B-22 THE SUNDAY STAR •** Washington, D. C. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER IS. ISM AUTOS FOR.SAIf ICont.l FORD 1856 Park lane station wason: 2-tone green. r. and h.. Fordomatlc. Sower steering. power brakes. E-Z yeslsss. w.-w. tires, windshield washers, backup llkhts: comolete Interior nylon carpeted: 6.0011 ml.: orle. cost 83.800 4 moe. ago: will sell 82.300 or best offer. Must i sell. GL 6-8247. FOPD '55. Victoria hardtop: Pord-o matlc, radio and heater, white-wall tires: black and white finish: low mileage, 81.586. PARKWAY FORD 8030 M. St. N.W. PS. 3-2204 FORD *53 Customline "8” Fordor;. r and h., custom seat covers: finish like new; excel, cond. 8885. written guar. TRIANGLE FORD 3010 R. 1. Ave. N-E. DE. 2-6308 FORD '55 Crestline V-8 Victoria: beautiful 2-tone finish with con trasting mt.; has Fordomatlc, newer steering w.-w. tires, r. and h . other a>-cessorles. real sharp car: warran teed 6 months or fl.ooo ml. Special today. 81,785. FRANK SMALL 8200 Pa Ave. 8.8 LU. 2-0827 FORD 56 ~V-8 Fordor Fordomatlc Customline. Ist owner. Power steer ing, r. and h., w.-w tires: 81,860. DU. 7-3Q74, 8-10 a.m, or 6-8 p.m. Ford '55 Falrlane Crown victoria: beautiful 2-tone finish. Fordomatlc. r. and h., many other accessories: wftrranteed 6 months or 6.000 miles; special today 91.895. FRANK SMALL r 1736 Pood Hope Rd. 81, LU. 1-9647 FORD 1851 V-8 Victoria; r. and h.; looks and runs like new; 8595. low as 895 down. McNEIL PONTIAC. 7320 Wls. ave;, OL. 4-8060. "In the Heart of Bothesda.” Ford '55 Falrlane 2-dr.; Fordomatlc. radio, heater, white walls. 1 owner; $1.495. JA. 2-3417 F(iRD '56 Customiine “8" Fordor; company official car: only a few miles on this car; new-car title: fully equip : your chance to Pick up a bargain: special today $1.9*26. FRANK SMALL 1738 Good Hope Rd 81. LU. 1-9647 FORD '55 Custoniilne ranch wagon; Fordomatlc, r. and h.; dark bluo finish. $1,595. PARKWAY FORD 8030 M Bt. N.W. PR. 3-2204 HILLMAN 1961 station wagon; now battery: S4OO. Call RA. fiILLMAN '56 husky station wagon; I. •" ALEX. SHOWROOM: 1810 King St.* Alex, Va. King 8-6625. WASHINGTON'S Imported CM Showroom V 7th at R St. N.W. HObart 2-7000 OPEN 8 to 8 Jaguar 1953 XKI2OM roadster; have to sell. $1,995. JO. 2-5510. Call between 6 p.m. and 10 P.m. Jaguar '55 XK-140 roadster; blue: perfect cond ; $2,395. UNITED AUTO SALES Authorised Foreign Car Dernier 2427 REEDIK DR . WHEATON. MD. LO 4-6246 JEEPBTER. In unusually good con dition; new engine, new top. new paint: light blue; rtdlo. heater. PE 3-6896 Kaiser 61 4-dr. sedan; radio, heater, good tires and battery; Va. Inspection; $195 or best offer. Call JA. 8-4630. LINCOLN '47 coupe: Tow mileage; 0.d., r.. h.. fog lights; good tires; 8125. OL. 4-7039. fjNCOLN 'S3 Cosmo hardtop; r. and h. hydra . 2-tone finish: $1,296. TAKOMA FORD 8725 Plney Br. Rd.. 8. 8.. Jli. 8-1000 LINCOLNS—'SBs; brand-new and display cars. SAVINGS UP TO $2,000. Last call. We are. almost sold out. Act quickly LEE D BUTLER. INC , corner Conn, and Fls.apes.HW, AD. 4-8000. tINCOLN 1952 Csprl eonv.: canary; new top: dual-range hydra- leather Interior; $995; $95 dn. BELL MO TORS. 5010 Wls. aee. n.w.. WO. 6-6600. IsERCEDES-BENZ '55; areen. "2207' FM radio, seat covers, heater, many eitras. low mileage; $2,900. OV 3-5162 "MERCURY ’53, $1,195 BPORT COUPE, HARDTOP Beautiful powder blue finish: fully equipp'd w.-w. tires; low mileage; a real dream MIAMI MOTORS 1640 Bennlng Rd. N.E. LI. 3-6210 Open Sunday. 10-5 _ Krlctry 1954 convertible: driver In service, take over payment Call LI. 3-6930. Sun. after 1 p.m.; eves. after 6 pm. Hliicriiv so 4-dr ; radio, beater: best offer. ME. 3-9296 16* MERCURY 1954 You better hurry for this slightly ■sed. 1-owner custom Monterev herd top; fully equip, tael. ’-dlo. heater and Mercomatle: undoubtedly the cleenest Mercury In the area and at a fabulous discount of only 81.395. TOO*,. 90-Day. No-Cost Guarantee. AUTO DISCOUNT 1810 R 1 Are- W E CO. 6-6214 fitl(uil 48 4-dr. sedan. radio, heater, seat covert, good tires, tight body; good mint; exoep. clean. Hay be seen front 526 7th et. e.w. 24, K C.. after 8 a m Sun. Must sell. $376 or best offer In better shape than most r 6ls. Call Dl 7 ‘pSwer rtmv tag. power betges. automatic trane,, I. and n w-w ttraa; ml.. 4.000. Diplomat tearing country $2,760. Call IM. 3.1391 HBieWy - 63 eopv ——andT. Bartomatlc. Don’t lot the price feel you. $495. TAKOMA FORD 8729 Finer Br Rd ■ 8 8 JU. 8-1000 ■SSrURY '64 convertible: Moreo matlc. r and b. power teat and windows. Continental spare, brand new w.-w. tlree; showroom con dition 91.499 HILL A SANDERS. Wash » Oldest Ford Dealer. 