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Stocks Climb, .Jew GM High; grading Heavy NEW YORK (AP). —The + »tock market advanced on a broad front In the week’s heaviest trading early this ' ' Afternoon. ' ar ■General Motors, touching a -’/new all-time high, provided 9 ifUong leadership for indus v.W». ,+Rails, after an uncertain t&ginning, began to wipe out ■QHnus signs and moved for ward. Utilities also, recover „ -ipg from some easiness in early trading, rose slightly on balance, j-ru: Buying interest was strong in iililue chips as well as a wide (.variety of speculative issues in the lower-price range. Some Wall Streeters linked thfe rise to growing belief that newest railroad strike threat Jjkuld be cleared away just as others have been and to She relative “cheapness” of fracks represented in the popu- market averages, as com ®red with the past couple of (Jfears. Ag Steels, aerospace issues, office Equipments, savings-and-loans, and building materials Moved generally higher. +> Chrysler was heavily traded 4tid up more than a point. GM tose a shade less than Chrysler. JgDrd added a fraction. Stude flbker was firm. American Rotors was off slightly. VPrices on the American Stock /Exchange moved irregularly aJEher in moderate trading. bonds were nar- Wvly mixed. Most Govern- Jrtent bonds were unchanged. ?d. c. secußirifs l t ,? , , d .* n< >*» k cd prices on stocks listed the Phlladelphla-Baltlmore-Wash ■Bon stock Exchanse. ISgV»» Utility Bends Bld Asked WlElec Per JUiYI.. 85 SM Elec Pwr 3s 83 80 Pot Elec Pwr 2*s 84 . 7B* 1 l?3r ? Public Utility Stocks •Eot Elec Pwr com .80 21'/, 22 Pot Elec Pwr 2.44 pf._ 61* Pot Elec Pwr 2.46 pt._ 52Vs •Wash Gas Lt 1.32 38 3814 Wksh Gas Lt com pf 4.25 88 92 Wash Gas Lt com pf 5 . 10314 Wash Oss Lt com pf 4.60 140 Wash Ges Lt com pf 4.80 102 Bank and Trust Companies Bank of Bethesda 2 115 Bank of Commerce +lO 480 Niti Bank of Wash 1.50 57 Njtj Sv Tr +1.20 . . 95 Hitts t 4 181 187 Fire Insurance Stocks •Tiremen’s +l4O 2914 ... iMlscellaneous Stocks I •Atlantic Research 11V« 11141 Cutral Charge H* B’4 •T*C Transit .80 .. 10% 11V. ••carflnckel com 1.80 36 37* •Giqnt Food .40 11 11'4 “ I Jiston Industries .30 2*4 2'4 •Macke Vend .45 21% 22% •Central Charge 8% 9 •Natl Mtge * Inv 1 . 70 •Ndtl Mtse & Inv pf. 35 714 •Peoples Drug St 2 41* 42 •Prost of Long Island .40 9% «’/» •universal Marlon Cp .40 814 9 ••Wdwd * Lothrop 1.20 31'4 32'4 Wawd & Lothrop pt 5 99 •Quotations tor 100-share lots. ••For 28-snare lots. Others 10-share lots. OEx-dlvilend. +Plus extra or extras. 0/)D-tOT TRADING 'NEW YORK. (AP).—The New York Stbtflt Exchange reported today these odd lot transactions by principal dealers for August 22: Purchases of 2%U:in4 shares; sales of 335.711 shares Including 2.682 shares sold short. u NEW YORK BONDS s 'Furnished by ths Associated Press •List Includes Most Actlvs B<.nds "T? Sales High Low 2:00 Chg. CORPORATION BONDS AR-Jled cv3*sß7 45 104 103* 104 + * Aliens cv ssßo 14 119* 119* 119*+ * AllegL cv4sßl 1 101 101 10 +1 Afcfr 4*sß2 1 99* 99* 99*+ * Awn 3%564 6 99 17-32 99 17-32 99 17-32 + 1-32 Aru Dist cv4**B6 64 108 107* 107*+ * AmtP 5*2030 16 73* 73* 73*+ * AmMchF 4*sßl 6 91* 91 91 AmSpt cv4 40s80 10 134 134 134 +1 AmT4T 4*sßs 21 101* 101* 101* AibTAT cv4**73 10 340 340 340 +3 A*',TAT 3*s9o 3 93* 93* 93*+ * Am TAT 3*573 9 92* 92* 92*+ * AOs,TAT 2*575 8 85V: 85'': 85*+ * ArklTob 3*sß7 5 91* 91* 91* Artnour ss»4f 12 96* 96* 96*- * Atchison 4*95 1 94* 94* 94* AtkitL 4*564 1 100 100 100 AtWef cv4’/:sß7 40 116* 116 116 Ascp cvss79 14 224* 224 224 BAG cv4**Mlof 7 88* 88* 88*- * BAG cv4*sMloA 1 71* 71* 71*- * BAD 4sßo 10 74* 74 74 + * BetHStl cv3**Bo 4 103* 103* 103* BosMe 4**701 2 11 18 18 - * Br&Sswk cv4*aßl 2 Bf* 88* ,88* Bursghs cv4”ml 2 107 107 107 Case cvs*sß3 M 84* 84* 84*+ * CeMIRNJ 3*sßß 37 44* 44* 44* Cet+dePas 5*579 29 113* 113* 113* +l* CAO 3V:s96D 13 83* 83V: 83*- * CMEIII 5520541 24 46’* 46* 46*+ * ChiCW 4*520381 M 70 70 70 CMSP cv4V:s2o44 1 64 64 64 + * CMNW cv4":sW 8 72 71* 72 + * CbtSw cv4*s99f 8 72 71* 72 + * Chi RIP s*sß3 3 105 105 105 ... err T n 3*s7o n 95* 95* 95*- * Cit? r Prod cvssß2 23 113 112* 112* ColoF cv4’/ss77 3 84 84 84 CombEn cv3**Bl 39 106* 106 106*+ 1 DIM 41-6*2042 7 40* 40* 40*- * DwCb cv3sß2 35 132 132 132 +1 Fria saM2of 10 15* 15* 15*+ * nAc s*aMllf 9 36 36 36 - * FlaECst 552011 2 72 72 72 - * FobOFair cv4s79 6 96 96 96 + * Gfioil cv4*sß4 16 109 108* 108*- * GshCig s**B7 1 103 103 103 Gesilec 3**76 22 93* 93* 93* GNBAcc 5*77 5 105* 105* 105*- * G®Lc 4*aß2 5 102* 102* 102*- * GMotAcc 4*79 6 97* 97 97 . 3**72 11 93* 93* 93*- * GM*Cp 3**79 5 91* 91* 91* £®xJ»-1 5 3&2& 2S* + 6* Intjlilv cvssßl • 140 140 140 +1 Int TAT cv4*sß3 5 275 275 275 +2 Inti* CV46MI M 158 156* 158 +2* LslW 4**74 4 72 72 72 + * I.ibMcN cvss76 37 111* 111* 111*- * UngTV cvs**76 2 86V: 86* 86*- * I.inHul cvs*sßo 1 63* 63* 63* LoAhd cv3*«Bo 10 204 704 704 +4 Lorillard 3**7B 994 94 94 - * Marsth O 4*aß7 5 101* 101* 101*- * Msffidcst cv6a7s 1 202 * 202* 207*- * MKT ’ ns ' '"M33I 33 23* 22* 23 MoManT 4*90 3 61* 61* 61*+ * MnWc 5.20451 37 71 71 71 + * Moflsc 4*a2020f 4 78 7$ 78 + * Moise 4*90 7 85* 85* 85*- * MoPsc 4*52005 13 82* 82 82 NAFI cvs*Bo 2 83V: 83* 83* Na&lrl cv6e76 10 253* 251 251 -3 NaWea cv3*sso 3 97 97 97 +2 NYCen 6.80 25 *8 *8 91 + * NWten 5M13 18 77* H* 77* NTCen 4*.M13 31 69 68* 69 + * NYCsti 4598 7 62* 62V: 62* viNYNH cv4*2o22f 120 8* 8* B*~ * vHWNH 420071 49 M 19* M + * NosMW 496 2 94* 94* 94* Northrop cvss79 15 122 121 121 -* ohlsEd 2*575 1 85* 85* 85'4+ * oilaM evs*B2 8 120* IM IM*+ * OltnM cvs' :"83 5 119* 119* 119*- * OxlPap cv4*7B 2 107* 107* 107*- * Par GE 374 34 89* 89* 89*+ * PanXA cv4*79 115 140* 139* 140*- * Pekltß Mt 2 02* 102* 102* I'eSHR 4*s6S 2 100* 100* 100* PenRR 4**Bl 5 80* SO* 80*- * Pert M.r 3*Bo 19 90* 90* 90*+ * PhUUpsP 4*87 64 115* 114* 115*+ * PrortO 3**ol WOl 98 90 -* Rtahfld 4*ao3 365 140* 130* 139*+ 1 StLOF W 006( 502 01* 02 + * StlM 4 '1.20221 M 04 04 04 Searsß 4*03 13 104* 104 104*- * SaarßAc 502 10 105* 105 105 -1 SeSrRAc 4*77 2 10V: 101’: 101*- * ShellUn 2*s7l 5 09* 09* 09*+ * Suwlr CV4*sß6 205 104’: 104* 104*+ * SoFac 4*569 3 102* 102* 102* KhcOr 4<:577 11 100* 100 100 - * Six al 4*sß3 10 102* 102 102 - * StSfind 4*so3 5 102* 102* 102*- * Stoksly cv4’4sß2 2 99V: 99* 99V: TtSporp M 65 590 * 98* 98* TWA 6V:.78f 5 95 95 95 + * UaMICal 4*s9l 165 131* 131* 131*+ * UWFrght cvssßl 86 154 151* 153*+ 2* US Sl4l 4"83„ 5 96* 96* 96*- * V«S»do CV c?srt2 1 95* 95* »s*»“ * ii; ?! h bbS sT-Mamp*d. f-Dealt to flat .