AUTOS SO* mi (C—t.) BOTCH*—'S4 Rdmit. Riviera hard- Special Riviera hardtop 4-door, top. drna.. r. and h„ *1.599; 'Si a white top. drna., r. and h.. ; '65 Special Riviera. 3-door p, bine, white top. drna. r. and h., *1.999; '&« Special Rivi era hardtop, arar. black top. power steering. drna.. r. and h., 12.649. HORNER'S COR Bulck Dealer Fla ave. n.e. at Sth, LI. 6-0464. buiCK '63 Super Riviera coupe; drna.. r. and h.; 2-tone finish: sale price. *1.145. LEE D BUTI.ER file;. 1121 21st st. n.w., DI 7- 01 tl. BUICK 'B2, Special', with dyna llow. Oood condition. Verr reason able. OL. 6-2242. BUICK '55 Super Riviera—goaded! Power steerlnt. brakes, windows aerial and 4-war seats! Pour new tubeless tires plus 2 extra wheels with suburbanites. Immaculate con dition. Must sacrifice. Best offer. Call Mr. Jennings ME. 8-00(10 9 to 5 p.m. Weekdays; eves, and weekends. Call EV. 4-7797 BUICK '55. Centurr convertible. Dynafiow. radio, heater etc. Always xaraxed. Excellent con-. _dltlon. 51.850. AD. 4-3693 j BUICK 'SB V-H engine: new cond *3OO. Less than 300 ml. JE. 2-9608.! BUICK, 1960 Conv.; r. and h ; Dynafiow; new ton very xood buy at *496. JET MOTOR SALES. INC. 1534 Penna. ave., a.e.. LI. 4-2300. flilCE, 1951 Super 4-dr.; r. and h ; verr clean: *595. JET MOTOR SALES. INC. 1534 Penna. ave.. a.e. _LL 4-2.100. BUICK, 1953. Riviera V-iCEquinped Pull power; 2-tone fin.; very clean; *1.296. JET MOTOR SALES. INC. 1834 Penna. ave,. s.e,. LI. 4-2300. CADILLAC 's3* "62"" 4-dr.; black:! w.-w. tires' excel, cond.: power steer.: pvt.; »1~978. JE. 4-2591. CADILLAC 1966 "82" Special 4-dr.: owner xolnx abroad; black: 5.000 ml. power brakes and steering, r. and h. complete: like new. Sat. 3 to 7 p m.. Sun. 10 to 4 p.m. KE 7-1853 CADILLAC '63 "62" sedan; all ex tras. power steerlnx. like new; *l,- MOTORS 12th and R, I. AVT. N.I. LA. 6-6530 CADILLAC 50 Coupe de driven .‘I,OOO miles only: Alpine white, bieck top; 94.500 or best offer Sat urday and Sunday only. Telephone DP, 7*1288. 18* CADILLAC ’56 . Coupe de Ville. all extra equipment Two-tone green. 70 miles. Price. 94,- 405. Will accept automobile or late-i model house trailer in trade or small; down payment and finance through 1 local bank. COLIE'S MOBILE, HOMEB, 3% miles north of Laurel.; Md U 8. Highway 1. Parkway •V 1022. l: CADILLAC 1963 conv.; Continental! wheel; many extras: owner leav-1 lng city; dealers welcome. C*U Mon., PI. 7-8354. ! CADILLAC ‘54 De Vllle-tyne coupe; I every extra, power steering, brakes.; windows. 4-way seat; like new; trade! and terms. THACKER MOTORS 12th and R. I. AVE. N.E. LA. 0-0530 CADILLAC 1950 Fleetwood sedan;; power steering, power brakes, elec j winds.: Mack: perfect condition:! 7,500 mi.: '>ne -iwner. 94.050. CO . 5-4100 between 0 and 5: Bat and. Bun.. NO. 7-0«0fl. CADILLAC 1956 “62" sedan; buck finish with beautiful blue interior ! This is an outstanding car; naturally like new. Akers Olds-Cadillac Co. Falrlington Shopping Center Alex,. Va. OV. 3-0350 CADILLAC 1951 "60” fepeclal Fleet wood 4-dr.; gxrxxe kept: must be seen to be appreciated: $1,095; 945 down. BELL MOTORS. 6010 Wla. ave. n.w., wo 6-8900 CADILLAC 1955 Coupe de Ville: light gray, custom equipped including power steering, power brakes. Gen eral Motors air conditioning, pre mium white tires, seat toppers; out standing value, only $3,895: CCC guarantee Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd Bt. N.W. BT. 3-2000 CADILLACS FOR SALE 1950 El Dorado, less than 8.000 miles; can't be told from new; $5,995. 1950 “02" Coupe de Ville with all powers and accessories; 1001 miles: $4,795. 1956 "02" 4-dr. with power steer-i fng and power brakes; beautiful 2- tone blue; 94,395. 1955 El Dorado convert.: all pow ers. like new: has less than 15,000 miles: will trade; M. 595. All Cars Listed Above Can Be Financed Through Our Bank at 4* COLIE’S MOBILE HOMES 3 Miles North of Laurel. Md.. Rte. 1 Phone Parkway_s-1922 CADILLAC ’55 EL DORADO Conv. coupe with all extra equip-, ment possible. Only 15.000 miles ; Cannot be told from brand-new $4,795. Will accept trade. COLIS'B MOBILE HOMES. 3*4 miles north of 1 . Laurel. Md U. S. Highway 1. Park way 5-1922 _ CADILLAC ’66 El Dorado conv.: Al pine white; r. and b , elec, windows. I ps.. b.b.. Autronic Eye. Continen-j ta! kit., hydra, trans ; must be seen to be appreciated; $4,096 or best offer. JP. 9-2901. CADILLAC 1955 **o2" sedan; dark blue, immaculate, power steering, power brakes. See this beauty today, for only 93.296: CCC guarantee. