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C-6 THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. TtISDAY DECEMBER 2*. l».y| Famed 'Burma Surgeon' Still Busy in His Hills By MURRAY FROMSON Associated Press Forelxn Writer NAMHKAM. Burma, Dec. 25.—" Slide, darlin* slide," yelled the catcher. Without hesitating, 33-year-old Esther Po—registered nurse and winner of the bronze star and Presidential citation hurtled headlong toward second base She dusted herself off and nodded. This was easier than the war days when she was cited for bravery under fire while serving with the United States forces in, Burma and India. “Bless you darlin’ but run next time," chided the catcher. Then he took off his mask and sighed,! “You know this is getting harder •very year.” The catcher, Dr. Gordon Sea grave, famed Burma surgeon of World War n, reached for a cigarette, one of the 50 or 60 he smokes every day, and took a deep breath. “My heart Just ain’t what it used to be. I don’t play as often anymore.” Roots for Both Sides But the wizened “old American doctor in the hills,” as the vil lagers nearby know him. still loves a good game of softball— especially with his corps of Burma nurses. Rooting for both sides is his specialty. To him, the girls are like daughters. And to the girls, who long ago began calling him “Daddy,” Dr. Seagrave is closer than most of their relatives have ever been. Walking back from the soft ball diamond. Dr. Seagrave’s steps seemed slow. His walk was stooped. At 60. the man who has given his life to helping the hill tribes people of Burma, looks much older. All at once, it becomes ap parent that another chapter in the Seagrave family history in Burma is perhaps drawing to an end in these foothills where it started in 1834. That was when BRAND-NEW 1957 EDITION! I l\\t fSbeittag gftaf ttßßHß brings you America's greatest single ULltyflßWWSw* VgK volume of facts and entertainment m THE BRAND-NEW 1957 edition of Information Please Almanac l| "- '■>. is now off the press! Revised from cover to cover and packed with many exciting new features, this big new edition will be 3**' /re****** r m read, used and enjoyed by adults and students, eniAHNtNG MATHeMATtCS m housewives and business people, by everybody This modern reference work gives you concise RUSSIAN i answers to thousands of f Income Tax to Contract Bridge, from Nations „ nt t roCKFTS k s° residcnts of thc u - S ’ from a a , Wlllr B Section, from Business and Economy to the WALDORF ASTORIA § and Education, and much, much more. riciPES mj you will often read it for pleasure. Order sev eral copies today. Use the handy coupon below. • ■’ / \ ... ~2 ~ s^ Edited by DAN GOLENPAUL INFORMATION PLEASE 1957 ALMANAC A Whole Shelf of Reference Books in o Single Volume! Prepared by Experts Written for Reading! FEDERAL UNITED NATIONS income tax The tun u. n. charter. Jits. MissMts and Rocktts! Withholding tibtei for D»lil«g»!«» T i'f * m, ** Mß * " n 0 ssfKsii Tnf jsKii Relearning maiiiemaiics i d .7« r x t i ,n .u?e , ssc c i. , “«. Text and illustration* by return., joint return*. h OUI !h. « - Willy Ley, noted authority * tc Stimulating refresher course for adults and nationw problem" ’ This fascinating section spells NEWS RECORD students-from flrst grade arithmetic to high U. S. HISTORY out the principles of motion OF 1956 L , conetitution of the o 8.. from the automobile to rock- The out.tendin* new. de- * hool as taught In our classroom. t?*!: ets to help vou understand eorlrtJe'y 1 prexenSrd. T 'de r - today. Helps mom and dad understand modern h Y,!Sn the m y sterte * of *P ace tr * vel tlTriSiind ”? r of“t n hisK teaching methods and curriculum, and enables *t? ***' th»t'" I were* n inth# V pubiic them to help Junior get ahead!’ EDUCATION in Number ot .rhool*. pu- WHO WAS WHO THE WORLD OF Trt# kjeu/c tTADice * Bt»ie. t< bnth' r pubMr 2nd The birth end death COMMUNICATIONS TOP NEWS STORIES private White end d»te« of Ari.totle and _ fi.ure. ghoul 0F THE Y£A * ”** r *radenUc K* 0 ,id"p . 7m bS? •epa ra 1 1 detailed ae- ~ , u/riDin uicta.v nle . n Tavior Barnum c Jan- aalnga. radio and tela atorlea of 105« a Raf#r to Traaaura-cheat ot infor- PATENTS AND What wan “Black Frl WHO'S WHO gevergl hundred other ;ii‘h tr^Tdo:s*SrJSl COPYRIGHTS yon »«.«,. Os the PARLIAMENTARr feet* end dgte* of m*)or h 1 .'t ort e x Thl* teetton contgln* Rebellion. the ' Dred the age end btrthplgre PROCEDURE •vent* ritlex mliMumg ogrki Vtlugbl* Information on Scott Cage." “Butter'* of theater and movie _ - rtle*. muitum*. p*rg». plteßt , rop , r g t ht*. Mill." CoxeV* Army" iter* and eelebrltle* In WHAT DOES YOUR fPS c ‘»L,.T»3L.S?. m .»il I !.* nnttwnin ,tc ' trtdemsrk*. etc lndl»- ' ,f etc —Hi»torlr*l and *ll fleld* Should provide FAMILY NAME MEAN? F„mnVe« Too Vo? the' CROSSWORD pensmble for Inventor*. n»*« event* from *nel- many happy hour* for rAMILT rtAMt IVIeAN. Eximple* Top of- the PUZZLE GUIDE 2-COLOR bu»lne*»men. writer*, etc *»* to modern time*: the buxybody tn nil of u»! Burprne manning* of Jn”ty Bind Sortet Rgndy for prunle solver* MAP SECTION r - tlr bn*e* Middle Etel who m»y be *tumped for . . 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ARSTRONOMY iSTtor" of glmo.t ewe fTnm AfghgnUUn to royalty clergy congre**. noloalcai develonment rnn. etc Hi*tone* of the ARSIRUNOMT "etlVtou. grriuo in Thl Tugo.lgylg Up-to-thg- men. .te noiogicai ueveiopment COfl- g,m,d force, pay rate* Kind, ot -time longt- U 8 Important *ecni«r minute tnlormetlon about sumption, education, health, of officer, end enlisted tudex and latitudes of a* well a* rellgtou* holt- 5» on1 *' foreign trade etc m,n - , w ! r American and foreign day* explained 'tie, eeoeraphv Merory. taunns xwunt ' eran*' benefits, etc cities: fact* about the* rewturce*. etc »un. moon, planet*. S»n*TS Intere*tln* readme and Nobel Frt»* winners ... comet*, etc. m.'JripiVnm?™; FIFSIDENTS rhemi. t t7y* tU ”;dISVi f : THI AMERICAN U. S GOVERNMENT Thl. fascinating «c«on CONTRACT BRIDGE from 1710 to 1058 FRkSIDtNTj PniiTxer tVi'i, ECONOMY „ . egplain* how much beer SYSTEMS how etrloux ggmex began OF THE U S »mner. .inr. l»l\ tt-UNOMT i'L there Ulna barrel #t#igiwj and developed .. . y ,.. "radJmv Award wlnnem What we ourebas* depart menu and agen- that 18-carat gold I* Ready-reference guide to •mrlf* and highlight.. xmlJu-im Pr n i*d e*n l »ln*e ™n-s V° r FUre how much w» earn f! M - Congre.x of tha only Kth* mire up-to-date bidding. In etc fncludea ntgl fact* i utV of ".verv lUc* P-",- Criur*' ' Award* New what we.own what J * •'cabinet mem- that a hamborger ha* eluding th* Culbertnon on baseball basketball. 0T nSLi,,, (2?* Yorktlbiv.r.ftvi Hail of ■» orodure and ho* *mb*..*dor« so and more calorie* than a Honor-Trick Table, Oor billiard* bowling, boiln* .Vd* flxnm m rXu. Fame gte " U * much etc Import* and ' 08. Ju.tic.* dl.h of .oaehettl en Fomt-Count Method, fencing flxhln*. football. Jlntiai .lection* ate r »me etc export*, farm income. "J, ,h » Buprema Court other xurprletog. gmtie- Blackwood and Btayman golf, horse raring hock- election* etc. *tc. etc. 1„. fact* g D d (eneral Convention* etc Quick ry rifle and| .hoot- auiawiebai Information way to **ttl* artument.l ISI: F. w ,n. A ,m. A .r,e. The Question-Answerer for i . anrrer •wimmint. rennia. ahou* fammi* fifata"— * I !iftm*.