Newspaper Page Text
B-8 THE EVENING STAR. Washington. D. a H’tRPAT, PXCKMSKX tg, li»g« B ’ J ellefn 6 Jelleff stores play host tomorrow to hosts of after-Christmas value seekers! Coat Sales jam-packed with Quality! Savings! . Women, Misses, Juniors —just see what a selection! Everything from British tweeds to magnificent mink-trimmed coats! Regularly S BS to s llO Regularly S IIO to $ 125 ~ ~ . , ~.. , W m ■ Styles furred and furies*! gored and slim coats clutch and m ■ m DRESS AND CASUAL COATS Straight and fitted silhouettes, | j I ■ cardigan coats, jeweled and fur collars, velvet trimmed and | j M ■ clutch coats, button coats, cardigan cdats with hem pleats yokes M scalloped collars, round collars, shawl collars, ascots! M M Conors, show, collars, flyaway collars; hand d«,ils. ' V«i< Srffi V J FABRICS: Worumbo and Forstmonn wools, Anglo, Stroack, I 1 F SSifJK’.d surfaces, cashmere-wool blends, f 1 Warren of Stafford, Wyandotte wools, imported tweeds! M Forstmann luxury fabrics, Worumbo, Hockanum, Anglo, Stroock, A M and many other fine coatings! m. M COLORS: Black, polished black, blues, greys, beiges, rose, Rich colon and lustrous blacks!—velvety blacks, and blue, beige, green, taupe, black-and-white and colorful tweeds! tau P e - smoke charcoa l and y arn d y« d fl re y s - nav Y> green gold. Women's sixes: 34 to 42 and proportioned sires 10 to 20. Misses' sixes: Bto 16. Junior sixes: sto 15. Please note: Not all sizes In all styles or colors. Third Floor F Street and Selections at all Jelleff branch stores. Teens! S9Q Women! , Misses and Juniors: %A A *39.99 to *49.99 Coats eL7 *145 to *155 Fur-trimmed Coats *69.99 to *89.99 Coats ' ' Choose clutch coats, boy coots, siirn or full, cardigan or button styles in Min*.' Persian Lamb! Beaver and Basserisk! chinchillas, polished zebolenes, tweeds, imported flannels , u w . . Here is your chance to pick up a wonderful coat for just $44! Casual aT , Fine furs, fine wools, hand-tailoring! Forstmann, Worumbo, and Choose block, colors: red, charcoal, nude, and black-and-white otl ?, er fobrics ; tux * do coat *' button coats, clutch coats with shawls ' and dres *y s »Y les outstanding fabrics .. . wonderful Worumbo, tweeds. • coilars or ascots, bows and strips of fur . Natural grey or dyed Virtica fleece, Forstmann, Anglo, and blend fabrics, even some of our black Persian Lamb, Ranch Mink, Silver blue Mink, dyed Fox, Natural Milium linings for all-seasons comfortable wear. Also wool inter- Beaver, dyed Basserisk. tamous sycamore coats, samples Beige, grey, blue, taupe, rosewood, ~ i n. i . n 9?; Sizes sto 15. , Black, blue, navy, taupe, beige, grey, rose. Proportioned sizes 10 to and seafoam green. Many one of a kind. Sizes sto 15, 10 to 16 Jelleff s Teen Shop, 4th Floor, F Street and all 5 Jelleff branch stores. 20, taller sizes 34 to 40. in the French Room sllO Full skirted silk with patch pockets .... $65 $69.99 Cerise cocktail dress in silk satin, full skirt $45 $39.99 Rayon taffeta dress with lace yoke (mother-of-bride type! in mink brown $25 $89.99 Black velvet cocktail dress $65 $59.99 Black silk bolero costume, lace-topped dress __..-S3O $69.99 Black draped silk sheaths .... . .