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Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 15, 1958, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1958-06-15/ed-1/seq-8/

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••• THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C.
' ; ' IVMOAf. iroi U. IW
Harris Pledges Facts
On Adams' Dealings
Continue* From Flr»t Pace 1
effect of the affair on their !
forthcoming re-election cam- .
5. Two Democratic Senators,
Clark of Pennsylvania and Yar
borough of Texas, criticised the .
presidential assistant on the \
Senate floor. Senator Yarbor
ough called the affair "the r
highest - placed Impropriety j
since the Teapot Dome" acan- i
dais of the Harding adminis- ,
tration, and accused Mr. Adams
of riding on the gravy train. ,
6. The New York Herald ]
Tribune reported with neither (
confirmation nor denial from
the Government that the Jus- j
tice Department was lnvesti-* ,
gating Mr. Goldflne’s affairs. (
Mr. Hagerty slapped down as ,
"impertinent” a reporter's ques
tlon whether the White House (
would ask Mr. Adams not to
intervene in Mr. Goldflne’s be
7. Last night, Senator Beall,
Republican of Maryland, said
Mr. Adams should fully explain ,
the reported gifts or resign.
If Mr. Adams does neither.
Senator Beall said he should
“be removed from office.”
“I think the matter is most
unfortunate, Senator Beall said,
"I don’t believe in trying a
man in the newspapers. This
whole matter should be gone
into before the duly authorized
committee of the House. I
don’t know if he did anything,
but I think he should go before
the House committee.”
Senator Butler, Republican
es Maryland, said, "There can
be no doubt that Mr. Adams
has been extremely indiscreet.
I feel he should fully co-oper
ate with the House committee
to the end that the facts be
fully developed.”
Hotel Billi Increase
The score of reported favors
and gifts from Mr. CJoldflne to
Mr. Adams, either admitted or
not denied, was augmented
meanwhile by $262. Mr. Harris
told reporters that sum could
be added to the hotel bills for
entertainment of and Mrs.
Adams at the Mayflower Hotel
in Plymouth, Mass.
This brings the total to $5,-
004.28. according to published
reports. The breakdown: hotel
bills, $1,904.28; an Oriental rug,
$2,400, and a vicuna topcoat,
Mr. Harris refused to state
whether he had knowledge of
the vicuna coat and the rug, or
of possible other items. He said
he would not .predict what
would be divulged in the hear
ings. L
A source close to the com
mittee said, however, that “if
we continue into this area
there will be other things
brought out.”
Mr. Harris said witnesses on
the opening day would include
past and present PTC officials.
Among them, he said, would be
acting Chairman Robert T.
Secrest and former Chairman
Edward P. Howrey. He said
plans to hear Mildred Paper
man, bookkeeper for Mr. Gold
flne, on Tuesday still were un
To Last Several Days
The hearings wilf go on to
the SEC aspects of the Goldflne
case after the FTC part is dis
posed of, Mr. Harris added. He
said the whole affair should
take "several days.”
There appeared to be no in
tention to subpoena Mr. Adams
in connection with the forth
coming hearing. Some doubt'
existed whether he could be
forced to honor a subpoena if
one were issued. Mr. Harris
made it clear, however, that
Mr. Adams “and everyone else”
—including Mr. Goldflne
would be given an opportunity
to appear if they chose.
Representative Mack, Demo
crat of Illinois, a committee
member, went futher.
“Sherman Adams will be as
welcome as the flowers in May
to come up here and give an
explanation,” he said. “He’s in
a bad light and we want to be
In addition to the commit
tee hearings and political fo
rums, there was another area
Small Piecework
LEXINGfON. Ky (VP). —Mrs.
Mertie Congleton of Lee County
gets S4O for every quilt she
makes. But it takes her two
months to make one. She tacks
tiny pieces of cloth the size of
postage stamps together.
\ ■ .V,
Platinum diamond wed
ding ring contains 5 blue
white diamonds weighing
approx. 6 pts. each. Un
believably low $1
price of I
r»i. Taz Inci
Largest selection of diamonds,
every shape and size. Also see the
most gorgeous individual diamond
wedding sets in town.
Shop with Confidence
On* Washington » OM*S«
and Foramest J*w*l*rt
, 917 F St. N.W. 7 « s
Convenient Shopping Hours
Open Doily, 9 to 6;
H+gff Thurs., 12 to 9
nSS'ONLY one location
in which the issues might be
explored in‘the week ahead.
This was a presidential news
Three Prevailing Views
As of this week end, there ap
peared to be three prevailing
views about the issues Involved:
1. The White House view.
This holds that Mr. Adams and
Mr. Ooldflne were personal
friends, that Mr. Ooldflne of
fered and Mr. Adams accepted
gifta on this basis, and that
nothing untoward was done by
Mr. Adams in the nature of a
a. The politician's view. This
holds that Mr. Adams’ relation
ship with Mr. Ooldflne—how
ever innocent it might have
been—is difficult to explain
away in face of Democratic
charges and therefore is a dis
service to the party.
