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B-4 Obituaries With Regard to a Card of Thanks Very often a card of Hienk, In Tho Star moats a need which can hardly be solved in any other way. Net only is it a gracious expression of gratitude to those who hove sent floral tributes but also courteously acknowledges the services and kindnesses of the many te whom a personal note of thanks cannot well be moiled or whose names and addresses ore not known. Insertion of a card of thanks may be arranged by telephone to The Star, LI. 3-5000. The Evening and Sunday Star UnortlutgH DERZAVITZ. LILLIAN. There will be an unvetlinx In lovlnc memory of LILLIAN DERZAVITZ on Sunday. May 14. 1961. at 1:30 p.m.. at Adas Israel Congregation Cemetery. Friends and relatives are invited. 7.14 MILLER. DAVID. A monument in memory of the late DAVID MILLER will be unveiled on Sunday. May 28. 1961. at 12:30 D.m.. at the George Washington Cemetery. Ti fereth Israel Section. 9500 Riggs rd. ESTHER MILLER. 14.24 (tarb nf a hank a BREVARD. S/SERGT. JULIUS R. Th. family es the Ist. B'SEROT JULIUS R. BREVARD wishes to express our sincere appre ciation te the clersr. our many friends end relatives for their eras ers. cards, flowers and other tokens of sympathy extended durins our recent bereavement. THE BREVARD FAMILY. DETTEB. THOMAS. We wish to ex tend our sincere thanks and appre ciation to our many friends who were so kind and sympathetic dur ing our recent bereavement. THE FAMILY OF THOMAS DETTER. Mclntyre, henry stewabt. The family of the late MR. HENRY STEWART MCINTYRE wishes to ex press our heartfelt appreciation to all friends, neighbors, co-worker, and ex-co-workers for their rnsny acts of kindness and expressions es sym pathy durins our recent bereave ment. MRS CORA B. McINTRYB AND FAMILY. I MOSS. JAMES R. We wish to express sincere appreciation to the pastor, the Rev. E L. Harrison, officers, members, the Walker Memorial Bible Class. Phoebe Circle and clubs of the Shiloh Baptist Church, the Golden Rule Christian Endeavor Union. James A. Brown Alumni Fel lowship, C. E. Union, the Baptist Sunday School Union, the Rev. Jerry A. Moore, nastor; officers and mem bers of the Nineteenth Street Bap tist Church, the Rev. Lawrence A. Davies, other ministers, neighbors and many friends for kind expres sions of sympathy, flowers, cards and telegrams during our recent be reavement. THE FAMILY. BOLLARS. RAY. The family of the late RAY BOLLARS wish to thank , their many friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during our recent bereavement. The many cards of sympathy and contributions were greatly appreciated. MR HARRY BOLLARB. MRS. IRENE COLEMAN AND MR. MEYER MILLER. THOMAS. EDWARD E. The family oi the lata EDWARD E. THOMAS acknowledges with grateful appre ciation to the many friends, rela tives and neighbors for their visits, cards, phone calls telegrams, flow ers and cars and other kind ex pressions rendered during the re cent sudden death of our loved one. We also wish to express our gratitude to the Rev. James H. Mayo, the Rev Franklin E. Jackson and 8. Douglas Greer for their services. THE THOMAS FAMILY. ( Drains I BASS. REV. SAMUEL A. On Turn- I day May 8. 19«1. REV SAMUEL A. BASS of 48 Que st. n.w., pastor I of the Ebenexer Baptist Cnurch. He is survived by manv friends. The Rev. Bass will He In slate after 4 pm. Monday. May 15. at the Ebenexer Baptist Church. 44 Que st. n.w.. where services will bo held on Tuesday. May IS. at 1 pm , I the Rev. D 8. Craig officiating. Interment Carver Memorial Park. Services by Frailer. 15 BASS. REV. 8. A. Members of the < H Interdenominational Church La* Ushers Association of D. C. L-j f=J Inc., are hereby notified of the death of our beloved II j honorary member. REV. S eTIjnfXrTA A. BASS Funeral services on Tuesday. May IS IMI, at 1 p m . at the Ebeneser Baptist . Church. 44 Que st n.w. 1 ALMA C. HAWKINS. President. IRENE E. STANCIL, Cor. Secy. BAEXLRO. TERESA V. (nee Oetmann). ! On Saturday. May 1.3, 1961, TERESA V. BAZZURO tnee Ostmannt, be loved wife of the late Michael P Baizuro: mother of Mrs. Mary Reed, and sister of Mr* Madeline B Kraft Funeral from the Geier Funeral Home. 3605 14th at. n.w., on Tues- • day. May 16. at 9:30 am. Requiem mass at St Gabriel’s Church at 10 a.m Relatives and friends Invited. < Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery. 15 BECVAB. AGNES. Os 1730 Lanier pl. n.w.. on Mu 4, 1961. sister of Anna Singer and Rose Tomson. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st *•• on Monday. Mav 15, at 1 p.m. Interment Washington Na tional Cemetery. 14 BROWN. GERTRUDS T. On Tues- . day. May B, 1961. GERTRUDS T. BROWN of 1774 You st. n.w., sister of William Brown, beloved aunt of Julia Turner Mason and foster mother of Barbara Thompson. She also is survived by other relatives and a host of friends. After 12 noon Sunday. May 14. friends are invited to call at the Jarvis Cl apel, t 432 You st n.w. Holy mass wifi e offered at the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church on Monday. May 15. at 9 am. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Recitation of the rosary on Sunday, May 14. at 7 p.m. 14 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Rinaldi Funeral Home FUNERAL DIRECTORS Veteran, Burial Allowancea $250 816 ■ St. H.E. 14. 3-4880 GEIER FUNERAL HOME SINCE 1851 SENSIBLE PRICES FORMERLY AT 1113 7th ST. N W. 3608 14th St. N.W. TU. 2-2326 Crematorium J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4th St. and Mass. Ave. N.I. LI. 3-5200 CEMETERY LOTS CEMETERY LOTS—National Memorial Park, 4 iltea: value, 81,100; aac. salt. JE. 3-7608. 14 fOBT LINCOLN—6 aitaa. lot 30. block 11: leaving area; reasonable WA. 7-0291. 14 FOUR BITES In National Memorial Park, sacrifice for quick sale. Phone JA. 2-4708. • GEORGE WASHINGTSN CEffIETERY Family lot. 6 choice gravealtea, choice location. Call JU. ft-44(ig. PARKLAWN CEMETERY—I lot, 3 sites: Fountain of Memories Gar den; $650. or make offer. Call JE. 3-8624. 14 Washington national - cemetebt, Suitland rd a.e.—2 sites, price rea _aonable._ JO. 1-1505. after_6. 14 CEDAR HILL CEMETERY—S choice graveaites, lot 235, section 27. Cedar _6-8287. _____ 11.16 NATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK—Two 4-site lota, $250 each. Call JU. NATL. MEM. PARK, Falls Ch., Va 4-alte lot. $350; 3-site lot. 8300: 3-crypt. maus., $000: $5OO dn. a give-away; also lots In Cedar HUI __at aac. JA. 2-6048. CEDAR HlLL—Family lot. 6 choice gravesite,; beat location; owner mov ing away: value. $800: sell at dla _eoUht;_JU. 5-MOB, FORT LINCOLN—3 loti. In excellent location, for sale. CK, 6-8267. i'CRYPTS, Plus bronze marker; Fort Lincoln; beautiful Garden of Apostles: now selling $1,600, will ,ell_forless HE. 4-2486. