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A-14 Amusements THE PASSING SHOW 4th Musical Added To Guild Schedule By JAY CARMODY « Dram* Critic of The Star With the addition this week of “Little Me” to the Theater Guild’s 1983-4 subscription series, the program is running more heavily than usual to musicals. The Sid Caesar starrer, which will be coming along March 16 in the nine-play schedule, is the fourth of its type among the eight productions already announced. Only one of the quar- tet will be In-bound to Broad way, this one starring Carol Channing, under the free wheeling title, “Dolly: A Damned Exasperating Woman.” It is based upon Thornton Wil der’s "The Matchmaker” and will be directed by that ma gician of musicals, Gower Champion. ! The other two musicials in the Guild's series are the Eng lish Import. “Stop the World— I Want To Get Off.” and .’•Camelot,” which is next sum mer's booking at the National. The cast of the first mentioned will be headed by Joel Grey and flulie Newmar. As for “Came lot,” it will be brought here by the national, or touring com pany, with three former film stars heading the cast, namely Kathryn Grayson, Louis Hay ward, and Arthur Treacher. *« * * . THE OTHERS: In general, srtth the ninth and final play Still to be announced, the (Guild’s up-coming program will run to the lighthearted. ! The series will start off, in !:eed, with three successive omedies. The first of these is he two-season Broadway hit, A Thousand Clowns,” which will arrive at the National on September 16, with Dane Clark ind Margaret O’Brien in the principal roles. It will be fol lowed by a Guild option com-1 «dy (available to subscribers at Seduced prices as an extra), this one Neil Simon’s “Barefoot Ip the Park.” ; The Simon play is booked for September 30 and will present ; a company whose headliners ( include Elizabeth Ashley, Rob- , «rt Redford. Mildred Natwick, and Kurt Kaznar. Third of the series’ more friv-! ‘ olous productions will be ‘ "Seidman and Son,” outward 1 bound from Broadway, with Sam Levene as its star. It is I 1 due at the National for a fort- ’ night beginning November 11. ] ♦♦» * 1 MORE SERIOUSLY: More < somber commentary on life will 1 confront the Guild’s subscri- 1 bers in the other two plays of 1 the eight so far announced, 1 both prize winners, however. • The first of this pair, “A Man tor All Seasons,” will be turn ing up in February with a cast dominated by William Roder ick, Albert Dekker, George Rose, and Bruce Gordon. The Robert Bolt play, based upon the life of Sir Thomas More, won the Critics' Circle award two seasons ago, the last year before the Circle dropped its play” classification in flavor of merely best play, re gardless of origin. April will bring last year’s multi-award winner, Edward Albee’s “Who’s Afraid of Vir ginia Woolf?” starring Nancy Kelly and Shepperd Strudwick in its evening performances, Michaele Myers and Kendall Clark in the matinees. Actor Clark will be remem bered as a member of Arena Stage’s resident