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B-16 •* THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. THURSDAY. MAY 24. 19.** A Judge, Psychiatrist, Newspaper Editor, Women's Page Editor and Two Newspaper Writers Examine and Frankly Discuss Personal Problems and Family Matters in Family Council new public service feature now exclusively in |EI )t lotting “Family Council” fulfills a need long realized by newspapers and other public service organiza tions—a need for competent ad vice and guidance on family matters and personal problems. In “Family Council”, complex human problems are examined by a staff of experts. The com bined knowledge of a judge, a psychiatrist, a newspaper edi tor, a women’s page editor and two newspaper writers will be utilized in solving the problems. Here’s how FAMILY COUNCIL functions: Reporters uncover difficulties that are basic to family life everywhere. Then the Council goes into a huddle. Clergymen of all faiths, medical men and other psychiatrists are consult ed whenever problems require further specialized knowledge. When the Council reaches a con clusion, a competent writer translates the findings into clear, simple, straight-forward language. As a result, Family Council is truly helpful to every reader. What’s more, it’s a pull-no punches column that makes for fascinating reading. Family Council appears in The Star five days a week, Monday through Friday. You’ll want to read every column. Police Cyclists ; I Crash, One Hurt A Washington motorcycle ' policeman was injured today 1 when another police motorcycle ( smacked into the rear of his . vehicle. * Pvt. Clifton L. Fones, 37, of i 7818 Park boulevard, Forrestville, 1 Md., said he was headed for No. 1 12 precinct station house about 2 a m. witt a truck in tow tor ] I a traffic violation. He was headed i Problem? Something you wish to sell, buy, trade, rent or hire? f 0 Get Action! Reach the long-established audience of Washington's Star market place m ta&jStL'XpSi'im fSfeis / Star Classified produces best results and at lower cost! That's why The Star publishes more classified ads than any other Washington newspaper Call ST. 3-5000 east on New York avenue N.E. when he noticed a west-bound: auto was headed for him in the: wrong lane. The traffic officer said he turned on the red light on his ; motorcycle as a signal to the auto to move back to the proper side of the street. Suddenly, the officer said, he was rammed from behind and “did a flip-flop in the air.” What hit him was a motor cycle driven by Pvt. Robert E. Kelly. 35, of 4804 Erskine road, College Park. Pvt. Kelly, also headed east on New York avenue, was going off duty. He said the headlights of the west-bound auto blinded him land he could not see the motor cycle as it slowed in front of 'him. Pvt. Kelly was not injured. Pvt. Fones was admitted at Emergency Hospital with head injuries. ! , Phone Employes Cited I Two business office supervisors in the Arlington office of the Chesapeake and Potomac Tele • phone Co. have received awards • for long-time service. Mrs. Ethel Ann Kinney, with 35 years, and i Mrs. Bessie L. Plaisted. with 30 ’ years, received emblems during ' a luncheon yesterday. TRUE LIFE ADVENTURES —By Wolt Disney The ABANDONEE? BIRPs NEST HAS ITS LINING I* 1/ § . RENEWED! Tl-fEN A WEATHERPROOF ROOF IS APPEP. M M | NEXT SOME SOFT, FLUFFY MOSS FOR BEUUIKX3-ANE? \\ hS , the European DORMOUSE is _ \\ njw Police Forces Work Out Plan to Handle Juveniles Park Police and the Metro politan Police have worked out a system for co-operative hand ling of juvenile cases. The plan now awaits formal approval by Metropolitan Police Chief Robert V. Murray and National Capital Parks Supt. Edward J. Kelly. Foreshadowed a month ago in plans to improve liaison between juvenile officers of all the met ropolitan area police forces, the new system was worked out yes-! terday following criticism by Ju venile Court Judge Edith H Cockrill of Park Police handling of cases. Judge Cockrill protested last Friday when Park Police brought 44 juvenile cases to her court. Most of the cases, she said, were inadequately prepared. Park Police officers conceded that since April 27 