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY—I to 5 burial sites nn nice, level ground In block No 20. $135 each Immedi ate Possession. LU. 2-7540. CEDAR HILL CEMETERY—2 sites, high elevation: value, >300; sacri fice. HA. 2-7171. FLORIST DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MARTINS FOE FLOWERS - 8509 12th St. N.I. LA. 6-6656 THE SUNDAY STAR I Washington, D. C. May 14, 1961 __ I ; Draths BROWN, GERTRUDE T. Membera of I the Holy Redeemer Senior 1 Sodality are requested to I assemble at the Jarvis Fu- i neral Hom? 1432 You st. j n.w.. on Sunday. May 14, 1961. at 7 p.m.. to recite | the rosary for the repose! of her soul. MRB. MARGARET GORDON. < Prefect. REV. GEORGE J. HANKS. Spiritual Director. . BURKE. PEARL LEE. On Thursday ! May 11. 1961, at her residence. 341 j Oranae rd., Montclair. N. J., for merly of Chantilly, Va., devoted wife of Jessie Burka; mother of Theodor? Burke; daughter of the late William and Emma Lee of Chantilly. Va. She also is survived by five devoted sisters, Elsie Overton and Corine Van ] Horne of Montclair, N. J; Mabel. Newman of Chantilly. Va.: Josephine, Neil and Nancy Black of Washington. D. C.; two brothers. Raymond and Charles Lee of Montclair. N. J., and many other relatives and friends i Friends are invited to call at the family home. Chantilly. Va.. Tues- j day. May 16. from 9 a.m. to r p.m Funeral at 1:3O p.m. at the Chan tilly Baptist Church. Interment 1 ’ church cemetery Local arrange ments by Henry W. Joyne* Funeral Home. Jl6 Mass. ave. n.w. 15 CAN AD Av ELIZABETH R. Suddenly, on Friday, May 12. 1961. ELIZA BETH R. CANADA of 8018 Park f lane. Bethesda. Md.. beloved wife of Griffin V. Canada, sr.; mother of Elizabeth V. Pampillonia and Griffin V./jr.: sister of Mrs. Mar-' garet D. Wallace. There also are | two grandchildren Friends are in-j vited to call at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Homa of Robert A. Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md. Services on Monday. May 15, at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. East- West hwy. and Pearl st.. Bethesda. Md.. where requiem mass will be offered at 10 a m Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery. CAYELU. FERDINAND F. Suddenly, on Thursday. May 11. 1961, at Bethesda. Md . FERDINAND P. CAYELLI of 929 Gist ave.. Silver > Spring, Md. <formerly of Mason-; . town. Pai. husband of Nell R. 1 I Cayelli. father of Daniel Martin and I James Michael Cayelli. son of Dan Cayelli of Masontown. Pa., and I brother of Charles Cayelli. Mr. Cayelli rests at the Warner E. Pum- ■ < phrey Funeral Home, 8434 Georgia I ave. Silver Spring Md. (parking I facilities!. Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul on Monday. May 15. at 9:30 am., at St Michals Catholic Church. 805 Wayne ave.. E Sliver Spring. Md. Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery. 14 CHESTNUT. LBN. On Friday. May 12. 1961. LEN CHESTNUT, devoted husband of Effie Chestnut, father of Miss Emily Chestnut. Mrs. Flossie Marshall. Mrs. Daisy Watkins, Jo seph. William. Luther, Lennie and Cornelius Chestnut. Also surviv ing are twenty grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Rollins. 15 CHINN. BENNETT ARTHUR. Hr. On Thursday. May 11. 1961. at Provi-1 dence Hospital. BENNETT A. CHINN h of 1252 Delafield place nt.. de voted husband of Mrs. Mary E. Chinn and beloved father of Mrs. Emily Dauthitt, Bennett A . Jr., and Michael Chinn. He also leaves to mourn his passing his mother, Mrs. Crystal Chapman; two grand children. Bennett Arthur 111 and Beverly Ann Chinn, and other rela tives and many friends. The re mains are resting at the John T. Rhine* & Co. Funeral Home, 3015 12th st. n.e. (ample parking facili ties). where friends may call after J 4 p.m. Monday. May 15. and where funeral services will be held on Tuesday, May 16. at 12 noon. In terment Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery. it CLAYTON. EMMA E. On Wednesday. May l(i. 1961, EMMA E CLAYTON of 40' M st. n.w . the wife of the late Andrew T. Clayton She leaves J a devoted brother. John F Lancas ter. sr.; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Ivy Tancaster: a niece. Mrs. Clementine Henson: four nephews. John F., Jr.; William H Joseph A. and Bernard W. Lancaster; IP great-nieces and nephews. 16 gr?at-great-nieces and nephew* and other relatives and friends. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Monday. Mav 15. at the resi dence of her brother. John F. Lan caster. 2ft 9th st n.e . where the M rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Requiem high mass will be sung at 10 a.m. Tuesday. May 16. at the Holv Redeemer Church. New York and New Jersey aves n.w Inter-* ment Arlington National Cemetery 14 CLAYTON, EMMA. Officers and ■ members of Bt. Augustine s Auxiliary. No. 73. and Dls trict Auxiliary, No. 2. SMBS/v Knights of 8t John, are KAW requested to assemble at the Pope Funeral Home. 414 15th at. is.. on Mon day. May 15. 1961. at f:3o p.m., for recitation of the rosary. X BADIE F GREEN. Dist. Pres. LOUISE MIDDLETON. Aux.. Pres. CHARLOTTE THOMPSON. Secy. 4 CLAYTON. EMMA. Members of the ’ Holy Redeemer Senior Bo dality are requested to as-: Ifevrxfl semble at the late reai-f !| JK|| dence of our departed i member. 2025 9th at. n.e.', I °n Monday. May 15. 1961. at 7 pm . to recite the rosary for the repose of her soul. MRS. MARGARET GORDON. Prefect. L REV. GEORGE J. HANKS. Spiritual Director. COVELL, ETHEL STEINWEDEL. On Thursday. May 11, 1961, at her residence. 3342 Erie st. s.e.. ETHEL BTEINWEDEL COVELL, beloved wife of Howard V. Covel), mother of Betty V. Covell, daughter of Mrs. I Lottie V. Steinwedel and sister es William. Frederick. Louis A. and Alvin L Steinwedel and Mrs. Alva, B. Nikhazy. Service* at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th . st. nw„ on Monday. May 15, at k 2 p.m. (parking facilities). Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 14 CBAIG. MABGARCT 8. On Frldtr. May 12. 1»61. MARGARET E. j CRAIG, beloved wile of the late Edward O. Craig and mother of < Mr,. Margaret A. Roger,. Friend, are Invited to call at the Betheada- Chevy Chate Funeral Home of Rob ert A. Pumphrey. Betheada. Md.. where aervlcea will be held on Tue,- day. May 16. at 11 a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 15 CROCKETT. JOSEPH J. On Wednea day. May 10. 1961. »t Suburban , Hospital. JOSEPH J. CROCKETT. 