Newspaper Page Text
HILP—MEN (Com.) 1 \ NIGHT AUDITOR '* FOR £ New Marriott Motor Hotel (Across 14th Bt. Bridge, Va > ■ We have an immediate opening ■ for a qualified individual. Hours: 11 ; m n m to 7 a m Excellent opportunity / for alert young man who has had some hotel auditing experience. Full Company Benefits HOT SHOPPES, INC. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1.141 O 8t N W.. Rm. 200 TELLER For Financial Institution Permanent position with excellent future. 5-dav week Applicant should be neat, accurate and able to meet public. Salary open. For appoint ment call Mr. Clark. EX 3-074? JEFFERSON FEDERAL 1 SAVINGS & LOAN 17th and K St N.W, HELP WOMEN ADMIN. CLERK a , J Wp , ar f looking for an alert lndl- i 9 virtual who enjoys meetlnc the pub lie Individual must like detail work ana be able to assume responsibility.! Some typing, n.w. location: o-day week; full company benefits HOT SHOPPES, INC. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 111*1 O St. N.W Rm. "00 ADM. SECY., $5,500 ! I Office mgr., electronic cxper. prcf., 1 secret clearance, rapid advance. Local secretaries to *4..100 up 1 I Secretary: girl Friday . *350 mo. i Secretary: Jewish org. to SUM I Secretary: Chillum vie S.TJI Becy.. construction exper. $.'175 up Secy . dictaphone s:i"s up Assistant payroll clerk to Sx.’l Receptionist-typist to *llOO mo Bookkeeper: construction to *:mo I Dictaphone operators $«5-s7ii Clerk-typists $55-$75 : Varltyplst; »xper. s7l up PBX operators SAS-$«o Clerk-typist: embassy Clerks: temporary: :i mos. sr»o-$«o NO REGISTRATION FEE M.’ny positions for the New Year ALLEN-O’BRIEN Personnel Service 1 104 N. Y. Ave. RE 7-7'iSO BEAITICIAN - MANICURIST lor modern beauty shop In Spring Val ley. TED A: ANGELO'S, 4807 Mass ave. n.w FM :t-714", BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED DOUBLE ENTRY O-day week; alr-conditloned office; croup hospitalization. Shapiro. Inc., 1413 K St. N.W. BUSGIRLS To work at Collece Park Md.. Hot BnopDP No experience necessary; metis and uniforms furnished. APPLY HOT BHOPPEB. INC. i:i*l O Bt. JfW CAPITOL HILL SECRETARIES. Jr •nd exper openings. $?5-s9o week LP Aviation, private seev.. publi cations. law steno., $65-91flfl wk up See Miss Leo at BOYD'B. cor 1- and On w. ST 3-3666 igst 42 _yrs i Public welcome. CAPITOL HILL SFCY. Openings All kinds. Exper : 25 new openings Jan. 2. Visit at once. BOYDS. 700 12th cor. Q n.w. CLERKS, white, under 21. without rhildren to learn file work, ex tracting cards and pasting records on them. Must not smoke Perma nent Large office nr. 1 5th and H ats n.w. Hours. 8:30 to 5: h dav _ Bat. start $2.626 a yr. NA_6-IJ_lB CLERK—Versatile girl under 35. for' modern downtown builder’s office Must be alert in learning new duties: some typing and working ! with figures. An excellent oppor tunity for a competent girl with at least 1 vear’s office experience: 40- hour . a'-j-day week. NA. 8-0257^ C I ERK, interesting and perm, post yon- camera store. HENRY’S CAM ERA EXCH 421 King at.. Alex., va. CLERK-TYPIST Experienced preferred but not essen tlzl; 1-riay week: free life Insurance and retirement plan Apply In person MUNSEY TRUST CO. ___ 132ft_* X* N_W. CLERICAL NO TYPING Top-notch opportunity for some one who likes varied duties and re sponsibilities. 5-day week, paid va cation and sick leave; definite op portunity for advancement. „ APPLY HOT SHOPPES, INC. - 1141 OS( N.W., Rm. ?Ol> CLERK TYPISTS PAYROLL CLERK SECRETARY Positions available in an expanding research organ ization. Opportunity for ad vancement. Convenient suburban lo cation, permanent resident of this area preferred. Apply in Person Wednesday Through Saturday 8 A M. to 4 P.M. MELPAR, INC. A Subsidiary of Westinghouse Air Brake Co * 3000 Arlington Blvd. Falls Church, Va. eOM/JpMFTr't OR BURROUGHS OPERATOR, northegst N.w officn nr MB BROCKWELL fnr appoint m.n LU 4-1417. Nurse—Registered Professional ■uorrvijnr .v.nlnv tour of duty: ‘ for modrrn p<zehl*irlr inititutr unlv.rzlty hrwmtal, d.votrd lo trrgf Inching, rrinrch: nppor- 1 •unitv for con'murd .tudv and nro- LWtrtnj l growh Betmmnt «al«r, S.T., fl* par month, annual Incra-; man'* Pr.vloua rxp.ri.nrr in pay rhiatrlc nunlnz n.c.jxary For furthrr informa'inn wrlia Aaalat an» Dirruor. p.ychiatrir Initltut* Uniy.ralty Hoaplta; Baltlmor. 1. Maryland Nurses—Registered Professional For modern p«vchi»:ric Inatitute university hospital, devoted to *rcg?- rotor tegchmg research oppor-1 tunitie* for continued study and advancement ixcenuonallv liberal personnel oolici** Beginning salary s2’*2 58 rer mon*h annual Incre- 1 menu, psychiatric differential with experience For further information i * write Assistant Director Psychiatric .Institute University Hospital. Balt:- mot# 1. Maryland POLICY Writer, typing. Aline fire and casualty experience, pav ccmmen* urate with ability Call KA 1U1756 FOOD SUPERVISORS w, ar. Marling a n.w program! which la da.ttnad 10 train women for, carrert m food marnt.m.nt Th» basir ouallficailoni are poier.’.ial for advancemen’ .uperviwrv abllu* and a denre to learn the lood buat ne». No experience In food* necen. ear; we will tram yrvj Individual* B1U«: be phy.icaliy fit and vineerele ln!ere«t»d In vhi* excellent oppor tunity in our carerr food manage-. man: program At. to IS plena, forward resume or app.v direct:, to HOT SHOPPES. INC. Rm >«i EMPLOYE CA FETERfA MANAGER A-da? wee* a«l com pa ns bene, fit* Located at oar executive of. Rees M6l Rt**r h*d Be'hesda , Rxper’etie# reou ltce.!»m ow peritißity for the rttfit mdinduai HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1 Ml 1 O IT >* RM IFROM NINE TO FIVE -By Jo Fischer [7=^l FROMN/NE TO F/VB ■ && y. !