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j special and J[ansburghs • ★ «»-.»«*»«•■ -•*■ ~s ■■■■■■■■■■■■ smart fashions at big savings naanmamaa Guys and Holls shoes 1 2 ** Q»9 I ★ 250 m fine coats fur-trim coats budget dresses 2 Leother Coots, V* length, sizes For girls: brown or red strop slippers. For boys: ■ _ _ * 4.WMS3 OiHlgCl urvssvs |2,H 8995 69.95 brown or beige oxfords. Sizes B'A-3. ■ 0/1 M $W 5 Leother Jackets, belted 29.95 19.95 ■ inn • • tnn B M.9W v Mtl *■ B 7 Assorted Jackets, misses' 17.95 to ★ ion pairs ong. .1.99 m luxury fabrics hit fashion. sizes 19.95 10.00 nhililnAMtu -IS U Anglo woolens slim lines Block, beige ond other colors, several styles, Street dresses In wool and orlon jersey, royon 28 Ribbed Cotton Knit Ponts, misses' Childrens slippers ■ Forstmonn woolens clutch styles trimmed with genuine ranch mink Block dyed crepe, rayon °nd rayon ondactU** sizes - 7.98 4.99 9 1M ■ imported tweeds cape collor coots and noturol grey Persian lamb, dyed Muskrat fabrics. Sizes 10 to 20 ond 14/2 to 22 /z m SPORTSWEAR—Washington, Second Floor M ■ ■ lavish zibeliines cardiaon fronts belly. Misses and women s sizes in the group. ,n ® 9 rou P- ' fl M. ■ P™ d # ucl » tn «"<>» country of orisln of . ... , „„ fl m r| cn wool plusn empire styles imported furs X JOO orit 17 98 , 700 # to no Bedroom slippers in royon sotin or rayon velvet. B famed Hockonum woolens reversibles BETTER COATS—Washington, Second Floor n n ” "W ong. i,va to Leother soles. Sizes 11-3. ■ wpphMeofhm "boy" coots __ budget drCSSCS WOOI SklrtS ★ 100 pairs orig. 7.95 I Most of winter is still ahead—so you'll get lots 9~l dh yM Q 0 teena 9 OVfni*fi« I of wear this year as well as for seasons to come i-g --'*■ 3 waiuius B with these magnificent coats! All well tailored, ...... j,„,„ ..... ~B JQQ B hondsomely styled and worth much more than SO orig. 49.95 to 59.95 shwr nuloTdLrki«d« Slim and flared styles in tweeds ond solid eo ors. 4 I "-RO* topto! to, 10 » 18 * " to. 10 »18 . Ih. w. <««.. Red or brown oxford, with sm'ooth lentK.r I * * WOOI suits BUDGET DRESSES-Washington and * B 6 orig. 7.98 to 10.98 s"o,Zw Mn .,o. M I u«m£Z ■ I 1 misses’sweaters Langley Park, Md., Second Floor ■ I I I .■■■lll. mmm—m—mmmmmmmmmmm—m—mmmmm-mmmmm 099 11 B 122 79.95 to 89.%5 values O , I misses 9 , women’s coats ★ misses’ dresses Orion and wool cardigans and slipovers, full- M lingerie B H 0 Smart suits including lightweight tweeds, wool 1/ 4. 1/ __ J e fashioned and mock-foshioned classics and B flannels, reverse tweeds, etc. A good color os- Save 73 IO 72 BUO nlOrO. dressmaker styles. Broken sizes and color,. I Nylon Gowns. White and pastels " #W / B **** sortment, including black, sizes 10 to 18, 14'A . SPORTSWEAR-Washington, Second Floor; 1 Broken sizes . 599 399 H Forstmonn fleeces, imported tweeds, polished to 22V2 in the group. 175 orig. 17.98-22.95 Langley Park, First Floor > Nylon Gowns. White, pink, black 798 <94 H blacks, Worumbo plushes, sculptured fabrics errtre ew a---- -- - ----- B .N r k*. « ■ ja-rjsßtTi-sßsrgß “s’*’ *l2 I I 1 Nylon Gowns. Pastel coters. Broken B in the group in mony styles and colors. ... " . . ... sizes ggg 59, B Laruburgh’s—BETTEß COATS— Washington l"-'' m .■ .n 1 , , 75 orig. 525-535 Asm WIUICr IlfllS I Nylon Gowns. White, pink. 32-38 B and Langley Park. Second Floor ___ „ _ 1 / . C P White. Sizes 32-40. 2 5 2 9 9 | 'HI I . F TZZ Z H 15 tO S 2O ' 7 9510^.