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*•**?■ *&#' <- x : % 9KHQHHB| tflpßp K> ;. i' g .|gß| \ , ' : '^H!f^P^^ , '-'' J £:V:fr:-* r^ y GIANT SCENIC CLlFFS—Redrock Canyon in the Kern County Desert of South ern California is a favorite sight-seeing area. Thar’s gold and gems here. California Sightseers Mine Their Own Opals LOS ANGELES.—Just beyond Butterbread Mountain and Jaw bone Canyon in Southern Cali fornia, there’s a little mine for rent. For a modest hourly fee you can take pick and shovel and mine your own opals. Handy way to get a souvenir of your trip West this winter. This is the gem and gold coun- ! try of Eastern Kern County, one of the favorite sightseeing ad- ; ventures of winter visitors. It’s about two hours’ journey north of Los Angeles, but, according to the area’s All-Year Club, a more interesting way is eastward from the city of Bakersfield over the Tehachapi Pass. Going up the Tehachapi. a train pops out of a tunnel and starts around Walong Moun tain. Cars are still worming out of the hole when. 77 feet directly above the tunnel, there’s the locomotive again, poking out from the backside of the moun tain. This is Walong Loop, the only way a train can get up over the rugg d range, and famous for the railroaders’ myth that the engineer always waits for this spot to reach into the caboose for his lunch pail. Mojave is the first town. It has been a mining center since the 20-mule teams hauled borax there from Death Valley in 1883. This is a land of fantastic coloring. In the distance are the Argus Mountains. Jawbone Canyon just beyond Mojave leads to a bizarre mass of colors called the Hill of Blue-Green Stone. Beyond that is the Snow white Mountain made of a stuff called vitro* that goes into dishes and enamelware. Giant Reddish Draperies Towering above the section' atop of Cinco is the brilliant mass of Red Hill. Then the high cliffs of Redrock Canyon seem to be hanging giant reddish draperies from the sky. Last Chance Canyon cuts into TRAVEL American Exp ®^ ss I invites you ISCOKIED TOURS FOR 195 GRAND TOURS... offering i fascinating escorted itinerary through France, Italy, Austria. Germany. Switzerland. Belgium, Holland and England... 49 days, $1,793 up, including transatlantic round trip by air or by one of the great Cunard "Queens." /Tty BANKER* TOURS... visiting the featured highlights of England, tffr Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. Escorted. « L\ <2 daye, $1,301 up, including round trip by air or Cunard "Queen." CHAMPION TOURS... featuring England, Scotland, Scandinavian ■»ifi ATvl I countries, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France. *Tl U -iL Escorted... 47 to 52 days. $1,492 up. Alternate itineraries through y. I ■’rf Northern Europe including Finland or Ireland... 47 to 56 days, $1,607 up. \ MIDNIGHT SUN TOURS... through the scenic Scandinavian countries, with the added attractions of Denmark, England. France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. A truly comprehensive fe escorted itinerary of 78 to 85 days, $2,309 up. IMPERIAL TOURS... via the Mediterranean to France, England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Escorted... 53 to 67 days, $1,538 up. Alternate itinerary including colorful Spain... 62 to 64 days. $1,771 up. i w• nwslC PILGRIMAGE TOURS... visiting famous shrines and beauty spoil in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and England. 1 Escorted ... 42 days, $1,270 up. Alternate itinerary including Spain... A 48-49 days, $1,440 up. Tours including Ireland. $165 additional. H STUOEHT TOURS... from Britain to Italy, covering all !.! If i the high spots in between!.. .Scotland, Holland, Germany, Austria, {lll h ffj Switzerland and France. Escorted... 53 t063day5,51,447 up. a y MOTORCOACH TOURS... over the scenic highways and bywiyi J* of England, Holland, Belgium. Germany, Switzerland. Italy and France. Escorted ... 41 to 59 days. $1,137 up. INDEPENDENT TOURS... anywhere in Europe! Individualized itineraries enpertly planned and arranged to suit your time, taste and budget tAK tovr rate prondo for rouod-tnp fromoHonlk ottommodofioiv by oir or rfoamor from Nov Yolk. FRil! Announcement booklet "tvropoar Holiday" (Ivm complete informotion, price* ood daybydoy itineferiet on Nipt* Four*, for your freo copy too your Trovol Agent or Moll tfcit coupon— AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL SERVICE Weitiintton S, O. C. US’ Ntu »•< ■*# “Europeee Honcey brcckure NAME ADDRESS r cm I 0« ITATI American Express Travel Service •24 14tb St roof N.W. • Notionol 1-2122 Or of J. Corfmcktl O Co. Trout I Burtou RtorscT rove tiavu fund, with amiucaw iiraiu tiaviims cmeues vinoaiu (Vierwwfti the mountains near Redrock. This is a rockhound’s paradise. He can find opals, fire opals, agate, moss agate, jasper. Near it is the mine-it-yourself opal mine. There’s apumice mine, a cleanser mine, and a side road goes to Roaring Ridge and a petrified forest which gives up the fossils of ancient American elephants an rhinos as well as trees. TRAVEL I mmm §2l DAYS *201.15 W ■ plug taj£ | : :? : Your* for Western »dven &• ture! See magnificent Orand M &.:; Canyon, the Painted Des ??