, pos., guar. sal., plus comm..! ! paid vac. and hoi Apply in person | ortly. RITEWAY AUTO. INC. 1111 i • [2nd st. e.e —6 AUTO - GLASS MECHANICS and! ! helpers; top pay to good men. Call, MR. BLISS. 8-6, JU. 9-1577; eves.. 1 1 ! GA 4-9267 —3 j iAITTO MECHANIC; suburban Ford dealer: 60-50 pav plan, paid vaca-i tion, hospitalization. Clean, mod i ern shop Apply in person to Sauvuer or Mr. Culler, BROAD STREET MOTORB. 1001 W. Broad' i st.. Falls Church. —1 AUTO MECHANIC— general; | mechanic; automatic transmission; j I experience helpful: independent; open. LO. 5-0788 j< AUTO~MECH; 7“ OPEN WHITE OR COLORED i D. C. EMPL. EXCHANGE Engrs.. all classes top sal Chauffeur $2501 Couple ... S4OO Btock clerks SSO Drivers exper. S6O Chefs and second cooks top pay. Countermen SSO Bus boys $35 Dishwashers $35 (Porter grocery store to _ S6O Pressers. silk and wool, top pav. i Driver, furn exp S6O Parking lot attendant $45 Houseman $44.60 1512 9th Bt. N.W. HO. 2-6512 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS HELPER: ex perience beneficial: OI training Krogram available: paid vacations, olidays. hospitalization. Bee Mr ; Snow. MALONY’S INC. Interna ! tional Truck Dealer, 8126 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring —5 ! AUTO PARTS—Young man to drive ? tarts delivery truck; opportunity| o learn auto parts business; hos-; j totalization and insurance, paid j vacation. HICKB CHEVROLETT. ! INC., 5929 Georgia ave.. see Mr.! Feeser. —-1 AUTO PARTS AND EQUIPMENT; SALEBMAN—One of Washington's! I oldest firms has opening for 1 ex perienced salesman or parts man. i All name brand* handled. Estab lished D. C Va and Md. territory ! - Guaranteed salary and car ex-i penses to star*; excellent working conditions. Give brief resume in reply. Box 116-A. Star —6 AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN—One of Washington's oldest and largest au tomobile dealers has openings on their sales force for two salesmen. Must be between ages 25 and 50. Bales experience in automobile field not necessary but selling In other lines helpful. We will train you and • pay salary during the training pe i riod. 1956 demonstrator with gas. i ot) and maintenance furnished ! Must be of good character and ap pearance. willing to work and fol ; low Instructions. Good opportunity to earn a very substantial Income. Phone NA 8-3000. JOHN W HINKEL, sales manager for an ap pointment. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN—I "more aggressive young men needed to round out our hard-hitting tales force Training program now in progress. Enloy working in a friendly atmosphere at this old established neighborhood dealership Make auto -1 mobile selling your career at a ! place where 82% of sales are mtde I 'o repeat customers Bee Mr Hnrrit | for details PALMER rORD. INC.. ’ 3032 Hamilton st HyattsvlUe WA j 7-0900 -»4 AUTO SALESMAN Here is a real opportunity for an experienced man: ex cellent pay plan, demon strator furn : see Mr. Wray. TRIANGLE MOTORB. 3010 R. I. ave.. n.e, —I AUTO SALESMEN—Oet In on the busy season: new and used cars and | trucks, experience not essential, i will train Bee Mr. Currln. LOOAN MOTOR CO. (Ford). 3540 14 th I AUTO SALESMEN—Have 2 ope"ntng« ! left. Here Is a real opportunity to earn real money, selling for one of i Washington's largest Ford dealers. Moving into the most modern auto center in this city. Must be experi i enced. sober and reliable, neat in appearance. Can earn from SB.OtM to $15,000 per year. An opportunity that comes once In a lifetime for , the right person. See Mr. Cocker ham. or Mr Watson. THE LOOAN MOTOR CO . 