-Matured bonds, MgoUshlllty Impaired by maturity nd-Near day delivery xw-Fx rt”- N£W YORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS Furatabsd by the Associated Press Stocks Sales and 100 s Net Dividends fest.) High Low 2:20 chg. A AbbOttL 2.20 23 120% 119'4 119% +l'4 ABCVen .50b 16 13% 13'4 13% + % ACFInd 2.00 5 100* 99% 10014 + * Acme M 2b 5 72% 72% 72'4 + '4 Acme Stl .60 19 10% 10'4 10% + '4 Adam Exp .60 10 27 26’4 26% Ad Minis .40 2 9% 9’4 9’4 Addressed 1 52 53% 52'4 53 +'4 Admiral 142 21% 20% 21% + % Aeroqui ,40b 4 24% 24'4 24'4 - * Air Cont .65 16 17% 17'4 17% + '4 Air Prod .20b 8 63% 63% 63% + * Air Red 2.50 101 54 53'4 53'4 -1 AJlndus .21t 20 314 3% 3'4 + % Ala Gas 1.70 7 3P4 37% 37'4 + 14 AlcoProd .40 5 23 22% 22% Alden* 1b 18 25’4 25% 25% + 14 AlegCp Jig 61 10% 10'4 10% + * Alleg 6pf .60 20 35'4 34 35 +l'4 Alleg Lud 2 55 42'4 41% 42'4 + >4 AUegPw 1.90 10 53% 53'4 53% - Vi Alenlnd 1.20 9 29% 29'4 29'4 ... AUledCh 1.00 51 50'4 50 50'4 + '4 AlltedPd ,10g 0 9 0% 9 + % Allied Str 3 9 53% 53'4 53'4 + * Allied St p(4 xSO 00 08 08 +1 AllledSup .60 3 12’4 12% 12% . . AUsCha .50 50 17'4 17'4 17'4 + 14 Alpha PC 1 4 17'4 17'4 17'4 + % Alside ,19d 73 40'4 39 40 +l'4 Alum Ltd .60 50 24% 24'4 24% + '4 Alcoa 1.20 06 65'4 64% 65'4 +l'4 AmaSu .00a 1 25% 25% 25% - % Amerac .40a 1 23'4 24'4 24'4 . AmeradaP 2 47 76* 76'4 76'4 - % AmAg Ch 1 22 47'4 47 47'4 + % AmAirlin 1 41 27% 27% 27% ... Am Bak 1 5 19% 19'4 19% + % ABoch 50e 60 14% 14% 14% . Am Brk 2.40 9 53% 53 53% + % AmßdPar 1b 44 33'4 32% 32’4 + <4 Am Can 2 59 46'4 46% 46% + <4 ACan pf 1.75 4 41'4 41% 41% + % Am Cem .50 6 11 10% 11 ... AChaln 2.50 3 55% 55% 55% + % ACBarge 1.50 16 27'4 26% 27% + % AmC Ind 1b 1 22% 22% 22% . Am Cry S 2 3 61'4 60'4 61'4 +l% AmCyan 1.00 36 59% 59 59'4 - % Amidst 1.20 7 39% 39’4 39'4 + % A ElPw 1.00 29 38 37% 37% + % AmEnka ,30h 18 35'4 34% 35 + % AExport .75* 4 29’4 29% 29% + % AmFP .64 3 11% 11% 11% AHard 1.60 b 8 44% 44 44 AHome 1.44a 32 59'4 58 58 - % Am Hosp .30 68 21 20% 20% + % Am Inti .30g 6 16'4 16'4 16'4 ... Am Inv 1 4 22% 22'4 22'4 - * Am MFd .90 105 19% 19'4 19% + % AMet Cl 1.40 15 37% 37'4 37’4 - '4 Am MetPd 17 18% 18'4 18% .... AmMot .80a 176 18'4 17% 18% . Am NG 1.40 11 42% 42'4 42% - % AmNews 1 11 23% 22% 23% + % AmOptic 2b 2 74'4 74 74'4 + % AmPhoto .33 48 9% 9% 9'4 -'4 APotash 1.20 134 32% 30% 31% ... AResrch .31g 2 25% 25% 25% + % AmSeat 160 4 29% 29'4 29'4 - % AmShlp .25* 8 12 12 12 + % ASmelt 2.80 30 86% 85 86* +l* ASmelt pf 7 z9O 163 162 162 - % AmSo As .40 11 37 36% 36% + >4 AmStd .80 79 18 17% 17% - % AmSugar .90 8 26% 26% 26% ... AmSug pf.6B 1 14 14 14 + * AmTfcT 3.60 137 123'4 122'4 123 + % Am Tob 150 140 27% 27% 27% +'4 AW prefl.2s 1 25'4 25'4 25'4 - % AmZlnc 1b 3 20% 20% 20% + % Ametk 1.60a 5 52% 52% 52% . AMP Inc .40 10 31'4 31% 31'4 - % Ampex Cp 53 19 18% 18% - % Ampßorg .80 9 24% 23% 24 Amsted 1.60 12 38% 38'4 38% + % Aoacon 1.50 g 55 50% 49'4 50 + % AnacWC .50e 190 33% 32% 33 . AnchHG 1.40 9 32% 32'4 32% + % And Clay 1 2 27'4 27'4 27% + % AnkenCh .40 17 18% 17% 17% - % ApcoOil .811 3 19% 19% 19% -% Arch Dan 2 2 42% 42% 42% - >4 Ariz PSv .80 71 33% 32% 33% + % Arlans DStrs 13 24% 24% 24'4 - % ArmcoSt 3 72 61'4 60% 61 + % Armour 1.40 51 44% 43% 44'4 +l% ArmCk 1.80 30 91'4 91 91% + % Armßub 1.40 1 41’4 41% 41% + % Arvin Ind 1b 5 30% 30% 30% + % Ashl Oil 1.20 12 30% 30 30% Assd Brew 24 4 3% 3% ... AssdDG 140 12 47% 47'4 47% + % Assocln 2.60 10 58'4 58 58'4 + % Atchis 1.20a 75 29% 29'4 29% - % Atchis pf .50 11 10% 10% 10% + % AtCity El 1.48 1 47% 47% 47% + % AtIC Line 2 15 58 57% 57% - * Atlßef 2.40 43 54% 54% 54% + * 'Atßef pf 3.75 140 87 87 87 ... At Chem .60 10 16% 16% 16'4 - % Atlas Cp 81 2% 2% 2% + % Atlas Credit 10 12% 12'4 12% + % AustNich .40 1 21'4 21'4 21'4 -'4 AustN pf 1.20 2 29'4 29% 29% -% AutCant .10g 67 15'4 14% 15 ARA Service 42 33% 32% 33 - % Avco Cp 80 83 25% 25'4 25% . . AVCCorp 2 128 73% 73% 73% + ’4 Avnet .40b 27 16% 16% 16% + <4 B Babbitt .10p 3 4% 4'4 4% + % Babcock 1.72 7 54'4 53% 53% - % BakOilT .45 13 10% 10'4 10'4 - % BaldLim .40 30 12'4 12% 12'4 . . BaltGE 1.12 16 35 34% 34% - % BaltG pfC 4 110 92'4 92'4 974 -I'4 BangAr .50 10 19'4 19 19'4 + % BarbOU 3.16 f 1 85 85 85 - % Basiclnc .50 2 10'4 10% 10% + % Basic pf 2.50 H2O 43% 43% 43'4 ... Basic Pd .80 1 12% 12% 12% + % Bathlr Wk 2 7 BausehL 1.20 10 34% 34% 34% Bax Lab .32 8 25 24% 25 Baygk 2. 5 41% 41% 41W-+--% BeamD .90b 4 42'4 42 42 - % BeatFds 1.40 10 48'4 48 48 Beaunit 1.20 16 25% 24% 24% Beckman 46 78% 76% 78 +l% Beech Air .60 23 13% 13% 13% BeechLSav 1 4 42% 42% 42% - % Belco .50 11 17% 17% 17% - % Bell Gos .70 19 23'4 23 23'4 + '4 Bell How .40 116 26% 26% 26% ... Bell Int .50 5 10% 10% 10% - % Bendix 2.40 12 51% 51’4 51% + '4 Ben Fin 1.20 » 61% 60% 61% +l% BenF pf 4.50 1 125 125 125 Benguet ,04g 35 1% I'4 1% + % Berman 50b 10 24 23% 24 +>4 Best A Co 2 4 28% 28% 28% - % Bestwall .961 18 35'4 34% 35'4 + % Beth Stl 1.50 225 31% 31 31% - % Bigelow 1.20 9 29% 29% 29% . BlackD 1.80 10 61% 60% 61% +l’4 Blaw K 1.40 6 26% 26% 26% + % Bliss EW .60 19 14% 13% 13% - % Bobbießk .40 14 25 25 25 ... Boeing 2 27 33% 33% 33% + % BohnAl 1.40a 8 33 33 33 ... BondStr 1.25 1 19% 19% 19% - % BookM 1.20a 2 20% 20% 20% + % Borden 1.80 6 64% 64 64'4 + % Borg War 2 - 60 46'4 45% 45% + % Borg pf 3.50 110 88 88 88 +1 Borman .50 10 12% 12% 12% ... BosEdis 1.32 15 42% 42% 42% + >4 BrachAS 1.10 11 34 33% 33% - % Bran Air 25g 29 13 12% 12% Briggs Ms 75% 5% 5% ->4 M 1.40a 5 45% 45 45% + % y 1.60 4 106% 106 106 - % BrownSh 3 3 90 90 90 + % Brunswk 30p 99 12% 12% 12% BiickeyePL T 1 28% 28% 28% - % Bucking 1.25 19 28% 28 28 - % BucyEr ,20g 13 16 15% 15% + % Budd Co 50 71 14% 14 14% + % BufForg 1.40 1 30% 30% 30% + % Bullard 11 14% 14% 14% + % Bullocks 1.60 3 62'4 62'4 62'4 + % Bulova .60 9 16 15% 16 + % Burllad .90g 34 37% 37% 37% + % Burndy .60 6 16% 16% 16% + % Burroughs 1 55 27% 27% 27% + % BushTer .10d 2 21% 21'4 21% - % c Cal Fnl 43t 98 9% 9'4 V/i +'4 Cal Pack .80b 46 33% 33 33% ... CailahM .17f 4 6% 6% 6% - % Calum H .40 7 14% 14% 14% - % CamRL 40a 3 16% 16'4 16'4 - % CampSp 2.20 6 99% 99'% 99% - '4 Can Dry 1 22 24% 23% 24 + % CdnPac 1.50 6 29% 29'% 29% + '4 Carboru 1.80 6 44 44 44 + % Carey 1.60 3 24% 24% 24% - '4 Carlisle .50 7 13% 13% 13% + % CaroPL 1.84 3 70 69% 70 + % CarpStl 1.20a 2 38'4 38'4 38'4 + % Carrier 1.60 3 37 37 37 Carter Pd 1 81 76 74% 75% +l'4 Case JI 530 Wt 10' a 10% + % Case 7 pf z2OO 77 75 H +2 Case 2d pf 5 4% 4% 4% CaterTr 1.30 13 45% 45% 45% + '4 Ceco Stl 1.20 2 25% 25% 25% + '% Celanese 1.60 44 « 51'4 51% + % Celotex 3 27'4 27'4 27'4 - '% Cencolnst .50 00 51% 49 51% +2% CentAgu 1.20 2 27 26% 26% - % Cent Fdy 1 2 18 18 18 ... CenHud 1.08 6 35% 35'4 35% + % CeniULt 1.76 7 49% 49% 49'4 - % ( llll.t p!4 50 120 101 101 101 +'4 CenlllPS .80 5 24% 24% 24% CenSW 1.18 54 45% 44% 44% CenSoy I.lob 1 27 27 27 Cerro 1.10 86 33 32% 32% + % Cer-teed 40 49 16% 16'4 16'4 - '4 Cessna Aire 1 22 20% 20% 20% + % Chad Goth 10 3% 3% 3% Chain B I*o 3 45% 45% 45% + % ChampP 1.20 6 20% 27% 28% Champ* 1.00 18 40% 40 40% + % Chmplia 1.20 24 34% 33% 33% - % Check Mot 3 24% 24'4 24% ... Chemetn 1 30 24% 23% 24 + % Chemwy JO* 55 9% 9'4 9% + % ChesVa 1.20 b I 47% 42% 42% + % Ches Oh 4 30 44'4 63% 64'4 + <4 Chesebr 1.20 2 59 59 59 + % ChIAE 111 9 14% 14% 14% + % CM Gt West 3 26 26 26 ChGW pf 2.50 537 37 37 CM MStP P 105 16% >4% 16% ChMSPP pfs 4 63% 43% 63% + % ChIANW 63 32% 31% 32% + % Chi NW pf 19 52% 52'4 52% + % ChlPneu 1.40 6 31% 31% 31% + <4 CRI PacM I 44 27'4 26% 27% + % CMVCab .25p s4O 31% 31% 31% - % ChockFN .40 16 16% 16% 16% - % ChrisCß .611 10 14 13% 13% - <4 Chrysler 1 479 67% 66'4 67% +2'4 CinGasEl 92 55 24 25% 25% CInGE pf 4 110 96 96 96 +1 Cln MUI 1.40 0 40% 40'4 40'4 + '4 CIT Fin 1.60 19 42% 41% 42 - % ClUesSv 2.60 43 4*% 67% 67% - <4 CltSv pf 4.40 3 116 115% 115% - % CHS CVM2.25 23 42 41% 41% CityPrad 130 io 32% 31% 32% +l'4 'City Stores 3 8% 6% 8% - % ClarkEq 1.40 34 40% 40'4 40% + % CIerCUT 140a 1 45'4 45'4 45% + % CIevEIBI 1.30 W 34'4 33% 34'4 + % Clevite 1.40 16 39% 39% 39% + % CluettP 1.05* 16 51'4 50% 51 +1 CoestSt Gas 95 35% 34% 35'4 - % CoeaCol 2.70 17 102'4 101% 102 CocaßtNY 1 12 22% 22% 22% + % ColgPal 1.20 24 47% 46% 46% - <4 ColgP pG.SO 130 81% 81% 81% -%| Col Aik 150 8 50% 50 50 - % Col Aik wi 4 23% 25% 25% Coillnsß .20* 29 26% M 36'4 + % CokmCp 36b 47 20% 19% 20% + % Colo f Ir 104 10 9% 10 + % ColFl p<2.75 1 37 CM 1.48 b 33 07% 07 07%+ <4 CBS 140 b 33 70% 70 70% + % Col Gas 1 16 33 30% 30 30% + % ColPlcl 1.271 11 27% 27% V% - % Col SO 2.20 8 70 69% 70 CombEn 20 11 28'4 28 28 ComlCre 1.60 8 44% 4(V4 44% - % Stocks Sales . ' oo * Nrt I Dividends fest.) High Low 2:20 chg. • ComlSol ,80b 39 27% 27>4 27% + % ComEd 1.20 b 18 52% 52'4 52'4 + % . CondeN .25g 7 11% I'4 11% ... • ConeMUI .80 4 13 12% 12% - % J Consol 5 9 8% 8% - % • ConCig 1.20a 12 71% 71'4 71% + % ’ CooEdis 3.30 18 88% 88% 88% . ‘ £ on H p(5 1 'O 4l ’ ’06% - % ConEd pf 4.12 7 112'4 112'4 112'4 + '4 ConEl Ind 1 41 35 34% 34% +<4 J Con Food 1.20 28 45'4 45 45'4 +l% ? £"!+?, un , 2 °* J 38 27% 27% - % • CnNGas 230 8 65% 65% 65% + % 1 Con Coal 1.60 94 45'4 45 45% + % 4 ConsPw 1.50 10 50% 49% 50% ... Contain .90 90 27% 27% 27% + % k CoctAlr JOg 58 13% 13'4 13'4 ... k Contßak 2.20 8 54% 53% 53% - % Cont Can 2 27 47% 46% 47 + % + Cont Cop 19 6 5% 5% - % 4 Contlns 2.20 27 57'4 56% 56% - % 4 Cont Mot .40 18 12'4 12 12'4 + W z Cont Oil 2 26 63% 63 63% + % 2 ContStl 1.60a 12 46% 45% 46% +l% Control Data 293 80% 77 80 +l'4 4 Controls ,80b 4 25'4 24% 25'4 + %■ a Coopßes 1.60 15 31% M% 31% + % b Coop TR .60 10 15% 14% 15 + % Copper R 25 22'4 22 22'4 + % Copeland 1 3 20% 20% 20% - % 2 Copw Stl 2 24 37% 36'4 37% +l% ■ ComPd 1.40 77 57'4 58% 58% + % < Corn* 1.50a 15 183% 181 182% +2% s Cotyfncp ,45t 1 12% 12% 12% ■ Cotylntl .20* 15 6 6 6 b Crane Co 2 5 56% 55% 56 +'4 Crompt 1.20 4 22'4 22 22'4 - % b Crow C SOt 146 20 19% 19% + % < Crown Cork 47 36% 36% 36% + <4 CrnZell 1.80 39 49'4 48% 49 + % b CrnZ pf 4.20 2120 97’4 97 97'4 +>4 Cruc Stl .80 241 25'4 24% 25% + % b CTS Cp .50 11 21% 21% 21% - % b Cudahy Pk 11 7% 7'4 7% + % < CuneoPrs .80 1 11 11 11 + % b Curt Pub 18 6 5% 6 + '4 Cur Pb 3pf 9 28% 27% 28% +l'4 b Curt Wr 1 72 21% 20% 21 + % b CurWtr A 2 2 37'4 37 37'4 + % Cutler H 2 3 57% 57% 57'/: + % i D , Dan Riv .80 7 15% 15% 15% J Dana Cp 2b 20 45'4 45 45 + % ' Dayco 15 20% 19% 20% + '4 ! DayPL 1.08 10 31% 30% 31% + % Deere 2.20a 79 67% 66% 67% +2% Del Hud .60* 5 22% 22'4 22% +% l Del PL 1.44 3 54'4 54% 54% + % ; Delta Air 1.20 27 51 50% 50% + % ’ Den RGW 1 10 22% 22 22% +'4 . DeSotoCh .40 37 16% 15% 16 + % ‘ DetEdia 1.20 17 34% 34% 34% + <4 • Det Stl .30g 132 14'4 13% 13% ’ DeVilb 1.60a 2 35 35 35 -'4 Dia Aik 1.80 6 49% 48% 49% - % . Diam Nat 2 8 60 59% 60 ... . ' Diana S .50b 9 9% 9% 9% - % ' DiGiorg 60 3 14% 14% 14'4 • DinersC 1.301 10 19% 19'4 19% • Disney ,40b 9 44'4 44 44 .. , Dis Sea 1.80 2 46% 46'4 46'4 - % ■ Div Way .80 5 25'4 25'4 25'4 + % “ Dr Pepp .90 2 33'4 33% 33'4 - % ’ Dome Min .80 22 31'4 31 31 -'4 • DomFd 1.04 g 8 20% 20% 20% + % • Donnell 32b 5 23% 23'4 23% + % 4 Doug A 1.30 f 33 23% 23% 23% + '4 ■ DoverCp 1b 18 34% 33% 34% + % DowCh 160 b 35 60% 60% 60'4 + % 4 Dress 1.20 26 27% 27% 27% - % ’ Drewrys .40 7 19 18% 19 + % 4 Du Bois 60b 34 21% 21% 21% .. ■ Dunhill JOg 5 14% 14'4 14'4 + '4 > Duplan .12* 4 15% 15'4 15% + % duPont 4 50* 20 243% 243'4 243% • duPont pf 4.50 9 107'4 106% 107'4 + '4 > Duq Lt 1.28 1 2 34 33% 33% Dq 4.10pf2.05 z3O 47% 47% 47% - % >Dq 3.75pf1 87 130 44% 44'4 44'4 +'4 ’ DWGCig 80b 11 22% 22% 22% Dynam Am 34 1% 11% 11% + % • DynAm pfl 3 25% 25% 25'4 + '4 : e Eagle P 1.20 4 23% 23% 23% k East AirL M 26 25% 26 + v 4 1 EastSStl ,28f 11 17% 16% 16% 4- % s EastKo 2.20a 25 111% 111% 111% . . EatonM 1.00 24 35% 35% 35% + % ■ EchlinMf .40 10 12% 11% 11% - % b Edis Bros 2 2 50 50 58 +Vi b Ekco 1.20 16 28% 27% 28 + % b ElßondS 1.20 4 30% 30% X% El&Mus .05f 74 6 6 6 - % ElStor 2.40 6 55»/4 55 55% + % bEI Assoc 1.74 f 115 67Va 66% 67% +l% s Electron Sp 26 29% 29% 29% + % , Elgin Wch 4 9% 9% 9% , ElPasoNG 1 91 18% 18% 10% + % 2 EltraCorp 1 6 26% 26% 26% + % t Emer El .80 25 35 34% 35 + % , Eltra pf 1.40 1 31% 31 % 31% Emer R 30g 15 10% 10 10% + % . Emery Air 1 20 40% 40 40 - % I Emhart I.Bob 1 50% 50% SOVa + V 4 : End John 2 18 18 18 ’ EndJn pf 3k ZlO 71% 71% 71% -1 Engel In .80 5 26 25% 26 + % Eq Gas 1.85 13 41% 41’/a 41% - % . Erie Lack 61 3% 3V a 3% 4- % 1 Erie Lack pf i2OO II 17% 18 , Eurofnd .10f 13 13% 15 15% + % Evans Pd 6 16% 15% 15% - % ‘ Evershp 1.20 133 55 53% 55 ExCellO 1.60 17 41% 40% 41 F • Fact or A .70b 4 46% 46% 46% - % ■ Fafnirßear 2 2 45 45 45 Fairb Whit 26 5 4% 4% - % ' Fair W pf 6 16% 16% 16% . ‘ Fair Ca 50e 63 41% 4O’/ 4 40% - % • Fair Strat 23 5% 5% 5% » Fairmont 1 71 27% 27 27% + % • FamFinan 1 10 32% 32% 32% + % Fansteel .10 19 20% 19% 19’/a - % •Fa wick .40 3 8% •% 8% .. • Fedd Corp 1 10 16% 16 A u % FedMog 1.70 5 45% 45 45% + % Fed Pac .19 7% 77% ... • F Pae pfl.M 1 17% 17% 17% + W ’ FedPapßd 2 13 31 30% 31 + % FedDStr 1.30 33 51% 50 51% +l% Fenestra 3 14% 14% 14% - % • Ferro 1.60 17 43% 42% 43 + % Fibre Pap 1 8 27% 27 27% + % 1 Fifth Ave L 14 34% 34% 34’/* - % ' Filtrol 1.80 7 32% 32% 32% + ’/< 1 Finanl Fed 98 57% 56% 56% + % Firestne 1b 94 35% 34% 35% + % 1 FstChrt 1.61 t 82 43% 42% 43 ' FstN Str 2a 11 57% 57 57% + % 1 Fischbach 17 23 22% 22% + % , Flintkt .80 12 21% 21% 21% 4- % Flint pf 82.25 10 45% 45% 45% . Fla E Coast 10 6% 6% 6% - % Fla Pw 1.04 6 44% 44% 44’i - % Fla PL 1.28 7 74% 74 74% - % I Fluor .80f 2 18% 18% 18% 4- ’/< ,Fd Fair .90 10 22% 22% 22% % FdGMkt .40f 14 18% 18% 18% 4- % : FMC Cp .80 67 49% 48% 48% 4- % Food Mart .70 5 15% 15% 15% 4- % . FooteM ,10e 115 13% 13% 13% 4- % Ford M 1.80 555 53% 51% 53% 4-1% . ForemD .40 20 10 9% 9% , FoetWh .37p 2 26% 26% 26% , Foxboro .70 7 31% 29% 31% 4-1% J Fram 1.20 b 6 32% 32% 32% - % FreeptS 1.20 33 24% 24% 24% Friden 40b 15 42% 42% 42% , Fruehf 1.20a 208 31% 30 31% 4- % i Fruehauf pf 4 z3O 88% 88% 88% 4- % G , GamSk 1.20a 12 34Vk 33H 34 +l4 Gar Wood 90 S I'b S + b , GarW pfU2k 1 28'A Gard Den 1:90 « 3SH 35*b 39+b - •* , Garrett 2b 14 uh u 44 +Ab , G Accept 1 . 