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C-8 THB EVENING STAR! Washington, D. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1E36 HOUSES Mr SALE, Md. (Cont.i MERRY XMAS AND WHEN YOU VISIT LOHR HOMES YOU WILL HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR ROBERT E. LOHR Hr 4-4 non RA. 6-3600 OUR 07th TEAR OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE WtNCI GEORGES COUHTT COLLEGE PARK PROPER. 4810 Guilford 8-rm home; SI I,RAO C CLAY. WA. 7-4228. MFRRT CHRISTMAS V our clients »nd*»»ocUt«« ROBERT 8. DAVIS A CO.. INC, Rr»ltor»,.H»»tt«vmr HUGH T. PECK. REALTOR WISHES YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR HOUSIS FOR SALE—VAt WILL BE ABLE to work Wedneadiy and would like to hear from you •-meanwhile MERRY CHRISTMAS. Arthur L. Walters, Inc. IAI "PJCTtaONAUm) SERVICE" 104 H. Randolph at Ole be. JA. 7-6200 TO OUR FRIENDS MERRY XMAS TO YOU ALL M. R. REYNOLDS & CO. CORNERS 0 T & MERRY XMAS ARLINGTON REALTY >3OO Wllaon Blvrt JA. 7-9306 NEW CONTEMPORARIES warren woods. Fairfax, va Three big bedrooms, 2'a baths f ***««• family room; with every facility and a complete community. Only $19,500: oi with *I.OOO dn. pymt ; also PHA or conv. financing. Available Immediately. OPEN NOON TIL DARK PLEASF CALL FOR DIRECTIONS Miller Real Estate JA. 7-1203 JA. 5-24441 POMPONIO PRESENTS FRIENDLY ' SEASON’S WISHES MAT WARMTH AND CHEER AND FELLOWSHIP. AND FAMILY AND FRIENDB. MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SO JOY FUL YOU’LL HOPE IT NEVER ENDS AND WHEN THE SELLS OP NEW YEAR'S TOLL WE g HOPE YOU'LL HEAR THEM OUR PRAYER TOR YOU IS HAP PINESS FOR EVERY SINGLE DAY. POMPONIO REALTY, INC. JA. 7-6860 2222 WILSON BLVD SEASON’S GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL We are Indeed grateful for the privilege of personally serving our many friends and clients. OWEN REALTY 121 B. Washington St., Palls Churrl, Jt. 3-9351 Eve,., JE. 2-667(1 CLOSED TODAY MERRY CHRISTMAS! ABK US! REALTY CO. HOUSIS WANTED TO BUY BBD.NET PAYS ALL CASH for your TBjn* in D. C. or Md. TU. 2-9400. WH. 6-6579, HE. 4.39(16. Cash to d. c. home owners above Ist trust loans. D. mushin iKY. RA. 6-6912, NA. 8-0227. j Seoul bn. clean. 2 or 3 bedrm. home in a.e. or nearby Pr. Oeorges Co. HAVE BUBBT. CASH. MRS. COX. ST. 3-7388, LU. g-8136. Wheaton-rockville _WIII pay cash lor home In Whcaton-Rockville area. Call WOOD COMPANY. LO 4_-7200. SPOT CASH For Home or Trust Note COX St CO . INC., RE, 7-1633 DIRECT FROM OWNER Hlfhest rash lor property. Free appraisals day or night. D. C. or PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY. MD MR KITCHENS. ST. 3-7366, HOUSIS TO BUILD 60. FT. RANCHER, m baths: all house: vour lot Va.: sl3 90(1. rom plete. Lots from $l,lOO. CROSS'- RDS DEVELOPMENT CO JE 2- 4970 JE. 4-3447 ■ BUSINESS PROP. FOR RENT COMMERCIAL TENANT WANTED. to occupy new building. In down-i town Fredericksburg. Va.; 4.500 1 souare feet; must be A-l rated Write for details. PATES-MASSEY INSURANCE h REALTY. Law Building. Fredericksburg, Va. STORIS FOR HINT ONLY VACANT BTOKE IN Eaßt nver chopping center. 