1150 20th at n.w_ Auto Salesmen IF YOU LIKE TO SELL And want to tarn ml money w« art jnoar offering • complete automobile xaleimanehlp courxe to young men i*ho duality Demon, trator fur ,nl»hrd minimum guarantee during training Apnly In oereon or can Mr. Harr, Monro* JU 5-7800 'MONROE FORD CO 1237 laet- Waat her,. SI! Bpe . Md —1 1736 Oood Hope Rd ■ B . i.iKcnn, unmiiMin mddrttui to Stmt boon to NOT , cnclon original reference., photo . orapht or other material* oi per tonal taluo Cogtoo unit the pot vote Originate man cat lut HELP—MEN (Cant.) L -- - ■ 1 Auto Salesmen ' TOP COMMISSIONS i For men to sell Lincoln -1 Mercury motor cars for old-established dealer. Must have neat appear ance and interested in > making money. Exper. ! preferred but not essen tial if you are aggressive and willing to learn. } Demonstrator and 25 ' gallons of gas a month ■ furnished. ’SEE JOHN RICHARDSON ! LEE D. BUTLER, INC. USI aiet St. N.W. DI. 7-0111 t —_ . AUTO SALESMEN To ecll Mcrcurys. Lincoln, and used care. Liberal pay. ,alary plan: fAti minimum commission: do max , tmum. New car furniehed. Floor ; time every day. Prefer men with *x t perience selltnn Independent male,. ' Applicants must have experience and good moral reputation. Cali Mr. 1 Dillon or Mr. Taylor. LI. 4-72:13, , BENNINO AUTO SALES. —2 : AUTO SALESMEN USED CARS Due to expansion In our ueed-rar department, we now have a few openings for neat, aggressive men who will work and follow instruc tions. Dally floor time, good pay plan. Apply In person to Mr. Posner. Frank Small, Jr., Inc. HUTO SERVICE BALEBMAN7~ ex perienced Buick line preferred; sal ary and commission plan: 3-day week; an excellent opportunity for properly qualified individual. See Mr. McAbee. TEMPLE MOTOR CO., Alex.. Va.. KI. 8-4890. —1 AUTOMOBILE USED CAR MAN AGER, to take complete charge of new-car dealer’s lot In suburban Silver Spring. Must be capable of, training men. supervising recon dition. assist in closing, etc. Ex cellent pay plan. Salary, commis sion, bonus and usual employment benefits. Only qualified man with proven record and clean background , will be considered. Apply: Martin > P. Joyce. EABT-WEST MOTORS. 1100 East-West tawy.. Silver Spring. ! Md. Call JU. 6-1333 for appt. —1 AUTOMOBILE USED CAR SALES MAN. for active new car dealer lot In Silver Spring. Excellent pay plan with plenty of assistance in clos ing and financing. Transportation ’ furniihed. Apply to Mr. A. V. Kay. sr., EAST-WEST MOTORS, 1137 Eaat-West hwy*. Silver Spring, ! Md. JU. 5-13.33. —l 1 BAKER, all-round experience: per manent position; profit sharing; all day work, with no Sundays or holidays. FEDERAL BAKE SHOP, fill 14th st. n.w. —l BAKER, experienced and sober only.. VIENNA BAKERY, 811 Pa. ave. n.w.. ME. 8-6585. —2 BANK TELLER—WiII train Career oppor. Arl. $2,800 up. ABBEY PER SONNEL. 1338 Eye n.w. BARBER WANTED, colored to man age shop- good location: phone. LI. 3-3068 after 9:30 p.m. Ask for RUBIN WHITE —3 BOOKKEEPER for a small office; pleasant working conditions; 5-day week. Phone Rjf 7-1960. —5 BOOKKEEPER, experienced for real estate, loan and insurance office. , Must be good typist and have good local references. Salary commen- , surate with experience and ability. , Reply Box 119-Z. Btar. —7 - BOOKKEEPER 1 GENERAL OFFICE WORK Live-wire, for large estab. retail liquor firm; salary commensurate with ability: vacation bonus; replies confidential. Box 333-Y Star. —5 BRICKLAYERS (3). first-class me chanics only. Call RA. 6-4930. —5 BRICKLAYERS; 10 colored, top wages. Job starts Wed. Call for directions. FL. 4-7676. —2 BULLDOZER OPERATOR for HD-6: only experienced, willing worker. , looking for permanent job need , apply. 2349 Montgomery st., Silver , colored, over 21: 1%0 ! 