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, THE HECHT CO. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Washington, Silver Spring, PARKington READY TOMORROW! RIG SAVINGS 01 V ALL YOl/ft LINEN CLOSET HEEDS! RIG NAME BRANDS! BIG YALEES! Dlf! WHITF CAI F lF M 111 1 1C mm STOCK CP AT TBESE BIG WHITE-SALE SAVINGS! CHECK YOIR SHEET HEEDS AMD CORE A’RENNIN* \ -&Ml 01 SHEFTS| M * - jBLl' * 1.99 1.99 1.99 I ™TIL //ilk J j ' w Luxur y loomed percale sneets Size 72x108 and 81x99 muslins. First quality bleached-white mus- ylftV iL'wn from a famous mill. Woven 180 Lovely pastels of green, blue pink lin with over 128 threads per 8t While Sale MWjm&ms Mlm threads to the square inch insure J , , miarp inrtl o i7p 79vinn rivqq mMBKLm -k MMmmmiwmßcmm, -k satin smoothness and long satis- an <* yellow. Minor flaws will not sqdar t e . 10Cd \ ® lze 72x108 ’ 81x99 Savings, loo! ». fa f or y wear - Minor flaws will not affect wear. an< * wm * lttecl, * ' * * Reg. 3.39 Size 81xl08 2.69 Retr 339 Sheets 81x108 2 <59 Reg. 2.59 81x108, full fitted 2.29 mwYkwimMk . Reg. 3.79 size 90x108 2.99 Rg> 3,39 Sheets> 81x108 —*- 5> Reg. 2.89 90x108 259 * Imßß' 10. ** Re °‘ ' /z 19c Reg. B^c Cases, 42x36 69c Matching Pillowcases, 55c and 60c * #T; *★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ * + COTTON QUILTED * FOAM RUBBER * FAMOUS CANNON * SECONDS AND * PADS PILLOWS BATH TOWELS CLOSEOUTS *55 1.99 *3- *5 » 39 £ “ » VISCOSE RAYON * ' ® r vpi®' ?JSlplS® * room size rugs * 4c irregularities you’ll hardly head is cradled on milhons of tels. Rich, absorbent cotton lIWVIfI Wllok ll««« “ no tj ce Twin size, 39x76. 'f air bubbles! Floral cotton If terry. if -klf Perfect 3.90—54x76 full . covers. Always, bouyant, always 22x44 Towels 59c * ufflg size 2.99 * fresh. if Wash Cloths 4 for $1 )f ik * +4 *¥¥444 * 4444444 * 4444444 * jF * * ALL STEEL * 3.99 CORDURETTE * SUPER SPECIAL! * * OWm HP * VENETIAN BLINDS * BEDSPREADS * MUSLIN SHEETS * v ■* * N / 4c Wmt if 4( XfWh If ous beauties are made of vis , m W OB & & |g JP |' l| cose rayon fibers, the kind that jj&fisHHMSSSL 4c K eoch if 4c Pj jR WmJ )f take wear, resist dirt and are ® so easy to clean! The sturdy 4C i£ygaf»B>liitoSgEL dr * * *., ... .. if Washable cotton cordiirette )f latex backing means they’ll mBImmBKMmSD6mBL . blinds with enclosed top. 18"- fringed, in twin and double schools rooming houses motels w. 01d tne rioor and sla y flat ' M gmmmmt BBPft * 19"-20"-21"-22" wide. y * sizes, in blue, pink, gold, white, ♦ and hoteTs 72x108 TlxOQ In beige, cocoa, forest, aqua, Wmlff rw 23"-24"-25" 1.49 ' green, hunter, rose, grey, red, a oteJS ' blze 72X1U8 > Hlx9a - light green, rose, red. Closeouts 4c I 4c 27"-29" 1.99 )f lilac. 4* 42x36 Cases 39c if of 9xls'Rug... $32 l fliMimjj t 4.99 PUSSE * 5.99 PEPPERELL t 9.98 CHAIR * NO-IRON DACRON Mil? \ BEDSPREADS * BLANKETS * SLIPCOVERS * CURTAINS : :2.99 : 4.99 : 5.99 : 1.99 w jr ‘ Jf 72x84 No-iron ruffly full or twin size Fruit of the Loom Cotton Slip- Sheer tailored curtains to hang Alin in i aii ■m r mwkPU Jr spreads in spring-fresh flower * n» n « oti« nvin« * covers - Discontinued pattern 4* prettily at your windows —to * OUR WASHABLE JERSEY * c*,., Wu e, n,.c y r ( "r Sr * * fiwwsi * SENSATION IS WRINKLE-FREE! * SS^LSTiTSt !1, 1 * " ‘ ro "‘ n ' : 4C pair- quoise, rose and hunter. 0 rn ’ °® sw • 63" to 72" long 2 for $5 liathable Celancxe iretate Jerxey Itresa For 19.98 Sofa Covers 12.99 81" to 90" long 299 •¥ Tou-n. For Ruxlnexx. For .i Yeic Yearx' Party! 4* ‘ r I -gt A. A thrilling new ripple print jersey •Jt dress, elegantly styled with flattering . . . V - neckline. 3 4 sleeves, easy -to - wear Jl Ik . If If If * =S-liSSIS l) l|l| * rWCH PLEATED . 4.M DACRON » 100% NYLON . MOM SIZE | draperies * pillows » contains » pile nod yt dressed at any holiday occasion! Styled ■ yf. with winter-length sleeves, flattering A ■ Mints'! . V neck and an elasticlzed waist for per- wH H w * ■ft feet fit! Navy, brown, green and black. y m Womtn's! if n 1 CALL S-SIOO TO ORDER ANTTIME TODAT OR USE COUPON 4c | * •JF JF | •JB JB I not BtrHl to. DvwNftUirt. D»»l. .VIW I . if if 4f L 4f j it.« H , mi I Plump, soft and sweet the Cotton cut pile 9xl2' rugs to I * I i If Pwtoet »*• dn|*» WMia * Dacron tuun, mtuns they’ll X- Tal , orwl curta |„«ot nvlon that * ."nS I * jem cm.,. „m , -X « 2.99 to 3.991 Hand«m e rayon stay that way. too! Nonpar- care tor themsalves! 80" wide M >oo w. P lldn* on a P ( r^ t “ H MA * . and cotton fabrics, prints and *■ gic, they re covered in a hand- If A 4* eostlv irnoort Grev beiae \ I Q “*" lT solids with pinch pleated tops. some floral cotton ticking. to the pair, 54 .83, 72 long. aqua hunter, rose, red, green) B I 1 - 1 1 1 | a, A wonderful selection of colors. Standard size! if 81" long, 1.79 90" long, 199 4* cocoa. 4c i 4^ ■ i 444 z% 3*t*f Tft <• D C. § m 4 Aif4 fn+ 4*liv*ry «n 4 A««i4*i* J ft 4C 1 c * r *"• Hr • iW * **“' ut " | All 3 Hecht Co. Stores Closed Today! Shop meduceday 9:30 to 6 P.M. Washington Store. 10 to 61’.M. Suburban Store*! THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER ?ft. 1956 A-17