£;'■• ert. Lo* Angeles, visit a »\«? g:’; Hollywood movie studio, ex- £3k plore glamorous San Fran- SSH i §>:* cisco—lts Chinatown and SSI m Latin Quarter! Includes hotel : s|3 fgv accommodations, sightseemr. *£:■: trips, all transportation. Go xjjl $g: : : Greyhound for more fun! ;j§B |.... - Wide Choice of Other Tour* |||l H& 5-Day Colonial Va. ?4 , 2.47» *|l fffi 5-Day N. Y. City 39.70 R; 1 3-Day Fla. Circle 112.85 :||j Greyhound Travel Bureau |3| ’ 1110 N. Y Ave N.W. §gg ME. 8-1512 {&:s or tee your Independent iffisg Travel Agent !\i All Feres Plus U. S. Tax TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL In response to hundreds of requests... Canadian Pacific’s EMPRESS OF SCOTLAND will make 4 cruises to the West Indies and South America. Why do so many people who have LEAVE NEW YORK JANUARY ISth or traveled to the Caribbean and South MARCH 14th— 14 days to San Juan, La America on the Empress of Scotland Guaira, Curacao, Cristobal, Havana, want to sail her again? The answer's $330 up. 5im P le! LEAVE JANUARY Slot— l 9 days to San From stem to stern this gleaming Juan> St Thomas, Port of Spain, La » White Empress was planned for Gua , ra> Curacao, Cristobal, Kingston, spacious comfort. From outside state- Haiti, Havana. $475 up. rooms to beautiful lounges, from the JCTVgLs intimate case to the sumptuous dining . IRRUARy 2i»t-19 days to San 58E?T A salon, there's room aplenty for you to ' uan ’ Thomas Fort-de-France, La stretch out and enjoy yourself. And Guaira Curacao Cristobal, Kingston, jmiH&X you'll appreciate Canadian Pacific's Haiti,Havana. $4/5 up. traditionally gracious service. No passport, visa, or U. S. transpor- This year’s itineraries are unusually tat ' on ***• Boot now.’ exciting. Explore different ports each pHArT / ' 1 day, return at night to the comforts of jsoa k Strtii, N.W., If/ipj lOUf Whi,e Empress. Washington 5, D. C. NAtienol 8-4235. . I f LOWER OUTSIDE ROOMIER INSIOE WORLD’S NEWEST V-l WITH NEW HYORA-MATIC BUILT FOR SAFETY AND DOUBLE COMFORT by 2 full inches than any other car —high on go, low on gat —smoothest automatic ever In a strong single unit —twin beds, reclining seats { t . I ANNOUNCING THE TRIM, NEW 195? HUDSON HORNET V-8 ... way up in power, way down in price! \ » wdUM Nernot V 4 Hollywood Hordlep— youn in o choice of 82 bopvtifuf color combrnotroot ” ’ T Product of Amonmm Moron v Quick... with the world’s newest, most economical V-8 a double-strong single unit-promises you thousands of See your HUDSON and engine. Smooth .. . with new Flashawav Hydra-Matic. extra carefree miles. It rides on bigger, safer tiret-hugs Light on its feet ... with the easiest handling of any big the road, soaks up the bumps. It s the ruggedest performer RAMBLER dealer car on the road. Solid .. . with a ride that’s three-times of them all! smoother than any you’ve ever known! And it’s a bargain ... actually priced lower than last year’s Iftr n rJpmnncfrnfinn r JJ O That’s the new Hudson! models. See it now. Phone your Hudson and Rambler 6 It’s bigger inside than any car at any price. It’s built in dealer for a demonstration drive! Armstrong Motors, Ine. Burrows Motor Co., Inc. Mitchell’s Motors, Inc. Trinidad Hudson, Inc. 6603 Gotrgia An. N.W. 900 M Stmt S.E. 222 2nd SI. N.W. 1368-R0 Florida An. N.E. Washington, D. C. Washington, 0. C. Washington, D. 0. Washington, D. 0. Folder Outlines New York Trips For Thanksgiving NEW YORK.—A special folder giving suggestions foi four days of family fun in New York over the long Thanksgiving holiday week end, November 22-25, has been prepared by the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau. The outstanding event of the week end will be Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day parade, a col orful array of floats and enorm ous balloons depicting story book characters. Santa Claus will ar rive at Macy’s at noon to open the Christmas season officially in New ‘York. Other holiday events, accord ing to the bureau’s free folder, are basketball, boxing, football and hockey: opera at the Metro politan Opera House, the New York Philharmonic at Carnegie Hail, and special events for chil dren. The Broadway theater season will be in full swing, also, and New York’s stores will be sport ing the first of their Christmas decorations. As for the long an ticipated Thanksgiving Day din ner, hundreds of restaurants and hotels have prepared special holiday menus. “Thanksgiving Week End in New York’’ is available free from the Visitors Bureau, 90 East 42d street. New York 17, 'N. Y. AIR TRAVELERS GET 'FAIR LADY' TICKETS IN PACKAGE DEAL NEW YORK.