**te l:;;.rbhmV.nhy "Hi Home, School and Office! the evening star licensed veaien allot i.vM..*, Jbiiuv. U..U wtii«. 11 Hi Street oak Penn*. Ae*. And Ttteuaaart! «f Other ftrat round - the • world | w-.1,.-**, nr * Fart* and Fu-ire*. c«. .ah _ ajd cccre. of other YOt' WILL um Information Please Almanac In many i , ' 0 1 Viawt ixjngy eirpian# recocea. 'aicou. way*—for study, tor quick reference, for puzzles, for i Qian i inuia aircraft. »te contests, for quiz programs, for Browsing, for settling [ Please send the new 1957 Washington Star Information 1 ’ arguments. It will oe useful tn your liorarv, vour Please Almenac at 11.10 per copy (include* 10c for postage , Walrfarf-Aitaria Raeinat far kitchen, vour office, at vour bedside. It will oe ex- and handling*. • . a is! , tremely nelpful to student* of ail a«e*-from grammar Cfllßritiat! *hooi to coUege: ''•F'*' _ A group of recipe* based on Information Please Almanac la (till the most fabulous . I enclose check ........ money order for t ......... menu* ot dinner* and 'unch- single-volume value tn the book world Yw, this brand- j M. eons sened to visiting celeb- new oetter-than-ever 1957 ediUon (till coats only 11. n*iw* ....... ! rtU “_. o L. th !..!! of l tl : At thU amsilngly low price, you will want to order .I!!? »«veral copies, not only for vourself and faraUy but , Addree* ................. ................. I mema tnclude the for friends, relative*, school children. It make* such J loon. wine*, dessert*, etc. % thoughtful gift. Mall tha coupon J city Ten* .1. |e*t* *—■ * T ' L ——: -- ' I his grandparents first came to Burma. Tradition Near End Today, the gaunt-looking doc tor hopes a member of the family might carry on the tradition when he passes from the scene but he does not think it’s likely. One son, 24-year-old John, is an engineering student at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. Another son. Sterling, 19, is an art student at Florida's Miami University. Dr. Seagrave’s wife left Burma in 1949 and now ! lives in Baltimore. Dysentery and malaria have taken their toll, says Dr. Sea grave’s eldest son, Weston. But perhaps more than any thing else it was his detention by the Burmese government in 1950 on charges of high treason that hurt Dr. Seagrave most. “I would rather have had the death penalty than spend six years in prison,” Dr. Seagrave said. That was what Government prosecutors sought as a penalty for his alleged support of Burma’s Karen rebels in 1948-49. Memories Are Painful Eventually, the doctor was cleared of all charges and sent back to his beloved hospital in the hills. But his year in a Ran goon jail and the death of his sister, Grace, a year later were' painful memories. “I think the fact that he was, ever suspected in the first place TRUE LIFE ADVENTURES By Walt Disney THE TSAIS) MAV BEAT THg, ggOUMP ANP HER. i is what really hurt,” said Weston. The younger Seagrave, who was born at Namhkam, educated in the United States and flew 31 combat missions as a Navy lieu tenant in the Korean war, is the hospital administrator and gen eral fix-it man here. He's also his father’s steadiest companion. Dr. Seagrave doesn’t have much time for relaxation, though. “I’ve been at this business for ; 34 years and things get busier every day," he said. Dr. Seagrave was asked if he had any plan to visit the United ; States. He has been home only 'once since World War 11. “Well, I wouldn’t mind gettin’ caught up on some American-! ism, but the situation is such that I feel my duties are perma nently in Burma. And my spe cialty is making the common man of Burma believe in West ern surgery and methods.” Communism Appeals to Poor Dr. Seagrave thought a mo ment and added: “No, there's something