Newspaper Page Text
A-16 •* THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER SB, ISM With Regard to a Card of Thanks Very often • cord ot thanks in The Stat meets a need which can hardly be solved i<- any other way Not only is it a gracious expression ot gratitude to those who hove sent 1 Moral tributes, but also courteously acknowledges the services and kind nesses of the many to whom a per sonal note ot thanks connot well be mailed, or whose names and ad dresses are not known. Insertion of o card of thanks may be arranged by telephone to The Stoi.ST 3-5000 The Evening and Sunday Star Sratljfl BECK. WARREN K. On Saturday. De cember 23, 1956, at Emergency Hos pital. WARREN K. BECK of 2480 l»3th ’ at. n.w.. beloved huaband of Elva M Beck Friends may call at the 8. H. Hines Funeral Home. 2901 14th st n.w (parkin* facilities) after 12 noon Monday. Services from Fort Myer j Chapel on Wednesday. December 2d at j 9 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Hacerstown. Md., papers please copy. 25 BIGGS, AMERICAS EDGAR. On Mon day. December 24. 1956. AMERICUS EDGAR BIGOB of 244 West Notley rd., Silver Spring. Md.. husband of the late Mary D Biggs and father of Archie A. Biggs. Mrs Arthur A. Dillon! and Mr. Edmund D. Biggs. There also are two grandchildren. Mr. Biggs rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Fu neral Home. 8434 Georgia ave, Sliver Spring, Md.. where services will be held on Thursday. December 27. at Ipm (parking facilities!. Inter-, ment Neelsville Presbyterian Church! Cemetery. In preference of flowers.) sympathy may be expressed in thei form of memorials to the Building Fund of the Colesvllle Methodist Church. 28 j BRIGHTWELL. SELBY F. On Satur day. December 22. 1056. at his resi dence. 5350 Temple Hill rd. s.e.. SELBY F. BRIGHTWELL. beloved hus band of Mary G. Brightwell: father of Ruth Downs. Etta Talbert. Cath erine Hodge. Marv Huggins. Florence Russell, Dorothy Corbin. Edward. Frank. Arthur. Charles and Merrill Brightwell. Funeral from the Simmons Bros. Funeral Home. lflfli Good Hope rd. s.e.. on Wednesday. Decem ber 26, at 10:30 a m Services at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church. Oxon Hill. Md., at 11 am. Interment church cemetery. 25 BRISCOE. ROZIER W. Suddenly, on Saturday, December 22. 1956. at his residence. 1460 Euclid st. n.w.. ROZIaR W BRISCOE. Luioand of the late Mary E. Briscoe. He is survived by a niece. Mrs. Evelyn Carter; three cousins. Mrs. Maggie Isckson. Bennie Williams. Robert Marshall, and other relatives and friends Remains testing with L. E. Murray Son. *337 loth •t. n.w., where friends mav call after 1 pm. on Tuesday, and where funeral services will be neld on Wednesday, December 26, at 1 pm. Rev Oswald fimlth officiating. Interment Wood awn Cemetery. 25* BROOKS, REV. GEORGE W. Suddenly on Monday. December 24. 1956, th§ REV GEOROE W. BROOKS of 1119 50th st. n.e.. husband of the late Mary E. Brooks, beloved father of Mrs. Mildred Louise Williams, George W. Brooks. Jr., the Rev. Arthur Brooks. Ralph W. Brooffc. and Peter Lurenza Brooks. He also is survived by eight grandchildren, i two brothers, four sisters, one son in-law. four daughters-in-law. other relatives and many friends. Remains will He in state at The Kings Apostles Holy Trinity Church of Deanwood., D C., 1215 49th pi., n.e. on Wednes day December 26 after 4 p.m. and until time of funeral services Thurs day. December 27 at 2 p.m. The Rev Arthur Christian officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 26* • CAMPBELL. JOHN T. On Monday. De cember 24. 1956. JOHN T. CAMPBELL of 1720 34th st n.w.. father of Arthur J and Vivian M. Campbell and Mrs \ Marguerite Twig He also is survived by six grandchildren. Friends may call; at the S H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., after 2 p m. Wednes day. December 26. Services at the above! funeral home on Thursday. December 27. at 1 pm (Parkipg facilities.) In-! terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 26 CHANDLER. CHARLES. Suddenly, on Thursday. December 20. 1956. CHARLES CHANDLER, beloved son of • James Chandler. *r.; father of Bertha > and Denise Chandler: brother of Mrs Mar/ C. Thomas. Robert Harris and James Chandler. Jr. He also is sur vived by five aunts, three uncles and i a host of other relatives and friends, i The late Mr. Chandler may be viewed! at the Stewart Funeral Home. 30 H st. n.e., after 12 noon Tuesday. De cember 25. where services will be held | on Wednesday. December 26. at 12:30 pm. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. COftYMANO. BARBARA .MARIA. Sud denly. on Bunday, December 23. 1956, at her residence. 6506 Auburn ave.. j Wildercroft. Lanham. Md. BARBARA! MARIA COSIMANO beloved wife of I Vincent C. Co&imano. and mother of ! Francis Hagerty. She also is survived by a sister and a brother. Relatives and friends may call at Gasch’sj Funeral Home. Hyattsvllle, Md where Brayers will be said on Wednesday.; ecember 26, at 8:30 a.m . thence to St Bernard's Catholic Church. River dale. Md.. where requiem mass will be offered for the reposa of her soul, at 9 am. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 25 COVINGTON. WILLIAM L. On Bunday. December 23. 1956, WILLIAM L. COVINGTON of 354 W st. n.w.. hus band of the late Victoria L. Covington; devoted father of Mrs Nadine L. Brown and Clarence L. Covington. Alsoj surviving are four grandchildren. Gail M . Charles V., Shervl V. and Gary M. Brown, other relatives and many j friends. After 12 noon on Thursday, i friends are Invited to call at the: McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. nw. Funeral at 1 nm. on Friday, | December 28. at Shiloh Baptist Church, i 9th and P sts. n.w. 27 DAMERON'. FRANK ROSSER. On Monday. December 24. 1956. at his home at Tucker Hill. Westmoreland County. Vs.. FRANK ROSSER DAM ERON. beloved husband of Mamie Elizabeth Dameron and father of Mrs. Thelma Oray and Mrs Ruth Kelley of Arlington. Va.; Mrs Mary Waldow of Washington. D C; Mrs Cora Rupard of Tuxedo. Md.: Mrs Mildred Johnson of Shadyside. Md.; Mrs. Fran ces Keegan of Fort Myer. Va.; Howard C. Dameron of Washington. D C..; Charles E Dameron of McKays Beach. Md . and Frank R Dameron of Fall* Church. Va.. He slso is survived by, two sisters. Mrs W. H. Sanford and Mrs. William Tolson of Tucker Hill. V».. twvlvv grandchildrrn and six Rrvat-grandchlldrvn SvrvicM will be eld at Sanford* Funeral Home. Montroas. Va. on Wednesday. De cember 2«. at 3 pm Interment Carmel Methodist Cemetery. Tucker Hill. Va. HARR. LOIS D. On Monday. Decem ber 34. Ifluft. at Oeoraetown Hospital. LOIS D DARR of Route 1. Sterling, Va. beloved wife of Lloyd T. Darr. mother of Mrs Lois Teates and Lloyd Douglas Darr, daughter of John M and Caroline R Davis. She also is survived by two sisters. Mrs. Jane Sparrow and Mrs Thelma Padgett. Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home, 2H47 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va Notice of funeral arrangements; later. HF.ROZT. SISTER AI.VERNA. On Sun day. December 28. 