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f- < » i ; M - k * \ /* * W-JF~ jßr T « ? K I jz 1 I ’ ’»■ **. besm w, ( f <V s ft V r ;t!Lz ■ ■ ‘'Ma y- <g ' Jm>H ■RV*-©,'' liSaSA DON'T SHOO7 . . . / Stephen Hagan, 4, indicates how upset he was yesterday when he got his arm stuck in a toy Civil War-type cannon while playing in his Philadelphia home. He was reaching into the barrel for a plastic cannon ball and jammed his hand between the ball and the breach. Police and firemen got him free.—AP Wirpehoto. House Expected to OK Pension Plans Control By ROBERT K. WALSH Star Staff Writer A move to put teeth into the 1958 law governing S6O mil lion in employe pension and welfare plans will give the House its first labor legislation debate of the 1962 session. House Labor Committee sponsors of the measure predicted passage this week by a big margin. Some critics warned that the proposed investigative and regulatory powers for the Secre- tary of Labor could cause “fish-1 ing expeditions” against pri vate business as well as labor unions. Rules Committee Chairman Howard W. Smith, Democrat of Virginia, also warned that the bill might result in Federal "pre-emption” of State author ity to prosecue persons charged with kickbacks or embezzle ment. Roosevelt Sees Need Representative Roosevelt, Democrat of California, main sponsor of the bill, said the 1958 law requiring administra tors of private employe pension and welfare benefit plans to file reports was good on paper but has proved inadequate in practice. “The Department of Labor is merely a depository of the plan descriptions and annual Grain Storage Profits Scored By the Associated Preee Chairman Cooley, Democrat of North Carolina, of the House Agriculture Committee, struck back yesterday at what he called “non-farm vested in terests” who have been making "extreme comments” about President Kennedy’s new farm program. “I can only conclude that those who have been so vio lent in their criticism must be speaking for some of the big corporations that reap millions from storing surplus wheat, feed grains and other commod ities on which the Government has billions in investments,” Mr. Cooley said in a statement. He said more than 40 com mercial warehouse firms got In excess of $1 million from the Government for grain storage In 1960, and one firm got S2B million. Some warehousemen have complained lately that sales of stored grain by the Govern ment have left them with large investments in empty storage bins. They also said that the Government has short-circuited them out of these transactions by selling directly to the grain users. Mr. Cooley said “the non farm beneficiaries of farm pro grams have accumulated vast resources and some of them now are wielding political power to prevent the enactment of legislation that will reduce the surpluses that bulge in their warehouses.” SMALLEST HEARING AID WE HAVE EVER MADE! New Sonotone “Wisp” It weighs only )4 oz. Worn entirely at the ear. It’s just a wisp of an aid. For Free Booklet Showing “WISP,” Call SONOTONE off WASHINGTON 775 14th St. N.W. DI. 7-0921 dcross the Street from Trans-Lux Theatre reports,” he said. "It does not possess any rule-making or in vestigative authority, nor is it empowered to provide any binding or authoriative in > terpretations of the act. En forcement of the present law . rests largely 6n self-policing by l participants or beneficiaries of i the plans.” Mr. Roosevelt, Committee | i Chairman Powell, Democrat of New York, knd other advo cates of stricter enforcement provisions and penalties, do not charge major wrongdoing. They nevertheless quote Sec retary of Labor Goldberg as | saying that “many, thousands” |of plans have not been filed! and that there were numerous other instances of non-com- i pliance with the law last year.