Newspaper Page Text
A-8 THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D, C. TtfSDAT. DECEMOIR «a. IW« dgjtwUrgnS 25 orig. 22.95-27.95 television ★ ★ major appliances ★ W clearance men’s famous-make 1-1957 Fomous-Mok, 21 s«n« orl ° "* , , os , v „ on 0 . n .w Christmas tree ornaments orig. 2.95 yd. Table TV, mahogany finish 259.95 179.95 1 J - Youn OSfown 42 Cabinet m / Br : Ci amloln onJ nnlntnil JIICKeW 1-1957 Fomous-Make 21 Series / Vri. V V 99 95 «.95 I/O P j , P lalß printed 1/488 Console, wolnut finish (damaged) 219.95 149.95 I —1956 Amnaid 30 De Luxe Gas /£ andleSS 141 . 1—1956 G-E 14 Series Portable TV 99.95 69.95 , ,V V, -_rr ~ ~ - 1 9995 99.95 mVOn VOlveteeit I 1 1957 Famous-Make 24 Series 1— 1956 Florence 36" Matchless Gas e 4 .„ , ... . * British cor coat styles with corduroy collars. Console blond 319 95 239 95 Range . v 199.95 139.95 ° or ?,® Meetl ? n °* orrsaments for tree, mantle, _ Some heovy wool mockinows and Gabordine | 1957 Famous-Make 21 Series * * 1956 G-E 40" Oe Luxe Automatic W <° ' **?' mpor, * < * on <*, domestic varieties. 118 yard Sureoots with zip linings. Also a group of Lowbov TV mahoaonv finish 349 95 199 94 Double-Oven Range 519.06 339.95 Choose from glass ornaments, tinsel and pom-pom 1_ • Corduroy Sport Coats. 3-1956 RCA 8" 125 M B*s 1-1956 G-E 40" Electric Range, tur- stnngs .centerpiece angels, etc. Buy at these low MEN'S SPORTSWEAR-Washington. , 957 Top-Brand 21 Sehes Low- ”°° '" 5 * fluoise. 299.95 179.95 Prices for now, or for next year s tree. On* to four-yard lengths in a lovely ossort- Street Floor boy tv ma hogany finish 339.95 249.95 '~' 956 T °PP an Matchless 36" Gas TRIM-A-TREE SHOP—Washington, Sixth Floor • ment oi ♦•orals, geometries and damask —Black Iron TV Stand on costers 9.95 3.95 , .. r. rz „ , -269.50 169.95 Langley Park, Mi., Lower Level ’ prints. —Tubular Metal Swivel Bases for 1—1956 Fr.g.daire 12.1-Cu.-Ft. Re- Table TV 12.95 2.95 -- 469.95 319.00 - ★★ 120 ° ri s- 15 frie 6 rator'- S Fre 0 ez e er' 2 ' Cu ' Ft ' R# * 366 95 27995 500 y*. of orig. 2.69 to 3.98 • ori * 139 thort lengths men’s famous-make freezers, ranges, sinks ] ~u£^? ,6oire 101 Cu Ft R - 24995 ’ drapery fabrics pinwale corduroy sports shirts ° ri o- «#w 1—1956 g-e lo'-cu'.-Ft/Rifr^Vr: 1—1956 G-E 13-Cu.-Ft. Upright Food . ator, turquoise .-299.95 179.95 I““ vd. k7 C v d. Freezer 495.95 319.95 1—1956 G-E 8.1-Cu.-Ft. Refriger- . 1. 3 H • 3 m 0 1 —1956 Westinghouse 11.5-Cu.-Ft„ . otor 219.95 174.95 48" wide fabrics ineludinn solid «■ nrint.d Royon and cottons In long-sleeve styles. All . 5,9 9fr SI, * W '~RefrL^tor '3-2-Cu.-Ft tured fiberglos. Also flora® in cotton and Deep, rich pile, hand washable, In lovely colors. tne x models and colors. Sizes S, M, 349.95 \JSTSSgSL jTaS* 5 ** 95 “S ““ 'MEN'S SPORTSWEAR Lanalev Park Md *—1956 G-E 14-Cu.