^ ,rirnmed no. I jr. and budget ★ better dresses Wool jerseys< royon crepe , novelty fobrics< « L $ Nylon Tricot 7 ' 9 * 1 orlon and dyucl coats save Vs and more! ond pas,els ' Six " now »• lOV b°ock yl with OC nin'k ,h ' , wili’ I g ST 19 15 Orig. 39.95 to 45.00 24.00 MISSES’ DRESSES—Washington and Hundreds of beautiful hots—all half price! medium lorae P 'l* no .... B Cbub 20 Orig. 49.95 32.00 Langley Park, Second Floor Mousse, furry felts! Rich rayon velvets—Luxu- Nylon Trieot Baby-Doll h|«i« B Look just like fur! Orion and djmel coot, are f 2Q 9 85 00 L / beads, sequins, etc.! Big ones ond little ones! Iyer, of sheer. Pmk, blue B mothprrxif, water repel en ! Smart dutch sty es. ,n m « li nn ' r Dressv and casual stvles! Businem and cock- U - 10 Orta 98 95 aenn « ■ m— ■ —■■■■—■ tail tvoes' Tricot Red Gowns. Broken ' B 18 in the group. 10 Orig. 98.95 C 4.00 x?M„ rI V ■r " ... _ 5.99 2.99 B Lansburgh’s—JUNlOß AND BUDGET Drastic reductions on designer formols in long 50 ong. 17.98 to 25.00 " f- • ■ Tricot Broken B COATS—Washington and Langley Park, ond short lengths, sheath and full-skirt styles. dsusesae WMt© I©lt 11818 Tricot Baby-Doll Pajamas. B 39.95 to 49.95 values merallicv blades, chiffons, nykm Bra- slll 2" Crepe Slips. Broken sizes. 3.99- 1,00 B budg©t COBtS Street and afternoon dresses in one and two v ~ , . . .. , ... Large ond small hats of fine white felt, many Crepe Pa,omas. Pastels. B piece styles, some jacket style, in the group. Youthful style, in rayon crepes. Size, 14’A to trimmed with beods, rhinestones, rayon satins, dP.iA.Vni-V 599 299 B SOO Choose from pur. silks, rayon sheers, silk failles, 24 'A m the group. , tc . .aas, Dnp-dry B 9389 sheer wools rayon crepes. Miss.,'sizes Bto 20 25 orig. 25.00 to 29.95 + 160 aria 299t0 895 : lannel Gowns Smollsize, 399 too B Clutch, cardigan, wing or club collar style coats, in the group. , _ " ‘ "ERIE _. ■" B fin * woo ' ,abrie * includin 9 P° llshed blocks, Cocktail dresses In luxurious royon satins, WomeO 9 S dresses Smart hats *ERlE— Washington. Third Floor B martiniques, wool-ond-coshmeres, wool suedes, failles, taffetas or velvets, slim or full skirts. A m-m M^ B plush, tweeds, sizes Bto 18 and 14'A to 24'A Broken sizes Bto 20. V I 2C 4P B B in the group. „„„ _ ." • -B. 100 pieces orig. 5.99 to 14.95 | SecZ X? JKSt mty SR loUnwa n;nmm B - 1 11 1 —■■■'■! ■ —■—— MlLLlNEßY—Washington and Langley C,SUI e HlMr B " l 12 orig. 29.95 to 49.95 Fork, Second Floor H/i to fltfh B ' mi . „„„ women’s dresses i'". ■■■■■——. fl tI Iff B junior eoats ★ 100 ong. 11.98 to 14.98 IT ir 200 orig. 5.99 to 6.98 moke robe,, dusters, brunch coats, B junior dresses daytime dresses ow for deoranee! Long fitteds, short B 80 Rayon crepe jacket dresses, slim-line lace ond a a Choose from cotton quilts, woven B Smart wool coats, including tweeds, dressy m organdy dresses. Sizes 14'A to 22’A in the ™/B printed cottons, corduroys and cotton B blocks, brushed woolens, some leather trims, group. * . Assorted colors. Sizes 10-20. B some pastel royon velvet trims. Size, 5 to 15, Rayon flannels, winter cottons, royon crapes, WOMEN'S DRESSES-Washington and Woven ond printed cotton dresses, rayon flon- IBES—Washington, Third Floor' B oquo, pink, black, brown and mixtures in the m sheath and princes, line,. Size, 7 to 15 in Langley Park, Second Floor nils, etc., in many style, and colors. Sizes 12 angley Park. Md., Second Floor B orOup ' r/inr , - the group. Many color,. to 2Q and >4'Ato24 Vi in the group. 1 ■ ISS W 59.9 S ' +rn ori,. 7.m ,o ».9, knit lingerie I "gjft* 18 junior dresses 68 orig. sm to iom daytime dresses Tricot Wolfz Gowns with ° n ° "** I *l2 sportswear *5 . n.e.xkM •” 1 sMAJToMi!zriJSTZSti .to <*«... ond W n,.» is. 1 var usimrsTisn e trimmed bodice. 32-38; B 5t015 In the group. Sizes 7t015 in the group. Jerkins, blouses, Bermuda shorts ond slocks, in tS’Jr*!*' IS ‘ Bixe * *2 to 20 ond 14 Ato vhite and beige In the group 14.95 5.99 B JUNIOR COATS—Washington and JUNIOR DRESSES—Washington and many colors, styles, fabrics. Mists'sizes. 24 ar-.i, 101 l Pajamas in double- B Langley Park, Second Floor Langley Park, Second Floor SPORTSWEAR-Washington, Second Floor ThwVritZ* iylon sheer. Small ond me. B Third Floor, Langley Park, second Floor izes; white and pink 9.95 |.99 B Tricot Short Shortie Gowns, immed Small, medium, blue 7,95 2.99 s Ponties. Sizes 5 ond 6--. 