1 beloved husband of Bernice A. Crockett, father of Joaeph. David. Claude and Carolyn Crockett, aim surviving are one granddaughter. Roxanne; two brother,. Leroy and Samuel: two sister,-In-law. KUouiie Crockett and Marilyn Reed; one aunt. Belinda Gilliam: one uncle, Walter Palmer; niecea, nephews and many other relative, and friend,. After 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 14. the body will lie In alate at the First Baptist Church. Kensington. | Md.. where funeral service, will be held on Monday. May 18. at 1 , p.m.. the Rev. Emery Timber, of- *• rlclatlng. Interment Sandy Spring. Md. Arrangement, by Snowden. 14 DE LA ROSA. ARTURO. Suddenly, on Thursday. May 11. )Ml. AR TURO DE LA ROSA of 3715 Law rence ave.. Kensington. Md., hus band of Edna M de la Rosa, father of Edna Vera de la Rosa. Howard W. and Everett E. Bonifant; brother of Miss Gloria de la Rosa and En rique de la Rosa. Mr. de la Rosa rests at the Warner E Pumphrey - Funeral Home, 8434 Georgia ave., 1 Stiver Spring, Md.. where service will be held on Monday, May 15, at 12:30 p.m (parking facilities). Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. 14 DOVE. MARTHA ELLIS. On Saturday. May 13. 1961. at her home. German town. Md.. MARTHA ELLIS DOVE, wife of the late Abel T. Dove, mother of Mr, Lillard Gentry. Mrs. Burton Plaakett. Marvin, Woodrow, Charles H.. Clyde W. and Leonard C. Dove, ■lsler of Mrs. Clealand D. Smith, also survived by 22 grandchildren. 17 great-grandchildren. Friend, may , call at the Francis H. Barber Funeral 1 Home. Laytonsville, Md. Mr,. Dove will He in state at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Rodland, from 1 until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, 1961. the time of service. Interment St. Luke’, Cemetery. FAGUE, FERGUSON. On Tuesday. May 9. 1961. at St. Petersburg, Fla.. FERGUSON FAGUE of 6204 > Georgia ave n.w., beloved husband of Eloise Halsllp Fague. father of Thoma, 11. Fague of Washington. D C.: Mrs, Virginia F. Brady of , Hyattsville. Md.. and Mrs. Anne 1 P. Bristow of Hampton, Va. He also Is survived by four grandsons. Friends may call at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., after 7 p.m. Friday. May 12 . (parking facilities:. Services at the above funeral home on Monday. May 15. at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 14 PENNINGTON. ROLAND M. Suddenly on Saturday. May 13, 1961, at Montgomery General Hospital. Olney, Md.. ROLAND M. PENNINGTON, be loved husband of Ida May Fenlnng ‘ ton of Brookeville. Md. Notice of 1 services later. Arrangements by Francis H. Barber Funeral Home, e Laytonsville. Md. - POLSON. JAMES H. On Saturday. May 13, 1961. JAMES H . POLSON of No. 3 Knox circle a.e. Notice t of funeral later. Arrangements by Jarvis. t FORTUNE. GEORGE MALCOLM. On r Tuesday. May 9. 1961. at Provi -1 dence Hospital. GEORGE MALCOLM FORTUNE of 1237 Lawrence at. . n.e . beloved husband of Mrs. Doro ’ thy Fortune and stepfather of Rob " ert King. He also leaves to mourn * their loss two sisters. Mrs. Louts, A. Griffin and Mrs. Ruby Yount; :. two brother,. Rex and Dwight For- - tune, and other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the - John T. Rhine, & Co. Funeral Home, 3015 12th st. n.e (ample parkins facilities:, where friends may call - after 2 p m Sunday. May 14. Fu neral services on Monday, May 15. at 12 noon, at the Trinity A M. E. - Zion Church. 625 Park rd. n.w., the Rev. John H Satterwhite of ficiating. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. FREEMAN. FRANK J. On Friday, May 12. 1961. FRANK J FREE MAN. beloved husband of the late j Mary Marcaret Freeman and brother of Mra. Gertrude F. Moore of Wash ington. D. C.. and Ralph A. Free man of St. Petersburg. Fla. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 3831 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Monday. May 15. at 9:30 am. Re | quiem mass at St. Francis de Sales i Church. 20th st. and Rhode Island ave. n.e. at 10 a.m. Interment 1 Cedar Hill Cemetery. 14 GARNER. MAGGIE. On Wednesday. May 10. 1961, MAGGIE GARNER of 720 Hobart place n.w.. beloved j friend of Miss Daisy Ward and I Mr*. Catherine Wright. Friends may ; call at the Malvan & Schey. Inc.,, Funeral Home. New Jersey ave. and R st n.w., today, after 12 noon, where funeral services will be held on Monday. May 15. at 2 p.m Interment Harmony Memorial Park. HARRIS. JAMES E. On Thursday, May 11. 1961. JAMES E. HARRIS, i beloved husband of Christine L.. Harris and father of Mrs. Helen Galloway and Mr*. Louise Young. H? also is survived by five grand i children. Friends may call at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Robert A. Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md. Services on Monday. May i. 1.5. at All-Saints’ Episcopal Church. No. .3 Chevy Chase circle, at 9:30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers do- , nation* may be made to the Heart Fund. (Cambridge and Baltimore. Md , paper* please copy.) 14 HECKMAN. HARVEY M. On Friday. May 12. 1961. HARVEY M HECR MAN of 431 Oneida place n.w., beloved husband of Sarkh A. Heck man. father of Mrs. Emma E. Grist. Mrs. Hazel H. Morris and Harvey M. Heckman, jr. He also is sur vived by two brothers in Pennsyl vania, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Friends may call at the 8. H. Hines CO; Funeral Home 2901 14th st. n.w.. between 1 and 3 p.m. and 7 and 9 p m. on Monday and Tuesday. May 15 and 16 (parking facilities). Services at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. 4900 Connecticut ave. n.w., on Wednes day. May 17, at 10 a.m. Interment . Glenwood Cemetery. 16 ’ HECKMAN. HARVEY M. On Friday, May 12. 1961. A special meet ly ing of Friendship Lodge. No. 12. m I. O. O. F.. is called for 7;30 p.m Monday, May 15. to ar rH range service* for our departed jtef brother. HARVEY M HECKMAN. All members are urged to at ■ tend ARTHUR L. NICHOLS. Noble Grand. ’ PERRY H. KENT. Secretary. 14 HILL. HENDERSON R. On Tuesday. May 9. 1961, HENDERSON R HILL , of 69 Que at. s.w„ husband of 1 Flossie D. Hill, father of Thelma Lee Jackson. Bernice Gladden. Julia Miller. Grace McQuaig of New York. Margaret and Roscoe Hill. He also i is survived by twelve grandchildren, ‘ other relatives and a host of friends. After 5 p.m. Monday. May 15. friends are invited to call at the Jarvis Chapel. 1432 You st. n.w Funeral services will be held at the Mount Carmel Baptist Church. 3d and Eye sts. n.w., on Tuesday. May 16, at 1 p.m. Interment Carver Me morial Cemetery. 15 HOLLISTER, JANE VIOLA. On Fri day. May 12. 1961. at the Fairfax Hospital. JANE VIOLA HOLLISTER of RFD 1. Burke. Va.. wife of the late Franklin W. Hollister and mother of Thomas E. Robinson and Mrs. Mary E. Reddin. Friends may . call at the Everly Funeral Home, 214 West Main st. Fairfax. Va. (additional parking in reari, where services will be held on Monday, « a T A®... 