> s HELP WOMEN \ SALESWOMEN ’ Telephone Saleswork 1 This is an opportunity for ! you to earn a substantial i ■ weekly income working on a | straight commission basis. i j ! The work is pleasant .. . 1 calling from your own desk in our office. ’ Telephone sales experi ence is not absolutely neces sary but pleasant telephone voice and pleasant person ality are extremely helpful in making your earnings unlimited. Age No Barrier If Over 21 The hours will be arranged to suit you . . . either full I time', part time or evenings. For Complete Details Call District 7-0842 > For an Appointment • private” SCHOOL seeks teacheTfor [ 2nd grade; > a -day Call or write - principal. A045 l«th at. n.w. TU. 1 2-1822. 1 LU. 4-1417. I R ROISTERED NU RSE - RECEPTION IST. available immediately, day- I time office hours only. Downtown i *n*dlcal clinic. Call EX. .3-2320. • REFINED WHITE LADY to take care of elderly gentleman and live in; ref. required. Box .30.3-8. Star RESIDENT MANAGER, exclusive aif conditloned apartment house, must be experienced: age .30-45 Apdlv ; in person Rm. 1100 Investment Bldg., lftli K st. n w., dally. 1-5 ’! RENT CLERK 5-dav week, group hospitalization; ;new air-eonditioned office Shapiro, Inc., 1413 K St. N.W. SALESGIRL, under 40. to iearn~and sell ceramic and craft supplies; position permanent. 034 New York , ave n.w. SALESLADIES, full or part tlm%; i coats, suits and dresses; prefer ably with following: good salary; pleasant working conditions: 5-day week Apply Mr. Moss. JEAN MATOU. 1140 Conn. ave. NA 8-2735. SECRETARY Excellent opportunity for an experienced secretary. Must be technically quali fied. have the * ability to assume responsibility and work on own initiative. In dividual must like dealing with peonle All company benefits: 5-day week. This position is as secre tary to one of the company’s executives. Salary commen surate with ability. Evening appointment can be arranged, or apply directly to HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1341 O ST. N.W RM 400 DO YOU NEED EXTRA MONEY? Here’s a chance to supplement your income. Make telephone calls in your spare time from your own desk, in our comfortable office. Experience helpful but not necessary. WE TRAIN YOU. AGE NO BARRIER IF OVER 21 Mornings Afternoons Or Evenings SELECT YOUR OWN HOURS 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Work Is Pleasant—Commissions Are Good FOR APPOINTMENT. CALL MR. WILLIAMS DISTRICT 7-4169 TELEPHONE AD-VISERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NEW PAY SCALES NOW IN EFFECT Young women, 18 to 39 years of age. who are high school graduates, posses a pleasant telephone manner and can spell well. Reasonable typing speed Is required. RAPID ADVANCEMENT POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO DEMONSTRATE CAPACITY TO SELL OVER THE PHONE. FULL-TIME EMPLOYES QUALIFY FOR: 1. Regular Salary Increases 2. Vacation With Pay 3. Hospitalization and Life Insurance 4. Retirement Plan S Sickness Benefits 6. Staff Savings Plan 7. Medical and Dental Clinic Services And Numerous Other Benefits Which Make for Pleasant Employe-Employer Relationship WE HAVE FULL-TIME OPENINGS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9 A M. TO 6 P.M. Apply Personnel, Room 602 WEEKDAYS, 8 30 A M. TO 3:30 P M. NO PHONE CALLS THE EVENING STAR 1101 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W. HELP WOMEN SECRETARY, law office <alr condi tioned); $350 per mo. more if justi fied by experience, qualifications. 8T 3-585*1 or write Box 290-R. Star. SECRETARY—ExceIIent opening sor 1 willing individual: 5-dav. 4*)-hour week; attractive working condi tions. Call MR. PHILLIPS. LA I 0-5510 for appointment. SECYS., TO SIOO * ; COLUMBIA EMPL. 1341 jO N W. j SHOE SALESMAN, experienced Juve- j nile fitter; excellent position for; qualified man 7022 Wisconsin ave-! ! nue. 3103 14th 't. n.w. STENO TYPIST. 21-35. for modern’ : downtown real estate appraisal of fice. Interesting position requiring , .“need and accuracy in handling dictation, typing and other secre tarial duties. Must be willing work er. conscientious, thoroughly com petent and of attractive appear ance. Five-day week, vacation, hospitalization and other benefits, j Salarv commensurate with ability. | For Interview call MR. KIDWFLL.! NJA 8-3000. m | STENOGRAPHER High school graci . 18-35. with prior experience as steno. reasonable typing speed and proficient short hand required. Diversified assignments pretaining to sporting events in Washing ton area Regular salary in creases. sick pay. and other company benefits Apply Per sonnel. Rm. 302. 8:30 am. to 3:30 pm weekdays. 0 am. to noon Saturday. No phone calls. THE EVENING STAR STENOGRAPHER ' BETHESDA Competent full-time t tenogranher; 40-hr. wk.. small office In profes sional field: good oppor. for perma nent empl.: near home for Bethcsda- Chevy Chase people. Phone OL 4-3400. Dec. 2H through Dec. 2». for interview. . SURVEY CLERK Temporary employment from Dec. 2*5 through mid-Febru ary Ideal for housewife not interested in permanent em ployment Weekday schedule. J) a m to 5:30 p m no Satur day work. No canvassing. No typing required, familiarity with detailed clerical assign ments helpful. Age 18-35. Apply Personnel. Room HO2, 8:30 a m to 3:30 pm. week days: 0 am. to noon Satur day. No phone calls. THE EVENING STAR 1101 PA. AVE. N.W. TEACHER, white, for kindergarten or nursery .‘chool: experience nec essary. LU. 4-5114 TYPIST—S-day. 40-hr. week; must be able to type 50 w.p.m. Apply 2101 New York ave. n.e. See MR PHILLIPB. WAITRESSES; whlteT over 21. BTRICKS REBTAURANT. 