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THE WCATHIR: **,*”£, WASHINGTON—MottIy WMr »e4ey, M 76. I K|| la Lft l_ _ £A |u|j»|||y I__ MHOMTH-OCCAN CITY-Fair, cml oej 4ry tomorrow, Ugh 70. WW H., 10 «.»Jk „ NAGS HtAD-VA. MACH-f* n»mw, higher! seer 10. WU N. at 10 CHESAPEAKE OAY Mostly MMy, dr, eo4 cml ■omorrew, high 71 VMkMly H 106th Year. No. 167. Rebels Plan Own Regime In Lebanon Blasts and Shots Cause Beirut to Close Tightly BEIRUT. Lebanon, June 10 l/P). —A member of the national front oppoetUon group disclosed today that Lebanese opposition loaders are discussing forma tion of a rebel government as a rival to the regime of Presi dent Camille Chamoun. The informant told reporters no decision had been finally reached. Meanwhile, a series of ex plosions amid sporadic shooting shook Beirut today as Lett anon’s capital closed down tighter than at any time since the general strike began 37 days ago. No pitched battles were re ported in this city. However, after a violent week end the imputation is intimidated and scattered disturbances fright ened most people off the streets. Shops closed in districts normally quiet. Offices which had maintained business as usual were closing and sending their employes home. In some districts no sign of life was visible. Even private residences, were tightly shuttered. Blast Near University During the morning a bomb exploded near the American University, and another wept off near the Finance Ministry. An outbreak of shooting was reported from the Moslem quarter where followers of Rebel Leader Saeb Salam hold the area. Over the entire city hung an atmosphere of tension as though the population expected a ma jor new outbreak. In everyone's mind was the possibility of religious civil war In a nation j half Moslem and half Christian. While Moslem bands con trolled one sector of the city Christians armed with machine guns and rifles patrolled the streets of the port region. This was the Lebanese atmos phere as the country awaited United Nation Secretary Gen eral Dag Hanunarnkjoid. due here Wednesday. A U. N. spokesman said Mr. Hammar skjold will attend the first meeting of the U. N. watchdog commission Bet up by the Se curity Council to bar the flow of arms across Lebanon's bord- j era. Mere Obeervers Due Already U. N. observers were visiting frontier regions. The spokesman said 15 more ob servers are expected Tuesday -10 from Norway and 5 from the-U. N. truce team in Pales tine. Bitter fighting broke out in Continued on Page A-4, Col. 1 London Dockers Return to Work LONDON. June 16 UP).— Most of the 20.000 dock work ers whose month-long strike jeopardized London's food sup plies returned to work today on union orders. A back-to-work vote was under way also among 50.000 striking London bus workers. It appeared likely that the stoppage, now in its seventh week, would be over by Wednes day or Thursday. The dockers had walked off the job in sympathy with a group of meat truck drivers who are still on their unofficial strike at the Central Smith field wholesale market. One militant group of about 2 000 dockers voted to stay out. The busmen walked out be cause a wage increase award of 8 shillings 6 pence ($1.19) a week by a Government-spon sored tribunal excluded 14.000 workers in the city suburbs. Star Want Ad Sells Washing Machine First Day V p Recently, Mrs. B. C. decided to sell her washing ma chine. Wanting to tind a buyer quickly, she adver tised in the productive columns of Star Classified. She sold the machine the first day her ad ran. Like Mrs. B. C„ If you have something to sell, get fast action by always using Star Classified ... Washington's preferred classified medium by more than a to l accord ing to a survey by the American Research Bureau. Call STerlmg 3-5000 Ask for an ad-taker M ©he Jraetiina star V- y J V WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION L/ L* # * « ■ ■* . ■ t Phone BT. 3-5000 ** Ruling Bars Refusal Os Passports for Reds State Department Lacks Authority, 54 Supreme Court Decision Says * By HOWARD L. DUTKIN Slav Was Writer The Supreme Court today held that the Secretary of State is fiSt authorised to withhold a passport because he believes the applicant may be a Communist. * The ruling came in the case of Artist Rockwell Kent and Dr. Briehl, a Los Angeles psychiatrist. Both had refused to sign affidavits that they have never been members of the Communist Party. Today’s opinion, in which the court divided 5-4, held the men were entitled to passport*. It strikes out the affidavit re quirement. The court majority, while citing the constitutional right of cltlsens to travel, made clear the issue was not settled on constitutional grounds. Lacks Authority The court said laws