11 130 P m - Interment Wakefield Chapel Church Cemetery. JACOBA. OSCAR E. At 2309 Penn •ylvania ave. n.w.. on Mav 12. 1961, husband of Mertie E. Jacobs, brother of James. Sumpter. Willie and Harry Jacob* Service* at Chambers’ Georgetown Funeral Home. 3072 M at. n.w., on Monday. May 15. at 2 p.m. Interment Washington Na tional Cemetery. JARVIS. WALTER J. Os 6011 27th ave., Hillcrest Height*, Md.. on May 11. 1961, husband of Margaret E. . Jarvis, father of Ellen and Andrew 1 Jarvis and son of Nellie Jarvis. Prayers at Chambers' Funeral Home. on Tuesday. May 16. at 915 am. Mass at th? Holy Family Church. Hillcrest Heights, Md., at 10 a.m. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 15 KROLAK. ANTHONY. On Friday, May 12, 1961, at his residence, 7511 drlve - Forestville, Md.. AN THONY KROLAK, beloved husband of Florence Krolak. father of Law rence. Paul and Ann Marie Krolak. , brother of Stanley. John and Joseph 1 Krolak. Helen Nasitka. Frances War rick and Teresa Gerrish. Friends may call at the Robert A Mattingly Funeral Home. 131 J1 th *t. >e . after 2 p.m. Sunday, May 14. until Tuesday. May 16. at 8:30 a m Re quiem mass at Mt. Calvary Church. Forestville. Md.. at 9 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. 15 KROLAK. ANTHONY. Members of #Bt Plus X Council. No. 4(176. Knights of Colum bus, are hereby notified of the death of our late brother ANTHONY KRO LAK. and are requested to meeet at the Mattingly , Funeral Home. 131 11th st a.e. 1 1 on Sunday. May 14. 1961, at R pm for the recitation of the rosary. w BERT J. PARIBE. G. K. VERNON W. GLOVER. F. 8. 15 LATHAM, CARME.N E. On Saturday, CARMEN E. LA TH A.M of 670 p ftth st. n.w. beloved wife of the late Julian 8 Latham, sr . and mother of Mrs. Gracia M Ken nedy and Julian 8 Latham, jr. Funeral from the Collins Funeral Home. 3821 14th st. n w.. on Tues day. May 16. at 8:30 a.m. Re-1 quiem mass at St Gabriel's Church at 9 a m Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery In lieu of flow- 1 ers kindly make donations to Si Mary's Church. Marlboro. Md. 15 LEAR. OLLA. On Friday. Mav 12. I 1961, at the residence of her daugh ter. 616 Douglas ave . Rockville. Md . OLLA LEAR, beloved mother of Mrs. ! Evelyn Daphney. Calvin, Ruby and Clifton Lear. Surviving also are three grandchildren, two sisters, eight brothers and a host of other 1 relatives and friends. After 5 pm Monday, May 15, friends mav call at the Snowden Funeral Home North Washinaton st , Rockville, Md. Fu neral Tuesday. May 16. at 2 p.m. at the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Lincoln Park. Rockville, Md , with the Rev. Henry Dav|* officiating. < Interment Lincoln Park Cemetery. 15 I LEARY, HELEN P. On Thursday. May 11. 1961, at Arlington Hospital. HELEN P. LEARY of 333 8 Glebs rd. Arlington. Va.. wife of the late 1 Dr. John Leary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harris 8 Kepner and sis ter of Mrs. Elaine Fisher. Mrs. Marie Bowers and Robert W. Kepner, all of Wayneaboro. Pa., and Harris M. Kepner of Silver Spring. Md. Friends may call at the Robert J. Murphy Funeral Home. 3524 Colum bia pike. Arlington. Va.. where serv ices will be held Monday, May 15. 1 at 1:45 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemeterv. 14 LEFTRIDGE, BELLE (nee Jehnsen). On Saturday, May 13. 1961, BELLE LEFTRIDGE (nee Johnson) of 1221 25th st. n.w., wife of the late Harry Leftridge: mother of the late Burton | Leftridge, ar., and grandmother of Mrs. Orae Frost and Burton* Left ridge. Jr. Also surviving are five great-grandchildren; a daughter-in-1 law, Mrs. Beatrice Leftridge; other relatives and many friends. Notice of: funeral later. Arrangementa by Mc- Guire, Inc. 15 > LILLYCROP, MARY R. Suddenly on Saturday. May 13. 1961. at her residence 148 Tennessee ave. n.e , | MARY E. LILLYCROP. wife of the late Rufus A. Llllycrop. mother of William O. Alexander of Charlotte, N. C., sister of Mr. Garrett Truitt, and Mr. Joseph Truitt of Daytona Beach. Fla., also survived by one granddaughter, Mrs. Edith L. Hayes and one great-granddaughter. Eliza beth Lynne Hayes. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th and Mas*, ave. n.e., where service will be held on Monday. May 15. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. LLOYD. REBECCA ELIZABETH. Sud denly, on Friday. May 12. 1961. at her residence at Purcellville. Va.. REBECCA ELIZABETH LLOYD, a retired schoolteacher. She is sur-1 vlved by one sister. Mrs. Florence; Ball of Purcellville, Va., and a number of nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Hall Fu neral Hom?. Purcellville. Va.. where funeral *ervice* will be conducted on Monday, May 15, at 3 p.m, DBT Interment will be in Lincoln Cemetery, Lincoln. Va. LUMPKIN. RICHARD M. (PAT). On Friday, May 12. 1961 in Fredericks burg. Va.. RICHARD M. (PAT) LUMPKIN, beloved husband of Leena E. Lumpkin, father of Mrs. Margaret E. Creed. James D. and Raymond M. Lumpkin, brother of Edgar, Car roll and Maurice Lumpkin. There are also two grandchildren. Friends are invited to call at the Bethesda- Chevy Chas? Funeral Hom? of Robert A. Pumphrey. Bethesda, Md.. where service* will be held on Tuesday, May 16 at 2 p.m. Entombment Fort Lincoln Mausoleum. 15 MrCLAsNNAN. REAS L. On Thursday, May 11. 1961, at Mount Alto Hospi tal, REAS L. McCLANNAN of 5514 2d st a.e., beloved husband of Mr*. Iva 8. McClannan: father of Mrs Iva E. Thompson. Mrs. Alice F. El ling wood and Quinton B and Rea* L. McClannan. He also is survived by several brothers and sisters and five grandchildren. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Hom?. 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. n.e.. where services will be held Monday. May 15. at 9 a.m. Interment Forest Glen Cemetery. Norfolk. Va. 14 MeLAUGHLIN, ELNOKA M. On Fri day. May 12, 19S1. at the United State, Naval Hospital. ELNORA M. mclauohlin of bia e st. a.e., beloved wife of the late James A. McLauahlln. mother of Capt. Melvin W. McLaughlin and James E Mc- Lsuxhlln; grandmother of Nancy. Audrey and Sally McLaughlin. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Tuesday, May 18. at in a.m. In lieu of flowers contributions may be marie to the Heart Fund. Inter ment Arlington tyjtlonal Cemetery. ; 18 Deaths MeVOY. MAKYIN N. On Friday. May 12. 1961, at the Hadley Memorial Hospital. MARTIN N. MeVOY. be loved husband of Margaret J. MeVov. father of Howard J. McVoy and brother of Mrs. Josephine Bafford. Mr*. Augusta Tucker and Mrs. Ada Hutchins. Funeral service* at the Simmon* Bros. Funeral Home, 1661 Good Hope rd. s.e. (parking facili ties). on Monday May 15. at 10 am. Interment Christ Church Cem etery. Mutual. Md. 14 MILLER, ALICE MARY. Os 2701 14th st. n.w.. on May 10. 