even more important. That’s per suading the poorer people of Burma, among whom commu nism has great appeal, that as an American, I’ve got the great est interest in their welfare.” When Dr. Seagrave talks about communism it's from per sonal experience. The town of Namhkam is a i center of intrigue for Chinese | Communist agents who filter' ! across the nearby border. Namhham is right on the China border and an estimated 1,000 illegal Chinese immigrants cross into Burma daily. The hospital started with a couple of wooden sheds in the 20s. It was levelled during World War n while Dr. Seagrave and his corps of nurses fled west to India with Gen. Joseph Stilwell’s armies. Ruins Rebuilt in 1945 When he came back to Burma in 1945, Dr. Seagrave rebuilt the Namhkam ruins. There are now 22 stone buildings, including a modem operating room, re cuperative wards, venerial dis ease clinic, nurses quarters, a library and chapel. Dr. Seagrave spends his re laxing hours in his little house behind the hospital. He came here originally as a Baptist missionary doctor, now his hospital is nonsectarian Dr. Seagrave’s aflection for the Kachin. Shan. Chin and Karen frontier people is legend in these hills. And, as his army of almond-eyed nurses scurry along the hospital corridors in their neat white uniforms, it’s easy to sense that the feeling is mutual. They know “daddy” is watch ing over them. Stolen Car Owner Recovers Own Auto MILWAUKEE UP). Charles Gleason drew complaints from the police department when he recovered his own stolen car. 'The auto had been missing fori more than two weeks when Glea son saw it whiz past as he was driving to work in another car. He got the license number. From the motor vehicle de partment Gleason found the name of the man to whom the plates were issued. He then called the man’s home and found |out he worked! On arriv ing at the man's place of em ployment he saw the car parked nearby and called police. Two | officers helped him make the ar rest and recover the car. Classified Ad Rates: Local Advertisers 3 Lines (Minimum) Closing Hours: 'SUNDAY EDITION, 10 P.M. Friday MONDAY EDITION, 8 P.M. Sunday TUES. to FRI., 9 P.M. Day Ector* CHRISTMAS GREETINGS MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM HOT SHOPPES, INC. SPECIAL NOTICES I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE (or »ny debts contracted for by any one other than myself. ERNEST LEE TOYE. 1413 3rd at. n.w.. D. C. _ 26* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts Incurred by anyone other than myself. MILTON WILLIAMB. 2033 H st. n.w. 25* OFFICE OF THE FIREMEN'S IN SURANCE COMPANY OF WASH INGTON AND GEORGETOWN. 303 Seventh Street, N.W., Washlnaton. D C.—The Stockholders of the Firemen’s Insurance Company of Washlnaton and Oeoraetown will meet at the office of the Company on Monday. January 7. 1057. for thr purpose of electing thirteen directors for the ensuing year. Polls onen from if am. to 12 noon. V. MANNING HOFFMAN, Secretary. de21.22,23.24.25,2«,27.28,20.30.31- I a 1.2^3. WINDOWS FOR RENTi 15th and F sts. n.w., 2nd and. 3rd floors. NA. 8-7258, AUCTION SALES Zed L. Williams A Zed L. Williams, Jr. Auctioneers end Appraisers Large Sale Tomorrow Wednesday Commencing at 2 P.M. MAHOO. BEDRM SUITES. FRENCH PROVINCIAL BEDRM SUITES. DECORATED BEDRM. SUITE. MEDIUM DINING RM. SUITE. FINE HOLLYWOODB. GOOD SOFAB LOUNOE CHAIRB. LIV ING RM. CHAIRS. SECY.. DESK. BELGIAN RAYON RUOB. ODD CHESTS DRESBERB. BEDDING. KNEEHOLE DESK. ATTRACTIVE MANTELB. BRASS ANDIRONS. ETC NUMEROUS OTHER HOUSE HOLD EFFECTS. ALL TO BE 80LD BY AUCTION AT Williams Auction House 1200 H ST N.W. THIS WED. (TOMORROW). 