__._s4s $49.99 Black silk faille sheaths, Venice-type lace bodice S3O $39.99 Silk faille dresses with white trim; black, taupe $25 $69.99 Black silk satin cocktail dresses, jet trimmed $45 $49.99 Ribbon knit sheaths; French blue, black _ S3O $49.99 Lurex cocktail sheath with matching coat; brown, black, S3O $29.99 Rayon crepe cocktail dresses, sequin trimmed; black, green, S2O $59.99 Silk bolero costumes, chiffon-topped dress; blue, pink . S3O $89.99 Black wool jersey dress with jet trims $65 $49.99 Wool jersey costumes with long coats; brown, royal $35 $45 Black ribbed wool knit sheaths, satin trims! $25 Designer Costumes, Suits, Dresses $335 Green Le Sur wool costume $225 ■ $315 Grey wool bead-trimmed suit ... $lB5 $385 Red Le Sur wool suit, pleated skirt ..........$250 $285 Black wool suit, with satin trim ..... $lB5 $285 Green Le Sur wool suit, with jewel buttons—..... $lB5 $285 Sapphire blue Le Sur wool suit, tie neckline ... $lB5 $275 Grey wool suit, jeweled buttons $lB5 $295 Grey Rodier wool dressmaker suit $lB5 $225 Grey worsted dress with silver bead motif $145 $215 Grey wool sheoth with beaded bodice, with matching cashmere sweater . .. ... - $145 $195 Black wool sheath with grosgroin trim $95 $198.99 Brown wool costume with beod trim $95 $lB5 Blue wool costume with crepe top dress - _ $95 $395 Black wool broadcloth sheath with velvet jeweled jacket, $295 $145 Suit of grey imported tweed $95 Women's Dresses 2ndfi. 75 Women's $17.99 and $19.99 Dresses, $lO Royon cape dresses, one-piece, two-piece, and jacket styles in black, blue and brown. Dressy types in brocade taffeta in blue or rose. Sizes 14 ! '2 to 22 Vi. 20 Women's $25 to $29.99 Dresses, sls Dressy satins in blue or toast. A few novelty tweeds and wool jerseys. Broken sizes. 125 Women's $29.99 to $39.99 Dresses, $lB Dressy dresses in rayons, peau de soies, taffetas, laces and taffeta and lace combinations in blatjt, peacock, red and blue. Lurex metollies and one-piece and jocket dresses in black, brown, toast, peacock and blue, with color and beod trim, flying-panel skirts. Sizes 12 Vi to 22 V1. 20 Women's $29.99 Dresses, S2O Wool costumes with crepe tops in teal or plum. Silk failles in bluP cr black. Broken szies. 50 Women's $45 to $69.99 Dresses, $35 to S4B Wool costumes with crepe tops in wine or blue or brown. Dressy dresses in lace, rose or aquo. Also dressy satins with beod trims and crepes in block, blue, brown. Broken sizes. $125 to $235 Suits and Costumes, $95 to $l5O Two-piece suits and costumes with self trims and jewel buttons in brown, blue, wine and green. Broken sizes. Children's Shops—Falls Church, Shirlington, Silver Spring Conn. Ave. Toddlers' $2.99 to $5.99 Dresses, $1.99 to $3.99. Cotton pastels, stripesf plaid and two-tone combinations Sixes 1, 2 ond 3. Infant Boys' and Girls' $14.99 to $16.99 Bootia Proms ond 4-Pc. Promoramat, $10.99 ond $12.99. Washable nylons Pro-Walker and Toddler Boys' ond Girls' $19.99 to $35 Winter Coot set», $16.99 to $25. Three-piece sets in wool Botany flonnels, suedes, tweeds and novelties Also washoble Lanellos, Orlons and cotton velveteens 12 and 18 months. Toddler sizes 2,3, 4. Toddler $10.99 to $16.99 Snowsuits, $8.99 to $12.99. Boys' and girls' one-piece snowsuits with matching helmets or bonnets. Toddlers' $14.99 to $19.99 Snowsuits, $10.99 to $16.99. Boys' and girls' two-piece snowsuits with matching cops