4 19 3 A 19+b 19*4 , G Aec as .40 1 1144 11-14 1144 + W , GAmln 2.01 g 4 29+k 29'4 29+4 , GAmOil 40b 30 33H 32+k 33'/: +1 , GATran 2.40 4 29'/b 79'/: 79'/: - 'A , Gen Baking 24 9'4 9 9A +'A , Genßanc .40 1 B’A B’/* B’/a - . G Bronze 11 IFA 15'4 15+4 + 44 , Gen CaMe 2 34 55* 54'A 55’A +l»b i Gen Cig 120 2 32 32 32 -'A , GContF JOp 3 5 5 5 G Dynam 61 24'4 23’4 24 -'A Gen Elee 2 99 81* 81'A 81'4 + A4 . GenFln 1.60 xS 444» 4444 44* + 4b Gen Foods 2 54 85'4 84* 85 + * . Gon Instrum 11 13* 13* 13* + <4 G Mills 1.20 31 38'A 38 38'4 + * Gen Mot 2a 393 74* 73* 74'4 +l'4 Gen Out 1.30a 20 36* 36* 36* + * GPCem 1.20 53 23* 22* 23* + * GPrecn 1.20 132 SIPA 29* 30 + * , GPrec pf 1.60 xSO 36* 36* 36* - * , GPubSv 28g 49 5* 5* 5* + * , GPubU 1.20 b 52 33* 33* 33* + * , GRefrac 30g 23 14* 14* 14* i Gen Sis 1.20 9 28 27* 28 + * Gen Stllnd 1 45 23'4 22* 22* - * , GTeIAEI .88 222 26* 26* 26* + * , GTeIF pf 1.25 1 27* 27* 27'4 + * Gen Time .25 7 11* 1* 11'4 GenTirs .40 199 24* 24 24'4 + * , Geneseo 1.60 10 35* 35* 35'4 - '4 , Genes pf 4 50 3 100* 100'/: 100* + * Ga Pae 1b 25 52V: 52 52* + V: Gerber 1.30 1 89* 69 69 , Getty Oil JOg 23 24'4 24 24* + * Giant PC .80 10 13* 13* 13V: - * Gibralt 1.53 f 93 27* 26* 27* + * , Gibson 1.20 2 34* 34* 34* , Gillette I.loa 412 38* 38'4 38'/: + '/: , Gimbel 1.25 30 41 40'4 40* - * Ginn Co .68 1 29 29 29 + * GlenAld .50 77 15 14* 14* + '4 Glidden 2 1 43 43 43 - * , GlobeU .88a 9 17* 17* 17* .. GlobeW .60 1 11* 11* 11* + * Goodrch 2.20 123 54* 53* 54 - * Goodyear 1 273 38* 36’A 38 +l'4 . Gouldß 1.30 2 36* 36* 36* + * Graee Co 1b 32 4? 46* 46* + * . Granby .251 3 16* 16* 16* - * GrandU Mb 21 17* 17* 17* + <4 GranCS 140 42 29* 28* 29 . Granitev 80 6 16 15* 16 Graat 1.20 5 25* 25'4 25* - * vJGrayi Rob 14 2* 2* 2* - * . GIAAP 1.20a 20 46'4 46* 46'4 + '4 GtN Ir 1.40e 11 18* 18* 18* + * , GtNo Pap 1 15 47* 46* 46* - * GtNoßy 3 16 53* 53'4 53* + <4 GW Fin 891 301 20* 30* 20* + * GWSu* 1.40a 6 42* 42 42* -<4 . GreoaSh 1.10 3 27* 27 27 - * Greyhd 130 b 49 44* 43* 43* - * Grume 1.50 32 45* 44* 45* +* Gulf MAO 2 12 43* 42* 43 - * GlfOU IM 99 48* 49'4 49* + * Gulf SU 1.12 25 38'4 38 38 -* GIfSU pf 4.40 ZSO 99 99 99 + * Gust Bae M 10 19'4 10* 19 H Haek W 1.40 9 38* 30* 30* + * . HallPrt 1.40a 2 32* 32* 32* - * Halllbur 2.40 1 952* 52 52* + * • Halllcrft JOd 8 10* 10* 10* ... 1 Ham Wat M 1 36* 26* 26* + * • Ham Wat M 4 :40 108* 108 108'/: + * HamP IKb 10 31* 31 31* + * • Hmd Or* la 6 24* 24* 24* • Hanna Co la 115 35* 34* 35 + * • HarbWk 1.80 8 34* 34 34 -* ' Harert .50 6 34* 34'4 34* +1 : ’.:3b ia* s*: a HartSM 140 1 30 30 38 - * > Harv Al 1.20 7 21* 21* 21'4 Hat Corp 40 1 7'4 7* 7'4 + * ■ Have* ,45e 67 44* 43* 44* + * ■Haw Tel .64 10 22'4 21* 21* - * I 'lHayeslnd la 17 27* 26* 27* + '4l > HaselUno .00 10 19* 19* <9* - * Heinz HJ 1 14 48 47* 47* + * ' HslCurt 80 31 )«'< 25* 36'2 > Heller .M tO 15* 14* 14* - * > HAPInc JOe 6 9* 9* •* .. • HerePdr M 39 36* 39*« 35* - * HenbCh 70a 7 34* 34* 34'4 - 'V ' Herts 1.30 19 46* 46* 46* + * i HesOAC .30 33 15* 15* 15* ' Heublein M 99 20* 19* 30>A +l* Hewßnblne 1 4 22* 22* 22* - '4 Hewlett Pk 34 K* K'4 20’:,+ * I W-vdeeN .80 s 21* 71* 2'* a * Market Averages i Compiled by the Associated Press I —. STOCK AVERAGES I 30 15 15 M ’ , Did- Balls Util. Stocks • Net Change .... + 1.2 +4 +.5 +.B Noon Fri 387.4 148.1 1505 277.5 Prev Day 386.2 147.9 150.0 276.7 Week Ago 384.7 149.2 149.9 276.4 Month Ago 370.2 139.4 144.7 264.8 Y«» r Al® 320.1 106 J 128.9 226.4 1963 High 388.2 149.9 150.0 276.7 [ 1963 Low 341,1 121.8 134.9 242.7 , BOND AVERAGES 28 10 18 M 18 ' .... ™ luu » r,IL r 8- I*Td. i Net Change +.l +.l , Noon Fri. 81.7 101.2 88.9 90.8 94.1 : Prev. Day 81.7 101.2 88.9 90.7 94.0 r Week Ago 81.9 101.1 88.9 90.5 94.2 i Month Ago 81.5 100.0 88.1 90.1 94.4 i Year Ago 77.3 98.1 87.8 865 92.5 i 1963 High 82.2 101.8 89.5 90.7 95.1 > 1963 Low 797 99.5 88.1 88.4 93.9 i-i i ■ i > Stocks + ■ gales r and 100 s Not i Dividends (est.) High Low 2:K chg. I High Volt 511 40* 39* 40V? + * i HlltonH ,75p 10 19 18* 18* . Hoff Elect 5 7* 7* 7* + * Holland F 13* 3* 3* . . > Holly S 1.40 3 43* 43 43 - * , HoltßW ,50a 6 30* 30* 30* - * > Homest I.M 16 51* 51 51 - * i Hook Ch lb 15 38* 37* 38* + * i Hoov Ball 8 23 22* 23 ... > Hotel Am 5 2* 2* 2* V * ■ Houdlnd 1.20 4 26* 26 26 - * » Houd pf 2.25 1 45* 45* 45* i House F 1.40 18 60 59* 59* + * l Hous pf 3.75 XSO 80* 80* 80* . i HoustLP .72 17 44* 44* 44* + * i How John .88f 17 M* 51* 51* + * 1 HowrdSt 25d 12 13* 13* 13* - * 1 HoweSd .30* 11 12* 12* 12* - * > Hud Bay 3 1 51* 51* 51* + * HuntFda .50b 48 33 32* 32V: + * HuntF pfß 5 *IOO 102* 102 102 - * Hupp Cp ,33f 61 7V: 7* 7* - * ■ Huss Refr 1 4 16 15’A 16 + * : i > IdahoPw 1.10 14 35* 35* 35* + * ' Ideal Cem 1 13 23* 23* 23* + V: > 11l Cent Ind 2 14 57'/: 56* 57* + * ‘ HI Cent 2 2 54* 54* 54* - * ' Bl Pow 1.20 3 39* 39* 39* + * ' Ind Gen .80 42 28* 27’A 28 +’A ' IndplPL 1.04 1 32 32 32 Ind Mex ,40g 1 5* 5* 5* ■ Ing Rand 3a 19 79* 79 79* - * ' InlandSt I.M 143 44* 43* 43* + * Inspirat ,40h 2 36* 36* 36* 1 Interch 1.40 11 38* 38 38 . Interlak 1.60 5 25* 25* 25* + * IntßusM 4 41 454 451* 453 + * IntlHarv 2.40 40 56* 56 56* + * IntlHarv nf7 *2lO 1 64* 163* 164* + * Int Miner I.M 23 58* 58 58* + * • Int Nick 2a 14 61* 60* 61 + * ' Int Pack 1 15 16 15* 16 + * • Int Pap 1.05 b 62 30* 30* 30* + * • IntPipeCer 11 32* 32* 32* + * Int Rectif 7 8* 8* 8* - * Intßesis .40a 40 23* 23* 23* + * Int Salt 4 1 83* 83'/: 83'/: + * ’ IntlShoe 1.20 14 26* 25* 26* + * ‘ IntSilv I.lob 13 39* 38'/: 39* + * , Int TAT 1 85 51* 50* 51* + * IntTAT pfC4 *2OO 105* 105 105* + * IntUtil .80 16 21* 21* 21V: - * , InterDS Mb 38 42* 41* 42* + * IntMotFrt .80 1 24* 24V: 24* , InterPw 1.05 12 26* 26V: 26* IcwaElLP 11 29* 29* 29* IcwaPL 1.80 4 57* 57* 57'/: + * . IslCrkCl 1.50 K 29 28* 28* - * IslCrkC pf 6 110 130 130 138 - * ITE Cktßrkr 2 15 15 15 J-K . JaegerM .M 4 12* 12* 12* Jeff Lak S 5 14 13* 13’A - * Jewel T I.M 5 58* 57* 57* - * . JohnsManv 2 62 49* 48* 49 JohnJ la 4 91* 91 91* + * Jon Logan .70 7 K 19’A 19’A , JonesAL 2.50 146 59’A 59* 59’A +1 JonesAL pfs *BO 1 04'/: 104* 104* . Jorgens .80 10 14* 14* 14* + * , Joy Mfg 1 55 29* 29* 29* + * KaiserAl .90 10 36* 36 36* + * , Kais 59pf4.75 2 109 109 109 ... . KanCPL 1.26 1 40* 40* 40* + * KCSoInd 2 13 45* 45 45* + * Kaysßo 40a 16 23* 23'/+ 23* + 'A 1 Kellogg I.M 15 75* 74* 74* - * Kellogg wi 2 38* 38 38 - * Kelsey Hay 2 10 41* 40’A 41* + * Kendal! I.M 12 41* 41 41* + * Kennecott 3g 14 73* 73 73'/: + * KemCL 2.40 22 71* 71* 71* + * KerrMcG 1 34 39* 39* 39* ... KeystonSW 2 1 36'/: 36* 36* + * KimbClark 2 26 65V: 65 65V: + * Kings 1.40a 4 45* 45* 45* + * KLM Airline 1 13* 13* 13* .... ■ Koppers 2 4 42 41’A 41* + * Korvette 203 31* 30* 31 + * Kresge .60* 6 22* 22* 22* - * KressSH JOe 9 21* 21* 21* - * Kroehler 2 16* 16'/: 16* - * Kroger 1.10 20 31 30* 31 + * - * ' Lab Electron 6 11* 11* 11* + * i Lac Gas 1.05 b 6 29 28* 29 + * Lane Bry 1 2 26 25* 25* - * , LearS 40b 21 17* 17* 17* - ’A , Lee Rubber 15 18 17* 18 + '/+ i Leesona .50 27 41* 41* 41* . Leh Poet I 10 16* 16* 16* + * [ tthmn lA6g 36 30'/+ 29* 30 + * , LehnMhnf 11 33 33 33 -'A LDFGts 2.60 45 56* 55* 56* + * , LibMON ,43f 46 14* 14 14* , LiggAM 5 16 73'/: 72* 73* +l* LiggAMy rf7 *9O 151* 151* 151* , Lily Tulip 1 19 43* 43'/, 43* + * , Ling Tern V 45 16* 16* 16* ... Linkßelt 2.40 4 51* 51 51* + * Lionel 21 5* 5* 5* - '/, Littonln 1.57 t 121 72* 71* 72* - * , LockhA 1.40 61 37* 36* 37 - * , Loews Thea 6 16* 16'/: 16'/: LoneSCem 1 14 20* KV, 20V, - * . LoneSGas 1 55 23* 23* 23* + * . LonglslLt .86 27 32* 31* 31* -V: . Loral Electr 58 13* 13* 13* ... Lorlllard 2.50 46 45* 45* 45* - * . Lorillard pf7 *3O 152 152 152 -1 , LouisGE .90 6 36 35* 35* - * . Lou Nash 3a 2 81 81 81 ... . Lowenstein 6 12* 12* m + * ; Lukens Stl 1 ia 46* 45* 46 + * , Lykes SS .80 1 16* 16* 16* + *' M ' MackTr 1.80 27 38* 37* 37* - * MacyßH 2.20 11 65'/: 65* 65* + * 1 MadFd 1.56 g 