1961. beloved wife of Elmer A Miller, mother of Eileen Holmes and Lorna Wapp Prayers at Chambers* Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Monday. May 15, at 9:30 am Mass at Sacred Heart Church. J 6th st. and Park rd. n.w.. at 10 a.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 14 MOORE. JOHN A. On Friday. May 12. 196 j. JOHN A MOORE of 1238 Penn st. n.e . devoted husband of Stella Moore and brother of Ray mond and Sylvester Moore. Mrs. Irene Freeman, Mrs. Esther Hol land. Mr*. Elizabeth Wilkinson and Mrs. Belle Johnson. After 4 p.m. Monday, May 15. friend* may call at the Frazier Funeral Home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Requiem ' mass will be sung at 11 a.m. Tues day. May 16. at the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 15 MYERS. CLARA B. On Thursday. May 11. 196 L, at George Washington University Hospital. CLARA B MYERS of 3018 Lake ave , Cheverly. Md.. beloved wife of Leroy J. Myer*, sister of Helen B Wenzel of St. Petersburg. Fla.: Florence Beall of Washington. D. C : Charlie B Hibbs of Vienna. Va.; Henry L. of Stock ton. Cahf.. and Herbert of Wash ington. D. C. She also is survived by a number of nieces and nephews, great-nieces and nephews, other rela tives and friends Friends tnay call at the 3. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. (parking facilities). Services at the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church on Mondav. May 15. at 11 a.m. Inter ment Union Cemetery. Leesburg. Va. 14 O’DONNELL. REBBIE MAE. On Friday. May 12. 1961, at, her residence. 424 East Capitol st. BESSIE MAE O’DONNELL, beloved wife of Edward J. O’Donnell, daughter of the late Fenton and Ellen Maffett. Funeral service* at the James T Ryan Fu neral Home. 317 Pennsylvania ave. s.e., on Monday. May 15. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. OPEY, JOHN E. On Saturday Mav 13. 1961. JOHN E OPEY of 607 Orleans place ne. Notice of funeral , later. Arrangements by Jarvis. PALMER. ALFRED E. On Saturday. May 13. 1961. ALFRED E. PALMER of 617 S st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Jarvis. PORTER. WALTER E. On Tuesday. May 9. 1961. at the Washington ?osDltal Center. WALTER E. POR ER of 1827 Belmont rd. n.w.. be loved husband of Helen M. Porter; father of Mrs Shirley P Young. Mrs. Clar? P. Crenshaw, John M Porter. William E Porter and Mr* Grace P. Noble: brother of Roscoe and Raymond Porter of Brockton. . Mas*. He also i* survived by nine . grandchildren Friend* may call at Oawler’s Chapel, 1756 Penn sylvania ave nw. (courtesy parking opposite), where service* will be held on Monday. May 15. 1961, at 10:45 ' am. Interment Arlington National* Cemetery. 14 | PYLE. THELMA ELIZABETH (net Anderson). On Thuraday, May 11,. 1»«1. THELMA I. PYLE oi 1135 1 Loxsford terrace. Silver Spring. Md.. beloved wife of William H. Pyle and mother of Mr*. Charlotte L. Kaller. Miss Carole A. and Miss Judy A. Pyle. She also is survived , by her mother. Mr*. Uda G. Ander son; two sisters. Mrs. Mildred Antis and Mr* Margaret Braun Rela tives and friend* may cal) at tha Gasch Funeral Home. 4739 Balti more ave . Hyattsville. Md . from 1 p.m. Saturday. May 13, until 9:30 a.m. Monday. May 15; thence to the Fort Lincoln Mausoleum Chapel, where services will be held at II am. Burial private. 14 FYLK. THELMA E. Th. oHlcers .nd w members of Ruth Chap- ter. No 7, O E 8., of Hyattsville. Md . are re quested to assemble at the wM Gasch Funeral Home. 4739 V Baltimore ave.. Hyattsville. Md . on Sunday. May 14. 1961. at 7 45 p.m.. for the purpose of conducting Eastern Star services for our late sister. THELMA K. PYLE MILDRED L. ANGLIN. W M VIOLA K. CURRY. Secretary 14 REEDER. WILLIAM LEXTER. Bud denly. on Wednesday. May 10. 1961. WILLIAM L. REEDER of 739 9th St. * e . devoted son of Annie Jenkins. He also leaves to mourn his passing one sister. Mrs. Theresa Jone*: his stepfather. Mr Roy Jenkins; one uncle, Mr. Charles Reeder; two aunts. Mrs. Dorothy Wallace and Mrs. Dalav Butler; one niece. Miss Annie Hopewell, and other rela tives and many friends. Re main* resting at the residence of his mother, J 510 Potomac ave a.e., where friends may eall after 12 noon Sunday, May 14 t and where prayer* will be offered at 9 am. Monday. May 15. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. n REINGRUBER. LILLIE MAE. On Fri day. May 12. 1961. at her resi dence. 1717 North Wayne at., Ar lington. Va . LILLIE MAE REIN ORUBE'R. beloved wife of the late John Georg? Relngrub?r. mother of I E J„ George F., Walter B. and Miss Lois Ann Reingruber. Mrs. Pauline L. Clare. Mrs Ruth E. Clagett. Mr*. Evelyn M Embr*y and Mrs. Elsie M. Ware; sister of Lee Wardell. Mrs, Marguerite Bieber. Mr*. Elsie Paul. Mrs. Gertrude Burch and the late Mrs. Pearl Reingruber. She also is survived by twenty seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Friends mav call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va.. until Monday. May 15. at 9:30 a.m.; thence to St Charles’ Catholic Church. 3304 | North Washington blvd . Arlington. Va.. where mass will be offered at 10 a.m. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. (There will be a recitation of the rosary at the above funeral homo on Sunday, May 14. at 8 p.m.i 14 RENN. WALTER H. On Friday. Maj at Arlington Hospital. Walter h renn of 707 North West st.. Fall* Church. Va., hus band of the late Myrtle O. Renn and father of Thomas O. Renn of Albany. Ga.: Mitilda M. Rannone of Arlington. Va., and Frederick B. ot v,enn *. Va. Four grand children also survive. Friends may call at Pearson’s Funeral Home, 4.2 North Washington st.. Falls Church. Va. Services at the Co lumbia Baptist Church on Monday, May 15. at 2 p.m. Interment Na tional Memorial Park. 14 RIORDAN. F. GUY. On Friday, May 12, 1961. at Montgomery General Hospital. F. GUY RIORDAN of Lay tonsville. Md.. brother of S. Cath erine Riordan. Friend* may call at the Francis H. Barber Funeral Horpe. Laytonsville, Md . where the rosary will be recited on Sunday. a i H P m - Requiem mass will be held at St. Martin * Church. Gaithersburg. Md.. on Monday. May 15. at 9 a.m. Interment Liberty town, Md. j 4 RIORDAN, F. GUY. Members of ji k Montgomery Council. No. Knight* of Colum bus. are requested to as- semblt at the Barber Fu neral Home. Laytonsville. Md . on Sunday, May 14, I -y k 1961, at 8 p.m., to recite riordan’ for p - K - ”■ OUY R. DI SIMONS.' fss. IS ’ °" K ‘ RO .? INB .? N ’, n AN,>r N - On Tuesday, May M. IPBI, at the District Gen eral Hospital. MR ANDY N ROB INSON of 2326 l.Sth at. nw. hu* band of Mrs Heleana Robinson. Ht also 1, survived by two daughters, Miss Maude Robinson and Mr, Juanita Arthur; one arandson. one aister. Mrs. Wanna Cook, and other! relatives and many friends. Re mains may be viewed on Sunday, May 14, after 2 pm., at th. Hall Bros. Funeral Home 621 pior 1. .J**" bi* .where services win be held on Monday, May Ift at l‘3o pm. Interment Arlington National : cemetery. 