cited by the Secretary of State as basis for denial of passoprts to per sons believed going abroad to promote Communism did not give him that authority. The majority opinion, writ ten by Justice Ddgulas de clared: *‘We only conclude that (the congressional enactments)„ do not delegate to the Secretary the kind of authority exercised here. “We. deal with beliefs, with Ideological matters. We must remember that we are dealing here with citizens who have neither been accused of crimes nor found guilty. They are being denied their freedom of movemen t solely because of their refusal to be subjected to Inquiry into their beliefs and associations. . . , "They do not seek to escape the law nor to violate it. They may or may not be Commu ! nlsts. But assuming they are, Rogers Raps Congress' Inaction on Judges By MIRIAM OTTENBERG ntsr SUB Writer Attorney General Rogers today directly attacked Con gress for faUing to provide the additional Federal judges Reeded to curb the rising spiral of delays in the administra tion of Justice. Addressing more than 150 judges, leaders of the bar and court administrators gathered for the Attorney General’s j Conference on Court Conges- I tion, Mr. Rogers declared: "I think it Is disgraceful that there has been no action ana, in fact, so little apparent Inter est in this legislation, which directly affects the individual rights and liberties of so many of our people.” He referred to recommenda tions pending before Congress since 1955 for 45 more Federal judges. He also referred to recommended legislation that would reUeve chief judges of Federal courts of their admin istrative responsibilities after they reach the age of 70. i Justice Only Product "Our profession has just one product —Justice for Indivi duals.” he told the judicial and bar leaders. "We must expedite the administration of justice so the right result Is obtained at the right time for the per isons involved.” The Attorney General warned that "we are going to be con stantly under attack” because of delays In getting cases to trial because the administra tion of justice "is so vital to our way of life.” Mr. Rogers said there is no justification for stalling in pro viding the needed additional judges because of economy. He said delays in getting Govern ment cases to trial are costing the Government millions of dol lars a year in Interest pay. o Levee Break in Indiana Leaves 1,000 Homeless TERRE HAUTE, Ind., June 1 16 (ff).—A 30-foot stretch of the Sugar Creek levee broke at Terre Haute early today, flood ing about 20 per cent of West Terre Haute and forcing some i 1,000 persons to flee their Hornes. Civil Defense officials said the residents had ample warn ing and all were evacuated safely from the western Indiana town. Sugar Creek is a tributary to the Wabash River. The break was about a mile up stream from where the creek empties into the Wabash River. Authorities said most of the water was backwater and there was no strong current. 1 Civilian defense officials said ■ they feared that six men. who : were working on the levee, were cut off when the water broke through. Efforts were being made to reach any who were stranded on the other ' side. : The water was moving slowly. Officials said tt would ! spread to the nearby cnm-ji munity of Dresser in a shortji time. They estimated that an- h WASHINGTON, D. C* MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1968-46 PAGES * ■. ■■ ■■ , w * j ■ 1 ' "" 11 the only law which Congress has passed expressly curtailing i the movement of Communists i across our borders has not yet become effective. "It would, therefore, be atnoge to infer that pending i the effectiveness of that low. ; the Secretary has been silently i granted by Congress the larger, i the more pervasive power to curtail in his discretion the free movement of citizens in order to satisfy, himself about their . beliefs orassociations." » Registration Afleeted i The law which Justice Doug ; las referred to is a section of the 1950 Internal Security Act. This section provides that when there is in effect a final order of the Subversive Activities i Control Board for a Communist i organization to register, the members of such an organiza tion may not receive passports. But no organisation as yet has been finally required to , register as a Communist group. The Communist Party, U. S. A., had been found by the boqrd i to be a Communist-action or : ganlzation, but the finding has been appealed, and the case is ’ in process of litigation, i Concurring with Justice I Douglas in the majority were Chief Justice Warren and i justices Black. Frankfurter, and Brennan. Dissenting were Jus tices Clark. Harland, Burton, . and Whittaker. ments on money Involved In