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GRATIFYING RELIEF FROM TENSION, FATIGUE AND PAIN OF ARTHRITIS, BURSITIS, RHEUMATISM WITH THE AID OF NIAGARA’S WONDERFUL NEW HEAT AND MASSAGE PAD Heal and massage hate, for ages, been considered among the most effective means of dealing with physical ail* ments. Os momentous importance to many ofius is the news that.Tfter years of experiment and development, a pad has been perfected that produces both a diffused, relaxing type of heat and a soothing massage action! This amaz ing mechanism is called the "Thermo- Cyclopad*." The soft, comfortable pad contains a Cycfb-Massage* motor and a special heating element. The motor develops an amazingly restful and soothing massage action... which is non-electrical .. . while the heating element produces pleasant warmth. The unique combination of heat and massage drives deep down through tissue and bone to help bring relief to muscle and joint, increase circu lation, and ease nervous tension and fatigue. imams. bursitis, rik mutism Much of the pain of aching joints and sore muscles . . . arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, fibrositis ... is from un known causes. However, the value of heat and massage as effective pain relieving agents is well established! The compact, easy-to-use Thermo- Cyclopad permits the immediate ap .f i’ r*» rwc „upad. tmm mAmi Am t W sMiry m mm MJf f# cif pmJ COME IN, OR WRITE NIAGARA CYCLO-MASSAGE EQUIPMENT CO. 720 14th STREET N.W. (Between G & N. Y. Are.) 32 plication of both heat and massage to aid in the relief of pain of sore joints and muscles. The unique design of the unit permits its use on hand, elbow, shoulder, knee... any part of the body. EASES TENSION, FATIGUE, ENCOURAGES SLEEP Medical authorities claim that nervous tension is connected with the occur rence and progress of a number of serious physical ills. One famous phy sician states that nerves and tension are among the largest causes of illness in America today. Warm baths or heat and massage have been used throughout the centuries to induce relaxation. Now, with the ad vent of the Thermo-Cyclopad, you can avail yourself of these balms in an easy-to-use, convenient form . . . right in your own home. Regular use of the unique Thermo- Cyclopad will help you enjoy pleasant, relaxed living, and enable you to better avoid many of the illnesses associated with nervous tension and fatigue. DEEP-PENETRATING CYCLOID* ACTION Niagara Cyclo-Massage, as incorpo rated into the Thcrmo-Cydopad, can possibly be best described as being a fine physical action that gently kneads * Tit Tttmt Cpinpad cm it muJ tdtctntlp ftr iamdi. mutt, tfiamt. limCitrt amd hack . me mmt nxt magazine Washington. o. c, movuuh ta. tssa the soft tissues of the body. In addi tion, however, the action has unusual deep-penetrating, and highly benefi cial, characteristics. Objective studies by competent re search investigators have proved that this important new discovery has qual ities that are blood stimulatory, muscle relaxant, analgesic, and sedative, in many cases. , EXTENSIVE RESEARCH Tests conducted by a prominent phys icist in one of the nation’s leading colleges have proved that the action of the Niagara Thermo-Cyclopad in no way resembles that of a vibrator. Rather, it is a smooth and pleasant cycloid action which is widely con ducted through the body. This action produces profound beneficial physio logic effects on the body far beyond those attained by ordinary massage or the common types of vibratory tpech anisms. Millions use Niagara Cyclo-Massage regularly. Their relief from many types of pain, their new-found freedom from undue nervous tension and fatigue, and their brighter look and over-all sense of well-being are ample evidence that Niagara can be truly beneficial, to you, too. J m Vlv. ftr feel, aailtt, Itgt. kmtt . it pi and Utmaci . . . m amp part if tit tidp with pm rtad tt rt it SEE ON HOME NBC* TV COAST TO COAST Wrife phone j or us for NIAGARA* 730 u * *» n.w. i-inw,nn. WASHINGTON, DC J Please send details on the Thermo- | Cyclopad and free "Mirocle of Science" | booklet. | Nome ♦ . * Address ~ j City Stote I _ J MRK-CME REpublic 7-6800