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd St. H.W. BT. 3-2000 CADILLAC 1950 coupe; power steer ing. power brakes: equip : pvt. i owner; new cond. DP. 5-7404. CADILLAC ’55 Fleetwood sedan;) original finish: In new car condl-j tlon. fully equipped Including elec tronic eye and full power This car carries 100% warranty. Other: Cadillac’s to choose from. Trade and terms. PINEY BRANCH MO TORS. Authorised Willys Dealer 8740 Plney Branch rd. 8. 8 . Md., JP. 6-8525. CADILLAC ’56 EL DORADO Conv. coupe. All extra equipment. 8.000 miles. Driven by company of ficial Will give new-car guarantee Cost over $7,000 new. will sacrifice this week end. $5,095. Can accept as little as $995 down, finance un paid balance through local bank. COLirs MOBILE HOMES, 3% miles north of Laurel. Md. U 8. Highway, !. Parkway 6-1922 I CADILLAC 1952 4-dr. sedan. Fleet wood body; very nice cond.: $1,550 Must sell. JA. 6-3093. CADILLAC ’52 De ville: power steer - lng. electric windows, hydra., r. and h.; 2-tone green: like new; $1,709 HORNER’S COR.. Buick Dealer. Fla. ave n.e. at oth. LI 0-0404. CADILLAC 1961 model "62" 4-tfr sedan: hydramatic; radio, heater: motor just overhauled; quality car at a price below the market: $905. CHANDLER MOTOR CO PO 2- 01 OS. 210 Hunrerford dr., Rte. 240 bypass. Rockville. Md. CADILLAC 196$ "02" ept.; goddess gold body, brown top and Interior: OM exec car. 17.000 ml. $3,260 JA 7-2941. CADjLI.AC *52 ‘‘62 ,, convertible: ra- j dio. neater, hydramatic drive; ortx-i Inal light blue. Immaculate: only! $1.646 Wheeler, Chrysler-Plymouth LAROEBT WASHINGTON DEALER lino WISCONSIN N.W. EM. ‘,>-102(1 —— ■■ —.■■■■! Brand-New 54-Passenger Chevrolet SCHOOL BUS Immediate Delivery Chevy Chase Chevrolet 7T2S Wi*. Ave. N.W. OL. 4-6100 OPEN TODAY, 11 5 tww CAR ]()Fowml TODAY'S SPECIALS! EVERY ONE IN .1. ia - I1 P - TOP SHAPE! & W ’49 Mareury 4-0 r $395 $23.25 '47 Camillas “82" 4-Dr. 396 23.25 ’SO Ford Custom V 4 Fardar: lA . 495 28.34 •52 Hudson 4-Dr.i hydro. 495 2844 '52 Willys Atm 2-Dm • 0y1..... 595 3348 *52 Studobakor Comm.i iA 595 3348 *52 Chevrolet 2*Dr. 695 3944 *52 Ford Cnstonllno Fordor 695 3944 *52 Ford ¥•• Itatien Wafeni 04... 795 53.13 *54 Chevrolet 2-Dr 895 5343 59 OHier*—OyM Doily, j'HIJ Heines motor Co. 1140 Wilson Roiilovord Arlington, Vo. AUTOMOHLIS SON SAH ■ CADILLAC I 860: chauffeur driven; black: w.-w. tires, h., r..: good i shape; *1.250; weekdays. DU. ,7- . #3BO. Sundays. TA. 9-3678. • • CADILLAC 1960 "dr 4-dr.; luls equipped. *7BO or best offer or will ; trade for smaller car. EM. 2- r 3322. • CHEVROLET Townsman Station Waaon '56 V-S; ; powerallde. heater elec., windshield • wipers. 2-tone ereen; excellent con - dltlon. less than 12,000 miles. One ' owner-driver *1.850. Call LOCHRIE. DU. 7-7666. 18* ' CHEVROLET '55 sta.ion wagon: pow erallde; excel, cond., original owner; «1.&05. WH. 2-7029. 1 CHEVROLET '64 model “210” sedan;! , with powerallde. r and h: excel.; condition; driven as 2nd car; *950 I TU. 2-2932. i CHEVROLET 1953 l Beautiful 2-tone green finish: ra-j dlo. heater; Immaculate In every! A wonderful bargain at only l • 100%. 90-Day, No-Cost Guarantee AUTO DISCOUNT ■ ] 1516 R, 1. Ave. N.E. CO. 8-8214 j CHEVROLET So 2-dr. sedan'Style line de luxe; blue; r.. h.. turn six,: ' 46,000 orig. mileage by owner, ret. Naval oflcr.; top cond.; ideal lor ' 2nd car; *395, EM. 2-3331). ) CHEVROLET 1064 “210" 2-dr: light - green; good cond.; as is. to best oiler. Exsmlne at Sunoco Station. > 8300 Conn, ave. . CHEVROLET '56 "210" 2-dr _ sedan; • blue-ivory, powerellde. r. and h.. back-up light; 10.000 ml. *1.726. > ~)L 6-3440. : CHEVROLET 1956 Bel Air 4-dr.Ti 1 tone: good cond. Bargain for quick sale. JE. 3-7H21 or JA, 6-2141, i CHEV. '66 Model "210" 2-dr.; 2-tone ’ finish, heater and other acaessoriet: ' this la a real bargain and shouldn't - be miased; today only $1,095. FRANK SMALL ■ 1 1736 Oood Hops Rd. 8.E., LP. 1-9047 • CHEVROLET ’53 2-door sedan: r. ; and h.: 27 000 actual miles. Clean inside and out. $560 or best offer. ) c » n HE. 4-1832, , CHEVROLET '56 V-8 Bel Air hard -1 top; 2-tone; powerellde, power : steering, radio, heater. KE. 7-1032. i CHEVROLET ‘sl 4-dr. de luxe; green.! i r. and h., aalety group: *395. Pvt.j owner. Barcroft Oulf, JA. 7-0661. CHEVROLET 35 Bel Air conv; . 2-tone green; radio, heater, signals:! ■ absolutely top condition through-; ■ out. $1,675. I.'ITHER L. MILLER. I EM. 2-5967. j | CHEVROLET 1963 Bel Air 4-dr!; ■ fully equipped, automatic trans-1, ;j mission; looks and runs like new; h ' $895, low as *95 down. McNEIL , PONTIAC. 7320 Wls ave. n.w.., II OL 4-8000. “In the Heart of It ■ Betheada. 