company over the last three seasons. •» ♦ * NOW THE MOVIE: Al though no release date has been set for the film, much less a Washington booking, "Mary, Mary” will have a trade pre- wMIRISCH (OBMM9 MWMNFS WKWUmiI nnww 60UIDMEMK M mnEMINIOK GEomoYxi 1 " - J«s roe TWttWi'iiaidH | PAHAviaiotirl Pit FOCkW Sliwlww • IMMCH CIAUO. HKOUCTOM tomn boM> am on M KrMn! *- V Miuuo ihou uarto Mian DOORS OPEN 10 4$ Im. I SECOND • I j • SMASH WEEK! I I / I I I ci T | <z I , trans-lux plaza NEW YORK AVE. 7 * 14TH ST. THE EVENING STAR Woihington, D. C. Friday, August 23, 1963 view here next week. It is set for the Ambassador theater for Thursday. The screen version of Jean Kerr’s stage hit, which ran for five big weeks at the National last winter, is a Mervyn LeR o y production, also directed by him. Barry Nelson, of the original Broadway company, Debbie Reynolds, Diane Mcßain and Michael Rennie head the cast of the picture which will be distributed by Warner Bros. •• • • MOREOVER: J. Wesley Zei gler, otherwise Joe, has fin ished his Ford Foundation fel lowship year as a theater ad ministrative “intern” at Arena Stage. ... He now moves on to San Francisco’s Actors Work shop for his second year’s ex perience, covering all aspects of theater management. ... He will be succeeded at Arena this season by Miss Noel Dowling, a June graduate of Carnegie Tech. . . . Miss Dowling, a na tive of Brooklyn, has worked with a number of summer theaters, the latest Memphis Front Street theater. Come September 16, the De partment of Agriculture’s Gra duate School will be offering a' 16-weeks Theater course. . . . It will be taught by Helen Ger trude Hicks, formerly associate professor of speech and drama tics, Hunter college. . . . For further information, call Du dley 8-6337.... Tennessee Wil liams’ “The Glass Menagerie” will replace Shaw's “M1 s a 111- ance” as the final play of Way side Theater’s season at Mid dletown, Va. ... It will run August 27-31 with Jane Lowry, Andrea Miller, and Jonathan Farwell heading the cast. Alfred Hitchcock, who moves around among distributors, will release his next film, “Mamie,” through Universal which also handled "The Birds.” . . . Vir ginia’s Museum Theater, Rich mond, announces the appoint ment of John A. Preuss as its new technical director. . . . Preuss filled the same post last year at Smith College. coEnST* ufw mSsob •iB'W OTOMTIOM COLOR PANAVISOC ■■l | gt(IAI« S ACAOINT AWMO WlNNfl ! IHI 4CT9EII .LESLIE Mill . mBMI JHgSMgBIKK ftp Up ■HF if USB AI Jik ■ W, 1 '*>• ■ HL ■k ’ \ K 'M tSb »»* Bl v w nA ' NHs eHH wk 4LL SUMMER LONG At least for eight weeks of it, Jesse Pearson has been singing the Conrad Birdie role in “Bye-Bye, Birdie” at the Trans-Lux Theater. The film, directed by George Sidney, was cannily released simultaneously with the re lease of the younger generation from school. AIR-CONDITIONED « A « A <WM A 4 WORLD'S GREATEST $ Nil | I n EBJ FA ■ STAGE MUSICALS! t i: 3 WEEKS ONLY! OPENS TUESDAY EVENING AT 81 ; I All Other Evenings 8:30 ' ■ 11 SIX MATINEES