Newspaper Page Text
A-16 ** THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. TUESDAY. JANUARY IS. 19ST (Sherwood Named Head Os Suburban Trust Co. J After a .-ecord year, directors of Suburban Trust Co. yesterday elected J. Robert Sherwood president and made nine other rromotions. Formerly vice president and treasurer, Mr. Sherwood . uceeeds Fred L. Lutes who was named vice chairman of the board and end executive committee. T. Howl'd Duckett was re elected chairman of the board and executive committee. V'illiam Bowie, formerly vice president also was elected vice chairman of the board and Bruce D. Duckett, assistant vice presi dent, was elected treasurer. Lloyd S. Carey and Joseph T. Howard, assistant treasurers, jvere promoted to assistant vice presidents. Wayne M. Proctor, Walter .7. Clements and Garnett D. Inscoe, Jr., were elected assistant treas urers and Graham P. Krder be came assi tant ’ont roller. Gill Named Director Wirt A. Gili, civilian employe tt the United States Air Force Was elected a direr or. He suc ceeds Henry S. Roome who re signed because of ill health. Mr. Sherwood, the new presi dent. nas been the bank end J‘s pred*cessors since 1922. He became t-ea: urer la 1945, a di rector in 1949 and vice president and treasure" in 1951. He has been active in State and national banking associations as well as in civic and business organiza tions of the area. Mr. Lutes, the new vice chair man of the Board and Executive Committee has oeen president of Subu- oan Trust Co. since its for mation through merger of the Prince Georges Bank and Tru: t Co and the Suburban National Bank of Silver Siring. He was president of the latter institution. H;s service with Suburban and Its predecessors totaled 32 years. Ho will continue in manage- $l5O Million Suit Filed By Philco Against 5 Firms PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 15 f/P>. —A $l5O million anturus* suit was filed in Federal Cour' yes terday by the Philco Coro, against Radio Corp. of America and four o.her firm.,. In asking triple damages. Philco charged the defendants with ' conspiring or entering into Illegal agreements" and "monop olistic piactices ir> the operation of the RCA paten t pool in radio, television and other phases of the electronic industry.” Also I— mert in the suit were General Electric. American Tele phone & Telegraph and two of the latter's subsidiaries. Western Elec*ric Co. and Bell Telephone Laboratories. Inc. Philco's tube making subsidi ary, th~ Lansdaie, Pa . Tube O , joined in the suit. Philco contends that David Sarnoff, then RCA president and board chairman, intervened se cretly in Aoril, 1956, to prevent General Electric from carrying out a royalty-free cro. on patents with Philco. Claims Listed Philco also claims the refuse! of the Westinghouse Electric Corp. and A. T. & T. to grant Philco separate licenses prior to Jun n 30, 1946, was the result of an agreement wi'h RCA. And Philco also maintain., RCA ci impelled Philco to sell its Philn delphia television station, WPTZ, by threatening to take away its network affiliation with the National Bn. adcasting Co., an RCA subsi diary. Philco sold thj station in May of 1953 to '.Vestingho,.je Broad casting C<\ and the station was later acquired by NBC through a tra,.e with Westinghonse. (This latter transaction is in volved in an anti-trust suit brought by the G ivernmen against RCA, alleging that and NBC obtained the station MUTUAL FUNDS NEV YORK Jan 15 National Association n: securities Dealers. Inc.: (Noon Quotations) Bid A.sked, Aberdeen Puri l.dl ,77 Affi]i o »ed Fui..i . 