12.14 KOSAMII.IA, ANGELINA F. On Frl- ANGELINA F. ROBAMILIA of 4208 Russell ave.. Mount Ramler. Md., beloved mother Antoinette Gennell of Day- Jub- Ohio; Mrs. Alfonsina Glpe of Cheverly, Md.; Mrs. Yolanda Bruno of Newark, N. J., and Fanny J Rosamllla of Mount Rainier, Md ; nr’ute.*!'/?*”' T «’*e Ferrara Luclani J - Also survived el »h* ■Faxxachildren. Friend, may n’JLV s’? le J * Fhberal Home. 3200 Rhode Island ave.. at Eastern ave Sjtujhay and Sunday. May i 3 ,» n 2 i 4 ’ fom 2 to 4 p.m. and M. l . B F ,?. nerßl on Monde*. M*y Ift, at 8..10 a.m.; thence to St. James Catholic Church, where mass Will be offered at 9 a.m. for ,n * repose of her soul. Relatives en r? Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. SHOUSE. GEORGE A. On Friday M«.V 12 iwai. GEORGE A. SHOUSE husband of Mr, Irene Shouse, father Ooorge A. and Cletus M. Shouse, Mrs. Marilyn Martin and Mr,. Kath erine Shaffer, all of Winston-Salem, Funeral F Hn l i? ’ 0,11 the Lee runera! Home. 4th at. and Mas,, hlfp n -’». wh i re eervlce, will be 52? °n Tuesday. May 18. at 1 nm. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. 16 SMITH. ROBERT F. On Friday May wi.hteS: 1 ' R 2 B £ R T F. SMITH of 1 beloved husband of Ethel M. Smith: father ot Robert YnL2 otl /? m ! h ’ „ Js 'nes Arthur Smith. Bnyth. John Philip Smith, brother of Prank C. Smith, Lake Helen. Fla.; Joseph M. Smith, Rochester, N. Y.; Clarence D. Smith, Evanston, Hl.; Mrs Veryl E. Mann, sa.'5 a .'L d ''e‘ 1 £ p ” Friends may call at the 6. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2POI 14th st. n w , on Mon day, May IS, from rt to 1(1 p.m. 1 »nd Tuesday. May 18. from 10 am. to 10 p m. (parkin, facilities:. Serv- L c J’_ fr on’ ,h ' Scottish Rite Temple. -SOO 16th st. n.w., on Wednesdsy. May 1,. at 2 p.m Interment Rock Creek CemKry. IB Dr. Maurice Hacke Dies; Headed Optical Firm Dr. Maurice A. Hacke, 75, an internatinoal lawyer and Wash ington businessman, died in London last Sunday after a heart attack. A native of Austria, Dr. Hacke had been a resident of the District since 1950. He lived at 4000 Cathedral ave nufc N.W. and was president of the Kinsman Optical Co. Dr. Hacke attended schools in Berlin and was graduated from the University of Frei burg. He received his law de gree from the University of Vienna. A lawyer in Vienna from 1919 until 1938, Dr. Hacke served as legal adviser to a London import-export firm before taking a position on the staff of the university of Quito. Ecuador, as a professor of ! English. A distinguished linguist, he spoke five modern languages and classic Greek and Latin. Dr. Hacke. who practiced law on three continents, came to New York in 1944 and entered private practice. He moved to Washington in 1950 and at the time of his death was presi dent of the optical firm. A member of the Washing ton Hebrew Congregation, Dr. Hacke was active in the Wood mont Country Club. He leaves his wife ,the for mer Leona Hechinger, of thej 1 1 Julian E. Yost, Guarded Star as Police Officer Julian E. Yost, 82, a retired Metropolitan policeman who guarded the old Star building during the 19305, died Friday of cancer at the Fort Howard Hospital in Baltimore. Mr. Yost came to Washington after World War I while serv ing in the Marines. He was a cook at the Marine Barracks here. In 1929 he joined the police force and was assigned to the first precinct, where the old Star building is located. He served for 12 years without ever using his gun in the line of duty, and retired because of physical disability. In 1946 Mr. Yost and his wife. Nellie, moved to Taylor's Island on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. He spent most of his time fish ing and beachcombing, but he contracted diabetes several years ago and lost his right leg. Besides his wife, Mr. Yost leaves three children. Robert, of 1953 You place S.E.. Mrs. Edna E. Tucker of 1807 Norfolk lane, Falls Church, and Mrs.| Helen L. Holland of Charlotte,, N. C. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Anacostia Method ist Church with burial In Cedar Hill cemetery. I Draths BMITH, ROBERT F. Ths officers end 1 w member* of Arem? Chapter. ° I- fl • < re notl - Ued of the death of Broth er ROBERT F. SMITH W Remain* resting at the B. V H Hines Co. Funeral Hom?. " 2901 14th st. nw. Fu- neral service* on Wednesday, May 17. 1961, at 2 p m., at the Scottish Rite Temple. ELVA P. LIVERMAN. W. M • FRED CAMPBELL. W P. VIOLET J. DOWRICK. Secy. SURO. GUILLERMO A. Suddenly, on Friday, May 12. 1961, at his resi dence. 3202 Cumminx* lane. Chevy Chase. Md.. GUILLERMO A SURO. beloved husband of Piedad Levi Cas tillo Suro and father of Carmen Cecelia. Roberto Antonio and Wil liam Anthony Suro. Friends may call at Gawler « Chapel, 1756 Pa. ave. n.w. (courtesy parkins op posite). where the rosary will be recited on Sunday, May 14, at 7 p.m. Mass will be offered at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Western ave. at Quesada st. n.w., on Monday. May 15. at 11 am Interment Gate of Heaven Ceme tery. Silver Sprint, Md.* 14 BWAYZE. MISS ORA MAY. On Satur day May 13. 1961, MISS ORA MAY SWAYZE of 305 8 Payne st . Fair fax. Va.. daughter of the late WiL liam 8. and Anna M. Swayze: aunt of Mr*. Marie Swayze Gibson. Grave side service* will be held on Tues day. May 16. at 2 p.m , at Fairfax Cemetery. Friend* may call at th? Everly Funeral Home, 214 West Main st.. Fairfax, Va. TALL. JANE DAVIES. On Thursday. May 11. 1961, at the Washington Hospital Center. JANE DAVIEB TALL of 9401 Sierra st., Silver Spring. Md.. wife of Robert E. Tall, mother of Roberta Seuel and Ben Davie* Tall, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Roland C. Davies and sister of Ro land C. Davie*, jr., and Catherine F. Davie*. Mr*. Tall rests at th? Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home. 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. whei# service will be held on Monday, May 15. at 10:30 a.m. (parking facilities). Interment Mid dleham Chapel Cemetery, Prince Frederick. Md Sympathy may be expressed in the form of memorial* to the American Diabetes Associa tion. Inc.. No 1 East, 45th st., New York 17. N Y. Friend* may visit with the family at the funeral home on Saturday between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. and on Sunday from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 14 THOMAS, RALPH. On Tuesday. May 9. 