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*i s ,- . fggia& jTI Ip* MBF* / ■£ Jlf wjMH&jr jM I XTxmJ rW MB w lira jm i / rA * Wa , - : :8p C Bi, WRm&i P? ~ W fy TRreSfli / • A Jmm \ . e j/K- wlifr . gmv Y \ IP <m A * ” jemStk Maj. Pedro Diaz Lanz (right), former chief of the Cuban Air Force, talks to a reporter after being jailed in Miami, Fla., on murder charges growing out of the dropping of leaflets over Havana.—AP Wirephoto. Diaz Lanz Undecided ‘ Whether He Wants Bail MIAMI. Fla.. Nov. 5 <AP>.—Maj. Pedro Diaz Lanz. jailed by United States authorities on Cuban charges of murder and attempted murder, has conferred with friends who offered to bail him out. Maj. Diaz Lanz will decide whether to accept the offer during talks with Carlos Echegoyan, one of the friends, it was reported today. Mr. Echegoyan was once intelligence cheif of! Cuba's air force and has played host to Maj. Diaz Lanz here. Mr. Echegoyan said Maj. Diaz Lanz for reasons of his own may not want to be bailed out. Mr. Echegoyan did not say what the reasons were. The former head of Fidel Castro’s revolutionary air force was jailed in default of $5,000 bond yesterday after a hearing before Federal Judge Joseph Lieb. An extradition warrant called Maj. Diaz Lanz a fugi tive from Cuban justice. The murder charges are to be documented with formal evi dence withi<two weeks. They apparently stem from an Octo ber 21 incident in which small planes dropped anti - Castro leaflets on Havana. The Cuban government charged that explosives dropped from the plane killed Joaquin Fernandez of Havana and in jured 24 others. Some wit- High Ranking Prelate Indorses Birth Controls NEW YORK, Nov. 5 (API.— The Archbishop of York said yesterday that after long thought on the question of the use of contraceptives he has concluded "it is right to use them as part of the Christian fulfillment of marriage.” But he added: “X don’t counsel indiscrimi nate use. Parenthood is defi nitely a part of marriage and it is wrong for ileople to marry and avoid parenthood.” The Rev. Arthur Michael Ramsey, second ranking pre late of the Church of England, gave his views just before sail ing for Britain on the liner Queen Elizabeth after a three week visit to the United States and Canada. LOST ' BICYCLES (3). boys’, missing from near Brthesds-Chrvy Chase High School. Monday afternoon: 2 red, 1 blue; reward. OL. 4-7168 BILLFOLD, brown. Nov. 2. in Hecht's or north side of F st. to Murphy's: val. papers, stamps, money. Reward. TtJ. 2-7707, CAT. black, female, with red collar; answers to “Mishi”: vie. 2»nn Adams Mill rd.. lost Oct 29. Call DE. 2-3158. CAT. male. Siamese sealpotnt: vie! Reservoir and 32d st.: answers to •’Orpheus.” Reward. DU. 7-4572, after 8. Sat. young, black female, wearing red collar, name ’’Mishie ,n Rock Creek Pk., near Zoo. Reward for her return. DE, 2-6847, after 8 n ra. CHARM BRACELET, told. 4 charms, one with name Donna Louise; nr Wilson High School: reward. MRS. GATES. WO 8-0136. earring, gold. * shell shaped; vie. Sheraton-Park; reward. HA. 2-3812. EYEGLASSES, black rims, flguretl case vie. 11th st. n.w. and Rhode Island ave. n.w . near bus stop ST 3-8400. Ext. 2895 br Ext. 2647. from 8:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. GERMAN CAMERA, lost i» nl. section; type of carrying case square and brown LI 4-tio:j4. » GERMAN POLlCETfemale. 