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President, Unions Confer Cn Wage Floor Extension By th* Associated Press toner tw“ P af°teraMn C iPr o^ Cials is meetlng with P««Wcnt Eisen in hon^■ minimi.m « 10 ! alk over Plans for extending the dollar- Mr Eisenhnuw if 6 t 0 millions of workers now exempt, the Pair Lafi Ihe AFL-CIO group arranged to have lunch with Vice Pn«i. dent Nixon at the Capitol before going to the White House for the conference with Mr. Eisenhower and Secretary of Labor Mitchell The law now applies to about -■* million workers. The AFL CIO long has sought to extend i<t to most of the 20 million others now exempt. These include re tail, service, agricultural, sales and other workers. Under the law, employers must Pay workers at least a dollar an hour, and time-and-a-half for overtime hours bevond 40 a week. The AFL-CIO group, led by Arthur Goldberg, general counsel ———— - AT ALL 3 STORES THURSDAY ’TIL 9 SEMI-ANIMAL PRE-INVENTORY mk S Ms : y fm t ’wR-v a k .|H H t i ilßff 7 « '■) yvafl v ‘mL^B FAMOUS-MAKE MEN'S CLOTHING All items ore at all 3 YMS stores except where F St. is specified $59.75 to $69.75 MEN'S SUITS and OUTERCOATS Special Groups. SUITS—I and 2 Trouser all-wool worsteds, flan- nels, gabardines and twists. COATS—lmported Harris Tweeds, Irish X AF g 5 Tweeds and fine domestic Tweeds and Shetland fabrics. *** M ** * AT THE F ST. STORE ONLY $69.75 to $79.75 ONE and TWO-TROUSER SUITS Special Groups. Luxurious all - wool sharkskins and worsteds— - including a collection of imported mill finished fabrics. Light, medium X g S end dork tones in sizes for Regulars, Shorts and Longs. AT THE F ST. STORE ONLY gj JF Other Groups of Men's SUITS and COATS—Were $65 to $175—49.75 to 119.75 AT ALL 3 YMS STORES SPECIAL SELLING $79.50 NATIONALLY FAMOUS sjr a 75 MEN'S LUXURY OUTERCOATS O^P Reduced for the First Time! MEN'S SPORTSWEAR $37.50 to $42.50 Men'* S2O IMPORTED FLANNEL ILL-WOOL SPORT COATS and GABARpiNE SLACKS $29» $13.99 Special Group—Magnificent tweeds, Imported all-wool flannels and lus shetlonds, stripes and herringbones from sheen gabardines in ell popular in two and three button models. solid shades. Sizes 29 to 42. $3.95 Men's FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS, Washable Cotton G 99 Men's FAMOUS MAKE OUTERWEAR.! 20% OFF MEN'S FURNISHINGS $4.50 Men's BROADCLOTH and OXFORD B.D. DRESS SHIRTS 9 99 $5.95 WHITE SATIN SELF-STRIPE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS . 3*99 $7.95 Imported WHITE-on-WHITE JACQUARD DRESS SHIRTS 499 $1.50 Men's ALL-WOOL HOSE-Ribs and Argyles 99 $1 Men's NYLON STRETCH SOCKS and COTTON HOSE ( s ,2, *9- $1.50 Men's PIMA BROADCLOTH SHORTS-White, colors 99 c $1.25 Cotton Ribbed UNDERSHIRTS and Nylon-Neck T-SHIRTS 99 c $2.50 and $3.50 FAMOUS MAKE LEATHER BELTS...] gg °"d 2 33 $1.50 to $6.50 FAMOUS MAKE NECKWEAR. 99 c to 2 99 $3.50 to $7.50 CUFF LINK-TIE CLASP SETS j* 7 9 5.95 Men's WOVEN STRIPE BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS - 479 Men's FAMOUS MAKE ROBES 1/ 4 tQ y 3 Qpp Men's Lined and Unlined LEATHER GLOVES 20% OFF HATS SHOES SPECIAL GROUPS SPECIAL GROUPS $10.95 to $12.95 FAMOUS-MAKI BoSIOIMn *d l\lcll]sfjcl(l , FUR FFLT HATS 895 Were $11.95 to 27.95 sls FAMOUS-MAKE FUK FELT .. HATS—Exclusive Finish .