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A-4 THE SUNDAY STAR Waikingtan, D. C., Fabmaiy 4,1962 25,000 Police Guard Paris Against Rioting By RICHARD K. O’MALLEY Associated Press Staff Writer PARIS. Feb. 3.—Tanks were poised outside Paris tonight and more than 25,000 anti-riot police stood ready in the city to repel the uprising which a great many Frenchmen think will be attempted by the right-wing secret army to break up prospective independence for Algeria. In Algiers and Oran, where the terrorist European under- ground has gunned down op ponents in the palm-lined 'streets in an effort to keep Al geria French, troops and po lice also stood edgily alert. French and Algerian Na tionalist negotiators are wide ly reported, though without of ficial confirmation, to have 'reached at least a basic agree ,jnent on the eventual inde pendence of Algeria after sev en years of bloodshed. Some felt the ruling rebel bodies might approve or reject the settlement by February 6 or 7, before the beginning of Ramadan, the month when Moslems fast each day from sunrise to sunset. Fears of a Putsch Fears of a putsch by the secret army In Algeria, with a companion uprising in France, are the subject! of daily con versations among Frenchmen. The announcement of an agreement might trigger such a final and desperate effort. Whether President Charles de Gaulle, supremely confident of his own judgment and ability to lead the nation, will; make some announcement in his widely heralded radio and television address Monday night is still problematical. For the secret army, time seemed to be running out if it hopes to stage a coup. To achieve a measure of success, a concerted uprising in Algeria and France, especially in Paris, would be necessary. The pre cautions taken in Paris seemed to doom any such attempt. But in Algeria the situation is different. There the secret army, led by Raoul Salan, a fugitive ex-general under sen tence of death, has broad sym- I pathy among masses of the European population. State of Anarchy With the evident connivance of the people it has been able to create a virtual state of anarchy in Algiers and Oran, the two largest cities. Would French troops fire on rebel French citizens? There is a general conviction that they probably would—but in an extremity. There are dis gruntled officers in the ranks, Arms Cut Study Turns To Long-Range Systems) President Kennedy’s new disarmament agency is turning increased attention to the control of long-range missiles and aircraft as a key element in arms control measures to be presented to the Soviet Union. This is a logical trend toward control of delivery systems I following the failure of the three-year effort to get Soviet agreement of a nuclear weap-. ons test ban. Hope of eventual agreement on nuclear warhead control is not being abandoned, officials stressed, but they acknowledge that delivery systems are get- Ing scrutiny from disarmament experts "in depth" for the first time. In his report to President! Kennedy released last week William C. Foster, director of I the four-months-old Arms Con trol and Disarmament Agency, said he is giving priority em phasis in the next five months to “a study of techniques for monitoring production of stra tegic delivery vehicles. The purpose, Mr. Foster re- j ported, is "to develop tech-' niques for monitoring declared! production and for detecting clandestine production of stra-l tegic delivery vehicles within the framework of an arms control agreement to discon tinue or limit such production. Part of Wide Study The study is a part of a larger project to design an in spection system not only for, production but for deployment of strategic delivery vehicles. Spy-in-the-sky satellites were not mentioned, but they are known to be one of the trumps American disarmament plan ners hope to be able to use in seeking an effective inspection system. Satellites equipped with in frared censors and other equip ment to detect launchings practically instantaneously, and also to “watch” the develop ment of missile and aircraft bases, could put an effective tool in the hands of arms-con- WEEKLY SALE| This Week's Item Comb’n Doors Finest Quality— CAVF Glass Panel & T U Aluminum ICO/ Wire Panel. ‘ IJ /O WORK BENCHES 3 special designs. Save 25%. MILLWORK MADE Cabinets, Bookcases, Valances, etc. ’kindling 35c a bushel, 3 for sl. Come ond get it. 1320 Wilton Blvd.. Ari. JA. 4-1234 (Near Koy Bridgo) | RUCKER LUMBER 1 anxious to salvage something ■ from past surrenders in Indo china and elsewhere. But it is questionable whether they ■ would be followed by any size- ■ able number of soldiers drafted • in France and glad to see the war in Algeria at an end. But to blunt a revolt in the ■ principal centers, the Fench • army has a simple maneuver at hand, to withdraw from I Algiers ahd Oran, establish a - cordon around them and set up • a navy blockade at sea. ' For the secret army, with its nucleus of trained, hard-core 1) solidiers, the