Newspaper Page Text
B-12 • THE EVENING STAR, Washington, DJ C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER *B, ll*5« ' Many Children Share White House Yuletide Continued From Pace B-10 over the President and his j test for Christmas merry making. A Christmas time party, im- i portant in White House chron icles. was given in honor of the 60th birthday of President Andrew Johnson on December 29, 1868, by his daughters and sons-in-law, his teen-age son Andrew jr., and his grand children. The East Room was ablaze with lights and 400 boys and girls danced quadrilles. The young hosts were the “Three Andrews,” Andrew Johnson, jr.; Andrew Johnson Stover and Andrew Johnson Patterson, and little Sarah and Lillie Stover, and a pretty lass. Belle Paterson. Kick Club Jesse E. Grant, 13-year-old son of President and Mrs. Ulysses Grant, was the Presi dent of the "Kick. Fight and Run Club,” held in the tool house of the White House grounds. The club had a circulating library, a debating society and KFR Journal. Jesse and his brother Ulys ses, Jr., went to school every day in a wagon drawn by a Shetland pony. Julia Dent Grant, now Madame Cantacuzene, noted author and political leader (daughter of the President’s ■on and Mrs. Frederick Dent Grant), was bom in the White House. Fanny Hayes and her brother. Scott Russell Hayes, are notable among White Hhouse children, for they were christened in the White House dining room during the ad ministration of President and Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes. Irving McDowell Garfield, Abram Garfield and Mollie Garfield, children of Presi dent and Mrs. James Garfield, played games with their friends on the White House grounds and enjoyed boating on the Potomac River. Their residence in the White House ended with the assassi nation of their father. Nellie Arthur, daughter of President Chester A. Arthur, was too young to play hostess for her father. But she always gave a gay Christmas party for her own friends. The children of President and Mrs Grover Cleveland, Esther, Ruth and Marian were hostesses at a party for cabi net children at the end of the Cleveland administration. Es ther Cleveland was born in the White House. ‘‘Baby McKee”, Benjamin Harrison McKee (son of the President Benjamin Harrison's daughter Mrs. James Robert McKee) his baby sister Mary Lodge McKee, and Marthena Harrison, daughter of the president’s son Russell B. Har rison, engaged the attention of After Christmas CLEARANCE of a selected group of FUR COATS Excellent Values from our regular stock ■ representing substantial savings on Jandel quality fur coats Dyed Proceeded MOUTON JAMB ☆ Dved MUSKRAT ★ Natural MINK SIDES <r Blao!t Dved and Natural Grey PERSIAN LAMB it Tip Dved SHEARED RACCOON * Natural and Dyed BEAVER * Dved ALASKA FUR SEAL tr Natural MINK it Free parkins next door Deferred payment plan mav ke arranfied Open I kurrdav from 9 a.m to 0 p m wgjyH f' A A ‘ ’'•A Baltimore N'ew 1412 H STREET N W fr#J*#«s W stio« fosslrv m 4 *ns%m *«*s» * L )| the (public during the Harrison ; administration. Baby McKee made history i when he drove his goat and i goat cart through the White House gates down Pennsyl vania avenue with President j Harrison in pursuit. Marthena Harrison caused the White House to be quar antined when she had scarlet fever. The children of President and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt made good copy for