9:45: 5*4 days, but must work weekends. $55 minimum. Must be neat, and clean. In person only, 9291 Colesvilie rd„ Silver Spring, Md. : BUSBOYB AND PORTERS- $45 COOKS. ALL KINDS TO SBS TRUCK DRIVERS TO SBO ARCADE EMPL.. 915 10th N.W. 6* CAB DRIVERS Full or part time. If you do not have an identification card we ln-i, struct you for hacker’s test. BOBS. STUDIO 131 15th st. n.e. LI. 3-! 5102 —3 | CARPENTERS, 3. trim, for Job in ] Fairfax County. Va. HE. 4-2913; for location. —1 , CARPENTERS—Rough and finish.' For construction lob. Steady work 1 \ good pay for experienced tren.| 9903 Grayson st., Silver Spring. : Md.—l blk. from Forest Glen rd !. i 3 blks. from Colesvilie rd. JU. 6- 1 5441. —2 , CARPENTERS, experienced on house lraming. $2.50 per hour Apply! MARCUS CONSTRUCTION CO., | 8905 Ist ave.. Silver Spring. Md —3 CARPENTERS—House framers and :. truss men. To Join union Loral' 1145. 1403 N. Canitol st.. WED.. : May 2, 1956. between hours of i 6:39 and 8 p.m —2 if CARPENTERS, trim work only. See MR. PANZONE. Adams and Lan-n tern drive. Conn. Ave Hills. Sil ver Spring —3 'CARPENTERS. trim CARL M ! FREEMAN, project. 18th ave.. Hy attsville, behind Tick-Tock —3 j I CASUALTY INSURANCE UNDER-; WRlTEß—College background re quired. If not fully qualified in all lines, we will give supplementary training. Permanent position, with excellent future prospects. AMER ICAN SURETY CO.. 521 Southern | Bldg., 15th and H st*. n.w, —1 CIRCULATION! TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Immediate openings are now available in our Circu lation Dept, for persons with ] pleasant telephone manners with the confidence and ability necessary to do tele phone saleswork The sale* commission is liberal and the hours can be tailored to fit your requirements in many case*. If interested In steady and enjoyable work, contact Mr Harvey. Room 204. between 9 a m. and 6 p.m. j The Evening 1 Star i JTth and Pa. Ave. N.W. I Electronics TEST ENGINEERS AND FIELD ENGINEERS Here is your opportunity to learn new, ad vanced techniques in servo-mechanisms, analog computers, radar, radio aids, etc. Get in on our expanding programs. Excellent opportunity for advancement. You will be thoroughly trained in the testing, and operation of complex electronic and electro mechanical equipment used in aircraft flight simulators. « REQUIREMENTS: Recent graduates in engineering or persons with a vocational school certificate and several years’ experience in trouble shooting, test ing, and maintenance in such fields as radio, radar, computers, etc. Flying experience or the understanding of flight theory is desirable. CONTACT JIM ARNOLD ERCO DIVISION ACF INDUSTRIES, INC. Riverdale, Md. Warfield 74444 HILP—MIN CHECKER, part time, experienced Island ave. n.e. i CHEFS-COOKS Chel, .round cock*. 2nd cook,. «.o. cook,, trlllmen, countermen. : Top pay. ABBEY PERSONNEL. 183* Ere «t. n.w, CLERICALS. $300: 5 dan. no tyn nece, : local, clean cut men for W'L! •t. n.w. CLERK, oart time, for clear counter: ] nlaht, and Bundaya. EMPIRE i PHARMACY. 1788 Conn. art. n.w. Clerk, Colored For grocery store and meat 1 market. Experience and store refs. only. Driver’s per mit. 5>A-day week, no Sun day work. $65 week. r j SILVER’S MARKET ; 8726 Roosevelt Ave., Beat Pleasant L =!_ 1 CLERK-TYPIST, good with flgs . conetructlon be. helpful $3,300. : ABBEY PERSONNEL. 1338 Eye n.w. ! CLERK-TYPIST 1 Interesting and varied work in r property management department of • large real estate office 6-day week. • company benefits Submit written ■ resume, stating experience, age and • salary expected, marked attenion - Mr. Donald A Hurst. No inter , views granted without prior written . resume. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. ! ! COLLECTOR, white. 