or bonnets. Famous make washoble nvlon styles as well os cotton Byrd cloth and poplins, wormly interlined Many styles to choose from. Sizes 2, 3 ond 3x. Toddler Girls' $2.99 to $5.99 Hots, $1.99 ond $2.99. Wool telts, velours and cotton velveteens In assorted dark shodes. Children's $4.99 to $7.99 Robot, $3.99 to $5.99. Cotton quilted printed dusters, broken styles ond broken sizes 3 to 14, $4.99 to $10.99 Cotton Dramas, $3.99 to $5.99. Plaids, solids and prints Sizes 3 to 6x y Girls’ $32.99 to $39.99 Winter Coots, $25 to Fleeces and tweeds in sizes 3 to 6x Girls end Boys' $19.99 to s2s Snowsuits, $14.99 ond $19.99. Solid t'-lor woshobie two piece snowsuits with hats Sues 3 to 6x. Boys' $22 99 and $25 Winter Coots, $17.99 ood $19.99. Wool tweeds with region sleeves Sixes 3 to 7 Girls' $2.99 ond $3.99 Wintor Mots, $1.99 ood $2.99. Felts ond velvets Gifts' $32.99 to $39.99 Wintor Coots, $25 ond $29.99. Tweeds ond Veers *n sixes ~ to 14 $5 99 end $7.99 Cotton Dresses. $3.99 and $4.99. Prints and rnds in darii shades good for school. Sixes 7 to 12. $5 99 Wool Skirts, $4.99. Tweeds in sixes 7 to 14 and sub-teen sites t to 14 |2.50 and $2.99 Cotton Blousot, $1.99. Short-tloeved solids and {becks Sixes 7 to 12 $8.99 to $16.99 Sub-teen Cotton Densons. $7.99. Prints in sixes \ b to 14 \ Sub Teen Girls' $29 99 to $45 Wierter Coots. sls. Twoods ond fleeces Sixes 8 to 14 Toys Rtdoced, at Shirlington and Silver Spring. | Extraordinary Savings in all Departments! Suits reduced! 3rd Floor $49.99 to $59.99 Suits— $ 35 Wool and worsted flonnels, imported wool tweeds, silk-and-woo! tweeds here! Fitted and boxy suits, dressmakers, cosuols ond classics; grey, camel, brown, blue, green, spice, rust, berry. Broken colors ond sizes, 7 to 15, 10 to 18, regular ond proportioned. $59.99 to $69.99 Handmacher Suits *45 We know many who will jump ot this opportunity to choose famous Handmacher suits ot sls to os much as $25 savings! You con feel the good fit! The fabrics—Flannel, striella, worsted twist, needlepoint, imported tweed, Cornelia, Forstmann tweed, silk-ond-wool. Styles and colors—dressmaker ond tailored suits, grey, brown, block, pecan, poppy, clove, pumpkin, walnut, sapphire, cloret, blue, green. Sixes for Juniors, Misses, proportioned and regular! 7 to 15, 10 to 20. Our after-Christmas cleoronce of broken sizes! $69.99 Amber Tweed Suit, $45 (size 10 ond 16). $49.99 matching plaid coot, $35. 1 $59.99 and $69.99 Suits- $ 45 Dressmaker suits in Forstmonn's wool ond silk-ond-wool fabrics; fur blend fobrics! Classics ond soft type in Einiger flannel, British tweeds, orlon-ond-wool; grey, green, lilac, porfoit, novy, wine, blue. A few sizes 10 to 18 ond II to 15. Coat Suits (slim skirt ond %-length coot) in block ond white, herringbone tweed, sizes 10 to 16. Junior Coat Suits ot trovelaine (orlon and wool) in grey, 7 to 15, $45 Einiger Cashmere! SBS Suits, $65 Box jocket style in nude, blue black, monaco. Fitted jocket with leather accents, Bohomo beige or red! Sizes 10 to 16, but not all sixes in both styles or colors. $69.99 to SBS Suits— *55 Block Hockonum broadcloth with mink shawl collars, black-and white tweeds with dyed block Persion lamb collors. Imported tweed suits with %-length coots. Trovelaine suits (orlon ond wool). Black peou d'onge dressmaker suits. 