the news papers. Quentin, the youngest, wore | little boy dresses of white pique when his father became president but soon was al lowed to discard them for more boyish clothes. Kermit and Archibald were only small lads; Ethel liked to play dolls on the south por : tice; Theodore jr. was a stu ! dent; and sister Alice, now Mrs. Nicholas Longworth. soon became the belle of Washing tton society. Charles Taft was the White House boy in the Taft admin ! istration. Played Prank* There were a number of ; stories of the pranks he played on his college student brother Robert A. Taft and his sister Helen, debutante and Bryn Mawr student. Two of Woodrow Wilson’* grandchildren were born in the White House, Frances Bowes Sayre, jr„ now the dean of Washington Cathedral (son of Jessie Wilson and Frances Bowes Sayre), and Ellen Wil | son McAdoo (daughter of Ele anor Wilson and William Gibbs McAdoo'. The two Coolidge school boys. John C. Coolidge and Calvin Coolidge, jr., had a merry time installing and trimming a huge Christmas tree in the East i Room, then first Christmas in the White House. After young Calvin died, John supervised the trimming ! of the tree for the Christmas parties for cabinet children held in the East room. The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Jr., Herbert Hoover, III; Peggy Anne and Baby Jean, spent much of their time at the i White House during the Herb ert Hoover administration. President and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt kept open house for their many grandchildren at the White House. The grandchildren will prob ably never forget their grand father reading Dicken s Christ mas Carol to them in his mar velous voice on Christmas Eve. So. as the four young Eisen | howers assist in the festivities of Christmastime, perhaps an invisible choir of the youthful voices of their predecessors, as First Children of the Nation, may join them in joyous Christmas caroling. m&Sgfitm Mayer’s Sixty-fourth year-end HIH CLEARANCE Vftv Shop year-end reductions on Lifetime Furniture . . . America's finest furniture from the finest makers. Many display pieces .. . one-of-a-kind items .. . suites or individual pieces left odd. Listed below are only some of the values to be found at the downtown store . . . there are hundreds of others . ... plus ; , many more items at our Spring Valley store. Sorry, we cannot accept phone orders. All sales must be final ... no exchanges or returns . . . these are give-away prices. Budget accounts invited • Customer parking both stores • Items listed below are at downtown store only • Everything subject to prior sale. Downtown Only—Hundreds Os Other Items Not Listed Schoonbeck button bock sofa, spring down Drexel casual tone mahogany group. Double Woodward end table, mahogany and leather, Thomasville china cabinet. Swirl mahogany, cushions, kick pleat skirt, pink and metallic dresser, mirror, chest and double b«J. Four brass trim, drawer and shelf. Was 55.00 34 inches, glass door Was i2l 00 now /4 00 texture. Was 39900 now 299.00 pieces were 353.00 now 268.00 now 29.00 Drexel credenza buffet, 62 inches, mahogany. Donovon Shops button tufted back sofa, John Widdicomb French Provincial fruitwood Heritage step tables, mahogany, ivory tooled Was 210.00 now 114.00 kick pleat sk'rt, turquoise texture. Was bed, double Was 199.00 .now 84.00 leather top, grill doors, casters. Were 10500 Thomasville Jr. credenzo buffet 52 inches 31500 now 194.00 . . , now 49.00 mahogany. Was 136.00 86.00 Drexel Sirroco Foam cushion sofa, pmktex- JJjfJtSnd. 