23 20* 20* 20* Mad Sq Gar 27 2 2 2 Magma ,40h 8 29 28* 28* -V, Magnav .70 66 39* 39* 39* ' Mallory 1.40 b 3 39* 39* 39* + * MnShirt 70b 4 29 28* 29 +1 , Marac Jse 3 8* 8* 8* . Marath 1.60 b 15 59* 58* 59 + * ' Maremont 17 24 23* 24 + * Mar Mid 1.10 21 34* 34* 34* - * , Marlßk 1.40 4 31* 31* 31* - * Marqua ,25p 17 11* 11* 1* + * Marq C 1.80 1 5 34* 34 34* + * MarshF 1.40 14 34* 33* 34* + * Martin M 1 166 19* 19* 19* Mason 1.20 b 56 45 44* 44* + * Mattel .40 69 54'/: 53V, 54* + * MayDSt 2.K 17 64* 64* 64* + * MaysJW .80 1 16* 16* 16* , Maytag 1.40a 5 37* 37 37 + * MCA Inc 28 66'A 65 65* +l* , MCA pf 1.50 2 38 38 38 McCrory .80 18 12 11* 11* - * . McCro pf 3.50 *3O 75 75 75 McCra pf 4 50 zM 62 61 62 +1 McCro pf 5.50 *lO 94 94 94 - * . McDerm 80a 18 26* 25* 25* - * McDonAiz 1b 15 54* 53* 53* -1* , McGEd 1.40a 14 38* 38* 38* .. , McGHIII ,60a x7 29* 29* 29* + * Mdntyr I.M 5 45* 44* 44* -1 . McKee .70 6 16* 16* 16* + * , McKern 1.50 16 49* 40* 48* - * , McLean ,40a 9 11 10* 11 + * McNeilM 1b 5 24* 24 24 + * McQuay la 6 20* M'A 20* - * . MeadCp 1.70 1 39* 39* 39* + * . Medusa 1 11 23 22V: 23 +* Mel Shoe 1.30 41 K* 19* 20* + * Merck I.Boa 13 99 98* 98* .. . MerrCh ,30g 9 12 12 12 . Mesabi .35* 39 14* 14* 14* + * , MestaM 1 2 29* 29* 29* . MGM 1.50 6 31 30* 31 + * Melromd .40 32 33* 33* 33* + * . MM SU 1.16 35 39* 39V: 39V: - * MMIdRom 3 5 OS'* 65* 65V: + * Mites Lab M 41 28* 28 28* +1 MinerCh .70 13 21* 21* 21* ... . Mpl Hon 2 42 116 115 115* + * , Mpl Hon pf 3 2 89* 89 89 MuuiMM .90 53 62* 61* 62* - * Minn Ont 1 4 21* 21* 21* + * MinnPL 1.80 3 45* 45* 45* . . MissCp 160 t 2 57* 57* 57* - * , Mlssßlv 1.80 8 39* 39* 39* - * I Mo Kan Tex 5 3* 3* 3* - * MP Cem I M 1 32* 32* 32* + '/+ MoPubS ,72b 3 24 24 24 Mohasco 50 53 9* 9* 9* Monarch I.M 2 24* 24* 24* + * Mononßß B 7 K 19* 20' + * Monsan 1.20 b 110 54* 54 54* + * MontDU 1.40 4 39 38* 38* - * MontPw 1.12 13 38* 38 38 -1 Mont Ward 1 40 39* 39* 39* + * ' Moore M M 2 10 9* 9* - * aorrell JOb 6 25* 25* 25* + * otorW .35* 4* 23 22* 22* + * Motorola 1 109 77 75* 76* +l'/, MtFuelS I.M xl 4TA 42* 42* + * MSL Ind 1 5 28 27* 28 Bueller 1.40 13 46* 45'4 45* - * unslng 1.10 6 2T* 28'A 28* + * I Murph 1.20a 0 21* 21'4 21* + * MurphCp .50 10 19'4 19 19'4 + * i MurrayC 14* 4 38* 38* 30* i Natco .25e 3 7* 7* 7*,.... I i Nat Acme 2a 2 09* 59'4 59'4 ... ! Nat Alrlln 110 30 37* 37* - * i NAviSI 2.-96* 3 27* 27'4 27* + <4 , Natßlsc 1.60 8 55* 55'4 55* + * > NatCsn .711 179 17* 16* 17'4 + * N'Cashß I.M 32 70'4 69* 70 ... Nat Cast* 1 9 31* 31* 31* + * NClty L 1.20 5 35* 25* 25* ... i N Dairy 2.M 26 65 64* 64* + * i Nat Dist I.M 34 25* 25* 25* I Nat Fuel 1.30 2 34* 34* 34* - <4 Nat Gen .411 19 10* 10'4 10* I Nat Gyps 2b 10 46* 46'4 46'4 - * - NLead 2.25* 50 77* 77* 77’4 + * ' N Linen I.M 2 26* 26* 26* + * NStarch JOb 5 45* 45 45 ' N Steel I.M 111 51 49* 50* + * NatSngß 40* 1 22* 22* 22* + <4 Nat Tea .80 12 15* 15* 15* i Natoma* 8 7* 7* 7* + * i Nautec ,64f 3 10 9’4 10 +*i i Neptune Ml 22 29 * 29* 29* +* 1 NevadaP .M 3 37* 37* 37* + *i i Nswbrry 25p 9 18* 18'/: 18* ... + i NEngEI 1.16 MM 27* M +<4 INEnsTT 1.90 7 53 52* 52* - * |NEn«TT rt 374 H-16 21-32 21-32 . Newmt 2.40 1 80 10 80 + * Newmt pi 4 7 106* 105* 106* fl NewnNSh 2 12 46* 46* 46* ... NYABrk I.M 3 29 + 29 29 +* ' NYCent J2e 300 23*\ M* M* + * ' NYChI IL 2 36 44 4j* 43* - * ' NY Ship 2 11'4 11'4 11'4 + * ' NYSIEG 140 13 46 45* 46 +* ' NlaiM Pw 1 18 54 53'4 53* ... NU Shr I.M 4 23* 23'4 23* + * ' Nopco Ch 1 6 25* 25'4 25* + * ' NortolkW 5a 15 119* 118* 119'4 - '4 ' NiwfolkW pfl 1 23* 23* 23* - * Stocks Sales and 100 s Net Dividendsfast.) Hl*h Low 2:M chß. Norris Th 1 5 22* 22*’ 22* .. NoAmAvia 2 43 55'4 54* 54’4 - * NoAmCar .80 13 23* 23* 23* + * NAmCoal 30 1 9* 9* 9* - * NASujar .50 4 18 17’4 17* ... NoIndPS 1.32 8 56 55* 55* - * NoNGaa 1.80 7 56’4 56* 56’4 + * NoNG pf5.M *3O 109* 109* 109* NoPac 2.20a 16 48* 47* a* +l* NStaPw 1.36 14 36* 36* 36* ... NSPw p 14.11 *SO 93* 93* 93* - * NSPw pf 4.10 110 94 94 94 + * Northrp 1 44 22* 22 22 - * Nwst Airl 1 29 52* 51 52* +l'4 Nwßanc I.M 14 48* 48 48V: +1 Nw StIAW 1 2 21* 21* 21* + * Norton I.M 17 38* 37* 37* - * Norwich la 24 38 37* 37* - * o i; Ohio Ed 1.90 7 51% 50% 51% + % Oh Ed pf 3.90 z6O 87% 87 87 - % Okla GE .72 2 25% 25% 25% - % OkNGai 1.40 14 37% 373/4 37%. Olin Math 1 50 43% 42% 43% + % Opelika .80b 2 16% 16% 16% + % Oranfeß .70 27 33 31% 33 + % OUaOev 1.10 28 48% 48% 48% + % Out Mar .40 1 39 11% 11% 11% OutletCo .95g ZlO 22 22 22 + % Over Tran .60 17 22 20% 22 +l% Owens Cn 1 6 53% 53 53 - % OwenaDl 2JO 19 82 81 82 +l% Owenalll pf 4 1 100% 100% 100% + % OxfdPap 1.20 1 32% 32% 32% - % p PacCem 60a 2 16 16 16 Pac GAE 1 49 33'/: 32* 33 -* PaclntE .60a 35 17* 16* 17'4 + * PacLU 2.40 8 59* 59’A 59* + * Pac Petrol 23 11* 11* 11* - * PacTAT I.M 7 32* 32'4 32'/: ... Pac Tin .40 20 6* 6V: 6* + * Packag .80 13 16* 15’A 16* + * Pack Bell 9 12’A 12* 12* + * PanAm S 1 18 15* 15* 15* -* PanAAir .80 249 41* 40* 41* + '4 PanhE 2.M 2 73'/: 73* 73* - * Papercft .28 2 7* 7* 7* + * ParamPict 2 10 46* 46* 46* + 'A ParkeD 1 163 31* 31* 31'4 - * PeabCoal .70 4 38* 38'4 38'4 ... Pend Tool 1 16* 16* 16* + * Penick F .80 7 19* 19'4 19V, - '4 Penn Dix 1 M 16* 16'4 16* Pen Frt 12 7* 7V, r/: + * Penney I.Xa M 44* 44 44* + * Pennslt .80 3 42* 42* 42* .... PaGSnd I.M 12 35* 35V: 35V: . PaPwLt 1.36 6 35* 34* 35 Pa PL pf 4.50 Z3O 104* 104'4 104* PaPL pf 4.40 ZBO 101* 100* 100* - * Pa RR .25* 454 21 20* 20* + >4 Pennzoil 1 8 44* 44 44* + * Peop Drug 2 2 41* 41* 41* + '/, PeopGas 1.84 33 53 52* 52* - '/, Pep Cola 1.40 15 57'4 57 57 1 Perkin Elm 3 41V: 41'4 41* + * PermCem .70 4 17'4 17'4 17'4 .... Pet Milk 1.10 2 49 48'4 48* - * Petrolane .56 2 24* 24* 24* ... Petrol .76* 4 17* 17* 17* - '4 1 Pfizer .80a 40 53* 51* 52'4 + * Phelps D 3 15 62* 61* 61* - 'A Phila El 1.32 19 36* 35* 36'4 + '4 PhilEl pf 4.30 zio 100* 100 3 ', 100* +'4 PhilEl pf 3.80 z2O 89* 89* 89* -'4 Philaßdg 1b 64 37'4 36* 37* +l'4 PhilMor 3.M 14 74* 73'/: 74'4 +l'4 PhilMor p(4 zio 85 85 85 PhilM pf 3.90 *2OO 83'4 83'4 83'4 -'4 1 Phillips Pet 2 73 53'4 52* 53'4 + * Pillsbry I.M 2 56* 56V: 56* + V: Piper Aire 1 18 30* 29* 29* - '4 Pitnßow .80 XlO 50'4 49* 50 + * Pit Coke .40 4 14* 13* 14 PitForg .50* 4 19'4 19'4 19'4 Pit Plat 2.20 b 9 58'4 58 58 - * Pit Steel 431 14'4 13* 14 + * Pit Stl pr pf 4 74 73 73 +l'/: Pit A WVa 5 36'4 35* 36'4 + * Pittstn 1.60 b 8 64'4 63* 63* + * Pittstn *IOO 118* 118* 118* + * Ploufh .M 15 37* 37'4 37* - * Polaroid M 180 M2’, 200 Ml* +3'4 Poor A Co 1 2 17* 17* 17* + * PotomEl .80 93 22* 21* 21* - * ProctAG I.M 16 79'4 78* 78* - * PSv Colo .80 23 31* 31* 31* + * PSvEG 2.40 19 79'4 78'4 79 PubSlnd 1.30 6 40* 40’4 40* PSlnd pf 350 ZIOO 77* 77 77* +2'4 Publkln .33t 3 7 6* 6* - * PRCem .50* 19 19* 19* 19* + * PugSPL I.M 15 37* 36* 37 Pullman 1.40 29 29* 29 29* + * Pure Oil I.M 70 44'/: 44'4 44* + * Purolator 2a 10 75V: 74 75* +2 I Q-R I QuakOat 2.M 13 67* 67 67* + * QuaSOil I.M 4 34'4 34'4 34'4 + '4! [RCA 1.40 b 163 72* 71* 72 + * i RCA pf 3.50 2 80'4 80'4 80'4 + *1 RaisnPur .80 7 32'/: 32* 32'/: Ranco .80 10 18* 18'4 18'/: Rand House 4 10'A 10 10* + 'A Raybestos 2 10 40* 40'4 40' : + * Raymint .40 13 11* 11'A 11* + *[ Rayonier 1 M7 30'4 29* 30'4 + * Raythn ,87f 83 20* 20'4 20* ... .1 Reading Co 7 11 10* 11 + * Reading 2pf 1 12* 12* 12* - V, Red Owl .90 3 27’4 27 IT/t Reed Rollßit 1 14* 14* 14* Reevßro .M 11 15* 15'4 15'4 - '4 ReichCh .49f 20 11V: 11'4 11* + * ReliabSt I.M 2 23V, 23'4 23'4 . . . Relian Ms 2 13* 13* 13* - * RepubAv 1 15 16'4 15* 15* - * RepubCp M 8 9'4 9'4 9’4 + '4l Repub SU 2 194 40* 39* 40V, +*[ Revere Cop 2 4 52'4 52'4 52’4 - '4 Revlon I.lob 112 45'4 44* 45 +*| Rexall .50b 44 41* 41 41* - * ReynMet .50 57 -34'4 33* 34'4 +*l ReyM pf 4.50 • 3 108 MB 108 +*l ReyTob I.M 196 38'4 37* 38 +'4 Rheem Mfg 192 15* 15* 15* Rhodesn .19* 5 5’4 5'A 5'4 + * Rich Merr 1 32 55* 54* 54* - * RichfOil 1.80 144 49 48* 48’': + * RiegelP I.M 230 29* 29* - '4| Ritter Co .80 2 29V: 29* 29* -'AI Robert Cont 1 4 24* 24'/: 24* + * RochGE 1b 11 38 37'4 38 + * Roch Tel I.M 8 43 42* 43 +1 i Rock Stand 2 15 42* 42* 42*4 [ RohmAH 1b 7 134* 133* 134* + *! Rohr Corn 1 11 16* 16'4 16* + * Ronson ,60b 41 31'4 30* 30* - * RoperGD 1 17 42* 41* 42* +l'4 RC Cola 1 21 34* 33* 34 + * RoyDut I.ol* 55 48* 47* 47* + 'A Royal Mcß 18 9* 9* 9* Rubbmd ,30b 1 12 12 12 - * Ruberoid I.M 12 M'4 28'A MV, .... Ruppert 2 19* 19* 19* ! Ryder Syst 16 12* 12'4 12'4 - *i S ’ SafewSt I.M 36 61* 61* 61* + '4 SUoaLead 1b 10 39’4 39 39'4 + * StL SanF 1 22 26 25* 26 + * StLSanF pfs 2 93* 93 93 StßegP 1.40 b 39 32* 31* 32 +*' SanDGs 1.28 2 37* 37* 37* | SanDlm 52t 405 13 12* 13 + * Sangam .25p 24 10'4 9* 10'4 + * Schenley 1 12 21* 21* 21* + * Scherg 1.40a 112 37V, 36* 37* + ’AI Scher pf 1.50 3 32* 32* 32'A - >4 Schick 5 9* 9* 9* -'A Schlmbgr 1 19 62* 61'A 61* -1 SCM .42f 8 11* 11* 11* SCM pf 2.75 2 50* 50* 50* + *| Scott Pap .80 56 35* 35* 35* Scott Pap pf 4zM 102 102 102 +1 ScovillM I.M 32 31* 31* 31* +*l Screw ABelt 5 4* 4* 4* SeabAL I.M 8 39* 38* 39 SeabFin .40* 9 21 20* 20* - * Seagrave 2 11* 11* 11* ... . Sealrght I.M 4 30* 30'4 30* + * Searsß 1.40a 50 94* 94 94* + * Servel 36 7 6* 6* - * Servel pt 5.25 Z4O 105'4 105 105 -1 [ Servoma JOg 16 M* M* M* -'4 SFC Fin .60 3 15* 15 15 - * Shahmoon 14 18'4 17'4 18 +*i ShamOG 1.50 15 39* 39'4 39'4 - '4l SharonSU .40 18 22* 21* 22 + * Shattck ,40a 2 13* 13* 13* ... SheUOtl I.M 63 46* 46'4 46'4 - *, ShellTra .51 g 17 24* 24V: 24'/: + * Shelter Ms 1 2 23* «S'4 23'4 - * Sheratn 35d 66 7* 7* 7* - * ShoeCpAm 1 12 16 15* 15* SignodeS 80 18 23* 23 23* + * Simmon 140 2 42 42 42 -V: SimpPat .72 11 32* 31* 32* +1 I Sinclair 2 61 48V, 48 48* . Singer 1.70 15 78* 78* 78* Skelly Oil 1.80 1 67* 67* 67* Smith AO 1 5 31* 31* 31V: - '4 SmithDo I.M 49 46* 45* 46* + * SmithK 1.20a 16 69 68* M* - * Socony 2.40 55 72 71* 71* + * SooLine .Mg 61 25 24* 24* + * SAmGP 30e 6 B'4 B'4 B'4 SCarEG 1.70 9 58* 58* 58* + 'A SoJerG 1.20 b 2 41* 41* 41* + * SoPRS 1.85 dl3 37* 36* 37 - * SouCalE 1.05 29 34* 34'A 34* + * SouthnC I.M 13 55'4 54* 55'4 + * SoulndG 1.92 1 56 56 56 SouNatG 2.M 11 52* 51* 51* - * SouPac 1.40 43 37 36* 36* - '4l Sou Ry 2.M 7 65 64* 64* + '4 ’ SwestPS 1.06 7 36* 36'4 36* + * Spaldna ,05g 9 18* 17* 18* + * Spart Ind 17 13* 12* 13* + * SpartCp Jsg 9 9* 9* 9* + * Span Ch 1.40 21 29* 28* 29* + * Sperry Rand 3M 15 14* 14* - * Spiegel 1.50 15 28* 28* 28* + '4 Spleg pf 4.50 110 90 90 90 +'4 SquareD 1.20 36 47'4 46* 47'4 + * Stßrand 2 13 73'4 73 73 + * Stßrd I+3 50 ZlO 84 84 84 StdKolla .60t 18 14* 14* 14* + '4 StdOilCal 2b 34 66* 66'a 66* + * SOCal pf 3 M 2 94* 94* 94* stdOillnd 2 39 64* 63* 63* StOilNJ 2.M 116 70* 70'4 70* StOilOh 2.60 b 5 65* 65* 65* + * Stand Pkg 23 13* 13’4 13* + * StPk 6pflJo 1 24'4 24'4 24'4 StdPresa 40 64 13* 13* 13* + * Stan War I.M 24 22'4 21* 22'4 + * Stanray 69 10* 10* 10* + * SlsrrettLS 1 2 30* 30* 30* SUuffCh I.M 16 35* 35* 35* + * StaufC pfl 50 zM 83 83 83 +1 ISterchiß M 3 13* 13* 13’4 SteriDrag .65 40 28* Ml 4M* + * Sloven 1.50 b 8 35* 35* S* ... StswWsr 1 50 8 34* 34'4 34'4 - <4 StokeVC 80b 64 22* 21* 22* + * StokeVC Pfl 2 20* M* M* - * SloneAWsb 3 14 M'A 59* M +'4 SUmeCon .40 1 16* 16* 16* - '4 Storerßr 1.10 17 42* 41* 42* +l* StoulfFds .80 2 31* 31* 31* + 'A Studebskar IM 7* 7'A 7'4 + * SubtuGas .M IS 18'4 11* 11* Sub Prop 1.32 3 M M M Sun Chem .40 3 9* 9 9 - * Sun 011 1b 7 50* SO* 50* Sunbeam LSO 1 S3* 53* 53* + * Sundstrnd 1b 6 23* 23* 23 + * Sunray 140 71 34* 34* 34* - * Sunßisc 2.M 14 52 11* S 2 + * iSunahM .40 6 11* 11* 11* + '4 Sup CHI 3 Sog ,801397 1388 1397 +l2 I Swift IJO 10 40* 40* 40'4 + <4 ilwlngSA 1.10 6 38’4 31 M'A + * Syrnfty .90 18 Wk 18* 18* + * Taftßrd .Mb 1 23* 23* 23* +*l Talcott 11 32* 31* 31* - * TalonllK 1.40 3 44'4 44 44* A * Tandy Cp 2 ♦% •% ♦% t- % Technic Mat IM M% 11% M% ♦ % Texaao 2a 41 73* 73* 73* + * TexEaat M 34 11* 11* 11* - * TexGasT 170 2 47'4 47’4 47'4 - * TaxGPd .Ma 12 58 ST* 57* TexGSul .40 129 IS* 15V: IS* - * Textnsl M 83 87* 86 86* + * Stocks Sales and 100a Net Dividends feat.) High Low 2:20 chg TexPCO I.M 10 66* 66* 66* TexPLd .35g 194 27'4 26* 26* +'4 TexUtil I.M 52 56* 56 56* - * Textron IJO 38 31* 38 38'A + '4 Textrn pf 1.25 5 40* 40* 40* - * ThatchG 1.40 8 29* 29* 29* - * Thiokol Lilt 54 21* M’A 21* - * ThomAß .80 3 27 26* 27 ... ThoRW 1.40 b 11 52 51* 51* - * Tidewat OU 10 25* 25'4 25* TideO pfl.M 33 25'4 25* 25* Ttmkßß 2.40 7 66* 66* 66* ... . Tishßeal .55b 1 17* 17* 17* - '4 TotedoEd .92 37 30* 30* 30* + * TorringCo 2a 6 67 66* 67 +1 Tract Sup .90 32 23* 22* 23V: + * Trane Co 1 6 72'4 71* 71* - * Trans W Air 38 22 21* 21* ... TraWFin .98f M 18 17* 17* + 'A Tranam ,80b 29 54V: 54'4 54* + 'A Trans pf 4.50 4IM 160 IM Transitron 24 4* 4* 4* . Transwn PL 25 11 10* 11 - * TriCont .64* 19 47* 47 47* + * TungS pf 2.50 2 44 44 44 + * Twent Cent 196 32* 31* 31* + * u UdyliteCp la 11 20* M* M* .... Unarco .20* 80 14* 13* 14 + * UnilevL .28g 31 27'4 27 27* + * Unit NV .77* 4 49* 49* 49* - * UnCamp 1.50 25 39* 39 39* + V: UCarbid 3.M 49 101* 107 1 /: 108* +l* UnionElec 1 41 29'4 28* 29 + * Un El pf 4.50 zM 101* 101 101 - * Un El pf 4 z2O 92 92 92 -1 Un El pf 3.50 zSO 77* 77* 77* - * UnOilCal 2a 17 81'4 80* 81 - * L'nPac 1.20a 56 40* 40 40 -<4 UnPac pf.4o 12 9* 9* 9* - * UnTank I.M 7 33* 33* 33* UAirLin ,50b 56 39* 39 39* Unit Aire 2 26 44* 44* 44* + * UnAir 56pf 4 2 90 90 90 + * UnArtist .80d 73 M'4 20 M'A Unitßisc 1.50 11 33* 33'4 33* + '4 Un BdAC .80 1 18 IB 18 UnCarr 1.20a 2 36* 36 36* + * Unit Cp .35* 7 8* 8* 8* UElCoal 1.80 1 51 51 SI Un EngAF 1 5 18 17* 18 UFinCal 1.53 t 103 27* 27 27'A UnFruit .60a 24 25* 25* 25* UGasCp 1.60 25 38 * 38* 38* - * UGaslmp .88 1 25* 25* 25* + * UCreenf 1.10 15 19* 19V: 19V: - '4 UnitMAM 1 13 17* 17* 17* + * Unit Pk Min 16 1* 1* 1* UnShoe 2.50 2 50’4 50V: 50* + V: UShoe pf 1.50 ZIOO 35 35 35 + '/, USBorx .80 14 31 30* 30* - >4 USBor pf 4.50 Z2O 100 100 100 +1 USForS .80g 11 33'4 32* 32* - * USFrht 1.20a 74 45'4 43* 45 + * USGyp 3a 3 88* 87V: 88V: + * USGyps pf7 z3O 166 166 166 +V: US Indust M 10* 9* 10 + * US Lines 2b 9 45 44 44* + V: USPipe 1.20 14 20 19* M +'4 USPlay I.loa 7 25* 25'/: 25* - * USPlywood 2 8 M 60 60 + * US Rub 2.X 82 49* 49* 49* + * USShoe ,90a 2 33 33 33 -'4 US Smelt 2 117 95V: 94* 94* + * USSm pf 3.50 3 67* 67* 67'4 - * US Steel 2 498 51 50* 50* + * U Steel pf7 3 152* 