1 1 CHEVROLET 1054 Bel Air club ae-i • i dan: r. and h., automatic transmls- ! ston. white-wall tires, perfect 1-1 i uwner car. *4 ,(195; low as *OS , ' down. MeNEIL PONTIAC. 7320 Wls. ; ave n.w.. OL. 4-ROOO. "In the Heart; ; of Betheada " 'CHEVROLET 1955 V-8 convertible;. ; radio, heater, automatic transmls- ; . | slon. white-wall tires; real sharp! I ■ j *1.795. McNKIL PONTIAC. 7320 : Wls. ave. n.w., OL 4-ROOfl. "In the . Heart of Betheada." ICHEV. 'SO hardtop sport coupe: r. land h,: 7.000 miles: like new; il.. , t 795 ■ THACKER MOTORS 12th and R. 1, AVE. N.E. LA. 6-8530 CHEV. '6O Bel Air; 3-tone; r„ h.. S'-?' A 'l. cond. Also ’sl . Ford Victoria; 2-tone: r., h.. w.- 1 1 w. Urea. L STREET MOTORS. 22nd ■ »°d L n.w.; eloaad S’n ; 1 CHEV. '46 4-dr.: orlg blaek; runs ; fine: execepttonallv ’’lean; see to 1 appreciate; *IOO L STREET MO TORS, 22nd and L nbv; cloaed t Sun. 1 CHEVROLET - fßsf De Luxe 4-dr.: ■ equipped lncl. p.a.; very clean ■ throughout; JET MOTOR SALES. ; INC. 1534 Penna. ave s.e. LI. 4- • 2300, CHEV. ’53 luxurious Bel Air 2-dr. , sedan; beige and green; has tinted , . glass plus many extras; lust the car for one who Is looking for beauty and styling at low cost; *945. See j Mr Worl. Stohlraan Chevrolet i »| 3300 M ST. N.W. . I AD. 2-1646 AD. 2-4412 CHEVROLET 1955 BU. Wagon: r. and h., overdrive, other extras: perf. cond : *I.BOO. Will consider ' i about 1950 car or pickup as part of_down paqpit. Hu, 3-7737, [' CHEVROLET 'SO Bel-Air hardtop: ; two-tone V-8: powerallde: power steering: w.-w. tires; like new; private owner going away. Just ( take over payments. JA, 5-9302. CHEV. '49 Styleilne 2-dr.; Jet blaek . finish. As low as *« down; full price. ( *lB6. < TAKOMA FORD • I 9725 Plney Br. Rd.. 8. 8.. JU. 8-1000 CHEVROLETB 'sl de luxe 2 and 4"- * ii dr. sedans; clean: 1-owner cars: 1 -i $495: low as $5 dn. s3l ner mo WOLFI MOTORB CO . 1991 WIB AVE. N.W- FE. 3-4042. ! i CHEVROLET *56 Bel Air V-8 con vertible; power pack. r. and h„ pow erallde. w.-w. tires; *1,795. Caithness Buick 7740 Wls. Ave. >' i OL. 6-5012 CL. 6-5009 ! ! CHEVROLET 1953 2-dr. poweraUde j and beater: under 15.000 miles: 1 perfect cond. best reas. offer. AP 7-0180. • CHEVROLET ’56 Bel-Air hardtop; 1 16.000 mile*: cash and take over payments. JO. 2-4720. . ( I Chevrolet *66 Bel Air convertible, i 2-tone blue, low mileage, auto, i transmission, radio, heater, like • > new. I am the owner. $1,750 or i best offer. Must sell today. RE. 0- r j 6705. [; CHEVROLET 'SO; new 4-dr. Bel Air V-8 hardtop. 2-tone; w.-w. tires: heater; undercoat: slazed: 100 mi $2.095. JU. 5-0153. CHEV. ’SO: a beautiful de luxe *‘2lo’’ sport coupe; In ivpry over dusk iray; has powerglide trans.. V-8 engine, and less than 9.000 mi ; equip, lncl. r. and h . plastic seat covers that have been on slnee new; an out standinv value for $2,195. See Mr. ; Worl. Stohlman Chevrolet 1 3300 M ST. N.W. . AD. 2-1646 . AD. 2-4412 1 CHEVY ’55 station vaion: 6 cyl; r l "210.” 2-dr., auto, transmission. SI,OHO. JU i-1879. • CHEVROLET ’53 "210" de luxe 4- dr.; r. and h.. seat covers; excellent • condition; $795. LEE D BUTLER. ■ INC.. 1121 21st n.w., DI. 7-0111. CHEVROLET ’64 Bel Air 4-door se dan pwr. glide, trans.. fully c equipped. Price. $1,195 or best of fer. JA 8-0466, 1956 CO. CARS STILL AVAILABLE • Bil Air Sport Coup** (4) • Btl Air Sport Ssdans (*) • I*l Air 4-Door Sodan (D • “210” 4-Door Sodant (*) • “210” Sport Sodan (1) • “210” Dol Roy (1) Stop Soon While They Last STOHLMAN 33rd & M SH N.W. AD. 2-1646 Hear Key Bridge- In Georgetown AUTOMOSIin KH> SAU ettkVROLET '6l convertible; y. and h,. powerallde; absolutely Immac ulate throughout. A bargain: muat uVo or“bMt*3ler.TE cKVBOLOT '66 V-8 i-door; black *n6„ white: powerallde. r. and h.; 1*.99M. h6rneß'S CORNER. Bulck S^ r . 64?4 0r "“ * V *' « Bth iCHEVraST '55 2-do6rTV-8; clean; 1-owner; powerallde; r. and h.; 2- •Lwie B*** 8 *** o9 * r o,rer * l ' 4Bo - J * ' l?75 b , vra ’ 2:^so*. bfu * * nd ,Wi CHEVROLET 1954 BiTAir conv.; 1 driven only 10.000 miles; asking 1 1951 Plym conv.; ) asking price, SOSO wo. 0-0059. j CHEVROLET ’52 station wagon; JO y B-5?l d ti cond,tlon Call CHEVROLET 1954 Without a doubt the cleanest car equipped, lncl. ° « d ,S eat J r ' Premium w.-w. tires «l l 4 K ofl beautiful 2-tone blue finish. Pull nrlre *'n!v $995 AUTO 5 DISCOUNT” 1 ” 1518 R. I Ave. N.r CO. 3-8214 CHEVROLET 1954 Station waaon; powerallde. radio. J°* d . own nxyment This car is perfect in every way BILL ADAMS INC. (] block off penning rd ~ 3909 Minn. ave. n.e LU. 2-7900 *^ 4 " 1 W “ r '* NELSON STUDEBAKER 7215 BALTO. AVE.. COL. PK MD.' UN. 4-9800 | CHIV. 