18»«. at Providence Hospital. SISTER ALVERNA DEBOZY, of St. Angela Hall. 10701 Rockville pike beloved slater of Capt Arthur, Debosy and Paul Willis. Sister Debosy rests at St. Angela Hall, where Requiem Mass will be offered Wednesday. Decem ber :« at 9:30 am Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 26 HIAMESIS. ASPASIA. On Sunday. December 23. 195 H. ASPASIA DIAMBSIB ■ Nee Dlmetryi of 4*03 37th at.. Brent-1 wood, Md„ beloved wife of the late Dr. Lambros Dlamesls; mother of Mrs. Helle Anne Sampson Pnends may call! at Nalley's Funeral Home. 3200 Rlll. 1 ave at Eastern ave. ne, Tuesday. 1 December 23. after ft pm. Funeral.. Thursday, December 27 at t:.IO p.m.t Thence to St Constantine and Helen; Oreek Orthodox Churrh. ISth and Upshur at. n.w. where service* will; be held at 2 P m Relatives and friends Invited Entombment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. • INHORN. ROSE. On Monday. Decem ber 24. 196 ft. ROSE EXNHORM. be loved wife of Joseph Etnhorn. de voted mother of Albert Etnhorn. Mrs Oertrna* Oreiaman. Mrs. Ida Zlents. all of Washington. D C. and Mrs Bara Rose of Plainfield. N. J She alto la survived by three brothers, i william and Bam Bhernln. and Morris Rudln. all of New York Service* at, the C. D Ooldberg it Bon Funeral Home. 4317 »th at. n.w. on Wednesday. December 7ti. at 2 ora Interment Mount Lebanon Cemetery Family re-, ouest* In lieu of flowers, contributions; be made to the Heart Fund 3ft FUNERAL DIRECTORS Rinaldi Funeral Home FtINBRAL DIRECTORS itwrc. .I 5 ” a-ttis Crematorium J. William Lee’s Sons Co. I a,a waa ffil*Vvi W™* . .N. A Complete Funeral As Lew as $95.00 Up CHAMBERS Owe at SBa Lars" l „ D>4erUltr« to Ifc* CO. 5 0432 FLNKRAL DESIGN CEO C. SHAFFER. INC~ Bipreaatva Flora tributes Maderat, arlces Oner daily Bin. botisays Phone stss•* «/ Sratljß EVERHART. WILLIAM. On Frldar. De cember 21, IBSa, WILLIAM EVER HART. beloved father of Betty J. Webater. Peeay Taliaferro and Norma Conto. Friend, may call at the Robert 1 A. Matttnaly Funeral Home. 131 nth! | at. a.e.. where services will be held | i on Wednesday. December 2# et 10 am. I Relatives and friends invited. Inter ( ment Arlington National Cemetery. 26 PARR. EDWARD J. Suddenly, on Mon day. December 24. 1»5«. at his resi dence. EDWARD J. FARR of 41011 W at. n.w.. beloved husband of Amelia Leofflcr Farr: father of Fdward 8 Farr and Mrs. Ellen F. Hudson, and I brother of Albert Farr of Cape Rosier, j Me ; William Farr of Nanticoke. Pa ; | Thomas Farr of Wilmerdlna. Pa.: Da ! vid Farr of Whittier. Calif.; Arthur ! Farr of Detroit. Mich , and Mrs. How i ard Oelaer of Whittier. Calif He 1 also Is survived by live grandchildren I Services at the 8. H Hines Co. Fu ! neral Home. 2801 .4th st. n.w.. on i Wednesday, December 28. at 1 Dm. (parkins facilities). Interment Cedar ■ ! Hill Cemetery 25 | FARR, EDWARD. J. special communlca- I m tlon of Navel Lodge No. 4. A. A. M. is called at 1:15 p. m., Wednesday, De cember 28. 1968 for the V purpose ot conducting the - Masonic funeral of our late _ brother. EDWARD J. FARR. By order of the Worshipful Master ROLAND M BROWN, Secretary. FENDALL. ALBERT. On Sundav. De -1 ." 3 ! * 866, ALBERT FENDALL i J/,,--®'®., Hth st. n.w.. husband of 1 Mildred H. Fendall. and uncle of Mrs 1 Nelie Thomas of Philadelphia. Pa;! ! Deicta McClure and Thomas Austin.! Also surviving are a godchild. Shirley I ! Austin; three counslns. Mary Contee, I Huth Simmons and Hattie Izquerdo, j other relatives and many friends. Ar-1 range meri ts by McO.ilre. Inc. Notice i i of funeral later. _ 28 ! I GANTT. CATHERINE.* On Saturday \ 1956. CATHERINE ■ GANTT of 919 11th st. n.e. beloved: ! wife of George w. Gantt, sr.: mother; of Doris Canady. John T , George W i Jr and Francis Gantt: sister of Nettle Johnson. Lottie Currv, Lucy Slade, i Mary Stevenson and John Jurry; niece ! of Miss Nancy Galloway. She also is ] survived by other relatives and friends H The late Mrs. Gantt may-be viewed at : the above res!dene.e after 9 a m. on j Tuesday Funeral on Wednesday. De cember 26, at Lane C. M. E. Church, 14th and C sts. n.e .at 1 p m Services by Stewart. Interment Lincoln Memo rial Cemetery. 25 GREGORY, LOUISA. On Friday. De cember 21. 195(1, LOUISA GREGORY, beloved wife of the late Matthew Wal ter Gregory, mother of Alfred M. Gregory and aister of Honor P. Mat thewa and Elizabeth Cooksey Friends may call at her late residence. 2909 Bellevlew ave.. Cheverly, Md.. until Wednesday. December 26. at 9 am. Requiem mass at St. Ambrose s Church. Cheverly, Md.. at 9:30 am. Relatlyes and friends Invited. Interment Port Lincoln Cemetery. 25 GUNTHER. MARTHA ANNA. Os 6230 Addison rd.. Seat Pleasant Md.: on December 23. 1950. Wife of Paul W. Gunther. Services at Chambers Funeral Home. 517 llth st s.e. on Thursday. December 27 at 10 a.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery. HAMPTON, ANNA EDITH BOITANO. R.N. On Sundav. December 23. 1956. at Garfield Hospital, ANNA EDITH BO ITANO HAMPTON. RN. of 1752 Irving st. n.w . beloved wife of Brock Chilton Hampton, mother of Mrs. Jane H. Col llns. grandmother of Kathleen Ann and Oerald Hampton Collins of Springfield. Va,. sister of Mrs, Rose Spaulding of Palo Alto, Calif. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st nw . on Wednesday. December 26 at 1", am. (parking facilities). Interment , Columbia Gardens Cemetery. Arlington. Va. 25 HARMON. MRS. MARIE. On Satur day December 22. 1956- at her home In Sandwich, Mass. after a long 111- g; ness. MRS MARIE HARMON. Mrs armon was an English teacher at nox School. Cooperstown. N. Y.. for many years, until her retirement, il “he was well known for her literary • activities. The funeral will be on Wednesday. Decemoer 26. at 2 D m., at the Federated Church. Sandwich, i Mass. 25 HARRISON. ZEUMA. On Monday. Decem ber 24. 1956 at Washington Sani tarium ZELMA HARRIBON of 7595 23rd ave., • Lewisdale, Md.. mother of' Wesley H. Harrison. She Is also sur- V ved by two grandchildren John! Wesley and Ruth Luanne Harrison. 1 Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral I Hvnte. 2901 14th st. n.w. on Wednes day December 2(1 at 11 a.m. (parking facilities i. Interment Fort Lincoln I Cemetery. HASNEY. MICHAEL J. (MIKE). On Sun day. December 23. 1956. at his resl ifoce 4411 19th st n:e. MICHAEL J ’ HASNEY. beloved husband of Elisabeth C Hasnev Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 3531 Georgia »ve nw. on Wednesday. December 26. .’i.;! o’®' 0 ’®' 1 :0n Pm Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends : Invited 25 HtTE. MATTIE E. Os 7057 Allentown ! r “,. psjhP Springs, Md.. on December i 2.1 1906, wife of the late Robert E Hite, mother of Mrs. Maude C. Stod-i dard. Arnngton. Va. Joseph M. Hite, i Philadelphia. Pa. Andrew Hite. Lees-i burg Va_ and Mrs. Gerald Rooney. Camp Springs. Md. Services at i Chambers Funeral Home. 517 11th! ’ ft. s.e. on Wednesday. December 26 at! ’! 