20x50 ft., larxe window ipace. suitable for optician photo studio, camera •hop. sporting goods, stationer book : mart, linen or knit goods, pre pared eOods. Call Clarence Dodge. 1 nr.. WEAVER BROTHERS. INC Telephone Dl. 7-8300; evenings EM 3-8406. STOKE POR-RINT—I.4OO SQUARE PEET. AIR-CONDITIONED. IN LSROF MODERN S.E SHOPPING CENTER SORRY. CLOSED CHRIST - MAS BUT YOU MAY CALL WED NESDAY POR PURTHER INPOR MATtON CALL JO 2-0151 WARKHOUSES FOR RENT • —————mm—■— FACTORY FACILITIES Accommodate Staff of 100 8,000 Sq. Ft., Light Industry ALL 2nd PL —SECURITY SPACE BTOCKROOMB PARTITIONED OF pfCBSe HIOH-VOLTAOF POWER FIREPROOF BLDG EXCEL. LIOHT LOADINO DOCK PREIOHT ILEV PARKING AND BUB STOP 1353 New N.E. LA. 6-ftAOO MR BCHNEIDER INVESTMENT PROF. WANTED NIKS GEORGETOWN PROP*., apt hMn.. atom, houses MICH AIL T PABRIZIO Beal tstate. NO 7.5913 investment hos. for sale 17-UNIT APT.. Brtghtwood— DE TACKED BRICK BLDG, tncome. *9.726 yr each with llv rm bed rm , kit dinette bain. #67 50 mo «I1 h.-w.k Property tn eirel cond LOUIS BRSSBLER. Real Eatale TU 7-19*5 Hmllv "real Chrlitma. neeer a varanry Owner In •I .»!! MARRMAU, J WAPtF I. 4-2665 Mr Oumn. EM DrTACHED, ALL-BRICK, 14-UNIT APARTMENT BUILD 1140 FULLY KB .ED ALL-WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD. WALKING DISTANCE TO EHOFFINO TRANSPORTATION. CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS AUTOMATIC 4EAI INCINERATOR YEARLY INCOM* OVER 110*00, SMALT EXPENSE* PRICE. »»I OOO: ISO 066 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY NO BROKERS. ONLY PRINCIPALS ROBIN REALTY CO —RA 3-2606 CHOICE DOWNTOWN TWO-STORY BRICK ON COOKER LOT. wCITABLI POR BUSINESS CLUB OROANI ZATION OB CHURCH *EATINO CAPACITY *O6 FULLY MUIFPSD E ITCHES PRICE ALI CASH *73.600 TERM* fa* iwh. SROKERR INVITED OPIN rOR INSFECTION DAILY EXCEFT SATURDAY TILL 10 so • M FROM 3 30 TO 630 PM BOBIR REALTY CO —NA * 30*3, RA 3-2606 FOR LEASE-CHOICE SILVER SPRING AREA I-STORY APART MEN I HOUR* TO BB BUILT IN NEAR FUTUR4 »•' CAR PUBLIC PARKING LOT ADJOINING OBOCNt. W AUtINO GIST ARCS TO THAHBPORT ATION. EHOFFINO AND CHURCHES HEAVILY POPULATED IF ACE AVAILABLE ON GROUND FLOOR FOB RESTAURANT OB COFFEE SHOP INSURANCE OFFICE RE At I*~ATE OH ANY COMMERCIAL USE ROBIN REALTY CO —RA 3-240E ' EMMY LOU —By Marty Links “It v s tronT Alvin ... a for* tlie bracelet he gave me last Christmas!” OFFICES. STUDIOS FOR RENT SUITABLE FOB PROFESSIONAL MAN—Air-cond 6 rms.; very reas onable rent. AD. 2-4444 CONN AVE.