IMWt ‘>. jferjßj igHAI pf || 7 || v \ - V . ■•-• niBBBBBBBBBMBBBBp* ft.-...**** PADDLE BOATS POPULAR IN SAN JUAN A sure way to get a “slow burn”—pedal-powered paddle boats float leisurely over the lagoon at San Juan’s Escam bron Club. If you’re marooned on the v float—hail a “taxi” for the ride back to shore. Barcelona Now Offering Operas BARCELONA. Spain —Amer ican tourists visiting Barcelona thjs winter can enjoy grand opera as presented at one of Europe’s most famous opera houses. Al most daily performances have been scheduled at the historic Llceo Theater for the three month season which opened on November 10. Starring in the productions will be a number of well-known Eu ropean and American singers, some of whom will be on leave from the Metropolitan Opera in New York The Liceo, seating an audience TRAVEL ; TRAVEL TRAVEL l i I We met the most We relaxed in the easy- j A friendly escort took congenial folks on chair comfort of care of all baggage our tour Greyhound's luxury coaches and other details We stayed at fine hotels VVe saw all of the south We saw all of Florida •• • l usf had a wonderfull teJfi relaxing time on our ... 13 DAYS « Tour leaves Washington Every Sunday MEXICO TOUR Mexican magic will capture Swing South through nine states to all this fun in l our hf * r,: 11 **•** fr P m the tun—of fabulout Florida! Ptrtonelly conducted, A ™ omo *' ,ry too! See an underwater fairyland at Silver Springi v* . lto r )r ' Py'hla, in a u... i - , . _ p * Xochimilco Gardens, Taxco, f J . ur “‘* * lVff cru “* Cuernavaca - pyramids, I b> tpeedboat. Sightsee in lovely St. Petertburg . . . iunglev. volcanoes’ ancient, tleepv Sc. Augustine . . . Film Beach and 23 Davs 5245 50 VT«at Palm Beach. Watch an exciting water-ski (how * St mysterious Cypress Gardens ... visit beautiful- Cxrisaf-aal Singing Tower .. . take a refreshing cruise in South Bay. You’ll atop sc Marineland. too, and have plenty MARDI GRAS TOUt •f time to * live it up * for 3 nights it the luxurious • a IKTa"! pm “* poo ‘ ,Bd btt£h ,our ,o P *‘" oSSSI rtgnt on the Atlantic. nnu , Spwi4 | Grlf lot complete informatioo oa a wide variety of other stghtseeing. entertain sours sod trips to the Sunny South and West, call: ment. cocktails, banquet dm- W ner and farewell dinner! GREYHOUND TRAVEL BUREAU „ 1110 New York Ave. N.W. • . ME. 8-1512 13 **lo4o ar visit yaur /ndependent Travel dgent GREYHOUND. of 3,000, It is the fourth largest opera house in the world and is! larger than either La Scala at Milan or the Opera in Paris. ' 1 1 Theater hours, however, are 1 I unusual in Spain. Since many | restaurants don't even open until , • 9:30 p.m., the Liceo's curtain * goes up at 10:30 p.m. and comes i down again at 1 a.m. Lost sleep sis recovered during the after- 1 . noon "siesta” which is still Vopu lar despite the busy commercial “ life of this Mediterranean sea : port. LEARN TO DRIVE IN A WEEK t Block from Trafflr Bureau AUTOMATIC OB STANDARD AADTA DRIVING SCHOOL We Call tor You. D C.. Md and Va Phone 8 A.M -» P.M. An* llaj —►ME. 8-10504* ■» I •nvu m trru New Planes to Chile MlAMl.—Chilean Airlines has inaugurated four-engined service: on its Miaml-Santiago run with acquisition of two DC-4B air craft. Flights are on the basis :of two round trips a week on the 4.500-mile route. OPPORTUNITY (Travel Agency Work) Seeking mature person with travel ogency experience Unusual working conditions lead ing to permanent independent position. Located in Marylend. State experience. All informa tion in strict confidence. Write BOX 158-M, STAR. Weekend Cruises 1 To Nassau to Sail ! From Miami i MIAMI. A new steamship 1 passenger service to Nassau be-! gins January 4 when the Florida of the P. & O. Steamship Co. j inaugurates week end cruises to the famed Bahamas. The Florida’s present trl-; weekly sailings between Miami i and Havana will continue until December 28. Under the new plan, the ship! will sail from here every Friday at 5 pm., remaining in Nassau RESORTS RESORTS MEXICO CITY, D.F., MEXICO MEXICO CITY, D.F., MEXICO MOW...A MAGNIFICENT NEW MOTEL IN COLORFUL MEXICO CITY S *™ — *^^jj| orcNiN« dcccmmn T. tsss ® ® MEXICO CITY offers comfort and convenience. The a dramatic setting for the new, 400- friendly hospitality, superb accom room air-conditioned Continec-al modations and excellent food re- Hilton. Located in the heart of the fleet the high standards found at city, the Continental Hilton wel- Hilton Hotels around the world, comes gueat, with every modem eg?. a , For riHTHtioM eonmlt your Trawl f f Z/Urt£l4 aau» er SutUr Btul - Cenrad N. Milton, Prasldaat • TRAVEL TRAVEL f / | ' ■? 7 ' J * 4< | r |PSI '% > v ■' w Ip •. , ../■ ... \ . *„•*••• ' d NATIONAL'S AIRBORNE RADAR finds «hn way through thu woathurf "*» i a *** * ' ’ v, ..' Wk RS| ■ ■ - * iWWm \ ‘ 'mM || '.xiZ&m/. .w A-j&.'j&zßm r«. AG&bvbr. A. -a -: 4ddifi«