'SO Bel Air 4-door eedan: SJ-Hffi**: l.'autUul 2-tone flnlih: excellent cond ; low mileage: equip. 1 owner. *1,705. KE. 6-8884 3; dr club coupe": de luxe SVS!? l: _rgi , o. heater: excel, cond. *505 OWNER. JA, 8-8023. . V- o'V ®cl Air 4-door; power- S ni ? h '. tinted (last, like new throughout; *1,095. TAKOMA FORD 8723 Plney Br. Rd.. B, S.. JU. 8-1000 UHEV. '4O conv.: red vlth new black t A op ; h r . u ” , 'oof: : »n«1 h.. Bond tire". I A aharp car. >3OO. HE. 4-2297. jCHEV. '56 Bel Air 4-dr. sedan: w.-w * 1 wT 3 t> -4s”* ll 8 100 5i p «nK or,g iA°^ very low mi-: $1.695. JA. 8-460 C. _ ’64 *'2lo** 4-dr. sedan: ~2- “*Vorir- 3-7311' heater; " r » d '° NELSON STUDEBAKER 7215 BALTO AVE . COL. PK . MD in. 4-8600 'SO 4-dr. betie'oedan Wtndaor de luxe; r. and h.: $399. 53 4-dr. dark blue sedan; gyro, £ »nd h 3 *899 HORNER'S COR.. jl MW ”*• *" "* ** 6th ' C I^ YS i E S t? 1 w 'ndsor 4-dr. ae w,'w tlresi h.: 2 extra snow -tlg»-. 1-owner; *6OO. JU. 5-9806. '4B Windsor sedan: r. TA 9-0"39* *°° d transp ' ****»-! UURYSLEE 1966 Windsor de luxe sedan: one owner: 1 year, Pp* er brakes: power steerlnv ' Vs" than 500 mileage, AD. 4-' APt. 414. • C .*!?. Y n BL,:R ,^®- no ~ or IM9"de luxe * lth t auto, transmission: cl'» n 4 throughout and law mileage CTRYBLER '6L New Yorker 4-door: c“Io. heater, automatic trans «'c Dric, D °Md» br * k " : lmm ‘culate; Wheeler, Chrysler-Plymouth LARGEST WASHINGTON DEALFR wisconsin'n^em o^" 1 *t, 4 t^ lul) cpe.; seat aov ««■ r and J>, new brake linings _Best oiler. Call KI. 9-1621 CHRYBIER ’57 Windsor club coupe: price, f1 ?466'. “ lOW “ ** down ' TAKOMA FORD 8723 Plney Br. Rd., 8. S.. JP, 8-1000 CHRYSLERS 1954 New Yorker de 1 h U r»v. , * d *?*i °°T* r steering, power - i lO - l r * n *'. ln « clutch pedali, Solex glass: low mileage: «i*«os on A e y, £!y-ytiers. Priced. *1.895 and *1.795. Cash, trade' or bank terms. MERSON A THOMP ajTaI«-Plymouth. Used-car dept., 7227 Wls. ave.. OL 2-2615 -‘top® Steen: radio, heater, auto fo " mileage* cl ** D; Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet 3 *i n Lee Hwy Arlington, Va. j*- 2-9003. _ Open 'Til i:3O CHEtsUi him Windsor de luxe dark green, power steering save ON NEW '56 FORDS ALSO CO. OFFICIAL CARS • i I 4 dr*. • Victorias • CONVTS. • WAGONS Before yea buy. sell er trade, ret oar deal. Voar present car may be all yon need for 0 dawn nnyment. LOGAN (FORD) 3540 14th St. N.W. TU. 2-4100 IM JIR! MOTOR CO.!! ”"■ ■ """■' "=—- "1..-IXJL.. ■ i: .-rr,;v ■~ — - 1002 East-West Hwy. at Georgia Are. 7605 <*„ io Avt Northwest SILVER SPRING _ * . JU. 9-4500 TA * 9 3103 ©PEN TODAY! ©PEN T ODAY! '56 Buick *2,495 '56 Chevrolet , *1,995 Convertible; radio, dynaflow. w.-w. tire*, low mile*. Bel Air 2-dr. H.T.; for real beauty and value, be »ure to x^. T ' t special!!! »ee this one! Tn-tone, r. and h., w.-w. tire*. Co.ii ti coc 56 Ford $1,795 «#«* roru Tudor, Fordomatic. heater, lite blue, turn signal*; Ranch Wagon V-l; radio and heater, w.-w. Urea, 2-tone »how* be*t of rare! ~Bl’ h '55 Plymouth $1,695 ( CC PLauoalal tl /nr V-S convertible; turquoiae and green, w.-w. tire*, r. and h., vnevroier # 1,079 take advantage of this down-to earth price! Bel Air convertible; r. and h.. pewergilde, w.-w. tire*, g. -. . , tone blue with blue tap. 55 NOstl | Rambler Crow Country elation wagon; built-in chrome rUouMlMb tQQC luggage rack, auto, tran*., heater, very good condition - ▼»73 throughout; mo*t de luxe wagon In Rambler line and 2-door; heater and turn aignal*. * * n rconomy. '53 Olds *1 295 * 54 Buick *1,595 «#«# WIUJ I,*’* Riviera 2-dr.; rompictely equipped with power brake*. “St” Holiday; r. and h- hydramatle, power iteering and rteering and window*, dynaflow, r. and h., other extras, brake*. good tire*; a real eye-catcher! '52 Buick - $595 # sl Studeboker $245 * 4-door; automatic trauo.; good traiuportation and a Special 4-dr.; r. and h„ tu-tone finish, turn signal*. real bargain! . AUTOMOW LIS MR SALE f CHRYSLER 1951 Imperial aadan: 1 low mileage: excellent condition: t &ff*£43o4 n *'- ” 0 ° gtr , r - b - * nt * UNITED AUTO SALES l 2427 U REEDIE ’O 4-8246 t CROSLEY 'SO station waaon: good condition; heater, radio; motor newly overhauled. *BOO or beat : offer. KI. 8-6845. ■ DE SOTO '65 Sportsman hardtop: automatic trana.. heater, power steering, w.