1114 Vermont eve nw . AD I -4300. Open eves til 9 Bot 'til ». HaRCTRY r ST club sedan: Im maculate condition, om owner; low mll*ata:Ulis LOO AN 'Fart). Ugn «oth »t. n w . 5T 7*«wn._ HrrcURV '54. herd to* sport coupe, equip with r and h , mercomatle trana, 2-tene finish: 17.000 actual miles in esrel rend 81,496. McKJEE^PONTIAC ISBAi AUTOMOIH.H FOR SAU MERCURY '66 Mont. H. P.: r. and h„ mercomatle. p. brakea; 81.895 or best offer. Will take 'SO or 'sl Ford or Mercury In trade. OWNER. HI. 8-1107. HtRCURY '6l 4-dr. Sport.; equip., lncludlne Mercomatle: very clean throughout; $596. JET MOTOR SALES, INC.. 1534 Penna. ave. e.e. LI. 4-2300. MERCURY 'sl conv ; r. and h.: orig finish. TODAY'S SPECIAL: at low as $5 down: full prlee $396. TAKOMA FORD 6725 Plnoy Br. Rd., a. S. JU. 8-1000 MERCURY '55 Monterey 4-dr.: Mer comatlc, r. and h . w.-w.tires; beau tiful 2-tone blue finish: Immacu late condition throughout: $1 095. LEE D BUTLER. INC.. 1121 21st st. n.w.. Dl. 7-0111. MERCURY '53 Monterey 4-door; green and ivory: Mercomatle. r. and h.: exceptionally -lean; one owner; $1,145. LEE D. BUTLER, INC.. 1121 2ist at. n.w. Pi, 7-0111. MERCURY 1956 Montclair 4-dr.; power equipped; 8.000 nl.; owner must sell to best offer. KB. 7-0572. MERCURY '4O conv.; radio, duals, w.-w. tires, $176. UN. 4-0292. MERCURY 1952 4-dr.; w.-w. tires; excellent condition: $595 or best offer: will trade. CO. 5-1678. MERCURY '56 station wagon: red and white; fully equip.: new car guarantee. This has only been used for 3 mos.: only $2,795: trade and terms. CHANDLER MOTOR CO.. PO. 3-6108: 210 Hungerford dr., Rte. 240 bypass, Rockville. Md. _ MERCURY ’54. $1,395 MONTEREY SPORT SEDAN i-door, r. and b.. Mercomatle. w.-w. tires, beautiful 2-tone blue finish; matching 2-tone Interior; low mile age; like new. MIAMI MOTORS 1640 Bennlnt Rd. N.E. LI. 3-6210 Open Sunday, 10-6 MERCURY ’sfl Mercomatle medalist hardtop with ivory too. white-wall tires; only 3.500 miles. Call JU. 9-0740. » MERCURY 'sl custom sedan; beau tiful cond.; $395. terms. $lO down. Call Mon., MR. ROPER. LA. 6-2700. MAGNETTE'S (MG 4-door sedan) *55 and *56; completely equipped; radio, heater, turn signals and other extras. One owner and low mileage cars. Prom $1,477 MANHATTAN AUTO Rales and Service Imported and American cars. Est. 1914 7th at R St. N.W. HObart 2-7000 FAIRFAX SHOWROOM: Between Fall, Church and Fairfax on Lee Highway at Merrlfleld. Va. Jl. 4- 3302. ALEX. SHOWROOM: 1810 Klnr St.. Alex. Va. King 8-5625. MG 1949 TC model: In exceptional condition, white with red; price. SBSO. Cali CO. 5-7698. •_ MO 'so TD: blue, needs motor work: 5495. UNITED AUTO SALES Authorised Foreign Car Dealer 2427 REEDIE DR.. WHEATON. MD. LO. 4-8246 MGA 1956: black with red. wire wheels and heater: $1,989. JACK PRY. 14th and P MO '6l Mark II; dark green, good cond.: $895. UNITED AUTO SALES Authorised Foreign Car Dealer 2427 REEDIE DR., WHEATON. MD. LO. 4-8246 NASH Metropolitan, late '54: r. and h.. nylon top: total mileage. 15,000; used as 2nd car. Owner being transferred. $950. Call EM. 2- 2298 between 7 and 11 p.m. NASH ‘54 Metropolitan; r. and b.; looks and runs like new: coral hdtp. Owners 2d car; $826. TE. 6-0162. • NASH '52 4-door Ambassador sedan; custom bed. hydra., r. and h.; $099. HORNER S COR.. Bulck Dealer, Fla. ave. n.e. at 6th. U. fr»6464. Sash r sl 4-door maroon super Stateman. A nice clean economical second car. $195. WA. 7-9240. * NASH 'SO Rambler conv.; r. and h.; Wonderful 2nd car: $296. NELSON STUDEBAKER 7216 BALTO. AVE.. COL. PK.. MD. UN. 4-8600 KASH 1949 "600" 4-dr.: rT. h., beds; very nice; $149; $5 down. BELL MOTORB. 6010 Wls. are. n.w., WO. 6-8900. Nash ‘SI rambler station wafon: Immaculate throughout: r. and b.: $495, $95 down. BELL MOTORS. 6010 Wls. aye, n.w.. WO. 6-8900. NASH 1950 4-door sedan: black: good condition: new tires; $126. CtU UN. 4-7735. NASH ’53 Rambler: nrettlest little hardtop In the U. S. A. Cream and ebony; hydra., radio and h.. plastic covers, w.-w. tires. Continental wheel: next to new; SI,OOO. JC. 3-2055. oldsmobiue 1966 4-dr. Holiday the Super "88" series; black finish with rich black and red interior. Fully equipped with power eteering. power brakes, radio, heater, w.-w. tires: $2,995. Akers Olds-Cadillac Co. Falrllngton Shopping Center Alex.. Va. OV. 3-0350 OLDSMOBILE '64 Holiday: hydra* r. and h.; excel, cond. Priced for quick sale: $1.595. LO. 7-0435. OLDSMOBILE 1955 “98" da lnxa ••dan: Acetal 2-tone blue finish, fully equipped, power steerlnk. power brskes. white tires, seat covers. Best buv In town at $2,196. CCC guar antee Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd St. H.W. BT. 3-2600 OLDSMOBILE '54 “96" '4-ilr.: power, clean. Call WO. 6-1662 Sunday all day, Mnn. after 6. OLDS '56 Super "88" HolTday~am. dan 4-door: hydra., r. and h power steering, power brakes, all de luxe interior, special 2-tone paint: this car has everything: bar fain priced, only $2,295: safety ested for vour protection: 30-day written warranty PAUL BROS. (OLDS). Wls. and Elllcott st. n.w., KE. 7-1308, OLDS '56 Super "88" t-door Holi day hardtop coupe: has hydra., r. and h.. w.