ONLY: Thursday, August 29, and Wednes days, September 4th & 11th, at 2 P.M.; and Saturdays, S August 31st and September 7th & 14th, at 2:30 P.M. MEREDITH WILLSON’S Mdfte's rove THE NEW MUSICAL STARRING !: JANIS CRAIG LAURENCE PAIGE STEVENS NAISMITH h :: Box Office Open Daily S’, 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. UPPER ■; !: PRICES ORCHESTRA FIRST BALCONY BALC. I • ;; Mon. thru Thun. Evenings $6.95 & 5.95 $5.95, 4.95, 3.90 $2.50 !1 ; Frl. & Set. Evenings $7.90 * 6.95 $6.95, 5.95, 4.95 $3.00 1I ■ ;All Six Matinees $5.50 6 4.95 $4.95, 3.90, 2.90 $1.85 11 MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED • Enclose Self-Addressed !; <> Stamped Envelope ;! I tell you phnm' PARAMOUNT PICTURES Sk C , nUm » presents X FR3NK I*4' Siaana. tgli Come Biow FmL Your Hom IA i IK4. . MOLLY BARBARA JILL COBB?ICON-RUSH-ST.jbHN-Bioci(ERMcGffiE-fi ••eeveieev wwecvggo* ececeuesa* ev eeecu*we NORMAN LEARwBUD YORKIN-BUD YORKIN-NORMAN LEAR-HOWARD W. KOCH - huuvmr limnm hMxsmcii. itoehKtiswmit vrS^»rS4iiii<t»H<muiitsnii huish- Mtauluma mm idoors open fjFT.t inis aj». METRO GOLDWYN MAYER PRESENTS A KING BROTHERS PRODUCTION SCIMITARS FLASHiDANGER FLAMES as ADVENTURE’S MIGHTIEST HERO DARES HISsGREATEST CONQUEST! * a. Mkv. caPTam siiiDßan ...—.GUY HEIDI PEDRO ABRAHAM WILLIAMS • BRUHL • ARMENDARIZ • SOFAER wa-fHN •* O'RfCttO tv PRODUCED BY SAMUEL B. WEST and HARRY REUS • BYRON HASKIN • FRANK KING and HERMAN KING NOW SHOWING I AIR CONDITIONS CAPITOL F Street ot 14th Open, 11i3O A.M. Rtpublic 7-1000 n u . GUY WHERE AND WHEN Current Stage and Screen Shows and Show Times Stage National—“ The Sound of Music”; 8:30 p.m. Carter Barron Amphitheater —Nat King Cole in “Sights and Sounds of ’63”; 8:30 p.m. Olney Theater—“ The Care taker”; 8:30 p.m. Shady Grove Music Fair— “ Oklahoma!”; 8:30 pm. Screen Ambassador “The Slave”; ffuinjLf i - Films of More Than Routine Merit “THE NUTTY PROFESSOR”—Bright but uneven Jerry Lewis film. ’’SAVAGE SAM”—Walt Disney entry for the youngsters. ’’THE GREAT ESCAPE”—Dramatic outbreak from a POW camp. ’•THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER’*—Commendable spy film with five male stars in “mystery” roles. Stanley Warner Theaieri ARE AU All CONDITIONED aval nit 14,2 Conn - *“■ nW AVALUn wo 6 . 2600 Matinees Dally “The Nutty Professor” Jerry Lewis. 1:00, 4:20, 8:OS. Walt Disney's “SAVAGE SAM” (Son of Old Yeller), 2:45, 6:20, 8:50, KENNEDY ra.s-moo AXsAMMII 326 Kennedv M N.W. “The Nutty Professor” Jerry Lewis, 6:16, 9:36. “CATTLE KINO” Robert Taylor. 8:05, PENN u - 7 ’ 2< x> FKilsn 650 Renn. Ave. ».|. Walt Disney’s “SAVAGE SAM” (Son of Old Yeller). 1:15. 5:20. 9:25. Courtship of Eddie’s Father Olenn Ford, 3:00, 7:05. savov c °- 3 4968 MVUI 3030 14th St N W ‘Man Who Knew Too Much’ James Stewart. 7:40. “Trouble With Harry” Edmund Owynne, 6:00. 0:40. Late Show Tonlaht. 11:30. “Blood of the Vampire” & “Step Down to Terror” Tomorrow: Cartoon Show on First Show Only SHEBDAN Walt Disney’s "SAVAGE SAM” (Son of Old Yeller). 6:15. 