-w. tires: 2-tone finish; . *1.995 LEE D. BUTLER. INC. ; 1121 21st at. n.w, DI. 7-0111, DE SOTO '46 club coupe; radio! ; heater. Looks tood, runs aood. JE. [ 3-9691. ' DE SOTO 1952 V-8 4-dy.; equipped, lncl. power steering; 2-tone flntab: exceptionally clean: *895. JET I MOTOR SALES. INC.. 1534 Penna. ave. s.e LI. 4-2300. DE SOTO 1956 r Fireflyte 2-dr. Sportsman: com pany official car: power steering. [ power brakes, power seat. r. and h. ! all other extras. Was. $4,617. Now. $3,689. Carries new-car title and • guarantee. Seller Sales and Service ! 6228 Balto. Ave., Rtverdale WA. 7-8000 DE SOTO 1956 Plreflyte 4-dr. sedan; brand-new. , power steering, power brakes, r. and I h. Was. *4.197. now. *3.250. Carries new-car title and guarantee. 4 to choose from. > Seller Sales and Service i 6226 BsHn Ave, ( Rl»erdale !IDE *OTO 1954 Plr«dome "9" con- I vertible: fire-engine red. power steering, matching Interior; *1.095. : *145 down BELL MOTORS. 5010 ■ Wls. ave n.w.. WO. fi-8000. DODGE ’55, $1,295. ! 2-door Coronet: beautiful green - finish: fully equipped; low mileage; . w.-w. tires. MIAMI MOTORS 1040 Bennint Rd. N.I. LI. 3-6210 Open Sunday. 10-6 •> DODGE 1962 Coronet club coupe: J \ svromatlc r and h.: very clean: l\ $305, $25 down. BELT MOTORB. 5010 Wis ave. n.w., WO 6-8000. iDODGE 1948 4-dr Custom sedan: ■ radio and heater: excellent transp.: $175 or best offer. RA. 3-8736. r | DODGE 1928 | Excel, cond.; S3OO or best offer. FL. 1 4-0245. DODGE ’SO; little de luxe 2-dr.: splendid cond. Sacrifice. $206. terms. $lO down. Mon. MR ROPER. LA. 6-2700. r DODGE ’55 Royal: 2-tone blue: 14.000 mi. Pvt. party will sacri flee. $1,600. DI. 7-7001 weekdays. i DODGE 1962 convertible: all ac cessories: $496; Sunday. JU. 5- 1221. bet. 0 and 4; wkdays. after: • JU. 8-3140. ] DODGE ’6O club coupe: r. and h., fluid drive: clean: original through-; 1 out: $305. Low as $5 down. $23 ! mo. WOLFE MOTORS. 1991 Wis. ave. n.w., FE. 3-4042. j DODGE 196« Royal Lancer: com-' • pany official car. very low mileage: r. and h.. dual aerial, hard top. Very clean. Sacrifice. A. 8c H. MOTORS. INC. 1731 Kalorama rd. n.w, DU. 7-8800. 1 DODGE 1947 4-dr.; radio and! heater. Good condition. $75. HE.: 4-9516. i DODGE 1953 club coupe: equipped: very clean: $696. JET MOTOR , BALES. INC.* 1634 Penna. aye. se. . LI. 4-2300. DODGE 1953 sedan; looks and runs like new. This economical car must go at such a low nrice that it would be ridiculous to print. No cash needed As low as sls payment to a reliable person. Calll • LU 4-4445. BROWN MOTORS.! •1 2001 Nichols ave. s.e. (nr. Good ! Hope rd.). DODGE ’49 4-dr.; automatic trans- • ’j mission, r. and h.: 39.000 ml.:! passed D C Oct inspection: $250. i EM. 2-6727. Saturday and Sunday anv time. j DKw '56: 2-door: ”*1.505 UNITED AUTO SALES I Authorized Foreign Car Dealer ! 2427 PEFDIE DR . WHEATON. MD.! LO 4-8246 ENGLISH FORD 1 1053 Zephyr; excel, cond. Pvt. own-i er transferred abroad. Cash sacri-> flee: $795. HU. 3-3897. * ' FORD ’SO V-8 Fairlane Tudor sedan; r.. h.. 2-tone. Fordomatic. w.-w tires. Owner dpi.; price. $1.750., EM. 2-1693. | ■ f ’56 CHEVYS \ m Just a Few Left, w m So Act Now! m I ROSENTHAL 1 1 I %Gltb« ltd. and Columbia m. Arlington, Va. M JA. 7-4781 M ! NASH RAMBLERS 'a wonderful selection ot: ’ss’*, •84’*, 's3'* STATION WAGONS SEDANS Cqalgped with hydr.matle .r •verarlw. Low Down Payments Trade or Tfrms FAIRFAX NASH J!. 3-3000 10 minutii from Pentagont Service Dept. Open S ta A: I on Saturday Sales Open *TII t Pally AUTOMOBILE MA SAU I KTrSx/ &r ,r; r * d, ° i PARKWAY FORD ! *OBO M. St, N.W. PR. a-2204 ■ FORD ‘6B Palrlasc club aadan: ' dtmonatrrtor; Fordomatic. r. and h.. w.-w. tires and many othar extras; naw-car title, terms and ' auar.: tarrlilc savings. i TRIANGLE FORD t 8010 R. I, Ave. N.E. DR. 3-6302 ’°*B '3? conv.: aood. orlg. engine; J a family car all Its life. Call OL. r 4-4447: ' PO S I> 'SO convertible: r. and h.. w.-l . w. tires. Black and white finish. *295.' PARKWAY FORD " 3030 M St. N.W. FI. 3-22041 FORD '53 Fordor V-8 Country Squire . wagon: fully eoulp.. r. and h. etc : 9 passengers: in extremely good r cond warranteed fl months or 8.000 • miles Soeclal today. *1,195. FRANK SMALL |3200 Pa Aye. 8.1. i.U ;-mk27 FORD '53; to take over payments; ™ry good cond. Call Wf! 7-563 L . FORD 194 R convertible; r. and h. I w.-w. tires, new top; dual; deck loaded: best oiler. JA. 5-6418 FORD 1956 Tudor sedan equipped: only 91 295 AUTO DISCOUNT 1510 R, 1. Ave. N.R. CQ. 5-8214 i F 0",? ’ S , K ~v ' B Customline: Fordo, ! | matlc. fully equipped, brand-new ! i nr .. Pr,v *l e » °* ner leaving and ' doesn t need 2 cars. Just take up payments and protect my credit. KI. 8-8876 FORD '56 Fairlane .8 Bun liner conv.; ' gorgeous :.’