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AUCTION SALES I (CONTINUED) ADAM A. WESCHLEB 4c SON AaetleneeH-Appralaera T MORTGAGE? 8 BALK FORTY-EIGHT TELEVISION SETS B AND CHASSIS , Default having occurred In the payment of certain obligations contained In a Chattel Mortgage filed September 10, 1062, as . Instrument No. 4337. Recorder of Deeds Office. D. C.. and at the request of the holder thereof, we . will sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION at . WBBCHLER’S, 005 K St. N.W.. I FRIDAY. AUGUST 30. 10U3, AT 11 O’CLOCK A.M., Seven 1055 Bendli 21", Model 2100 E; Motor olas Include five 1055 21", Model 21T21. Five 11156 21' Model 21T25 and 3c ven 1058 17". Model 17T32; Five General Electric 1056 21". Model 21T1540; Four 1061 10" Wells-Gardner. Model 31089: Three 1958 21' Stromberg-Carl- son. Model K2IM: Three 1058 17" 1 Emerson. Model 1506: One Port able Hot-Point. Model 14820: Six Chassis from 1955 21". Motorolas. Model 21T21 and two 1952 16" Olympic. To be first offered as an entirety and If a satisfactory bld Is not received, will be Imme diately sold In detail. TERMS: CASH EDWARD L. MERRIGAN Attorney for Mortgagee 425 13th St. N.W. au19.22,24.27.20 THOS. J. OWEN A SON, INC. Auctioneers, 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ BALE OF VALUABLE ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING - KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 1607 D STREET SOUTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 11.111. i Folio 511 et seq.. of the land rec- ■ ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the norty secured thereby, the undersigned | trustees will sell, at public auc- g tion In front of the preniues. pn FRIDAY. THE THIRTIETH DAY OF AUGUST. A.D. 11163. AT ONE THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M.. the fol lowing-described land and nrem- , Ises. situate In the District of Columbia, wnd designated as and being Lot 36 In Cavery s subdi vision In Square 1090 as per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia. In Liber 37 at Folio 43. TERMS: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $5,423; further particulars of which will be announced at time of ’ale. purchase price above eaid trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of SSOO In cash or certified check required. Conveyancing, recorolng. , recordation tax. etc., at Purchas er’s cost. Adjustments made as pt date of sale. Terms to be complied T with within thirty days, other wise deposit forfe.ted and the property may te advertised and resold at the discretion of the THOMAS R. HARRISON. VERNON HASLUP. au20. Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN * SON. INC.. Auctioneers, 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE MTACHED STONE DWELLING RFING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 1725 VARNUM STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 11664. Folio 285. et seq.. of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees wIU sell, at public auc tlon. in front of the premises, on (I TUESDAY. THE THIRD DAY OF SEPTEMBER. A.D. 1063. AT TWO- . FORTY-FIVE O’CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and prem ises. situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and q being Lot 52 In Square 2647 in Breunlnger’s subdivision of part of a tract of land called ’’Argyle, Cowl and Lorn.’’ as per Plat re corded in the Office of the Bur- I veyor for the District of Colum bia, in Liber 76. at Folio 157. TERMS: Bold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $15.505..7, fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be bald in cash. A deposit of SSOO In cash or certified check re quired. Conveyancing, recording, recordation tax. etc., at purchaer’s cost. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise de posit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. LEONARD C. COLLINS. 1 RICHARD L. SUGARMAN. UU22.24,27.29.31 Trustees. -THOB. J. OWEN A SON. INC. Auctioneer', 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of tnist duly recorded, in Liber No. 10281. Folio 166 et sea., of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, st public auc t.on m front of the premises, on TUESDAY. THE THIRD DAY OF SEPTEMBER. A.D. 1963. AT TWO b O’CLOCK P.M., the following ueacribed land and premises, sit uate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 180 in Gaddies subdivision of Block 4. Todd and Brown's subdi- . v.sion of part of a tract of land known as “Mt. Pleasant” and ■Pleasant Plains." as per plat recorded In the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia . in Liber County 13 at Folio 120. * Block 4 now known as Square 2887. TERMS: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $3,757.44: fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to he paid In cash. A deposit of SSOO In cash or certified check required. Conveyancing, recording, recordation tax. etc., at purchas er's cost. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise denos't forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. ? RUSSELL WINE. WILLIAM SHER. au22. Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, INC. Auctioneers. 