3-mb-old Suopy; lost near Hamilton at. West lyattsvllle. RE.’7-1356. GLASSES, in black case, lady’s: vie of Georgia ave. and Sheridan st n.w. 8-2829. PARAKEET, jreen and yellow: vie. 3 lit and Taylor sts.. Mount Rainier Re ward. UN. 4-4243. VaRAKEET, gray wings, cobalt blue body. male, very talkative, answers to “Billy Row”; lost vie. 6th and Glebe rd. south. Sat. Liberal reward. JE 2-0094 POCKET WATCH, man’s, gold, and! chain; keepsake; nr. 2312 41st st n.w. Reward. PE. 7-2714 REWARD, SSO Bird dog white, pointer, with big brown spots; tag No. 123390 10 1-8909 SIAMESE CAT. male. 11 yfs. old; vicinity Manning drive, Bethesda. Md Reward. Phone OL. 2-6352, after 5:30 p.m. WALLET, tan dress, containing credit cards and papers, $25 reward. Call collect. Bridgeport. Conn.. Edison 4-9471. EDNA McCALLUM, FOUND CAT. Angora, dark gray, rust spot cen ter of forehead, female: vicinity Ran dolph Hills. WH 6-6536 CAT, male, half grown. Maltese, gray and white, well trained: vie. Takoma Park. RA. 3-4493. BOG, cocker, male, black: vie. Poxhall and Reservoir rd. FE. 3-1455, DOG. fox terrier, female, white, with bip black spots. Call LO. 5-4429 DOG, Irish setter, golden: Elmendbrf AFB tag. WASHINGTON ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE. NO. 7-6730. DOG. German shepherd, tan. light' black markings on face and neck: vie. Vienna, Va,: reward. DU. 5-5896. DOG. dark brown! female, one "eye vie Georgetown: sent to Wash Ani mal Rescue League. NO. 7-5730 Published Daily and Sunday at 225 Virginia Ave. S.E. Second-class Postage Paid at Washington, O C. ! nesses said the death and in juries resulted from Cubans trying to shoot down the planes. Maj. Diaz Lanz. according to the FBI. admitted piloting one of the planes. Agents said the flight originated in Florida, about 50 miles from Cuba. Maj. Diaz Lanz fled to Miami from puba in June after re signing as air force chief and calling Premier Castro a Com munist. Premier Castro has called Maj. Diaz Lanz a tsaitor. “I’m thankful to God,” Maj. Diaz Lanz said yesterday after his arrest, “I'm not in Cuba at this time. I am confident I will.receive fair treatment.” Motorist Granted Chance at Lighter Assault Sentence A motorist charged with assault after honking his horn at another driver today won a chance for a lighter sentence. Edward H. Hensley of the 900 block of Eleventh street N.W., was convicted after a traffic disputa last spring. Judge Edward A. Beard, in sentencing Hensley, who is no stranger in court, told him: “I am afraid the string for you has run out. In this case you are going to have to serve 1 one year’s straight time and you are going to have to pay a fine of SSOO or serve another year.” The penalty was the maxi mum authorized by law. In reversing the lower court decision, the Municipal Court of Appeals said there was no merit in Mr. Hensley’s request for reversal of his conviction. It must stand. However, the court said Judge Beard erred when he didn’t give the motorist an opportunity to make a state ment in his own behalf and to present any information as mitigation of punishment. “This situation must be cor rected by remanding the case for re-sentencing,” the upper court decided. Soldier Is Accused In Slaying of WAC ORLEANS, France, Nov. 5 (AP).—The United States Army today charged a Negro service man with murder in the slaying of a Negro WAC sergeant, Emma West. Sergt. West's body was found on a river bank near here October 26. Blood-spattered bricks and building blocks were found nearby. The murder charge was filed against Specialist 5/c Richard A. Thomas, who was picked up for questioning two days later. A Korean war veteran with 10 years in the service, he has been stationed near Orleans with an erfgineer battalion. This Week's Item COMB’N DOORS Finest Quolity ci\/p Gioss Panel & Aluminum Screen I COL Wire Panel » J /O FENCE .. . FENCE Cedar Boards, Locust • Posts, Redwood Pickets—Fair_ prices. FLOORING Hemlock bargain 14 1/ c for porches, I “ /2 attics only w f) PLYWOOD Shelving; everything cut to size. t 320 Wilton Clvd., Art. JA. 4-1234 tmvii'iMii Douglas Opposes Camera in Court DES MOINES, Nov. 5 (AP). —United States