t certain types of civil cases. The extent of the delays In ' getting cases to trial was 1 spelled out at the conference I by Warren Olney m. director ’ of the Administrative Office of The United States Courts. , Big Rise in Backlog He reported that the num -1 ber of cases filed annually In District courts has in creased more than 60 per cent since 1941 and the backlog of ' cases has risen more than 125 per cent. Over 38 per cent of all civil j cases In Federal District courts : today are subject to delays of! . from one to four years between .jthe time the case is ready to, go to trial and the time of the ' trial, he reported. x i The Judicial Conference of I the United States has recog nized that only six months should normally elapse between I the time of filing and the date See JUDGES, Page A-f t j , Live Theater Back OSAKI, Japan. June 16 UP). The Kokusai movie theater has added live entertainment, I and business Is good. During '■ Intermission, a ring rises out of the stage and male audi-j : ence members are invited to demonstrate their prowess In judo and other manly arts. other 200 persons would have to be exacuated there, v About 500 persons were evac uated earlier last night at West Terre Haute and Dresser. Gov. Harold W. Handley de dared a state of emergency in i Terre Haute yesterday at the request of local officials, who! were worried that the earthen levees protecting West Terre Haute might give way and let flood waters loose on the com munity. Extra State police, 60 Indiana National Guard troops and 40 prisoners from the State Penal Farm at nearby Putnamvijle were rushed to the city to sand bag weak points on the levee. The Indiana Ai r National, Guard was also being used and sandbags were being flown in from Kansas City and Louis ville. The Wabash was expected to, reach a crest of 28 feet at noon today. It was neaV that point early this morning and still rising. Flood‘level is 14 feet. Terre Haute proper, with a population of 65.000, is on the ;east side of the river and is i mostly on higher ground and I not believed to be in danger. Probe Finds Goldfine Paid Adams 1954 Waldorf Bills ijjl fjjgj I ■ | § W dMIL , v dJrt .I * ’Sc?'* THREE ORPHAN POSSUMS FIND A FRIENDLY HOME . Fliiffy the cat and Taffy the dog team up with their mistress, Fay Tomasello, 13 of 8008 Forest road, Cheverly, Md., to adopt three little possums. The third one is on top of the dog’s i t Union Curbs Plea Renewed Senate Debate In Final Stage By I. A. O’LEARY SUr SUIT Writer Senator Qoldwater, Repub lican of Arizona, today renewed his charge that the pending labor-cbntrol bill falls to give adequate protection to the rights of the rank-and-file members of unions. Taking the floor as the Sen ate began what may be the last day of debate. Senator Gold ! water listed only two provisions of the bill as meeting recom mendations of the McClellan i committee, which investigated improper labor activities. The Arizona Republican said some Senators have been too much concerned with not in fringing on the power “of cer tain power-mad union bosses." “No, the man this bill was supposed to help has become the forgotten man,” Senator Goldwater added. Plus and Minus Sections On the plus side, he placed only the sections requiring the filing of financial reports, and the controls placed on national unions in establishing trustee ships over locals. On'the minus side, he said, the Senate has failed to impose fiduciary responsibilities on union officers or to guarantee democratic processes in election of union officers or changing union constitutions. Basic Provisions Intact Despite all the argument that has swirled about the bill, its basic provisions remain intact. It is designed to help drive racketeers and other crooks out of the labor movement and to give rank and file members more control over union affairs. It also would make a number of changes in the IM7 Taft- Hartley Labor Relations Act. See LABOR, Page A-4 _| i Garcia in Hawaii On His Way Here HONOLULU, June 16 o**). Philippine President Carlos P.j Garcia, confident of obtaining' millions in loans from the' United States for his island; republic, was to depart at ~U i am. Hawaiian time today aboard President Elsenhower’s personal plane for Washington, D. C. Ranking military and civilian leaders, including Hawaii's Governor honored Mr. Garcia at a dinner last night. ~ The 61-year-old Chief Execu tive was making his first trip to the United States since be assumed leadership of the Philippine Republic last year.] Cleanup of Teamsters Sought by Monitors Steps Taken by Panel to Oust Ex-Convicts as Union Officials By LEE M. COHN Star stall Writer Monitors trying to clean up the Teamsters are working with the Senate Rackets