11 *rn thence to Presbyterian Church.) M N*w Providence. Va. where final serv ! Jces will be held on Thursday, Decern i! "SC 2. at 2 p.m. Interment Church ! Cemetery. JOHNSON. JENKINS LLOTD. On Wednesday, December 19. 1956. JENKINS LLOYD JOHNSON of 3434 Baker st. n.e. beloved husband of Mrs Edmonla D Johnson. father of Jacqueline and Michael Lloyd Johnson, brother of Mrs. Dorothy Hunter and Mrs. Georgia Ivery of Montgomery, Ala.. and Miss Anita Johnson of Detroit. Mich After 12 noon. Tuesday. Decem ber 25. friends are invited to call at the Jarvis Chapel. 1432 You st. n w I Funeral service at 1 p.m. Wednesday.! December 26. at Campbell A. M. E : j Church. Nichols ave. and Sumner rd ; I *' Interment Arlington National' i Cemetery 25 JONES. KENNY B. On Monday Oecern ,b,r -, 4 -. I"5«- KENNY B. JONES of Laurel. Md. Arrangements bv McOuire. , Inc. Notice of funeral later. 26 KELLY. E. RUSSEL. On Saturday. De cember- 22. 1956. at the Georgetown Hospital. E RUSSEI KELLY, son of the late Joseph J and Mary T. Kelly (nee Herllhvi and beloved brother of William J. John Barry and Robert Emmet Kelly: Sister Mary Sheila and the late Joseph D Kelly. Remains will be resting at H,song's Funeral Home. 1300 N st n.w.. after 10 a.m. Monday December 24. Prayers will be held at the funeral home on Wednesday. De cember 36. at 9:30 a.m.. thence to Holy Trinity Catholic Church. 36th and o sts. n.w.. where mass will be offered for the repose of his soul at l| 1" am. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme- 1 ttry 25 KIRBY. W.4LTKR C. On Monday, Derem )>'(•’*■ I ”5(1 at Emergency Hospital. WALTER C. KIRBY ol 1827 19th st. : n.w. He is survived by two sisters. Mrs. Dora Tatem ol Virginia Beach. ] va.: Mrs. Bryarly Munnikhuysen of 1 West EnglewOod. New Jersey, and a nephew H. B. Tatem of Virginia Beach Va Services at the H D Oliver Funeral! , Home Norfolk, Va. on Thursday. ( December 37 , LANGLEV, JOHN W.. SR. On Saturday ; December 33. 1956. at Georgetown Hospital. JOHN W I.ANOLEY SR. of ! Bryantown. Md, beloved husband of! Margaret C. Langlev: father of Mary! C Coates, John W . Ir . and William D. Langlev. and brother of Walter A. I i * n d John Henry Langley Friends! may call a* the Arehart Funeral Home.' Inc . La Plata. Md . until Wednesday I December 28. at 9:30 am Requiem! mass at St Mary's Catholic Church, i Bryantown. Md , at 9:3(1 a m Pray ers Tuesday at 8 p.m. Interment i church cemetery 35 j LANSTON. ALICE H. On Sunday, De-! ’ cember 23 19.36. at Emergency Hos pital. ALICE H LANSTON of.’IOHO Kith st n w Friends mav call at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home. 3901 14th 1 st n w (parking facilities * after 1 pm Monday. December 24. Services at St, Thomas' Episcopal Chorch. isth and Church streets n.w., on Wednesday,! December 26. at 2 p.m. Interment; Rock Creek Cemetery 25 i LEE. EMMA REEDER. On Saturday' December 25. 1956. EMMA REEDER' ! i-K* ot Util M2nd st. nw. Ulster of Mr*..Bessie Jackson: aunt of Mrs; Ethel Pope Other relative* and friends also survive After 4 p.m on Tue*- day. December 25. friends may call at Frazier * Puneral Home. :t*9 Rhode blaad ave. n.w. Funeral on Wednes ! day. December 26. at l p m . at Mount i Zion Methodist Church 29th st and Dumbarton ave. n.w. Interment Union Cemetery. 25 LEGGETTE. SARAH. On Thursdav. De cember 20. 1966. SARAH LEOOETTE of 121.1 sth st ne . beloved sister of the Rev. Sallle A. Mitchell of Hew 1 York and aunt of Sent James W I AUord Other relatives also survive I I Friends may call at the Malvan At Schey Inc . Funeral Home. New Jersey ave and R st nw . on Tuesday. De cember 25. after 12 noon. Funeral *frvice* will be held at the First 1 » Baptist Church. 70.» 6th *t iv, on Wednesday December 26. at 11 jun.' the Rev Tucker officiating Interment ; Woodlawn Cemeterv. • I OHM. ALBERT L- On Monday. Decern , ber 24. 1056 at his home 1606 Balti more ave.. Kensington. Md ALBERT kLOHM beloved husband of Oenevieve Lohm and father of Thomas A > Lohm Private services and Interment ) In Clarksburg. West Virginia. LONESOME. HELEN W On Friday. De cember 21. 1956. HELEN W. LONE IJMF of 41a Oue st nw. wife of tmamtn lonesome, mother of Mrs arv B Hamm. Mrs. Teatle Williams l[ Urn Lorraine Martin. William and Ospar Lonesome sister of Richard and Andrew Thompson Many other rela tives and friend* also survive After 2pm Tuesdav. December 25. friends mar call at the Frazier Funera! Home •i*9 Rhode Island ave. n.w Funeral services on Wednesday. December 26 , at 1 om. at the Shiloh Bapt.«? Chu-ch the Rev R. L Ramson officiatmt Interment Lincoln Me , mortal Cemetery 26 MEAKIN INEZ V. BYLLTZ. On! Boturday. December 22 1956 at Huntsville. Ala. INEZ V RTULTZ MBAKIN, bftoved mother of Mru Nor man R Hutchinson and Robert L • Btulti, stepmother of Alice Meakln stater of Mrs. i D. Watkins. Wilium and Pushugh tills She also is sur vived by tit -randchiMren and n>nr great-grandchr.dr*n Friend* may rail at the Lee Pun*ral Home ith at and Msvaarhuaetu **# n - where oewee* > WiU be held on Wdoevda* Deeemher i 2b at » a a lAurtncai Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 Eratlfa ME It LOME. EUGENE. On Sunday. De cember 23. 1956. at Mount Alto Hospital. EUGENE MERLOME of 3318 Mount Pleasant st. n.w. Husband of the late Duina Merlome. and father of Miss Aurelia Merlome. Mr. Mer lome rests at tha Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home. 8434 Georgia ave., ! Silver Spring. Md. (parkins facilities). ! Mass will be offered on Wednesday. December 26. at 9 a.m . at the Bhrine of the Sacred Heart, l«ih st. and Park rd. n.w. for the repose of his soul. Interment St John’s Cemetery. Forest Glen. Md. MILLER. ROBERT M. Suddenly, on Thursday. December 20, 1956. ROBERT M. MILLER of 67 00 Allegheny ave., Takoma Park. Md., beloved husband of Cecile P Miller and father of Robert M. Miller, jr., Mrs Alma Jean Davis, Thomas Edward Miller ano Betty Lewis Mallow Services at the Takoma Funeral Home. 254 Carroll st. n.w. (narking lot opposite) on Wednesday. December 26. at 1:45 p.m 1 Interment Arlington National Cemetery.! (Friends are invited to call on Sunday, December 23, from 3 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. and Monday. December 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m No viewing on Christmas day at family request.) 26 MILLIN’. KATHLEEN. On Sunday. December 23, J 956, at Arlington Hos pital. KATHLEEN MUI.LIN. beloved daughter of Robert E. and Rose Mullin of 5725 9th rd. North. Arlington. Va.. sister of Rosemary and Robert E Mullin, Jr. Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd. Arlington, Va., on December 24. 24 and 26. from 2:30 p.m. to 5 pm., and from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m Mass of the Angels will be offered at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, December 27, from Bt. Ann a Catholic «T*urch. 6312 North ! 10th st.. Arlington. Va. Interment ! Arlington National Cemetery. Please j omit flowers. 