—Nicely decorated bright offices single or double large ! «70>S* y - AD eVM DOCTORS SILVER SPRINO MEDICAL BLIXi (Ororgla ave and Plyers Mill rd ; : air-conditioned office suite Irom SBS Including utilities will lay out to your specifications For Info. call i Mr Mack WALKER AND DUNLOP. INC CO 5-0222 CENTURY BUILDING 412 sth St. N.W. v Suites and single rooms tn mod ern alr-condltloncd office building • Parking space available. Thos. J. Fisher & Co., Inc. 736 15th St. N.W. PI 7-1183(1 . BARRISTER BUILDING 635 F St. N.W. i Single rooms and suites In this modern eight-story office building Single rooms as low as $35 Newly j decorated, wired for air conditioners Thos. J. Fisher & Co., Inc. 738 15th St N.W Dl. 7.68311 FARMS STROUT CATALOG—Free! Farms. Businesses. 38 States STROUT REALTY. 1138-A Woodward Hide,. Washington .Sterling 3-3781. Most of these farms "within 40 min farms of all kinds from JO acres to 2.0(10 acres price from S2OO an acre to *1.600 an acre. Give us a call y during the holidays. I HOLLEY REALTY L. _ 5800 LEE HIGHWAY :.TA, 7-0305 KE, 8-5350; TRUST NOTES FOR SALE , i TO BUY. SELL OR PLACE 2nd trust I notes FAST, call THE TRUST NOTE ! ; ME 8-4077 DON’T GAMBLE BUY GUARANTEED MORTGAGE NOTES MASON MORTGAGE At |: INVESTMENT CORP 2633 15th St NW | HU 3-4922 ' LOTS, ACREAGE FOR SA~IT ; BUILDING LOT. commercial site, I *"<t acreage on Branch ave Cal' i M L. DAVIS. RE 6-7500. ' StAL ESTATE WANTED A CASH BUYER OR TERMS _LI. 6-2000, S.E. REALTY WILL BUY PROPERTY ' B L icll of »hite or colored: \ ouick settlement. Call MR. MILLER. CO. 6-3541: evenings. LA. 6-5104. ! SEAL ESTATE LOANS FIRST AND SECOND TRUST LOANS 1 Dur. BARTOW REALTY CO. Real- ! tors, 1331 O »t. n.w.. ME. 8-2405. i In# TRUSTS—Absolutely top spot-; cash prices paid. Md.. Va.. D C Call day or nltht. LO, 4-6566. 31 • ! MONEY ON 2nd TRUSTS—We wfll I ; buy 2nd-tru,t notes. D. c.. nearby M Md. of V *.v reasonable rates NA TIONAL MORTGAGE & INVEST- 1 MENT CORP.. 1313 N. Y. ave. n.w„ i NA 8-58. Li. SECOND TRUSTS PURCHASED - 1 At Extremely Low Discounts _ M. X STONE. OL. JJ-3414 ( CASH IN ONE DAY I 2nd AND 3rd TRUBT LOANS ' EX 3-7744 ] J MONEY TO LOAN < MORTGAGE LOANS. $5,0n6.550.00(l ( —Group your debts, lower your i payments refinance your property i and improvements. Quick, honest, i courteous service on real estate i farms, etc., only in the Btat# of i Maryland Call MR ROBEPTB Ba! i timore. Maryland, day nights Suns i and holidays at Saratoga 7-4047 ( BOATS WANTED, inboard speed boat, late { model Chris-Craft. Century or ' equal.: must be all-cash bargain: 9n0(1-91,000. JU. 7-0506 or LI. 7- { 330.1, j MOTORCYCLES 11 MAICO 1956 250 cc.; perfect eon- ' ditton: *4«O. 1805 8 Pollard st.. Arl„ Va., JA 2-38.13, AUTOS, TRUCKS WANTED N. C. DEALERS pay tep dollars for cars, wagons TILLAGE MOTORS, i 14th and R, 1. ave. n.e. AD. 4-0444. NORTH CAROLINA DEALER wants best buv for cash and cheap car. | JA. 5-9197. WE NEED CARS, station wagons, pickups WOLFE MOTORS. 1991 Wisconsin ave p.w., FE. .1-4042. CASH FORCARS Any Make FLOOD PONTIAC CO. 4221 CONNECTICUT WO, 6-6400 WE’RE BUYING Clean Cars All Maxes and Models BELL MOTORS 5010 Wls. Ave N.W. WO 6*8900 Will Pay Up to •50- 56 Cadillac *5.200 ’SO-'sfl Olds and Buirka 2 Too ‘50.