5Hb 5.33 Am . a&iness Shrs .181 4.<)7 Am Mutual r, jnd b. ;to !*.o? Assoc Fund 'trust 1 '»! 1 .71 Atom Dev ;.lutual 15.-.7 1,.:j0 Axe Houghton Fo A 5.«7 d id Axe Houzhtor Fd B 8 13 884 Axe Houghton Stk Fd .'.*4 4 on Blue tidge Mutual 12..■»•* 1393 Boston Fur-* 1« :\h 17.71 Bread Sire* i Inve*‘ __ __ *’l .72 23 4*l Bullock Fund *2.91 ,Ll 5 Canada Gen Fund ..5 1!* 14.37 Canadian Fund 19.91 2l 1 Cer*urv Shr* Trust *2l °3.70 Chi nlcai 15.00 iT.lh Colonial Fund ... . in.l4 11.ui, Comwlth Investment __ 1 is !».H7 Comwlth Stk Fund K’rto 13.70 Sons Invest Trust 1d.875 is 375 elaware Fund in' i lion; Divers Growth St 12., 3 Id nr, Divers Invest Fund 9.0« n »3 Dividend Shares 2.rtß 294 Dreyfus Fun 9.24 l<>o4' Faton A* How Bal *ll d7 2 17 Eaton A How Stk 20.03 22 05 Electronics Invest 4.92 5 Ms 1 Fldelltv Fund 14 44 15 d F T F 305 433 Founders Mut Fund 77d 8 Id Fundaire tal Invest 1H.27 17.83; Gas Indust Funi .... 14 87 Id “5 Groun Sec c*m Or»h 8 do n *•* Oroun Sec Co.n Groun Sec Fullv Adm 8 d 8 9 G»oun Sec Indust Mch 15 -*3 i«H7 Grour Sec octroi 11 08 13 231 Grout* Sec HR EnulD d "7 dBBI G-0110 Pec Steel is 40 50 •».'{ G. iun l e Tobacco 4 no 4 50 Growth Trdij.s Phrs . 1 Rfl 15 07 Incomer**erf Tn'-ome 8 «5 0071 Incnrp Investors 085 10 051 In.stt* Found F>»nd lost n wo| Growth Fond ul7 j•• •*.>• Inti Resource* Fond . 49* - 4f| Investment Co Aner 0.33 l.»°n| Jnve«» Tr»>st Pnston ini'* 11 39 K»' stone ctis* p 1 04 rto •»r > 4sj —ev«*one rust « n ~4 jo Kevstone Cll B 3 ... 17.15 181 1 F-vs»one run* B 4 m*»B u°3 Kevstone Cost « 1 _ 15 85 1T rtOl K»v s tone Cust B « II «s•> 1 •»’df11 Kev« one C’"t P'l M •»« 15.50 'tv Ft I*l 11 51 I«» *iw 1 tfo Tn*"r «t»* 5.3? 5 8n! n*n Marhat p nd 720 rani V*»'« lr\V*etr)V T'UjO 1» 43* 1•* .90 TrtVfetorr Growth 10 58 114‘»' Ids WypH 37 00 40 07 Occur JS5* t(ni n V°" Tnvect •« 083 lft«" >’**♦ Per Pe» Pecf Ptk 84M 0 18; ft' * Ofc «V*» 0 15 o 7«» ft'* ttrr Oct ptoe’* !* 18 10 o*l V"* p«c ««r Growth rtsl 7 11 F„ n d 18 '« m W<l P'nc ft* *"«(ttrt "1 83 «»« 0 5 V «neer ii*’t 15 45 R-«rc TP O-OWth 30 It 30 4 * P'*eit«r F"nd .. 00° *lO P’>tn«rn Ge > Fond 1« 4*» 13.50 prtcncc ft V U rlcjl«- Fond 11 5* I*’s4 •*»c|irtder Q t r'tark 35 an 35 8*» F«t«rted Ant ah**?* 8 8 n »;1 Fh«**r*)lrt r a Trust It m» I**«».t Smith Fdson PFd 13 no 13.30 State «ircc* investment 30 no it s<» ♦erlln" Tnv Fund .. l m*v I*’< *, 'elev F’ect Fund _ . li.»« l*»'fio, eras Fund 8, n t oni; n*t Acciim Fond 11 3'* l"3ii r ntt Cont Fund .... h.4s fi.«7i Ti «♦ Tncom* Fund in 00 too7i Tino Science Fund jo no not I Value Line Fund d 10 fl.rt7 Vrtjiie Tine Income Fd 5 05 A.fto! Mutual Invest 8 Brt 0 dß t Wellington Fund 1C OH 14.13 Whitehall Fund 1150 17 5.T I*Net asset value. A i ment at the Silver Spring office! 1 of the company., Mr Bowie has been with *he ! company and its predecessors for ■ 31 years and will remain in the i Hyattsville office. Bruce Duckett has been witn the bank 26 years, fe merly was manager of the . Mount Rainier office and more , recently has managed the Hy ! attsville office. Mr. Carey, a past president of , Washington Chaptc American Institute of Banking and now a [ member of the chaptei faculty, . is manager of the company's 15th ( branch in the new central ad ministration building on New 1 Hampshire avenue extended Mr. i , Howard is manager of the i Be these 1 a office. Profits Hold Steady In a report to the stockholders at their annual meeting pieced- i ing the board session yesterday • Mr. Duckett said gross income , 1 of the company reached a new : high i: 1956 although net profl’g • showed little change due toi - heavy expenses