9:30. “THE YOUNG RACERS” 8:05. «fl VEn Colesville Rd. o« Go. Ave. BUaVUI w >SJOO Double Feature—Early Openlnal Walt Disney’s “SAVAGE SAM” (Son of Old Yeller), Tommy Kirk, Kevin Corcoran. 2:35, 6:15. 9:55. “The Nutty Professor” Jerry Lewis. 12:45, 4:20. 8:00. TairnMa 4 * 6 Butternut N.W. IHAUFIA RAJ-4312 free P-kinu. Doors Open 5:15 Recommended for Mature Audlencea “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” Katharine Hepburn. 5:30. 9:55. "Manchurian Candidate” Frank Sinatra. 7:50. Trani I 14th * Park Rd. N.W. 11VUL1 co j_ lgoo Walt Disney's “SAVAGE SAM” (Son of Old Yeller). 2:30. 6:00. 9:25. “Last Train From Gun Hill” 1:00, 4:25, 7:50. K-B THEATERS a PFY 4113 Mau. Ave. WO. 6-4600 free Parking Federico Fellini’s "8(4” (Italian), 1:00. 3:15, 5:36, 7:55, 10:10 p.M. Bat. Kiddle Show Tomorrow at 1:00 & 3:00 P.M., "MISTY OF CHINCOTEAGUE" (Color), and Cartoons. BABONET First Washlntton Showing! SHIR LEY EATON, KENNETH CONNOR In the British Laurh Riot . . . “GET ON WITH IT” •at 6:30, 8:10, 9:55 P.M. I AMCI HF N - M - Av «- * Univ - LAHULCiI g|vd HJ 4 WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” (Technicolor), with TOMMY KIRK. nt 1:25, 3:25, 5:30, 7:35, 9:45 P.M. KAYWOOD CINEMA JERRY LEWIS in “THE NUTTY PROFESSOR” (Color). 6:30 and 10:00 P.M. Plus: KIRK DOUGLAS. ANTHONY QUINN in “THE LAST TRAIN FROM OUN HILL’* at 8:25 P.M. FLOWEi AVI. PLATIOUIE 8725 Hower Ave., Silver Spring, Md. JU. 8-1666 First Washington Showing! SHIR LEY EATON, KENNETH CONNOR in the British Laugh Riot . . . “GET ON WITH IT’ at 6:30, 8:10, 9:55 P.M. BOCKVILLE DBIVE » Rockville, Md. PO. 2-61R6 SEE AD UNDER "DRIVE-INS” Continuous AU Day From 1 PM. E RVRI) Wosh. lee Shopping Center 3D I MV Ono ft. Myer JA. 7-1733 •6 ROCK HUDSON. ROD TAYLOR In . "A GATHERING OP EAGLES.’’ 7 CTSTT f® ll * Church, Va. i siaia JB 2-isss v>-5 Continuous From 1 P.M. Walt Disney's "SUMMER MAGIC" ROCK HUDSON. ROD TAYLOR in “A GATHERING OF EAO LES.” | BUCKIMGKAM x Continuous From 1 P.M. uo Walt Dianey'e “SAVAGE BAM’’ <£ STEVE MCQUEEN. JAMES GARNER Soln "THE GREAT ESCAPE," 1:30, n Z 6:00 >nd S::l ° P M ci rar 2,10 g l **** «<»• JA. 7-4266 Continuous From 1 P.M. Walt Disney’s "SUMMER MAGIC" 5 inrracna Ar| - ,|,d ' * ~ JUtUIUR d o |.»d, Jf. 2-RO4O Si Held Over 2nd Week! 2“ STEVE McQUEEN, JAMES GARNER In THE GREAT ESCAPE," 1:40, 2 5:00 and 8:30 P.M. 2 fYNTar Shop. Center vaenaaax, re. 6-1000 free Parking Continuous From 1 P.M Walt Dlsney'a "SAVAGE SAM" IcmnuT Walt Disney’s "SAVAGE SAM." BRIAN KEITH, 7:15. 9:15. BOTH’S SILYEB SPRING t 242 Geargle Av, JU. MUI 2nd WEEK! MATINEES DAILYI Can you find Sinatra, Curtla, Lancaster. Mitchum and Doualas? “THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER” 1:86. 3:46, 5:64. 