2 P.M. PLENTY OF EVERYTHING. SOME THING FOR EVERYONE. DEAL ERS AND INDIVIDUALS TAKE NOTICE. AUCTIONEERS. PH. NA. 8-2670 dc2s PERSONAL FORM 67# U. 8. Job applications prepared and typed: personnel counseling. EXCH. BERV. CO.. 1832 K st. nV, ST. 3-0186. 28 • WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS and Invitations; 24-hr. serv. STANLEY ADAMB PRTG. CO.. 606 11th st. n.w. DI 7-1434: eves.. JA. 6-8246. MIMEOGRAPHING 5OO copies, 84 05. incl. typing stencil. EXCH. SERV.. 1832 K st. n.w., ST. 3-0180. Setter MEMORY—Develop mental Powers and ability. Improve obser vation. concentration, retention, recollection. New classes forming. EX. 3-0042. • PERMANENT 86; shampoo and fln gerwave, 75c. WARPLYNN BEAUTY JCOLLEOE 1210 O st. nw. DRINKS Cocktails, champagne, punch, egg nogg. rum. coffee, beer. tea. etc. DO SPOT your favorite dress or suit. WE CAN REMOVE those spots with the formulas of our chemist. Bring them to us. No charge will be made if you find even a trace of the spot. "Drive In" in front of our door. EXQUISITE CLEANERS Dye Work Specialist Drapery Cleaners Suede Cleaners Spot Removers 37H0 Georgia MERRY CHRISTMAS to our darling mother and wife, KAY KANE, ana also a Happy New Year. MATTY. KATHY AND DADDY. AMEB PAPER PRODUCTS CO. NEW YEARS Party Supplies Cups-Plates-Napkins-Favors Nolsemakers-Hats-Decoratlons 1406 H Bt. N.E. LI. 7-3303 When answering advertisements addressee to Slat boxes do NOT enclose ortotnai references photo, ora p/is or other materials o> per • tonal value Copies serve the our oose Originals map aet 'ost HELP—MEN ACCTB.. JR. collet* and., at. $5,300 Budget analyst, exper. _ SSOO Office Trainee, coll. arad. $325 up Airline Ticket Agts., youna $270 Bkkpr., mtdniaht to 8:30 a.m.. SIOO Field Rep. Trainee $330 up Topo Draftsman ...Top salary IBM Operators, exper— S3OO up Bank Clerk Trainees SSO up ALLEN-OBRIEN Pereonhel Service 1404 N. V. At*. RE. 7-7280 announcers, newscasters and writers wanted In Illinois. New Mexico. Mass., and New York State NATIONAL ACADEMY OF BROAD CASTING. DE. 2-5580. AUTO BODY MAN, olentv of work, excellent working conditions. See Mr. Shannon, at WISSINGER CHEVROLET. Seven Corners. Falls Church. Va._ AUTO MECHANICS De Soto-Plrm outh Falls Church. Va.; up to $l5O wk Sea MR TER RETT JE 2- 2300 ACTOMOTIVE PARTS perpetual let veniory clerk: an excellent oppor tunity for a ouallfled draft-exempt youna man to train for promotion to assistant buyer. Oood salary and working conditions: references required MILLER -DUDLEY CO INC.. 07 E at. s.w. BARBER - Psrt-ttme work, short hours call after 8 p.m., DI _7-SOBS. CAR WASHER Colored. 21*36: full-time em- Eloyment at our re ware ouse. Applicant mu*t be n'at and dependable, Dnsseits D C. permit clear traffic ecord. and have *ome driv ing experience Apply per sonnel Rm. 602 830 am. to 3:30 p m weekday*: Pam to noon Saturdays No phone calls THE EVENING STAR 1101 PA. AVE. N.W. COLLKCTOMA *2f part time, white, to collect on amalt regular monthly magazine account* in n * and Hr attavllle areas Must have car Free to work evea. and 9ati. Call M IIBERT RE 7-4483 CONSTRUCTION BLDG superinten dent. union carpenter, to run large D. C church Job start immediately. Ref a needed Call JV 8-1313 COUNTERMAN for combination deli rateaaen and carry-out ihoo; must be exper with refa. DI. 7-8242 between 4 and 8 p m. ~OYNfEB FABTB MAN. experienced; group iioftpitalixation. vacation with pay other benefit! Call MR. La- RARBFRA LA. «-84.J0. COPY BOY Youna man 18-23. for full-time employment. High school arad some eolleae Background preferred We are Interested In a neat IntelUyent person who seeks t career with a ieadlne newspaper Apply Person nel Rm 502. 