152* 152* US Tob 1.40 3 28* X* 28* + * USVitam .70 12 26* 26* 26* + * Unitutil 1.12 6 38'4 38 38 - * UnWhel ,07p 2 6* 6* 6* Univ Amer 1 7'4 7* 7* UnivCyc LX 24 29V: 29* 29* UnLeaf I.Xa 4 39 38* 38* - * UnMatch .40 x9l 17* 17* 17* + * UnOilPd .Ma 92 37V: 36'4 37 + * Upjohn .88 25 44* 44* 44* + <4 Urisßld .25r 12 X* 20* 20'4 -* Vanßaal 1.40 13 X* 28 X* + * Van All 1.40 b 1 34* 34* 34'/: - * Vanad Cp 12 14'4 14 14* + V, Vartan As 182 18'/: 17* 18* + * VendoCo .40 216 20* 19* 20* + * Victor Comp 217 10'4 9* 10* + * Va Caro Ch 21 ’4* 76'4 76’4 + * VaC prpf cld 1 50'4 50'4 50'4 VaEPw 1.04 41 44* 44* 44* VaEP pf 480 zX 105 105 105 ... VaEP pf 4.12 z7O 95* 95* 95* - * Vomado 19 24* 24* 24* -* VulcanM .50 17 12* 12’4 12* ... w jWagnEl 1.20 26 22* 22'4 22* + * [Waldorf Sy 1 8* 8* 8* -* Walgrn 1.60 6 48 47* 48 4 * [Walker 1.60a 1 51* 51* 51* - * [ WalTier 80b 7 27* 27 27 - * [Walworth 4 6* 6* 6* Warnßro .80 35 25V: 24* 25V: +1 WarnPic .50 X 14 13* 13* - * .War Lam .70 58 26* 26* 26* - * WashGs 1.40 5 38* 38 38 .... [Webb Del E 53 13* 13 13'4 iWelbilt 05e 2 3 2’4 2* - * WelchSci .25 15 13* 13* 13’4 + * WescoFin 2f 82 47 46V: 46* + * iWVPuIp LX 21 35 34* 34* [Wn Air LI 15 58* 57* 58 + * Wn Bancp 1 18 42* 41* 42* + * Wn Md 1 6 23* 22* 23* + * WnPaeRR 1b 1 36* 36V: 36* - '4 WUnTel 1.40 253 29* X* 29* +l’4 WstgAß 1.40 14 X* 29* 29* + * WestgEl 1.20 44 36 35* 35* + * Wheel Stl 17 32* 32V: 32* + * WhirlCp 1.60 15 49* 49'4 49* + * WhiteM 1.10 *49 29* 29 29* + * [White Sew 2 10 10 10 [White Strs 11 14* 14* 14* [Wickes 1 19 43 41* 43 +l'4 I Wilcox O ,60b X 33* 32* 33* + * Wilsn Co I.M 15 38* 37* 38* +<4 Windsor 1 9 9 9 : >;£... Winn Dix 1.08 21 30 29* 29*.J- * WiscElPow 1 19 3(l* 30* M* ♦- * Wis PSv 1.50 2 46* 46'4 46* - * Witco Ch la 32 39* 38* 39* +l* Wood Ir I.M 4 26* 26* 26* .. Woolwth 2.80 14 90'4 69* 70'4 + * Worthin 1.50 5 34'4 34 34 - * Wrigley 3a 1 99* 99* 99* + * X-Y-Z i Xerox Corp 1 92 2M* 265'4 266* +2'4 YaleAT 17 31 30*4 31 + * Yng ShT 5 56 117'4 115* 116'4 + * Yng SDr 1 8 27 26* 27 +*| Zenith R la 69 64* 64 64 -*| BALES Approx 11 am. total 1,270,000 Approx noon total today 2,130,000 [Approx Ipm total 3,0X.000 'Approx 2 pm total 3400.000 Sales figures are unofficial. I Untesa otherwise noted, rates M divi dends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements baaed on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Special or extra dividends er payments not desig nated as regular trs Identified In the following footnote*. I a—Also extra or extras, b—Annual rate plus stock dividend. c-Uquidating divi Idend. d-Declared or paid in 19S plus stock dividend. e-Pald last year. f-Pay i able in stock during 1963, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution I date. (—Declared or paideo far this [year, n—Declared or paid after stock dividend or split up. k-Declared er paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears, p—Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last dividend meetin*. (-De clared or paid hi 1962 plus stock divi dend t - Paid in stock during 1962. estimated cash value, oa ex-dividend or ex distribution date. z-Sates in full. cld-CaUed. x-Es dividend, y-Ex Divi dend and sales in full. x-dla-Ex dtatrtbu lion, xr—Ex rights, xw—Without war rant*. ww-Wlth warrants, wd—When dis tribnled. wi-When issued. nd-Next day delivery. vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such com oantes. 200,000 Shares Os Kress Offered, Geneseo Reports NEW YORK (DJ). Gen eseo, Inc., said it has received tenders for “close to 200,000 shares” of S. H. Kress & Co. common stock. Geneseo has offered to pay $24.50 each for the shares. The Kress board agreed earlier in the week to transmit the offer to all its shareholders, noting that this didn't constitute en dorsement of the offer. The letters are expected to be mailed Monday. Maxey Jarman, chairman of Geneseo, Nashville - based maker and retailer of apparel and shoes, originally set Sep tember 6 as a deadline for re ceipt of the tenders. A spokes man said a 30-day extension of the deadline is under con sideration. There are some 2,335,000, shares of the variety chain out standing. About 43 per cent of these are held by the Samuel I H. Kress Foundation. The trustees of the foundation have I refused Geneseo's offer but Geneseo has said it might buy tendered shares anyway. Douglas Contract By Dow Jones Douglas Aircraft Co. re-1 celved a $3,176,286 Air Force | contract for maintenance of B-52 aircraft. METALS NBW YORK. lAPIc-Sttt nontsrrou, mktsi prices today; Copper 31 cent" a pound. Connection Valley Lead 11 * eenfi * pound. New York Zinc 15* cento a pound Boat St. Loula Tin Lin* cents a Bound. New York. Forelri allver I.ISI per troy ounce. New York Plttoburirh ocrap yteel No. 1 heavy «a>'ed today by Iron et 1* 00-IJOO. THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. Friday, August 23, 1963 Savings Banks Sales Os Life Insurance Seen NEW YORK (AP).—A new I Connecticut law which could lead to the sale of life insur- ; ance policies by savings banks in 15 other States was hailed i today as one of the most sig nificant breakthroughs in the 1 history of the savings bank in dustry. “Progressive and far-sighted i savings banks in that State showed a vision that tran- 1 scended the interests of any single institution and which I will benefit savings banks and their customers in other ' States,” declared R. Setwart Rauch, president of the Na- i itonal Association of Mutual i Savings Banks. - Writing in the association’s journal, Mr. Rauch noted that i only savings banks in Con necticut, Massachusetts and : New York can now sell life in- 1 surance. 1 A savings bank life insur- 1 ance company, provided for by i dividends Deere & Co. Sales By the Associated Press And Profit Soar Pe- Stk. of Pay- * b “ MOLINE, TH. (AP). —Deere Beech Nut ls .275 9-3 9-M and Co., farm equipment Purex Cp 13 9-4 9-30 simplicity pet m 9-9 9-23 manufacturer, reported, today IRREGULAR j , . x... j Brentwd Fin .07 9-9 io-i4 record sales for the third quar- Corp ’ M ter and for the fiscal 1963 im 101 l three-quarter total. -. Pure* ‘cp fpc 94 9-M The third quarter sales were Jefferson ei OM,TTED $168,668,260, bringing the nine- . « REGU .» AR ,> month sales total to $492,384,- Am Hardware .40 Q 9-6 9-30 OQO Ametek .40 q 9-i6 9-30 888 —21 per cent nigner than bm™ M?nth 'm q ’ll ioj last year s comparable period. caiumetAHec jo q 9-6 9-30 Net income for the nine crr m Fiban : ’.40 q 9jo io j i months was $37,053,775 after con cigar '■» « »]3 ; deduction of ass million pro- K’ n cp p 35 q 9’i 2 9'30 Vision for overseas losses, E?‘ , £ll n e h Kod mo Si 0 equivalent to $5.37 per share, Elizfbtw® Wat .25 q 9-i3 9-271 compared with $3.70 per share 11l Bell Tel 48 a 9-io 9-301 president William A. Hewitt :.. .40 8 9-3 tx! said increased tractor ship- interiake ir 40 9-i6 9-3o; m ents accounted for much of Int Pipe4Cer 25 Q 9-10 ’-30:,. „ .