1961. RALPH THOMAS of 514 Park rd. n.w., beloved husband of Martha B. Thomas and brother of Josephine Thomas. Elenora Shorter, Daisy Acors and Nealle Bassil. He! also is survived by other relative* | and a host of friend*. After 12 noon Sunday. May 14. friend* are Invited to call at the Jarvis Chapel, j 143-* You st. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Monday. May Ift. at 1 p.m. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 14 VAIL, SUE E. Suddenly, on Thursday. May 11. 196 J, SUE E. VAIL of i 5J12 Connecticut ave n.w.. be loved wife of th? late Philip T Vail, mother of Philip G. Vail of i Mayo. Md.; Mrs. Ethel Joy of Peeks- I kill, N. Y., and the late Elizabeth i and James T. Vail, motber-in-law ■ » of Mr*. Philip G. Vail and Mr*. James T. Vail. Mater-in-law of Mr*. Philip L. Jones of Chevy Chase, I I Md She also is survived by her grandchildren. great-grandchildren i and other relatives. Service* at ’ Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th at. n.w.. on Monday. i May Ift, at 12 noon (parking facili ties). Interment Cedar Hill Cema tery. 14 • WALKER, PLATO. Suddenly, on , May - 10 - PLATO WALKER of 517 2ftth place n.e., • the beloved husband of Mary M. Walker. He also leaves to mourn • hi* passing three sisters. Mrs. Net ’ tie Dawkin* of Bessemer City. N. C.; . MF.’j 9 tella Whitworth and Mr*. Mildred Saunders of Detroit, Mich., and three brothers, John Henry and Harry Walker of Bessemer City, N C., and Bratton Walker of Miami, Fla. After 4 p.m. Sunday. May f 14, friends may call at 909 «th j I at. n.w., where funeral will be. held I L at 12 noon Monday. May 15. In-1 terment Arlington National Ceme- > tery. Arrangement* by the Edmon son Funeral Service. 14 ’ WENDT, GERTRUDE H. On Saturday. Doctor * Hospital, GERTRUDE H. WENDT of 4312 1 South 12th rd., Arlington. Va., be loved mother of Barbara Grace Wendt and sister of D. C. Dorman I of Palm Bay, Fla. Friend* may call tha J vea Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va . where . funeral service* will be held on 1 Monday. May 15 at 11 a m. Inter- J ment DeWitt. lowa. j/ DR. MAURICE HACKE home address: two brothers. Max, of Brussels, and Simon, : of Sao Paulo, Brail, and a niece, ; Mrs. Kurt Braun of Alexandria. ' Funeral services will be private. Paul T. Collins, 38-Year Worker In Gas Company Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Simmons Funeral Home, 1661 Good Hope road S.E., for Paul T. Collins. 60. a resident of the District for 43 years. : He died May 6 after a heart attack in George Washington , University Hospital. Burial was in Cedar Hill Cemetery. A native of Winston-Salem, N. C„ Mr. Collins lived at 1428 Eighteenth street S.E. Mr. Cojlins retired in July, 1959. from his position with the service department of the Washington Gas Light Co. He had been with the company 38 years. Mr. Collins was a member of the Quarter Century Club and the International Chem ical Workers Union. He was active in the Southeast Citizens Association. He leaves his wife Elsie of the home address; two sons.i Paul T„ jr.. of Temple Hills, Md., and Robert W. of Forest ville. Md., and eight grand children. Paul Von Zsolnay, European Publisher VIENNA, Austria, May 13 <AP).—Paul von Zsolnay. 66. founder of the international book publishing house that bears hi* name, died Friday. Mr. Zsolnay's publishing i business, among the foremost in Europe, was established here in 1923 and published books of leading authors of the Ger man-speaking area. Among his first writers was Franz Werfel. D paths WILBON, ESSIE M. On Friday, May 12, 1961. EBBIE M. WILSON of 422 Newton place n.w . loving mother of Mrs. Ruby Scott, Horace T . Alton J.. Burts H., Juanita and Everett J Wilson. Mr*. Dori* Fields of Washington. D. C.: Mrs. Georgia Drax of New York City and Mr* J*n?t W. Clifton of Detroit, Mich.; sister of Thomas B Burts. Other relatives and many friend* also sur vive. After 3 p.m Monday, Mav Ift. friend* may call at the Frazier Funeral Home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w., where services will be held on Tuesday, May 16. at 2 p.m. Interment Carver Memorial Park. 15 YOST. JULIAN E. On Friday. May 12, 1961 at Ft Howard Veteran* Hospi tal. Baltimore. Md JULIAN E. YOBT of Taylor’s Island. Md.. be loved husband of Mrs. Nellie L. Yost and father of Robert K Yost. Mrs. Edna E. Tucker and Mr*. Helen L. Holland. He is also survived by a half brother, Clinton Pryor of Denver. Colo., and two half sisters. Mrs Edith Holly and Mrs. Pearl Johnson of Barnesville, Ohio, and 10 grandchildren. Friends may call at Hysong’s Funeral Home. 1300 N at. n.w. after 1 pm.. Bunday, May 11th. Funeral services will be held at Anaco*tia Methodist Church. 1345 You st. s.e. on Tuesday, May 16th at 2 p.m. Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. ift YOST, JULIAN E. Member* of the • Police and Fire Post No. 29 are hereby notified of the death of Comrade JULIAN E YOBT. Service* will be held Monday night, May 15, 1961. at 8 pm. under the direction of the Guard of Honor at Hyaona * Funeral Home. PATRICK J. O’HARA. Commander. JOHN SHALLCRC6S, Jr., Ad J. YOST, JULIAN E. Member* of the A*- ssociation of Retired Po licemen are hereby notified of the passing of our late member JULIAN E YQST on Saturday. May 13. 1961. Remains resting at the Hy song’s Funreal Home. 1300 N st. n.w., after 2 p m., Sunday, May 14. until 12:80- p.m.. Tuesday, May 16. thence to Anacostia Meth odist Church, 14th and You st*, s.e., where service* will be held at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. HARDIN LANCASTER. President. RICHARD A. BURTON. Secretary. -DEATHS- Announcement* of Servleos by Chamber* Miller. Alice M. W. W. Chambers Co. Hall. Ida R. W. W. Chambers Co. . Becvar, Agnes W. W. Chamber* Co. Jarvis. Walter J. W. W. Chambers Co. Jacobs. Oscar E. W. W. Chambers Co. Iu Ulrmiiriam BELL. GLADYS ALDRICH. Sacred to j the memory of my darling mother on this day. All your love and tender C4ire, Your-companionship so rare, 1 remember now today. Although you are far away. There could never be another As wonderful as you, dear Mother! LOVINGLY YOUR DAUGHTER. • BARBARA. x CONTEE, SADIE W. * In loving mem ory of our dear mother, SADIE W. CONTEE. who departed this life ten years ago. May 14, 19fil. Loving and kind in all her ways Upright and good till the end of her days; Sincere and true in her heart and mind. What beautiful memories she left behind. YOUR DEVOTED CHILDREN. JO ANNE,. GWENDOLYN, CHARLES AND itICKAEL. CROMWELL. BERTRAM M. In lovlni memory of my son. BERTRAM M. CROMWELL, who passed away eleven years ago, May 14. 