3. The moralistic view. This
position—held on numerous oc
casions by Mr. Adams himself
—is that a person in office must
avoid not only questionable
conduct and associations, but
anything which could be mis
interpreted as deviating from a
high ethical standard.
From the standpoint of Mr.
Harris’s Legislative Oversight
subcommittee, this appears to
be the heart of the matter:
Are "independent agencies”
such as FTC and SEC really in
dependent. as was intended
when they were created by Con
From this question flows an
other—not whether Mr. Adams
intended to exert influence
when he called agencies, but
whether agency officials as
sumed (however incorrectly)
that he had more than a pass
ing interest in the case about
which he was calling.
Continued From First Page
on the edge of the Moslem 1
The worst fighting took place j
around the Basta, a Moslem
fortress located in the center of I
the capital, about 300 yards
: northeast of the Associated
j Press office.
The Presidential Palace is 300
’ yards west. About 150 feet
’ south a smaller battle went on
, intermittently during the day.
r It was not known whether
. Mr. Chamoun was inside the
I heavily fortified Presidential
t Palace.
. The insurgents barricaded the
Zferif area with piles of huge
. sfcne blocks and hdrbted wire.
f They emerged from behind
Where courtesy and quality are traditional
«&ji \\ Vj| 1
save and have both comfortable couch and twin beds
QQ.SO pay just 8.95 down,
** * ow as monthly
0 . Your room will look importantly and taste
‘llDM 11 fully mo<^em one or a P°' r ese
If modern couches designed with brass fer
ij «. ruled legs and covered with textured cotton
I tweed. And they convert quickly to two
, ll twin-size beds with luxuriously comfortable
1 ] innerspring mattresses. Complete with two
V spring-filled cushions. In a choice of colors.
\ fj W&L—The Sleep Shop, 6th Floor
SHOP EARLY SHOP LATE MONDAYS AT W&L W.*ln|*o. Store, open Mender, 9: to i.m. to 9 pf. ... Chevy T Conser. (Fell. Church, Ve.) end Mexendrie, 9:30 .Jn. to 9:50 pm.
% « » * '
iV >-
• ii
t * %r. f
wMM ; "Mm ■
I '.‘ V- '
B mm ■
mm . JX BL*F«‘«.
jf I
’ :
■ H I
fife , vHHn
BBBkßbßmmßk wwk
Star reporter Andrew Bingham tries on the only
Vicuna coat which could be found In any downtown
store. It’s 100 per cent pure, but a lightweight model.
Price tag: SSOO Store officials called the luxuriantly
soft, pliable coat a “luxury item.” Presidential As
sistant Sherman Adams reportedly received a S7OO
version of the coat from manufacturer Bernard
Goldfine.—Star Staff Photo.
one barricade and slipped ;
(through narrow alleys and i
over garden walls, working
their way toward the Presiden
| tial Palace.
Desperate Rebel Drive
The rebel advance in that
direction made it appear the
rebels had launched a desper
ate attempt to bring down the
government before a United
Nations team of observers could
establish a strong foothold in
the country.
The U. N. Security Council
ordered the team here earlier
in the week in an effort to pre-;
vent arms and men from slip
ping into Lebanon from out
side its borders. Lebanon has
charged the United Arab Re
public with interference in Leb
anese internal affairs.
The rebel move had been ex
pected to follow the U. N. step.
As the rebels slipped through
the streets and reformed for a
concerted attack, alert security
forces counterattacked quickly.
The fighting around the pal
ace area was extremely severe.
In seven hours of machinegun
and mortar fire exchange,
there was only one 20-minute
period during the day without
| shooting.
Although .the fighting swept
as close as 100 feet to the AP j
office, it was not hit by bullets. 1
Heavy Guns Use*
The security forces also 1
moved with heavy guns into the.
assault on Basta and on the I
fortified home of rebel ex-Pre
mler Seab Salam, in an apart- 1
ment house on a hill in the 1
Moslem quarter. The bouse was
shelled by artillery. i
The rebels have used Mr.
Salam’s home as their head
quarters for the last 36 days.
Salam is the acknowledged
leader of the political opposi
tion to Chamoun. Three op
position political parties were
declared outlawed yesterday in
a government drive to crush
its foes. .
The pounding of artillery
and tank guns went on all
day. Machine guns chattered
The security forces recently
were reinforced by the United
States with small arms and
anti-riot equipment.