3350 Navlor rd. s.e. WAITRESS MANAGER, experienced with manager’s license, for day work: maximum salary and bonus arragement. Apply 22 F st. n.w. LI 4-8803. LADY to work in real estate office, answer phones, keep records and collect rents: prefer Catholic, ex per. not nec. Write to Box 2SO-8. Jitar. _ 25* LADIES—Join AVON'S hit parade; let AVON earn S3O-S4O wkly. for you in your neighborhood. DI. 7- 0221. IF UNEMPLOYED or wish a BET TER position, always see BOYD'S EMPL. CENTER. est 42 yrs... thousands olaced PUBLIC WEL COME. cor 12th and O n.w. WHITE SINGER WANTED. Apply at! JOHNNY’S at Bth and E sts. s.e.. after 7 p.m. j HELP WOMEN <Cm».) IF IT’S A QUESTION OF CASH HERE’S THE ANSWER | Unlimited Income PLUS Permament Employment Day or Night Hours Meals and Uniforms Furnished Work Close to Your Home WAITRESSES CAR HOPS CASHIERS HOSTESSES NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY APPLY HOT SHOPPES, INC. I 1.141 O ST N.W. RM. 200 Interviews Begin at 9 A.M. i Monday Through Saturday HELP—MEN AND WOMEN MERRY XMAS ATLAS AOOY.. 1420 N. Y. Ave. N.W HELP DOMESTIC • COMPANION, to do lliht house- 1 . work for family of 2; may live in.! FL._4_-7032. ! 1.H.W.-BABY SITTER Desire woman from *i to 9 pm. 6 days i wee*, in Rockville; year-old child; • sls. PO 2-9330 or DU. 7-8043. WOMAN, elderly, live in, rm. andi board: small salary; 5 days wk..; ' 1 h.w : for colored mother. LU. | PI KMANENT C HILD C%RE TAKER wanted ty young lamilv in Ken i sington. Md. Live in if desirable. • Will definitely consider mother ■ j with 1 child. Better-than-averate wages. Start immediately. Refer ences desirable. Call any time. LO. I 5-5247. 1 TOP-NOTCH DOMESTIC—Live-in ■ positions available Jan. 1. Appli cations being taken Dec. 28 and 27. To S2OO mo A-l ASSOCIATES. 101? 12th *t._n.w.._ME. 8-21»0.j 'COLORED GIRL, experienced, re liable. child care; 5-day week. RA. 8-0080. ; SITUATIONS—MEN ESTIMATOR, mech. plbg.. htg. and . a.c. all phases. Available Jan. 2. » Box 292-8. Star. 25* CONSTRUCTION BUPT.; 'heavy con-! structlon experience, registered en gineer. FE. 3-8398. 31* SITUATIONS—WOMEN SOUTH AM. GIRL. 20 yrs.. desires work with diplomatic family as maid, or child care; live out; refs. DU 7-0320. INSTRUCTION COURSES HAIRDRESSERS—Enjoy a profitable and exciting career; men and j women, low entrance fee. WASH : INGTON D C. BEAUTY ACADEMY ! 1308 H st. n.W.. ST. 3-1037. MODERN TRAINING in beautv cul ture. all subjects taught; approved for GI training; day and eventng classes WARFLYNN BEAUTY COL LEOE 1210 O st. nw, Dl. 7-1782 ; COLORED STUDENTS, inquire now, NA 8-2340: new classes in TYP ING. Civil Service, shorthand. Jr. acct. Earn more money NOW. In quire BOYDS SCHOOL (est. 42 ' yrs >. cor. 12th and O n.w. Office Nurses Trained Weekly tuition rates. No exper. neces Free placement. CAPITAL .SCHOOL FOR DRS.' ASSISTANTS. For interview, TU. 2-6171 any time MOTOR TRAVEL CHAUFFEUR DRIVING TO FLOR IDA Dec. 28 or 29; will take two or five share. Box 302-8, Star. 25* REPAIRS AND SERVICE BRICKLAYING, alterations, fireplace walls, all types masonry. A, PAG NANI. JO. BRICKWORK, walls, steps, porches, i chimneys, waterproofing, all re ■ pairs. A-l workmanship. NO. 7- 8818. _ i CARPENTRY REPAIRS, remodeling cabinets. Formica work; easy terms; need work MR. COOK. UN. 4-0200 ELECTRICAL WIRING and repairs, new and old; cash or terms. CO j 5*9598, UN 4-1568. FLOORS SANDED, finished; new. 7c sq. ft., old floors. 10c up: painting, ext. C. L HINSON. JO 1-3475. i FLOORS SANDED and reflnished: old floors like-new. Low prices Free est WA. 7-6868 any time i MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE PAPERING, sll rm. up this week only; 56 sunfast washable papers. JU 8-1600. RA. 3-7393. PLASTERING. PATCHWORK, ceil ings a speciality First-class me chanics; free estimates. Call TU ■ 2-2510. s ROOFING, new work, repairs; gut ter. spoutina; carpentry, paint. A. D. ’ JTHOMABj_WA. 7-7352. SP. 3-5068 trXsh removed Yards, bsmts. cleaned; free estimate WALKER TRASH CO. FE 3-2802 ADDING' MACHINES. TYPEWRIT ERS. $25 up Your choice, only $1 a week. Free home demonstration. Call CLARK’S. EM. 3-9535 NOW ANTIQUES—Get on vour mark, get set. go to BELL HINDS big New Year's sale, starting Sunday You never saw such bargains. 12th and O sts. s e 1 BASINS 18x15. new. with fltlngs $11.95! jToilets. compact style, new _ 22.95 Range Hoods. $39 value 14.95 |Binks. flat rims imperfect 4.95 j (Gas Ranges, apt. size, used 15.001 j Refgrs., used. guar. 19.50 Cabinet Sinks. 42-in., used 20.00 'Bathtubs, built-in. new __ 54.50 new 39.50 ‘Copper tubing, ’a-in., flex. 20c ft.' Sink Fronts, new _ 7.50 BLOCK’S 4618 Balto. Ave. Hyattsvllle, Md. WA. 7-5501 PRE-MOVING SALE bed. Hollywood. dbl.!~ w, hdbrds.. ; $25; upholstered chair. *10; fans. ! movable floor. $3.5; dual window sls LU. 1 -9533. ißOOKfi—Lands and Peoples. 7 vol ume*. 1956 edition. Call HE j **9972 ..after 6_p.m ‘CAMERA, new Pan-Cinor; goonTlens for l«-inm. C-mount movie cam ' eras case_incl WH. C LOT Hl\G- After-Christ mas sav ings; all floor-length gowns spe cially priced at $5 each: not all **xes. Cocktail and short formats specially priced at sl2 You will! find the largest and most mac mflcent col!-cUon of dinner and cocktail clothe* that formerly sold up lo S4O n.', This aroun consist. I of silk... taffeta*, brocad*. satin*: and sheer wool. Also, a few de-: tinier winter coata left. Don't for- j act (here * slwav* a sood buy In I a used fur sarment. Find out for! yourself why fre are the laraest j outlet store jor budget-minded and ‘ value-minded women. THE FRENCH POODLE. Ifl'J.'l Conn. ave. n.w. i ! Dklly hours. Mon. through Sgt.. : II g m to 1 sin tun. CO. .",-"n:i 1 ;DOG HOI-SE. new. } ViWl'tf: re movable gable roof, well built, while nine. SI«_CT 7-fll.Vt. i FIREPLACE EQUIP., sai or electric : log*, screen*, tndlrons. etc. ACME, STOVE 1011 7th_nW._NA S-Hft.VJ LOAM .TACKING « I'SHI»NS. mike TV hassock* or snare bed OIU.IL> I I AND. it4l F n.w.. EX. T-Afl.H rl'R coat—Save fson on beautiful Xmas gift Let-out muskrat, new, j never worn Moving to Florida : Sacrinre JU. S-;ijri7 • FIRN. din room In nea .' mahoa Excel condition, Will sacrifice JU ■..,i:iu7 FlUN.