3 Block Fox collared tweed suits sizes 10 to 16, but not in oil styles. $98.99 to $149.99 Suits— *BS —ltalian brocaded worsted dressmaker suit, novy. —Brown English worsted suits. — Designer Suit* in polished broadcloth, Itolion worsted, Le Sur wool ond imported French flannel; one of a style ond size; block, green, rose. Sizes 10 to 16 s•* / \ * Furs Reduced! I—s9oo Natural Reyel Pastel Mink Stela $750 I—s9oo Natural Silver Blue Mink Stole $750 I — ssoo Natural Shaarad Baavar Coat, size 12 S4OO I— s3oo Natural Shaarad Baavar Jacket, size 16 S2OO 1— SSOO Tip-dyad Shaarad Racoon Coat, size 14 .... ---S4OO 2 $265 Dyad Northern Back Muskrat Coots, sizes 14, 16 .-S2OO 2—5115 Dyad Muskrat Capas 1— sllO Dyad Muskrat Capa f” 2 slls Dyad Squirrel Capa Stelae ... sBs 2—5115 Dyad Mauten Processed Lamb Coats, sizes 12, 14 SBS 1— sllO Dyad Moutan Processed Lamb C»*». size 10 SBS All fur products labeled to show country of ortaln of imported furs. All prtess plus Federal tox Jsllsffs fur Selon—F Street Only—Third Floor Sportswear Savings! 3rd floor $7.99 Blouses, $4. Wool and orlon jersey with pearl trim. Pater Pan collars, push-up sleavas. Pink in sizes 10 end 12. $6.99 fa $1.99 Blouses, $5. Cottons, wool jerseys ond docron ond pimo cotton, blends with large collors, bow tie necklines. Suit and sports blouses with short. % ond long sleeves. Black, rad, gold, blue, gray. Sizes 30 to 38. $10.99 Blouses, $6. Wool jersey with pearl trim and rib knit trims. Block, brown, pink. Sixes 10 to 18. s4s Leather Jackets, $35. Block caposkin jockots in sites 10 To 14. $59.99 and $69.99 Leather Jackets, $45. Woshobie caposkin car coats ond full-length coots in block, beige, blue. Sizes <0 to 16. $89.99 Leather Coots, $55. Full-length fleece lined woshobie cope skin with shawl collar, turnback cuffs. Block, blue. Sixes 10 to 14. $17.99 Weal Jackets, $6. Tweed classics in blue, wine, brown. Sizes 10 to 16. $19.99 and $22.99 Weal Jackets, sl2. Striped clossic wool flannel or short plaid jockets, in red, grey, gold, blue. Sizes 10 to 16. $25 and $29.99 Tweed Jackets, $lB. Clossic wool tweeds, royon lined Grey ond brown Sixes 10 to 16 $22.99 to $39.99 Two-Piece suit Presses, sls. Plaid skirts with wool jersey blouses trimmed with matching Slim or full skirts. Grey brown Sixes 10 to 16 $29.99 Two-Piece Suit Dresses, S2O. Wool jersey blouse ond wool tweed skirt Grey, blue Sixes 10 to 16 $39.99 sparts Suits, $25. Two-piece classic suit or two-piece eosh mere sweoter trimmed to match slim tweed skirt Grey, blue Sixes 10 to 16 $10.99 end $14.99 Skirts, $6. Wool tweeds, slim in sixes 10 to 16. Brown, mouse, wine. $14.99 Wssl Skirts, SB. Fienne s and tweeds, slim in blue, brown, green, ember Sites 10 to 18. $17.99, $19.99 end $22.99 Skirts, sll. Full skirts in large plaids. Dressy ofter-five skirts m fine royon sheer skirts Wool fait or vel veteen dressy skirts B(ue, block, gold Sites 10 to 16. s2s end $29.99 All Wsstksi Cents. sl7. Cotton popim ond cotton tweed, seme with matching hots. Natural, block, grey, rust, red. Size* 8 to 16. \ ■ Juniors and, Teens; Gather on the 4th floor! (DebJShop) Juniors' $14.99 to $22.99 Dresses, $lO. One-piece rayon basic faille. One-piece wool tweed sheath, royon marquisette yoke on royon crepe, lace sleeveless. Orion