-w. tires, etc.: beautiful rea and while flnleh: In new-car eond . real sharp: only $2,595. Call Mr. Schulxe. LET 4-4036. FRANK SMALL 1301 Good Hope Rd. B.E. OLDS '54 Super "88” 4-door: fully equipped with hydramatlc: one owner: sold and eervlced by us since new: big price reduction, only $1,695: safety tested for your pro tection: 30-day written warranty. PAUL BROS (OLDS). Wls. and Elllcott et. n.w., KE. 7-1308. OLDSMOBILE 1956 Starflre con vertible; soft blue and white finish; fully equipped. Including electric windows. An Immaculate car at $3,395. Akers Olds-Cadillac Co. Falrllngton Shopping Center Alex . Va. OV. 3-0360 OLDS '66 de luxe "88" Holiday coupe: fully equipped: beautiful 2- tone flnleh. cannot be told from new: under 7.000 miles: best buy on today’s market, only $2,596: safety tested for your protection: 30-day written warranty. PAUL BROS (OLDS). Wls. and Rlllcott »t n.w., KE. 7-1308. OLDSMOBILE 1966 "98" converti ble' smart turquoise and white fin ish with matching Interior and white top: fully equipped: priced for quick sale: $2,355. Akers Olds-Cadillac Co. Falrllngton Shopping Center Alex.. Va. OV 3.0356 OLDS ’sl do luxe "98" Holiday coupe: hydra., r. and h., rear-seat speaker, w.-w tires, beautiful 2- tone finish: also electric window* and seat: only $595: safety tested for your protection PAUL BROS. (OLDS*. Wls. and Elllcott st. n.w.. KE 7-1308. OLDS. '54 88" 2-dr.; r. and hT. hydra.. 2-tone finish, w.-w. ttree: $1,446. ♦ TAKOMA FORD 9725 Finer Br. Rd.. S. 8.. JU. 8-1060 OLDS '5.1 de hsxe "SB"~‘2-door: hydramatlc. r. and h.. beautiful let-black finish, w.-w, tires, look* and drives like new: best bur tn town: only $995: safety tested for your protection: 30-day written warranty _PAUL BROS (OLDS'. Wit. and Bllleott st. n.w,. KE 7- 1308 OLDSMOBILES 's*'s: salesmen's demonstrators: eholce of bodv styles and colors Suburban Cadillac-Olds B^fe5 r Jg 0 " ,N 0 CLOSED SUNDAY OLDS *65 de luxe "89 " Holiday coupe: hy-ira.- r. and n. power •‘««rlng.Tmau:(ful light-blue fimah best-looking car is town: only $2.- 095; safety tested for .our orotee jELTsty rra Elllcott et. nw. KE. 7-1308 OLDS '63 Super 4-door: equip, with r and h.. auto, ehlft: 2-tono finish: In excel, eond : $1,095 McKEE PONTIAC 19th and L Sts. NW. ST. 3.1107 OLDS 55 Super 88' Holiday folly equip , inci p s and p b ; It's coral and white with beautiful coral and «f»r leather upholstery: oew tlree, with 2 snow ttree besides area buy at $2.175 CL (1.3287 OtDT'Sfl Super “88" 4-door Roll rdr.“T°. P nd'”r . SET ftiSi FRANK SMALL AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE - - ■ °lao!?ug ** leadtxT'nrsf'uphoUt d JSSI &roffpßr t sv«s wto OLDSMOBILE, '47 convertible, auto. transmlMton. heater. Rune good. SIOO or best offer. RA. 3-2620. OLDSMOBILE 88 'Bl 4-dr.r eqpd.; must tell. $316. JO. 8-7696. STdsmobile '53 "88" convertible: 2-tone blue finish, custom Interior, good top, r and h„ Hydramatlc. w.- a.-w. tires: $1,095. PARKWAY FORD 3030 M Bt. N.W. FK. 3.2204 OLDS '53 "98" conv.: blue, new nylbn top, power brakes, steer., has all extras: 23.000 ml.: cost $4,200, . sell $1.496. JU, 5-015.1, _ PACKARD 1956 Clipper de luxe 4- dr.; black and white, heater and standard transmission: excellent condition; sacrifice, $1,600. JE. 3- 3591. L PACKARD, an extra good tnd clean 1951. ultramatlc. r„ h.: priced to sell. LO. 4-789'j'. PACKARD '52 4-door; light blue se dan. r. and h.: $499. HORNER’S COR . Bulck Dealer. Fla. ave. n.e. at 6th. LI. 6-6464. PACKARDS 's2 Packard, auto matic trans.. r. and h„ black. 4-dr., extra nice, $595: 'sl Packards. 2 to choose from, automatic trans.. r. and h.. $.195 LEE D. ‘BUTLER. INC., 1121 Ulst st. n.w.. DI. 7- 0110. PACKARD '55 "400" hardtop: beaut. 2-tone: full power eoulp.. extras: excel cond.: owner driven, under 7,000 ml. Best offer or assume bal. Call OWNER. TE 6-0234. PLYMOUTH '5.1 Cranbrook sedan: r. and h.. turn signals: 2-tone green finish, matching int.; tto-top cond.: $.95. written guar. TRIANGLE FORD 3010 R. 1. AVE. N.E., Dl, 2-6302 PLYMOUTH 19 all-metal station wagon: runs good, look. good. 6199. PINEY RRANCH MOTORS. JTI. 5-8525. _ PLYMOUTH '54 2-dr. Plata, all metal station wason: 2-tone: show* very little wear: $1 095. $l5O down. BELL MOTORS 5010 Wls. are n.w.. WO (1-8900 PLYMOUTH 1953 Cranbrook 4-dr. sedan; r. and h., powerflite transmission; nbsolutelv Perfect In everv way; a tremendous buy at our discount price »»f $796. 