• ’ The pending bill was ap- ’ proved by the committee last: Bailey Sees Rockefeller Catering to'Old Guard' By DAVID S. BRODER Star Staff Writer Democratic National Chair man John M. Bailey charged last night that Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York had “surrendered to the far right” by opposing President Ken nedy’s plan for creation of a Department of Urban Affairs. He said the Republican Gov ernor had switched from his previous approval of the pro posal in hopes of winning con servative support for the 1964 presidential nomination. Mr. Bailey was replying to a speech Thursday night in Des Moines in which Gov. Rock efeller accused Mr. Kennedy of "political fakery” in blaming the Republicans for the defeat of the urban affairs bill in the House Rules Committee. The bill was rejected, 9-6, with all five committee Re publicans and four of the 10 Democrats recorded against it. •Cites Race Issue Mr. Kennedy has resubmitted it to- Congress in the form of a reorganization plan and has announced he will appoint a Negro, Robert C. Weaver, to head the new Cabinet depart ment if Congress allows it to come into existence. Gov. Rockefeller said it was “demagoguery and deception” on the President’s part to bring in a “completely unrelated race issue” by announcing his inten tion to name Mr. Weaver. As for the proposed depart ment, he said it “might well be used, in the form proposed, as a subterfuge to bypass the constitutional sovereignty of I the States and to gain direct August. It was brought up in the House under suspension of the rules but fell 12 votes short of a necessary two-thirds ma jority. The 244-161 vote at that time indicated it should have no trouble getting 'a straight majority vote for pas sage this week. The bill would give the Sec , retary of Labor investigative and subpoena powers and au . thority to bring civil suits to enjoin violations. The bill ' also would direct him to make ; specific regulations relating to the filing of reports and other 1 required information. He also ■ would be empowered to issue 1 authoritative rulings and of ficial interpretations which • would have to be uniformly followed by other Government ' agencies and administrators of plans. Kickbacks, conflict of in terest payments, and the giv ■l ing of false statements or con cealment of facts in docu ments filed with the Labor Department would be made felonies. Administrators, officers and employes of welfare and pen sion plans would have to be A 13-member advisory [council to assist the Secretary of Labor would include experts [ from the insurance industry, the corporate trust field, man agement, labor and the general i public. political control over the Na tion’s big cities.” In a statement, Mr. Bailey I said "the most charitable ex . planation” for the Governor's I stand is that he "has decided he cannot be nominated In 1964 without the support of i the Republican right wing.” “There can be no other ex- • planation for this curious re- > pudiation of the interests and • welfare of the people who live ■ in America’s cities and sub- I urbs,” he said, "unless Gov. Rockefeller is a political cha- > meleon who takes on the po i litical coloration of whatever ■ area he is visiting.” Governor Is Challenged Earlier yesterday, Represent ,: ative Celler, Democrat of New York, challenged Gov. Rocke feller to “repeat in New York ’ City what he said in the mid ! die of the farm belt.’” Mr. Celler said the Governor, when serving as chairman of former President Eisenhower’s I advisory committee on Govern- > ment organization in 1953, had . “recommended recreation of a t Department of Urban Affairs , similar to that proposed by . President Kennedy.” I CAR SHOW WORLD’S LARGEST COLLECTION OF SPORTS, RACING, ANTIQUE AND COMPACT CARS! • • • • • FREE VALUABLE PRIZES • • • • • FREE! RACING MOVIES! FREE! FASHON SHOW! Ball so Testify For State Dept. At Censor Quiz By CECIL HOLLAND Bt»r Btatf Writer Senators Investigating char ges that military leaders have been “muzzled” have scheduled their first State Department witness for hearings this week. The witness will be Undersec retary of State George Ball. He will be questioned about State Department procedures in re viewing