8:00, 10:06. with Dana Wynter and Oeorae C. Scott. n 1:25, 4:55 and 8:15 pm. “Tar zan’s Three Challenges”; 3:10, 6:40 and 10 p.m. Apex—“B%”; 1, 3:15, 5:35, 7:55 and 10:10 pa. Capitol—“ Captain 81nbad”; 12:15, 2:10, 4:05, 6, 8 and 9:55 p.m. Dupont—“ The Thrill of It All”; 12:15, 2:15, 4:10, 6:10, 8:10 and 10:05 p.m. Keith’*—“Toys in the Attic”: 11:35 a.m., 1:25, 3:30, 5:35, 7:40 and 9:45 p.m. MacArthur—“Mouse on the Moon”; 6:15, 8 and 9:55 pa. Metropolitan “Tarzan’s Three Challenges”: 11:40 a.m., 3, 6:30 and 9:55 p.m. “The Slave”; 1:05, 4:30 and 8 p.m. WINELAND THEATERS ANACOSTIA 1415 Good Hope Rd. S.E. LU. 1-7070 WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” In Color, 1:15, 4:40. 8:10. STEW ART GRANGER In "SWORDSMAN OF SIENA," Color, 2:55, 6:25. 9:55. HIGHLAND JERRY LEWIS as “THE NUTTY PROFESSOR” (Color). 6:15. 10:15. JOHN WAYNE. DEAN MARTIN, RICKY NELSON in "RIO BRAVO," in Color, at 8:05. ATI ANTIC 60 Copiiol & Atlantic nileKlßSaV JO ~4 100 FrM p ork . ROCK HUDSON In "A GATHERING OF EAGLES." Color. 6:15. 9:40. Plus the Voices ot RED BUTTONS. ROBERT GOU LET and JUDY GARLAND In “GAY PURR-EE," in Color, at 8:15. CONGBESS WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” In Color, at 6:30, 8:30, CBRAI 4703 Atartboro Pike, Md. bUIMMs JO g 3 ,j, frM Farfc!n# WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” In Color, at 6:30, 8:30. | a nPFT laurel, Md. free Parking IsAUnLle Parkway 5.2113 HAYLEY MILLS In Walt Disney’s “SUMMER MAGIC” In Color, at 6:55, 9:25. MAYIfIR 28th a Ala. Ave. S.E. nnaaevn lu. 2 4000 free Parking ROCK HUDSON In "A GATHERING OF EAGLES.” Color. 2:30. 5:55, 9:25. Plus the Voices of RED BUTTONS. ROBERT GOULET. JUDY GARLAND in "GAY PURR-EE." Color. 1:05. 4:30. 8:00. DISTBICT THEATEBS Air Conditioned Call NO. 7-3000 I IMCftl M 12,3 Y °u st. N.W. IslHbUlsll Door , Op#n ,2.20 2nd Wk. 1001 Fabulous Blrhts In "CAPTAIN SINDBAD." Feature at 1:25, 3:30, 5:40, 7:50 and 10:00. DEAN MARTIN. GERALDINE PAGE In “TOYS IN THE ATTIC.” Features 1:25, 3:30, 5:36, 7:35, 9:40. BOMEBT 3rd Week. LESLIE CARON. TOM BELL. BROCK PETERS. “THE L -BHAPED ROOM” (Adult Entertain ment). Feature, 1:25, 4:05, 6:45 and 9:25, V ANCCTAW 25th & Unn. Rd. N.I. laARUd lUM Doort Open 2545 Walt Disney’s “SAVAGE BAM” at 3:00. 6:15, 9:35. “HERCULES AND THE CAPTIVE WOMEN,” 4:40, 7:55. CFIIATnn 3950 Minn. Ava. N.E. •Minlull raEE parking Doors Open 2:30. Walt Disney’s “SAVAGE SAM.” 5:20. 9:15. JERRY LEWIS as “THE NUTTY PROPEB - 3:25 and 7:20. »TI 1C 1331 H St N t. Ma Bafta Door , Opwl ,2:45 JERRY LEWIS as "THE NUTTY PROFESSOR.” 12:45, 4:05. 7:45. Walt Disney's "SAVAGE BAM." at 2:15. 5:50 and 9:35. ALEXANDRIA THEATERS COMfORTABLY AIR CONDITIONED HEED 1703 Kinfl St Kl ' 9-3443 U&mV Parking Matinee Every Day! Walt Disney’s “SUMMER MAGIC” with HAYLEY MILLS. Cont. From 1:30 P.M. VTRCniA 1 st. A N. Wash. Sts. vinuiiiA Frw pkg K | 9 . 6133 STEVE MCQUEEN, JAMES GARNER in “THE GREAT ESCAPE,” Color. Feature at 6:15 and 9:15 P.M. VTRlinil KI. 9-2424 3707 Mt. VMNUH Vernon Ava., Free Pkg. I Matinee Every Day. Walt Disney’s “SAVAGE SAM.” in Color. Con tinuous Prom 1:30 P.M. RICHMOND STEVE McQUEEN. YUL BRYNNER, “THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN,” in Color. Cont. From 1:30 P.M. WHEATON PLAZA WH, 9-8120 Wheotga, Md. WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” Starring BRIAN KEITH. TOMMY KIRK, at 1:10. 