answer to that might be to modify its plans and not stage an all-out putsch after all. It might resort to ■ continued guerrilla warfare in ~ the streets. Anarchy Could Continue . | For if the French govern-1 ment and the Algerian rebels! ido reach final and formal agreement on independence j i and the secret army maintains ) a savage anarchy in the cities, [ I the new Algerian government 1 might draw back at the idea' i of trying to control such seeth ing centers. ) Such ramifications suggest) that the government of the (Nationalists might call on its jerstwhile enemy, the French) army, to take on the job—in i effect returning Algeria to its present state of rebellion, but with the Europeans as the reb els instead of the Algerians. The distressing problem o» Frenchmen firing on French men thus would arise again. I Premier Michel Debre, in a speech at Toulouse, appealed to ’Frenchmen today to avert any I such dilemma. Europeans in Algeria, he said, must "replace blind revolt with wisdom and will to participate actively and freely in the future of Algeria." Meanwhile, the reign of ter roristic attacks continued in Algiers. Gunmen, evidently raising a kitty for the secret ■ army, raided a sutyjrban post office and seized the equivalent i of $32,000. Nine persons were killed by European and Moslem terrorists striking with gun and knife. . trol advocates seeking methods to warn against surprise attack., With soverignity in space still a wide open subject, it may be possible to install inspection i systems that can watch Soviet [ military developments without ■ the Kremlin’s consent. In the 16 1 2 years since World War II the Soviet Union has balked at all disarmament in spection and control measures. Besides the study on moni 'toring production of strategic | delivery vehicles, Mr. Foster | listed two other priority pro jects being undertaken by the Arms Control and Disarma ment Agency: An inquiry into statistical methods for thwart ing efforts to mislead inspec tors, and a study of “progres sive zonal inspection.” ; The aim of the inquiry into statistical methods is to design fßoaey clkr W OUR NATURAL SHOULDER SUITS FOR YOUNG BUSINESSMEN \ X oung men . . . quick to recog- IL« nizc the virtues of the trim look- s ing vested suit, find much to please their fashion sense in our shoulder worsteds navy blue. Cut from our own natural shoulder patterns and tailored to Kogers Peet apecifi cations, these good looking suits will serve excellently for busi ness or social activities. Sixes 3344, including extra longs s so ■■ OutyiltrU tfr cA(tn and, iincr 1874 ; 14th and G STREETS N.W. • NA. 8-7120 .4 Iso New York and Boston ' 1 wff fl . IUB * I W wMa its VW ■ I Attorney General and Mrs. Kennedy stop off in Hawaii on their month long goodwill trip around the world.—AP Wirephoto. Kennedy Warns on GM, I Signs du Pont Tax Bill) By the Associated Press | President Kennedy signed the ) du Pont tax bill into law yes terday, but pointedly sailed attention to Justice Depart- I ment efforts to keep control jof General Motors Corp, away from the du Pont family. The new law would cut by more than half the tax which stockholders in E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. would have to pay if the company's holdings of General Motors stock are distributed to them, as the firm contemplates. The Supreme Court ruled in) an antitrust proceeding that du Pont must get rid of its 63 million shares in GM, worth $3.5 billion. How this is to be done is still pending before a Federal District Court in Chi-' cago. President’s Statement j Mr. Kennedy said in a state ment that despite the signing of the new law: "The court should not be in fluenced in its determination as to what relief is appropriate to carry out the decision of the Supreme Court, and the De partment of Justice should not be prejudiced in any way in its effort to enforce the antitrust 1 decision of the Supreme Court.” ' But he noted that the Justice Department is asking that the Christiana Securities Corp., a major du Pont stockholder, be required to sell any General (Motors stock distributed to it.l Christiana is principally owned by members of the du Pont family, who would get any of the stock passed on by it. i "If the pass-through oc curred,” Mr. Kennedy said, "a large percentage of General Motors stock would be acquired by members of the du Pont fam ily. This, it is argued, would mean that the du Pont family , would still effectively control i both du Pont and General Mo i tors.” He added at another point that: systems “which would produce valid results even though the population of an inspected ; country tried to thwart the system,” Mr. Foster informed' the President. The zonal inspection study "will be designed to determine the suitability of zone-by-zone techniques of Inspection in im plementing a disarmament agreement of general territorial application.” 