in construction > and occupancy of the new ad- I ministration building. > The year’s revenues totaled ! ■ $5,085,187,000, compared with $4,942,315 in the previous year. I After Federal taxes and re- 1 “ serve for bad debts net profits i • amounted to $652,438, compered ’ with $648,924. Expenses rose | ‘ to $3,806,205 from $3,457,121. j Mr. Duckett a iso not'd that ■ I assets reached a new high of I ; $114,279,946 at the end of 1956,!] . compared with $108,846,850 a t I "ear earlier. Deposits reached ] . $101,432,636. J”bj’ threatening that if West : irrhouse would not agree to it. ■ it would lose its NBC aluliation in Boston and Philadelphia.” ■ Involved i:i the trade were Westinghouse’s AM outlet htre, . KYW, and RCA s Cleveland i nations. WTAM-AM-FM and ' WBNK-TV. The transfer had been approved by the Fed -1 eral Comrr;unications Cominis : sion. The suit is pending in i ederal court here.) RCA Statement Philco claims it originally sold the station for a price “substan tially less than the proper ues were worth.” RCA issued a statement in New York last night denying the c iarges and adding that the , “obvious purpose and intent of the litigation was to throttle de velopment of color tele: ision bj [ reiteration of unfounded cha. ges [ nirc'.e in oihei pending and un ; decided c.,es.” RCA said its license to Philco expired at the end of 1956 and that Philco has “professed to be negotiating in rood faith with RCA for a renewal of its li censor” Including those for 1 color TV. "Although Philn claims in its litigation to have developed a ; color system of its own, the pub -1 lie has yet to see any such color 1 set,” tiie RCA statement added. The American Tel. phone & 1 Telegraph Co. said th r re would be no statement until officials had oeen copies of the court papers There was no immediate com -1 ment from General Electric. , - - -j Strip Mines Active KANSAS CITY. —More han 9u per cent of all coai mined in , Missouri and Kansas comes from i surface mine operation*. Reserve District No ft REPORT OF CONDITION OF THI Industrial Bank oi Washington Oi Washington D C a* the c’om of business on December 3) lPftfl Pub lished in response to call made by the Comptroller of the Currency, under Sect n s*2l*. u. s Revised Statutes A£ ETS 1 Cash, balances with other bank*. Including reserve balance and cash Items 1n process of collection f071.2fc.P3 2 United States Govern ment 0 igations. direct and guaranteed 1.532.331 2ft 3 Obltgatio*'s ( States and political subdivi sions 40r 214 03 4 Other bonds, noter and d entures 1.383 *76 00; 0 Loans and dieconnts 'lncluding S 3 5 89 overdrafts! 3.080.fcd9 15 7 Bank ore Ises owned 823.130,57. furniture and fixtures 523.00004 40.220 01 I 11. Other assets 385.41 12. Tot Assets 57.41. .s**.* 28 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of In dividuals partnerships and corporations §2 401.485 00 ,14 Time dei.jsits of in dividuals. partnerships, and corpo tions 3.708.301 17 -Ift. Deposits of United States Government 374,57. r 91 ! 18 Other Deposits <certl -1 fled and cashiers checks, etc.) 41.740 37 10 Total DenoaltS. c 3 580.? I ftl J 23. Other liabilities 208.210 00 1 24. Total Liabilities f0.7w4.390.t>0 ! j CAPITAL ACCOUNTS I yjs Car a) Btork to Common stork, to* tal par ,150.000 ,150.000 00 , :A Surplus 300,00000 . -*• Undlvtdfd profits HO.A.’tS.RB , Rfjrrvrs 83.320 OB ,-B Total Capital Ac. counts 523.158.58 ’ 10 Total Llabllltl' and | Capital Accounts ,7.417.. Mil 28 MEMORANDA 31 Assets pledged or a' s.gned to secure liabili ties and for other pur poses ,854.582.50 i 32. si Loans as shown above are after de duction ol rese es of 8,04 1 28 I. MERVIN O PARKER, vice' presl - dent aad cashier of the above-named ' bank do solemn,y ewear that the above statement Is true to the best of my ' knowledge and hellef MERVIN O PARKER . . ... w. Vlr * President-Cashier City of Washington Disc let of Colum ' bla. ss: ' ,"*»'!! 