3:15. 5:20, 7:25 and 9:30. Tomorrow: Cont. From 11:00 A.M. I village 130 ,ri”CT Matinee Dally, 1:00 P.M. Two Features ROCK HUDSON and MARY PEACH, “A GATHERING OF THE EAGLES” 1:00, 4:35, 8:19, Plus AUDIE MURPHY in ‘RIDE A CROOKED TRAIL’ 2:55. 6:30, 10:05. riIVFRT Fork !*’•• f£ 3 6333 blUeVLnl 3324 W|tc Ay> Marcello Mastrolanni “LA DOLCE VITA” Directed by Fererlco Fellini Feature at 7:00 and 10:00. FAIBFAX f ’ irf ’eP.X ,2W WALT DISNEY S "SUMMER MAGIC,” HAYLEY MILLS. GEORGETOWN WASHINGTON’S REPERTORY CINEMA One of the Year’s Ten Best! “DIVORCE ITALIAN STYLE” starring Marcello Mastroiannl and Daniela Rocca Peaturs, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. rniAMy 4P35 Georgia Ave. N.W. vuasuni NO 744 MtA 3 3300 (SPANISH FILMS): Aug. 23 thru Aug. 27. "QUIERO MORIR BN CARNAVAL” (Color), Lorena Velasques; "EL NINO Y LA NIEBLA.” Dolores del Rio, P. Lopes Laser, Doors Open Frl., 7:30 P.M. CAPITOL BILL 314 TOP FEATURES! No. I—lst AREA RUN! A NEW ROUOH. TOUGH PAT BOONE In “THE YELLOW CANARY." 4:30. 9:25. No. 2—STEVE REEVES in "THE WHITE WARRIOR." Color, 2:60. 7:46 No. 3 "THE GIANT BEHE MOTH MONSTER," 1:30, 6:25. EXTRA! 3 STOOGES. 1:10, 6:00. VTIJI Am P | » Rockville, Md. Viasßelß Porklng Poplar 2 7371 WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” (Coiy). 1:00, 3:15. 5:15. 7:20, 9:20. Ontario—“ Lawrence ot Ara bia"; 2 and 8:15 pm. Palace "Come Blow Your Hom”; 11:40 ajn., 1:45, 3:50, 5:55, 8 and 10 pan. Playhouse "The L-Shaped Room”; 11:05 ajn., 1:15, 3:30, 5:40, 7:55 and 10:10 p.m. Plan “The Fourth Sex”; 11:40 a.m„ 1:15, 2:45,4:20,5:55, 7:25, 9 and 10:30 p.m. Town—“lrma La Douce”; 12, 2:40, 5:20, 8 and 10:30 p.m. Trans-Lux—“Bye Bve Bird ie”; 11:35 ajn., 1:40, 3:45, 5:50, 8 and 10:05 pjn. Uptown “How the West Was Won”; 8:30 p.m. Warner—“ Cleopatra”; 2 and 8 p.m. JHtM W UH SIDNEY LUST THEATEBS PRft PARKING AIR CONDITIONED A Pint-Slsed Pioneer end a Lop- Eared Hound Dos Chsllense the Wild Apschesl WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” (In Technicolor) Starring: Brian Keith. Tommy Kirk. Kevin Corcoran. Dewey Martin, Jeff York and “Sam,” son ot "Old Yeller.” Al Ini 6622 N * w Hompihire at fUsßs&n E . w Hwy ju 9J3M MATINEE TODAY. 1 P.M. CONT. WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” (See box above). Color. 1:15. 3:25, 5:30, 7:40, 9:48. Adults 75c, Chll dren 30c. BETHESDA MATINEE TODAY. 1 P.M.' CONT. WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” (See box above). Color. 1:15, 3:25. 5:30. 7:40, 9:48. Early Opening Tomorrow 10:30, Starts 11 A.M. CHEVEBLT La ? <lovw ond Annap vaaegaaiaaeß o | lg Rd , UN 4 0)00 MATINEE TODAY. 1 P.M. CONT. WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” (See box above), Color. 1:16, 3:25, 5:30, 7:40, 9:48. HYATTSVILLE “J 7 MATINEE TODAY, 1 P.M. CONT. Rock Hudson. Rod Taylor. “A Gathering of Eagles” Color, 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:35, 9:45, Added Attraction Tomorrow: Talent Contest on Stase at 2:20. 