-Ft. Refrigerator- Defrost Refrigerator ,329.95 239.95 Pa > - “• .fisr'«** ■». ”” 5 4 ” M Am ’is s nr n p " > - “■ KT* OH,. SMS vd. I ,2:i:cu..F,.. 42655 ribbed jersey irk oo on,. 13.95 \J&J£HF££Z. J*” "**» * chine and glass curtains no. yd - «•» WOC 1 men’s orlon coat 2—1956 G-E 36" Automatic Electric 48 4Pc Rnnn. , m «« 75 Prs. Novelty Case Curtoins, 30 2.98 to , tnnnlnrc Ronges - 299.95 219.95 56 8 P inn en or 36" long, many colors pr. _. 3.99 1.99 Six lovely colors in this ribbed, knitted miroe'e sweaters 1— 1956 G-E De Luxe Double-Oven ff | In* 30 Prs - Nov * lt V Cofe Curtains in fob , ric - Hond-woshoWe, popular for blouses, «r«8 |-!5?a52 , 36" Matchless Gas s ’ 9 °° !' P - S‘~: Z9B l!s°0 ,•• ' ' m *' im PanH • Range ....... .199.95 V 39.95 Pa'ch^übs ° nd S * fl 350 / l -S 6 ye"r° lfOWn - 42 " C ° binet 99.95 49.95 Se«. imitation ■ * ' 3 Ornain, sizes S, M, L. 3—1956 Youngstown 42" Cabinet 30 hrSrtSchi'nn Fmir 3QB j - 2! single width, ivory, as is, pr.___ 7.99 3.99 fabric remUBUtS MEN’S SPORTSWEAR—LangIey Park, Md.. Sinks 99.95 69.95 30 fc ed China Cake PlmJs 3SO *2 6 Prs. Nylon Marquisette Curtain,, 13.99 to First Floor 6-1956 Youngstown 42" Cabinet 30 China Coke ,, , Sink, 89.95 54.95 50 8-Pc. L,bbey Hostess Tumbler 1 Pr. Nylon Marquisette Curtains. 25 »• sHmQL. OH - 24 TVardrop Planter,.-black:::::: 1.50 IS I 9 OV /0 ..70nrit SOS radios, phonographs, IS IS® T7Ts*’l&'Stei 950 6,50 Covers, many colors S 8.99 .5.99 2.98 to 7.98 Woolen. 1.49 to 1.99 ★* 70 orig. 5.95 * 18 Imported 11-Pc.HutchSp.c. 16 Covers, same as above, for Holly- 10.99 to 49c to 1.19 Cottons. —-25 c 60s men’s famous-make tape recorders 24 imported aVpc: sofod set,”::: I:1S ’ill 30 n " 7 ” 69c to 5.99 Rayon,, siik., B i.nd,, 35. t. 2.99 sleeveless sweaters 1-1957 Top-Brand 4-Spe«l Hi-Fi 18 oSk Jo 6.98 4.00 o'r “TabeT : 15.99 9.99 FABRICS-Washington, Third Floor !! ® Automatic Phono. . 139.95 104.95 tST uh til Ja2 25 3-Cushion Style Pillow Cover., - 088 1-1957 GroncoAM-FM Clock Radio 49.95 31.95 2 10 lm» Chi™' 698 °* «° c h - 1.99 99c ■ O 1—1957 Sylvanio Intercom Radio Set 39.95 19.95 McZ ,oe ae- 30 2*-Cushion Style Pillow Covers, ■■ -- - 6—1957 Traveler Table Radios . 18.95 11.95 Cup and Saucer Set. ... 1.98 98c eoch 2.99 1.99 , • , nn - I i Choose from wools, port wool, or orlons, in 2—1957 Top-Brond 45-RPM Hi-Fi 24 /-Pc. Ceromic Planters, assorted M Prs. Permonent-Finish Cotton Net 5.99 to . « orig. 3.99 to 5.99 V fancy designs or solid colors. Sizes S, M, L. Phonos. ... - 79.95 59.95 n o°o? o_;J' 111 Toilored Curtoins, white 6.99 3.99 .«#«» MEN'S SPORTSWEAR-Langley Park, Md.. 4—1957 Top-Brand De Luxe Clock ion J. 2r£ d wTiid,*. tin si! 35 prs. Permonent-Finish Cotton Net lOtS OreSSeS First Floor Radios 42.95 29.95 ?n r . r, h r. W r l m 111 Tailored Curtain,, 63, 72, 81, 8.49 to «.e»o L 1— 1957 Top-Brand Battery Portable 120 Crystal Clear Glass Coke Plate. 