—Chest as drawers. «»: Pxfd rue. *s. marble.ton dresser. sll' 1 j love seat. *Si; chair*. *1 in ea , nlcture frame,, mlsc JU 1-IPTP URN—Daveno bed 3 overs'iifled chairs, studio couch TV. mahot dmn*leaf din. table, buffet, lamps, ( chairs: many items: good eond at 1 »_oriee or !e*a AD 4-77nn U'RNITI RE toys, etc new at j wholesale or less UM 7th at nw • 4n|7 Minn ave n e FURNITURE SALE Tyemendou* savings on brand-new setfer-arsde bedrm din rm liv rm . bedding Modern. Early Ameri can French and Italian Provincial Factory closeouts, sampler* and sur plus stock at lowest orlces. regardless of big discounts offered elsewhere Stahler's Furniture Co. sl6 13th St N W RE 7-4319 FURNITURE Discount House Simmon* Englander Syicon $69 4-sx Mpt Mur. •*9 Aimimur »ug w»i» 95 *:» Ho;ivw<y>4 :p in $4795 nylon catered Hollvw d *.%A nb tM»SS Md mniiAg end nbina «5 n*. V 29 eunk eompl 464 *5 3 Biff Rooms Furn. $5 WEEK NO MONEY DOWN I KING FURN. I *7Ol n a As* JU *-**»( IMA x at. NX U *-0100 MISCEL. SAll (Cant.) FURNITURE : 3 Complete Rooms BEDROOM LIVING ROOM DINETTE TERMS $5 PER WK. j NO MONEY DOWN Only once in n blue moon do you save on a special like this. AH top-qualltv furniture Handsome living room suite with sofa and matching chair. 2 lamps 2 step tables and cocktail table: 7- piece bedroom has double bed. box spring and mattress, two pillows d Z es s er mirror and full-size chest; 5-piece chrome dinette set has a table and 4 matching chairs; 1 vour choice of colors Immediate! credit approval and delivery. Open Dally 9-6: Thursdays. Til 9 Park Free The Crown Co. 827 7th ST. N.W. FURNITURE Your Signature Is Worth 3 COMPLETE ROOMS FOR ONLY $219.95 NO MONEY DOWN Easy Terms, Free Delivery HERE’S WHAT YOU GET Living Room Beautiful modern sofaette, com jfortable occasional chair plus 2 end ‘tables, matching cocktail table and 2 beautiful decorator lamps. Bedroom Beautiful, modern 3-piece set: large dresser with mirror, roomv chests of drawers, double-size bed Plus pillows, etc. Dinette A Modern Dinette Set Deal Direct with Pat Regal No Finance or Loan Companies Involved We Cater to Servicemen You Get Immediate Credit Approval and Delivery : REGAL Clothing & Furniture Co. LUCKY 711 7th STREET N.W. • GAS RANGES, new. used, guaran ■ teed parts repairs. ACME STOVE I CO.. 1011 7th st. n.W.. NA. 8-BD.VJ. ■ GAS RANGES, new. used: installa tion. PEERLESS SALES CO.. 7'1.17 aa. aye ji de ■ GENERATORS,"* STARTERS. 57.60 i up: lge. assort.: elec, motor repairs: ♦ Ist yr. CARTY. 1808 14th. NO 7-0234. • HARPSICHORDS and Clavichords Contact MR NORTHCUTT ELY. Jr.. tj4ofl Shadow rd.. Kenwood. Md..OL._4-:i77fl HEATERS, new, used: gas. coni, oil; installation. PEERLEBS SALES CO.. :i337 On. ave. DE. 3-550*. _ HEATERS j Largest selection of new. used: gas. oil, coal. wood. elec. ACME STOVE • nut -th at. n.w. na. s-81113. MAPLE WORK bench, walnut dropi , leaf table; alao antiques. Queen Anna library table, pine drop-leaf. ; pine corner cupboard. Chippendale dining chairs, kitchen couch, carved oak mirror, etc. JE._. l-BSP6. ■ OFFICE FURNITURE—^WaInut "L Tr shaped executive desk, machine swivel foam chair: secretary's ma . r °s n posture chair: Hermes Ambas sador typewriter: all in excellent condmon; reasonable. Phone ME. ; organ, electronic; aultabie for church; complete with tone cabinet and bench. Rare value. Mill. K!TT it. n.w,. RE. 7-11213. : ORGAN, rental'return: spinet model, electronic. 12-note pedal, mahoa anv finish, including bench: *«!».>. n.w . RE. 7-0212. PIANOS, save up to 40% oh rental returns: l»1(i models and recondi tioned pianos. KITT S. 13.70 O st. n.w., RE 7-H3 l PIANOS—VERY SPECIAL PLAN" for beginners. Largest choice of pianos In Washington area. For informa- Jlon. phone WH. 0-8712. |fl*XO. WurTitaer. aplnet: used vejy ; little; looks and performs like a new piano. *345. KITTS. 1330 O at. P.W.. RE. 7-0217. PIANOS—Year-end clenrance"oh floor samples and 1010 model spinet piano, at great savings. Pay only *7l down, balance in 30 months KITTS. 1330 0 «L n.w . RE. J-0717. PIANO, PLATER and rolls: compl. rebuilt; beaut, tone: 1-yr. guar. oy jt-ioo'!. tr. 0-1061. REFRIGERATORS. 58.91 up; resin.. E«?ullt. some guar. year. FRED- JtRXCKS 3001 14th st.. TA. B-71HHI REFRIGERATORS, used. *lOlO up guar.: del.: lge. stock. ACME STOVE 1011 7th st. n.w,. NA. 8-8012. REFRIGERATORS Reconditioned. Guaranteed 1 Year ; *20.50 PEERLESS SALES CO 2237 Georgia Ave. DE. 2-5100 REFRIGERATORS !RECONDITIONED. $5 down: prompt delivery. No r*d tap* 2-year guar antee (JNIVERs AT ro . 4900 Oeor jglt 6V. P.w. TU RUGS Imported Persian designs, extra heavy; rose, white, blue: 11x15 1*37.50; Pxfl S2O. MAYFAIR SHOP 1225 G St. N.W. RUGB. two 9x12 Orient*! design ruts brand-new. never used Value. $75: sac. for *2O ORIENTAL RUO MART._I2O6 O SEWING MACHINE, elee. portable, round bobbin. S2O Never used. _Will deliver. HE. 4-5818. SLEEP CHAIR, S3O; folding screen. $5: stool. $2; bedrm. set. S7O; pict frame. $1; bedrm. chair. sl2; coil springs. $5; bunk bed. $35; sofa bed. S3O: Victorian rhr., $8: chaise lounge. $25; rocker. $4; mirror. $3 studio couch. S2O- lnnerspcr. matt.. *l9: washstand. $3. bookcase. $5: baoy ehefforo. 410; marble-top »bl.. *3O: leather-top rofTee table. sls. Victorian rocker. sls: drop-leaf tbl . S2O. We also do reup. sofa and chair: labor. $8«. incl. labor ma terial. Blid cover sofa anfi chair $55, labor and material We do re sin cabinetwork, repairing and E **y l * rm * HOFFMAN i UPHOLBTERERB 2447 18th st nw. CO 5-5116 31 • TAPE RECORDERS -Bargains, eel. eond : $55-sflß-sioo Tranh ocean radio. $45; 4-speed record player, $32. Must sell LI. 7-1035 TIRE SALE Full MtMnda. guar . wear like new J.DOaIS, «7(ixll. *«75: 7 10x11. ,80x11. *7 71. Ree. exrh Add V for mow tread,. ALL SERVICE TIRE TV. 17 " radio-phono rorrh eood eond.; best offer or trade for other Item OL 4-14!