they had stopped screening juvenile cases before bringing them to court. After conferring with Judge Cockrill on Tuesday, Mr. Kelly conceded that the judge was “100 per cent right” in asking that Park Police resume screen ing juvenile cases. Under the new system, Park Police will detail Pvt. Porter Beall temporarily to the Metro politan Youth Aid Division to ! study its screening and referral !practices. Then, Park Police will imake duplicate copies of its juvenile reports to be put In the Metropolitan juvenile files. All juvenile files would be made available to Park Police at any time. The system was outlined yes- Principal Faces Sex Case Arrest A resigned 54-year-old junior high school principal and for mer member of the District Juve nile Court Advisory Committee has been charged in a warrant with committing an indecent act on a minor under 16 years old. Lt. John L. Sullivan of the police sex squad said the war rant named L. Roscoe Evans, a bachelor, who is on leave of absence from Shaw Junior High School subject to resignation on July 1. He joined the school system in 1923. Faces Several Charges Lt. Sullivan said Evans, who is colored, is charged with "sev eral Indecent acts" with a col ored boy In the office of the ;.school. The offenses were alleged to have occurred on several differ ent days just before the Easter holidays. Police say the boy was 15. Police believe Evans is now in a Philadelphia hospital. In con tacts with members of his fam ily, police were assured that an attorney would surrender him to police headquarters Saturday. I The charge, based on the Mil ler Act. is a felony and is pun ishable by a prison term of up to 10 years. Retirement Sought : C. Melvin Sharpe, president of j the Board of Education, said I Evans has been on sick leave 'since about May 1 when he pre jsented a doctor's certificate in dicating he had a heart ailment Subsequently Evans submitted 1 a written resignation, Mr. Sharpe said School Superintendent Ho bart M. Coming recommended giving Evans a leave of absence until July 1 so the principal might qualify for retirement benefits. Mr. Sharpe said it was his understanding that Evans’ res ignation then was made effective July 1. Experts Acceptance At a press conference today, 'Dr. Corning said it was "unbe lievable" that the school board would not accept Evans' resig nation when it is presented at the next meeting. He said Evans would have to serve until next March to be eligible for retirement benefits, but would not say whether the principal would be pei mitted technically to serve that long. In answer to questions. Dr. Corning said there were rumors about other schools, and that these are being investigated by police. He said the school sys tem Itself Initiated the investi gation and went to United States Attorney Oliver Gasch to deter mine whether right procedures were being used. terday in a conference between Inspector John E. Winters, head rs the Youth Aid Division, and Acting Park Police Chief Melvin H. Leach. A meeting some time in June is scheduled between juvenile J officers of all area police de partments to discuss similar pooling of juvenile records in the Metropolitan Police files. Classified Ad Rates: Local Advertisers 3 Lines 'Minimuml Ona time. 50» line Three to si* time* roruerutively. 44c pei line beven time* consecutively. 40c per line Special Notice* ana Personal, 5c per line additional. Out of-town rate, /2c per line each insertion. (4 ime minimum.! Claims for errors must be mod* In time for correction before second insertion. To Place a Star Classified Ad Call STerling 3-5000 Closing Hours: SUNDAY EDITION, 10 P.M. Friday MONDAY EDITION 8 PM. Sundoy TUES. to FRI., 9 P.M. Doy Before SATURDAY EDITION, 10 P.M FRI. SPECIAL NOTICES 1 VVILI, NOT BE RESPONSIBLE lor any debts contrarted lor by anv one other than myself. CHARI IE H HAYES 1614 7lii *t. n.w.. Wash., u C, *35 I WILL NOT Bh RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted by anvone other than myself. FREDERICK l MORTON, Aut. 303, 7038 Birnev p: s-c. as* PERSONAL *RAY*S S " DiCaSe 0011 me; DIBFCT“FROM OWNERTchbtce burial Fort Lincoln Cemetery Rea sonable price, no down payment. Payments Call Mil. McKAY. RF. 7-71 ftft. —74 i AM Wil l I\g to work 74 nours a day , davs a week, answering your telephone My salary will be less than 50c a day I am lhe Tcie *i Phone Company y new Automatic Answering and Recording Service rnr further information call FEderai n MIMEOGRAPHING 500 83**5 EXCIi. SKR\ CO . 