8 Youns Stars of Tomorrow will compete. Winners to Appear at the Prince Georges County Fair In September. YIEHg Mil l 12202 Vl «" Mltl >d - TSBMia naasßs WH 6 7800 MATINEE TODAY, 1 P.M. CONT. WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” (See box above). Color. 1:15. 3:25, 6:30. 7:40. 9:48. Early Opening Tomorrow 10:30. starts 11 A.M. Adults 75e. Children 30c. DRIVE-IN 2Vk Mi. Post D. C, Line on Rt. 214 STEVE REEVES. “GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS” 8:30. Robert Jeffrey Ryan Hunter “THE PROUD ONES” 10:40. Robert Keenan Stack Wynn “SCARFACE MOB” 12:20. - ■ —. L 1 SUPm9DBM*X; Bob Hope. "CRITICS CHOICE," 10:30, "SERGEANTS THREE.” 8:25. plus "BUSAN SLADE," 12:25. WmELAMD DBIVE IMS ADC DRIVE IN 7100 Indian Head Hwy. CH. 8-4900 Show Starts nt 8:20. WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” 5 great stars challenge you to guess the disguised roles they play In the most bizarre murder mystery ever conceived! “THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER" Kirk Douglas Frank Sinatra Robert Mitchum Tony Curtis Burt Lancaster Plus Lute Show! Don Murray. Christine Kaufman "ESCAPE FROM EAST BERLIN" HILLSIDE DBIVE-IN 6200 Morlboro Pike, RE. 6-2166 Show Starts at 8:20 Kirk Douglas, “THE HOOK’’ ROCK HUDSON "A GATHERING OF EAGLES" In Color Plus Late Show! Intrigue in the Exotic East! "CAIRO" SIDNEY LUST'S BEI.TSVILLEDBIVE.III On U. S. No, 1 474-1800 $1 PER CARLOAD | Open 7:30. Starts 8:15. Story of an unforgettable Frontier Dor and his plnt-slsed master who challenged the Apache Nation. Brian Keith, Tommy Kirk, Kevin Corcoran, Jeff York In WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” Color 8:25. 10:35. SUNSET Bqilwy-, X Rood,, Rt. 7, Alox., Va. "Service Comedy Laughathon" No. I—CARY GRANT and JAN E MANSFIELD. "KISS THEM FOR ME." 8:20. No. 2 —TONY CURTIS and JANET LEIGH. “PERFECT FURLOUGH," 10:15. No. 3—GLENN FORD and DONALD O’CONNOR. “CRT FOR HAPPY." 11:45. 30I.WALDQBF w .3 cartoons 8:80. Vincent Price "TOWER OF LONDON" 8:65, EXCLUSIVE SHOWING! James Oarner. Steve McQueen “THE GREAT ESCAPE” At 10:15 only. Scope and Color. BANCH DBIVE DI CY. 7-9900 JU. 9-1121 Old Rronch Ave., Clinton, Md. 3 Cartons 8:80. Thrilling War Story, "BRUSHPIRE" at 8:50, ROCK HUDSON "GATHERING OF EAGLES" 10:10 plus Pat Boone. Nancy Kwan “MAIN ATTRACTION" late show. BOCKVILLE DBIVE IM Rockville, Md,PO, 2 6186 Open at 7:00 P.M. WALT DISNEY’S “SAVAGE SAM” (Technicolor) with Tommy Kirk, at 8:30 P.M. Plui: Steve Reeves In "DUEL OF THE TITANS" (in Color) at 10:30 PM. Extra! "Cartoon Carnival" at 8:10 P.M. f BUNNY YEAGER? “Glamor Camera’’ In Color, Alm In Color “SHAMELESS" jwnnnnrera Smoking Permitted ulauuiUß 9th a f st. 2.” JjwafflHiKr AND "SOME LIKE IT COOL" ADT INCOLORI ARkK 1 KT. AW. AT fm CIBCLE 2,OS £A NW - 4 Blocks From The Whitt Koutg Air Conditioned Continuous Matinees Dally Last 2 Days >" 2 ACADEMY AWARD JACK LEMMON. LEE REMICK, i CHARLES BICKFORD in “DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES” > Perf. at 12:30, 4:20. 