-tonc blue with contrast ing inter ; Fordomatic; r. and h.: w.-w. tires and many other acees , for lei; Jow mi.; real sharp; looks like new; only *2,346. Call Mr. I ' Johnson. LU. 4-4038. FRANK SMALL I 1301 OOOD HOPE RD B E ; FORD 1958 9-pass. V-R." Country se dan: green and white, safety package, power steer., auto, trans. W.-w. tires; pvt. owner: will accept . ) trade, JR. 2-5142, i PORD '53 Custom "9" Fordor; orlg. . finish, low ml.; *BB9 TAKOMA FORD ' ' 8726 Plney Br. Rd.. 8. B„ JU. 9-1000 , FORD '55 Fairlane "8" club sedan: : with overdrive, r. and h., seat cov • «rs etc.: one owner, low-mtleaae car: warranteed tl months or 6.000 j miles special today *1.495, FRANK SMALL • 3200 Pa Ave. a.E LU. 2-9827 . FORD '3l V-8 Mod. A roadster: ' hyd. brakes; good body; *l5O. WH. 1 ' 6-2717. JA. 7-7396. ij FORD 1954 Customllne 8-eyl. Fordor; •ad.o. heater. 2 tone. *950. KI ;! 9-4880. [FORD '54 Customiinc Tudor V-8; equip, with r. and h.. Fordomatic: ■|2-tone finish: excel, cond.; *1,085. fl McKEE PONTIAC , "PONTIAC MEANS MCKEE ’ 1 NEW USED-CAR LOCATION I •jlQth and L BU._N.W. BT. .1-7X07 • FORD 'SO conv*; ,ooka like new. , *275 or best offer. STRONO'S 1 j ESSO. Queens Chapel rd., Mt. 1 - Rattier, Md. See any _tlme._ ' FORD '54. Country Squirt. 0-pas- | ■ senger 4-door station Wagon; Ford- • ■ o-matic. radio and heater: Ktl- : > larney finish. *1.295. ! ; PARKWAY FORD ' 13030 M, Bt, N.W. _FK. 3-2204! FORD '56 V-8 Ranch Waaon; 12.000-;. - mile or 1-yr. transferable .ull guar ! I i Pvt. *1.850. WH. 6-7696. s ■ FORD '53 Cuatomllne "8" Fordor: • 2-tone finish, contrasting seat covers, l , r and h.: tow mi.: very clean: war-1. . ranteed 6 months or 6.00(1 miles; li special today *795 11 FRANK SMALL 11 17.36 Good Hope Rd. 8.E., LU. 1-9647 j FORD '49 V-8. Splendid cond. $185.! terms. $lO down. Call Mon. MR. ! ROPER. LA. 6-2700. i FORD 'sl V-8 custom Tudor r j I and h.; Fordomatic; excellent con-; i dition. S4QO. WH. H-4090. FORD ’6« Victoria; black and white; fully equip.: con. kit.: $2,395. Call all day Sunday. NO. 7-4108. FORD 'SO Crestliner;" yellow-black,! 1 r. and h.: $295. Call JA. 2-7163. —1 FURTHER REDUCTIONS! LARGE SELECTIONS! m\ ——--~-v Irons ioS^mg-a". MANHATTAN AUTO, INC* 7th A R Sts. N.W. HO. 2-7000 • Open A ta 8 There Never Was a Better Time Than Now to Buy Your 1957 Chevrolet m STOHLMAN M In the Heart of Old Georgetown ■MP 33rd and M Sts. N.W. )\ \ AD. 2-4614 AD. 2-4412 " \ OPCN ‘TIL 9 PM. CLOSED SUNDAY AUTOMOIHJS PON SAU FORD *64 CuatomUne V-8 Fordor: 1 Ivory over canary yellow; has Fordo- I matle trans . r. and h.. seat covers. I w.-w. tirea. tinted class. You'll be i amazed at the immac. cond. of this < one; $1,195. See Mr Worl. Stohlman Chevrolet 3300 M ST. N.W. AD *-1646 AD. 2-4412 FURD 1066 Fairlane Tudor hardtop Fully equipped, excellent condition. $1.975 or best offer. EM. 3-8832 FORD ’65 country sedan 0-passen *er: *• and h.. Fordomatic. power steering, power .brake*; 2-tone fln sl 895 any other w bn ted accessories; TAKOMA FORD 1 1 87iis Plney Br. Rd . 8 B. JU. 8-1000 > ro*9 '53 Consul, 4-cyl., English car. black with white top. heater, fog lights, etc., very economical trans.. i pvt. owner only S(i4s, 9022 Ten brook dr . JU, 8-6313. _ CHEV. 'SO de luxe 2-dr.; clean throughout: A-l cond.: special. *309. *69 down. TRIANGLE FORD 3010 R. I. Ave. NJ. DE. 2-6302 ford 1963 Tudor: standard shift; excellent condition; 28,000 miles , For inspection please call HU. 3- ; 4100 Bun„ 2 to 5; weekdays. 9 to 5. FORD '55 V-8 Custom Fordor; Ford omatic. 2-tone: excel, cond.; mt. 11.000; best offer. HU. 3-9.290. ' FORD ’sl de luxe Fordor; with overdrive, heater, seat covers: good cond. throughout.- special. $309. S9O down. TRIANGLE FORD 301st R. I, Ave. N.E. PK. 2-6302 FORD 1934 Ranch Wagon: r. and h.; Fordomatic; 2-tone fin.; very clean throughout: *1,395. JET MOTOR SALES. INC.. 1534 Penna. ave.. s.e. LI, 4-2301). ford '29 Model A Phaeton, collec tor's car. *25(1. HU. 3-7474. MR CUNNINOHAM. _________ FORD 54. Victoria: Fordomatic. r. and h.; 2-tone Kilarney green j with Ivory top. *1,095. PARKWAY PORD 3030 M, St. N.W. FE. 3-2204 FORD ’SO Fairlane convertible: Ford omatic; r. and h.; Thunderbird en tlne; diplomat. JU. 5-1027. i FORD ’55 V-8 "Heater, seat covers; snowshoe white finish: top condition: $1,106. HILL A SAN DERS, Wash.’s Oldest Ford Dealer. . 1114 Vermont ave. n.w.. AD. 4- | 4300. Open eves, ’til 9. Sat, ’til 5. FORD *54 convertible; heater. Fordo matic; Colonial-white finish, red and white Interior, new black top. i w.