THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C.
Refugees at U. S. Camp
Celebrate Ch r istmas
CAMP KILMER, N. J., Dec. 26 (VP).—Some 5,200 Hungarian
children and grownups celebrated their first Christmas in the
free world yesterday while waiting at this Army camp to start
a new life in America.
Nearly an equal number of their countrymen already have
taken up jobs and homes in communities from coast to coast.
For those still waiting, nine van loads of gifts were distributed
Christmas Day and a personal
welcome message from President:
Eisenhower on White House':
stationery was received by each
The day began here with a
midnight mass celebrated by
Msgr. Bela Varga, former presi
dent of the Hungarian Parlia
ment. Families throughout the
Nation watched and heard on
television as the Catholic refu
gees sang the plaintive chants
during the Yuletide service.
Protestant church services also
were held throughout the day at
various parts of the camp.
Pageant Presented
A pageant depicting the birth:
of Christ, written and produced ,
by the refugees, was staged
three times during the day. A
choral group formed of children
from 3‘ 2 to 6 years old sang na-|
tive carols and English carols ini
Among the newcomers taking i
part in the festivities were 13
children and eight adults who
arrived during the morning
aboard President Eisenhower’s
personal plane, the Columbine.
The Columbine had flown In
dian Prime Minister Nehru to
London and President Eisenhow
er felt it should not return
empty. It picked up the 21 Hun
garians at Munich and landed at
nearby McGuire Air Force Base
after an 18-hour flight.
Members of the plane’s crew
presented their 21 passengers
with Christmas gifts as they
passed over Boston about 6 am.
; Me.vner Aids Santa
The gifts at the camp were dis-j
tributed by a Hungarian-speak
ing Santa Claus in the person of
Egon Makkay, 35, New Bruns
wick. a fugitive from commu-
m 'J' -- % YS ;, li ''• :;'.
jjj •■■■> .11
M * ■ • ■ :,
11 jpj|^l
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Usually *19.95 and *24.95
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Special purchase of those sturdy, rugged,
warm coats all the kids want like craiy!
Pure wool or cotton poplin shells with wool
quilt or Orion linings. Hurry in - they’ll whig
out at this give-away price! Sizes 6 to 20.
Ckargt it and taka
SwTJS!. with no down payment
Band’s 133 S M F” St. N.W.17 Cern.n Sfceppinf Canter
Do»*f*»* Op«» Thort, 9JO to 1.001 Opt*i Thors a*S fnS*i, 9SOto ?00
I *
nism himself. He escaped from
Romania a year ago with his
wife and four children,
j Among those pitching in to
help Santa was Gov. Robert B.
Meyner, who distributed gifts
under the 40-foot Christmas tree
set up on the base.
Another visitor was Tracy S.
Voorhees, chairman of the Presi
dent's committee on Hungarian
refugee relief. He and Mrs.
Voorhees saw a performance of
the pageant and spent the day
among the refugees.
President Eisenhower ad
dressed his personal welcome
message to "my friends from
"The circumstances that have,
separated you from your home
land and your loved ones fill
American hearts with deep emo
tion and with compassion for
what you are enduring," he
"We feel a solemn and respon
sible pride that in your time of
need you have come to our
shores. •
"Through the centuries the
Hungarian people have bravely
resisted oppression. Their cour
ageous spirit continues today
to Inspire free people every
where . . .”
The President spoke of the
: “time when all Hungarians can
enjoy the blessing of individual
freedom in their Hungarian
mother country” and concluded:
i "If. when that day dawns
once more, you should choose
to go back to your native homes
in Hungary, America wnll do its;
best in helping you return.”
Sale at All 4 Big HUB Stores!
*• '0 * neor, y inventory time again, and we must reduce our stock! So we are using the best 'm t *-2. ■ I
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marked down so irresistibly low that merchandise will be sure to "walk off" our floors! If you ' X f
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Foam Rubber Lounge Chairs 59.95 38.99 Norge Full-Skirt Wringer Washer 119 95 88.60
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uum 111 1 mi in mmm
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2-PC. LIVING ROOM -M M A ■l.l* MlUjaill
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