U. N. Takes Steps
At U. N. headquarters in
New York, Secretary General
Dag Hammarskjold said, "The
necessary steps have been
taken for increasing the num
ber of military observers up
to what may be found neces
sary” in Lebanon. He gave no
MaJ. Gen. Odd Bull of Nor
way, executive member of the
U. N. observation group in
charge of military observers,
will arrive in Beirut early to
morrow, Mr. Hammarskjold
Lebanon, an independent re
public since 1941, has long been
split in two political camps—
those wanting power and those
wanting to keep it.
But the immediate cause of
the East Mediterranean na
tion's troubles broke out after
reports spread that President
Chamoun would try to seek
another term.
To do this the 57-year-old
Chamoun would have to amend
the constitutioon which permits
only one six-year term for the
president. His term is due to
expire in September. He has
said since the revolt started
that he would not alter the
constitution to run again.
U. S. Aid Sent
The United States has sent
military aid to government
forces and on May 17 sent a
fleet of Globemasters to Ger
many, only a few hours flying
time from here. They had or
ders to stand by for emergency
flights to Lebanon. The United
States 6th Fleet, which patrols
the Mediterranean, is on ma
neuvers off Turkey, about 150
miles north of here.
Lebanon, though small (135
miles long and 20 to 35 miles
wide), is a vital nation in the
Middle East powderkeg. Lo
cated oi> the Mediterranean
coast, it is bounded by Israel
on the south and the Syrian
province of the United Arab
Republic on the east and north.'
Oil Is piped across Lebanon
from Iraq to Mediterranean
The government has charged
that' U. A. R. President Nasser
fomented the revolt in the
hopes of bringing the corpse of
Lebanon into his new republic.
Both the U. A. R. and the
rebels deny this. Arab sources
say, however, that Egyptians
and Syrians are directing the
rebels from the Basta Moslem
In outlawing the opposition
political parties yesterday. Pre
mier Sami Solh accused them
of undermining Lebanon’s se
curity. Mr. Solh has been hesi
tant about going to strong on
the opposition. He was reported
fearful of splitting open this
half Moslem, halt Christian
The biggest of the banned
parties is the Socialist Progres
sive Party run by Kamel Jumb
latt. a Druse tribal chieftain.
His army has been fighting
largely successful battles in the
mountains south of Beirut in
the past few days.
Continued From First Page
of four an hour during yeste*
day morning; six to eight an
, hour in the afternoon,
i At National Airport the Air
, Route Traffic Control center
had extra controllers on duty
1 to handle the Increased work
load brought on by the Increase
. in IFR flying.
> The Air Force regulation is
• a temporary measure Invoked
s until a re-evaluation of air
space can be made. Airmen
f freely predict a lowering of
- combat readiness proficiency if
r it is prolonged.
1 Officially, the Air Force says
1 the complexity and great num
ber of airways in the Washing
| ton area make it mandatory
Where courtesy and quality are traditional
% \
«te ai beach towela uka along for picnic* cover rollaway bed*
protect furriiture, use as picnic cloth or at the beach
You'll find dozens of ways to use these machine-washable
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60x72" for chairs. 2.99
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W&L—Blankets and Bedding, sth Floor
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keep them crisp and fresh without ironing
twin 10 95 double 12'^^
Your monogram and the band of printed or plain-color sateen
give these white cotton plisse spreads a look of elegance.
Yet they're wonderfully carefree. They wash and dry in
record time, are ready to go back on your beds without
ironing. For yourself or thoughtful gifts, choose several in
twin or double sizes. Please allow three weeks for delivery.
W&L—Blonkets and Bedding, sth Floor
. . . also Chevy Chose, 7 Comers and Alexandria
that the military flights be un
! der positive control,
der positive control. Washing- 1
j ton area skies are so laced with
airways a map of them resem- .
bles a spider web N |J
The CAA’s establlshement of i
the three new skyways set up .
two spurs linking them with
Washington. The main ones <
run from New York to Los An- ]
i geles and New York to Pitts- j
; burgh, where the two Washing
i ton spurs originate. (
1 ,
l Telephone Growth
• i
NEW YORK—The number
1 of telephones in the United 1
’ States has grown from about I
31 million in 1940 to approxi
| mately 65 million in use today, i
• The hotter it gets this sum
mer the hoppier you'll be In
our phontom-weight worsteds
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822 15th St. N.W. NA. 8-3358. NA. 8-4575 M
Garage—l4l9 Eve SI. N.W.
Summer Classes
Set at American U.
Registration for the first
five-week summer session at
American University will be
held from 12:30 to 7 pm. Fri
day and 9:30 am. to 13:30
pm. Saturday. Classes begin
next Monday and end July 35.’
The second five-week session
begins July 38 and ends August
29. Fulltime undergraduates
register at the uptown campus.
Massachusetts and Nebraska
avenues, and part-time and
non-degree students may reg
ister at the campus or 1901 F
street N.W,

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