1.00 50c 90’( long 10.98 5.99 088 Rodio (Domoged) ---------- 24.95 10.95 CHINA AND OLASS-Washington, Sixth Flpori 10 Embroidered Chrom* pun Taffeta W • . 1 —1956 Top-Brand 4-Speed Port- Lanalev Park Md Firat Floor Bedspreods, vdrioui color* 14.98 f. 99 vk . , . ■ „ . , men’s sportswear oble Phono. 44.95 32.95 ’ DRAPERIES BEDSPREADS Assdrted *tyle» In foncy or toilored dresses for r 2—1957 Normende Imported Toble DRAPERIES, BEDSPREADS Washington, Crisp white oecent. loee or button orig. aew Model Rodios, AM-FM-SW -. 99.95 74.95 ■■ Fourth Floor hove their own peftieoofs. All with 20 Men'. Famous-Moke Bomber 2—1957 Normende Imported Radio., Ji„ r . __J a _j_ , p "*!’??. t°. r ° no !|)* r y* or * wter - Short Jackets and Surcoats. Assorted AM-FM-SW „ - 159.95 99.95 famous Afors and Boda - li M A n « sleeve., fU I birred ds.rts Assorted aolidc ond fobrics, with worm quilted linings. 3 —1957 Normende Imported Radio., P .... .18.1. ™ Solid color, Sizes 34 36 38 onlv 10 00 399 AM-FM-SW 249.95 169.95 Imported SWeOlSll • wig. new TOTS WEAR-Washington. Fourth Floor; 15 Men's All-Wool Pullover'Sweaters 2—1957 Wilcox Gay Tape Recorder. 159.95 119.95 32 84»e. Embroidered Linen Ploee Langley Park, Md., Second Floor in solid color,. Block, maroon, in 7.95 to 1—1957 Wilcox Gay Tope Recorder, 129.95 79.95 Crystal 24 Set, 598 899 ' 10.00 i.» »*•??« ?mincn-WM*m. m_umuk SM*UM~Sm » ISZtSSfiStiZSiIS 1:3 IS ~ . 6 Mens Famous-Make Suede Bomber * Street or Through Archway, Main Building 35 s.p c Kitchen Set., terry towel Itirls’ VMV Jackets, in broken sizes and 25.00 to . ' . . . 1.98 t 49 4.98 P»f holder, utility cloth, 2 dish ** colors. Slightly soiled - 27.50 9.88 television towel* 2.98 1.98 or Kl- *ew MEN’S SPORTSWEAR-Washington, Street Floor aria u. 1 / price 13 Scranton Locc Cloth*, 70x88", 50 Rayon Print Pajoma, with foncy 1 lOCfi Mnlr. 91 tv wn yellow. - 4.99 2.99 ♦'■•me. Assorted rtyle, ond color,, , Tobf. Kt “.lig **•»“*« ,».« x?a sagsgfe&ipSjr-' k is ’’tzsistir'*** lw men’s fine robes '~Conwle d TV ir Mah'oo S | e Fini,h* lU>< *369 95 219 93 from our stunning collection. 58 Doilies! 1 Ixl s",^astel».. 69c 39c 38 Cotton Flannel Shirt. In bright 74 Wi« 5 - "•* 60 Nylon Doilies, 12" round, pastel, 1.00 59. plaid,. Sizes 7-14 2.50 1.19 1088 ~rw ltTu v n- -tie it Toll Boda Crystal Decanter... 14.98 4.98 9 Nylon Doilies, 12x18", pastels . 1.19 69c 12 Girl,' Wool Tweed Coat,. Im- M.& . cJX; 74 e.ri; 29995 Bodo Crystol Ash Troy. 12.98 4.98 9 Appliqu«l Organdy Dollies, 9" ported English fashion. Size. 7-14. 39.95 29.9 J Choose from imported wool, and fine lined ray- , Finish * 5 3 49.50 249.50 Vow 14.'5S 4.91' 10 Tpt I Organdy GIRLS’ WEAR-Washington, Fourth Floor ons. Size, S, M, L. Table Table TV. Complete Leg,..229.95 149.95 Bodo Crystal Cigarette Holder. 