fleece sheath and a few short velvet wraps. Juniors' $22.99 to $29.99 Dresses, sls. One-piece brightly colored wool with foke-fur half-belt. Postel wool jersey with full skirt, lewel bodice trim. Postel wool jersey dressy sheath with satin bow. Silk faille basic. Juniors' $29.99 to $39.99 Dressos, S2O. Wool jersey blouson stripe. Wool jersey sheoth with back panel, taupe. One-piece wools and rayon glen plaids. One-piece royon brocade with bolero jockets. Juniors' $59.99 Short Formals, S4B. Just 10, all one-of-a-kind in net and net and lace. Sizes 7 to 11. (Junior Budget Shop) $10.99 to $14.00 Dresses, $7.95. One-piece wool jumper sheoth. One-piece men's wear rayon with white collar. One-piece button front menswear cotton Glen Plaid sheoth. Also winter cotton shog bark. (Junior Separates Shop) $5.99 and $7.99 Blouses, $4. Aerilon ond orlon ond wool combina tions in basic styles. White, black, beige, red, pink, gold. Sizes 30 to 36. $5.99 ond $7.99 Skirts, $4. Wool tweeds ond flonnels in slim ond gored styles. Dork colors. Sizes 7 to 15. $4.99 to $7.99 Sweaters, $4. Orion pull-overs ond cardigans ond wool pullovers with vee necklines Black, bluebell, red Sizes 34 to 40. $8.99 Fur Blend Sweaters, $4.99. Lombs wool, fur fibre and nylon full-foshioned short-sleeved pullovers. $12.99 Matching Fur Blend Cardigans, $6.99. Choose from green, blue and camel. Sizes 34 to 40. (Teen Shop) $49.99 and sss‘Coats, $36. Wool tweeds, plushes, chinchillas and cashmere blends with milium and wool interlinings. Nude, red, blue, black and grey. Sizes 5 to 15. Teens' $29.99 Leather Jackets, S2O. Capeskins with belted tab sides. Broken sizes and colors. Teens' $25 and $29.99 Raincoats, sl6. Plaids, tweads and solids with matching hots. Some milium lined. Broken sizes ond colors. Teens' $25 and $29.99 Dressos, $lB. Wools, crepes and lace com binations in dressy ond tailored styles. Black and colors. Sizes 7 to 15. Teens' $17.99 and $22.99 Drosses, sll. Wool jerseys and tweeds, royons and acetates in one ond two-piece styles. Vivid ond dork colors. Sizes 7 to 15. Teens' $29.99 to $35 Knit Drassas, $lB. Orion and wool chenilles and wool chinchilto in two-piece styles. Beige, oqua, pink ond winter white. Sizes 9 to 15. Accessories Reduced! $1 Jewelry, 2 for $1 — Colored beads, colored stones and simulated pearls in necklaces, bracelets, earrings. Group ot cor key rings, most popular makes. $2 Jewelry, $1 — Toilored metol, colored ond iridescent beods, colored stones. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings. $4 to $lO Jawalry, $2 fa ss— Toilored metol ond colored stones in necklaces, bracelets, eorrlngs. Prices plus Federal tox. Women's and Man's 59c fa $1 Handkarchiaft, I9e to 59a — Slightly soiled. Plain prints and broken initials. 3 Groups of Blousettes at big savings! $7.99 Headed Jersey Bloeses, button-front closing $5.99 $3.99 Blousettes $5.00 Blausattao ..