*56 Chev and Font. 2.400 • *SO-’56 Ford and Merc. • 3.500 ’SO-'56 Plym and Dodtt 2 200 BPOT CASH 1 OR WILL TRADE UP OR DOWN CALL AD. 4-9882 BLASS & CLARK COR N CAPITOL AND FLA AYE. NE, ! PENNY Pays More for Clean Cars Any Make. From Cadillacs to Fords PENNY MOTOR SALES | 162» R I Ave NE LA t 1.2216. INVESTMENT HOP. FOB SALE AUTOS, TRUCKS WANTED i (Continued) SOUTHERN DEALERS need cars I I desperately, any make or model trucks, station .asons HYATTB-I VILLE i- UTO SALES, 492(1 R 1.1 Hyatttville. Md. WA. 7-128(1. I WILL PAY *ls UP lor o!2 .utos I trucks: will buy wrecked cars WA 7-u(i:il; after 6 JU 11-8102 | Cars Wanted! 1 We need all make? ana modem I' —ls you owe on your present ■, car we will pay it off and Rive ■ you the difference in cash ■! Bring in your car and title to- ■ day ft I.OCiW (Milt II) 3540 Uth N.W. TU. 2-4100 I TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEVROLET 1-ton panel body truck in good running order; $250. R ! L' M. BURTON & 80N. 911 E «t.‘ ! n -W _ CHEV. 1950 sedan deliv. Motor In i 'L xcel - cond. No rcas. offer refused arrr>vt Pe -*1« HIGHWAY AMOCO STATION. 1 729 Bladensburg rd. n.e. , USED TRUCKS. A-l. high-value used trucks, all models, makes and sizes see our .selection before you buy. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 901 Riders burg rd n.e. LI. 7*4800 FACTOR. GMC 1955: hydramattc; model M.iO2A with 125-kallon j»ad dle tanks with trallmobile trailer. 30-ft. stake body, open top: all »n good condition. Call Kl. 8-7205. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ANGLIA 1951 2-dr.: heater, excel. ; J ir A wLJ?l£ ch COnd 9‘iUa. terms. : L_BT. MOTORS. 22nd and L n.w. AUSTIN-HEALEY 1957 ‘ Hmi-Six ’ I model on display: powerful 6-cyl . now seat* 4; ONLY $.1,095 delivered, and eouip. KSLr e Jtt r, tfiJ6 cl «* lv « %llh MAN " HATTAN AUTO. Inc. (Est. 1914 i Now .. locations for sales and serv ice. ,th at R *t. n.w . open 8 to 8. gobart 2-7000. FAIRFAX SHOW ROOM : Between Falls Church and on h *«hway at Merri- ' Va.. JE 4-3302. ALEXAN- i DRIA SHOWROOM: 1800 and 1810 King st.. King 8-5525. AUSTIN-HEALEY 1956“ Lem an s: purchased in England July 20: exceptional value. Call EM ! •**6643. BUICK 1956 convertible coupeT beau ; tiful red and white finish, fully equipped: very clean. See today, for only 92.695; CCC guarantee. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd at. N.W. BT. 3-2660 'BUICK 1965 Super Riviera coupe: blue finish, equipped. Including power 2. l J?£ rinß: very clean; only *2.295; CCC guarantee. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. i-l_ a -Si_?2Bd. 8t N.W. ST. 3-26110 ! KS ..T:. BTANLIY h HORNER. : I'iPw Midtown Bulck Dealer. Ill) ' 14th; convenient to all hotels, of fice bldgs., real estate and finan cial district, only 5 minutes from N. Virginia. District 7.39113 CADILLAC 1956 convertible: power brakes, windows, steering and seat; like new: hydra., r. and h . fuil 1- year warrantv: a4 Kfis ; LOVING CHEVROLET 1339 East-West Hwy Silver Spring JU. 6-6666 CADILLAC 1953 "«2" Coupe dr Vine: 2-tone blue: fully equipped power ateering $2,295. CCC guar- . antee. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd at. N.W. BT. :i-26i»( CADILLAC 1955 “fiC” coupe; light xray with black top: immaculate; equipped with power steering, pnwei brakes. electric windows; only *3,495; CCC guarantee. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd St. N.W. ST. 3-2 HO(. CADILLAC 1956 Coupe de Ville; ! goddess gold and white, nylon trimmed interior; equipment Includes power steering, power brakes, electric windows and seats. General Motors air conditioning. Inspect this beauty today for only *4,995: CCC guar antee. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1 222 22nd Bt. N.W. BT. 3-2800 j CADILLAC 1956 “60” Special Fleet- j wood sedan: beautiful blue and whi*e finish, matching interior; styled bv i Cadiilac’s finest craftsmen: fullv i equipped, power steering, power ; brakes; *4 895; CCC guarantee. Capitol Cadiliac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd Bt. N W. BT. 3-2666 p 56 CHEVROLET'S^ I Co. Olficial and Demc's I I New-ear titles: special 3-yr. I I warranty. Going fast! I k LIVING J 1339 Y W Way Silver Sprint Md ' • '56 CHEVYS? SUIIC WE HAVI ‘CM—BUT .MET RE GOING FASTI SSE US TODAY FOR YOUR 56 DEMONSTRATOR OR COM PANY OFFICIAL CAR. TOM'S 11416 GEORGIA AVE. |Q. 5-2400 LO. 5-0013 TRAILERS “ #1 | AUTOS FOR SALS ICobM CADILLAC 1956 convertible coupe; peautlful black finish, white top. matching all-leather nterior; fully ’quipped, including nower steering power brakes. Oeneral Motors air conditioning. Special, only *4,995; iCCC guarantee. I Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. ! 1222 22nd St. N.W. ST. 3-2*oo CHEVROLET *56 V-8 hardtop conv. P.G. and P.S.. new tires, r. and h.: very clean: *LBSO. SO. 6-8841. CHEVROLET 1953 “210” 4-dr. club coupe; equipped; both low-mileage. l : 1-owner cars; *696. #145 down. ; BELL MOTORS. 6010 Wig. ave. n : w _WO 6-8900. iCHEVROLET 1955 station wagon; ! *1 -399; immaculate. FLOOD PON i TIAC. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 6- ! 8400. _ CHEVROLET *56 Bel Air V-8 station wagon; 4 doors. 6 passengers: pow erglide, r. and h; 1-year warranty; ! *1.895. LOVING CHEVROLET 1339 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring _ _ ju. 9-B<iimi CHRYSLER ’4B convertible: good i transp.; $125 or best offer. TU 2-7699. CHRYSLER 1965 Windsor de luxe convertible coupe; black finish, fully equipped, electric windows, power steering, power brakes; very clean: only *2,295; CCC guarantee. i Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd St. N.W. __ ST. 3-2600 CITRBON '57: now on" display. It Is sensational. JACK PRY, Uth and P DE SOTO 1954 club bedan; power 2»te. 17.000 ml- Ilk, J!?:’ SL *HIS down. BELL MOTORS. 