Committee to kick criminals out of ; union office, The Star learned today. Martin F. O'Donoghue, new chairman of the union’s ! court-appointed Board of Monitors, disclosed that the watch dog panel has asked the committee for a list of ex-convicts now holding office in the Mg truckers’ union. Armed with the list, Mr. , O'Donoghue will try to enforce a provision of the union’s con stitution that has been ignored for a long time. According to his interpreta | tion, the constitution requires l that union officers must be eli gible for fidelity bonding. Not Eligible for Bond , "Obviously,” he said, "an ex convict could not get a bond : and so would- be ineligible to hold office.” Revelations by the Rackets Committee led directly to ex- 1 pulsion of the Teamsters from the AFL-CIO and prosecution 1 of ex-President Dave Beck and other officers. Efforts to force ex-convicts out of office probably will run Into resistance by President ! James R. Hoffa. whose entour- 1 age includes many shady char acters. 1 The request for help from Red Jet Cancels Flight, Fears U. S. Interception VANCOUVER. B. C, June 16 (AV—'The possibility of inter ception by United States Air Force Jet lighters yesterday put a damper on a courtesy flight by the Soviet Union’s TU-104 jet airliner on exhibition here. The plane, biggest attraction at Centennial Air Show, was scheduled to fly 75 miles from Sea Island airport to Victoria. | the British Columbia capital on iVancouver Island. It flew instead in the greater | Vancouver area after Royal' : Canadian Air Force officials said they bad been unable to ! gain assurances from the United States Air Force that the Soviet aircraft would not be challenged by United Btates fighters should it cram the in ternational boundary. (In Washington, the United States Air Force dismissed the report as “a figment of somebody's imagination. (It said the Russian visi tors never officially evidenced i any desire to fly from Sea head. Fluffy brought the babies home and left them on the Tomasello doorstep. They are doing fine on dairy milk and & doll bottle.— Star Staff Photo by Walter Oates. L the Rackets Committee was one of five major actions taken by the Board of Monitors at a four-day meeting here last week, Mr. O’Donoghue said. In a step toward longe-range rehabilitation of the Teamsters, the board signed a contract with Price Waterhouse & Co., a lead ing firm of accountants. Price Waterhouse was hired to conduct a comprehensive sur vey of the Teamsters—empha sizing handling of money and records of membership—with a view to recommending tighter 1 controls. The company wUI sub mit monthly reports to the mon itors and prepare a manual to guide Teamster auditors. O'Rourke Called The monitors also called John O’Rourke, an international vice president of the Teamsters, to a hearing in Washington next Monday on a complaint by members of Local 282 Jn New See TEAMSTERS. Page A-5 1 1 Island Airport. Vancouver, j •| to Victoria. An Air Force - spokesman said the TUIO4 t Jet airliner could have filed i an intended flight plan with i the Civil Aeronautics Admin- | . lstration but did not.) i ‘ The plane's proposed 75-mlle ■ i route presented a problem to j i Capt. T. T. Frolov, the TU . 104’s chief pilot. By studying > a road map he calculated he could fly the route without I leaving Canadian air space but| i only if he kept exactly on )! course. He said he realised 1 ■ that a slight drift could have . taken his crew over the United : States island of San Juan, i which Juts into Canadian waters in the Straights of Oeorgia. Capt. Frolov decided Instead to fly representatives of the provincial governments, avia tion including a number .from the United States—and the press over the greater Van-. ' couver area. Home Delivered: g«g» iiSS Hagerty Has No Comment Officials Wait End Os Adams Inquiry The White House today re fused further comment on Presidential Assistant Sherman Adams and his realtlons with Boston financier Bernard Gold fine until current House sub committee hearings conclude. James C. Hagerty, presiden tial press secretary, said he ex pects President Eisenhower to hold a press conference Wednes days morning, the time depend ing on the schedule of visiting Filipino President Carlos P. Garcis. Mr. Hagerty declined to say if the moratorium on comment would apply to the press con ference. Awaits Testimony Asked whether Mr. Adams would accept the open invita tion of the subcommittee to testify, Mr. Hagerty said: “The Harris subcommittee is hearing people from the Fed eral Trade Commission and the former chairman, Mr. Howrey. Until that testimony is on the record, that is all I am saying.” As to reports Mr. Goldfine had given suits of clothes to some members of the White House staff. Mr. Hagertv said he had no knowledge of this. “Myself, my answer is no." he said, when asked if he had re ceived any suit. Cent, Rag Involved Mr. Goldfine is reported to' have given Mr. Adams a coat and an oriental rug in addition to paying for his hotel accom modations in Boston and Plym outh, Mass., and New York. Mr. Hagerty said Mr. Adams has not offered to resign at any time since the controversy over his relations with Mr. Goldfine began last week. Mr. Eisenhower and Mr. Adams conferred this morning, but Mr. Hagerty said he did not know what they discussed. Hu Shih Leaves j Taipei for ILS. TAIPEI, Formosa, June 16 'l (A*).