*. TV SETS (USED) $.30,849 *AO-iflO 10*' to ‘*7" Written Guarantee With Esch TV Open 9AM to Q PM. fl 51 Penna. Aye. R E TV PIC TUBER, new l?-ln . $1 S. ’.’ft ln„ S2O: install free. yr. ruar DU* PONT TV. 1515 I7t.h at nw. AD _4-9636 in am- in dm. _ 2T* TYPEWRITER. Royal quiet de luxe portable, practically new best of ; fer Also Stenotype machine, $23. Call TE 6-8840 after 8 tTPEWRITERR—Nothing down"if wk Ist payment Peb Free home demonstration Authorized dealer Call MOHAWK. WH *-514*_ NOW' TVFKWIITEBH. *25 up Your choke new or rebuilt No money dn $1 a wk Free home demonstration Call CLARK * EM I-P5.75 NOW WASHING MACHINE*, used rebut!! guaranteed all kinds: SIPHI up ACM* STOVE CO. ihll 7th nw if El-DEES- new or used LINCOLNS for sale or for rent EARLBECK * LANDRUM INC. 1«73 cathedral st Baltimore M(i 1-8111 MisciLUMiom you kiht CHAIN SAW*. O’:mps generator*, sod cutter- roller*, etr RENTAL TOOLE * EQUIP CO JU 5-5040 CHAIN fttfs _ MeCulloeh *a .• service rental, $1" a day ORAVE* LY OF WAaWINOTON. LO 4-7707 MItCILLAMIOUS WAMTID ANTIQUES—China turn . Wwetry. sliver, rugs etc t-OUI* .SEGAL. FT .|.*l«l eves EM 1-tTU ANTIQUES WANTED •tivtrwart. anr eonditiwa, >#w elrj bnc-t-bcac 1436 Wit aw D K Mil EATONF ttO ' * APPLIANC E*, GOOD l, $f l> FI RN . rrfar* TVs ito»w cash and i*- tned removal C.o** d on Monday 0E FURNITURE EXCHANOE. 210 .th at 1.1. U 8-0565 BEDROOM din nt rnnr\ rnnf#p*« i>f caah Me d» meivtna. t•«r* aa* rvaaonabWi raiaa Ta : 75* ifitfiltr any quantity ALBION BOOK MOP. 1784 Pa •tt. aw ft t-441l THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! —By Fogaly and Shorten 364- NIGHTS OUT OP THE VEAK NiFTEEUA ToWSHT SHE LOOKED PSl^kiS DOLLED UP LIKE A MOVIE QUEEN ! HEK. LIKE SOMETH:MS > A<i HlHi > WOTTO WAS *B= PSEPARED.* LEPTCVES F2O/A Z> Ss£ VOL), t aIL A TIDAL WAVE— MIPTEHMAf^ JUSTIN 'IOUKNC'A/ M case ! i never TH s Be e, T • / \... ..y / MISCEL. WANTED (Cont.) | DIAMOND JLWELRY of Rny dc- i acrlption. gold and silver; cash 1 , paid. ERNEST BURK. 614 13th: st. tt W. I, FURNITURE WANTED—WiII buy all, kinds of good used furniture; top prices._JA 8-8810. We do moving, j FURNITURE W ANTED TODAY Furniture and houaehold effects. | also need piano* refrigerator and gas stove Please call MR. GRADY, i NA. 8-2679 HEATERS, ranges, refers., furn!,! ; mattresses. ACME STOVE Si FURN. ; NA 8-8952. PIANO ureentiv needed for child’s oractice. Must be good eond. and reas. JE. 3-9897. PIANOS—ALL STYLEB WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES _Call_Day or Night. JU. 9-3039 SPINET PIANO, new or good eond., in trade for new pearl-white ac rordion. WO. 6-8161 WHEEL CHAIR. be in good condition. JU. 5-7629. DOGS, PETS, ETC COLLIE PUPS AKC. table and white or tri-colors; wormed; shots; reasonable Spring 4-9108 BLOND MALE COCKER* PUPS. 9 v.ks.: beautiful show-tvpe pet; AKC champ sired._JA. 4-01 oS. DACHSHUNDS Quality puppies: AKC. excel breeding: wifl deliver J BR. 8-0, T,8 or JA. 7-3493. , MALTESE PUPPIES;' Ideal 'Christ ; mas gift: long hair, white, toys;! l like animated snov balls: purebred. hardy _Reas : PO 2-4264. AND PEKINGESE j PUPPIFjS—Little cuddly bundles of J love. Also Dachshund wire hairs. : Chihuahnns t<IBS HUNT. ROSE ( DERE KENNELS. Falls Church. Va . JE. 2-1496. _ BEAGLES. 2 female. 16 months, registered dogs, must see to ap- 1 Ereciate. Am leaving city, best offer.' 0 5-0032. ’ SCOTTIES, “little mistakes": fe^! males. $7: Persian kittens. 7 mos.. sls. RE. 5-6940 ’ FANCY SHOW PIGEONS for sale reasonable Call LO. 5-2941 DACHSHUND PUPS. 3 _ mos. AKC. • outstanding pedigree: show quali*y Affectionate pet. will hold for ’ Xmas. WO. 6-7480 , WANT TO ADOPT a homeless pet? | , Call WASHINGTON ANIMAL RES | CUE LEAGUE. NO. 7-5730. ’ COCKER PUPS. 1! weeks, cham-, I pion background: shots, wormed;! $35 up: black, male and female. . JO 8-6527. : PUPPIES. Sheltie-Beagie cross; will make excellent pets. JE. 3-8896 _or JE. 3-9808. _ ENGLISH - BULLDOG PUPPIES, 8 wks.. AKC. $75 and up. KE. 8- 514!*. 4888 Williamsburg PUPS. XMAS EVE and'Xmas Dayi Special: name pric# 47**!* Central ave., Capitol Hts., Md. JO. 8-3617 ' ' 25* ; GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, 11 wks , I AKC. alert, country raised, wormed [ permanent shots. HA. 2-7313. DACHSHUNDS, smooth and long hair, standard and miniature BAYARD KENNEL, JE. 2-0898 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, choice of 5 litters: Iv. city; sac. to< , good homes: $lO to SSO. JU. 9-0206., COLLIE PUPS. AKC: sables and tri; reaa.: shots, wormed; nice dispo ,j sltion. AP. 7-3429. j POODLES Champion stud service. EV. 4-7847. TOWN AND COUNTRY. Poodle Moyen hunters: grey. strong, healthy. JE. 4-5130, 7 to 9 p m. 9 ‘ 2 *', * GERMAN SIIEP. PUPS, markings b'ack and silver, aire Bir King C>to _of Idlewild: HE. 4-7529. BOXER FI'PFIKS. fawn. AKC: will hold till Christmas. Can be seen at any time. Call WH. 6-3813. FA9M AND GARDEN GIANT I VIRORIIN aAI.E - Rilv.r maple trees. Mi-12-ft tall. $7 ea.; i azaleas 50c and up. trees pruned. [ fertilized and removed: sod for «ale > FOUBE Ac BII.D. 203 Arl Blvd i Falls Church. Va. JE. 4-0646. _J TREK REMOVAL, pruninr topping. trimming; lots cleared. MR CLAY | TON. UN 4-0903. any time. CATTLE AND LIVESTOCK 8 HUNTERS. 3 grays, chestnut, bays, f black, ranging 15.1 to 17 hands: i 6 Shetland ponies; 1 registered pal omino. STANLEY JONES. JU. 9- 9615 COAL, WOOD, FUEL OIL ! PRF.STOLOGS—Th« ideal fireplace I log. Long burning, high heat value, no smoke, no dirt, less than \ ! i of 1 *"r ash. Easy to handle and con trol For info call SHURFIRE FUEL PRODUCTS. LI. 7-4488. ROOMS FURNISHED—N.W. 2160 16th BT. N.W, GIU-Bert Hotel —Accom for every purse; i maid service. 