speeches of defense of ficials, military and civilian, having foreign policy implica tions. Chairman Stennis of the Sen ate Armed Services Prepared ness Subcommittee conducting the investigation said public hearings will resume at 2 p.m. Tuesday and Mr. Ball will ap pear at a hearing Wednesday morning. Decker To Testify Tuesday’s witness will be Gen. George H. Decker, Army Chief of Staff. Several of his speeches last year underwent change at the hands of censors. The Investigation has been pointing towards the testimony of State Department witnesses. More than 70 Instances have been cited showing changes and deletions made at the direction of the State Department which has the responsibility under a long-standing directive to re view speeches and statements which discuss foreign policy. Senator Thurmond, Demo crat of South Carolina, who brought on the investigation with attacks on censorship, contends that most of the changes ordered by the State Department water down com ments by military leaders and others on the menace of com munism. Clash Unresolved Senator Stennis scheduled another round of the hearings with a clash with the Kennedy (Administration still unresolved. This involves whether the Defense Department will ac cede to Senator Thurmond’s demand for the names of indi vidual censors who reviewed specific speeches. The South Carolina Senator said he wants the censors to testify and ex plain why changes and dele tions were made. The question, involving the doctrine of executive privilege, remained unresolved after Sec retary of Defense McNamara conferred Friday with Senators Stennis and Thurmond. Senator Thurmond, it is un derstood, rejected an offer by Mr. McNamara to find out the information desired and pre sent it in writing to the sub committee. The Senator in sisted that the censors should be subpoenaed to testify under oath and the question on A. Kahn Ins. Presents The wonderful look of GORHAM STERLING on your table _ — - [Four famous de»iuH?| I All Pieces I | °ft -J i 'Un .! |fyll it i hlf livid i =I t if 1] fl * li P h« h ! IU Save up to SB4. on a 32-piece service-for-8. Now you can dress your table with sterling silver—the way you always wanted it to look. . and if you already own one of these lovely designs, now is th* perfect time to add to or complete your treasured service. You can choose any of these four famous Gorham designs and enjoy big 30% savings on all you buy. Come in today —enioy your new Gorham sterling tonight. These famous designs are from the Gorham “Encore" col lection, available year-round at regular prices. Thru Febuary 10th only. Regular prices resume Feb. 11 tp -1 . Arthur J. Sundlun, Pres. pFz'. 69 Years at 935 F Street iJ' Wt HwwWjUiMWJCI Jewelers • Platinumsmiths ME. 8-0869 I [Ji As Washington’s only VS/ FREE PARKING Lji 4 Fo " Sld '* alk Clock whether their changes were made on the basis of personal judgment or in keeping with policy. McNamara Reluctant Mr. McNamara is reported as reluctant as ever to make the censors available for question ing. He has told the subcom mittee that this is not in keep ing with good management practices and that he assumes responsibility for what the Pentagon censors did. At the same time, the Secre tary is said to be reluctant to invoke executive privilege in denying the subcommittee the names of individual censors. However, subcommittee mem bers have indicated Mr. Mc- Namara will have to invoke the privilege or disclose the names. Another meeting will be held by Mr. McNamara and Sena tor Stennis early this week in a new effort to resolve the dispute. The same question is expected to arise with regard to State Department censors in the course of the hearings. Mearns Is Named Lincoln Award Winner for 1962 David C. Mearns, holder of the Chair of American History at the Library of Congress, has been named recipient of the 1962 Lincoln Award of the Year. Representative Schwengel, Republican of lowa, chairman of the board of governors of the Lincoln Group of the Dis trict, will