Calories Don’t Count 8
News about a revolutionary reducing plan, based on a new biochemical
discovery, and now available for the first time in a new book
Unbelievable but true! You need to eat fat
if you are to be slim. It isn’t how many calories
you consume that matters but what kind of calor
ies. The inclusion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in
your diet is the essential step toward loosening the
body’s long-stored fat It is the key to your losing
only excess fat rather than vital body tissue.
In his just-published book, Calories Don’t
Count, Dr. Herman Taller explains the principles
behind this new understanding of the body’s chem
istry and tells you in full detail:
1. How to eat three full meals a day and lose
weight in the safest way possible
2. Why you must never leave the table hungry
if you want to be slim
3. How you can eat heartily while those extra
inches disappear
4. How this radical new way of losing weight
is linked with a low cholesterol count, better
skin condition, and resistance to colds
5. Why you may eat fried foods every day and
keep slim what kind of fats to fry them in
6. What foods (this includes the greatest sur
prise of all to people who have suffered
through calorie-counting diets) you should
7. Why large portions of meat, fowl, or sea
food are essential to your slimming program
8. Sample recipes including pot roast, fried
chicken, cheese cake and mayonnaise
"Thera have been no failures."
The story bock of Dr. Toiler's radical new method
for losing inches without starvation
Dr. Herman Taller is a gynecologist and obstetri
cian who became interested in theories of obesity
for personal reasons when he himself weighed 265
pounds. After hungry years of unsuccessful experi
menting with standard calorie-counting diets he hap
pened to take part in an anti-cholesterol experiment
which involved adding a specific kind of fat to his
diet. To the astonishment of Dr. Taller and the re
searchers involved, he found himself fastening his
belt on a tighter notch, discovered that his clothes
were becoming too big. He found himself adding cal
ories and losing weight. Was this some fluke? Would
it work for others?
With mounting excitement Dr. Taller began
spending all his spare time in the medical libraries,
reading everything that existed on obesity and
metabolism. He discovered no clues, until one day
he came upon an article by the late Dr. Alfred W.
Pennington which contained the first glimmer, the
first specific evidence to explain what was happen
ing to him. He determined to proceed from Dr. Pen
nington’s beginnings to work out a program that
would solve the "diet problem” once and for all.
After painstaking research he put his program into
practice on a group of 93 probit. .1 dieters with ex
traordinary success. Today patients from all over
the country come to Dr. Taller for treatment And
his principles have won ever widening interest in the
medical field. In the preface to his book he writes:
“The concept this book advances is revolution
ary. Perhaps all I need say in support of my
new nutrition principle is that it works. It has
been tested in medical laboratories and among
large numbers of patients. There have been no
failures, nor can there be any when the prin
ciple is properly applied. For it is based on new
knowledge —a medical breakthrough. I think
it is wise to warn you that this breakthrough is
so dramatic that it will probably invalidate all
you know, or think you know, about the causes
of obesity.”
tat steak, french fried potatoes,
and lose weight safely
Revolutionary indeed. Following Dr. Teller’s 14-
point plan, you will be free from the discourage
ment to say nothing of the danger —of the endless
chain of diet-gain-diet-gain. And you will be free
from the crash diets that more often than not result
in a gaunt face (easier for the calorie-starved body
to break down vital tissue than hard long-stored
excess fat) while unaesthetic bulges remain.
With Dr. Taller’s new plan specifically directed
at breaking down and burning excess fat, you eat
well (even piecrust and french fried potatoes)
never know the pangs of hunger, and lose not just
pounds but, specifically, the bulges you want to lose
in order to be pleased with your image in the mirror
and the fit of your clothes. And you stay slim.
It is a simple plan. But its rules, though easy to
follow, are specific. They are clearly outlined in Dr.
Taller’s book, Calories Don't Count. Read it and
liberate yourself, once and for all, from both
starvation and overweight.
Send No Money Now
Let us send you a copy of Calories Don’t Count
to read and use for thirty days free. Then if
you don’t agree that Dr. Taller’s book is by far the
Dr. Taller is a noted New York gynecolo
gist and obstetrician. His patients many
of them famous names in the entertain
ment world come from all over the
country, and even South America for his
treatment. He became interested in re
ducing for personal reasons. After years of
unsuccessful experimentation with stan
dard diets he prescribed one of his own
and lost 65 pound* in eight month,. His
nutrition principles have since gained
medical recognition and national attention.
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