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Autopsy Ordered Today In Inspector Beach Death Coroner A. Magruder Mac- Donald was to perform an au topsy today In the death of for mer Police Inspector Beverly C. Beach, who was found dead yes terday in his parked car. A vacuum cleaner hose led from the exhaust pipe into the car. The 55-year-old police vet eran’s career was smashed after 29 years’ service by a series of incidents concerning his income. In 1951 the probings of the Sen ate District Crime Subcommittee brought out certain incompletely explained funds involving In spector Beach. The grand jury refused to indict him, but a po lice trial board fired him when other money matters arose. Earlier this month, the Inter nal Revenue Service issued two tax liens to collect $13,385 in alleged back taxes For the last two and a half years, since the Commissioners approved his dismissal from the force, Mr. Beach had been sell ing automobiles for Mandell Chevrolet Co. of 1800 Nichols avenue S.E. Officials there said he had been off for several days: but had appeared in the office briefly yesterday morning. 4 Blocks From Home The parked car, its moter still { running, was found in the 4100 block of Tunis w terrace N.W., Just four blocks from Mr. Beach’s home at 2300 Forty-first street N.W. Joseph C. Dougherty, of 4114 Davis place N.W. spotted the car, a Mandell demonstrator, and after noticing the body, found the hose and called police.; Ironically, the investigator as- 1 signed to the case was an old friend of the dead man, De tective Sergt. Robert E. Talbott. On the front seat beside the body Sergt. Talbott found a partly empty bottle of whisky and a ginger-ale bottle. There was only $1 in the natty clothes Mr. Beach was wearing. Sergt. Talbott said he found no note either in the car or at the home nearby. Mr. Beach had enjoyed an al most meteoric rise in the Police Department until his troubles began in 1951. He had headed the Police Training School from 1940 to 1945. Later, he was cap tain of the first, second, sixth and seventh precincts. In his rise to inspector, he had received five commendations. It was his failure to explain satisfactorily $20,000 of his in come to the Senate crime probers that brought about his suspen sion by Police Chief Robert V. Murray and eventually his dis missal. The trial board found him guiltv in 1954 of conduct pre judicial to the force. This trial revolved around a $350 gift frem Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt Whit ney to Mr Beach, misuse of money colected in the seventh precinct for Christmas poor bas kets and an unexplained SI,OO0 1 loan. Pleaded for Job Inspector Beach pleaded in. tears for his job when the Com missioners reviewed the guilty! |mfews| HAS THE Bis; Fryinq Chickens IN TOWN! i, I J \ f u.s.j |6luSe| Jj|k BEVERLY C. BEACH finding of the trial board and the dismissal recommendation “To you gentlemen I have opened up my heart and my life and pray that you will rot deny me the right to live through the remaining years of my life, not only that you be kind to me but kind to those that love me. I t Mountain Vall«y Watir • Stimulates Kidneys • Eliminates Hormful • Helps Neutralize Excess Urine Acid • Aids Digestion NON-LAXATIVE- PURE Just os it comet from Hot Springs, Arkansas Free Delivery—Phone NOW! Ask Your Doctor 'ALLtY WATER Hi St. N.W. MI. 8-1062 THE MIGHTY CHRYSLER Most glamorous car in a generation 111 I 1; ! I ] WKm r T » .dh«fejp ' ’ l■ 1 ' -m „ A ,<x- * > H 13 M Hjfe; |»| MMte E ; 11 Jyi j •• • " i I "■ TKifft./. . , , ' y y / »> >A ’ . / Look howlittle it costs to own the worlds most modem motorcar If you have believed the cost of a Chrysler to be out triumphant new 1957 achievements .; . the new of your reach, you owe it to your pocketbook to stop Torsion-Aire suspension that eliminates rock and roll SCO in anti inquire about the new Chrysler Windsor illus- .. . new lorqueHite transmission ... a 285-horse* trsted above. . . . v ' B en ‘' in '’ the Chrysler Windsor Here is a car which in beauty, brawn and engineering * • quality has always been compared with the most When you compare these pace-setting advances with _ the only prcmium-doSS COf that expensive cars made. Tet it is priced right smack what the three other major cars in its price class offer _ • . with the medium-price cars. vou f or t he same money ... we think you’ll be satis- se,,s at a medium price. Remember, too, that this is all Chrvslcr .; . full lied with nothing less than the most glamorous car in size outside and in. It brings yon all of Chrysler’s a generation. Conte in soon and drive it! SEE YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Wade Hammond, 78, Ex-Army Bandmaster PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 16 <£>)— | Wade Hammond, the first. Negro bandmaster In the Army, died; yesterday at his home. He was 78, Mr. Hammond left school in his native Alabama to enlist in the Army during the Spanish- American War. He left the serv ice because of the ban against Negroes as band leaders, but re entered when it was lifted in 1907. He was the 25th infantry's ' bandmaster when he retired in 1941, , cannot, in the presence of Al- 1 mighty God. admit any guilt.” But the Commissioners did not I uphold the appeal. ' In