21-30, perm. 1 pos., ,ome exper. desired in install- c 1 ment collection by telephone. , ; SOUTHERN DISCOUNT CO Mr t Scott. Du. 7-8476. —6 jo COOK aented. short order, good pay ; and hrs. Apply In person. Car s essential 6501 Ruttland rd. s.e. —ts COOK Apply VIENNA HEBTAU-! . JFWNT. 811 Penn*, ave. n.w. —3 j < CORRESPONDENT CIJHIK-TYPIBT. • some shorthand: Hill position. 25- 30 . $4,000: ■ ALLEN-O’BRIEN, Personnel Service! 1 1404 N. Y. Ave RE. 7-7280! ! COUNTER-GRILL MAN—White, ex perienced. Call JA. 8-9744. —3 COUNTER-GRILLMAN. white: fast srill5 rill operation. 5:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. ally. No Sunday work; vacation and hospital benefits. $54 weekly to start. Apply in person for Interview. COFFEE HOUSE. 861 Pershing _dr., Silver Spring. —3 Credit Investigator Opening for young man not over ' 35 year* of age, who has lived in this area at least 1 year; usual em ploye benefit*: come In person for interview. THE CREDIT BUREAU 1221 G ST. N.W. j DESK MAN, 30-46 yrs. of age: must have good knowledge of figures, be honest, sober, reliable and have : good local ofltce references. Hours 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.: also night man 5 p.m. to 2 a.m.: fl-day week: sal ary S7O per week to start. Apply between 1 and 5 p.m. HERTZ RENT-A-CAR SYS . 1321 L st. n.w "DRAFTSMEN^ MECHANICAL Detailers and layout men. Inter esting work in design of electro mechanical mechanisms. Opportuni ties to increase your knowledge and advance in position. Work together with scientists and engineers. Call « for appointment. U ST. 3-0986 ‘ DRAFTSMAN Plans, elevations, perspectives, de tails of BT. CHARLES KITCHENS. Check grounds, plumbing and electrical on lob. Schedule and price equipment. Under 30 and dratt ex empt. Driver's license. Bring sam ples of work for Interview. Voell Custom Kitchens ~ 1721 Connecticut Ave. CO. 6-6192 ZT* __ DRAFTSMAN, experienced In sub division preferred. Permanent. Many benefits Up to $4,600. Call JA. 7-3562. —1 DRIVER, white. 21 to 35: must know Washington and vicinity; 5- day work week. Apply In person, i H. J. HEINZ CO.. 2101 6th st. n.e. —-1 1 DRIVER, white, resident of Silver Spring area, for light deliveries; starting salary, S4O. Call JU. 9- 0390. —2 DRIVERS, experienced in local , household furniture moving and j packing: Maryland chauffeur’s li cense necessary. BETHESDA-CHEVY CHASE TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO., 4819 St. Elmo ave.. Bethesda, Md. —7 ! DRIVER-SALESMAN, dry cleaning route, commission, pay $45 mlnl- I mum: unlimited opportunity for a i young go-getter: must have local ! references of 2 yrs. on last job. No experience necessary. PEELERS. INC.. 2308 Rhode Island ave n.e. DRIVERS-SALESMEN - For ice cream vending route: excel lent earnings for honest, hard-work ing men Apply in person only JACK AND JILL. 1419 L st s e ELECTRICAL TESTERS INSTRUMENT MAKERS Contact Personnel Office Monday Through Saturday 8-4:30 Warfield 7-4444 ERCO DIVISION ACF INDUSTRIES. INC. RIVERDALE, MD. HELP—MIN DRUG CLERK, experienced, part ! tune eves, and week ends only. JO. 8-8600. ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR, experi eneed; ref,, required. Please reply Box 370-A, Btar. —7 ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR For local contractor. Jobbing, new services. Good salary and bonus , with vacation. Full time lor uuali fled man. S ft L ELECTRIC CO RE. 7-3110, ELECTRICIAN—Best deal In town for good man, ye»r-round work. DOWD’S ELECTRIC. 4418 Conn, ave. n.w. _a ELECTRICIANS, exper. on all the new work: steady work, good pay; must have Journeyman's license in Va. KI. 8-1664. —2 ELECTRICIAN'S, Immediate openings for permanent employment. Call RA. 6-6868. —lo ELECTRICIANS' HELPERS, with 1 i r LE^Rrc Or^'.”