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B-14 *• THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. t WEDNESDAY. OCTOBt-R 10. I»,1g Surgeon Places Stress On Fixing Babies' Sex By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE 1 Associated Presa Science Reporter ( SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 10. —A surgeon today urged par- * ants and doctors to be more alert to the chance that babies are 1 born tragically mixed up in sex. Far more often than realized, there can be doubts or wrong guesses about a child’s real sex. said Dr. Goodwin C. Chauffler of I. Portland. Oreg. Boys can be mistaken for girls, or girls for boys, , because they have characteris tics or signs of both sexes, he told the American 'College of i Surgeons. Thye are often reared as members of the opposite sex, and nothing is done for them, with tragic consequences liter for their own happiness Careful examinations and tests can determine true or pre dominant sex. Modern treat ments of surgery and hormones i can do much to correct the ab-l \ BIG SMHH6S Both Mac Mannes stores otter the most complete line ot famous stainless steel tableware in the city. Choose from lovely patterns created by world-famous silversmiths with the fine precision of lovely Sterling Use our layaway plan for Christmas and avoid the new steel price rise. WM^ACE | CUSTOM STAINLESS BALLET). . J* -IT ”” - C"C> *T“ t 9 ’ 5 SONNET I s * rv,c * tor 4 " ,Un,l4EI / Avollobl* M Open Stock \ k DOWNTOWN 7951 New Homp. Ave. I ,„ 2 G Street N.W. op , n Mon Thurt * Tn. I SSKVff- STEGOR STAINLESS | TA^LEW.P. I SAVE \P' ♦8 to »IO \ J SPIRAL by GORHAM Lilt trice U 4.55 1 16-Pc. Spiral Starter Set *•"*• h ' I Po«# or Wheat in Stegor Rr,c » 52"5 Stainless, Startor Sot 10*95 l IS-Be. Service ter 4 | Available te Opee Sleek l AVAILABLE AT BOTH MacMANNIS STORKS 1 normalities early In life, DrJ Schauffler said Urges Medical Advice "Too often, such children are 1 neglected. Parents may be al-: 1 lowed to determine the sex, and, 1 rear the child according to! whether they had wished for a boy or girl,” he said. He urged that parents get < medical advice if they have ! doubts. And he said more doc- i tors should become more aware 1 of what can be done to deter mine sex and to correct the con fusing abnormalities. Some can be difficult cases, he added. Among three recent young pa tients, two are being reared as girls, although he feels certain one is actually male. A third is apparently a true rare case of neutral sex. Skin-Grafting Technique Two surgeons reported yester day a grafting technique by which 1 square inch of bor rowed skin can be made to cover 10 square Inches of burns. A split-thickness of healthy I skin is mixed with salt solution, 1 then whirled in a kitchen blend er for 10 minutes. The skin separates into clumps of 10 to ! 100 cells and the liquid looks ! like buttermilk. This mixture then is sprayed or poured onto gauze, to remove the salt water, and the gauze is inverted and placed over the denuded area. When the gauze is removed two weeks later. Islets of skin have started grow ing. Within another week the whole area is covered with new skin. The technique was described by Drs. John S. Najarian and Horace J. McCorkle of the Uni versity of California. So far it has been applied successfully only to rabbits. Human trials are planned soon. Dr. Najarian said. ■■ / OF CASUAL LIVING! mm I TOMORROW AT NEE'S, YOU CAN BUY mull * THIS COMPLETE 5-PC. LIVING ROOM ITf \'W\ (jjj It I U (g) J»si*22o. I 1 t 22 90 DOWN, DELIVERS THIS 5-PC. SUITE NOT ONE, MOT TWO, BET THREE jyi|rK* V MAGMIFICEMT WOOD FINISHES I>L ■ ... - " SCOOP! .. . look what Nee's have, budget tagged! A roomful of casual livin’ m ll ’- ... just $229. That includes the handsome casual sofa ... the lounge chair ... W two end tables ... the cocktail table! And. what a wonderful