-11.95 $9.85 t 0 $19.85 F ST. STORE ONLY F ST. STORE ONLY CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED V I 1 ||k if lAi T, I • CLARENDON, VA. I DOWNTOWN I NORTHEAST 1111 N. Highlond | 1319 F S». N.W. | 3942 Minnesota Ay#. •* »* «. t m s.rx« *, or moro •! Ihr J 319 F SI. N.W. SUr«. WjHMHy •tort)! Clarendon, Vi. (Barnet A Klmel lot). ■u iu nave iuncn wun vice presi of the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department, planned to return to the Capitol after the White House visit to seek support from 1 congressional leaders. Congress boosted the mini mum wage, effective March 1, 1956, from 75 cents an hour to the new $1 level. Although the AFL-CIO is now officially out to get the minimum raised to $1.25 ian hour, AFL-CIO President George Meany made no mention of increasing the amount in a recent statement in which he said expanded coverage is Cyprus Manhunt Brings 33 Arrests NICOSIA, Cyprus, Jan. 16 i/P). —More than 3,000 British! soldiers and police staged a man-1 hunt in Nicosia’s Greek Quarter today and arrested 33 persons. There were sporadic strikes on this seventh anniversary of an unofficial plebiscite that voted overwhelmingly for union of the! British colony with Greece. One killing was reported. The British imposed a curfew on the Greek Quarter before launching their intense search for five gunmen wanted for re cent attacks on British civilians. labor’s “top priority” aim at this 1 session of Congress. One of the largest groups of workers now exempt is employes of retail Stores. Mr. Mitchell, a former department store exec utive. has urged application of the minimum wage to the retail trade but the store employers have opposed It. P*"j| Tomorrow, Thursday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. All 3 Todd's Y Jtio«4ria 11 2 HI P B I 449.95 Double Door 299 95 AM-FM ) I VICTOR PHILCO °* 11 11 ZENITH I 1 21-Inch I ADMIRAL FREEZERS c k* F '»- I |[[col©*J ‘197 • ;r . 0 *179 TT\/ I All with automatic defrost; shelves on Powerful AM-FM radio; 4 speakers; 1 I V wMww I jgQ'. j ua |.f em p controls. 4-speed outomotic phonograph. ■ $ Q I ( B W NORGE and MOTOROLA tarljf > -l WHIRLPOOL 21-inch tv MODELS \ BT *».«r electric de luxe console _ _ ( S Refrigerators x DRYERS | dim / 2 *157 R MGA ■IT • RCA 1956 ) With 5-stor mahogany cobi- ® ZENITH \ jK • ADMIRAL CTj ■ W M net; filter screen ond aluminized I I Aluminized tubes and filter screens. C % • HOTPOINT jSj I I tube; high consumer rating. I I Some with side tuning! | automatic 359.95 2-Cycle / World-Fomous l World-Fomous C Whirlpool “Imperial” { IMPORTED ) IMPORTED HI-FI ( automatic washer ( HI-FI CONSOLE ) .SOMBINATION ( isF Fully f « m"*'**' UUUU \ ■'M"-ra t -'sw nai«\ \ W washers « ) a“-®cs*lQQ (svr;rs?h-s*i|o \ S ewY 199.95—1956 ") 229.95 4-Speaker ) 399.95 2-Speaker ) jjk • HOTPOINT ZENITH ) CAPEHART ) ) Ja »■" c ®NSOLi, rmTSmu WtvWHwrrllafljaM ) :, h 4 n v« , w?. : .«/M i «—w*4 m. till / I f trots; w.lnut ■ I 9 M I 199.95 Famous L rsbinri * mt&WUjw 1 jfl# HIGH FIDELITY yfmM 173.00 Famous Moke 1 95^^J995^» m HOUSEWARES WRIMPFR electric \ S 9] 39.95 Universal Automatic 9.95 Metol Medicine Cabinet; lilHlaHCll DAKIT*CC f jM SPI Electric 1j1.98 sliding mirrored £.99 lIIBAIIPn KAIVVJto } jk • SyTvJJ.A » Blankets 14 doors 5 WASHER # { kH. • WEBCOR A] 12. 95 Silex 8-Cup Fully Auto- 13.95 7-Piece Stainless Steel f RtHL * DUMONT matic Electric C. 99 Kitchen Tool Set with Q>99 $ J/F 1 ) Bi Percolator ..3 hanging rack D ? J%KJ , W A With \ 9.95 Ames Metal Baby J. 99 7.95 Kitchen Step-On Q. 99 I buttons; some with 7-npeed # KxlMßnlFMla yH Bobbers, Vi price *t Cans W KMy V 589.95 21-Inch 299.95 World Fomout f RB ,69 - 95 TUI L 3 Chrome U P holstered 5 J° Re „ VCre S wT ,eSS C „ C i' Famous-Moke H-Fi Imported ) RB 21-Inch TV BLI Kitchen Step C,99 Copper Bottom Whis- |,99 AM-FM Hi-Fi ( •SF T-W. xLi.l. V s, ” oli 5 " in 9T “ l “"" i ■ 1 3-W * V C0 " B ’ COMBINATION > m ,aD,C noaeis » 4.95R011-TopVentiloted 1.99 7.50 Revere Stainless Steel JM #% • MOTOROLA S Metal Bread Box I Copper Bottom O-SR dm"WjT 129 1 • ADMIRAL Br 39.95 Cory Electric Fan-Forced a I «ii.. w *N ?