24-hr. switchboard, rate*. $7.50 up wklv.; $2 up night -1 ly. CO 5-7381. 27* 2711 CONN.—Modern, at-rac . furn studio apt ; pvt bath, refgr., range, jarport avail. DE. 2-4145 NR. 2700 CONN. AVE.—Large single im. next to bath maid servica. Gar. avail. Gentleman onlv. Clean and qu ‘ ‘ Call NO 7-27**!*. SLEEP ON FOAM MATTRESS, wake up to music, clock-radio: relgr , grill; $5-$9 wk 2147 F EX. 3-6633. 1633 16th «T. N.W. Buslnesi women; *g!e dblr. rms clean. I beaut, furn., mod. baths. NO ' 7-9129. 1930 RII.TMORK ST.-Newly dec . bedrm next bath: l.h k.; gentleman reasonable, parklnt: 27* GEORGETOWN CASTLE lge . studio i type: distinguished address nr. transp . $39-sl9. zNO. i-2399 FI _1*494? _ 31 * sls 60 WK —s3 50 DAY UP WESLEY HOTEL Single private room, phone, maid service Coffee thop weekly dance. TV lounge ! 2131 O ST. N.W. |_Near_Dup° n t Circle. HO 2-9190 1914 16lh fT. NW.—Kiev, bldg* unusually Dice; well heated, tingle rooms. $8 to $lO week. ATTRACTIVE big room screened furn. porch, bath shower hot plate Pvt home s4<» mo. Corn trar.sp . shopping center 414 Buchanan at I n w TA 9-4354 HAWTHORNE HOTEL 2114 O 8T N.W. RK 7-4027 . I Spend Christmas with Us In ft: pleaaant. homey atmosphere. Christ ma* tree TV friendly folk* 4 bike, from White Ho'jy sl**so Wk up Dbiea . $lB s*) wk up 24-hr switchboard service elevator. Park ing nearby Emery-Georgian Hotel 1812 G BT N W Single and double rmt weegly »nd monthly rate* permanent* wel come: newly dec rm* . free TV and parking; 24-hr switchboard aervigt ALTURAS HOTEL 1509 16th ST NW HU. 3-6116 WALKING DISTANCE t 24-Hr Elevator and Swltrhonard 1 „ IV tounae and D nlr.g Room Daily Rate* Sale Dbl. M Up Perm R a tea 8v! *><>:,» ;. 4 COI^ORED—SI6 BHEPHEKD $T N.W. r>'r;b.e room will a.cept i or 'J children TA. 9-9412 j ROOMS FURNISMCP^—N l. Cni ORM>—4 ORNER ROOM With ■ privileges nr shipping eenvr will accept mildren LU 1*4493. ROOMS, HOUSIKIIPING 419 nib nr a w -2 ige front rma clean. «o«l neat central ,nt «i : :.o wk . Inci unU jiir. 8-s*d>6 tl«7 P N W.—Befrg* tni-. foam mattrev* cioekradio. TV. rear »erd *7 *sls EX t-66.5.1 _ * NR Dl PONT CTRf ML 1735 P et n w —Bt.e rm with glove r*f*r «lMt Ist fl • %M> NO 7->7 22 ROOMS WITH BOARD ; lt#f VAN BCRCN 8T W« Jew-i ms. uansporUtipß. Rs : j APTS. FURNISHED—D.C. | GEORGETOWN. 2530 Que nw.-2-j' : bedrnn. . apt. bide See aftez 6 p m Apt 27. DI 7-7557. I C ALVERT ST. N.W. 1855. neat * , Shoreham Hotel efficiency or l ' bedrm ; elevator bide : j>ee_ Janitor M MODERN DOWNTOWN elev. - bldg - i bsmt . gar.: beautiful, spac. cffic and 1 bedrm: modern furn: ideal . employed girls, cples.; rentals from S7O 1825 T st. n.w., AD. 4-0270. 28 mb ST. N.E.—2 rms.. Ist-flr. frt. Corner sll wk. Also L-rrn. apt . $8 v k Inquire in basement. 28* BEACON APTS.. ISO! Calvert st. o w.—Elev., bedrm., llv rm., kit.. bath: SB6; also effic._EM.J4-9077. MAPLEWOOD APTS. vie. Walter ! Reed—Conv. shopping. transp Modern furn. 2 bedrms . $111.42. incl. utils 698*i Manle st. n.w TU._2-9568 or TU. 2-0105. 1100 DEC ATUR'ST. AT 14th BT. N.W.—Nicely furnished Ist-fl. apt. air-conditioned; near all con veniences. Immediate possession Apply CAMPBELL DRUGSTORE RA 3-7700 8-E. WA s H INGTON—Washing t on* s loveliest I-bedrm. apartments:: modern furniture, newly dr corated reasonable rent ." close to down town. Sorry, clospd Christmas, but , you may call Wednesday. JO. 2- 0151. IHfl MONROE ST. rms . I kit., bath, suitable 3 adults. Child okay. 875 mo. NO. 7-7020 CONGRESS HEIGHTS AREA—A t ' tractive 1. 2 and .3 bedroom apts : newly furnished; reasonable. Sorry, closed Christmas, but vou mav call ! Wednesday. _JO. 24*151. ATTRAf*. TV APTS.. *l4 wark Up: child or babies welcome; also hskpv I st. n.w. DI. 7-7888. 3025 15th ST. NAV. Furn. efficiency apts.. S6B 50 and un: utilities included. See RESI DENT .MANAGER SHIPLEY PARK Attractively furnished and redec orated 1 and 2 brdrms.. liv rm. dinette, kit and bath (large rooms*, picture windows, ample closet space: laundry facilities: convenient to bus and shopping center. Also unfurn . from 868.50. Office on development, ,3400 25th st. s.e., JO._2-0135. EMBASSY APTS. 1613 HARVARD ST. N.W'.—Effic.: !liv. rm., modern kit. dinette and bath: nicely furnished. Elev., *ec service. 1 ABSOLUTE BARGAIN 2 BEDROOMS $124.50 (UNFURNISHED. $99.50) BRAND-NEW FURNITURE | NEW LUXURY BLDG. 6 Stories—3 Elevators , 7620 MAPLE AVE.. TAKOMA PK FREE BUS ; TO GA AND ALASKA AVES. HECHT S. SILVER, FPRINO ! Free parking next to bldg Lovely , large living room, lunior dining riin ( ing room, large closet*: bright kitch ., rn with deep-freeze refgr : w‘*ed for air eond.: master TV antenna. Ali util.*, included Rea mgr., MRS KINO. JU. 5-2360. j ATTENTION Diplomats—Senators Shoreham Area Elaborately furnished 2- bedrm., 2-bath apt. W'ill sac -1 riftce; eustomed-made almost new furniture, drapes and carpeting, valued at $25,000 for $15,000. Call anytime to inspect, CO. 5-5838. or holidays, eves , HU. 3-8813. AFTS. FURNISHED—MEL TAKOMA PARK—Attractive, nicely ; decorated 4-rm apt. 2nd fir ; res ‘ identiol neighborhood: manv clos ets; separate thermostat, rdeture window; TV opiional Emploved couple or two gentlemen; 885. JU. ! 9-0162. i APTS. FURNISHED—VA. ARL., N.—Ltre bedrm. 3 els.: liv. rm.. din., kit, bath; Idry.; apt bldg.; nr. but. Shops: *94 JA. 8-6888. DOWMOWN ALEXANDRIA - 876 i to *B9 50 call TE. 6-6670 be tween 10 a m and 6 p.m ,i ARL.—Bedrm.. liv. rm.. din., kitT. bath: above avg ; utils, except elec.; ’ l i*’ JA. 2-1890. ARL.. N.. closi—Mod , lge. liv. rm kit . bath. 2 bedrms., 4 beds: ideal . group 4. JA. 8-1602. JA. 4-2039. APTS. UNFURNISHED—D. C. . MODERN DOWNTOWN elev bldg osmt . gar : beautiful, spacious effic and 1 bedrm.; ideal employed girl*, cples.; rental from *69 95. 