6010 Wls. ave. n.w.. JVO. UODGE 1955 Cornet 4-dr.; 2-tone Jnlsh, like new; $1,195. $250 down BELL MOTORB, 60X0 Wls ave n.w„ WO, 6-8000. \C/eamceSat6 l a |6.r Hr jMBMmSe' /Pi jEvw w dm mb oeesrsßiUNe a/amb used car m America / h2g P^SDDOFF CHERNER MOTOR GO. I ■ CHERNER-SHIRURQTOH MOTOR CO. Ford Dealers AT BOTH LOCATIONS: Ford-Lineoln-Mercury Dealers '55 CHEVROLET *53 DE SOTO Convertible I '56 PONTIAC Convertible ’53 FORD Tudor I 1730 I H.rdtop: 2-tnn« Wue; radio Custom 8: Z-tonr MAP po wer t llde transmisrion. steeri^vm SlflQC and heater, hy dr• m.lle. rwen. radio and */85 full equipment. SICQC clean. No. 1676. ■WWj —■ power *teerinE, J4AAP heater. No. 1919. 1 no. 1666. 1399 • » p° o we l r ß3 b 7 rak,s - 1999 - '55 FORD Ranch Wagon Tudor sedan, maw 1 , co ucbaiibv j n K—wa tIOQE SKJ—' 795 : AS LOW AS MOILUC C,n, • “ MHC “" T 4 ' DM ' No. 1452. Iv9v B,ack with whits top ' ,ow Oreen; radio and SOOE TO CHRYSLER Wi.Jr i AA. M I SS- h "‘" N ‘ 033 ’»CHEVROLET )1 4-dr. station *4 AAV* heater, automatic “HMfi m H _ "S”wr,«. 1395 ■” j ■ | „ mercury 4-c.r '« PL<MI)UTH <•"«' ^i 0 ,* nd j ’55 PONTIAC 2-Door Sedan. Fully SCQE l- ; heater, Merro- S46AC Fully equipped. •qHpped.Nß.Hil. 0“5 malic. No. I*l3. ZZ99 — M - ’52 OLDS Holiday | | « UNCOL : . . ’ 53 L,MCOLM H#rd,# l» '54 PONTIAC Club C«up, *s#s 1 f £tSiX<l2ls i 995 1055 *2595 54 Hillman Minx Conv, 4 " rtr- •ed*"- r * di ° ■■ ~~ *53 ni ns M oß w Hardtaa <705 *595 1 FORDS 1 •«c.n„r.ibi. i?’, No. 1563. ■*• _____________ M II Oreen; radio and heater, dlo and heater, tAAf ... .... . , ...„ hydramatle, S4AAP hydramaUe. No. *9lilf| A _ power bra*ef. *l7Q I | 1*67. '54 FORD Tudor Fordor sedan; full SCQE AS LOW AS No. mi. j Equipped. SQQC W,n,P ‘ N ° 1,14 ■■ 0W , t , I (IOC '54 FORD C,untry Squirt '« F.rd C„».rtiH. , ■mn.COLH4.Cr I ‘595 Sr ‘1095 _ All With new-car 1395 ... .UEU .. , , Fanrl d,l. trurb; I TERMS, SERVICE 'sa Chevrolet m air 53 CHEV. Club CMP. .... Ahirt riIADAkITBB ■—= r*. «, «*.; 52 BUICK H.r6,p SSf *795 495 AND GUARANTEE j T,,"’” 1 ' *995 *795 4. fa No. 1844. Only lote model cors ore Chernerized! Many more on sole; all makes; oil models! At Chemer Shiriington Open Weekdays, 8 A.M. to 9 P.M.; Saturday, 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.; Closed Sunday. 'ss MERCURYS I at low at J") CHERNER H" IE CHERNER - SHIRUNGTOIII I SHIRLINGTON BUSINESS CINTIR MmJ-j EADlt I UNCLE JOE c..«« vacc« o-,t** FORD LINCOLN Jr ' M cherner ty AND MERCURY ’I V I All With NIW-CAR-TIRMS, Founder SERVICE ANO MARANTIC Ikjawbbm. merbiml mi \%wmmamm\mw i. i m—i 4 ffl mm——m next TO a new car a CHERNERIZED car is BEST AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE DODGE ’5.1 hardtop conv.; V-8 en gine, auto, trans., r. and h.. snow tires and other accessories; mechan ically excel.; less than 25.000 actual mi. *750 or best offer. BT. 3-5000. ext. 312. S EVANS. DODGE ’sl Custom sedan: oplendid SEKLJ* 3 ?