-w. tires: $1,399. HILL * SAN- i DERB. Wash.’s Oldest Ford Dealer, t i 1114 Vermont ave. n.w.. AD. 4- N 4300, Open eves, ’til 9: Sat, 'til j 5. j FORD ’53 Sunliner V-8 con vertible: c ! Fordomatic. r. and h . w.-w tires, leather interior, blue finish, tan' too. A real beauty; $1,005. HILL j.' &'SANDERS. Wash.’s Oldest Ford- Dealer. 1114 Vermont ave. nw.,i AD. 4-4300. Open eves, ’til 9.1 Bat. 'til 5. FORD *sl Custom 8 Fordor; r. and | h, Fordomatic; orig. ftnisn. TO-i DAY'S SPECIAL; $399. TAKOMA FORD 8725 Plney Br. Rd., 8. S. JU. 8-1000 FORD 'SO Fairlane 8 club sedan;! shimmering black finish: contrast-1 ing seat covers; Fordomatic; r and! h.. power steering, power brakes,! and many other accessories; only l $2,325. Call Mr. Watson. LU. 4- ‘" S7 FRANK SMALL ! 1301 OOOD HOPE RD. B.E. FORD '55 Country sedan; Fordo matic, r. and h.. w.-w, tires: dark green finish. A 4-dr. wagon: *1.595. ! PARKWAY FORD ! 3030 M St, N.W. FE. 3-2204 fORD 1937 Tudor; heater, radio, good rubber: $l6O. WO. H-8199. 34 I Chevrolet Company Official Cars Choice of many styles and models. Act Now! fMINHI umin 7125 Wit. Av*., OL. 4-6100 Now in Our 7 7th Year Closed Sundays, of Course AUTOMOSILK SON UU FORD •» Crestline V-8 Victoria; benutUul 2-tone flnlah. contrasting Interior. Fardomatlc. r. and h.. tom sianais. power steering, etc., real dean: warranteed 6 months or 8.000 miles, special slops. FRANK SMALL 215 Pa. AVE. BE. U 4-8247 FORD 1955 Silver Thunderbird: spe cial paint lob. blaek and whltr up holstery black top; Continental kit: 5 new Urea; standard shift, power brakes, 16.00 ft ml., nevei been raced; mar be seen a. Kalorama Garage. 1649 Kalorama td. n.w , HO. 2-5666. FORD '55 Cuatom 8 Tudor; 2-tone ftniah; w.-w. tirea. TODAY'S BPE CIAL. You muat present this ad to steal this car at thla price; *l.lBB. TAKOMA FORD 8725 Plney Br Rd , 8- 8. JU. 8-1000 FORD *53 Customline *‘6” Tudor: *Z tone finish, contrasting seat covers, r. and h. overdr.: other accessories: real clean: special today. $095. FRANK SMALL 3200 Pa Ave. S.E. . LU. 2-0827 FORD '56 Cuatom ''B"‘Tudor: light “»• »'«00 actual miles; like new: *I.W»6. ,»4B down. BELL MOTORS. 3010 Wle. are, n.w.. wo. H-gnnn FORD '54 Custom "8" Fordor; r. and h.. cadet blue finish: *095. TAKOMA FORD 8725 Plney Br Rd.. 8. 8.. JU. 8-1000 FORD '55 Fairlane 8 Crown Vic toria: beautiful red and white with contrasting interior; Fordomatic: radio, heater, turn signals, w.-w. tires, etc.; really loaded: looks like new. Only *1,885. Call Mr. Willla, LU. 4-4087. FRANK SMALL 1301 OOOD HOPE RD. B.E. FORD *55. Sunliner convertible. 8- cvl.; radio and heater, white-wall tires; light blue finish; low mileage; one owner. $1,496. PARKWAY FORD 3030 M. Bt. NW. FE. 1-2204 j FORD ’SO cnnvt.; blk., wh. top. blk.' and wh. Interior; power steering, i Fordomatic. safety pack., all extras;, 9-t. radio anrt heater: car like new in every respect, purchased new; j Si. 195. Cali University 7-2416. ayo, Md. * FORD ’53 Custom Tudor; 2-tone blue; r. and h., economy 'overdr.; a spotless 1-owner car; $795. low as< $45 dn. WOLFE MOTORS CO. 1 1991 Wla. ave. n.w.. FE. 3-4042. i FORD 'SO Victoria; fully equip.;! extras; Tudor; low mi.; excel, cond.; reas.. diplomat must sell. FE. 3-' 4976 Sun.. Dg. 2-8145 wkdays. i FORD ’53 Crestline V-8 Victoria; | beautiful 2-tone with contrasting in. ( terior; Fordomatic. r. and h., w.-w. i etc., ont owner; low mi.; war ranteed 0 months or 0.000 mi. Spe cial today, $1,005. FRANK SMALL jo-nn Fa. Ave. S.E LU. 2-9827 STATION WAGONS ’55 BHEVRBLET RP“ “8" STATION WAGON *1255 eTe ‘55 FORD "I” 9-Pass. R., H. Fordomatic. '56 PLYMOUTH. R. and H„ push-button drive. '55 FORD Ranch Wagon "8", Fordo., R. ond H., P.S. '55 NASH Rambler, R. &H„ w w. tiles. Hydro., i' cond. I '52 PLYMOUTH Suburban, all metal body. R. & H. '52 CHRYSLER, all metol, Na tion wagon, r. and h , outo. trans. '52 FORD Ranch Wagon V-8, R. & H. '53 FORD Ranch Wagon V-8, R. & H. '53 WILLYS Sto. Wagon, has radio, heater. '54 CHEVROLET, Bel Air Sta tion Wagon, r. and h. Choose From One ot the Lnreeet Selections of Station IVagone In the Metropolitan Aron loo's, No Coet Guarantee., and Ist 3 Grades, Low Down Payment on Stony ot Out Cars AUTO DISCOUNT 1510 R.l. AVE. N.E. CO. 5"8214 IleuartMolsr( B\ AMEMCA , S°OLDESt/ JjJJ \ and LARGEST / FINANCE i*gg| \ FORD DEALERS/ bates [_ SECOND LARGEST FORD SERVICE DEALER IN UNITED STATES SAVE UP TO *9OO I 1956 FORDS DEMONSTRATORS & CO. OFFICIAL CARS High Trade-in Allowances! CUSTOMS AND FAIRLANES, TUDORS, FORDORS IVeu Car Guarantee* IVete Car Title * Bank Rate» (Opan