26 ;MUNDY, LEROY. The members of the • James Reese Europe Post No. 5 Inc., American Legion are hereby notified of the death of COMRADE LEROY MUNDY. and are requested to assemble at 1223 Fair mont st. n.w. on Wednes day. December 26. 1956. at 8 p.m. Commander, LAWRENCE V. MORTON. Adjutant.* NEAL, HENRY Departed this life sud denly, on Friday. December 21, 1956, HENRY NEAL of 1308 Stevens rd! s.e„ devoted husband of Mrs. Ethel He also is survived by eight' children. Mrs. Mary N. Johnson, John £. Loiyum 0.. Henry. Tyrone Neale. Miss Helen D. Neal, Mrs. Loraine Wills and Glanzy Neal; a devoted mother. fl rs -Mary Moon: six brothers, Colvum. Bradley. Rannle. Willie, Bert and Ernest Neal: six sisters, Mrs. Bessie Spearman. Mrs. Mamie Harris. Mrs. sro5 ro , wn Miss Lillie Neal. Miss Ethel Neal and Mrs. Gertrude Lewis; o.her relatives %nd many friends. After 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 26. friends may call at the Robert G Mason Funeral Home. 2500 Nichols ave. s.e. Funeral services on Thursday, December 27. at 1 p.m. at Campbell M. E Church. Nichols ave. and rd ’ Rev - J W. Duckett officiating Interment Lincoln Memo rial Cemetery. NEELY. CAFT. ROBERT H., USA. (ret.). On Sunday, December 23. 1956. at Walter Reed Army Hospital. CAPT. Kiw ER f T »v?’ , NEE y f * <ret •>. hus band of the late Ressa Holman Neely: iV&er c . Ol Robert B Neely. USA. of Washington. D. C.: Mrs. Ruth N. Halton of Sarasota. Fla., and the late L,. Jack J. Neely. He also is survived by h*s sister. Eva Neely of Fort Wayne, ind, and six grandchildren. Friends may call at the Bircn Funeral Home. 3034 M st. n.w.. after 8 p.m. on Mon day. Funeral services will be held at the graveside in Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday. December 27, at Jl am. It is -equested that in lieu or flowers, donations may be made to the Washington Heart Association. 26 °S kN J ROBERT. SR. Suddenly, on s?^? y ivP cce . n l ber *’ 4> 3flsrt - ROBERT ODEN. SR., of n 44 14th st. s.e . beloved husband of Mrs. Gertrude Oden. He also leaves five daughters, one son. one brother, eight grandchildren and; many other relatives and friends! Notice of funeral later. Arrangements l by Alexander S. Pope. OERTLY. MARY ADA. On Monday December 24, 1956 ar her home 1217! Quincy st. n.e.. MARY ADA OERTLY. beloved wife of the late David H.i Oertly. daughter of the late Dr. Peter 1 B- and Margaret Hore Bowen, mother of David W. and Allan W. Oertly and 1 Mrs. Thomas A. Egan. Also survived! by four grandchildren. Friends may! ! call at the Birch Funeral Home. 3634 M st. n.w. where services will be held ! on Thursday. December 27 at 1:30 p.m Interment Manassas. Va. 26 PORTER. THEDA WONDERS. On Mon day. December 24. 1956, at George- THEDA WONDERS PORTER of 5017 Fort Sumner dr.. Bumner. Md.. beloved wife of Ste vens S. Porter: mother of Margaret E and Jaclyn I. Porter. Friends may call at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. after Pam. on Wednesday, December 26. Services from the above funeral home on Thurs day December 27. at 11 a.m. (parking facilities). Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. ROBERTS. FLORENCE ROYALL. On Sunday. December 23. 1956, at Arling ton Hospital. FLORENCE ROYALL ROBERffS wife of the late John Emmett Roberts and mother of Lawrence ; D. Roberts. Falls Church; Mrs. Bessie I R . Wllkerson. Arlington. Va.:, Mrs. ! Ruhr R Feustel. Berkeley. California One brother Herbert L. Ruoker. Arllnt ton. Va.; 17 grandchildren. 26 great I grandchildren. Friends may call at I Pearson s Funeral Home. 472 N. Wash i Ington it.. Falls Church. Va where I funeral services will be held on Wednes ! i”; Ecember 26 at 2 p.m. Interment i National Memorial Home. ROBINSON. RUTH L. On Sunday De «6>b',r 23. 1956. RUTH L. ROBINSON °5 W H i r ’! rtl "»• n-w- beloved wife of Jake B Robinson: mother of Ed ward and Alfred Robinson, and daugh ter of Eva M and the late Alfred B. Ltghtfooc Also surviving are a brother. Carl Lightfoot: other relative* and many friends Arrangements by McGuire, Inc. Notice of funeral later. SCALES, CATHERINE B. On Saturday.! December 22. 1056. CATHERINE B SCALES of 1109 Jlth st. n.w.. beloved 1 daughter of Mrs. Mary A. Beck, sister of Audrey Kelley and Jean Johnson, she! Is also survived by two aunts and other; relatives and friends, at 12 noon Tuesday, December 25; friends are* Invited to call at Jarvis Chapel. 1432 You st. n.w. Mass will be offered at 9f am. Wednesday. December 26 at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 210 New York ave. n.w. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. SHERIFF, DALE C. On Monday. Decem ber 24. 1956. at Washington Sani tarium. DALE C. BHERIFF of 1919 Luzerne ave.. Bilver Spring. Md.; beloved husband of Hattie Sheriff, father of Mrs. Cynthia Appleby, grand father of Virginia Harter. He is also! survived by three great grandchildren. Friends may call at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. after 6 p.m. Tuesday, where serv ices will be on Thursday. December 27. at 12 noon (parking facilities). Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 26 SIMMS. ANNIE. On Sunday. December ; 1956. at her residence. 1761 M ! st ire.. ANNIE SIMMS, beloved mother of Clementine (Ella) Woods. Rosa Thomas. Adeline Robinson. Clara Greene and John Simms. Bhe also is survived by seven grandchildren, one great grandson, three brothers, three 1 son s .in-law. other relatives and friends : Tnt late Mrs Simms may be viewed at I the above residence after 4 pm. on I Wednesday. Funeral on Thursday. De cember 27. at Second Baptist Church. I 816 3rd st. n.w. at 1 pm. Services bv Stewart. Interment Woodlawn ! Cemeterv *»6 BLA(!G HTE R. CLARA TALBERT Departed this life Monday. December! 24. 1956 in Bt. Elizabeth’s Hospital, i , CLARA TALBERT SLAUGHTER, daugh-; ! ter of the late Mary E and Allen W. : Slaughter and wife of the late William! i Thomas Slaughter. Bhe is also survived! by two brothers. Arnott and Archibald) i Talbert and other relatives and many ; friends. Remains resting at the Morrow i Ar Woodford Funeral Home. Inc., 1622 ! Uth st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. SMITH. HOWARD HUNT. On Saturday ; December 22. 1956. HOWARD HUNT BMITH. husband of Blanche M. Smith; father oi Kenneth F Smith: brother of Mrs. Wallace Y. Harot ot Hartsdale. j N Y. and Miss Eleanor H Smith of | Asbury Park. N. J. He also Is survived ! by three grandchildren. Prlends may i call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. | and Massachusetts ave n.e., where service* will be on Wednesday, j December 26. at 10:fl0 a m Inter I ment Arlington National Cemetery. 25 BMITH. JOHN A. On Saturday. Decern ' Perry Point Hospital. JOHN A. SMITH of 1405 Somerset pi. nw. beloved husband of Myrtle Jane i Smith, father of Mrs. J Belle Napoli He is also survived by several brothers and sisters and two grandchildren Friends may call at the 8 H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n w ‘ after 4 p.m. Monday. December 24. where services will be held on Wednes day December 26, 1956, at 12 noon i (parking racilltlet). Interment Arlmg-i ton National Cemetery. 