addition to his widow. Mrs. i Mary Beach, a former WAC officer, the former policeman is i survived by a son and daughter < and five brothers: former Police t Sergt. James G. Beach, Archie R. Beach! Harry F. Beach, all of Washington: Robert Benford Beach of Lynchburg, Va.. and Warren C. Beach of Hyattsville. He also had a sister, Mrs. Winnie Beckman of Hyattsville. ADVERTISEMENT EVERYTHING I ATE TURNED TO GAS '*l was bothered by gas for fifteen years. Nothing 1 took fbrit, including faxing soda, dida n y good. *’says CI yde 1.. Jor d <jn of M u at. , Okla. “Now. after taking Dr. Pierce's Golden ■ Medical Discovery for a tirnr, I enjoy any , | kind of food and sleep sound as a dollar. ' Thousands of people who suffered gas | pains, heartburn, stomach distress, due to 1 acid indige«tiOn, have tried Dr. Pierce's | Golden Medical Discovery with amazing results. Over 35,000,000 bottles of this great , non-alcoholic medicine, with its wonderful : stomachic tonic action, have been sold. And promotes more normal stomach activity, thus helping : to digest food better so you won't have gas. j heartburn, sour stomach . Second, with storn ! ach activity improved, you can eat the ! foods you like without fear of after-distress, (iet Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery liquid or tablets, at your druggist today. William E. Perry, Employe Os U. S. Nearly 40 Years William Emerson Perry, 69, a retired attorney for the Vete rans Administration, died Mon day of a heart attack at his home at 820 Bcnifant street, Sil ver Spring. Mr. Perry retired four years ago from the Death Claims and Pension Division of the VA after nearly 40 years Government service. A native of Cadiz. Ohio, he came to Washington in 1914 to serve with the Census Bureau, and later earned his law degree by studying at night at National Law School while working during the day as a letter carrier with the Takoma Park branch Post 1 Office. He had lived in Silver Spring for 40 years. i Active in Masonic circles, Mr.: Perry was past master of Silver Spring Lodge 215, a member of; the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. m 9 i After a comfortable, time-saving flight on Piedmont Airlines, you con enjoy the added * liPfi [ convenience of having a late model rental • «° r ready-to-go ot your destination It's 9 IPPf Ideol for business or vacation holidays! Your friendly Piedmont agent will make all the * Hi! arrangements in advance. Ask about "fly ond • K'l drive” when you make your reservations! '^ywomonr PHONE: DISTRICT - . - . . - 7-1800 County Chapter, ■ and the Sliver Spring chapter of - the Order of the Eastern Star ’ He also belonged to the Mod ern Woodman’s Association, and the Craftsman’s Club of the e Veterans Administration, a Ma- I sonic group. For many years he ‘ was senior warden of the Epis copal Church of the Ascension in , Silver Spring. I His wife, Emily, died 10 years ■ ago, and his son, William E. 1 Perry, ,ir„ died in 1954. He is I survived by his daughter, Mrs. ’ Mary Margaret Dickson of 9206 L Crosby road. Silver Spring, the ■ wife of Dr. Richard Dickson, a ’ dentist, and four grandchildren. Services will be held at the ■ iChurch of the Ascension in Sil ■ ver Spring, at 11 a.m. tomorrow ’ Burial will be in Fort Lincoln , Cemetery. Miss Frances Brophy LANSING, lowa, Jan. 16 (JP) — Miss Frances Brophy, 73, a for mer director of the National Tuberculosis Association and a , pioneer in the sale of Christmas seals, died of a heart attack at her home here yesterday, i She helped organize seal sales campaigns in the South Pacific islands, England and other for eign countries. Bishop Armstrong SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 16 Up) —The Most Rev. Robert Arm strong, 72, Roman Catholic bishop of Sacramento, died Mon day. His diocese included the 25 Northern California counties, j • 1 4 y H jI k ■ R. W. WINSLOW CO. 922 New York Avenue N.W. NA. 8-8610 Drlit In Tin New York At*., exit Tin alley Osen Mon. thrnnnh Sa»„ 7 an.-0:30 a.m.: i i I THE EVENING STAR, Washington. D. C. ** j WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 16. lea7 H WEDNESDAY NIGHT IS HowAADjornnon’^ SERVED FROM 5:00 TO 9:00 PM. FEATURED FAMILY DINNERS Choice of Fresh Fruit Cocktail with Sherbet New England Clam Chowder j Cup of Soup or Chilled Fruit Juice Choice of BAKED SUGAR CURED HAM, Raisin Sauce TENDER BRAISED BEEF, Rich Brown Gravy GOLDEN FRIED TENDERSWEET CLAMS, Tartar Sauce—Garden Salad OVEN BAKED SALISBURY BEEFSTEAK, Onion Gravy GOLDEN FRIED BREADED VEAL CUTLET, Tomato Sauce Choice of French Fried or Whipped Potatoes and Garden • Fresh Vegetable du Jour Assorted Rolls and Butter Choice ot: Dinner Dessert ond Bereroge FOR ADULTS $1.75 AND iM. FOR CHILDREN QQc ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTS—onIy.. —, \ w Eating out it a pleasant family treat —your Howard Johnson's takes pleasure in making it easy on the , family budget so that tho mothers and children ff —, r may have the fun of eating out more often.— K ’ HOWARD D. JOHNSON JHOUIARDjOHIKOn) 1 Washington—39oo Pennsylvania Ave S E., 425 1 13th St N.W . 4971 Indian Heod Rood Test k over:, Wisconsin ond Western Aves. 'D C. Liner Alexondno —$25 No Woshmgton St., Seven Corners, foirlox Cir 'Jet U S. Rts. 50, 29' A-27