1825 T t n.w . AD. 4-0270. CONGRESS ' HTS. AREA—Attrart ive 1. 2 and.’l bedroom apt* rea-! . sonable rent. Sorry. tlo»ed Christ mas but vou mav call Wed . JO ! 3-< 11 51 3315 ihth BT. N.W.—Newly deco rated; 2 bedrms lge kit . bath ! ; liv rm . 3rd fl . over doctor’* of-; flee: includes all utils., plus auto washer sßf* 50. HO. 2-5358 or, JCM 2-4826. MOI'EKN APT - BLDG . vie. Walter I Reed—Conv shopping, transp bedrms. *B9 s(* incl. util* . avail Jan. I. 6980 Maple it nw. TU . 2-9568 or TU.JMMOS. BEACON APT* - , 1801’ Calvert it 1 n.w.—Elev ; 2 bedrms. llv rm . din rm . kit. bath KM 3-9077. GEORGETOWN, 1234 34th *t n « —Efficiency apt ; conv. loc : util*, incl . $79.50 FE 2. f GEORGETOWN. 2511 QUe *t nwT—i KfT.ciency apt.; $75 util*, and *ec r eta rial *ervlc# incl DE 2-1811 $ 72.58— 61 39 Kansas ave. utlTs inrl : redec : liv rm . dinette, kit ) b*»drm 8e« janitor in rear. H G PMJTHY CO- 8T 3-3300 OVER! OOKINO fHOREHAM HOTEL 2607 241 hat ,n w Very deur neighborhood mod . *par 1-bedrm * pt C p L or lady._RA B-OftAl 1500 MASS. AVE. COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED Newest and Largest Downtown Apt. House NOW AVAILABLE EFFICIENCIES MANAGERS OEEICE AD I .IStn’ 2-Bedroom Homes S6B to $73.50 Mo. Beautiful HUlcrest HU., Md. FAIRFAX VILLAGE APARTMENTS 2001 ;iffm RT Bf. Idea'. sqbi<fban atmotphere yet exteptivnally i onvemetjr to downtown office and chopping a:ea Beautiful 1 %rd bedr-orr apartment* —large ,roorr i |r/<J r.c.%et —re*abtiaMy priced 18-ttore *« center r.r\ fround*. other •*erc« done by Hoyri * a m -6*lo nm Monday-Baturd*> Kunda? 1-6.10 pm Telephone LU 1 KENT VILLAGE Bee our ipßtlw apart* tneft** School* *opp« ron ren.ent but utilitiea j Rent frow |?« 9»*. $174 ALBO VACANCY IN ADULT BLDO ' Dtreetioeu Out N Y avg Balto -Wa*b pkw t tw Chererlt nit. right fti*. 207 IS mil** u Rent VU lag* * Furr,.»ted Apia A*a3a^-g SP. 3-6300 APTS. FURN.—D.C. <Cont.) BIG AS A HOUSE First-Floor Apt. Available For Immediate Occupancy iTwo Bedrooms > B-n Dinette Schools Frcezcr-Refgr ,1 ; Buses Shopping *•B7 50-$9 O per Mo Including Utils 3434 13th St. 8 E I JO. 2-9073 JO. 1-0986, NICHOLS HEIGHTS 169 DANBURY ST. S.W. (Corner ‘I.'IOO Nirhol, Ave ( NEAR NAVAL RESEARCH LAB 2 and 3 Exposures 1 Bedrm., Unfurn., $69.50 Up 1 Bedrm., Furn. $89.50 Up UTILITIES INCLUDED New elec relcr.—freezer top. New gas ran&i— laundry room Off-street narking—storage space. 4 closets—;i shopping centers Churches—school —3 bus lines. i JO. 1-2400 SUNDAY. IT TILL fl I DAILY, II:,'HI TILL (i ABSOLUTE BARGAIN 2 BEDROOMS $99.50 (FURNISHED, $124.50) BRAND-NEW FURNITURE NEW LUXURY BLDG. 6 Stories—3 Elevators 7620 MAPLE AVE TAKOMA PK. FREE BUS TO GA AND ALASKA AVES. HECHTS. BILVER SPRING Free parking next to bldg. Lovely .large living room. Junior dining room, large closets; bright kitchen: with deep-freeze refgr.: wired for air eond : master TV antenna Ail util*, included Res. mgr.. MRS. KING, JU. 5-2360. LGE. EFFICIENCY, $73.50 1 ELEVATOR BUILDING OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PK Large rooms, separate kit and dinette, huge dressing room: nr. 18th and Columbia rd.: all utils.! Incl. CO. 6-4451. CONN. AVE. APT. BLDG. Newly decorated: large llv. rm . 1 j bedrm. din. foyer, remodeled kit., |bath, tile shower; electricity In- i Igluded switchboard and elevator Also efficiency. HO 2-6674 108 ATLANTIC ST. S.E. NEAR 6 CAPITOL ST. Concrfs, .Hts. area—Modern, lge.. l and 2 | ibedrm. apts.: completely equipped kitchens; conv to everything; ALL UTILITIES FURNIBHKD except elec tricity; 75.50 to 89.50 mo. To f inspect see MR BAYS. Apt. 204 ■ or tall DI 7-6400 weekday*. {I WIDRICH COURTS " Large Rms., Huge Closets PARQUET FLOORS ’pI.AY ARFA CLOSE SHOP . SCHOOLS NAVY YD . BOLLINO FIELD AND NRL EXP. AND LOCAL BUS AT DOOR ! BEDROOM $7:11(1 •J BEDROOMS *7 "1 , UTIW INCL 4tt:R LIVINGSTON RD 8 E JO. .'l-t().'l4 JO. 3-BOTfl APTS. UNFURNISHID—MD. TAKOMA PARK—4-bedrm. unfurn apt: conv chopping, sanitarium: also 1-bedrm furn. apt AD 4- 6203, ? a m -9 am., 5 p m. to 9 p m. eve* —i bedroom, llv. room, dinette, bath and rear screened porrb; near schools and shopping ' KIRKWOOD APTS! i Wet Hvattftvnip —.'l-hPrirorm »rfl : adult bids. Avail. Jan. 10. *lOl, incl. util,. i 2J7.11 NICHOLSON ST. AP 7-741* NR. NAVAL ORDNANCP—4-rm. api": i mod_ kit,: util, Incl adult, prrf . »I_< 1» inn, HE 4-0111). THE BRADLEY BOULEVARD APARTMENTS ' W« HAVE A PEW 1-BEDRM APTS AT **s AVAILAHLE FOR JAN. 1. 11117. OCCUPANCY. INCLUDES UTILITIES Ofllrr hour,. Monday throuzh Frl na.v. » am. to 8 pm : Saturday ri rtOcn to 0 p m : Sunday. 13 noon til fl pm 6701 HILLANDALE RD. CHEVY CHASE, MD. ! OL. 4-3240 GOODACRE~; FIREPROOF APTB SOUNDPROOF WALI-S , Braatllul ipaclout apt, : rzira lar„ room, and cln.ri. u .f, refgr ; *hopplng. expres* bus Must t 0 p * gpnreciated Utllitie* include' 1 . 1 BMJROOM 882 sfl-«8? 50 1 BtOROOMS $95-»|00 P.n.V B- Bd gi! Boring. Md JU. p-< 11 | Or Bv Appolntment TWO BEDROOMS PROM 75.00 '!*cLCD!NO all UTII (TfP.»l 1 Bedroom, From $63 25 ALSO PtJRN APTS AVAILABLE FROM SBJ 60 CA IX R F 6-»oon For In format lot and Brorh'frt 7*inferH®x;^!wY DISTRICT HEIOHIB MD Dally »-S: Sat lt-1: Sun l-« WEST HYATTSVILLE KIRKWOOD Ager Rd Between Rigg« and Queens Chapel 1 -Bedroom Apt. •Bedrm Bv m 73.50 2-Bedrm. Apts. $81.50 to SBS (Include* Ail Utils.t but wrrica flo*n*o*n— t inoppint ',n-»r,—pica:,. Dr* Pro m D C—Out M'shf* :»»» Qvmttt, Chap.; .« Mt >• »«*r rd lo promci Or * .«■ I’d A»ar j* to rt»** Or v.- N»» M,rrp.r..r< ar, r.(B* |on A**r to arotac* , i*p 7-741* 77ii Run»iM« m. * tH/aUy;-> M it ft** orvr..,r., , I OOr. <n*% I . * PM THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER IS. 101A APTS. FURN.