choice of WOODS p 'vvf: • you h,ve: All pieces come in walnut, in ebony ... in blonde oak! Mix ’em an< t m *tch ’em! These handsome woods go so well with each other you can wH| W have walnut tables with ebony sofa and chair ... or an ebony chair with blonde \ *°f* ... so many different combinations. Custom ordered to your taste. SOf . . . you think uuff-ln-iral! rirpd it rvpniilrr.' . . . ■ It surprised' Phone Mr Howard, HAzelwood 7-7000 Ht will errenge lor « Not , t i Solo*-Decorotor to lire you Iree color ttlcction and Iroo estimate right in your V! home . . . ut your cenvtnionct. No ohligotion. i u k\ •yiee4 ty('a£/iin<jlon >yW •ji'ee4 at/toc&ville H ST. al Tlk N.W. NHIIIINO THE CORNER FROM MNNH 1000 ROCKVILLE PIKE Open Daily 'it/ «—1 lon. and Thun, 'ill 9 Opan Mfhlty ’ill 9—Sol. ’til IS Opan Nifluly ’III 9—Sal. ’lit t Protest Stirred By White Bride Os Negro Gl By tht ABiociited Prcu Representative Tuck, Demo crat of Virginia, said today he has received reports that a Negro soldier, from Virginia brought a German wife to the United States and Is living with her on a Halifax County farm. Virginia’s miscegenation laws forbid marriage between whites and nonwhites. Mr. Tuck said he has pro tested the "alleged” situation to the Immigration Service, asking if immigration law permits “a Negro to bring a white woman from a foreign country to Vir ginia to live with her as man and wife in violation of Virginia laws and policies.” In reply. Commissioner J. M. Swing of the service said that if a German national were law fully admitted to the United States as a permanent resident under the immigration law and is "not amenable to deportation proceedings the service does not have jurisdiction.” Mr. Swing said Mr. Tuck’s telegram did not identify the woman and that the service was i unable to check its records or 'conduct an investigation. Virginia's law against racial lintermarriage withstood a chal lenge in 1955. The United States Supreme Court studied the case and then sent it back to the Virginia Su preme Court—which had upheld the law—with instructions that the State bench was to get fur ther evidence developed in a trial court at Portsmouth. The State Supreme Court, however, said on January 18, 1956. that its rules contained no provision for such a step and stated it was leaving intact its ruling that a Norfolk couple had violated the ban. The man who filed the suit, Ham Say Naim, a Chinese sea man, came back again to the United States Supreme Court i but the high tribunal shelved the lease with a notation that the ac tion was “devoid of a properly | presented Federal question.” In addition to banning inter racial marriages within the State, the law also forbids a white and a nonwhite from going to an-i other State to be married and 'then returning to Virginia. U. N. to Define Word UNITED NATIONS. Oct. 10 (/P).—A special U. N. committee went to work today to define aggression. The committee will co-ordinate the definitions of the word as expressed by various nations and report to the Gen eral Assembly convening Novem-| ber 12. Gandhi Wreath Placed ! NEW DELHI, India, Oct. 10 —U. N. President Jose Maza placed a floral wreath today at; the shrine where Mohandas K. Gandhi, the Indian independ ence leader was cremated. The Chilean diplomat is on a nine day tour of India at the invita-j tion of the Prime Minister Nehru’s government. j TONIGHT on Kodak’* 9 P.M. CHANNEL 7 I Prwsnted by Entrain Kodak Company j __ i:ilYI blue detergent gives yew this mm BARGAIN O Imagine! A pastel-color Cannon I j i p ] Face Cloth inside every regular size blue detergent Silver Dust! Silver Dust H washes clothes whiter, brighter than new... even without bluing. Get marvelous rtflnßa """ new ail-purpose blue Silver Dust BffißaS&flPU plus Cannon Face C10th.... today i |nH|ggaß| 810 CANNON KITCHIN TOWEL INSIPI GIANT SIZE SILVER DUST