830 a m to 3:30 pm weekdays, Pam to noon Saturday No phone calls THE EVENING STAR 1101 FA. AVI N.w. DENTAL TECHNICIAN* full time, to manage small lab. State exeer and re t Bom 469-T. Star MMTEICI4** journeymen and apprentices year-round employ ment. D C driter * permit ea •ectial MAISXLS ELECTRIC CO 2427 16th at BW , CO _6-»69* FI.Ef TRONIC OlOtWfEß*' - u>- nrweiort. technMlsns and telephone traffic engineer 'United SUte, and overt*** i. experienced in current military equipment Immediate opening* Resume desired INTER NATIONAL electronics Engi neer: no INC RE T-SBOh ENGINEERS— Technical personnel rials BOYD'S today 700 12th cm O a w see Mr Ford openlrgg I I Wg to 8211.500 ft. WtLCOtn FARwrR married and aster, tor genera, farm work: Muse garden meat and salart For Information Kona dart. NO 7-M57. tree and ■ , JA 7-ttM emrotremtm Experienced m Mrtropoll'er iren. enoeHen: par and working cond.uona reference required call DI 7-i*«* between t tad T. HILP—MIN (Cost.) GLASS man. caper. In repair of art alaes and church windows. Finn proposition, TU. 2-3380. GUARDS 45 TO 60 Retired policemen, firemen or military personnel pre ferred. Positions available at Falls Church and Arlington divi sion with rotating shifts. Good physical condition and citizenship required. Apply in Person Wednesday Through Saturday 8 A.M. to 4 P.M MELPAR, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF WEST INGHOUBE AIR BRAKE CO 3000 Arlington Blvd Falls Church, Va Interior display trimmer. must have some interior experi ence and be able to properly dress manikins: excellent opportunity for young man interested in long range career in retail display; 5- day. 40-hour week, time and half for overtime. discount on purchases, year-round employment, free pension plan, many other benefits WOODWARD ft LOTH ROP. Personnel. 11th and F sts. n.w MESSENGERS, inside; white; under 19. to learn clerical work: office near 16th and H st». n.w.: hra. 8:30-5 '/» day Sat. Phone NA 8-1118 PRESS CLEANER Colored, age 25-35. for steady em- Bloyment In our downtown building. ependable. neat, husky man. in ex cellent health, apply to Room 602. 8:30 a.m. to 3 pm . weekdays: P am. to noon. Saturday. No phone calls. THE EVENING STAR 1101 PA. AVE. N.W. Real Estate Salesmen UNUSUAL PROFIT-SHARING PLAN Based on exceptionally liberal com mission break down. For first-rate experienced salesmen only. Leading W'ell-establlshed firm in. Virginia. All inquiries remain confidential. For ward resume and qualifications to Box 433-T, Star REFRIGERATION MECHANIC. ex perienced in commercial refrigera tion and air conditioning, installa tion and service; year-round work, top pay. good working conditions; no drinkers. TINKHAM SERVICE.S. 2727 North Washington blvd.. Arl., Va. See Mr. Broach, between 5 and p.m. weekdays. REFRIGERATION MECHANK>-Ex perienced commercial refrigeration mechanic: steady year-round work for reliable man. Top pay. good references. Call McCRAY RE FRIGERATION. RE. 7-0041. SALES ENGINEER, experienced in refrigeration and heating; year round work, good workine condi tions. TINKHAM BERVICES. 2727 North Washington blvd.. Arl.. Va See Mr. Hamblett. between 6 and 0 __pjn. weekdays. SALESMAN for retail bakery: after short training period, average sal ary. *lO5 per week HOLMES BAKERY. 035 N st. n w. TV TECHNICIAN, experienced: group hospitalization, vacation with pay, other benefits. Call MR LaBAR BERA._LA 0-8430 YOUNG MAN. to learn the cloth ing and haberdashery business. Permanent position and good sal ary If vou qualify. THE QUALITY BtfOP. 3028 Wilson blvd . Arling ton. Va. YOUNG MAN—Office clerk. 