0 Was 59.50 now 26XX) Jhomasvilleswirl mahogany Jr. dining group, ture Was 08600 now 185.00 * sneir ana two drawers. Was Bi.UU now 4V.UU Pembroke drop-leaf table, 52-in. buffet 4 Donovon Shops lounge chair, kick pleat skirt, Drexel 6-drawer dresser bose 0 Weimo " step fob'e, mahogany, oval grill side and 2 arm chairs. Eight pieces were turquoise matelasse Was 128.00, now 66.00 tique white. Was 139.00 now 97.00 doors, floor sample. Was 159.50 now 119.50 383.00 ... now 218.00 Heritage lounge chair turq texture spring Kindel fruitwood twin bed. Was 8900, Holland lamp tables, yew wood and mahog- Sligh solid maple blond dining group, Jr but down cLhion, sk.rt Was 234 CO, now 118.00 »» 34.00 «V. shelf ond drawer, 21 ,n. sq W«7MO *oHeof «.en*on .obi,, 40* ctain Jamestown tufted ' back French Provincial Henredon sherry mahogany full-size panel Townsend commode, Italian provincial fruit- Sligh classic Provincial group Buffet with 74m SS Cha ' r ' greea damask ' bed. Was 91 00 now 38.00 wooc j Was 65.00 now 29.00 grill door hutch, oval extension table, serving ' . ’ ’’ n ° W ’ Drexel French Provincial 5-drawer chest. Heritage commodes, mahogany, tooled leather “ r .l'1444 m 2 ° rnn chairs Ten Drexel Sirroco tub chair, foam rubber cushion, yVas 134 Q 0 now 89.00 top, 24x19'/4 in. Were 90:00 now 49.00 e W - now 850 00 rose Was 146.00 now 82.00 ' Stickler secretary desk, solid cherry, glass Brondt drop-ieaf tables, mahogany extension Hibriten top grain leather lounge chair ox- Law 19 M **' drop lid ' Wos 47500 ~~ 364.00 Were 77.00 now 48.00 blood. Was 224 00 165.00 ... C oloniol desk, mahoaany, kidney shaped gold Morganton mahogany and yew wood 48-ia Donovon Shops lounge chair down pillow National antique white French Provincial tooled .leather top. Was 195.00 now 98.00 breakfront china. Was 21900 now 145.00 hack, match ng ottoman, brown texture, Mr'3 Townsend secretaries, fruitwood, French Pm- American French Provincial dinette sets For- Both have kick pleat skirts. Were 295 00 § best - Mr - Qnd Wing headboar, J bed v , „ d 182 00 now 109.00 m ' CQ top ext - tob,e and f ™ r lodder now 198 00 Four pieces were 569.00 now 349.00 chairs. Five pieces were 198 00. now 136.00 Townsend extension cockta'l table, French _ . . Donovan Shops lounae chair with skirt. T. jr - Drexel French Provincial bedroom group. Nine provincial fruitwood. Was 105.00, now 59.00 . Drexe L ' casua,tone n ? 1 ?, [° und fron . l ,£ o J: quoise texture Was 159 00 ... now 98.00 drawer triple dresser, mirror, 5-drawer chest, B , r . ~ ner china cabinet. Was 169.00 now 119.00 1 ) 1 , • r , , . double bed, 2 night stands. Six pieces were tooled leather Jamestown barrel chain foam, tufted seat 672 .00 now 485.00 * oaed leather ,op - Was 88 now 67 00 breakfront china, extension leg table, 4 side and back. Gold textured. Was 12-.00 Heritage end table; mahogany with ivory, and 2 arm chairs. Nine pieces were 581 CX> now 76.00 Sligh Italian Provincial double dresser, mirror, tooled leather top. Drawer, were 85.00 now 349!00 - , ~ 11 -1 chest, double bed, night stand. Five oieces ' now 39 00 Cochran occasional tub chair, olive areen a -AwiAtnn now 37. W texture. Was 88 00 now 39.00 J ’ Baker step table, mahogany, brass inlay, Trende by HeritageHounge choir with dart. . Continental solid mahogany English Regency drawer, decorator piece. Was 193-00 Green textdre. Was 134,00 .now 86.00 group. Triple dresser, mirror, chest on chest, now ox.ou Tnrmimr ■T mn nrr Hifknrv solid mnhnnnnv nrrnsinnn! rhnir Mr °" d Mr |^ 9 nlflht " Dunbar cocktail table, 31x26, autumn finish. genu?ne liSfl 75*0 83900 ~~* noW ITALIAN PROVINCIAL Was 15900 now 59.00 11 * . 