25 ) HMITH. MARIE W. On Friday. Da-j cember 21. 1956. at her residence., 1263 Columbia rd n w., MARIK W. SMITH, beloved wife of Mack V Smith.! devoted mother of Mrs. Gloria Smith. Ru*h. Rebecca. Cynthia and Robert Smith, and slater of Mrs Della Sim mons. Mrs Louise Haley. Mrs Etnei Hughes. Celestine Dr Leon M and Richard K Waridv all of Pittsburgh. Fa Mrs Evelyn Perkins and Herbert 1. Waddy Also surviving are other relatiVM and many friends After 12 noon. Wednesday. December 26. friends are invited to call at her late residence Fmeral on Thursday. December 27. i from the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church. 19th and Eye sts nw . at 1) pm Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements br McOutre I Inc 26 i AMIfH. W4DK T. On Bunda?. Decem ber 23. 1956 at t) C General Hospi tal. WADE T SMITH ot l» 53rd pi •J* . beloved father of Maude Simpkins.! Mary Smallwood Virginia Bryant. William Still Bailie Peggy Paul Wade Jr Oscar. Joseph Melvin. Jack and Jame* Smith brother of Paul Smith , He also Is survived oy wentr grand children other relatives and friends The iate Mr Smith may be viewed at i tha Stewart Puneral Home, 30 H st. j j nr after 4 om »n Wednesday Pu ; neral an Thursday December 27. at , Chapel oaks Community Church, 58th and Lender « . Chapel Oaks Md . at 1 pm. Interment Wyodlawn Ceme tery 24 4TEB.N. ROUE. On Tuesday. December 25. 1956 at Philadelphia. Pa. ROSE STERN, beloved wife of Beniamin 8 Stern of Bikini Park. Pa . and devoted father of Mm Celia Feller of Elkin* Park Pa Samson B and Saul I Stem Remains resirnc »t the Ber nard Daniansky a* Son Puneral Home iMI 14UI st. it Notice as funeral later. Bratb* STONE. LOUIS B. On Sundxj. Decem ber 23. 1956. LOUIS B STONE, be- | loved brother of T. Grover, James O , M. Xavier. Julia A. and Pattle Stone. Bessie McKar and Maude Gardiner. Friends mav sail at the Robert A. 1 Mattinsly Funeral Home. 131 11th st. s.e . until Thursdav. December 37. at 8:15 a.m. Reoulem mass at Sacred Heart Church. Bushvood. Md., . at 10. am. Relatives and. friends In vited. Interment church cemeterv. 38 1 TALBERT, GEORGE C., on Tuesdav. 1 December 18, 1958. at Bay Pines Hos- , Dltal. St. Petersburg. Fla., beloved 1 husband ol Adelaide M. Talbert. He Is also survive by three daughters. Oer- . trude M. Campbell. Adelaide A. Walter. . Anne T. Monroe, and two sisters. Mrs. . Nellie Towers and Mrs. Emma Lovett. 1 eight grandchildren and eight great- ; grandchildren Friends may call at Chambers Funeral Home. 3073 M street 1 ! n.w. Services at 3 p.m. Wednesday. December 36. In Fort Myer Chapel. . i Burial In Arlington Cemetery. 35 , THOMAS. SARA ANN. On Thursday.!' December 2(1, 1956. SARA ANN;, THOMAB ol 1707 Ist st. n.w.. loving 1 mother of Mrs. Caroline Robinson: sister of Lloyd. Albert and Frank Dut- ' ton. Many other relatives and friends also survive. After 4 u.ra. on Wednes- , day. December 26. friends may call at ' Frazier's Funeral Home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w.. where services will be held on Thursdav. December 27. at 12 noon. Intern,(it Lincoln Memorial Cemeterv. 26 TIBBS. CHRISTIE A. On Saturday. December 22. 1956. in Baltimore. Md.. CHRISTIE A. TIBBS, beloved mother of Miss Hattie Tibbs. Mrs. Hannah E. 1 Jones. Mrs. Virginia E. Spencer. , Charles H. and William R. Tibbs. Also 1 surviving are eighteen grandchildren, thirty-two great-grandchildren. one E rat-great grandchild, one sister. Mrs. ra Fisher, one sister-in-law. one brother-in-law and a host of other relatives and friends. Alter 3 p.m I on Tuesday* December 25. friends may: call at the Tnowilen Funeral Home. ' Rockville Md. "uneral or Wednesday, , Decembei 26. at 1 p m., at Mount Zion Church. Sellman, Md Rev William Lee officiating. Interment chtirch ceir.e- , tery. 25 I TINGLEV. JENNIE STUART. On Sun day December 3.3. 1956, at the rest-,' deuce of her son. 72(1 Thayer ave.. Silver Spring. Md . JENNIE STUART I TINOLEY. beloved wife of the late , Alphonso O. Tlnglev; mother of Mrs. i Eleanor T. Hammer, F. Stuart and I Charles O. Tingley. and Mrs. A. L Boughty of Wallasey. England Rela-! tlves and friends mav call at Collins I Funeral Home. 3821 nth at. n.w.. from 12 noon until 10 p.m. on Mon day. and froth 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. on Tuesday. Funeral from the above funeral home on W-dnesday, Decern- . ber 36. at 10:30 a in. Interment ‘ Cedar Hill Cemeterv. 26 ] TOBIN. ROBERT J. On Sunday, Decern- , ber 23 1956. ROBERT J. TOBIN. 1 beloved husband of Zelda L. Tobin. , father of Lois Jean. Marsha Ann. 1 Robert J. ,lr.. Barbara Joan. Charles 1 W. and Edward R. Tobin. Funeral lrom the W. w. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave n.w., on Thursday. De- J' m 1 l “r 27. at 8 a m. Reoulem Mass at Nativity Catholic Church at 8:30 a.m.; Interment Arlington National Cemetery.:' 28 ; TRENARY. R. KENN. On Saturday. December 22. 1956. at Ardmore. Okla.. R. KENN TRENARY. formerly of ■ 3535 Daveneport st. n.w . Washing ton. D C.. nusband of Martha S. Trenarv; son of Pearl L. Trenar?: brother ol Leon W. ar.d Harlev L. Trenary, sr„ Sterling. Va.: Clyde R Trenary, Annandale, Va.: W. R. Trenary. Aliqulpoa, Pa., and C. F. Trenary. Winchester. Va. Funeral services at the Green Funeral Home. Herndon. Va.. at 2 o m. on Wednesday. December 36. Interment National Memorial Park Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. The family tequests. in lieu of flowers, contributions be made to the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. I Sy.3 13th st., Oklahoma City. Okla. «B j T p .ICE. CECELIA. Officers and members i Coronation H. H. of R. (Mm 5122 G. U. O O. F. are hereby notified of the funeral! ML of Inmate CECELIA TRICE.! Thursday, December 27. at! ■3IWI I:3 ° b* m * from Cornish & Cornish Funeral Home. 2121 i lnth st n.w H. H. services Wednesday.;, I December 26. at 8 p.m. at the above! funeral home. Wear all black, draped; badges, and white gloves. MABLE JOHNSON MNG. WILHELMINA JOHNSON. WR. TURNER. DOROTHY A. On Saturday. December 2M. 1956. DOROTHY A. TURNER ol 1602 6th st. n.w.. beloved sist*r of Mrs Lucy Chinn. Mrs. Mary Lou Brown of York, Pa., and William Thomas Crocker of Suffolk. Va. Also survlvin* are other relative* and many friends Notice of funeral later. Ar ranseraent* by McOuire. Inc. 25 VESTAL. TRAVIS C. On Bunday. De cember 23. 1956. at S'oley Hospital.! TRAVIS C. VESTAL. Uloved husband of Alma Ann Vestal: father of Mrs. James Trueblood and Alton L. Vestal, and brother of Mrs. Ethel Jones. R. O. and Dr. Paul W. 'estal. He also is survived by nine grandchildren. Pu neral from the Simmons Bros. Funeral! Home, 1661 Good Hope rd. a.e.. on: Wednesday. December 26, at 1 p.m. Services at Fountain Memorial Bap- 1 tist Church at 1:30 pm. Interment ! Arlington National Cemetery. 