10CK}-. 90-Day. No-Cost Guarantee. AUTO DISCOUNT 1510 R 1. Ave. N.E. CO> 5-8214 PLYMOUTH 'sl 2-door eed.: new clutch, brakes, fl. mat . etc Clean Inside, winterised. $235. OL. 2- _6676. PLYMOUTH 1966 2-dr.: automatic transmission: 2.200 miles: $450 cMh. take over monthly payments. HE. 4-8476. PLYMOUTH 1956 4-drT Belvedere: hydra.. 8 cyl., 2-tone; w.-w. tlr«a: 2.000 ml.: $2,500. ME. 8-5153, PLYMOUTH 'sl 4-dr green; orig. owner: 54.000 miles: excel cond.: new tires. $350. RE. 5-6036. "’I.YMOI.'TH 'si Cranbrook: green 4-dr. sedan, r. and h.. exception ally clean. Complete record of up keen avail, for inspection. Sale by oris, owner. JE. .1-3772. PLYMOUTH '47 club coupe: recon ditioned this year by parents for school-age son: rebuilt motor installed: 4 new tires, new battery. Fine running condition; $195. Ot. 4-0602. PLYMOUTH '52 Cranbrook club coupe: r. and h : orig. finish: S4BB. TAKOMA FORD 8725 Plney Br. Rd.. S. 8.. JU. 80006 PLYMOUTH '53 Cranbrook: *2-tohe: very nice: winterised: $596: $46 dn. BELL MOTORS. 6010 Wit. nve. n.w.. WO. 6-8900. PLYMOUTH '56 Plats Nile green: r. and h.; exceptionally clean: $1,095: $195 down. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wls. ave. n.w.. WO 6-8900. PLYMOUTH '5.1 Cranbrook club coupe: and h.: today’s special; $495 THACKER MOTORS 12th and R. 1, AVE. N.E. LA. 6-8530 PLYMOUTH 1952 Special de luxe 4-dr. sedan: r. and h. Must sacri fice at a real bargain. No cash down with approved credit. Call LU 4-4445 BROWN MOTORS. 2001 Nichols ave. s.e. (nr. Good Hope rd.). PLYMOUTH 1052 Cranbrook 4-dT: fully equipped. 1-owner car. *495: as low as $95 down. McNEIL PON TIAC. 7320 Wls ave. n.w.. OL. 4-8000 “In the Heart of Be thesda." PLYMOUTH '55 Plsxa 4-door: heat! er. turn signals: original 2-tone fin ish: Immaculate: sale price. $1,275. Wheeler, Chrysler-Plymouth LARGEST WASHINGTON DEALER 4800 WISCONSIN N.W, EM. 2-1020 PLYMOUTH '47: like new: r and h.: low ml.: new tires and brakes; eng. runs like '56. LO. 4-8303. PLYMOUTH 1947 4-door: SIOO. JU. 9-1270. PLYMOUTH '52 cranbrook sedan: robin blue. t. and h., clean, orig. throughout. $449. low as $5 dn., S2B mo WOLFE MOTORS CO., 1991 Wls. ave. n.w,. FE. 3-4042, PLYMOUTH '49 spec, de luxe sedan; r. and h.; very unusual condition; $299: low as $5 down. sl9 ner month. WOLFE MOTORS. 1991 Wisconsin are, n.w,. tM. 3-4642. PLYMOUTH : 46 4-donr: excellent transportation: $75, WH 6-4690. PLYMOUTH ’sl super de luxe: rune and drives like new: 3395. terms. Call Mon- MR, ROPER. LA, 6-2799. PONTIAC 1955 Star ChleP convert lble: radio: heater: hydramatlc: F.-w. tires: blue and white, black top: BONDED ONE-YEAR GUARAN TEE: $1,995. ARCADE PONTIAC 1437 Irvine St. N.W.. AD. 4-8509 Also 3469 14th St N.W.._RA. 3-6670 PONTIAC '53 Chieftain "8” 4-dr ; hydramatlc. beautiful blue finish. J. and S.: $795 $95 down BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wls. ave. n.w.. WO 6-8999. PONTIAC '56 Star Chief Custom Catalina: equip, with r. and h , strstofltte hydra., power brakes, w.-w. tires: 2-tene finish: new-car cond.- $2,545 McKEE PONTIAC "PONTIAC MEANS McKEE" ..NEW USED-CAR LOCATION 19th and L. Sts. N.W. ST .1-7107 PONTIAC '53 4-dr.: hydra., fully eoulp., new w.-w. tlrea; like new lusldt *nd out: $995. Pvt owner. NA 6-7874. PONTIAC '49 club coupe: r. and h.. hydra, as low as $6 down: full prlee. $266 TAKOMA FORD 8725 Plney Br. Rd.. g, 8.. JU. 8-1060 PONTIAC '55 de luxe V-8 4-door: fully equipped. 2-tone finish. 12.- opo setual miles: week-end epoelal. $1,495: eafety tested for your nro written warranty. PAUL BROS. (OLDB V Wls and Elllcott eta, n.w.. KE 7-J.log. PONTIAC 1956 "*76" Catalina coups, radio: heater: hylramatic: plastic sest covers: white walls: power steering, oower brakes: ame thyst and whits: BONDED ONE YEAR GUARANTEE: $2,895 ARCADE PONTIAC 1437 Irvine St NW . AD 4-8509 Alto 3480 14th Bt. N.W.. RA. 3-9670 PONTIAC '55 "870" 4-dr. ttiTwa«~: hydra., pwr. str. pwr. brks. r. and h. ».-« w. tire,, 2-tone blue: $2.- 050. OL. 4-5273. PONTIAC 194*1 4‘3rT*clean as a wnlßtle. this car run» food: «ni* *7P BELT MOTORS. 5010 Wli. •V. n.t„ WO 6-8000. PONTIAC *55 Star Chief convertible; beautiful *Mone «ellow and *ray white orlon top: p.a. p b.. dual ranve hv. power antenna, r. and h., tubeleas w.-w. tires: bik. and white tnteCor: real Rharp: $2095. McKEE PONTIAC "PONTIAC MEANS McKEE" NEW USED-CAR LOCATION 19th and L Sts. H.W. ST_ 3-7107 PONTIAC '55 V-8 $-dr. sedan: fully equipped. Including hydramatlc: 2- tone flnleh: written guarantee Only $1,445. Other Pontlacs to choose from Trade or terms. PINEY BRANCH MOTORS. Authorised Wlllvs Dealer. JU 5-8625. WNTfSc '53 Chieftain '8" eon»: I hydra . new top. exceptionally clean, i ail-leather Interior: $895- *95 dn. BILL MOTORS. 