C-4 ••• the SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C. I !■ ||^M|^_' )i üßfeasMagg^^f ■ -w.v Si . , 1 Bnlr ,|J33« S vW-jW, s?*** ' y?' Brafl ~.7i3b S|p® w H Bfj|g^ HflHiflPJr p ■ . -Jikur ’* igpr ■ f Kjv jb| 4> m- Hm 2 * u «MHSHSn^>^ *fljf fcyjl,, ..*& v ". •'lfe'f v ■' . g'' :,’S-f'-j;t'^4-. ... ■■■ --ff -■■■-■ ■ p-vW>WWMgß|gMpSß^aH^^^'j^mMfe6^^^x : --' X.-- : .-. ■* ¥,• . | | /'' py : iwi HHI? ■ aJr» : 18 PfcjJn ' v.4m HbH ': ':.'WF jj&{ -•* NAVY 341 VIRGINIA 7/ NAVY Continued from Pare C-l by far the best by any Virginia Carriers. Tremendous, too, was the di rection and passing of Tom Torrestal, Navy's quarterback who is making the name of George Welsh a remote subject f at the academy. The Cleveland Junior completed 7 of ll passes for 129 yards. Dagampat Runs It was left to little Dick Dag- ■ ampat. the American-born Filip pino - Hawaiian, whose father cuts hair in Los Angeles, to pro duce the individual play of the day. The 165-pounder, smallest fullback to play at Navy in years, went 53 yards with a pass interception for Navy’s second touchdown in the first quarter. Virginia narrowed-the margin to 14-7 in the second quarter, but the Middies scored once in the third and twice in the fourth. . The elements made a wild game of it. There were 13 sum-! bles, nine by the:Cavaliers, and live pass interceptions. j Fumbles by Navy set up Vir ginia's lone touchdown and stopped the Middies the first time they had the ball on their only drive of the day from their own territory to deep in Virginia ter-1 ritory. A 35-yard screen pass from Forrestal to Burchett fea tured that drive from the Navy 32 to the Virginia 6 where Ned Oldham fumbled and Sonny Randle recovered for the Cava liers. Navy held and Nelson Yar-; brough’s punt was carried 11 yards by Oldham to the Virginia 34. Forrestal's passes, 14 yards to Oldham and 8 yards to Smith. I set up the score. Burchett, 5- foot-10 and 159 pounds, ham-> mered over from the 2 and Old ham added his first of four extra points. The third team was in for the last touchodwn and Pat Flood’s attempted conversion was ruined by a bad pass from center. About a minute after Navy's first score, it had anbther. as Dagampat snared a pass from Yarbrough on the Navy 47 and streaked down the left side for his big run. Jay Corson. 3-foot-10. 198- pound guard from Arlington. Va„ who starred for Episcopal High in Alexandria, set up Virginia's score when he pounced on an Oldham fumble on the Navy ‘2O midway in the second quarter. Whitey Clarke found a hole os the left side of the Navy tine and got to the 5. Bakhtiar pushed to the 4 and Jim Roberson got to the 1. On third down Bakh tiar plunged over and then added the point, his ninth In 12 tries this season. Navy’s Alertness Helps Navy’s alart defense set the stage for the third score in the opening minutes of the second half. Clarke passed and Dagam- . Mtf// 9 s i Rebuilt Moitg Tims, tad Wed. only! Full Leather Soles' And Rubber Heels! Shoes Relasted to Restore Original Shape' Shoes Cleoned to Remove Old Polish! New Laces! Minor Rips Seem! Sparkling Shine' Fresh Heel Pods! THE HECHT CO. Shot Repair Center Douiufair, Store, Washington Only nZ NAVY TOUCHDOWN—Chet Burchett plunges over the goal from the 3-yard line for Navy’s first score in the first quarter. It was the first df three touch downs from the hard-running Navy halfback.—Star Staff Photo. pat batted the ball into the arms of Jim Hower on the Virginia 35. Dagampat gained five yards and Burchett carried for six more. End Earle Smith, a superb-player and an excellent punter today, caught a pass from Forrestal for. 20 yards to the 4. Dagampat advanced to the 3 and from there Burchett cut inside his left end for the touchdown. As the fourth quarter opened and the lights were turned on, Navy had the ball on the Vir ginia 44 following a punt. Two off-sides penalties moved the ball back to the Navy 46. For-: restal then uncorked a beauty of a pass that Burchett caught on the run on the Virginia 40 and carried all the way to the 22 for a gain of 32 yards. Old ham went through right tackle to the 18. Then Burchett took a pitchout from Forrestal, just as the quarterback was going down under two Cavalier tack lers, and drove through a hole and was gone. Dagampat swept .aside the last would-be tackier with'a clean block on the 10. | ■ Flood Stars As Passer Navy’s second team had little luck today, but the third team, which came in with only min utes remaining got into the ' scoring on a 40-yard advance, highlighted by the passing of Flood of Arizona and Cali fornia. Flood, the son of a sur geon, threw a 10-yard pass to Don Jahn and a 10-yarder to Ed Malynn. The second one put the ball on the 2, from where Jahn bucked over. There were 33 seconds re gaining in the game, but still time enough for Navy to recover a Virginia fumble at midfield and Virginia to intercept a Navy pass Tha interception by Fred ■ Russell on the Virginia 26 was the last act of the game. Score by quarters: i'gavy 14 o 7 1.1—34 ! Vrlglme 0 7 0 0— 7 Navy scoring- Burchett. fS-jard olunee): Daaampat, (SS-yerd Intercep tlont: Burchett, (1-yard end runt; l,Burchett, ns-yard end run): Jahn. 13- . yard plunge* Conversions: Oldham. 4 Virgin!* scoriae: Bakhtiar (Vs-yard i pluneei. Conversion: Bakhtiar. Liaeaae ' . . NAVY left end—JakanoTlch. Kanuch. Me- Kee. O'Neill , Left tackle—Anthony. Moisei. Wil liams Warren. Left guard—Btremle. Caldwell, Itouah. ' Balent. I Center—Whitmire, MeXlwte. MencU , otlch. 1 Right guard Hewer. Frttitnger. I Channel. Right tackle—Mirtlnei. Rolftnyder. I Helve* Right end—Bailth. Ruth. McHugh • _ Quarterback Forrestal. Prahalis, Flood Bight half—Rurchett. Hunt. Malynn left halt—Oldham. Bwaneoa. Jahn. t Bhlerv 1 Fullback—Dagampat Monte. Lupfer VIRGINIA left end—Oundermen Whitaker left tackle—Jordan. Kovach. Daven- I port. left guard—Coraon. Outtaa. Pennon > Canter—Reyser founts Right guard—Cell. Petrilll _ Rleht taekle— «l Clair Melntk. White. Kohler Right end—Roller. MrLauthim. Moyer. , R| 9uarterbeek Yarborough. Clarke. i —Rebereoa. Raynolde. Jew- I Fullback'—Bakhtiar. Crichton. Shel ton Left half—Raadle. Knee land. Lawyer Rutgers Beats W&M, 20-6 . f NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J„ Nov. . 17 (/P). —A smart Rutgers’ pass I defense and a hard-charging line today whipped William & Mary, : 20-6, in a cold drizzle.' j Some 3,000 shivering fans saw ' Rutgers take its third win of the season by grounding the passing 1 attack of Quarterback Tom Se cules of W&M. The defeat was the Virginia school's eighth in nine games. They have tied once. Rutgers scored the first time jit got the ball after End Henry : D’Andrea blocked a punt and ' Rutgers recovered on its 47. Led by the Lusardi brothers. 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