^o3 AP p Bly „.^ E w D ELECTRICIAN ' Immediate opening: license re qutred: good salary. Apply CAFRITZ CO , 1424 K st. n.w.. Room 319. ENGINEER, civil, experienced In l»y --out and construction of streets, sewers and storm drginage. Perma nent: many benefits: up to $7,000. Call JA. 7-3582. —1 ENGINEER to supervise boilers and' air conditioners, plus light main tenance work at new garden-tvpe apts. In nearbv Md. Apt and s2oo' monthly to start. Call MAGAZINE REALTY CO.. ME. 8-6065. —3 ENGINEER \ National organization wants man with structural engineering back ground and education to do en gineering promotion work with archi tects ftnicturai engineers, and Gov ernment construction agencies in the Washington area. Experience in con crete design and construction desir able hut not essentia] Give brief outline of qualifications with address or phone number so that interview mav be arranged. Write Box 463-Y. Star 4 ENGINEERS For Opportunities With AMF in Greenwich, Conn. See Our Display Ad in j Today’s Sports Section American Machine • I & Foundry Company Engineers: I Representatives From Lockheed In California Are in Washington with details on how Lockheed’s! long-range development and produc-! tion program can advance your career. j We invite you to see our advertise ment on the Sports Page of Today’s Paper Lockheed Alroraf* Corporation CALIFORNIA DIVISION Burbank. California ENGINEERS PHYSICISTS See Our Adv. On Today’s Sports Rage RAYTHEON [ < MFG. CO. i Waltham, Mass. Engineers ... , ARMA pioneers in INERTIAL NAVIGATION ARMA. recognized for its accomplishments in the field of navigation and fire control, is a leader in the development of Inertial Navigation. This new system deals solely with space, time and acceleration . . . acting independently of external influences. Creative engineering of the highest order is required to develop components making Inertial Navigation possible. ACCELEROMETERS, to measure acceleration INTEGRATORS, to convert this Information into velocity and distance GYROS, to provide directional reference and hold the system stable COMPUTERS, to calculate course-to-steer and dlstance-to-go Components must meet rigid weight and size requirement! and function with undreamed-of accuracy Immediate openings for SUPERVISORY AND STAFF POSITIONS as well as for SENIOR ENGINEERS . . . ENGINEERS . . . ASSOCIATE ENGINEERS . . . EXPERIENCED IN Systems Evaluation Servomechanism* Gyroscopics Automatic Controls Digital Computer* Thermodynamics Accelerometers Optics Telemetry Environmental Research Guidance Systems Transformers Stabilizing Devices Reliability Weight Control ARMA. one of America * largest producer* of ultra-precise equipment offer* unlimited opportunity for engineer* to help in this great endeavor Challenging pro'erts end ARMA'* % full *upplementary benefit* make an ARMA c*reer doubly attractive ARMA engineer* are currently working * 4£-hour week at Bremlum rate* to meet a critical demand in the Defen*e epertment'i mlulla program Moving allowance* arranged WASHINGTON INTERVIEWS APRIL 26 THROUGH MAY 3 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. Call Mr. Robert Gronau to arrange tech nical Interviews with Mr. Clifford Abt and Mr. Robt. Jauck, . Supervliory Engineers. Executive 3-5031 Or send resume in confidence to: Technical personnel Dept 600 ARMA _ Divl.'ion Anrrlrtn Boxch Arm* Cor* Roo«,v«lt Piflfi. Otrttfn Clt,. L I. N T. tContinued on Next Page) J HILP—MEN >’. ENGINEER, LICENSED A.m. to 8:80 a.m.: ' ieh ENGINEER licen *e for apt develoo ** nw. gectiou; ref,, reo. „ debt CAFRITR w CO.. 14*4 K st. n.w.. Room 319. a estimator! oidTutSihhad m— l ehanlcal contracting firm, dating qualified man for commercial and a Government work. Slate experlenc* ! 