5019 ton ave. ' JS.W . WO 6-8900. PONTIAC 1953 Chieftain "8” 4-dr. sedan: GM r. :and h- power tteerlng. • learning 2- tone finish accented by premium w.-w tfree r'ontlAc's finest at small car price Only $095 100’v, on. Day. No-Cost Guarantee. AUTO DISCOUNT 1516 R. 1. Aee. N.E. CO 5-8214 BTVdg t: iv^a’^n^wj^u 31.»95_ JET MOTOR U L 4?2300 C ' IM4 P *"“ " Star WANT AD SERVICE if available at x SO OFFICES including PARKVIEW PHARMACY Georgia Ava. and Park Road N.W. AUTOMOBILES FOR SAU —■ -e- e.- PONTIAC '56 V-8 eonvertlblt coupe; radio, haater. auto. trasimUaiou. w.-w. tires, power steering and brakes: llke-new condition; $1,995. your* 1 budtet eDt 'l -SSSSl'^'n^aS 1 1 "fa o thr l HWrt , of°ikth^n."*' >o ”- ffONTIAC 1953 de luxe “8" Catalina coupe; r. and h.. automatic trans., w.-w. tires, leather Interior; $1.098: low as $95 down. McNEIL PON TIAC 7320 Wls. ave. n.w, OL. 4-8000. "In the Hemrt o i Be thesda.' PONTIAC '49 convert.: r. and IT. orig. finish: $177. TAKOMA FORD 8725 Finer Br. Rd.. 8. 8- JU. 8-1000 PONTIAC 1956 V-B*Star Chief Cata llna coupe; r. and h.. auto, trans mission. power brakes and steering: SI'X-.? 0 ? 0 mll * , Save $1,300 ai $2,895. down payment, bank terms to fit our budget McNEIL PON TIAC. 7320 Wls. ave.. OL. 4-8000. 'ln the Heart of Bctheeda." PONTIAC 1947 sedanette: r. and h : good transportation: $96 or best offer. JU, 9-7462. _ PONTIAC '53 Chieftain de luxe 4- door; equip, with r. and h.. auto, shift. In excel, cond. $845. McKEE PONTIAC "PONTIAC MEANS McKEE" NEW USED-CAR LOCATION 19th and L. Bts. N.W. ST. 3-7197 PONTIAC 1952 Chieftain de luxe "8" 4-dr.; r. and h.: hydra.: 2- tone fin.: Very clean; $695. JET MOTOR SALES. INC- 1634 Penna. ave. s.e. LI. 4-2300. PONTIACS—'SO 4-door sedan "8," green, heater. $499: 'sl Chieftain 4-door sedan, hydra., r. and h- 5649: '53 convertible, green, new tan top. hydra., r. and h.. like new, $999; '64 Chief. “8" 4-door sedan, hydra., r. and h.: power brakes. $1,399. HORNER’S COR. (Bulck Dealer), Pla. ave. n.e. at 6th. LI. 6- PONTIAC '52 station wagon: stand ard shift; 8-pass. steel bodv: per fect. TA 9-4055, PONTIAC '55 Svncro. 4-door; excel. cond.: $1,495 or trade. IM. 2-0155. PONTIAC '54 Star Chief 4-dr.: equip, with r. and h„ hydramatlc. power steering, power brakes. OM air con ditioning many other extras: excel, condition: $1,395. McKEE PONTIAC "P6NTIAC MEANS McKEE" 19th and L. Sts. N.W. ST, 3-7107 PONTIAC 5(1 4-dr. sedan; black. ;mmac, throughout, excel, cond. Best offer. Can be seen by calling KE. 7-1936 after 10:qo a.m. PONTIAC ‘SO atatlon wagon: all metal. 8-pass., r. and h.. fine cond s39s. low. as $5 dn.: S2B per mo. WOLPI MOTORS CO- 1991 Wla. ave. n.w., PE. 3-4042. » PONTIAC 'SO Catalina; hydra.; good condition. $225. DE. 2-4093. PONTIAC '54 Starchlef 4-door: Hydra., r. and h., new light green finish. A real buy. $1,195. PARKWAY FORD 3030 M St. N.W. PE, 3-2204 PONTIAC 1048 4-door sedan: radio and heater: good running condi tlon: $75. JE. 2-8544. _ PORSCHE '53 "1500" coupe: alleer blue: Telefunken radio and many extraa. $1,450, KI. 9-0882. PREFECT ENGLISH FORD '4B: rune good. $76. RE. 6-5799. RAMBLER 'sl Suburban station wagon: looks and runs like new; sacrifice, terma. MR. ARTHUR, LA. 6-2700. RAMBLER *55 station wagon Cua- * tom Cross Country 4-door: r. and h.. hydramatlc. reclining geats; low mileage: one owner: fully guaranteed: $1,695: low as $195 down. WOLFE MOTORS, 1991 Wla conaln ave. n.w., PE. 3-4042. RAMBLER 1955 2-dr.: equipped, lnel. hydra., 2-tone fin.: prev. owned by hlgn-ranklng Govt, offi cial: $1,296. JET MOTOR SALES. INC., 1534 Penna. ave. s.e.. LI. 4-230(1. ItAMBLER 1953 hardtop: equipped; 1 owner; like new In every respect; $905. JET MOTOR SALES. INC- ' 1534 Penna, ave. e.e- LI. 4-2300. STOCK CARS (2). ’65 Corvette V-8 powered; '39 Chevy: 292 GMC DOW'red; '3B Chevy. Also '5.1 De Soto V-8 engine. Price for all. $1 000 Call LO. 7-7906. STUDEBAKER '54 sport coupe; equipped: $995. NELSON STUDEBAKER 7215 BALTO. AVE.. COL. PK.. MD. UN, 4-8800 STUDEBAKER '6O Club Starlit* cpe.: wonderful cond.; $295: terms, $lO down. MR. ROPER, LA. 8-2700. Call Mon. STUDEBAKER '52 Commander 6- pass. coupe; overdrive, r. and h.: lleht blue finish: $445. LEE D. BUTLER. 1121 21st at. n.w.. DI. 7- STUDEBAKER 1950 4-dr. Com mander; heater, 0.d., new tires; $225. or best offer. EM. 2-3.122. » STUDEBAKER 52 Champion sedan; equipped; clean: original through out; $349. Low as $5 down. $22.60 mo. WOLFE MOTORS, 1991 Wig. ave. n.w„ PB. 3-4042, STUDEBAKER 1960 new tlree; body and fenders very good: lust passed District Inspection: fluid drive hill holder. MURPHY, Dl. 7-6620. « STUDEBAKER 1953 Champion 4- dr.; r. and h., 0.d.; eery low mileage by 1 owner; $695. JET MOTOR SALES. INC- 1534 Penna. ave. s.e- LI. 4-2300. STUDEBAKER '49 L. C. 4-dr.; r h.. 0.d., Premium w.