1.00 59s UOtloilS ★notions ir 500 pieces orig. $1 to tS if 1800 pairs orig. 1.19 LlNGEßlE — Washington, Third Floor _ or '9- * ,,w 50 Boudoir Boxes, various sizes 1 98 to . • _ iylon trieot slips 29 Plllow *' ,oOm a 120 Rubber Both Mot, for the tub . 29c isc 130 Pine"lncense Refills* BiJrner *- ??* * * " Special savings on cosuol yet elegant seomless B “ NOTlONS—Washington, Street Floor• v :>UC ,0e Large group of assorted jewelry! Tailored and nylons—microfilm mesh! Perfect-fitting, eor -8. Langley Park, Md First Floor ’ x NOTlONS—Washington, Street Floor stone set pieces including'necklaces, earrings rect styling in fashion-right shades Choose 'earing nylon tricot slips, prettily trimmed. W# ° r 0t and pmk in tht group. Sixes 38 to 44. + 800 pairs orig. SI to 135 ★ 360 pairs orig. 2.99 ****• ratgi tax LlNGEßlE—Washington, Third Floor M ..| ' v _ M .a .. COSTUME HOSIERY-Washington. Street Floor; —nylon SIOCKingS leatncr gloves street Floor; Langley Park, Md., First Floor Langley Park, Md., First Floor toilet goods 59* I®* . . . . ori 0 All flrst-quolity, full-foshioned nylons—also Women's smooth-finished leother ond pigskin cur. Implements. Assorted o few seamless included! Good selection of gloves! Shortie and slipon lengths, in black, 1 . " 1— ""I * - - ----- 'OO 59e sizes, but not every shade In every size. brown, white ond beige. Sizes 6to 7'A. Ito the box/Assorted fro- + 200 pairs orig. 79c and 89c ‘ GL °Zn^^X in iT'w S Jlfrt^ 0r: a j , :e, and types . 1.00 39. ■ LI Langley Park, Md.. First Floor ★ Semi-anniUll ClearUllCe * Talc, by Richard Hudnut. ”111 4-111 BULKS _____ m mmmm m wely plastic bottle 1.00 39«* B 0 A. I Tubes of Lipsticks. Red , 3AAn , ... ' only . . 75 c )) c i WV w 3000 boxes ong. 5 9c to $2 m A w| sn Oil Shampoo. Leave, ho ir Misses' cotton knee-highs in ossorted styles! 1... j -B- A I-A fragrant and lustrous. Sizes 9’A to 10’A in the group; mostly dark bO7L©U vllFlStlliaS (*«ll IIS gllk BB fl kd* derful tor dry hoir .... 100 44e shades i 1 / IaII kj fCIf BlftffCS n-Bristled Tooth Brashes . 59e 33c HOSIERY-Washington. Street Floor; ' M/fh pricp M. Perfumes One-dram purse Langley Park, Md., First Floor ' SS? 1 .. '*•’ I I «i» ... . . t jum nw belts, handbaax -7! '!!onv7t»7fc7;':7!*r*i,. ( : >v e' l !y / ,000 prs . orig • 10.9a to 13.95 ong mow now ot sovings, put owoy until next Christmas! vflfl |-o: , tone 100 Women's Leother Belts in regular orig eew . J 10*30** ** 3 Too 99e Chrnmot S*ols, Tag, and lOcip Set. AA A »eLiso Debs shoes so SR STiiifSr Handbaa." “ Rib * ,oo, 50e 15# ■■!|(| -B-BAA Irwi 500 j ST AT IONERY-Washington. Street Floor; ” 1*» 3< 5 BA elty Fabrics in smart hondbogsf ————— WB ond sandal, in high ond medium heel Pouch ond box styles Navy, block, brown, some colors, suede or calf block ond other colors 798 1.99* ..... I' 2 to 9, AAA to B in the group . **r«« t*% >e4*.i -«» 116 misses orig. 3.98 and 4.98 500 prs. orig. 8.95 to 10.95 LEATHEROOODS—Washington, Street Floor flaUfljC fthirtd FomOUS Air Step shoes with the fomOUS bonus of the magic Sole for imous-make shoes /§9S in brown, red, novy or grey coif ond suede. Sizes 4 to 10, AAAA to C in M Cotton braedclath and docron-ond-eotton In .1 ond casual style, wtth htgh. medium or »- . t short sleeve efatsic shirts! White and pastels. ' n “ group, heel, Many types and eaters S.zas Saes 32-36. a9. AAA *0 B in the grout. or casual wear. Includes some classic shirts Solids, BUDGET SPORTSWEAR— Washington, SHOE SALON—Washington and Langley Park, Md , Second Floor E SALON—Washington, Second Floor prints Sizes 32-36 ***** MU DOST FASHIONS— WOeMmgUm. StTOOt Floor ■ THE EVENING STAR. Washington. D. C. TKESPAT. PECtMBEK SO, ISM A-9