—MD. iCoßt.l RIGGS MANOR RIGGS AND ACER RDS. HYATTSVILLE. MD. 1 Bedrm. SM.SO •1 Bedrms *»2.SO-$07.50 Utilities Included Large Luxury Apts. New Freezer-Top Refgr. Bfld.'l RIOC.g RD HA. 2-7*61 APTS. UNFURNISHED—VA. HARBOR TERRACE ASONABLE PRICES Newlv decors 'erl: available; 1-bed room ants.. 872.75 and 875 75. in cludes utilities: 2-bedroom apt*.* adults onlv. $80.75. includes utilities. For information, spplv Apt. 1. 1301 Abingdon dr.. Alex. OV. 3-2404. CO-OP APTS r OR SALE 1.1.1* MONROE ST. N.W.. nrar lflth —7 units' sacrific, will finance. Apply in cerson. 201 South.rn Bide.. 1 o a m. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE LIGHT HAILING, local moyint: beaches a specialty 8 L MORRIS. TU 2-1J56 or LL 6-2889 MOVING ACROSS THE STREET or across the rountrv sale storage in separate rooms expert packing. Phone NO 7-0104 UNION BTOR | AO? CO INC __ Established 1006. ROYAL TRANSFER—BiX rooms: 88 low as S3O or $6 per hour. AD. I Cfl» ACTION MOVERS—Six rooms: as low as S3O or $6 per hour. NO. 7-3135 £6* MOVE OR PICK UP—D. C„ Md , Va. Sensibly priced: pilient men: 24 hr* HILL TRANSFER CO- AP. 7-9656. CHESTER MOVERS— Large or smalL we c'o them all Careful and rea sonable TU 2*<lss*. TA 9-01 IS. EDF.LM AN MOVING *AN DBTORAGE will accept surplus furniture as part payment nn your moving, storage. Reafcnable rates. TA 9-2937 25* Moving and Hauling I Day or Night—Reasonable Rateg ' DU. 7-9687 HOUSES fUBNISHCP silver sprng. eon Whitestona road—3 bedrms. din. rm . 1 t/fc oaths. 2 story brk.: $l5O. Eves., JA. 8-781 a. HOUSES UNFURNISHED l RFDROOM HOUSE, in Rockville. I to 3 vears' lease. Popular 2 -2 ROCKVILI.F.—Center town. 307 Carr. Feb I. prae. new. l*/a-story brick, 2 bedrms . tile bath, din rm.. Ist fi : fin. 2nd fl. with tile shower j bath: gas h.-w.h.. drive-in gar.; i I block to new school; 2 blocks to D. C. bus 15 min NIH and new Atomic Energy Bldg.; $135. PO. i 3-BEDROOM FRICK, near NIH: newly decorated: large fenced back yard $125 a month. OL;_ 4-0674. POTOMAC—4 bedrooms. modern kitchen Charles Goofiman living room, radiant oil heat: 10 acres: stream: small stable: will re decorate to suit tenant: $176 mo. Call William Carroll. OL. 4-6333. or ROBERT JOHNSON, DE 2- 3600 W'HEATON. MP —Three bedrooms full bsint.: h.-w.h. ‘.-acre lot. avail. Jan. I; *9O per mo. WH. 6-6188. HRICKCgT. 2027 Branch ave Ye 7 Brick Colonial. 7 rmg.. 2 baths: «16P mo LO. 7-2134. COLORED—3-BEDRm7 BUNGALOW NEAR COOLIDGE HIGH SCHOOL 20 7th ST. N.E.-8 ROOMB 4063 A ST. S.E.— SBO MO LCUI9 RUDDEN, TU. 2-3060 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT $l5O TO $l5O N.W. or nearby Maryland. Furnished and unfurnished houses. Have several excellent clients. Call Mrs Dixon. BT. 3-7200. JAMES L. DIXON CO. Business opportunitus ASSOC, with sl,<»o<» proven mail order bus ; part-time return*. SIOO i_wk Box 280-8. Star. 27* MOTELS FOR SALE Advice - and ; consultation by exclusive full-tima motel broker and travel apeclaliat. offering recommendation on be»»t buys in motth and sites. JOE H. THOMPSON. 232 Woodward Bldg., Jackson 8-6700. 1956 NET PROFIT OVER $1,500 ; Exceptional d’versifled buMness. 1- l man operation with back-log or- I ders. near $20.00<». for delivery early 1957; inventory valued $40.- i ooo; $50,000 all cash; illness. Box 266-T. Star. (iREF.TIN’GS. In the name of Jesus.' i constituents of the United State* Constitution. Guard the trust in God JOSEPH TRNOVEC. Jr . Him ; mond. ind. • HOUSES FOR SAll—N.W.""* ' COLORED—S99S DOWN t ! XMAS SPECIAL 1 16th ST. N.W. 4 BKDRMB, 5 BATHS OAS HEAT : Call so» this magnificent town house today for only $995 down: over 22 ride. fhi» beautifully re idecorated Colonial brick has 4 bed 'rms. 2 baths, is unusually apacloua and exquisitelv decorated Hurry, SS& In t?.2, Ut: * UI l »"' Ist NATL. REALTY RE. 7-3531 UN. 4-3422 COLO It ED DET. CORNER BRICK 2 BATHS Llv. rm. with mirrored ftrepl din tm. kit. ;t bedrms. 2 BATHS M in master bedrm i, full bsmt., gas h.-w h . garage. LOUIS BRESSLER TU. 2-5995 COLORED- XMAS SPECIAL* NO MONEY DOWN DOWN UTJ ALLISON rtT—fl RMS Ulthi AND SHERIDAN—* RMS fl* !i Kansas ave ne n rm*. NEV/TON ST. N E -fl RM* LOUIS RUDDSN. TU C-lflflO COLORED MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OUR MANY HAPPY HOMEOWNERS SOL INVESTMENT CO. LI. 3-5307 SEASON’S GREETINGS It Has Been Our Pleasur* To Serve You LOUIS BRESSLER R»*i E«(at, 12ii Kcnntdr St NW. TU. 2-5995 HOmtS FOR SAII—MD~~~ MONTGOMERY COUNTY ftOCKVfI.I.E Min ra«h non-QI *• b.drm bunaalaw #zr.el, rones. v.. rant. Jar yard. r,,ar tranan OID EON C JOHNSON LO 4-7017 THIN SRftO*"— la, a, 3-Mha". i hom,. ,znan«lbl, to 4 b»«rro, I »rr, y,rd vacant *,Vio ca,n n«n --| OI n] GIDEON C JOHNSON. LO Hr* : »»on- titkrnjn. Ol—.i.bfdrnn brlrk wparat* Sin rm full b»mt,, nrar St Catr.arina and Hijrhland flrbooL OIDEOn C SOHNSON LO 4-2(117 A V PIH4NI REALTOR*, 'tztairdi to nur man, frimd, and el|*n»a rtur warmrzi *,ah„ tor th, halldar '1,42 Weican.ln av.OL DO YOU WANT TO *OT «r < hnm» a buainai*. nr indurtrlal paopartr? W# can and will h,lp you If »m, •in -an Krmr.rNDOßrnt: R»*:tnr OL 4-Sll| t|l t ARE YOU I.OOKINO da I £«» «*"■ tea SUE ar „I1 in Bfth»Ml« Ch**E Cha„ m adiaecnt ar,**> Evnnf.nnod D,r»nnn,l ran az,l*t zau In ;«urir.| vrwn intaatmant fnr in run, ar mazi mum nrlrr tor prouartr ecu vjlilnz _ Can KORZEN DOREr.i Rraitof. 01 4- *lll til fc SEASON’S GREETINGS Tron BUDNF.Y REALTY CO **'•l Orarr.a Aia TV ” ntn* AND WHEN YOU VISIT LOHR HOMES YOU WILL HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR ROBERT E LOHR HE 4 |IW, RA fl - Ifl'tO OLTt ;'•* yp OP DFPE.NDARI.E SEPV!e* M erry Christmasf Suburban Properties 11717 TRIANO!.* LANE WMEATO* CLOEED TODAY Merry Christmas! Woodmoor Agency, Inc. JO »-V*l» Raa -afS 'Continaml an' »«*« Data l““ C-7