-w. tires: excel, cond.; S2OO, TA. 9-6010. _ STUDEBAKER ‘S3 4-door sedan; r. tnd h- 0.d.; $745. NELSON STUDEBAKER 7215 BALTO. AVE.. COL. PK- MD. UN. 4-8800 •TUDEBAKEE 1950 Champion 2-dr : heater, and 0.d.. 6 good tires; quiet mtr.; 52.000 ml. $l6O. DE. 2-2360. STUDEBAKER Power Hawk 1056: equip white with red top: 10.000 ml.; pvt. owner; excel, cond,; have 3. ’56 cars. JE. 4-0062. STUDEBAKER 1953 Champion-club coupe: r. and h.. hydra., w.-w. - tires; looks and runs like new. Must sacrifice at a bargain price. No cash down and small monthly payments with approved credit. Call LU 4-4445. BROWN MOTORS. 2001 Nichols ave. s.e. (nr. Good Hope rd.). STUDEBAKER '65 hardtop eonv.; r. and h.: *14.200 actual miles; to settle estate. OL. 4-0576: STUDEBAKER ‘55 sport coupe; r. and h„ 0.d.. white tires; $1,495. NELSON STUDEBAKER 7216 BALTO d AVE. COL. PK- MD. TRIUMPH convertible: S6OO. Mid way 5-4191; will consider other car in trade. VOLKSWAGEN 1956 de mxe; black with red upholsterr: excel. 1 cond. $1.295, Call SP. 3-7750. VOLKSWAGEN, new. onlr 600 mt. Box 88-R, Star. VOLKSWAGEN '63: sun-roof: $995. UNITED AUTO SALES Authorized Foreign Car Dealer 2427 REEDIE DR . WHEATON, MD. _ LO. 4-8246 VOLKSWAGEN 1964 2-dr. This little gas miser Is very clean. $1,195. JET MOTOR SALES. INC -1534 Penna. ave. ».c„ 074-2800. voikswAOEN ‘sß*convertible: very low mileage: $1.989. JACK PRY, LTD. 14th and P BU. N.W. AD. 4-SOO4 VOLKSWAGEN, supercharger, naar- will demonstrate. 80. 6- VOLKSWAGEN '64 sunroof model; sale price. $1,277. MANHATTAN ANTO. INC. (Est. 19141. 7th at R st. n.w- Hobart 2-7000. Open 8 to WILLYS JEEP, $160; 1810 Rhode Island ave. n.e- LA. 8-1021. LA 6-2939. ■ Wlllys‘‘4B st*. wag.; ncel. motor, body: beater, 0.d.; any demonstra tlon: $295. Gaithersburg 803-W-11. WILLYS '53 station wagon: 6-cyl , tires, motor, paint excellent: $695 or best offer. Trades considered. CO. 5-1678. WILLY* '4B 4-cyl. panel. Wf. Alter 6 p m.._LCl_3-ii73fi. WILLYS 1948 station wason: good cond ’ heater. $300; good second car. OL. 9-8.164. WILLYS 1933 Aero Eagle 2-dr.; 2- tone black and maroon; radio, heat er, overdrive, economical transp. (or the low price of onlr $393, Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet 3140 Lee Hwr.. Arlington. Va. JA. 2-90(13, Open Til 9:30 WILLT»—New 'S?| 4-wbeenir and 2-wheel dr station wagons. Jeeps, and dispatchers. Also used 211 waton. r sl 4-wbeel dr. Jeep and •SO panel truck. Make tout selec tion of new cr used st PINEY BRANCH MOTORS. 7 our onlr authorised WlUrs dealer in Silver COUNTRY SQL'iRS '35. Pofdomatlc. r. and h , power steering, wx.-w. tires. Diamond olus finish. Low mileage: one owner; 11.695. PARKWAY FORD SO3O M at. N.W. PE. 3-2204 SPECIALS 46 CHEV 4-DR S 95 00 '47 NASH CLB 115 00 '49 OLDS 4-DR ... 195.0(1 '49 BUICK CLB 196 00 ♦ » FORD TUDOR 195 00 'to CADILLAC 4-DR 796 00 25 OTHERS »A DOWN BEACH MOTORS. 1810 14th Bt N W. NA|H R If* River Plunge Victim Believed Fairfax Man A father’s search for his mentally disturbed 26-year-old son ended in failure yesterday as the boy, according to tentative Identification, plunged into the Potomac River from Key Bridge. Police boats were still dragging the river last night for the body believed to be that of Charles L. Van Luven, of 409 Leonard road, Palls Church. The father. Fred W. Van Luven, of 6427 Wilson boulevard. Falls Church, told police he is; convinced that the man seem parking an automobile on the! bridge and leaping from the' bridge rail about noon yester day was his son. It was deter mined the ear belonged to the son. The father and son were car penters and worked together on house-building projects. The elder man said his son was mar ried a year ago, but his wife left him after four or five weeks. He recently obtained a divorce from her on grounds of deser tion, but had been depressed by the affair, the father said. Search Started Friday The father returned home Fri day from an out-of-town trip. Friends told him he “had bet ter do something" about his son. who had been acting strangely; and speaking incoherently. Mr. Van Luven searched for his son from that time until yesterday afternoon, but never found him. At noon yesterday, a witness; saw a young man leap from the' Woman Fatally Injured In Hit-and-Run Crash A 46-year-old woman died in ; District General Hospital last night of injuries suffered sev eral hours earlier in a hit-and run collision at Forty-ninth street and Sheriff road N.E. .Mrs. John Yorkilous of 6321 Central avenue, Seat Pleasant, Md., had