receive it at a ban quet Saturday in the Willard Hotel. The award is made annually to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the history of the Civil War President. Mr. Mears is the author of numerous magazine articles and books on Lincoln includ ing “Largely Lincoln,” pub lished last year, "Lincoln and the Image of America,” and "The Lincoln Papers.” He also is known widely as a university lecturer. Presentation of the award will be made by Carl Haverlin, president of Broadcast Music, Inc., and recipient of the first annual award last year. Ed ward R. Murrow, director of the United States Information! Agency, will be the featured speaker at the banquet. Largest Selection of SHEET MUSIC in the Washington Area Rhone Orders Handled bomplly Come In and Browse Charge Accounts Invited S» _ ;> KITT'S 1330 G St. N.W., RE. 7-6212 Lewis & Thos. Saltz Present , A timely & important Shirt Sale OBOX SALE #1 *5.95 “Kentwood" White Oxfords StM Mdv 3 for *12.50 Here is really great value. This fine oxford cloth is a highly mercerized & Sanforized cotton fabric. The shirts are geperously cut for comfort and have our famous "Kentwood” button down collar with just the right flare and roll in the great tradition. Made with button cuffs. Sizes are 14 to sleeve lengths 32 to 35. In 36 sleeves, sizes are 15 to 17. BOX SALE #2 ■HHHMPVH *5.95 Fine White IpP®. ' W Broadcloth Shirts BT J. $4.25 each; \ * |r - 3 for *12.50 ■ ■ These are our famous "1409” and "1411” qualities—lustrous, full count I 144x76 cotton broadcloths tailored ■■ 1 I by one of America’s outstanding \ I shirtmakers. The shirts have one- 1 / piece sleeves, large ocean pearl but- I iH tlfos and are completely Sanforized. I ||||| Regular collar styles with French —""— cuffs in sizes 14'/z to 17W; 32 to 35 I S' sleeve lengths. (36 sleeves in sizes I 15'/i to 17). Button cuff shirts in -jl I sizes .14 to 1751; 32 to 35 sleeves. (36 sletves in 15’/z to 17 only). 0*10,95 English Broadcloth Shirts *7.95 : These are our famous ’'Ashley’*'gnat ity white broadcloth shirts, woven on the finest English looms. The lustrous cotton fabric is luxurious be yond description. The single needle tailoring by Somerset Guild is top drawer. French cuffs. Sizes 14Vz to 17’/z; sleeve lengths 32 to 35. (In 36 sleeves, sizes are 15'/a to 17.) $13.95 Scottish—Woven White-on-White Broadcloth Shirts. A remarkable seldom-offered chance to acquire these D&J Anderson jac guarded shirts at a sizable sating. Regular collar. French cuffs. Sizes 14‘/2 to 17 Vz; 32 to 35 sleeves. In 36 sleeves sizes are 15‘/2 to 16 1 /z. $9.95 box Sale #3 $6.50 “Kentwood” Blue Oxford Cloth Shirts. Yarn-dyed cotton oxford of superb quality. Tailored with our famous "Kent wood” button-down collar. Button cuffs. Sizes 14 to 17 ] /z, sleeve lengths 32 to 35. (36 sleeves in 15’/i to 16'/2.) $4.65 each; 3 for *13*50 $8.95 “Bentley” White 2x2 Broadcloth Shirts. Imported 2-ply lustrqjis cotton fabric of exceptional quality. Neat regular collar, french cuffs. Sizes 141'2 to 17 Vz; in most sleeve lengths 32 to 36. T-— ——'MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION*— | - ' LEWIS & THOS. SALTZ 1409 G Street, N.W., Washington 5, D. Q I Please send me the following shirts: | COLLAR SLIEVI I j WSCRimON size LENGTH QUANTITY J I 3 for $12.50 WHITE OXFORD T”1 I Button-down Collar I 3 for 513.50 BLUE OXFORD ' I ' | Button-down Collar | 3 for $12.50 WHITE BROADCLOTH ——< | french Cuffs I 3 for $12.50 WHITE BROADCLOTH Button Cuffs a $5.95 "BENTLEY” BROADCLOTH I < • I White. Imp. 2-ply Yarns. French Cuffs | I 47.95 ENGLISH fiROADCLOTH I ’ : Regular Collar, French Cuffs » $9.95 D&J ANDERSON SHIRTS I Whtle-on-White Broadcloths. French Cuffs j NAME | ADDRESS * * * Charge Check or Money Order Sorry, No C.O.D.t | Add 2% Sales Tax for local deliveries. Include 50c for parcel post and handling ! .* - Lon orders outside Metropolitan area. e I ‘ Lewis & Thos. Saltz 1409 G Streep 1009 a Conn. Ave. Executive 3-4343 THE SUNDAY STAR Wosh/ngton, D C., February 4, 1962 A-5