8:15, ll:5fcl Plus AUDREY HEPBURN and GEORGE PEPPARD in “BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S” Perf. at 2:25. 6:20. 10:10 (Color). • LATE SHOW TONIGHT! ,- COME AS LATE AS 10:10 ANO SEE BOTH FEATURES. ; ■ Aug. 25-26: "Auntie Mame” ‘ ? plus “Sabrina” Aug. 27-29: “Summer Place" plus . "Splendor in the Grass" ’ V STANTQH ABT THEATBK WASHINGTON’S THEATER OP ART . 18th, Ju,t Off Rhode liland Ave. N.f Ample Parking facilities LA. 6-6099 AIR CONDITIONED VIRGINIA BELL Stars in one of the season’s funniest . gal-filled comedies yet to be seen. You're sure to enjoy—in Color. “SCANTY PANTIES” At 6:00. 8:00 an 10:00. EXCLUSIVE This is one of the finest naturlst pictures ever made. Must be seen to appreciate. Make sure and see in Color. ‘FOR MEMBERS ONLY’ At 7:00 and 9:00. lITIVTMI Via. 9-1359 12th si. ni, wi un N s g,, Mieh 41l Steve Reeves In "DUEL OF THE TITANS." 6:30. 9:28. Also "TAR ZAN, THE MAGNIFICENT," 8:00. :—.——. nnmn Damascus, md. unuiu HAYLEY MILLS In WALT DISNEY’S "SUMMER MAGIC’" Shows at 7:27 and 9:27. QUEENS CHAPEL Ajer Rd. at Hamilton (off Qu»«ns Chapel Rd.), W. Hyattj. Mins. From Sil. Spg. and D C. WA. 7-2900 Triple-Blockbuster (IN EXCITING COLOR) SHOW STARTS AT 8:30 P.M. A RIOT OF LAUGHS! JBRRY GOES JEKYLL AND HYDE! “THE NUTTY PROFESSOR” JERRY BITfiLLA LEWIS STEVENS (Shown First) “A HOLE IN THE HEAD” Frank Edward G. Sinatraßobinson “GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!” Elvis Presley. Stella Stevens Open 7:30. Chid. Under 12 Free Free Exciting Locomotive Rides MT. VERNON JUST 4 Ml. SOUTH Os AUX. ON ROUTE 1. SO. 8-7800 Double-Blockbuster (IN EXCITING COLOR) SHOW STARTS AT 8:30 P.M. Here’s Hayley! In a Whirl ot Fun, Music and Romance! WALT DISNEY’S “SUMMER MAGIC” HAYLEY MILLS, BURL IVM DOROTHY EDDIE McOUIRE HODOEB (Shown First) The Film Everyone Is Talking About! “GIANT” Rock Elizabeth James Hudson Taylor Dean Open 7:30. Chid. Under 12 Free Free Exciting Locomotive Rides LEE HWY.-ABL. BLVD. Bet. 7 Corners & Fairfax Cir. via Lee Hwy, or Ari. Blvd. 540-1500 Double-Blockbuster SHOW STARTS AT 8:30 P.M. THE GREAT ADVENTURE I “THE GREAT ESCAPE” STEVE JAMES McQUEEN GARNER In PanaVision and Color (SHOWN FIRST) A Wild and Woolly African Adventure! 808 ANITA EDIE HOPE EKBERO ADAMS “CALL ME BWANA” In Exciting Color Open 7:30. Chid. Under 12 Free Free Exciting Locomotive Rides AIBPOBT 1 mi. South of 14th St. Bridge At 20th St. and Noulo I AN EXcmNG. D BUBPENBEFUL NER VK J ATTEnSor: OUGH. ••THE 4 GR o «ATEBcfi.«." 808 HOPE. ANITA EKBERG. ' “Call’S! 1 ” color) Children Under 12 Free Show Starts 8:30 New PALMER Driv-h » On Palmer Hi-way (Rte. 704), midway between John Hanson and Annapolis Rd. 773-7711. j Walt Dlsney'a “SAVAGE SAM” 8:20. ♦ Anthony Kirk Carolyn • Quinn Douglas Jones . "LAST TRAIN FROM » GUN HILL” 10:25. « CHARLTON HESTON. “PIGEON THAT J TOOK ROME” 12:00. SUPEB CBIEF 1401 Indian Head Hwy. CH. 8-8700 i Cartoon Carnival. James Stewart in “THE FAR COUNTRY." 8:30. Gregory Peck In his Award- ' Winning Role in "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD," 10:00.