several broken ribs, a collapsed lung and other in juries. She was riding with her husband and son in a car which police said was struck by a sec ond car which went through a stop sign. The occupants of the second left the scene without identifying themselves. The death was the District’s 49th traffic fatality this year. Last year at this date, there i were 60. Mrs. Yorkilous’ husband and their son Richard, 12, were only slightly injured in the collision.! Police gave this account of the accident, which occurred at ap proximately 5 o’clock: The Yorkilous car, going west on Sheriff road, was struck on the right side by a car police D. C. Police Study Action Against Trio in Bombing Washington police are pondering what action to take against: three nearby Virginia youths implicated in a dynamite explosion that rocked Georgetown the night or October 20. Until Friday, police had been unable to turn up any suspects In the mysterious street blast that shattered more than 100 windows in the 3500 block of T street N.W. But Fairfax County police, acting on a tip that a gang of boys had a quantity of dynamite, tracked down from southern Vir-i glnia a 17-year-old boy. another juvenile and two older youths. Harry Perkins and Robert Lee Boyd, both 21, of addresses near Alexandria. All except the southern Vir- j glnia boy were found and ques tioned first by Fairfax police and then by District police. Metro politan Police Deputy Chief Ed gar E. Scott said each of the three admitted either helping steal the- dynamite or setting off the blast. He said Perkins and Boyd said they took four cases of dy namite and two cases of percus sion caps from a Government depot near Leesburg in Loudoun County, Va., a week before the explosion. He said Perkins and the two younger boys set off the blast. Fairfax County police said all Temperance Group Backs Safety Drive The National Temperance League. Inc., yesterday an nounced support of the National Safety Council’s Christmas sea son safe-driving campaign. Clayton M. Wallace, NTL ex ecutive director, also announced a panel discussion on “What Can Churches Do About Drunk en Driving?” will be a highlight oi the biennial meeting of the National Temperance League Board of Directors here No- 1 vember 25-29. He said temper ance leaders from 44 States will attend the conference. Scheduled to take part in the panel discussion at 7:30 p.m„ November 25, in the sanctuary of the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church, Ninth street ; and Massachusetts avenue N.W., are District Traffic Director George E. Keneipp, former Com missioner Renah Camalier and Clark Diamond, president of Chestnut Farms Dairy. Mr. Wal-! lace will be moderator. Business sessions at the con ference will open at 9 a.m., No vember 26, in Woodward Hall, Calvary Baptist Church, Eighth and H streets N.W. Issues on the agenda are the serving of alcoholic beverages on airline*, alcoholism in the armed forces and liquor advertising. ( WANTS PERMANENT MAN \ \ WITH SALES DRIVE / # FOR THIS ARIA I A An •aelinlve (ranchit* (nr id attabliihad odrnrttying line. Comings ran / m to live fcgvrat A lifetime carom: not last a lob. No invattmont raavireO A ■ Completa fin# fumishad. AAA-1 comaeny gir«ng oat tonal and local coverage by B % awn agents since the 60s § M A quality lino tor eH Unas of business, largo and small, local and no K ■ Hanoi. A broad fiat which sails •hraughaut the year and rsnoot, yoor otto, 1 % roar Advertising media to gain wall caeca in public piece t. factories, cchaoli a a offices and bemes. Items far the office, deck, goad wtH building and business K I gifts. An axcfmlva copyrighted line under your central. Alee a creative 1 I division far largo sgociof ardors. a i la qualify yacr locust hetua ( have same or series seaco K * access. Write or wire giving onaovionco and husinam references tot a I Mr. <«trft I. Wert, Visa RrssMaat 1 ) TIM Tto. D. Mvpfcjr 6s. - IM Oak* lava fj •m. w*ar< ve txuwxx WUIUVrntU) I bridge. The witness, John D. ! Geary, 24, a Georgetown Univer sity student, of 3420' P street N.W., said he was walking north ward on the bridge when he saw a car stop in the northbound! lane about the middle of the! bridge, he said. It was raining. Mr. Geary said the driver, neatly dressed in a dark blue! suit and red tie, got out, walked to the edge, put his hand on the rail and then climbed up on the rail. Saw Him Hit Water “I was about SO feet from him,” Mr. Geary said. “He turned his head and looked at me. I stopped in my tracks. Then he stepped out into space. “I looked over the rail and saw him hit the water flat, face down. There was a terrific splash. I watched to see If the ' body would