13 d Application itrlctly con fidential Reply Box 460-Y. Btar. ! FILE'CLERK ~ 1 J Desire a Job with a future? Won derful opportunity for man willing to ■ as file clerk and leading to a 1 Position in the underwriting field. 20-26. Must be high achooi i ? r A? umte with »bove-average in ’ Bid».T&th An gff°,,, wo qy« FINANCE TRAINEE Age 20-23 to train for re : sponsible automobile financing & work Excellent opportunity for advancement 5-day week, 8 to 4:30. with some Bat . urday work involved. Government Employees Insurance Co. . 14th and L St, N.W. 1 Please Apply L Street Entrance ; —— t?_ IK, . J FLORIST ! Ex , D *rjenccd only; reliable and neat; f,&. I tU2 ! £L°l >Bortu nlty. See Mr Julea, STATLER FLORISTS. Hotel Statler. ! _ _ —1 > FOOD PLAN SALESMEN ‘ Needed due to recent expansion. If ► interested in making money ; with the fastest growing business in the area, if you are a salesman r ? ot * n , order taker, experienced in ‘ food plan or not. f APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE 4th FLOOR KANN’S 7th. Bth and Market Space NW. —4 FRAMING CARPENTERS, enced. CARL FREEMAN job. Brook vill' rd oif E*rt-West hwy . Chevy Chase, Md Contact CARL TOE rrtß. 2 FRONT DESK CLERK l3O-room hotel. Apply in person, 1812 G n.w.. alter 1 p m —6 FUNERAL BUSINESS—Man who wants to learn, white: asr 21 to .»o; must have D. C. driver's per i mit and know city. Apply Mr. : G C Echols general manager, i W W. CHAMBERS CO . 1400 , Chapin st n.w.. CO 5-0432. I GAS STATION ATTENDANT, shift 1 manager, white, local reference*. ! over 25. 3737 Hamilton st.. Hxatta i vllle. Md —3 HAIRDRESSER—A real opportunity ! for an outstanding hairdresser, with or without following. Apply in oerson RUBINO. 2659 Conn ave. —3 IfANDY MAN, white, to work at , FALLS CHURCH MOTOR COUP.. , 59 1 S. Washington st. Phone JE. ! 2-0110. —3 IBM OPERATOR Under 30. experienced; full time day work; 5-day week. h to 4:30. Government Employees Insurance Co. (Not a Government Agency) 14th and L Sts. N.WT. Please apply at L St Entrance _ „ _ ___ --1 JANITOR AND MAINTENANCE', white; to live in References re quired. CHILDRENS CONVALES CENT HOME. LA. 6-3600. —2 JANITOR, colored, experienced, sober and reliable; quarters and salary. Call DE 2-9300, 1514 17th st. n.w. JANITOR. oiored. full-time Job, quarters and salary: references re quired Call in person before 1 0 am. H. L. RUST CO. 1001 15th ST N W NA. 8-8100 o “JANITOR, COLORED - Must have ocal experience for practically new elevator building in n w. Salary $l4O mo. to start and beautiful apt 1413 K st. n.w. —2 Life Insurance Career $75 plus commissions, guaranteed weekly salary to start: 40-hr. week; saies and service on established ter ritory: experienced or inexperienced: lifetime security: earnings in Dis trict. $5,300 to $8,400 per yr. Won derful opportunity for ambitious, married man. age 25 to 49 SUN LIFE OF AMERICA. 3420 Hamilton st.. W. Hyattsvllle. Md.. UN. 4-4710; eves.. JU. 5-2265. LINOLEUM AND ASPHALT” TILE MECHANICS, experienced. Cal! KE. 8-2588. 4 MACHINIST Experienced flrst-class machinist capable of doing Job with little as sistance or supervision, interested in model shop or experimental work. Excellent opportunity, salary open. Call KI 9-8765 for appt. Atlantic Research Corp. 901 N Columbus St., Alexandria. Va. ! —1 MACHINIST Fully exper in Job shop in pre cision instrument work. Good op ! poriunit.y, permanent job. paid ho*, ipitaiization. vacation, pension plan. Apply BOWEN A- CO. 12487 Chap man ave.. Rockville. Md.. OL 2- 7800. 3 maintenance man, general re palrs and maintenance, including Plumbing, electrical. carpentry: ! some knowledge of hUh-pressura boilers desired Call MR. KELLI -1 SON. OI C.iiiHill. —7