3.98 1.98 lOAppliquad Organdy Doilies, mbtPPH Mvtntffl + 250 orit 3 91. SS Tall Nwk Shoped Flower Vow 14.98 4.98 12x12" - 1.25 79e BWWTB 7 . *• r .,|l ns iihnnne Pinch • 9- 9 « 11 Appliqucd Organdy Doilies, 12" orig. new men’s famous-make K W rnuuis, puuuus, rtnnr roun <‘ '•’* 1.1» 36 Subteen 810u,*,. Cotton., royon,, - _ , sane recorders GLASSWARE Wa. hington. Sixth Floor 9 Appliqucd Orgondy Doilie., in tailored and drewy style.. Sice* 2.99t0 dress shirts recwn,e " —— ■ ioxi4" 1.9 s 1.19 8-14 ; 3.99 1.99 199 ?” 0P ‘ B . , ° nd J C « Lu o<l l7 e , <2 ’ 5 2f,M -L-n ,2xl8 " 250 ,J * in OMorted color*. Sizes 8-14 5.99 1.99 I . 1—1957 Top-Brond 45-RPM H.-Fi 3 Applique) Organdy Scarf., 16x24" 3.98 1.99 24 Subteens' Skirt,. Popular *llm t . P !T, O t ‘a' 'j a Lji V. 79 95 39,93 * 7 Appliqued Organdy Scarfs, 16x36" 4.98 2.49 Wyles. All wool. Sizes 8-14 5.99 8.99 Cotton broadcloth, in regular fused collar and ' Top ' Brand 4 ' Speed Hl ' pl , .. .. orig. new 4 Appliqued Organdy Scarfs, 16x45" 5.98 2.99 SUBTEENS—wathtnairm vmirth rtnn, « Sh’ l-W Oii- «.«-ai*"''® M 5 MS JW.-WW-H-MHr «• MS ft« IW cuffs. 14-16 .n the group. Radio, 5495 8993 100 Ceiling Light Fixture. 2.98 75. MEN'S FURNISHINGS— Wash*ngton, Street 1—1956 Webeor Hi-Fi Top* Re- 6 Hurricon. Lamp, 7.50 3.75 domCStICS oa Floor; Langley Park. Md. First Floor ' confer 77... 255.00 169.95 LAMPS-Washington. Sixth Floor: UUIIII*SUCS 50 jr. debs orig. 5.99 ■ MAJOR APPLtANCMS—LantIm Pvk, Md., It S«l» M. >M »0«1 «klrt« ir men’s flirni«hiniFc « 72x108", all-over flower print . 6.98 8.99 AM ' " lurnisnings lamps 6 Superfine Percale Shot,, 90x108", JfW orig. new r 011-over flower print - 7.98 4.99 9W '' ★ M orig. 6.95 modern black iron 28 PtoS^l^'c^Cil^r^ * ’sS? 'IU £&!"*** J *'" in coat Style, only Broken size, 3.98 2.94 TV Stand 2 » il!" SS llli 32 £*?**'* Cover., full *■£ Fourth Floor 200 Men* All-Wool Muffler., In wild 2 Bristol Tobl. Lomp. 39.95 19.95 x,pp,f,d 2.88 1.49 ? ' * color, or smart tarton plaids. - Aswrted sizes 1. 9 5 || ( 16 Assorted Picture. ...—.—_L. 6.98 2.99 bedweaP . MEN S FURNISHINGS—Washington, Street Floor. Top adjust, to fit mast set,. Black tubular LAMPS-Washington, Staff. Moor , r J P * Saving* Langley Park, Mi., First Floor metol leg, on big coster, for easy-roll. around F.ayon, Cotton and N>ion Blan- orig. aew portability. to o* iim 1* Wool Jacket,. Broken w*e*. 17.95 12.88 hibnse wares n rT,, r w ■■vr 'r2 40 Prtmed Cotton ond Oman Chplli. _ “' ** **“ 11 Chenille Coverlets, twin or full— 5.99 8.99 Blouses Lana sleeves iirnu 1956 Chrysler and Universal ★ 5 orig. 259.95, 1956 cu. ft. . 14 Chenille Spreads, twin or full .. 12.98 7.99 jenies. 10-16 ... ... 599 899 ..l- Kolz’ina.nie 72 Aborted Novelty-Shaped Salt ond "** 16 Gj™w, Woven Spreods, full .lie, 3° piaid. M air conditioners Kelvlnator Pepper Shoker, 1.98 1.19 17 Convfort.' f dork ond light color.. All-wool. ..u. 24 Aluminum Serving Troy,, florol 17 Wool-Filled CorMort., royon cover, tA ’5*2,« -—.?■?* 3*9 refrigerator design . . 398 298 , VV.