11 # Davis Cabinet Louis XVI antique walnut gold- fruitwood Tomlinson, Mocha walnut double dresser, Donovan s hop, shoM arm, button sofa trimmed bedroom group. Double dresser, mir- tad. ec chest and double bed. Were $575.00 with kick pleat skirt, green. Was 298 00 _ ror highboy ches t toilet table mirror; double TABLES now $349.00 nOW ' bed, 2 night stands. Were 1,113 m 20t033V3% off Heritage cockta’l table, 58 in, long, Far East, Century French Provincal sofa, sprina down now oxo.uu c ebony and teak Was 89 00 . now 59.00 cushion, beige metak.c texture. Was J _ ‘ Drexel French Provim-ia! antiaue group dec- 6 c! Dillinqhom Budqetrend desk deck, drop leaf now 23300 orQted wirtl si | ver leaf. Triple dresser mir- 28 Vi long step table .....51. 42. |,d Was 7600 .. now 39.00 Trende (bv Heritoqel channel bock tub cha ; r, roq, double b.„ Fourp Wcm SDy7l" rnrttn l ' ci 50' ' Drexel Paldao mahogany double dresser, and kick, plect skirt, rose Was 149 m, now 93.00 8j 00 ' - now 638 00 '° v2l cocktail table ..51 39. double size panel bed Three pieces were Schoonbeck channel-back chair, solid ma- o^^, group witb Mr and Mrs - swina 211 00 ■ now 9800 hoqany arms and base Spring down cosh- 825.00 . .j now 645.00 Weimon chairside table, figured mahogany, Erwin Lambeth high back chair, foam rubber ion choice of rose turquoise or beige Was r ‘ /• n • ... . , A inlaid, shelf, floor sample. Was 105 00 cushion, pink texture. Was 169.00. .now 74.00 moon .JLicann Georgetown Galleries solid cherry early Amer- now 64 50 , . .. 00 5. icon group. Triple dresser, mirror, huge size „ . ... ~ . ' Baker bar and screen combination from the Donovon shops Lawson back sofa Rose tex- chest, double bed and two night stands. Six t Kemm , 5 mp u t / ob, !' 1 - 8 2!f ,ncia! ' fr udwood, cus- New World collection. Ebony, cone insets in ture, skirt. Was 369.00 now 198.00 pieces. Were 899.00 now 595.00 tom made. Was 159 50 99.00 Drexe | Qrrn | ess c hairs, foam rubber loose - . . .... , . r s Hammory desks, antique white, Provincial, cushions, seats and back green texture. Were S™ Lombe h luxurious sofa, tooled leather; gold trim. Were 89.50. each 116 00 now 59.00 100-inch, skirt; beige texture. Was 775 m. ■■mnhnnhbhmmm now 59 50 . now 595.00 Fisher apt. size sofa, foam rubber cushion . ~. WVI . turq texture. Wos 199 00 .. now 99.00 M. OM. VXI loveseat, single down cushion - .• Wns 659 cfi now 37c nn mMI»M>I4 >J »i I>. Tomlinson lounge chair, button tufted back. _ , . . . .. 9'xl2' Artloom Rouboix American oriental, 3 jßtextured fabric. Was 149.00 . now 75.00 Schwnbeck lounge chair, gold, sonnn down Kerman pattern. Was 229.00 now 16900 ■Mil HI Ml Drexel Precedent dmmg table, ext, round cushion, green, kick pleat skirt. Was l°R9n -1 j «c . 4 , \a/_ c lturm a ' ' oinn now 148.00 9'xl2' Brunswick Kermasheen American Execut,ve twin mnerspnng set w as 156 CO -- now 86.00 n I , . orientals. Two, were each 329.00, now 249.00 w °s now 79.95 Baker lomp table, teak ond ebony, 22 in. Donovon Som nunge c air, gm°n • • Sealy twin size king length innersprinq sets, square. Was 85 00. now 55.00 skirt Was 16900 now 98.00 95(12 two-tone areen Holmes were each 15900 now 119 00 o l 1 . , . ~, _ e . 