1 “It should be clearly under stood that neither the Congress nor I have approved a divesti ture which will permit the stock of General Motors to pass through Christiana to the stockholders of Christiana.” Congress Agrees Du Pont has owned its Gen eral Motors stock for more than 40 years. The company has argued that the fairest way to meet the Supreme Court ruling would be to distribute the GM shares to its own stockholders. But it contended it could not do so under present tax laws because of the heavy impact. Congress) went along with this view. , Without the new law, the stockholders would have to pay at full income tax rates on) the market value of the GM shares. This would result in a total tax estimated at more than $1 billion. The new law cuts this to about $470 million. It provides :that a stockholder would pay Ino tax on the GM shares un less they were worth more than he paid for his du Pont stock. In that case, he would pay a capital gains tax on the differ- 1 ence; these rates are half the I normal income tax rate up to a 25 per cent ceiling. | Kennedy Greets Houston Paper HOUSTON, Tex., Feb. 3 (AP).—President Kennedy said today the Nation’s newspapers, in these difficult days, have a greater responsibility than usual. A 298-page Sunday edition of the Houston Chronicle included a letter in which President Ken nedy congratulated the news paper on its 60th anniversary. Also published were letters of congratulations from Vice President Johnson and former Presidents Dwight D. Eisen hower, Harry S. Truman and Herbert Hoover. : President Kennedy’s letter said: i "In these difficult days the newspapers of our country have a greater responsibility than i usual. It is to keep the public thoroughly informed on the is- | sues of our time and to present them with an alternative of views on which they can base 1 a judgment.” KENNEDY Continued From Page A-l. one side of the lagoon when the little boat went over. A change in Mr. Kennedy’s world tour itinerary was an nounced by the State Depart ment today, emphasizing the United States’ growing con cern with Asia. A planned stop in Iran February 19 was scratched and a one-day visit to Thailand was added in its place. i The Attorney General will spend three weeks of his month-long trip in Far Eastern and Southeast Asian countries. The final week will be devoted to Europe. Mr. Kennedy also will make, brief speeches at refueling stops along the way. At the request of the State Depart ment, he will speak at Taipeh, Formosa, Saigon, South Viet Nam. and Calcutta, India. Niagara Ice Jam Perils Island Town NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y„ Feb. 3 <AP).—A shore-to-shore ice jam has formed in the Niagara River’s east branch, reportedly for the first time, and poses a threat of serious property dam age to Grand Island and the ; city of Niagara Falls. , The river was frozen over in a one-mile section around the ) North Grand Island Bridge, about 3 miles above Niagara Falls. Officials in the town of Wheatfield have wired for state and Federal aid, fearing that “hundreds of homes, lives and property are in dire jeopardy.” Alumni Set Dinner The Washington Chapter of the Lincoln University Alumni Association will holrf a Found er’s Day Dinner at 8 p.m. Fri day in the Fellowship Hall of Sargent Memorial Presbyterian Church. Fifty-first and Grant streets N.E. UffiMtßni ehb jfc J”"* ' 38., A. IN 1902 o urßrel >oan»,.^.be t . 9th and "D" Streets, N.W. SOON ... We will make our ONE MILLIONTH LOAN And if you should prove to be our one millionth cus tomer—you will find the same courtesy and service that was accorded with the very first loan 60 years ago when George D. Horning established this firm on the sound foundation of integrity and good business. Just as customers In 1902 received bank-llke courtesy and security, the customer today can expect the same fine treatment . . . with interest payments of 2 and 3%, never changed since that first ticket was written for the very first customer. Customers at George D. Horning, Inc., enjoy the security of know ing that collateral is held for a minimum of one year with the privilege of redemption or renewal. We pay tribute to our founder, George D. Horning, for his foresight and dedication ... for establishing our firm on these enduring foundations of trust, service and integrity. KilJI Geo. D. Horning, Inc. Washington Area's Oldest Pawnbroker Established 1902 18th and touts I 1800 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, Virginia NAtionol 8-3638 OTis 4 9010 Open 8:30 a m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Gizenga Flown to Exile In Town by the Sea LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo. Feb. 3 (AP).