25 WALTON. MARTHA FLEET. On Friday. December 21, 1956. MARTHA FLEET WALTON of 2646 L st. n.w.. mother of the late Loraine Honesty, sister of i Edna Warren. Mildred Mailburn, Roberta, Cottman. Daniel Fleet Na thaniel: she is also survived by other relatives and friends. Friends may call at Jarvis Funeral Home, 1432 You st. n.w., after 4 p.m. Wednesday, Decern- i ber 26. at the Jarvis Chapel where services will be held on Thursday at 2 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 26 WASHINGTON. NETTIE. On Sunday, i December 23. 1956. at Grayton. Md., NETTIE WASHINGTON. lovin« mother 3f Ida Thompson, Lucille Butler, evoted siatet of Lena Carroll. Adeline , and Alex Henson, a host of other ! relatives and friends survive. After ! 5 p.m Tuesday. December 25, friends may call at Penny & Cofer Funeral Home. Pisgah. Md. Funeral Wednesday. , December 26. at i p.m., from Oak Grove Baptist Church. Grayton. Md. Arrangements by Johnson 6z Jenkins; associated with Penny Sc Cofer. WATSON. CHARLES E. Os 6964 Allan -1 town rd., Washington 22. D. C.. on December 22, 1956. husband of Emma L. Watson, father of Mildred L Hale, brother of Raymond B. Watson and Ethel L Russell Services at Cham bers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th *t. s.e., on Wednesday. December 26, at 1 p.m Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 26 WATSON, CHARLES E. A special com jft munlcation of Osiris Lodge fib No. 26 P A A.M. is hereby - //CSS. called for Wednesday, Decern ber 26, 1956, at 12 noon at the Masonic Temple. 13th st and New York ave. n.w.. tor yr purpose of conducting Ma sonic burial services for our late BROTHER CHARLES E. WATSON. SAMUEL M. FLEISCHMAN. W.M.. RAYMOND E. GABLE, Becy. 2B WEST. ELIZABETH. On Saturday. De cember 22. 1956. ELIZABETH WEST, of 1206 69th ave . Highland Park. Md.. wife of the Rev Joseph E. West. I mother of Mrs Theresa Chisholm, sister i of Luther Jackson .and niece of Martha' Turner Cornelius and George Bland. She also is survived by other relatives. Friends mav call at the Malvan Ac i Schey, Inc.. Puneral Home, New Jersey ave and R st. nw . on Wednesday. December 26, after 4 pm. Funeral, services will be held at the Mount; Sinai Baptist Church. 1615 3rd at! n.w.. on Thursday. December 27. at. 1 pm. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. 26* WILRANK. CINDI L. On Sunday, De cember 23 J 956. at Providence Hos-1 I pital. CINDI L. WILBANK of 194 Chesapeake st. s.w., beloved daughter of L. Wayne and Dora B. Wilbank. sister of Deborah L. Wilbank. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home.: 4th tt. and Mass ave. n.e. after 5 p.m December 26. Graveside service’ at Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday. December 26. at 10:30 a m Interment Arlington National Cemtery. WITHERS. ROBERTA Y. On Bunday. December 23, 1956, ROBERTA Y. WITHERS of 9325 Ocala st.. Silver Spring. Md mother «f Claude B Clazgett and Mrs. Marbury W. Claacett. and sister of Capt Robert R Yates. (ÜBN, ret ). Mrs. Withers rest* at the Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home. 6434 Georgia ave., Silver Spring. Md , where Aervlces will be held on Wednes day. December 26. at 3 pm (parking facilities). Interment Olenwood Ceme tery. 26 WOOD. WILLIAM N. On Friday. De cember 21. 1956. at Mount Alto Vet erans Hoapltal. WILLIAM H. WOOD of 1231 Walter st. g.g.. beloved hue band of Mrs. Ruth V. Wood; aon of the late Oeorgc and Mrs. Mary Wood, and brother of Mrs. Marie Johnson. He also is survived by a niece, other relatives and friends. Remains may , oe viewed at his late residence after I 4 p.m. on Wednesday. December 26. i Funeral on Thursday. December 27. at lo am., from Mount Moriah Baptist Church, 3rd and L sts. sw Rev A. Joseph Edwards officiating Arrange ment* by Barnes it Matthews Inter- 1 ment Arlington National Cemetery. 26 WOOD. WILLIAM I. All former mem • bers of James Reese Europe Post No. 5. Drum and Bugle Corps American Legion, arc requested to be present at the residence of our late comrade and member of the Corps WILLIAM H WOOD. 1231 Walter st s c Wednesday. De cember 26 at 6 o clock p m CLIFTON C. ANDERSON. Past Commander and manager of the Corps. 'WOVB. WILLIAM H Th* membrr. cf tti, Jim.» Km. Kurop* Foil No .7 Inc . American 'a,ion ar, n,r,oy r.o'ifl ,o ■H or th, d,aih ot Comrade ang WILI.IAM H WOOD ar.d are r,oije«t»d to aaaomnl, at 1231 Walter at. t, on W,<tn,ada,. December 26. at 7 p a. JOHN C LOHMANS. Commander ILWKXNCE V MORTON. Adlulast j YOUNG. JOHN n. On Frida,, Deeem b*T 1 1. 19.76 JOHN H. YOL'NO Ot W‘>4 Oil I oer at no. oelored huaoand of Aileen M Young. atepfatber of Luciua and Arthur Redman ton et Mr and Mrs Henr, M Yount of Win.ton-Salem N C He *lm la tor need b, a derated rouain Clark other relatlrea. and man, friend. After 3 pm on Tueada,. December friend, ma, call at Fraater . Funeral Home .u»9 Rhode l.iand see o n., nbrre aerelee. nf.i be held on Wednearla, December 2*. at 13" pie Ret Jame* H ate Moore official:*. Interment uacola Memo rial Cemeter?. tt E. Russel Kelly, Attorney, Dies After Brain Surgery E. Russel Kelly, 54. a former assistant United States Attor ney,, who died Saturday after a long illness, will be buried to morrow. Death came at Georgetown Hospital, after an operation for a brain tumor. He had been ill since April and had been in a coma for 130 days. Born In Washington, Mr. ; Kelly lived most of his life in Georgetown. He attended Holy ! Trinity School, Georgetown Preparatory School and the Law School of Georgetown Univer sity, from which he graduated In 1922. Shortly thereafter, he en tered the United States Attor ney’s office as an assistant. He resigned to enter private practice and again joined the Government, serving In the In terior Department, 1934-1936. He then resumed the private prac tice of law until 1939, when he went with the Securities and (Exchange Commission. He be came regional administrator for the commission here. Later, he transfered to the Senate Armed Services Commit tee in 1954. Subsequently, he Joseph Annin, Episcopalian, Press Director for Catholics Joseph P. Annin, 67, an Episco-1 palian and former Washington' newspaperman who became the outstanding spokesman for Ro man Catholic activities in the New York area, died yesterday. Mr. Annin, a second genera tion newspaperman, was pub licity director for the New York Catholic Charities starting in 1933. Prom that post he also In JMmnriam BURKE, WILLIAM T. In loving mem »rr?Y>&fg,ou,L dear fat her. WILLIAM T. BURKE, who departed this life twenty tnree years ago today, December 25. Loved In life, remembered in death. DANT, IDA MAY. In loving memory of j our devoted mother, IDA M. DANT. i X ho left us thirteen years ago today. December 25, J 943. She never was too busy to stop for awhile. I To smooth out our troubles. * to chat, or to smile, J Bhe was generous and forgiving. Just sweet through and through. ! Always understanding. dear Mother, that was you. j HER CHILDREN. • GERACI, ROSINA M. In loving reraem &SS C a e „* 01 S ur Mot her. ROSINA M. i GERACI. who passed away 12 years ago today. December 25, 1944. Those we love never die, For as long as we live and remember. She is always *wlth us I THE FAMILY. LOMAX. GEORGE VINCENT. In loving memory of our nephew and cousin,. OEORGE VINCENT LOMAX, who de- j ?irted this life December 25. 