® l terms 525 down MR , ROPER. LA. 6-3700. _ _ _ . DODGE 1951 Coronet sedan: gvro- I matic. heater, turn signals, seat .;covers. exceL throughout, year-end , sale price: #399. j TRIANGLE FORD ■ ,<lolo R - T- AVE, N.E. DE. 2-6.102 ENGLISH FORDS—Tudors Fordors. ; station wagons convertibles and ■ 4 a and 6‘s; selection of color . tmmen del servicemen welcome JET MOTOR SALES 1534 Penna Ave S.E. LI 4-3300 FORD 1956 Fairlane; Thunderbird engine: power steering. Fordomatlc. r. and h.. w.-w. tires: one owner: full-year warranty: one convertible one Victoria: $2,295 each. | LOVING CHEVROLET Silver Spring ol^*o *’ *’ f JU. 9-7.1 H 1 FORD J 954 V-8 Tudor: Fordomatlc. r. and ta„ nerlect cond.; $865 • BELL MOTORS. 661(1 Wt«. «Ve. ; n.w. WO. 8-8900. FORD '62 Fordomatlc Fordor: 8 cyl.. radio and heater light arecn and , black top. Owner going overseas. best offer rail JO 2-9468 _.'6* | ' ORD 'sl Club coach; excel, cond. *•295: term, $25 down, MR. ROPER. LA. 6-2700. _ _ i FORD 1066 Fordor: beautliuT light ' blue with matching seat covers, r. and h„ turn signals, a top duality . car. year-end aale price: $690. ! TRIANGLE FORD 3016 R. I. AVE. N.E. DE. 2-6302 i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE - JAGUAR 'sl roadster. $1,395: Alfa Romeo Sprint. *2 876: Voive '57 - i company official car- $1,705. JACK ,l ! PRY. LTD.. 14th and P. '■ MERCEDES '54 300-0 Conv*: $4,005. j Sold new for $8,60n. Mercedes “30«“ sedan; #2.495. JACK PRY. LTD. 14th and P ; MGs 5 ’SO Through ’56 YE A A I k-^ CI tLEMc O E*“ y ClCan FROM ? $695 jj Choice of 14 Excellent Carp MANHATTAN AUTO Sales and Service. Imported and American Cars. Est. 1914. t 7th and R Sts. N.W. * j i Now 5 Locations Hobart 2-7000 Jefferson 4-3302 _ King 8-5625 NASH RAMBLER 1951 sta. wag.. maroon, r.. h., A-l cond.; $495. : terms. L ST. MOTORS. 22nd and JLn.w. > NASH '54 Metro; little club coupe; i .! excel, cond. *696; terms $95 down, j MR. ROPER. LA. 6-2700. _ OLDSMOBIIE 1956 "98“ Holiday sedan, fully loaded; red and ‘White;! .! 1-owneT car. Selling price. $3.395. 1 j, _Call JIJ. 7-5691. i • OLDBMOBILE 1956 Buper “88" I iconvertible coupe: blue with white .nylon top; fully equipped, power steering, power brakes; $2,895; CCC! guarantee. . Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. • 1222 22nd St. N.W. ST. 3^2600 v PLYMOUTH *53 Custom de luxe sedan: hy. drive; no shifting; has sun proof Solex glass throughout. Sacrifice $695; terms $95 down. I MR. ROPER. LA. 6-2700. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PLYMOUTH '56 Fury. Ur.', 2nd tar. j 5, ,60 mi . never raced, new-car ; cond.: *2,750 or best oiler. OL ; 2-i (iifi. ; PLYMOUTH '57 sedans, hardtop,. I station wagons Did you know that I you can buy a NEW PLYMOUTH foe $02.77 per month with only l s'.