—Tickets for the Broadway musical “My Fair Lady” are among the features being offered as part of a new travel pack age by Swissair, the airline of Switzerland. A choice of tickets to this and other top shows such as “No Time for Sergeants” and “Damn Yankees" is avail able with Swissair's new “Manhattan Showcase” package tours to New York. Arranged in co-operation . with Theater Tours, a divi sion of Theatrical Subsidiar ies, Inc., of New York, the tours are designed primarily for travelers living outside New York who wish to stop over at the beginning or end ing of their trips to Europe. Crack Train Features Tape-Recorded Music NEW YORK.—The Twentieth Century Limited, crack New York Central train, now carries Travel Muzak's specially programmed tape-recorded music. The music is similar to heard in exclusive restaurants, hotels and private clubs. Music used on the Century includes special background arrange ments of standard favorites. TWA Starts New Service I The first non-stop tourist serv ice between Washington and San Francisco will be launched today by Trans-World Airlines. TWA District Sales Manager John P. Brock said the new Super-G Constellation flight will; accommodate 39 tourist passen gers and 31 first-class passengers. On the return San Francisco ; Washington flight, berths will be 'offered by the line for the first time. Mr. Brock said TWA this winter would schedule more seat miles on United States routes than ever before in its 31-year history. The over-all Increase 'reflects the addition of new flights with Super-G Constella tion equipment and a consid erable increase in low-fare sky tourist mileage. TWA’s new schedule will pro-i vide the first and only non-stop tourist service between New York and Denver. Effective December 1, TWA will inaugurate service into Tuscon, Ariz., on its coast to-coast routes. TRAVEL i 'll b« In good company I jpj^i IT INDIES AMERICA ' SB- f people have discovered the special Winter vacation »f a Cunard Sunshine Cruise. Why not join them ... share this wonderful fun-filled, sun-filled inter le bleakest season of the year. You’ll swim, explore tropical ports, dance under a low moon ... and be strageously by Cunard’s luxury service and gourmet lake this the year for Winter sunshine f See your el agent. TO WEST INDIES AND SOUTH AMERICA FROM NEW YORK XMAS-NEW YEAR'S CRUISE F.b. 7• IS day, • $515 up Du*. 22 • 14 days F.b. 21 • 17doy» • $485 up * UWH • $350 up Mar. 21 • 14 day< • $390 up in tli. naw CARINTHIA Apr. 6*15 doyi • $395 up So many exotic ports to choose from: Port-au-Prince, Curacao, La Guaira, Trinidad, Barbados, Martinique,, St. Thomas, Nassau, Cristobal, Kingston, Havana, Nevis, iVEST INDIES •- •••• w.uretania! From I I ,KM JA V ll^ N. Y. Sat., Dec. 22 • 10 ports, #% *X \J 29 days-yet only $750 up! —-I " No Gre ‘ rtef Name ln Cruising Sit your I toil travel agint or Canard Linn, 114 15th Strut N.W. THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C. ICNMT. OCTQBEI SI, i«3« Lots of Water About 26 million gallons of ; water, a one-day supply for a city the size of Boston, are used, in moving a ship through each | lock of the Panama Canal. TRAVEL TRAVEL ’ j""—"" " ■■■■■in M French Hmra! EUROPE 1698 11 COIMTRIIS Sailing on QUEEN MARY and QUEEN ELIZASETH FaMat i FVU WEEK mto FRENCH RinEM ... Sailtitt Iron Dm York « to. 40. Jm. IStfc, Jm. 31st and Fab. ISA. Earopaan Grand Tow visiting Engand, Holland. Batova. Lmrembowi Gw many, Switzerland, IncMamtem. Aastna, Italy. Franc* Rnhwa, Monte Cvto. Franc*. AU EXPENSE—PERSONALLY ESCORTED... inclodn round trip lomt ■ on QUEEN MARY and QUEEN ELIZABETH, all Hotel., moat maria, all arfMaaeint toMporto boa transfer, and eran tip.- Latar retem ri desired. Taw limited ta 40 mvabavs. Imvadtoa rmrvabons nacaaaay. SEE YOUR - TRAVEL AGENT m ante to Free MHB9I - w - 800 Uri No. 221 -E. MlilliM Ho» tori Free Ratal to »i-t. caravah ™!r.r„n... I _^S I WATtST I _ L CWICAQQ4, hi. J O* »o» Dog Racing Dates FORT LAUDERDALE. Fit- Two meets will be run this winter at nearby Hollywood dog track. ,The first half of the schedule will be from November 17 to De cember 22, the second from January 21 to April 1. A-39