1049. our memory is a keepsake With which we will never part; Though God has you in His keeping. We always have you in our hearts. MAMIE AND ELAINE. • LOMAX, GEORGE VINCENT. A tribute to the beautiful memory of * devoted br <>ther. GEORGE VINCENT, LOMAX who passed away so sud -2:>n1194 9iren rear* ago today, December I Memories can never die. i . They live year after year As we remember tenderly i The one we held so dear. And deep within our hearts wt know Whatever life can bring Is richer and more beautiful • „ Fo . r our remembering. LOMAX GEORGE VINCINT. ~ln tribute 1 loving memory ot our dear nephew.; GEORGE VINCENT LOMAX, who de-! Egrted this llle seven years ago today, ecember 25, 1949. i Not now. but In the coming years, ?. 1 . W, ay b * in ‘be better land. I We 11 read the meaning ol our tears. And there, sometime, we ll understand Then truat In Ood through all thy _ days; I’iac not. lor He doth hold thy hand; Though dark thy way, still sing and praise: Sometime, sometime, we’ll understand. We’ll catch the broken threads again. And finish what we here began; Heaven will the mysteries explain. 1 Ah then, ah then, we'll understand. We’ll know why clouds instead ol tun Were over many a cherished plan; I Why song has ceased when scarce begun: j Tis there, sometime, we’ll understand. Why what we long tor most of all. I Eludes so oft our eager hand: Why hopes are crushed and caatles fall. Up there, sometime, we’ll understand.: God knows the way. He holds the key. I He guides us with unerring hand: Sometime with tearless eyes we’ll §ee: j SSfa there, up there, we’ll understand, i What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.”—John 13:7. UNCLES LEWIS AND EVERETT BLAND. AUNT GENEVA JOHNSON. In memory's lovely garden. Where remembered Joys bloom fair Your memory, dearest Vincent. Is the brightest blossom there. ggfia,, ADWT ’ MR®’ MARY W. MURRAY. LILLIE M. AND MAURICE. A Chrlstmaa tribute to my loving parents. MURRAY MURRAY * nd MAURICE ! } ,! h * nk . u T ? 1 «* O'Lord, that my life I fell In their loving hands. ! DAUGHTER. LILLIE M. SAWYER. • 1 PALMS. THOMAS F. In sad but loving 1 i memory of my dear husband. THOMAS ; P PALMS, who departed this life December 26. 1951. ! They say time heals all sorrow ; And helps one to forget, ; But time so far has only proved i How much I miss you yet. HIS DEVOTED WIFE, ELLA M. PALMS , I • SAYLES. MATTIE cTTTtribute to the .1 memory ol our devoted daughter and 1 I sister, MATTIE C. SAYLES. who de parted thla life suddenly forty years aso today. December 2.7, 1916. FATHER. REV. W H. JERNAOIN: 818- ?^de L j°^nc R y, ADAMB ' °f R WAHL. WILLIAM A. In memory of my n father, WILLIAM A WAHL, who de-i i parted this life one year ago today, Dec. 25. 1055. Ood gave me a wonderful father. He was one who never grew old; Ood made his smiles as the sunshine. He made his heart of pure gold. DEVOTED *DAUOHTER MARY. • WASHINGTON. EUGENE >. In loving memory of our dear husband and father. KUOENE P. WASHINGTON, who passed away 32 years ago > December 24. 1934 Loving memories never die. As year* roll and days pass by. Deep in my heart a memory is kept Os OB# I loved and can never forget w IPJL MRS FLORA WASHINGTON AND CHILDREN. • WOLFE. WILLIAM B. In loving mem ory of my husband * 70th birthday. Dee. 25th. 1956. Today |* a day of remembrance and sad regrets. A day I will remember when the rest of the world forgets. I think of you in alienee, no one can see me weep. Many a silent tear i« shed while other* •re asleep. When my heart la sad and low and I am very blue, I seem to find a ray of Joy In memories 11 of you. When each thing X do foes wrong. life doesn’t seem worthwhile. Memories of you nppear and cause my f heart to smile. - To comfort you I did my best, but Ood •aw flt to call you jo rest. YOUR LOVINO WIFE. MARGARET. | ij • 1 Hives funeral home | IN ARLINGTON Our location U perhaps one of the best known In Arlington. Friends and families have come to recognize it through the years as a fitting and easily accessible resting place for their loved one*. Por comfort, ease of parking and reliability we offer Ives Service. Com plete and modern facilities. E»t. 1910 FUNERAL HOME I ARLINGTON’S FIRST AND FINER \ 2847 WILSON BLVD. JACKSON 7-3016 I (Om Wilton Blvd., Ntar Start) resumed the private practice of law in April and was associated with Attorney Fred B. Rhodes with offices in the Albee Building. Mr. Kelly was a member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, of the Holy Name Society, of the Elks, a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus and was past presi dent of Commodore John Barry Post of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. He was the son of the late | Joseph J. and Mary T. Kelly (nee Herlihy). He is survived by his brothers, William J.. John 1 Barry and Robert Emmet Kelly, and a sister, who is a nun, Sister Mary Sheila. Prayers will be said at Hy song's Funeral Home, at 1300 N street N.W. at 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning. At 10 a.m., : a requiem mass will be held at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Thirty-sixth and O streets N.W. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. The members of Commodore; John Barry Post are scheduled to assemble at the funeral home at 8:15 p.m. today to pray for Mr. Kelly. | took over publicity for the Cath olic Archdiocese of New York. Mr. Annin served under two American prelates, the late Pat rick Cardinal Hayes and Francis Cardinal Spellman. “We needed a good newspaper man for the job and he filled the bill,” an archdiocesan spokesman recalled. “No one questioned him about his religion.” Mr. Annin was born in Omaha, Nebr. His father was William E. Annin, a well-known Wash ington correspondent in the early 1900 s. The younger Annin entered the newspaper field here in 1906, with the old Washington Herald. Later he became a reporter for The Star and the Post. He cov ered Congress for the old New York World, the New York Sun and the New York Tribune. Mr. Annin Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anne Annin, and * son, both of New York. Funeral services will be held Thursday at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Katonah. N. Y. Burial will be in Princeton, N. J. Mrs. Withers, 78, One of Church's Oldest Members , Mrs. Roberta Yates Withers, 78, one of the oldest surviving members of Temple Baptist; Church, died Sunday after a long illness in a Takoma Park nurs ing home. Mrs. Withers, employed by the! Federal Bureau of Investigation until she became ill five years ago. was the widow of Powell P. Withers, a Geological Survey employe. He died in 1925. She was born in Warrenton, Va., and was one of the early members of the church, now lo cated at 3850 Nebraska avenue N.W. Mrs Withers is survived by .two daughters. Mrs. Claude B.