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loss with Dental Floss!
This simple test will astound you!
Brush your teeth as clean as possible. Then use
Johnson’s Dental Floss between the teeth.
You’ll find it dislodges many remaining food
particles. Left alone, these may ferment and form
acids-acids which eat tooth enamel and start decay.
Ordinary brushing cannot prevent this hidden
decay. That’s why dentists recommend Johnson’s
Dental Floss after you brush your teeth.
It’s so effective, so easy to use.
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Three-year-old Erik Lofting hoists o 20-pound barbell while his playmates are still using
teddy bears. His mother Rochelle is a physical culture instructor and handles 85 pounds.
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Dad b a weight-lifter and stunt man, so he plays
the heavy in this one-handed balancing with Erik.
WHEN Gerald Lofting and
his wife, Rochelle, 20, __
learned that their son weighed '
only 3 pounds, they took it
as a challenge. Gerald, a
weight-lifter and film stunt
man, and Rochelle, a physical
culture instructor, applied
their knowledge of body
building to help baby Erik
along. They gave him extra
vitamins and calcium, en
couraged him to use his
strength from the time he
was able to shake a rattle.
Now, at age 3, Erik is 3 feet
5 and can lift a 20-pound bar
bell with as much ease as
other tots his age lug a teddy
bear. In their London home,
the Loftings follow their gym
nastic routines, guiding Erik
in weight-lifting and balanc
ing. A muscular miniature of
his statuesque parents, little
Erik is practicing long - dis
tance swimming and using a
15-foot diving board.