1° ,D . d ““O'orlbed before me this sth Jay c January, IBS., and I , hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank 'Seal I VIROINIA D PETERS. , , Notary Public ■ My commlaslon expires June 16. 1867 I Correct—Atteat: II B DOYLE MITCHELL. TALLEY R HOLMES. I 1 ISAAC 8. MASON. Directors. l f Mr. Sherwood YOUR MONEY'S WORTH BY SYLVIA PORTER Test of Bank Bigness • In New York State t day, one ] of the most significant tests of , the merits and dangers of l.g . ness in ranking is now under ‘ wa.. And the outcome of this test j will affect the financial lives of ■ m..lions of Americans. They seemed dry enough lit ; tie items when they appeared in l the pages a few weeks > ago. ij The fir t item revealed that ' the First National City Bank, I semnd largest bank in New i York, with resets of over $7.4 . billion, asked permission of the Federa. Reserve Board to i expand its operations into New 1 York's suburbs - -a step now ■ prohibited by State law It pro posed to do this by affiliating with the biggest bank in neigh ■ boring Westchester County and , forming a new holding company ■ under the 1956 Federal Bam. i Holding Company Act. Once set up, the new hoidin com pany could buy banks in any part of the State. The second item disclosed [that the Chase Manhattan Bank, biggtot in ti o city, with assets of over $7.7 billion, also wanted to move into the sub urbs. It wanted to achieve this, though, by a change in the State's banki.g lathat would enlarge the area in which New York City banks could operate. Banks Side Presented fc.mple enou i All the two giants want is to be able to follow New York’s population and money into the lush suburbs. The banks insist— 'and with reason—that if th- y merge with i. take over sub urban institutions, stockhold ers will profit and sub .rban residents will bp able to ret new, desirable and less expensive banking services. Those disclosures have forced in‘o the open the smoldering, bitter conflict over bank giant ism, bank mergers and *he spread r ? big banks cer an entire state. From coast to coast, cankers and businessmen are watching what is in New York, are seeing this as a signal of a new torrent of bank consolida tions and mergers. All over the Nation. State leg islatures ar» rushin work in new bills to curb the develop ment of bank branches. And in New York, Nickel Output Record COPPER CLIFF, Ontario, Jan. [ls "P). —Nickel production in the free world set a new record of 450 million pounds in 1956, the chairman of the International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd., said yr rterday. Charter No. 1069 Reserve District No. 5 • REPOT7T OF CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK OF WASHINGTON r> n Ju ie u^i !> i' r * c * ColumKa. at the close of business on Dectrnber 31. 1956. Publish, d In response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reservp balance. and cash items in proo ss of collection s£2 371,157.26 United States Government obligations, direct and guaran’eed 20,140,394.13 Obligat uns of States and political subdivisions 900 931*79 Other bonds, notes ard debentures 909 247 72 Corporate stocks (Including $90,000 stock of Federal Reserve f Pank * . .. . , 90.001.00 Lo”r and discounts (including $3,407.49 overdrafts) . 