1 >.{ • K i si nu . ST. 3-ftjß»>. *> HAIR TINTING. yrs. exper. , Clairol or Roux tint v:> :•<» compl ; t;*nn.. <v> FRENCH BEAUTY SHOP 1787 l 14th st. n.w. AD. 4-m$M WHY SIT Uft from aches and pains of arthritis, bursitis rheu matism when a NEW HEAT and MASSAGE PAD can be used every dav at home to give relief from stitr. sore muscles and joints? Call r today or write for free booklet Miracle of Science to NIAGARA at *7O 14th at n w Wash.. 5. D C. Phone RE. 7-QBPO 1 FORMS />;. u. S job applications prepared and typed: personnel counseling. EXCH SERV. CO 1 *37 K st. n w\ ST. 3-0 lm. 2 * • SMI* COVERS. draperies. bed spreads for individuals or on ron _ tract. Reference. LI 4-0037 74* 1 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS and invitation* 74-hr service STAN ! LEY ADAMS PRINTING. 505 l!th n w DI. 7-1434. eves.. JA 5->*745. MOUNT VERNON'IIOSPIT.AIn n.:rs ing service, professional care and tasty food: no alcoholics 73‘*i r> - 1 Vert st nw. CO 5-7775. !• to «» IK EE TUITION in summer school in exchange for mother driving school car in n.w. area Po. Box ti»7' ; _p. C CIIEVY CHASE country day school, oners summer session for children l '- I .' to 17. 01. • -os* 3 GHOST WRITING AND* EDITING. Professional writer, books, articles, _M>reches._JU 0-4 705 AAMFS~ WEDDING PRINTERS 1 INVITATIONS —AN NOUNCI ME NTS ► NAPKINS PLATES CITS DEC NS FAST! 1400 H ST NE Li. 7-33*»3 _____ -7 1 AUCTION SALES l Zed I William* A Zed E. W illiam*. Jr. Auctioneer* and .Appraiser* LARGE AUCTION AT Williams Auction House 1206 H St. N.W. 'i This Sat. Morning J o :;tn am. Large lot furniture, household effects, personal I articles, refrigerators, gas , stoves, and numerous other desirable articles. AUCTIONEERS’ PHONE NA s 1 PublUMnspectiqn _now t< alt hour i C. G Sl o w A CO . INC , Au« t*. Auctioneers-A ppr a i*er ft LARGE STORAGE SATE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT SLOAN'S 715 I.7th 5 ST N W SATURDAY MAY 70*.h. STARTING AT 1" AM !7 a 'urterj • huh grade modern coffer tables, . upholstered love and cha rs modern complete cnrktail bar! china - ir«. e’ry. personal effeeta, e f c By order ol Colonial Storage Company to t ?7 ( ' ',*l' J 1 sh s ■<’> sto rag'- t: ti ara r v NATIONAL savings a- TRDBT COMPANY a- Executor and other , private eonslcnor Terms; Cosh. C O RIOAN A* CO. | inc Auct.s. Established i >*!» j. »V7_l 7.7 C. sm AN A (ft.. INC L Atietianloneerft 717 l.’.tb stMft s M . \\ A*hitteton. D. < . } SAIFS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS ? PERSONAL ETC FOR STORAGE CHARGES • Noth r ;v her* tv i. ,er ‘hat on ' SATURDAY .JUNE :• !».*•: -art . mg at 1<» o ruv AM and mn- I tinning e«r} W'-un*--dav Sa*- urdav thoreafer un r i; a!! i di*- j potied ot. there will hr* aold . public auction in ?h*» auction rooms of * n SLOAN A Co. 5 INC 715 Li’h 8: re* 1 . NW y W a*h!ng!on. I) (’ . to enforce i:en.« 1 for ato:a'<e and o’her chan * - cue t and unpaid, all furniture persona; efTects. etc stored with u* In the • * following name? Delphi* fJcuriet Lawrence A Craft .James T Day mude Move* O Oreene Mr.- V c Green. William $ Holmes I.ouia Kami. Mr* A bert Kearney Mrs. • A C Move D H V ncetv TTRMS CASH UNION STORAGE » At TRANSFER CO INC - .'<• * Twep’ieth Street. N W Wa*hint* ton. Lt. C. mi.l ,i. AUCTION SALES (Coni ) AUCTION—By virtue of Greyvan Storage, to be held at Greyvan Storage warehouse at :tl»2l Piyers Mill ra . Kensington. Md., at noon June 15. 1955. consisting of house held good.-, comprised of chairs, beds bric-a-brac, china ware, linen.* and etc Belonging to _Martha_S._Blassingham. nry74 :i l ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON.. Auctioneers- Appralsora Trustees Sale of DRY CLEANING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT. CASH REGISTER ETC By virtue of a Chattel Deed of Trust recorded in Liber 1057 b. folio 1414 et seq. one of the Land Records of the District of Columma and at the reoucst of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sell bv public auction at 3131 Mt Pirasant Street Northwest on FRIDAY THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY 195»i AT TEN O'- CLOCK A M Huebsch “H-3»»M7,T # tumbler puff irons Lattner boiler return system. 