—Famed Chinese scholar Hu Shih left today for the j United Btates to wind up his personal affairs before settling l in Formosa. President Chlang Kai-shek granted Dr. Hu four months' leave from his poet as head of the Academia Sinica, the high est research body in National ist China. Dr. Hu assumed the post in April after having lived in the United States for years. He ex pects to return in September or October, bringing his wife with i him. Metropolitan Edition Now York Markets, Page A-23 $266 Put Up At Time of FTC Case By CECIL HOLLAND Star SUS Writer House Investigators today produced records showing that Presidential Assistant Sherman Adams had accepted the hospi tality of Bernard Goldfine. Boston industrialist -at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria on two occasions in 1954. The House subcommittee in vestigating Federal regulatory agencies produced the records as public hearings were re. turned in an Inquiry involving Mr. Adams, Mr. Goldfine, and the Federal Trade Commission and the Securities and Ex change Commission. Francis X. McLaughlin, a subcommittee staff member, testified that Mr. Ooidflne paid hotel bills totaling 8266.85 for Mr. Adams’ visits to the Wal dorf-Astoria in January and February, 1954. During this period, it was brought out. one of Mr. Goldflne's textile com panies was in difficulties with the FTC over alleged mislabel- ' Ing of the contents of material It had produced. Bill Transferred Mr. McLaughlin said records subpoeaned from the hotel showed that a bill totaling 947.20 waa transferred to Mr. Goldflne's account for the visit to the hotel of Mr. Adams on January 23 and 24, 1954. He said that the bill totaling 8219.65 waa transfered to the Goldfine account for a visit of Mr. and Mrs. Adams at the hotel from Februray 12 to February is, 1954. These disclosures came on the top of subcommitte testi mony last week showing that Mr. Adams and his family had accepted hospitality totaling hundreds of dollars in the last four years at the Bheraton- Plaza Hotel In Boston. Ne Suite Maintained "Did he (Goldfine) maintain a permanent hotel suite at the Waldorf-Astoria?” asked Sub committee Counsel Robert W. Lishman. "No, sir” Mr. McLaughlin replied. In a letter last week to Sub committee Chairman Harris, Democrat of Arkansas, Mr. Adams acknowledged staying at the Boston hotel at the ex pense of Mr. Goldfine and said that he understood that tha New England industrialist "maintained this apartment on a continuing basis" and when ever he was in that city he "ac cepted the hospitality thus preferred by my friend.” How ever, the committee records in dicated that Mr. Adams had stared in different single rooms and suites over the 4-year period. At Waldorf Five Days Mr. McLaughlin testified that Mr. Goldfine waa registered at the Waldorf-Astoria January 21-26, 1954, and his total MU for that period waa $614.75 The Boston industrialist was also at the hotel during tha Adams visit there In February, the investigator testified, and his total bUI for those visits was $24)82.29, The staff member said this MU included charges for room services. Mr. Lishman asked the wit ness if there was “any signifi cance” on the date of these See ADAMS. Page A-f Israel Buys Jets TEL AVIV, June 18 UP). Israel has signed an agreement to buy six French Vautour tur bojet fighter bombers. The Vautour Is a swept wing, twin jet plane designed for tacti cal support, bomber and aU weather fighting. LITTLE BOY BLUE MAY BRING SIOO TWO EDITIONS of o bool es poo fry containing the immortal “Littta toy 81m" vara poblithod long ago. A copy of mm edition n worth sp to SIOO. Von Alios I rod ley explain, tha difference to * The Star fodtora "Gold io Year Attic" on Fogs 8-17. Guide for Readers AsHMo’tt A-16-17 Footers Page 1-17 lotintH sod , Lost, Fsood A- j Fmooce A-22-23! Moric $-9 C tombed 8-9-16 OMtoery I t Comio 9-19-21 Sportt A-11-21 Got,word 9-20 TV-lsido 1-18 Editorial A-14 Women » Idiri Article, A-15 i Section 1-4-7 Move Tlm Star Delivered to Your Home Doily and Sunday Dial STeriing 3-5000 SCENTS