21 348 841 02 Bank pr imses owned $1,361,135.20, f>:-nlture and fixtures Total Assets $67,266,078.82 LIABILITIES Demand deposits c$ inuividuals, partnerships, and copora tlO: s __ _ $ ; 9,092,204 33 Time deposit l of indlviduels. partnerships, and corporations. 6,227,111.02 Deposits of United States Government (including postal sav rJ???’ . , , - 2,780,796.87 Deposits o. bunks _ _ 2 711 03« 55 Other deposits (certified end cashier’s checks, etc.) 2.365.149.60 Total Depo its $63,176,299.37 Other liabilities 365,480.34 Total Liabiiitles $63,54X779.71 _ , , CAPITAL ACCOUNT'S Capital Stock- Common stock, tota! par $1,500,000.00 .. $1,500,000.00 • . - 1.500.000.00 Total Capital Accounts ... ~s3 724,299 11 Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts $67,266,078.82 MEMORANDA As.,ets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purpose 3 ; ... $12,382,297.23 I, H F. STOKES. Vice President end Casluer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and bell, f. H. F. STOKES. Vice President and Cashier. Correct—Attest: C. F. JACOBSEN, JOHN B. HYDE, T*,,^ A w SON ’ RUSSELL E. SINGER, JAMES M. JOHNSTON, Jl., GLEN E. EDOERTON, FRANK F. NESBIT, DONALD D. SHEPARD, JVv F -’to R t,°2, ILBY ’ C BAYNE MARBURY, LOiMS D. BLISS, JAMES C. WILKES, J ,T SOMERVILLE. ALVIN L. AUBINOE, W K- WiMSATT. h. C. SHERIDAN, S F « I , X r, MORLEY ’ LANDRA B. PLATT. D. W. BROSNAN, : Directors City of Washington, District of Columbia, ss. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of January, 1967. and I nereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. '° ea, - ) w W MATHIESON, Notary Public. My commission expires February 14. 1861. S' Mr. Duckett Mr. Lutes the proposals have &U off an uproar. - - New York Gov. Ha'rhnan has denounced th„ move as “igrit ing what may be the greatest chain reaction in banking his tory." New York State Super- Reserve District No. 5 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY Os Washington 5. in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on December 31, 1956. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS .1 Cash, balance 0 with other banks, including re s' rve balance and cash item: In process of collection .... ... . . $16,135,217.36 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed .... 16,683,363.11 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 374.454.59 4. Other bonds, notes, and debt ntures 376,505.14 5 Corporate stocks <including $150,030.00 stota ol Federal Rese-ve banki ... 150,001.00 6. Loans and discounts (including $5,871 49 over drafts i _ . . 28,335,669.10 7. Bank prumses owned $1,133,921 03, furni’ure and fixtures $195,138.99 1,333,060.02 11. Other assets 64,118.47 12. Total ‘Assets ~563 452,393 79 LIABILITIES 13 Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $40,909,468.30 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and ,corporations 14.9.'2.952.76 15. Deposits of United States Government 711,844.95 17 D posits of banks _ 77,795.03 18. Other deposits certified and cashier’s checks, etc. i 347,123.47 19. Total Deposits .$56,999,184.51 23. Otaei liabilities 117,285.21 24 Total Liabilities ~557,116,469.72 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25 Capital Stock: ic> Common stock, total par $1,000,000.00... $1,000,030 no 26. Surplus 4,000,000.00 27. Undivided profits 1,160,099.27 ?8. Reserves 175,824.80 79. Total Cap.ial Accounts $673357924.07 30. Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts *^63,4527393.79 MEMORANDA 31 Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $6,517.04^17 I, J RUSSELL BOLTON. Treasurer of the above-named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is .rue to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. RUSSELI BOLTON. Treasurer. District of Columbia, ss Swc n to and subscribed befrre me this 7th dry of January, 1957. and I heicoy certify that I am not an officer or director of tnis bank. 1 'Seal.) JESSIE H. HANAGAN Notary Public. My commission expires May 14. 1959. Correct—-Attest: BRUCE BAIRD, WILLIAM B. WILLARD, JAMES M. BARNES. FRANCIS A. MURRAY, JOHN M HOWARD. JAMES McD. SHEA, MAURICE L. NEE. ROBERT W. WILSON CLARENCE DODGE, LFWIS T. BREUNINOER A F. O. LUCAS. JOHN L. SULLIVAN, ERNFST W. GREENE, A. W. HOWARD HOWARD B. NOYES, CLARK G DIAMOND, MONTGOMERY BLAIR, Jr., GARFIELD I. KASS. W. FRANK GATEWOOD, DAVID BORNET WILLIAM C. FOSTER. Directors 'intendent of Banks Mooney has warned this could lead to "con centration of the banking indus try in very few hands." New I York Representative Teller, who is head of the House Judiciary [Committee, has condemned the proposal as ‘ alumst Machiavel lian in scope” ana a "monopoly” subterfuge. Suburban Bankers Protest Dozens oi the State suburban bankers have shouted that the proposals are "unfair,” “injuri-[ ious,” "evil,” etc,, etc. The New Yon* State Joint; Legislative Committee to Revise: the Banking Law has stepped up[ work on its overhaul of the state’s laws. Says Thomas O. Wagga. staff director of the com mittee, “We (rust the Federal Reserve Board will hold up uc-, tion until we complete our study and introduce legislation to pro vide New York with more influ ence over banking developments and bank holding companies in the State.” And Mr. Wagga added, ‘The committee hopes to have a new bill ready by Febi u ary 15.” The fear of the social and eco nomic consequences of concen tration o! powei over bank re- sources in too few hands Is tra ditional in our land. One-thlid of the States—in cluding Illinois, Texas, Wiscon sin, Florida- permit banks tot have no branches at all. One-'hird including New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania permit only limited branch banking. Still, despite tht tradition and the current uproar, the belief ti that after a proper delay, the Federal Reserve Board will ap prove the First National City Bank’s application. Then girntism in barking and [concentration ol power over bank! [resources will move to new; ; heights all over the country. And nly if the Sta*°s have the strong backing of the people end on!’’ if they act decisively and quickly will the rend be curbed. 'Copyright Jii.'iT, H»ll Syndicate. Inc.) 1 Columbia Federal 1 SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ■ 730 ELEVENTH ST., N. W., REpublic 7-7111 zftH, HU Columbia the Protactieis p H u H STATEMENT OF CONDITION 1 P P fell December 31, 1956 pj 1 ASSE,S 1 |g| F'”t Mortgage Loans 129,021,089 18 r=j Loans on Savings Accounts ..... 154,677.53 IsJ Other Loans (Home Improvement) 7 4,130,470.23 IBJ PJ Real Fstate Owned (Va. nran li denied—Projierty to he 501 d),,, 111,755.50 -Uj rpri Investments and Securities .... 2.0)4,150.75 IsJ Cash on Hai d and in Banks 933,375.02 [o]] [l7] Offic. Buildings & F-juipment—less depreciation 1,154,232.45 [r?ij Deferred Charges and Other Assets . 101,401.95 jgj P TOTAL ASSETS $37,651,160.61 ggj LIABILITIES 1! Ibl ies] ra Savings Accounts $32,127,635.68 IsU Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank 1,700,000.00 13j [g 1 Borrowed Money ........... 300,000.00 SI ra Notes Payable 106,867 $0 IsJ Two pores required by seller in seu.ement (or site ncri of our Chevy Chase office. Loans in Process .*..