--;-. _ 699 ’ ” 10 Wool and Royon Velveteen Jump- 10 98 to %.iIOL Off 4 ofrom. I plated Cocktail Seti,' 2 £22 # £5! tod CwTrfom ' r<,yon lfto . eeo Mil 6.88 fwtW /O " SIQQ shaker, troy, 6 glosses ....... 17.98 14.88 7 £l. Zi Blend AcWo'te ‘ *0 Wftack Orion Slipove, Sweater*. 100 6 Bros,andGlou Coffee Server Sot*, ' ZOZ?,!!?. ?4 03 um . * ta#v **' colors. corof* with warmer 9.98 6.99,..-. 24.95 14.99 .. 34-40 ..... 599 1.99 Odg. aew chiller trov veoetoble eriioer door 72 KoroMOl Heovy-Goug* Plo.tle 4,95t0 2.47 BEDWEAR, DOMESTlCSr+INENS—Washington, 18 '**,£&* 20,. Ve-H P. Window Model 319.95 159.95 ' 'III Third Floor £ 8.. V 18 Universol 4i-HP.De Luxe Model, TELEVISION-Wmshinetan sti 'l Q °” ServettM * 598 3.99 '*■ DEBT-Wsshtngton, Fourth Floor 2-,pwd ton thermit 34995 174.95 Street or Through A^TMain Xng; 8 Hi ill _ ' 95 , 79 . 95 "* Lower ** 58 Copper-Bottom sXon,,' orig. S9c to 79c yd. eolorfast * b#y*’ Wear 4 P Conv * 48 6-Pc° Nut Bowl Sets'IIIIIIIII 498 398 tubfast MttOlfl 30Q Bov,' ond Girls' Cotton Wi. ,T Window Model ..... 349 95 174.95 12 Both Scales, white 698 4.88 _ ,?ze, G Sock * 5^ W ?{£ zie P ed &, W,fh 3!9 95 179.95 Washer*, dryer* HOVSEWARES-Washmgto*. Sixth Floor ; * 10* ** . 59c *** 6 Chrystef I-H P. De Luxe Model t**- now Selart from r-ntas. and in Shirts. 6-10 89c 39e with thermostat 499 95 249.95 0— 956 Easy Automatic Woshers 249.95 159.95 „ . „ t* 3 Chrysler I-H P. standord Window 2 956 Easy Automotic Wosher, 289.95 199.95 75 ong. 9.95 to 11.95 Lied ter Model .. . 459.95 229.95 >*- ’56 Eosy Automatic 3 Chrysler 44-H.P. Conventional 2-1956 E«y Conbmeren WoPer- discontinued FABRICS-Washington, Third Floor Ore* Shirt,. High colon, broken 10 Casement Win 3W95 ’2“ 1956 79 ’ 5 ,29 ' ,5 hrOadlOOm MUplefl 25 2-Pe. Cotton Knd Po,omos. 3 " *** 4 Chrysler 14-HP De Luxe Cose- 2—1957 Eosy Gas Clothes Dryers 249.95 179.95 O ena mow wool Pullover Sweotert. Broken ment Wmdow Model 449 95 224.95 i? 57 Eotv E, *« rie Ctothe, 119 Prs Double-Woven Nylon Gloves s zes 14-20 ..... 799 500 5 Chrysler >i-H P Stonderd Crzie- . . rintli _r '{J JJ 27x54-ineh discontinued broodloom somple, of (n ond longer lengths. *• *•»*' Western Fringed Suede ment Wmdow Model .. 429.95 214.95 1 c v 9?* Clothe* Dryor* .219.95 169.95 wool or royon-nylon blend tomptot m oamin- Some hond-tewn. While. >tm locket*, broken site* 6 ond $ Other New 19<6 G-E. RCA end Chrys- ♦ 1956 Easy llectr* Clothe* sters. velvets or wiltons. Many colors and *tyf*s 6rol'/i 1.19 Mi only - - - .. 1298 6.00 ler Conditioners 25% te 40% Off ~ - 229 95 159,95 Ideol te. that hord-to-cover floor area. 50 Pr, Double-Woven Cotten 32 ***** *3*' All-Wool . _ A/suniiaij* . MAJOR APPLIASCtS-~-WdMh 4JI Seveatk t ggihumh> r/ivrvnmi Shorti#* <•»-torn# hand-town Os P'l Of#** Slock.* broken 499 In ‘ Z£Xf2Z7J2IZ~" 7**%*}TSSSSTSSS"- * , M , M • irw .00 *•’ Umm LmM imm , OLOViE-Mashtngton, Street Floor BOFf WE AM-Washington. Fourth Floor 4. * A •* 1 / ’ K > *