| Clagett, 9325 Ocala street. Silver! I Spring, where she lived, and Mrs.) V. Marbury Clagett. jr., 13202 Justice road, Silver Spring. | Funeral services will be held! at 3 p.m. tomorrow at Pum-| phrey's funeral home In Silver Spring. Burial will follow in Glenwood Cemetery. Charles E. Wright Funeral Tomorrow BALTIMORE, Dec. 25 (/P). — Funeral services will be held to morrow for Charles E. Wright, 79, long-time Baltimore band leader and a pioneer in the Balti more Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Wright died at St. Joseph's Hospital Sunday after a brief Ill ness. He played the violin at Har-| ford County dances at the age; of 11 and began his professional) career at 16 in "Wright’s Mill-' tary Band," organized by his father, the Charles E. Wright. His widow and one son survive. Israel Sets Budget At $476 Million JERUSALEM, Israel. Dec. J 5 (fP). —The Israeli government yesterday confirmed an annual . budget of 850 million Israeli i pounds (476 million dollars) for the 1957-58 financial year. It exceeds the current budget by 80 million Israeli pounds ($44,800,000) and will be sub -1 mitted to Parliament for debate. NT I tpa » * I Mrs. Upshur, 90, Editor at Norfolk NORFOLK. Dec. 25, (IP).— Mrs. Stella Andrews Upshur, 90. for 40 years society editor, women's editor or columnist for the Ledger-Star, died at her home Sunday. Mrs. Upshur was a native of Benevolence, Ga. She came here at the age of 14 and became a member of the first class at the Norfolk College for Young Ladies. Her newspaper career began after her 50th birthday. For many years she wrote lovelorn and food columns. Her last food column appeared last February 28. On her 90th birthday last month she contributed a column on life In Norfolk as she knew it more than 70 years ago. Surviving are four children, all Virginia residents. Burial will be In Forest Lawn Cemetery to morrow. Charles H. Miles, A. P. Traffic Chief BALTIMORE. Dec. 25 (JP).— Charles H. Miles, traffic bureau chief of the Associated Press bureau in Baltimore for 30 years before his retirement four years ago, died last night of cancer in Fort Howard Veterans Hospital here. He was 69. Mr. Miles, born in Latta. S. C„ was a telegrapher at Elmira, N. Y.. and Clifton Forge, Va., before he joined the A. F. in 1915 shortly after he returned from service in World War I, In which he was a sergeant in charge of telegraphers In France. Survivors include his niece, Mrs. Jessie Clifton, and two nephews. Post Wheeler, 87 NEPTUNE. N. J., Dec. 25 (/P). —Post Wheeler, 87, former editor of the old New York Press and career diplomat whose last post was United States Minister to Albania in 1934, died Sunday. Americus Biggs, Truckman, Ex-Montgomery Policeman Americus Edgar Biggs, 77, born and raised in Montgomery County, died yesterday, exactly 17 years to the day after the death of his wife. Mr. Biggs, who was born in Senaca, Md., attended the Darnestown Academy in Darnes town, Md., and owned a truck ing business in the District un til 1936. He also owned a farm ! near Colesville, Md. During World War n Mr. Biggs joined the Montgomery County police force and worked as desk clerk in the Silver Cy Williams, 45, Richmond Home Builder, Civic Figure SABOT. Va.. Dee. 25 (JP).—Cy Williams, 45. Richmond builder, died yesterday of a heart attack at his Goochland County home. He was born in Brooklyn and attended Massachusetts Institute, of Technology. He began in the construction business in Long 1 Island, N.Y., and was a founder! | of the Long Island Home Build-' ers Institute. ! Mr. Williams had lived in the Richmond area for the past five years. He was a member of the Richmond Home Builders Asso ciation and the Virginia Museum of Pine Arts. He was active in. s Continuous Service for 83 Years in Washington and Suburbs Call Columbia 5-7023 3k SgJljng Company Jmtrral ifnm? 2901-03-05-07 14th Street N. W. W. R. Frank Hines, President No Branch Eitabllthmentj I Convenient Parking Ficilitie, Adjoining Faneral Horn* Tht exp erne It a matltr of your oten doitro ANYTIME CALL FAST A SAFE SERVICE .fSsjf ,1 CO. 5-0432 I iU Covering Washington and Vicinity Cfuurt J? 5 Owned and Ofirralrd hy W. W. ('. hamhrrt. One ol the l.mrgril l/ndrrtahrri tn tht World Dr. J. C. Collins, Brother of Priest Dr. James c. Collins. 71, a former resident here and brother of the Rev. Henry D. Collins, pastor of St. Ann’s Catholic Church at Tenley Circle and Wisconsin avenue N.W.. died Saturday in a hospital in Fair mont, W. Va. Dr. Collins had been inactive in recent years be cause of a heart condition. i A native of Petersburg, Va., he : moved here as a boy. He was graduated from George Wash ington University medical school [and served as an interne at Providence Hospital. He also In terned at Bellevue Hospital in New York. ! Besides Father Collins, Dr. Collins is survived by four sisters in Washington, Mrs. George Melllng. Mrs. Jane Hayes, and the Misses Rose and Virginia jWhitefleld Collins. Also surviving lare his widow, Rose M„ and five children, Dr. James Collins of Baltimore: John Collins of Mis soula, Mont.; Henry Collins of Fairmont: Miss Patricia Collins of Los Angeles, and Capt. Julia Collins, serving with the Air Force at Warren, Wyo. Father Collins will offer mass in St. Peter’s Catholic Church in jFairmont at 10 a.m. tomorrow. : Burial wllt be in Fairmont. Horace Westwood, Minister, Author CLEARWATER, Fla., Dec. S 5 (JP). —Dr. Horace Westwood, 72, a leading Untarian minister and student of psychic manifesta tions, died yesterday. He suf fered a cerebral hemorrhage Friday. He came to Clearwater in 1960 from Charleston, S. C„ and was minister of the Clearwater Uni tarian Fellowship. He had worked with Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine of Duke University on extrasensory perception and was the author |of several books, including "There Is a Psychic World.” He was born in England and was a Primitive Methodist I preacher there before moving >to Canada in 1904. Spring station until he retired because of ill health four years ago. His wife, Mrs. Mary D. Biggs, died December 24, 1939. Mr. Biggs is survived by three children, Archie Biggs, 244 West Notley road. Silver Spring; Mrs. Arthur A. Dillon, 4 Parkside drive. Silver Spring, and Ed mund Biggs, also of Silver Spring. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Pumphrey’s funeral home in Silver Spring. Burial will fol low at Neelesville, Md. campaigns to rehabilitate Rich mond housing. A funeral service will be held st 2 p.m. tomorrow at Bt. Mary's Episcopal Church In Goochland County. Burial wUI be in the 'church cemetery. 1 Mr. Williams Is survived by I his widow. Mrs. Edawin Colby , Williams; four sons, Anthony, jPaul, Matthew and Mark; his father, Clarence James Williams lof Orlando, Fla.; three brothers, Emory Williams of Rockville i Center, N. Y„ Albin Lee Williams of Norfolk, and Robert Williams of Raleigh, N. C„ and a sister, Mrs. Guerney Miller of Garden City, N.Y.