--..51.00 Nylon, dacron ond wool jersey, oil cottons In white, block, beige, pink and prints. Assorted styles. Broken sizes. $3.50 to $5 Gloves, $2.59 Luxury fabric gloves In block, beige, white, novy, soma high shodes. $12.95 Handbags, $8.95 Just 30 of these bogs In soft toother with single handles. Oblong shape, with inside zipper pocket. Block ond ton. Millinery Reduced! $2.95 to $10.50 Hats, $2 to $5 A variety of colors ond styles, both dressy and toilored in velvets, velours, merri soies,* sotins, felts ond feathers. <F Street, 7 Comers and Silver Spring) $12.50 to $49.50 Hats, $6.50 to $36.50 Collection includes mony from leading designers in imported velours, mousee, velvets, cocktail ond feather hots. Mony one-of-a-kind. IF Street, Silver Spring ond 7 Comers) Save on Misses' Dresses 2nd ft. Misses' $17.99 Strett ond Afternoon Dresses, $lO Royon crepes, docron crepes ond wool A few toilored dresses Block, brown, blue Misses' sizes Bosic ond dressy tty lei, a few tailored trovel dresses One ond two piece styles Block, novy, brown, blue. Misses' sizes. Misses' $22.99 and $25 Day ond Late-day Dressos, sls One ond two piece street and afternoon dresses in royon crepes, royon failles, novelty fabrics, wools ond wool jerseys. Also o group of cock foil ond evening dresses in sheath ond princess styles, some with circular skirts Block, novy, brown, oqua, beige, ehompogn* ond pastels Misses' sizes Misses' $29.99 fa $39.99 Cocktail and Evening Dresses, $lB Exciting new-foh ion looks for late-day ond evenings Also o few afternoon rayon crepes, novelty fabrics and wools Mony one of a style Block, navy, brown, blue, red, green end pastels m formate. Misses' sixes. Misses' $29.99 fa $39.99 Cocktail Dresses, S2O i Mostly one of a style in royon crepes, rov®n velvets, peou de tom e"d novelty fobrics. Block and novy and e few high shodes Misses' s res F street, 2nd floor and branch stores. i A —With many groups at oil Jelleff branch Stores! Fifth Floor Dress Shops— (Budget Shop) $10.99 to $17.99 Dresses, $7.99. One-piece royon crepes ond rayon, docron ond cotton blends, some with jackets. Dressy and tailored dresses, mony nome brands. Broken colors ond sizes 12 to 18 and 14 Vi to 24 Vi. $17.99 to $25 Dresses, $lO. One-piece cottons, docrons and wool bleqds, rayon and acetate. Full and sheath skirts Name brands in group. Sizes 10 to 20 and 14Vi to 22Vi. Choose from navy, black, red, brown, blue, green, grey. Some prints, stripes, checks. All moy be worn now. (Cotton Shop) $25 Dresses, sl2. Wool jersey tweed dresses in grey or brown. Sizes 10 to 18. 19.99 and 22.99 Dresses, $lO. Cotton ond silk step-in style. Orion ond wool casuals Royons with striped jackets. Docron ond royoh blends with long sleeves. Some one-of-a-kind. Sizes 10 to 18. $12.99 Dresses, $6. Coat dress in rayon with totting trim. Sissy shirt waist with pleated skirt. Teal, black. Sizes 10 to 18 in group, (Sports Dresses) $29.99 to $49.99 Two-piece Knits, sl2 to $35. Choose from block, beige, white, novy, green. Sizes 10 to 18. $35 Wool Jortoy Dressos, $25. Sheath with satin-lined btousOn jacket. Black and royal. Sizes 10 to 16. $22.99 Brushed Rayon Sheath, sl2. With loced back, white linen collar on rust or blue. Sizes 10 to 18. $14.99 Wool Jersey Drosses, SB. In block, mink, blue. Sizes 10 to 18. Lingerie at big savings! $3.95 to $12.95 Nylon Tricot Slips and Petticoots, $2.95 to $8.95. Pleats, loeps ond ruffles. White, pink, black, novy and peche creom in group. Now every style in every size. Slips, sizes 32 to 40. Petticoats, small, medium, large $3.95 Nylon Tricot Petticoats, $2.95. Ruffled hemlines and lace tiered inserts. White, pink, blue, black, peche