1 u • . . all-wool Wilton Was 209 m now 144 00 , *' UU Boker planter, teak and ebony 16’/2 inches Donovo" Sh° p * lounge chair, green texture nTO WOS * now W 6-in. foam set, mismatched cover, "as is," wos sq. Was 16000 now 79.00 Was ' ;• now 840 ° 12'x17' Berwick m«s §reen Royal Manor 149 m now 69.95 Dining Table, extension 46 in., round, ebony Erwin Lambeth tufted back, Mnev shaped rayon b r °o- , oom. V/as 235. m 88.00 Simmons twin innerspring mattress, were each and walnut. Wos 132 00 now 74 00 ™ JSS te SSSST kick Billow nutria, rovo* or*) «•» D«,.l Spk., 32:,nch ch,no cohr,,. Wos rose tpxlurp Wos 41 00 no. 295.00 ny io„ W os 157.00 n 0.98.00 Soto double size innerspring set, *os 93 00, 15600.77. no«K00 ► IZnim sondokwod Bignlw Woikiki, rawn ~„ r " ow “ 00 Boker TV coblnet, ebony from the Now ■ ... peat sk, t, green textue Wo and nylon. Was 114 45 now 8950 seo, 7 Firm-O-Latex' double size foam set World collection. Was 283 60 now 149.00 now ov.uu j 29 5Q now yq qc u . , , , . . beiae Mohawk Solitaire, rayon and ej • l » , , , Boyol Lounqe barrel chair, high back foam Hickory lounni? rh 0 r n rpnn texture Itn'mn . w 17qcci ' Q 9» Sedgwick wrought iron twin bookcase head- cushion, persimmon texture Wos 129 m fru twoodhnse W~ 153 00 now 96.00 nylon was ! /VTAJ now 98 00 was 49 now 30.00 now 64.00 Donovon Shoos high hq-k lounae cha ! r, kick green beavv Englander king length foam set, Drexel twin beds, spice elm, pair V/«re pair pleat rkirt, green with metallic accents Wn, Zephyr. Was 142 59 now 48 95 "as ,s " Was 179 50 now 110.00 130 00 now 49.00 192 m.. now 124.00 12'x22' Biqelow'r gold Wa'kiki, rayon and Pullmon sleeper, foam cushions, blue, was Erwin Lambeth lounge chair, foam rubber Jamestown tufted back-small lounge chair, nylon Was 291.93 now 199.00 4:9m... now 179.00 cushion rose texture Wos 11900 now 69.00 ‘oam rubber cushion, green textured Was 15‘x7'6" Artloom rose heavy cotton Wheot- Parpen Hi-Leg Konvertable, foam cushions, Erwin Lambeth sofo, foam rubber cushion 13600. now 78.00 ley. Was 175 m now 96.00 nubby blue fabric. Wos 429.00 now 299.00 black and brown 'texture. Was 39900, Chesapeake apartment size sleeper, foom *° w 219.00 cushions. Was 300. m now 195.00 i 18th Century amber, mahog. from our second floor s urrey foam rubber sleeper, metallic blue, as HERITAGE- ao H eries handsome Wos 33500 ...16900 HFKIRFnnhi galleries ... nanasome, Korpen Regency Konvertobles, foom cushion*, beautifully styled green or gr ey mafeiasse, were 419 X, discontinued dining group now 269.00 ™ ICO/ 111 LAMPS j Fisher rrryym UJ '/■-] r , .c cun-.e ‘c/j" <■ ZU to Zp O Ott tons, carol, was 24900 now 16900 4 41- 0 !«s Ch-xis .. .... 239 I*9 38” O-orlton iomo 85 42 r .. J 17 .' VM * '.-C 5C aer •» 52 Simmons', '. zeseepe- aH <r ■ I • . nl .19/i Chemor, *r,?» Enste. iomes ... Tt 25. is," wc' 26900 now 179.00 i ' -pcvzo 507 235 33" roupe bre*r ond <jod !omo» 25 »4. * . . * ,4 ,r +'r vr.r.o! ... -0 2S Cnesopcokc rt'S' ? rr / r c// ,VCS \ v/."" i \i. > —t >/*ws(s I."**!” 204 159 Choriton oieapope iomo, s !v«r 6 block IOC 45. „«»«.« uLiZJJ-A 1 1 a T-I • ■ .( ~ r -- .7- r \ j,! 175 o~c, c-'vfd *rnt.. v.ji room Do Bed, b'C'/ r .y fj n ior.q bo'.k ..... 9 •o'fducM ‘ r ■ 2i5 i«9 bolster, ccrol orv; *on V,'os i 391 C ii ii. mi J now 129.00 ( • hLi A ' ’