jJI « v v —( PEMEMBER MY CHANGE AND I M NC7T J . MBl JtiUOi > afv <) Sfs?t~ /v aa j l Ar/ b ~trick jsTHJ ttsx k Vw-nli J? /4 OP ) \ Vr*\k w 17/3 \\AAk ol HOKAY AM I Y ALL BUT VOUR I ANYTHINGTO TMe| Y| / / OUT NOW? FINGERG/ INTEGRITY OF OUR YOUTH/ WHAT'e ) ■MMr THAT O LIFE 7 (( M)l *1 •I* a v 14 i wbS LF ] ”■7 •r A/ rr zz? ,t A \ S ( NEW «Mk L STRONG-/ > fiH JIhHrPI OM * SPEEDY f( \ BOY— \ wHyl L BOY-- J ) V TRIP TO THE J } \ PICKING- \ Feb*-*" k < X I KfJPU L STORE/ JUP APTER IqsiMgX z / I KwJm (HIMSELF/J BM ( ■his big-\ (( / "r_», JffiHiW ■&) I to help i< \ his Z IM V > IS 4j At jrfi ■( ££* F ry tUf i i 7fea3i : l c r v - /ciPAh?\ rf j. J fiy9K3gt ~*^—— <~~~*l / ■-—-TZj ■wi ew^t N&£2En 1 ■ t BB4WH 6 SBb S ■ following suggestions for in your hand and rub it on the material is good and “sig- cutting vegetables without ■ cleaning: all stained places. This has »<»" them on her sewing a board. It takes all the ClT| If soap and warm water an electro-chemical reaction machine. The towels are then stains from the cut! j rene JT* jL E*V ■ fail to remove the dirt, try that will surprise you! perfectly good. r. s. H making a simple cleaning This is also good for ■ solution. Shave half a bar bumpers and chrome trim j ( of naphtha-based laundry on all parts of your car. DEAR HELOISE: ' ■ soap into a quart of warm Martin Friedman, Jr. DEAR HELOISE: we are avid hi-fiers in ■ water. Add two tablespoons Metal shower curtain t hj s house. We bought bon- ■ of common kerosene. Apply rings have lots of uses. I g 0 drums and often play ■ with a rag and wash off. hang my sponges on them! them with our hi-fi. This will let you know how This usually does the trick DEAR HELOISE: I run a he&vy thread or j n humid weather, the much longer the drum t unless neglect has given the 1 solved the housewives’ twine through the sponge bongo drumhead may loos- should be left on top of the txvad ttcw rnav. problem of rugs and slip- and make a loop on the en or feel soggy. Our bongo floor lamp. If m 1 4. x C . - covers slipping and sliding shower curtain rings. books tell us that holding Charles Robert B. To clean the bottom or an iron: by taking strips of inner They dry faster indoors them near a light bulb for Put a piece of brown paper on your ironing board (a tube and placing these or out. I hang them out of a while will tighten them large paper bag will do nicely) and sprinkle it gener- fMggppßHHi strips where they are sight on my shower door We placed our drums on ously with table salt. c?s Sp needed, under the slip- bar. xa t o the too of our floor lamn DEAR HELOISE: Slide your heated iron covers, down in the arms, To clean stained bottles and around and around in the nrin urmisr. 7 . etc “ vases ... I make a mixture salt and all ol the dirt. “ ,«.!»W< '“ * °" tole “ S - ! ‘ ;k? /9k w “‘ *“» ® f U,e FREE the bottles and vases t few completely disappear. out of them by sewing two Sh°uld t lusfadt owork does not have to be booklet, H ELOISE’S HINTS ON hours I thenrinseThemin The iron should then be napkins together ... then ruba mild abrasive cleaner f hi d RUG AND CARPET CARE? Xnuwter wTj “slid” over a double thick- either make a drawstring top, lightly against ttie stain won’t slip on Write your name and address cleMl Water Mathilda ness of waxed naoer The or sew one of them onto a with a coarse cloth. Use “‘J u »“ p on a POST CARD and send it to ■MM| also ’ coattaoger. plenty of water. Mrs Frank Ross \ HELOISE’S RUG BOOKLET in waxea paper metnoa also Y ou will find many uses for —M. E. Sheid Mrs. frank Koss \7X >< care of this newspaper. 1 emoves any stickiness you thete r UM) one made of plumbing Fixture Manu- ■■■ l V\Z Shoes or boots often have may have on your iron. larrer nankins to hold filled a L , a bad odor from perspira- To clean the top of the S jZks, smaUer ones for facturers Association DEAR HELOISE: etting the heat from the tion. Just sprinkle the in iron, just rub with a silver jar rings and small plastic DEAR HELOISE: I use only cuticle remover lighted bulb remove all of s j de w jth. baking soda! •/, bags, etc. My mother usee plastic for those awful stains on my this moisture. This. only Barbara Saver \“Y —Good Neighbor HELOISE: laundry bags to cover afghans hands caused from working takes five or ten minutes, Yu /Tr £. lam in the welding busi- *"? Wanl ?**in the yard and garden ... depending on how much This feature is written Hl /\Wr a aBHHHHMHI ness. I would like to help V* W toe lam one °f those who can- moisture you have in the for you ... the housewife H I DEAR HELOISE: your readers by telling they won’t not work with gloves on.. . drumhead. and W ,X”e W brigJt M shiny ‘ SSd7e£ Chr<>me ‘ XfbSJ storS” ment moverlmJjes 7wS £ lit and the drum placed -ggestton Uke to polish when the iron is cold P urfaces of sinks g and ba th- Tear about two feet of the answer to tato stains, nicotine, grass top of it, go oyer every two Frnnavain tubs for the longest possible aluminum foil from your bath towels with frayed edge.: stains, and those little cuts or three rmnutes and tap it iron agam. Mfs cM s we would offer roU .. . Je R She trim, them back to where we get from peeling and lightly hngers. L J » V reaturea Inc, 1%2. World nghu reserved. THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C, OCTOBER 28, 1962 AND