come up again. But !it never did.” The river is about 18 feet deep at the point where the body struck, police said. Mr. Geary stopped a passing i; truck, which was radio equipped, Hand notified police. said went through a stop sign on the north side of the inter section at Forty-ninth. The im pact spun the Yorkilous car to its left and into a utility pole. The second impact with the pole threw Mrs. Yorkilous to the street. The striking vehicle pro ceeded a short distance down Forty-ninth street before stop ping. Unidentified witnesses told po lice a man and a boy got out of the second car and walked away from the scene. In an effort to arrest the driver, who, police said might seek to avoid prosecution by reporting the car stolen, they notified nearby Maryland police departments to hold any person making such a! report. The striking car bore Maryland tags. Police said Mr. and Mrs. Yor-! kilous and the boy had been staying temporarily at the home of another son in Palmer Park, a development near Seat' Pleasant. the stolen dynamite has been recovered or accounted for. They said the youths earlier had set 1 off several “practice” explosions in Virginia. I In the Georgetown explosion, two sticks of dynamite were used. One stick failed to go off and was found with a .30-caliber [cartridge near the scene. The 17-year-old was released in his parents’ custody and the two 21-year-olds were charged with housebreaking in Loudoun . County and released on bond. Police and United States and Commonwealth’s attorneys for the various jurisdictions involved will confer tomorrow to decide : what action to take against the three. The fourth boy still has I not been apprehended. Hawaii's Governor First Probe Witness By the Associated Press The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee said yesterday Gov. Samuel Wilder King of Hawaii will be the first witness at healing expected to begin November 30 in Honolulu. The subcommittee is inquiring generally into Soviet activities on United States soil and Com munist activities on the water -front. Chief Counsel Robert ’ Morris said about 40 witnesses have been subpoenaed. WHY DID YOU FAIL THE CPA EXAMS? Success neat May requires fore sight and action today* Complete CPA Review begins NOW* Low Tuition—Small Clones [apart Instructors Attend tonight's opening lec ture with aur compliments. WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF CPA COACHING 435 f Street N.W. v JU. 7-6297 - —^ East Germans' Unrest Reported i BERLIN, Nov. 17 W—Fresh reports of anti-Russian agitation on behalf of Hungary came out of Communist-ruled East Ger many today. The LDZ, an East German newspaper, admitted that a pub lic meeting in the city of Halle produced angry questions about Soviet suppression of the Hun garian rebellion. ; In Leuna, factory workers re iportedly protested openly against Soviet actions in Hungary. The Fighting Group Against Inhu manity, a private West Berlin intelligence organization, said ithe workers repeatedly shouted, “Freedom for Hungary,” at a meeting called by Red officials. West Berlin’s tabloid BZ said the workers chalked “Freedom for Hungary” on gasoline tank cars being sent from Leuna to Russia. Today’s reports climaxed a series of anti-Soviet incidents in East Germany. The earlier in cidents were acknowledged by the Communists themselves, and involved the damaging of a Rus sian war cemetery, student ef forts to bring about a transport strike in Dresden, and the wear ling of mourning clothes by a Leipzig high school class that sympathized with Hungary’s freedom fighters. Concert Scheduled For Hungary Relief A concert for Hungarian re lief will be given at 4 p.m. Sun day, December 9, at the Cosmos Club. Two Hungarian-born ar tists will perform: Madame Agl Jambor, pianist, and Robert Gerle, violinist. Tickets at $7.50 each may be reserved by telephoning Mrs. Richard John Riddell at Emer son 2-2985. All proceeds will go to CARE’s program of relief for Hungarian refugees in Austria. The concert has been planned by a committee of citizens head ed by Mrs. David Karrick, wife of District Commissioner Kar rick. I f ir & * it i Don’t bfe c aught ' • i short next year! Christmas NOW OPEN i Just o dollar or more saved every other week start- ing now will bring you a substantial check from * ; Columbia Federal next November. Join no&! ' I SAW THIS OIT A CHICK TOR THIS IVIRY OTHIR WIIK NIXT NOVIMRIR t -w- -w 1 ' SI.OO $25.00 ♦ $2.00 $50.00 $4.00 SIOO.OO $5.00 $125.00 $6.00 ~ $150.00 SIO.OO $250.00 i $20.00 $500.00 Columbia A, Federal SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION c,...,. .w 730 Eleventh St. N.W REpublic 7-7111 t j Audi Over $37,000,000 CE. K«