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NEW FACES IN CONGRESS Hemphill Adds Polities To Law and Flying Robert Witherspoon Hemp hill, the new South Carolina Democrat who succeeds former Chairman Richards of the House Foreign Affairs Commit tee, was a bomber pilot in World War n. He has a wide law practice and has tried cases not only be- One of a Scries fore courts in his own State, but also before administrative agen cies and tribunals here in Wash ington. Born May 10, 1915, in Chester, S. C., which still Is his home city, the new House member received his education in the county public schools, and at the University of South Caro lina, where he earned his bach elor of arts degree in 1938, and his bachelor of laws degree In 1938. In 1941, he volunteered in the Air Force as a flying cadet. He served as a bomber pilot un til 1945. Gets into Polities Launching a political career soon thereafter, Mr. Hemphill became chairman of the Chester County Democratic convention in 1946 and 1947. He was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives from Chester County, defeating all opponents on the first ballot. In 1950, he was elected solici tor of the Sixth South Carolina Judicial Circuit, and was re elected in 1954, without opposi tion. Among the courts and ad ministrative agencies, before which he has practiced, have been the Veterans Administra tion, Civil Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commis sion, all South Carolina courts, Tax Court of the United States.! United Btates District Courts of the Eastern and Western Dis tricts of South Carolina; United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court. Unopposed at Election Mr. Hemphill entered the race for Congress after his predeces sor, Representative Richards, Democrat, decided not to be a candidate for re-election. In the primary, Mr. Hemphill defeated Thomas Gettys of Rock Hill,! 8. C., who once had been secre SEMI-ANNUAL SALE! Discontinued “Roblee” Shoes lor Men ... 13.95 Street ond Dress Shoes. Brown or Block. Broken sizes vs 6 V2 to 12 in the group J 9 J J 1 9.95 ond 10.95 Discontinued __ Styles "Pedwin" Shoes for Men and Big Boys. Broken / sizes 6Vito 12 in group • 9 J J 6.95 Men's Casual Loofers. yi Hand-sewn vomp. Brown only. /1. Sizes 6V2 to 12 JL • J Fourth Floor, Washington; Street Floor, Arlington ~ SOCKS, „ f , ' • . * f, 1.00 Argyle or Stretch Socks 2.95 Cotton Flannel Sport Shirts 3.95 Cotton Broadcloth Pajamas Genuine Hempel orgyle cotton hose in a voriety of m Good-looking ploids ond pattern effects for /--v /“V a „ . , . . , diamond. overplaid ond panel patterns, Smart color A O selection. Made of soft warm cotton flannel *I•I Ift *" * nt V ° lU€ * U " imi ° l , ,OV ' nfl,! f* A combinations of blues, greys, tons, browns, ma- c . / , / i * cu *' • x P* rt 'y tailored pojomos ore Son- F roons Sizes 10 to 13. One-size stretch socks of JL J Son orized or permanent fit. Well-tailored MV #MB forized for losting fit ond sleeping comfort. Coot J| J 100•’o DuPont Helonco nylon ond cotton ond nylon long-sleeve style with convertible collars, neot or middy styles with boxer-type waistbands. b>ends. Soud 6x3 ribs, argyles and novelty designs cuffs. Easy to founder ond colorfost. In small, Choice of smort stripes ond novelty prints. Sizes ln9roup 3pr.1.45 medium or large sizes'. 2 tor 4JM A-B-C-D. 2 for S.OO t Men’s Furnishing*-—Street Floor, Washington ; Street Floor Arlington I A L 4 • 1 L mgM V| lllp m , ROBERT W. HEMPHILL tary to Representative Richards. But in the November election, the winner in the primary was unopposed for the Richards seat. Mr. Hemphill was married on! June 20, 1942, to Forrest Isabelle Anderson of Asherton, Tex. They > have two daughters, Mias Forrest! Richardson Hemphill and Miss; Harriet Witherspoon Hemphill.; The new Congressman has taken an interest in 'patriotic.! legal and fraternal organizations., He is a member of the American Legion, 40 and 8 Society, Knights | of Pythias and other fraternal groups. He belongs to the Chester County, (6. C.) and American Bar Associations, South Carolina Employes Asso ciation, Air Force Reserve, South! Carolina Farm Bureau, and! South Carolina Wild Life Asso ciation. Tomorrow: Representative Loser of Tennessee. Hindu India Observes National Christmas NEW DELHI, Dec. 25 (IP).— Hindu India today observed a national Christmas holiday. Of-, Iflceß and shops were closed throughout the country, and; greetings and presents were ex changed as in Christian coun tries. The government even relaxed prohibition on alcoholic bev erages for the day in the Indian capital. Wednesday Honrs: ~— Washington: 9:30 mam. to 0:09 p.nt. Jjp- Arlington: 10:99 senna, At?*, at 9th St. N.W.. Washington; N. Fairfax Dr. at ft. Kirkwood. Arlington 24-Hour Phone Order Service: District 7-7200 OUR Bth ANNUAL SALE! /JfiiM^B Men’s 67.50 Two-Trouser All-Wool SLITS The Extra Pair Means Extra Wear! pr — Worsteds M O VP Sharkskins M 4JJ.95 ——■— Tweeds . 7/ ’ * If you have o suit-coat or two in your closet which ‘ have out lasted their trousers you'll understand why -f 1 "'- •jjr, - it's smart to buy two-trouser suits! You can wear as the most colors, patterns and styles in this Annual Sale col lection. Select from solids, stripes, checks, herring- ■ ’’ bones, diamond-weaves or multi-tones in medium __ to dark shades of blue, grey, brown, or tan. Single ” breasted, 2 or 3-button fronts, flap pockets, center ' — vents, narrow lapels and neater shoulders with less ypL padding are tailoring detcils you'll want. Regulars, "~x 1 ‘ I shorts, longs, extra longs, stouts and short stouts ”*\ \ in complete size ranges. ,//$■ ’’** \ Pay 1/3 in January, '* , 1/3 in February, 1/3 in March JBgßmxUt HGroß|||| ' Fabric \ Topcoats and Zip-Lined Coats \ 39.95 j topcoats other \ British tweed ond Shetland zip-coats tailored by one \ * »S i of America's largest coat makers . . . and offered ot \ 'll - ' > this great sale price! Two-tone blends in tan, brown, * •,.. ,/' ' gray, blue-gray and heather. Checks, splashes, her ringbones Raglan or sleeves, bal collars, slash pockets. Regulars, shorts, ( Wss&Mjhk "’ s Men’s Clothing—Second Floor. Washington: «**» M . , "# Street Floor, Arlington B SJl j ~~— . THE EVENING STAR Washington. D. C. mro*T. DEcxMaza za, A-7