creom in group. Small, medium, lorge. fMoin Floor) Nylon Tricot Briefs ond Pantias with loce and net trims; sizes 5 to 8; 2 for $3. In rayon, 2 for $1.50. (Moin Floor) Juniors' $3.95 to $16.95 Nightgowns, Peignoirs, Slips, Petticoats, $2.95 to $1.95. Nylon tricot full-length ond woltz-length night gowns with peignoirs to moteh some styles. Also petticoats and slips with loces, pleats ond embroidery trims. All discontinued styles. Not every style in every size. White, pink, blue in group. 9 to 15 . F St. $6.95 to $22.95 Nylon Tricot Nightgowns, $4.95 to $14.95. Waltz and full-length styles, some with matching peignoirs Trims include delicate embroideries, appliques, laces ond pleats. White ond pastels in group. Sizes 32 to 38. $2.50 Nylon Tricot Stop-Ins, $1.95. Wide loce trims in white, pink, block. Sizes 6 to 10. $10.95 and $12.95 Brushed Nylon Pajamas ond Nightgowns, $6 85 and $8.85. Pojomos in red or blue. Woltz-length gowns in pink or blue Sizes 34 to 38 in group $2.99 Royon Crape Slips, 2 tor $5. Straight cut with lace trim ot bodice ond hemline White. Famous moke. 12 to 20. F St. $5.99 Nylon-Orlon Taffeta Holt-Slips, $3.99. Perfect for wear with wool. Lace trim ot hemline ond applique on skirt. White, red, navy, beige and block in group. Famous moke. Small, medium, lorge. F St. $5.99 Nylon Satin Slips, $3.99. Loce embroidered ond lined bodre* ond nylon sheer ond loce flouncy hemlines. White. Sizes 32 to 40. $5.99 Cotton ond Rnynn Chnllit Pojomos, $3.99. Full-length pa jamas in cotton stripes ond choliis floral prints. Sizes 32 to 40 In group. $1.99 Cotton Psjnmns, $2.99. Bermuda ond shorty length trousers In stripes. Sizes 32 to 38. F St. $3.99 Roynn Chnllit Nightgnwns, $2.99. Floral prints on white. Full length. Small, medium, lorge. F St. Budget Sports Shop $8.99 end $5.99 Bleuses, $2 to $4. Nylon, dacron, cotton ond docron ond cotton blends in solids, plaids ond prints Short, long and roll-up sleeves with jewel necklines, Peter Pan ond convertible collars. Sizes 32 to 38. $5.99 te $10.99 Skirts, $2 to $6. Slim assorted wool tweed', and flannels. Also cotton corduroy. Red ond blue. Sizes 10 to 16 $1.99 te $7.99 Sweatees, $1 te $5. Novelty knits in solid colon or assorted stripes in orlon or wool. Pullovers and card oom tome full fashioned. Sixes 34 to 40. Foundations, Girdles $12.50 te $18.50 Fereedetiens, $5.95 end $6.95 Nylon sheer, cotton net ond lastex Not oil sixes in every style $5.95 le sls Girdle* end Peaty Girdles, $2.95 te $5 95. Nylon, royon ond lastex. Mony onc-vf-a-kind All from regular stock $2.95 te $5 Brassieres, 2 ter $1 end sl. Some tt'opless, some with strops. Cotton ond nylon. Broken sixes Robes and Brunch Coats $14.99 Pell-Length Quilted Reheo, $9. Just 35 of these prefty tarn quilted robes with contrasting linings Fitted wrap style with belt and border trim of gold hire* braid. Rose only Sixes 1 4 and 16 $5.99 Corten Breech Caere, $2. Just 100 of «h**a short fitted t ee-re let* brunch coats with ftp ond button fronts Full skirts and p' ryjne stylo* in whit* and printed pastels. Broken sixes, 10 to 18 75—15 99 t* $8.99 Wrop-eed-tw Certeee in prints, postel stupe*; carton duttart m prn*i ond pioufs A few b*djd<->e*s ond long dqc-nn robes. S z*s 10 to 18, 16',a to 22 Vi, ond small, medium, ioige, $f / I