1950. I often sit and think of you When I’m ail alone. i For memory is the only thing That I can really oil my own. YOUR LOVING MOTHER, BEA TRICE CROMWELL- • CUOZZO, SUSIE. In loving remem brance of our dear daughter, SUSIE CUOZZO. who left us thirty-seven years ago today. May 14. 1924, In our heart* your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true; There is not a day that passe* I That, we do not think of you. LOVINGLY. MOM AND DAD. EHRMANTRAUT, ANNIE MART. On this. Iter birthriny. ws honor with I lovlnx snrl grateful heart a rie,oted I giother who died slxty-one year. axo. | &LLIE. GABRIELLE AND NORMAN J Miss Lloyd, 83, Retired Teacher PURCELLVILLE. Va., May 13 (Special). Miss Rebecca Elizabeth Lloyd, 83. a retired school teacher, died last night at her home, Happy Hollow Farm, near Purcellville. A native of Loudoun County,’ Miss Lloyd was a graduate of Swarthmore College and of George School near Philadel phia. For more than 50 years she was the county registrar of vital statistics of the State Health Department. She taught many years in the Purcellville Elementary School and also conducted a private school in her home. She was a member of the Goose Creek Meeting Society of Friends. She is survived by a sister. Mrs. Florence Lloyd Ball of Purcellville. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. (DST) Monday in Purcellville. Burial will be in Lincoln Cemetery, Lincoln, Va. Dr. A. H.Meneely, College President NORTON, Mass., May 13 ( AP).—Dr. A. Howard Meneely, 62. president of Wheaton Col lege, died today after a long illness. Dr. Meneely had been presi dent of the women's college since 1944. He was bom in New York and attended the public schools there and in Tacoma, Wash. He received his B.A. degree from the University of Washington in 1921 and his M.A. in 1922. He obtained his Ph D. from Co lumbia University in 1928. In that same year he became a history instructor at Dart mouth College, where he was promoted to professor seven years later. Dr. Meneely was the author of the book, "War Department, 1861,” and also of numerous articles for academic publica tions and popular periodicals. He was in demand as a speaker about Abraham Lincoln. George DeSousa, 77, Former RCA Official LOS ANGELES. May 13 | (AP). George DeSousa, 77, who retired 11 years ago as treasurer and vice president of Radio Corp, of America, died Thursday of a cerebral hemor rhage at a Beverly Hills hos pital. Mr. DeSousa gave David Sarnoff, RCA board chairman, his first job in 1906 as office boy for Marconi Wireless Tele graph Co. Mr. Sarnoff, then 14, earned $5.50 weekly. When Marconi merged into RCA, Mr. DeSousa became treasurer and Mr. Sarnoff commercial man ager. Jn iKrmnriam HALL. ETHEL J. In memory of our dear mother. ETHEL J HALL, who departed tht* life eight year* ago. May 10. 1953. When God took you home to Heaven. W? could not understand; It seemed we’d sway* have you here To lend a helping hand. To help us when we need help. To tell our troubles to; We wonder if God understands Just how much we miss you. HER LOVING CHILDREN. NELLIE H MILLS MARION H. BEWELL. LLEWELYN P. HALL. Jr. • hj ■ ■ I ; ||l Continuous Service for St Years in Washington and Suburbs Call Columbia 5-7023 '■fe S.H.H hies Ccntpanql i Jmteral lam? i | 2901-03-05-07 14th Street N.W i 11 W: R. Frank Hines, President No Branch Establishment! Convenient Parking Facilities Adjoining Fnneral Home j II The eogenxe wa matter of V nvT des're 1 Every Family Can Afford Ryan Service Personal Attention When personal attention matters most, we are ready to sene. In a manner of sincere friendship we will remove the burden of detail from your shoulders. No matter what the cost may be. you can be assured of the finest in the final tribute to your loved one. James T. Ryan, Inc. > 8 # Funeral Directors 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. LI. 6-1700 FUNERAL HOME 1 * ’ • 1 One of the Finest Funeral Homes in Washington j Since 1884 " 1 - Superior AMBL T LAIVCE Service (City) SIC.OO Oxygen Equipped SIC.OO ■V Phones: RA. 6-0190—6-5700 I Air-Conditioned Fnneral Home FUNERAL PRICES TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET 5732 Georgia Ave. Phones: RA. 6-0190—6-5700 - . Terms arranged X. CITY A!VD SUBURBS ' Mrs. Canada; Family Settled In Area in 1803 Mrs. Griffin V. Canada, 64, whose family settled in the Washington area ip 1803, diAd Friday at her home at 8018 I Park lane. Bethesda. | A fourth-generation Wash ington area resident, she mar ried Mr. Canada, a flooring contractor, in 1929. Mrs. Cana da was the former Elizabeth I Donaldson. ■" She attended the old Central High School and had lived In Bethesda for 30 years. Besides her husband, she leaves two children. Griffin, V., jr., of the home address, and Mrs. Elizabeth Pampillonia, of 5920 Green Tree road. Bethes da. She also leaves two grand children and a sister. Mrs. Mar garet D. Wallace of Ormond Beach. Fla. A requiem mass will be of fered at 10 am. tomorrow at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Bethesda, with bur ial in Gate of Heaven Ceme tery. Ferguson Fague, Reserve Officer Ferguson Fague, 73, a native of the District, died Tuesday after a heart attack in St. Petersburg, Fla., where he had been living for the last three years. Mr. Fague, who attended old Central High School here, worked for several years on the old Washington Herald before World War I. He enlisted in the Army in 1917. Mr. Fague became a commissioned officer and joined i the Army Reserves, attaining the rank of captain. He leaves his wife, Eloise, 6204 Georgia avenue N.W.; a son, Thomas H., 800 Randolph street N.E., and two daugh ters, Mrs. Robert E. Brndy, 5823 Thirty-second avenue, Hyattsville, Md., and Mrs. Thomas S. Bristow, Hampton, Va. Services will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow at the Hines Funeral Home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Arling ton Cemetery. C. E. Heidenreich Os Manor Club Charles E. Heidenreich, 56. a vice president of the Fisher Scientific Co. and manager of 1 its Washington plant, died yes ; terdav at Montgomery County General Hospital after a heart attack. He leaves his wife, Josephine, of the home address, 4147) Great Oak road. Manor Club. ! Md.. and two daughters, Mrs. , Joanne True of 3833 Jay street, 1 Alexandria, and Miss Janice Heidenreich of Coral Gables, Fla. He also leaves a son. Charles, jr.. of the home ad dress. I Friends may call at Pum phrey’s Funeral Home in Silver Spring. $ FUNERAL HOME () ■ '0 /) , PARKING FACILITIES V i) IN ARLINGTON 5 2M7 WILSON BLVD. () ! v /) /) Jackson 7-3016