48-hr wk.. 6 days, company benefits and good working conditions. CoAtact MR. DISALVO. BARNES ft KIMEL CO.. Alex . Va.. OV. 3-4330. DO YOU NEED EXTRA MONEY? Here’s a chance to supplement your income. Make telephone calls in your spare time from your own desk, in our comfortable office. Experience helpful but not necessary. WE TRAIN YOU. AGE NO BARRIER IF OVER 21 Mornings Afternoons Or Evenings SELECT YOUR OWN HOURS 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Hie Work Is Pleasant—Commissions Are Good FOR APPOINTMENT, CALL MR. WILLIAMS DISTRICT 7-4169 What Makes a Good Place to Work?? • GOOD PAV * INTERESTING AND CHAL • AN EXPANDING COMPANY LENDING WORK ABBION ALLOWING AMPLE OPPOR- ME NTS. TUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. • A COST SHARING IDUCA; • EXCEPTIONAL WORKING • AN INSURANCE PROORAM CONDITIONS. TN PLEASANT TIONAL PROORAM SURROUNDINGS COVERING LIFE. DISABIL • CONVENIENT BUBU RB A N ITY. HOSPITALIZATION. LOCATIONS. NO COMMUT- SURGICAL AND MAJOR INO PROBLEMS MEDICAL. • A LIBERAL PAID VACATION AND BICK LEAVE POLICY. At MELPAR you will find all of the above-mentioned benefits Integrated into a program that truly makes A Good Place to Work OPENINGS CREATED by our con tinued expansion are presently available for men In the following fields DRAFTSMEN—ILLUSTRATORS MACHINISTS—MACHINE OPERATORS MECHANICAL INSPECTORS ELECTRO MECHANICAL INSPECTORS ENGRAVING MACHINE OPERATORS SHEETMETAL MEN ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS MECHANICAL TECHNICIANS WELDERS ♦ ENGINEERING AIDES—PRECISION ASSEMBLERS EXPEDITERS—STOCK CLERKS AND TRAINEES .* rm MANY OF THE ABOVE POSITIONS WEDNESDAY l IhBOUgV^?'TURDA T Saturday Interviewß ThU Week DECEMBER 29 VISIT OUR LABORATORIES AT 3000 Arlington Blvd., Fall* Church. Va. fTAKt ARNOLD | 2-W fj jßCj; fNOM^ t *TS N W OR 1311 S Fern St. 'Off Jefferson DarU Hwy.l, Arlington, Va. .TAKE aMWJ.ff.F9rj?VfcPKWSW,*- °" MELPAR, INC. A BCMTDIART OT WRBTtWOROCBt AIR BRAKE CO 'CawUaaaO *• BearFaeai i Cob.!**»< *» Bee. Faea* TRAINEES DRAFTSMEN OPENINGS FOR YOUNG MEN Interested in learning the high lucrative field of drafting. REQUIREMENTS At least 1 year of high school mechanical draw ing course. Excellent opportunity for advancement in an expanding research or ganization. Apply in Person Wednesday Through Saturday 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Saturday Interviews This Week DECEMBER 29 MELPAR, INC. A of Westlnghoube Air Brake Co. 3000 Arlington Blvd. Falls Church, Va. YOUNG - MSN. to work tat (true store. Virginia driver's license, living in the area of Vienna; day jworiL no Sundays. PU. 6-7111. YOUNG MAN. single, assistant ihtpT ping clerk and assistant store man ager: must be intelligent; ref. req.: position permanent. ARTS ft CRAFTS. 034 New York jive. n w. YOUNG MEN FOB STOCK Wolkl new warehouse, northeast Chance for advancement to outside field work. Immediate openings. Good wages Call MR. COFFMAN or MR. BROCKWELL for appointment. LU. _ . Y-O-U-N-G M-E-N (White) Wide Variety of Goods Jobs COLUMBIA EMPL. 1341 O N.W. ooon OUTSIDE MAN for TV calls, some car radio or record chancer exper preferred. Balarr open. AD LAN TV. LO 5-2242. IF UNEMPLOYED or wlah a BIT TER position, vlalt BOYD’S, cor. :2th and O n w {hundred* open ings DAILY. PUBLIC WELCOME. MAN WITH CAB, excel opeslne on established route: no exper. neees nary, training furn.: $Bl week to start. Apply FULLER BRUSH CO . 011 National Press Bldg.. 14th arid F sts. n.w.. or phone DI. 7-4477 or DI. 7-3498 TEACHERS, WHITE ‘ Immediate Positions PRIVATE 8CHOOL8: History and Math PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Phys Ed . English. Boclal Studiea. Art. Music and Elementary SALARIES, $350-8650 MO. Write, call or «ee us December *#. Adams Teachers Agency 1341 O St N.W RE 7-3P38