#»-» 413,343-94 oEjj Ibl Other Liabilities 262,336.99 Irsi] rp=n Liiearncd Income 406,990.<)6 S Isl Specific Reserves 500.00 [o] [EI General Reserves $1,982,805.54 [g] fgj Surplus 320,6t50.30 2,303,485.84. j=j HD TOTAL LIABILITIES 7. $37,651,160.61 n • | [o] OFFICERS DIRECTORS J C Cay Har: !1 .. Chairman of the Board Albert O. Denham William E. Poutton Clarence E Kefauver - President __. .. .arc |ISJ William F Poulr n Vut President and Treasurer C. Gay Harrell f eonard T Steuart [g] ID T°wflham Rhjmenauer, Jr,. Corn'r'lle" W °' ,B Hohens,,in How * r<l F Thpmpson . Ro nd M Brow. . Jr.^4 r^w .A s»stant Secretary Clarence £. Kefauver George C. Wentiel liHJj Murray W Decaf rw ■>Assistant Secretary _ „ _ .. _ _ S] rp=n Gordon Davis , _ Arc,can. Treasurer Eugene U. Umtt C j=d |tEJ| Marie S. Assistin’ Treasurer Si rj=ri Joseph L. Berry sis tant Treasurer C G.ty Harrell, Jc^ vneavr 4ssisunc Secretary jS{ m I P GENERAL COUNSEL APPRAISERS || fre]J W Owen Hohensrein. S.R.A., Eugene H Wilkes and Atti* Murray W. Decatur, M.A.1., C G«> Harrell. Jtk l!=. [(oil John F. Donahue. Lurher A. Bennett, iR A. rpi “ John R- Pern, 1!-J P 1 Ij member y [ml Feder*? Home Loan Bank Sysrem [fjn] Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Cor do rat ion [&J fg] ‘ Disrrict of Columhia Savings and Loan Leagun [j^iT { —j United States Savings and Loan League P [oi j|j OFFICE HOURS P Monday, Tundav, Wtdncada , and Brid.. now— n 4-00 p m S Thurcday .. - - - , - - o nn am, CO SGO pm. ioj C/c Stturd.y ■ )( =i m\ T .’a \ 'Xv Washington reads TIME Washington’s top officials vote TIME their first choice over every other magazine they read and name TIME the most important magazine in the United States today. TIME has a |j®Sii*w| Washington circulation greater than that of Newsweek, U. S. IT IME ll News & World Report and Business Week combined. IKmI ’jggfc i': TIME offers advertisers the biggest concentration of best cus -1 j * ,l#0 ’ 000 I tomers and influential people available in the U. S. today n a CHICAGO LIVESTOCK! CHICAGO. Jat.. Ift .PI (U.8.U.A.). — i Salable ho«s JO.OOd; active; butchers l|*»nd sows 25 *o 50 hiaher; shipper buyers; carrying rathvr bro. d orders anJ weights up to i!SO ib : most sales ’ .3! , mainly 2-. i butchers 190-250 Ib. IR.fiO IR. several lots No. 1-2 200 ib. down 1K.75: 75 b*>ad mixed I j. 1-2 220 lb ’ 1H.85: latter price hiahest *.ere r.'nce May 22. 1966; 250-270 lb. mainly 2-3] 17.75-18.00; some mostly 2 250 lb i IS. 25 ind s’*ahtly above; 280-3.20 lb. I 1<.25-17.75; larger lots mixed graue sows 350-550 1 sows 15.75-16.75; I i mostly 16.00 and above. Salable catt’e 7.500; calves 200; steers slightly .rregular, generall fully i steady, but choice over 400 lb steers only steady; and spots 25 higher on choice under 1100 4b.: heifers and cows moderately active to 25 higher; bulls and vealers fully steady; stockers and feed °rs iarce. few sales steady; few lots ■ and loads high choice i d p.ime 1075- 1250 lb. steers 23 50-26.25; bulk good land choice 18.26-23.00; •~hoice largely 120 50 up; some standard s’ *ers 1. 00-17.75: 17.75: load of prime 1050 lb heifer... 23.25: most high choice and prime j 21.75-22 V good to avert echo. e 7.60-21 5; standard heifers 14.50-1 I ] 6. iA; most utility and commercial cows JO 5-12.60; few high commercial »ws to 13.00; ennners and cutters 8.50-L ll.oo; utillvj and commercial bulls ,S j 14.00-1 u.Ob IB Imanagementl I M 11 ■ 1 I r" ij J ■ ‘ B 1 W Our experience saves you time and money. Mortgage Loans Property Management Insurance • Founded 1892 B. F. SAUL CO. Mortgage Bankers nnd Realtors 925 15th St. N.W. NA. 8-21 tj