—Antoine Gizenga was transferred under guard to an exile by the sea early to day, reliable Congolese sources report. Congolese troops and police patrolled the African quarter during the night to ward off threatened demonstrations by the pro-Communist leader’s dwindling body of supporters. A battalion of troops and several squad cars had been brought to the capital from the garrison town of Thysville in case of trouble. In the hot afternoon sun to day, neither a Gizengist dem onstration nor a planned march of Leopoldville’s unem ployed workers came off. Mr. Gizenga was flown to the seaside town of Moanda at dawn. Some government offi cials said he was under arrest, others insisted it was merely protective custody—all agreed he would be somewhat less than a carefree tourist in the sleepy resort town. The transfer presumably was a precautionary measure to re move him from the scene of any opposition that might de velop to the central govern ment the Lumumbist had tried to defy. Reds Hit West Delays On Berlin Controversy ! MOSCdw, Feb, 3 (AP). ) The government newspaper Iz i vestia accused the United ; States tonight of dragging its 1 feet on a Berlin settlement. .( “The West will gain nothing ) and will lose quite a lot if it attempts to talk its way out by 1 using only a flat ’no’ in answer • to Soviet proposals for normal ization of the situation in West Berlin,” Izvestia said. J Then, referring directly to ; talks which United States Am bassador Llewellyn Thompson has been having with Foreign Andrei Gromyko, the newspaper said: ! “It is necessary once again to remind that the Soviet Union lis not conducting a dialogue with the United States in order to help it to lord it over the German Democratic Republic ) (East Germany) on its own ter-, ' ritory. Time Rated as Poison “Time is not a doctor but a poison for the dangerous , postwar ailments of West Ber lin. "Perhaps in Washington they ; are not overworried by that, inasmuch as what they are con ' cerned with is not the destiny of the city but the perpetua , tion of its occupation. If so, much the worse for the United ! States.” The Izvestia article reiterated 1 that the Soviet Union wants West Berlin turned into a de militarized free city. The article also reiterated long-standing Soviet claims, that a free city of West Berlin ’ would be a completely inde i pendent state and could have normal relations with any other ■ state. ■ Mr. Gromyko is said to have advanced a three-Germany idea : —a West German government, 'an East German government * The government already has appointed a jury of three for eign doctors to watch over the former Deputy Premier’s shaky health—including an American. Dr. William Close, a member of the Moral Rearmament team in Leopoldville. A march of unemployed had been called yesterday, to dram atize Leopoldville’s sorry eco nomic plight just before) Premier Cyrille Adoula’s speech to the United Nations Assembly , in New York. The economic; hardship undeniably exists, but the demonstration has yet to materialize. U. N. sources, meanwhile, said President Moise Tshombe of Katanga has submitted a list of mercenaries allegedly serving in Katanga, as he promised to do. But the list, the informants said, has proved to be totally out of date and inaccurate, in cluding names of individuals known to have returned to Eu rope or been killed in the U. N. Katanga campaigns. U. N. head quarters called this to the Ka tanga President’sattention and requested a more accurate list in fulfillment of Mr. Tshombe's promise to rid his regime of all mercenaries. and a West Berlin government, all three with membership in the United Nations. The United States has rejected this. Red China Executes Two Men as Spies HONG KONG. Feb. 3 (AP) . Red China executed two men yesterday on charges of serv ing as espionage and sabotage agents for the Chinese Nation alists, Communist newspapers here reported today. The reports said a Canton court convicted Wu Ching of trying to "blow up railroads, sabotage communication lines and massacre the Chinese people” and Ling Chen-hua of collecting military infor mation. I Handicapped Meeting Leonard M. Hill, deputy di rector of the District Depart ment of Vocational Rehabilita tion, will discuss the operations of that agency at a meeting of the National Capital Chapter of the National Association of the Physically Handicapped at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church, 900 Massachusetts avenue N.W. C-" See American National Firsts j . | * LET AMERICAN NATIONAL FINANCE YOUR NEW CAR Save money! Finance your new car through American National.' Up to 36 months to pay. Choose your own insur ance if you wish, or we’ll advise you? Discover the big difference between a low-cost American National Auto Loan and the expensive “package plans.” Check around and then come in or call us at JU 9-9000. No obligation. 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Right now, I'm using it as a persuader ... to keep you saying, "I love You, tool" rair U I s * Golden Nail A Valentine Persuader Say I Love You with this hondsome gold-plated nail in its own red velvet bag. • Complete with whimsical card giving above mes sage 3.50 FARNSWORTH-REED Ltd 1341 F Street nw 1625 H Street nw Seven Corners, V». Mail Orders Filled Promptly Add 35c for Parcel Post Insurance I