Wttkdoys 'Til 9—Cloud All Day Sunday) 6th & N Y. Are N W—NA 8 3000 3rd 6 H St* N E -LI 6 5800 ’56 Ford Pori lone wag,; t. b h,, Fordomotic, $2495 '56 ford f aides* fordor; r. 6k, fordo. $1995 '56 Ford Coi. fordor; r. b h., Fordomotic $1195 55 Ford club redo*; Fordo., r. &h, $7595 *56 Ford Fairlooe Fordor; «Quipped Sort S9OO '55 Ford Tudor Cm, V-l; Fordo., r, bh. $1495 '55 Ford Tboodorbird; r. bk, fordomotic Save '55 Ford Todor Co*.; r. 6 k., cover» $1295 *54 Ford Coi, Victoria Foirlaae; r, bh. $1395 '54 Ford corn, cp*.; ». d., r. b b., sow top, $1395 '54 Ford Cm. coor, cm ;r. 6 k.; low mi. $1295 '54 Ford Todor Co*. V-l; o. d„ r. 6k. $1095 '55 Ford MoioKoo Todor; r. 6b, $1195 '54 Ford Fordor Cm. V-l; Ford*., r. &k. $995 *53 Mercury 4-door; morcomotic, r.6k $945 '53 Ford Tudor Co*. V-l; r.&k. ...$195 ’54 Ford Cin tom Todor; r, frk RH *53 Chevrolet 2-d**r **210"; beofer, win, $195 '53 Ford Moiolio* Todor; r. 6 k $695 *53 Flymootk 4-door; r. 6k, ligkt groo* $795 | ************** A * fWE BUDGET REPAIRS ********** ysjf' A-1 Used Cart, 30-Day Na-Cast Oaarairtaa \ used TRUCK SPECIALS W Track Lot Opea 9 to 5 Doily, Saturday 9 to 12 \ TBIFOB STIUART TRUCK LOT I • fPjP 1913 W. Vo Ava. N.l. LA. 6-W27 \ *ss Chovroloe ... ffM V '4l CkovroM - SIOO CaSSSSSu MH> D.llrrr, im4 MaOlUoa. mi •*»'<•! hr—inn——■ Large Mock of other motet sod modah to wlsct tr*» Mott of the oboe* con kov* radio* o*d hasten All coot gooraotood 0 C sod V* rntpoettso Wt Buy Used Cart at Tag Cash Price* BRING TITLE AND CAR TO ABOVE UH ATWYfi ~~~ (Continued on Rest Pnge i AUTOMOSILK FOG BALI ; FOKD 195 ft 2-dr V-8: r. and h : ’ %smait TO h uVX^ISSI •IJletona ereen and white flnlah. PARKWAY FORD : 3030 M at. N.W. FE 3-2204 ; FOIID 1951 6-eyl. Tudor; r. and ; own " ! FORD 1965 ; Convertible: Fordomatic, radio, heat -1 «■ m showroom condition; *1,895: I I®* down pavment BILL ADAMS. JJtC (| block off Bennlng rd ), 3968 • Minn, ave. n.e., LU. 2-790' JORU 'SI c!b. cpe.: Cuatom “8”: 1 rpjdomntlf r, and h, Oreenbrtar ereen finish: *496. PARKWAY FORD ! 3030 M St. N.W. FE._3-2204 FORD 1954 ~ Victoria: fordomatic. r. and h : two - tone paint, full price, »1,095' low t This » real bargain. ■ ADAMS INC. (1 block off ‘ Lu n “! n *Boft '' :,,,nW Mlnn * V * Fairlane 8 “victoria;! beautiful black and white with con trasting inter.; loaded with acces sories lncl. Fordomatic: r. and h., I *■-*• tires. Continental kit. etc. M?, 11 A* * f * n be appreciated. : c » u Mr one. LU-1 FRANK SMALL ' 1301 OOOD HOPE RD. B E FORD '47 2-door sedan: tray, tood condition. *2OO or host offer. Call EM. 2-3077. FORD ’56 conv.: 2-tone green fllT ; lsh. white top: w.-w. tires. Fordo-1 i matlc, power steering, r. and h. safety belts and dash; many other extras: like new; *2 305. written guar. TRIANGLE FORD j 3010 B. I. Ave. N.E. DE. 2-8302 , FORD '55 Custom “8" Tudor; Fordo i matlc. r. and h.. power steering; one, owner; low mileage; *1.495 HILL & SANDERS. Wash.’s Oldest I Ford Dealer. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w.. AD. 4-4300. Open eves, til IL Sat, 'til 5. . FORD 'SO Custom "8" Tudor; !m --maculate condition; traded on new 5, Ford: excellent for 2nd car: only *395. LOGAN (Ford). 1150 I 20th it. n.w.. DI. 7-38(10 FORD '55 Fairlane club sedan f V-8. l Fordomatic. r. and h„ w.-w. tires. Excel, cond. *1,505. KE. rt-0858 ’56- Chevrolet Air-conditioned 4-door hord top; radio, heater, power steer ing and brakes, powerglide. power-lac; electric powered seof and windows; continental factory kit., 2-tone green and .ivory; new w.-w. tires; tinted glass. In showroom condition ond carries a new-car war ranty! $3,095 TOM’S CHEVROLET 11416 Georgia Ave. IN THE HEART OF WHEATON! LO. 5-0013, LO. 5-2400 HMHHH RfHRM f CHEVROLETS | New ond company official I 9 cars. Extra large stock to ■ A • choose from. All available m M for immediate delivery! A Wh 1339 East-West /I jTHE SUNDAY STAR ' Washington, D. C. * SUNDAE, NOVEMBER 18, IMB AUTOMOIILES FOR SALE , , Coun ‘rr fl-pass sedan; to. official: new-car euarantee. 3 I faol&IHTO K?°flUiPE • FORD *55 Cuitomlioe V-h ’rtidor; smhp*- tut ™ : ™s°*3 ( U u wm : * ch ~“ TAKOMA FORD 8725 Ptncr Br. Rd . 8 8 . JU. 8-1000 FORD '54 "-dr Custom; radio and heater, Inw mllearp. muat sell lm medlately. LO. 7-4007. 1 ’ 53 Crestline Tudor sedan: here a a combination ot value and eye appeal; seldom found In an older car; beautiful mist ereen: r. and h., V-8 engine: *845. See Mr Worl. Stoh'mati Chevrolet 3300 M ST. N.W. ' AD. 7-1646 _ AD. 2-441* FORD '46 club coupe: coed cond: »ll ‘he way through: orlce, $l6O. P