„ inv CoAm 06 9-3 927 ;the sales increase. Kendall Ref 35 Q 9-M 10-1 ' Keystone PCem .25 9-6 9-30 • ■ King Kull A .125 Q 9-5 9-17! Lamson 4 Sess -M 9-3 9-11 Martin Marietta .25 8 9.3 925 120 Cars Ordered Narrow Fab .. .10 Q 9-16 10-10 New York Mag .70 Q 9-4 9-131 By Dow Jones Pa d G?s n 4 °Water 'so q 9-s‘ 9J6i The Pennsylvania Railroad pioneer Plastics is q 9-io 9-24 ordered 120 high-capacity cov- swi ou vta : .325 8 9-’3 3 9-2 C ered hopper cars from ACF superior ei 06 q 8-30 9-131 Industries, Inc., New York, for Todd shipyds 8 ’a ti 3 $1,641,000. The Pennsy said victory »u<ts is Q 9-3 9-i6 delivery was scheduled for Crown Zell 45 Q 9-10 10-1 j r r _ ’V-»i t*v*ii Vwv Disney, Wait 10 q 9-n 10-1 October. Thirty cars will be Lehn 4 Fink .25 d 9-6 9-m especially eQuipoed to haul Long Isl Tr 30 Q 9-13 10-1 * cquzppcu w uaui Malone 4 Hyde JO 10-1 10-15 SUgar. Masonite .30 Q 9-3 9-30 Young S4W .25 . 9-11 9-25 ■ “^7777773373^^7777 — ON LI0N"«bb» CHICAGO GRAIN Local Hauling aad Moving Our Specialty CHICAGO. (AP). —Trade was mixed A and quiet in the grain futures market MB 9 -r t « today with orices showing little or no # ” . AMWU Tronsfer and re wheat was easlxe on scattered Haul- M Storage Co. dation and all Other commoditlea wer* nß A re mtte' improvement IB th* m*rket 529-3611 for soybean meal along with talk that the soybean harvest misht be slightly -■ ~ later than usual attrssted an imnroved demand for the September delivery. Commercial buying steadied Sentem- ■ . V ber corn but there was virtually no in- ■ 4 JA4 j| ■*■(«*■£>■ terest in other months. ■ 14UI WITH 4 I AFeNH At noon, wheat was *-* cent a IHrkW] lushel lower. September *1.78*: corn ; > higher to * lower. September: ■ CEA as as ■ 1,24*.; osU * lower to * higher. ■ *JMJ Pas Hniir ■ September B3* cents, rye *-* higher, W ECI nuill September $1.30*: soybeans * higher 3ks to % lower. September >2.56%. jtmest E. Blind!* & A»Oc7| COTTON I NEW YORK (AP)—Cotton futures WBUUHUUHUauUMHUUUMUUBUU were quiet today. Traders were on MEW HCCITE DI 111 niklf* F the sidelines awaiting fresh develop- NETT UrrlVE DUILUINUSh ments on the cotton crop and cotton BethAtda TflaaaU I legislation. There were no Actual woosmosr insilflSU trades up to the present moment. Prominent corner location. Stores, Ot-D The Census Bureau reported that fkes. Air Conditioning. Elevator. ■ ginnings from the 1963 cotton crop 3,400 Sq. Ft. per floor. Will divide. I through August 16 were 607.375 run- Hh lOX3 I ning Dales. A year ago ginnings were uccupancy uct. /96j 705.094 bales THOMAS F. BROWN, INC. I Late afternoon blds were: October ee , B 33.K0, December 33.32 and March 7-1770 33.52. DIVIDENDS By th* Associated Press Pe- Stk. of Pay- Rate riod Record able INCREASED Beech Nut LS .275 9-3 9-M Purex Cp 13 9-4 9-30 Simplicity Pat M 9-9 9-23 IRREGULAR Brentwd Fin .07 9-9 10-14 Edo Corp 08 9-2 9-30 STOCK Inland CredA 2pc .. 10-22 11-22 Malone 4 Hyde spc 10-3 10-15 Masonite spc 9-3 9-25 Purex Cp 2pc 9-4 9-30 OMITTED Jefferson El REGULAR Am Hardware .40 Q 9-6 9-30 Ametek 40 Q 9-16 9-30 Belco Pet .125 9-13 10-3 Book Month 30 Q 9-16 10-1 CalumeUiHec JO Q 9-6 9-30 Chem Bnk NY .70 Q 9-13 10-1 CIT Finan 40 Q 9-10 10-1 Con Cigar 30 Q 9-13 10-1 Duplan Cp .125 9-12 9-30 Duval Cp 35 Q 9-9 9-30 Eastman Kod 55 8-30 10-1 El BdfcSh 30 Q 9-6 9-27 Elizabtwn Wat .25 Q 9-13 9-27 i Glens Falls In* .. .25 Q 9-M 10-10 Hewitt Rob 25 Q 9-6 9-16 11l Bell Tel 48 Q 9-10 9-30, Imp Oil Ltd 30 Q 9-3 9-30 1 Inspir Con Cop ... .40 9-3 9-M ■ Interlake Ir 40 9-16 9-30 Int PipeACer 25 Q 9-10 9-30: Inv CoAm 06 9-3 9-27; Kendall Ref 35 Q 9-M 10-1 I Keystone PCem . .25 9-6 9-30 King Kull A .125 Q 9-5 9-17’ Lamson A Sess -M 9-3 9-11 Lenox Inc 19 Q 9-10 9-25 Martin Marietta .25 9-3 9-25 Narrow Fab 10 Q 9-16 10-10 New York Mag 70 Q 9-4 9-131 Old Ben Coal .20 8-26 9-11 Pa Gaa 4 Water .40 Q 9 5 9-16 Pioneer Plastics .15 Q 9-10 9-24 Repub Avia 25 Q 9-13 9-M Shell Oil .325 Q 9-3 9-20 Superior El 06 Q 8-30 9-13 [ Swift 4Co 40 Q 9-3 10-1 [ Todd Shipyds 35 9-6 9-131 Victory Mkta 15 Q 9-3 9-16 Crown Zell 45 Q 9-10 10-1 [ Disney, Walt 10 Q 9-11 10-1 : Lehn 4 Fink 25 Q 9-6 9-M Long Isl Tr .30 Q 9-13 10-1 Malone 4 Hyde JO 10-1 10-15 Masonite .30 Q 9-3 9-30 Young S4W 25 . 9-11 9-25 CHICAGO GRAIN j CHICAGO. (AP). —Trade was mixed and quiet in the grain futures market today with orlce* ahowins little or no trend. Wheat was easlre on scattered Haul-. dation and all other commoditlea were narrowly |rr**u»r. A little improvegssnb in th* merket for soybean meal along with talk that th* soybean harvest might be slightly later than usual attrssted an imnroved demand lor the September delivery. Commercial buying steadied Septem ber corn but there waa virtually no in terest in other months. At noon, wheat waa *-* cent a lushel lower. September 81.78*: corn > higher to * lower. September 1,24 *i; oats * lower to * hither. September <s3* cents: rye *-* higher, [ September $1.30*: soybeans * higher to * lower. September 82.56*. COTTON ! NEW YORK (AP).—■Cotton futures 1 were quiet today. Traders were on 1 the sidelines awaiting fresh develop ments on the cotton crop and cotton legislation. There were no wctuwl trades up to the present moment. The Censua Bureau reported that ginnings from the 1963 cotton crop through August 16 were 607.375 run ning bales. A year ago ginnings were 705.094 bales. Late afternoon blds were: October 33.60, December 33.32 and March 33.52. now, see why they call it “beautiful brute utw+j-zr"'— x. y NiwJEEP’ GLADIATOR ■ Designed and built for 4-wheel drive. That’s why the Gladiator is so tough. And that same toughness ' Is now available in 2-wheel drive too! It's powered by the Tornado-OHC Over Head Cam engine. Has ’ • single lever for 4WD. Comfortable ride. Wide cab. Comes in 120* or 126* wheelbase. Tor 8’ pick up boxes. Stake or pickup bodies. Single or dual rear wheels. GVW’s to 8600 lbs. See your 'Jeep* i Dealer todayl ■ ns aalg W KAIBKH >B* CO4*MNMnOW,TsM«sOSto I IRONS BROS., INC. 4327 Gallatin Straat, Hyortsvilla, Md. AP. 7-6110 MONTROSE MOTORS, INC. 11600 Rockville Pika, Rackvilla, Md. WH. 6-4010 DAVE PYLES MOTORS 4632 St. Barnabas Road, Tempi* Hills, Md. 736-S2II SHERMAN JEEP U. $. Highway 301, Brandywina, Md. 372-1101 H. B. HAM, INC 1100 West Lm Highway, Pairfax, Va. 273-4010 HUNTER MOTORS 1101 Mt. Varnon Avaaaa, Alaxandria, Va. TK. 6-2700 ROSSLYN AUTO BODY CO. 1117 North Lynn Street, Arlington, Va. JA. 5-S6OO KAISER PRESENTS THE Tiiccniv ft nn dm LLOYD BRIDGES SHOW TUESDAY, 8:00 P.M. Business, Stocks ft the new Conneetioat law, would be authorized to rein sure savings bank life insur ance policies in the remaining 15 States where savings banks are located. Mr. Rauch said that before banks in the other States can offer customers what he called low-cost saving bank life in surance they must obtain au thority from their own State officials. In most cases, he said, enabling legislation will be necessary. The lack of enough savings banks in many States has made it unwise to set up a separate State system for the sale of savings bank life in surance, Mr. Rauch noted. The other 15 States in which savings banks are located are: Alaska, Delaware, Indiana, Maine. Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon. Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wash ington and Wisconsin. A-13