—*''?> am-fm r .*i. »iu. f Your choice: jRi Heater; it's also a 11,95 ? 9 0 Ham,lton Beach I t»bf »nd filter imn'iSai I HrmSlem*" exVlnet 1 wR < an IA Food 1Q.98 S-weea automatic phono- Dl -- beautiful tone. ( MB )||H son " Mixers 10 ~,b \ 118 JBI 28 1° Sunbeam Fully Auto- 19.50 Hamilton Beoch Portable matic Pap-Up 1C.99 3-Speed Food Q. 98 ItUKUC A PHY i Toasters IQ Mix P erj „ Q Automatic Electric Art A \ 14.95 Rival Electric Knife and 3950 Knapp - Monarch, Oster HP YFD FuMy Au,omo,it ( Scissors 7'99 “id Hamilton Beach Electric I Cl\ WARHFD I *WF SPECIAL CROI P.’^Hr 1 Sharpener I Blenders- A1.95 SO A WltlWllGll 1 Nationally Fame/s 49.95 Broil - Quik Infra - Red xer * “ S«j \ B 8 ond 17-Inch Rotisserie - Broiler - Grill wi t h 34.95 Portable wiu ■i»t-.i.e nm wm >. I*7 f PfIRTARI F m 5 thermostat and IQ<9B Electric IQ-98 S rUnIMDLt automatic timer Iv Radiators Iv 549.95 to 599.95 Nationally Advertised / Z TELEVISION fF PHILCO and Hi-Fi Combination) 5 ," F| VACUUMS AND POLISHERS $9 AO ) « 4995 Notional Brand Double Brush 89.95 Golden LEWYT Vacuum on biq MAYTAiI fMOY \ Alib JIFI Electric Floor 2G-95 wheels ' ' , : i * h ,4 r n .. n imported vm-fm-sh r.di. I Polisher w » most de luxe lotest model ■ ■ M-Cu.-Ft. Double Door with push-button controls. ■ rMWiMllilT M 34 95 Oster-Cummin, Elec- 10.9 8 49.95 Ape, Canister Vacuums Refrigerator^,eezer, ) npilvflfr/iMSjV trie Floor Polisher U attachment,; new 1957 23.88 QB 2,9 95 to 249 JHF -y , . ** 1,1 ter Vacuum with ottoch- 70,95 tV ana A*»-Incn MMM ments; on wheels .. 499.95 World-Famouz # f TV s ~ ES % RADIOS AND PHONOGRAPHS SSsSe { pf? 39.95 Admiral Fully Automatic Clock 44.00 Emerson Transistor Pocket UlwHff RwHtH ftlU # m U Radio; turns on, turns off, aq go Radio, including leather 91,95 I I 9 1X|1 ( 2p 0 RCA 1956 buzzer alorm, appliance | a *l*lo ■ 1 £ •ADMIRAL JB SS Webcor- J. Speed 90.95 39 95 Crosley 3-Way Bottcryond ( AL in *.K: #SK Portable Electric Phonograph Electric Portable 10,98 YSSUSTSB ( Sut ,, ir.J:S" " d ftCOj 149.95 CBS Colombia 2-Speed SQQ Rod, ° tamou. hr.nd Immediately: Onl,. R OTOf mA Portable Tope Recorder 29.95 Pocket-size Portable 1A.98 | a|| || UIM JFh 149.95 Emerson ond Copehort Multi Radios **• 419.95 1 1-Cu.-Ft. Automatic \ KA'5LS=r: I2 9 ' PHILCO REFRIGERATOR tjg COBBBINATION SfJJStT l*“ Z™ I l’ M Sh.i,« » p . n %g% } M H sa « TY P POWER TOOLS dG IW f 39.95 Burgess Electric Bond Sow 17.95—'/a-inch Electric Driil 0,98 1~ "" J Nationally famous with paw. | A'9B . • a ' , m erful re-tuhf AM-FM radio. Si mo,or 1 8.50 Burgess Electric Paml OQg M* ■■BBSSSSSS?ffi7 Wffif M SiJHiM £ trie Jig “sow* 11 ,C : 4’" 29.95 Burges, Electric Point 14.98 Jf | I ; spaakari. Luxurious bpray Gun Kit B ■ TiliTllw/il M M C M M m Ft::. a# 23.95—35 - Piece, '/e-inch Electric 27.95 Cornfield IDormeyer' 1 a - Inch mjtfißßfl MM M g B * MtSl ... iHMajK Drill Kit, with attachments, 11,98 Electric Drill with ottoch IQ 98 jffflftSl M * B A BUmimWavaiß in me,al * >o> * ■ ments and metol box IW‘ q&ffHij S TONIGHT TIL 9 AT BOTH WAREHOUSES I jj W VI I MAXI oa a* a a AOOOA— ... I fitgllh WbWMMK 127 N $t I block I Tomorrow, Thursday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. at All 3 Todd s | t™ too - J THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. ••• WEDNESDAT, JA.M ARV l«. lost A-11