7 Prosperity presses, finishing and spotting board.* hampers, racks Vic “PO Cleaning Machine Vic Number 2 tumbler. Singer Sewing Machine. National “I*4 1' Cash Register, counters. mirror. tables deck chairs refrigerator fans neon sign, etc Terms Cash A R Seelve and Joseph M P.onuso, trustees. mvDbltf.77,24 _ _ THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers. I1 I I L St V W . Trustees' Sale ot Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES N U M B E R 1807 L STREET. NORTHEAST. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, m Liber No 0583. Foiio 70b et seq . of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in iron? of the premise* on FRI DAY. THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY. A D. IPSH. AT ONE THIRI7 O'CLOCK PM . the follow lnc-descrlbed land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot PR in the subdivision made by Richard P O’Neill, of ot in Souar« 4170. as per plot recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of ‘Columbia in tuber 78 *>t folio 38; subject to the bundinc re*triction line and covenants of record Trrms Sold subject to a prior drfd of trust for approximately f*;<s po further particulars of which will be announced a? time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be naid in cash. A dfposlt of 8500 0n required. Conveyancing, recording, etc . ai purchaser’s cost Adjustments made as of date of sam Terms to be complied wi’h w ithin thirty days otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discre tion of the trustees FRANK W MARSAI.EK. CARLTON U. TREXLER myl4 !b. 18.77 74 Trustees. _ THOS. J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneers, 111 I F. St N.W. Trusrers‘ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING PREMISES NO 7377 SHERMAN AVENUE. NORTH WEST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust i;u.- recorded in Liber N.» 8?8*i Folio 13b et seq . of the land records of the District of Colum bia and at the rrour-t of the party secured thereby, the under dors’sned trustees will sell, at, public auction in front of the premises on MONDAY THF. TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF MAY A D If»sd AT FOUR O’CLOCK PM the followlne-riescrtbed land and premises, situate m the Dis trict of Columbia, and designated as and bring Lor 755 in the Real Estate Security Company’s subdivi sion of lot* in Wright et al subdivt s'■ n • f "Mount Pleasant" a- per Piat recorded in the Offire of the Surveyor fbr the District of Co :umiva in liber 4 7 at folio 170; taxed as Lot. 755 in Square 7887 T<:ms Sold subject to a prior ‘building association! deed of trust lor approximately s7.Hlft.4!i fur ther particulars of which will ha announced at time of sale, the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of S'* Oh'm» required. Conveyancing, recording, etc. a» purchaser's cost Adjustments made as of. dafp of sa'c Terms to be complied wrh within thirty da*?, otherwise dr pn it forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. A M. DRAISNER DONALD U. GUNTER Trustees. EDWIN SHELTON Attorney for Holder of Note RE public 7 -3 1 ! 1 ID 77 7♦ 7H THOS. J. OWEN A SON Auctioneers, I: 1 t E St. N.W. Trustees* Sate of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER Id 13 S STREET. NORTH WEST B‘- virtup o f a certain deed of tru*t duly recoided. in Liber No 10573. Folio 7rtJ et seq.. of the land records of the District of Colum bia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the under signed trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on MONDAY THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF MAY AD. 1058. AT THREE O'CLOCK P.M the follow ing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and des.cnateri a- and being Lot 7’. in Jones et al subdivision of lm- in Square 177. as per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor lor the District of Columbia in Liber J H K at folio 345 Terms Sold subject to a prior 'building association) deed of trust f r approximately *7.174 80 further particulars of which will be an nounce.! at time of sale, the pur chase nrice above said trust to be paid in ca--h A deposit, of ss<mu»o required Conveyancing recording. e?