Supreme Court Justice Douglas closed the con vention of the lowa Bankers Association yesterday with crit icism of what he said were ef forts of news media to mod ernize coverage of trials. Justice Douglas said there is great controversy over whether trial coverage by camera, radio or television should be per mitted. Declaring that it should not be, he added: “The camel should be kept out of the tent, lest he take over completely. No spectacle is conducive to the quite search for truth. Prosecutors and judges, as well as defense coun sel, are human, and the temp tation* to play to the galleries will be stronger than many can resist.” The convention was sched uled to adjourn at noon, but Justice Douglas’ plane was de layed at Chicago and he did not arrive until most of the dele gates had left. AGT NOW i .** ' • \ to enjoy special OncQ-a-Year Savings! There’s still time to save on Gold Star ranges... certified to have 28 or more important advanced features! GOLD STAR DAYS IN THE Old Stove Round-up "55*11 • Built-in automatic ! Matchless rotisserie! • a Stow-away griddle at ! Ifj Rll* a Burner-with-a-brain! • A C D a Automatic lighting J V3MO IxMINOL throughout! • d e i/ verec / anc j installed: • Clock-timer! • __ _ * a Smokeless hi-lo broiler • $ for flame-kissed flavor! • ” • Oven window with in- i terior light! a NO MONEY DO^ATN a Fluorescent light! ! $7.86 PER MONTH • Removable parts clean • (plus local sales tax) with ease! • Qn y Qur gas b j|| Washington Gas Light Company RESIDENTIAL SALES DIVISION Castro Probes Fake Report On Lost Aide HAVANA. Nov. 5 (AP).— Fidel Castro’s government or dered an investigation today into the origin of a fake report that the missing army com mander, Maj. Camilo Clenfu egos, was alive on a small island off Cuba. Supporters of Prime Minis ter Castro suggested counter revolutionaries were behind the hoax to lure the Prime Minis ter into a trap on the unin habited island 120 miles south east of Havana. The original report was at tributed to two ham operators relaying what purported to be a message from a navy launch that said it had rescued Maj. Cienfuegos and called for Mr. Castro to fly by helicopter and pick him up. Starts Demonstration The report that the popular army commander was safe after being missing a week touched off a wild, spontaneous demonstration. Shots were fired in the air in jubilation, and there were unconfirmed re ports of seven persons being wounded by bullets. President Osvaldo Dorticos, after conferring with Mr. Cas tro, quickly announced that the report was false and told news jnen: “At this time we have no news to give on the where abouts of Maj. Cienfuegos.” The celebrating crowds were shocked, surprised and angered by the official denial. A sound truck sent out to announce the denial was attacked by one enraged group. Castro Silent Grim and haggard, Mr. Cas tro held a two-hour midnight conference with the air force chief. Maj. Juan Almeida, and air force communications of ficers. The usually voluble Mr. Cas tro was silent at suggestions of the crowd that it was a plot by his enemies to lure him into the open in a helicopter. Maj. Cienfuegos and two companions vanished on a 300- mile flight in a twin-engine plane from Camaguey to Ha vana. Mr. Castro himself has been leading the search for the 28-year-old commander, who was one of his closest associ ates in the revolution. The search will continue today. Delegates Picked For Conference On Migratipif By th* Associated Brass John W. Hanes, Jr, a Btate Department official, will repre sent the United States at the Council of thi Inter-Govern mental Committee for Euro pean Migration in Oeneva No vember 12-20. The State Department, an nouncing this yesterday, said Representative Walter. Demo crat of Pennsylvania, and Rob ert S. McCollum, Mr Hanes’ deputy, were named as alter nate United States representa tives. Mr. Hanes is administra tor of security and consular affairs. The United States delegation also consists of three congres sional advisers: Senator Keat ing, Republican of New York, and Representatives Henderson, Republican of Ohio, and Smith, Republican of California. Japan Assailed On Import Curb TOKYO, Nov. 8 (AP).