\>6 down. FALLS CHURCH, PE 80TO-PLYMOUTH, Lee hwy. at Millwood ave.. JE. 2-2366. ] PLYMOUTH 1953 Cranbrook 2-door; r. and h.. turn signals, tinted glass,, a beauty, tiptop cond.. year-end sale price; $«!)!<. TRIANGLE FORD 3610 B. L_AVE. N.E. DE. 2-6302 PONTIAC 1956 4-dr.: new left oyer, never, used: heater, defroster: $2,089. FLOOD PONTIAC. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 6-8400. PONTIAC '56 Catalina sedan; 2- tone. sandtewood-camella; orig. owner, leav.; *2,600. AD. 4-7709 PONTIAC 1953 Chieftain da luxe: going overseas, must sell immedi ately. Excellent condition. Price. *750. OL. 4-1639. | ’O.NTIAC 1956 Catalina coupe; r. and h nsdra. power steering ! oower brakes.* dual exhaust. Like! I new: $2,360 or best ofler. OL. 4- | 5869. PONTIAC 1950 2-dr.: hvdra,. r. and h : Immac *349. FLOOD PON- I TIAC, 221 Connecticut. WO. 6- 846 C. rONTIAU 1056 station wagon; $2,- | 699; left over, never sold; hydra, now. steering; 20 others to choose from FLOOD PONTIAC, 4221 Cbh necticut, Wo 6-8460. v PONTIAC 1956 4-door hardtop; im maculate hydra., p. steertng. loaded; $2,170. FLOOD PONTIAC. 4221 Connecticut, WO. 6-8460. PONTIAC 1954 4-door; hydra."p. steering, loaded with extras. Im maculate; *1.699. FLOOD PON TIAC. 4221 Connecticut, WO. 6- 841M1. i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PONTIAC 1950 2-door; hydra, Im maculate: *299, FLOOD PONtIAC. ! 4221 Connecticut. WO. 0-8460. PONTIAC 1653 Catalina hardtop; ‘'“'her , Interior, hydra., loaded * ,tr * s ' immaculate car; *899. ’'upon PONTIAC, 4221 Connectl- I out. WO. 6-8400. ■ PONTIAC 1955 4-door de luxe I nissu low m| : *1.340. ! Fl,(>OLi PONTIAC. 4221 Connec- I tlcut, WO. 6-8400. _ PONTIAC '56 de luxe 4-door station wagon; hydra., p. steering, loaded. iSn'*;;car warranty; *2,399. FLOOD PONTIAC. 4221 Connec- Jlcut. wq 6-8400. PbNTIAC 1956 Catalina coupe, radio, heater, hydramatle. white-wall tires, seat covers: power steering, brake,. BONDED NO-COST bu B ARA^F D E MATERIAL ° NE - YEAR ARCADE PONTIAC ! 1437 Irving St. N.W , AD. 4-8506. I Also 3466 14th Bt. N.W., RA. 3-9676 PONTIAC 1955 convertible: radio, heater, hydramatle. white-wall tires Wue, and white finish, black top 5,955EP., N °-? 08T labor and MATERIAL. ONE-YEAR OUARAN-I TEE: $1,895. ARCADE PONTIAC 1437 Irvin* at NW . AD 4-8506 Also 34 60 1 4th St. N.W., RA. 3-96761 WII.I.YS 1953 all-metal wagon; I overdrive r. and h„ perfect condi tion; *595. *95 down. BELL I ®sg; no 5010 Wl6 - * v ‘ SPECIALS 50 Cadillac "61” 4-dr *695 51 Kaiser 4-dr. 295 ’SO Chev 4-dr 245 ’SO Chrysler 4-dr 105 ’4O Ford Tudor I.” 195 ’4O Chrysler 4-dr. 95 27 OTHERS $5 DOWN BEACH MOTORS , AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Capitol Cadillac- Olds Co. And Their Entire Staff Wish You a Very Merry Xmas! r fHrrrg flUirtatmaa! 1 TO ALL FROM fl k LIVING J 8200 Ga. Ave. and 13.10 E.-U. Hwy. Silver Spring.