< at purchasers cost Adjust ments made as of date of sale ’I ern s to he complied with within thirty days otherwise deposit for fei’ed -Mid the property mav be adrer’isrd and re old at the discre tion of the trustees POBEKT W KID WELL. W ALL ACE KIDVVELI ti' v 1 fl, iM. 77 7 1.7*» Trustee* THOS. J. OWEN a SON, Auctioneer*. INI t M. N.W. Trustees* .Sale o! Valuable THREE STORY END OF ROW BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS 1311 P STREET, NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 1*875, Folio 58 e: seq of the land rrcoros of the District of Columbia and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned tru*teeg will *ell. at public auction in front •f the premises. n n MONDAY THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF MAY. A D 1 l*st>, A J TWO FORTY -FIVE O'CLOCK PM , the following-de scribed .and and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 71 and parr of Lot 34 In Square 741. being more particularly described bv nietr* and bounds in said deed of trust Now taxed aa Lot 801 in said Square. Term.* Sold subject to a prior ‘building association* deed of trust for approximately *O.IBB 77 fur ther particulars of which will )>■ announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to he paid in cash A deposit of > no required Conveyancing re cording etc at purchasers oost. Adjustments made as of date of -a'* Term to he complied with within thirtv days, otherwise de posit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. HERMAN MILLFR. ABE FRANKFL. niyljft 13 77 7 l 70 T rustees THOS. J. OWIN' A SON, Auctioneer*. Mil i: St. N.W. Trustees' Sale of Valuable BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS 1143 ' ml STREET NORTHWEST B' urnje of a certain deed of hum duly recorded i i Liber No. 1 <*7*»7 Folio 38# seq of s he land records of tno District rs Columbia, and at the request of th* partv sefured theieby. the under "-ned trustees *ili sell ai public auctlf-n in front rs the premises nn FRIDAY THF TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY. AD. W 5«. AT THREE O'CLOCK PM th* follow- Inc-de>crib*ri ’.and and premises, si'uate in the District of Columbia and de.Mgna'ed as and being L/>t Number .Sixteen ‘lft* in Charles c Cum.tnson s subdivision of lots in Souart Seventy-one <7l* as per Plat N*corded iri the offire of she Survevor Jor th** District of Co* i .mo;a 'n Liber 13 folio 17:;. cor rectei; bv actual survey plat re • .rried in said Survevor * Office in t it>er 13 at foil ) 18<* Term Sold subject to a prior •building ampliation l deed of trust !m approximately rft.ftoo 00 fur ther particulars of which mill be announced at time of sale, the purchase price above- said trust to * • paid in cash. A deposit of >SOO 01* required Conveyancing, recording, etc. at purchasers cos* Ad .ailments ma»ie as of date of sa> Term* to be complied witn within Twenty days, otherwise dr po h forfeited and the property mav be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trusses. ANGEIO PUOLIHf BARBARA R HART mvl A.1j.l !* •: M Tru.*fee«, Alt AM A Wl -*f 111 >:r a son. Auctioneer *-Appraisers Trustees Sale of R« ■ aurant, B»t: and Cafeteria FURMSHINGS AND EQUIPMENT UK 3* *-Ton Air (<ndi tinner NATIONAL CAoll REGISTER Taule-- Chairs—Bootn* Fan* HOT TLE CfJOl R— UT ENSILE E TC. By Public Auction at West hie i *. !•***. E St NW. fRI D A Y Mav 75 1050 1* AM .stain.* * team ana saiad tab* 4 1 chair, it Form, a table* bootijf mirrored hark bar O E refru-erator kh range -ink. ex hau-.t fan* griddle. .*‘ainles* steel counter and hood, cash register, cooler and heater, etc R* Cha"ei deed of trust filed December |i» 1P54 a* instrument No j*ss, Ker.oruer of Deeds Office. D r Terms Cs • h SAMU 13 Z OOtTi* MAN and JOSEPH S CULLIN, Jr.. T r '-• * r • MARTIN J KiRSCH Attorney for Partv itrurea. Woodward Pui.d n.g mv : 1 4 _ (Continued on Next i’at