— United States Assistant Secre tary of Commerce Henry Kearns said today the United States is getting impatient over foreign discrimination against its goods. He warned of pos sible retaliation. Mr. Kearns called for “an early sweeping relaxation of outmoded restrictions against United States goods”, main tained by Japan and other nations, adding that “this ur gency is based on a growing impatience in the United States with half measures." He spoke before the Tokyo American Chamber of Com merce. Volume Washington's Largest V Chr Y sler Products Dealer M I tl'lr Delivers ® X 1960 M PLYMOUTHS Hi tea FOR A MERE 4-1*95 DOWN I DOWNTOWN: 1440 P Street, N.W., DE. 2-4800 I I NORTHEAST: 34th 4 Benning Road., LU. 1-8300, I I SILVER SPRING: 1141 East-West Hwy., JU. 9-1434 H I EETHESDA: 4702 Miller Avenue. OL. 4-1000 | TASK THE GRMTNESS ... of America's most preferred bourbon ...^ jji' = ■4,n-ffijfcX >. H&v. WRi distillers. Old Crow achieved lightning of the land-in quality and popularity. fOLD CROWI recognition as the first real bourbon. Taste its greatness! LIGHT* MILD * 86 PROOF ’ZSSZiZZ "" m THE OLD CROW DISTILLERY CO, FRANKFORT. KY. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Johnson to Talk At Convocation Dr. Mordecal W. Johnson, president of Howard University, will address the 43d annual convocation of the university’s School of Religion at 8 o’clock tonight in Baldwin Hall dining room. Dr. William A. Banner, pro fessor of phllosophv at Howard University, yesterday told the gathering perspective and pro gram are always related “in the realm of human order. Where the perspective is provincial the program is limited. Imorder to expand the program of political action it is necessary to en large the perspective.” Dr. Daniel G. Hill, dean of the School of Religion, presided at the sessions yesterday in the school. A symposium on the question “Should Ministers Engage in Politics?” will feature the clos ing session, at 2 p.m. tomorrow of the convocation. Guam Governor Resigning Post BJ»the Associated Press President Eisenhower yes terday acoepted the resignation, of Richard B. Lowe as Gover nor of Guam, effective Novem ber 14. The White House said no successor has been picked yet. Mr. Lowe wrote Mr. Eisen hower noting that he has been Governor of Guam for three I years and was Governor of Samoa for three years prior to I that, and added: “Thus, after six years in the tropics, Mrs. Lowe and I feel the need for an extended va cation and we would like to be home to spend Christmas with our children and grand- I children.” THE EVENING STAR Woihington, D. C„ Thursday, November 5, (959 \ [ FIRST for better heating 1 Mki ft nan Triple refined, 9 ways belter, yel *1 Available only Phone Today I ME. 8-4840 I I (gimTH-(ONSUMERS I 1413 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W. I Tint is Service and Largest Fail Supplier (or Wosh., Md., ond Vo. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE jjfflOMt* i mm ' ONLY JET POWERED SERVICE TO FLORIDA Enjoy Luxury Star Service aboard the Electra to MIAMI TAMPA 'Effective November 1 WEST PALM BEACH SAVE 40% n the return portion of your 16-day excursion ticket to Florida New! The only Jet Powered Service Direct Flights Daily to HAVANA For Prop-Jet Electra reservations see your Travel Agent or phone STerling 3-6454 A-3