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE ROW BRICK MULTIPLE-DWELL ING UNIT BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 142 TWELFTH STREET SOUTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 11902. Folio 121 et seq.. of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction ~ in front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE TWENTY NINTH DAY OF AUGUST. A.D. q 1963. AT TWO-TEN O CLOCK 1 P M., the following-described land and premises, situate in the Dis trict of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 78 In McAuliffe’s j subdivision of lots in Square 1014 as per plat recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 37 at Folio 108 TERMS: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $9,535.34. and a second deed of trust for ap proximately $2,005.00: further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above aald trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of SSOO in cash or certified check required. Conveyances, record ing. recordation tax. etc., at pur chaser's cost. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the propertv may be advertised - and resold at the discretion of the trustees. BERNARD E. ROACHE. HENRY H. BRYLAWBKI. 5U17. Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLEB A SON Aaetlenevrs TRUSTEES’ BALE OF VALUABLE THREE-STORY BRICK ROW APARTMENT HOUSE KNOWN AB PREMISES. 1410 HARVARD STREET Jf.W. . By virtue of a deed of trust recorded in Liber No. 10938. Folio 28, et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at J the request of the party secured t thereby, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale by public auc- ’ tlon. in front of the premises, on Monday, the 26th day of August. (963. at 3:30 o'clock pm., the - nllowlna-descrlbed property In the llstrict of Columbia, to-wlt: Lot 25 in Luther 8. Frlstoe'a subdivi sion of part of Block 40 of the 1 “North Grounds of Columbian Un iversity." as per plat recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the « I,trlct of Columbia In Liber >untr 0. Folio 100. Also part of Lot 21 In Block 40 In the sub division of “North Grounds of Columbian University." as per plat recorded in said Surveyor’s office in Liber Governor Shepherd. Folio 140, described as follows: Beginning on the North line nt ■aid Lot 21 at a point distant 131 feet Westerly from the West fine of 14th Street, and running thence with said North line West 19 feet, thence South 25 feet, thence Fast ■ 19 feet, thence North 25 feet to the beginning. Property described in the Deed of Trust at Lot 828 in Square 2665 for purposes of assessment and taxation Subject to a right-of-way fnr alter pur poses over the rear 10 feet of said Lot 21. TERMS OF EALE: ALL CASH. A cash deposit of ssoo required of fiurrheser at time of sale. Ix«m natlon of title, deed recordation tax. conveyancing recording, no tarial feea and revenue stamps at cost of purchaser. Adjustments made as of date of aale Terms to he compiled with within thirty days from day of eale. otherwise trustee reserres the right to resell the property at risk and coat of defaul'lna purchaser, after fire days advertlaement of such resale In some newspaper published In Washington. D. C.. or deposit mar be forfeited, or without forfeiting depot It trustee may avail Itself of any legal or equitable right! against defaulting purchaser By KENNETH BIBOFELD. Vice President (Seal.) Attest: JAMBS F. MOOERS. Sscrstary. au1d.17,20.22.24 AUCTION SALES I THOS. J. OWEN A SON, INC., Aoetloneera. 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEES* SALK OF VALUABLE T ROW BHICK DWELLING BEING 1 KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER ! 2741 FOURTH STREET NORTH- B EAST. 1 By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 10809, < Folio 33, et seq., of the land rec* ords of the District of Columbia, i and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auc tlon, in front of the premises, on . TUESDAY. THE THIRD DAY OF . SEPTEMBER. A.D. 1063. AT 1 THREE-FORTY O’CLOCK P.M. | the followins-deacrlbed land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated aa and being Lot 54 in Reed’s sub division of Tots In Square 3638, "Central Addition." as per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor tor the District of Colum bia. in Liber 79, at Folio 21. TERMS: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $6,168.69. fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time oi sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $509 T cash or certified check required. Conveyancing, recording, transfer taxes, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjustmenu made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise de posit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. ALLAN LANG, HOCKEY M. LANG. au22,24,27.29,31 Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLEB A BON Auctioneer* TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE THREE - STORY BRICK ROW APARTMENT HOUSE KNOWN AS PREMISES, 1408 HARVARD" STREET N.W. By virtue of a deed of trust recorded in Liber No. 10938, Folio 24 et *] seq., one of the land record* of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured there by. the undersigned trustee will offer for sale by public auction, 1 in front of premise*, on MONDAY, THE 26th DAY OF AUGUST, 1963, AT 3:15 O'CLOCK P.M., the fol lowing-described property in the District of Columbia, to-wit: Lot 51 in Anais J. Pugh's subdivision of lots in Block 40 of subdivision of “North Grounds of Columbian University.” as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber County 19. Folio 34. Property de scribed in the Deed of Trust as Lot 51 In Square 2668 for purposes of assessment and taxation. Subject to right-of-way for alley purposes over the rear 10 feet of said lot. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A cash deposit of SSOO required of purchaser at time of sale. Exam ination of title, deed recordation ' tax, conveyancing, recording, no tarial fees and revenue stamps at cost of purchaser. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise trustee reserves the right to resell property at risk and cost of de faulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published In Washington, D. C.. or deposit may be forfeited, or without forfeiting deposit trustee may avail itself of any legal or equitable rights against defaulting purchaser. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. By KENNETH BIRGFELD. Vice President. (Seal.) Attest: JAMES F. ROGERS. , Assistant Secretary. au15. TROS. J. OWEN A SON. INC. Auctioneers, 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE ROW FRAME DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 523 EIGHTH STREET SOUTH EAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 11005, Folio 456 et seq., of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE TWENTY NINTH DAY OF AUGUST. A.D. 1963. AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and nremises. situate in the Dis trict of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot "EYE” in May's ' subdivision of lots in Squart 903 as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber N. K., at Folio 125. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A deposit of SSOO in cash or certi fied check will be required at time of sale. Adjustments made as of date of vale. All conveyancing, recording, recordation tax. reve nue stamps, etc., at cost of pur chaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five . days' advertisement of vuch resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. ROBERT WEIBB, r . MORRIS SOLAR. Trustees. NEW RATH A SNYDER. Attorneys for Party Secured. au17,20.22.24,27_ ] THOS. J. OWEN A SON, INC. Auctioneers, 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE SEMIDETACHED BRICK DWELL ING BEING KNOWN AS PREM ISES NUMBER 719 ATLANTIC STREET SOUTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 11444. Folio 255 et seq., of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the oarty secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sen, at public auc tion in front of the premises, on MONDAY, THE TWENTY-SIXTH DAY OF AUGUST. A.D. 1963. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the follow in {-described land and premises, , .»itu*te in the District of Colum bia. and designated as and being Lot 55 in Square 6163 in sub division made by Vito Rizzi as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia in Liber J 23 at Folio 107. TERMS: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $7,354.61. fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the furchase price above said trust o be paid in cash. A deposit of SSOO in cash or certified check required. Conveyancing, recording, recordation tax. etc., at purchaser's cost. Adjustment?, made as of cste of sale. Terms to be complied W'th within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property . may oe adverised and resold at tne discretion of the trustees. E. SPENCER FITZGERALD, LAWRENCE BINCLITICO. aul Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. INC. Aactioneers, 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE , ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING 1 KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER i 1841 NEWTON STREET NORTH WEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 11741. Folio 383 et «eq.. of the land rec ord, of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party aecured thereoy. the undersigned trustee, will sell, at public auction in front of the premise,, on THURSDAY. THE TWENTY NINTH DAY OF AUGUST. A.D 1963. AT THREE- THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the followlna deicrlbed land and premises, situ ate In the District of Columbia, and designated a, and being Lot 122 in Boss and others' subdivi sion of Lot 29. In Block 3 “Ingle side" as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 66. at Folio 164. Taxed as Square 2616. TERMS: Bold subject to a prior building association deed of trust , for approximately $7,143.56; fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of eale; the purchase price above aald trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of SSOO in cash or certified check required. Conveyancing, record ing. recordation tax. etc., at pur chaser’s cost. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be compiled with within thirty days otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised , and retold at the discretion of , the trustees. 1 JOHN E. JONES. MARGARET E FITZGERALD. au17.20,22.24.27 Trustees. ‘ ADAM A. WESCHLEB A SON Auetoners ' FRAME STORE AND DWELLING No. 828 10th ST. N.E. Bv virtue o( a deed of trust re corded in Liber No. 11855. Folio 132. et seq., one ot the land rec ords to the District ot Colombia, and at the request ot parly se cured thereby, the underlined trustees will offer for sale by public auclon, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY, THE 30th described property in the District ot Columbia, to-wit: Lot 34 in George M. Lancklon's subdivision of lots in Square 033, as per plat recorded in the Office of tne Sur veyor for the District of Columbia TERMs'bll’sAiS': Property wifi be ■old subject to the balance of a prior building association deed ot trust tor approximately $5.- 687.33. further particulars ot which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase pries above said trust to be paid in cash. A cash deposit of ss<«> required of purchaser at sale Examination of title, conveyancing, recording, no tarial fees, deed recordation tax and revenue stamps at cost of purchaser. Adjustments made as of date of sale Terms to be com piled with within 30 days from dov ot sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell property at risk and cost ot defaulting, after 5 days advertise ment of such resale in some news- Bsper published In Washington. I C.. or deposit may oe forfeited, or without forfeiting deposit trustees m«y svitll themselves of any lesal or equitable rlaht against defaulting purchaser. BA BuYfe T '3Oo. M H|s” , lsth St. N.W., Attorney, also executor, Ests'e Nathan Sacks Adm, No. AUCTION SALES THOS. J. OWEN A SON, INC. Aactioneers. till E St. N.W. TRUSTEES’ BALE OF VALUABLE REAL BSTATB DWELLING. 3527 HOLMEAD PLACE NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 10223. Folio 258 et seq., of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front ot ths prenuses i on THURSDAY. THE TWENTY NINTH DAY OP AUGUST, A.D. 1963. AT THREE-TEN O’CLOCK P.M.. ths following-described land and premises, situate In the Dis trict of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot Numbered One Hundred Nineteen (119) In Harry Wardman and others’ subdivision in Block Numbered Fortv-three (43) "Holmead Manor." as per plat recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia in Liber 38 at Folio 15. At the date hereof the above described land is designated In the records of the assessor tor the District of Columbia for as sessment and taxation purposes as Lot Numbered 110 in Square Num bered 2828.' TERMS: Sold subject to a prior building association deed ot trust for approximately $5,089 54: "fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale, the purchase price above said trust to he paid In cash. A deposit of SSOO cash or certified check re quired. Conveyancing, recording, transfer taxes, ete.. at purchaser s cost. Adiustmenta m»««. “ date of sale. Terms to be com plied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit V ,rfe . 1 l < v < ’ P ,. , "3 and Pr e o .?fd rt ’.t m S. ““ ‘fI&RY S. SNYDER. „ WALTER D NEWRATH. au17.2<h22.24,27 Trustee,. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, INC. Auctioneers. 1111 E St. N.W. WEST bla. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the under slgned trustee will sell, at public auction in front otthe premises, on THURSDAY. THE Fit 1H DAY OF SEPTEMBER. A.D 1963 AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK P M., the following - described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 63 in .Bo n£ l_ lan2 1 an 2 others subdivision of lots In Block 5 "LeDrolt Park.” as. per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia in Liber County 8 at Folio 85. Said Block 5 now known aa Square 3094. TERMS: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $2,984.21: fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of s»l®; the Burchase price above said trust > be paid in cash. A, deposit of SSOO in cash or certified check required. Conveyancing, recording, recordation tax. etc . at purchas er’s cost. Adjustments made as or date of ?ale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustee. ROGER W. EISINGER. Jr., Surviving Trustee. au24.27,29.31-se4 THOS. J. OWEN A SON, INC. Auctioneers, till K St. N.W. SreWmS first street north- By virtue of > certain deed ot trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 11385. Folio 411 eteeq.. of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party aecured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auc tion in front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER. A.D. 1963. AT TWO FIFTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the follow ing-described land and premises, situate In the District of Co lumbia, and designated as and being Lot 10 in 8.-all's subdivi sion of lots in Block 5 “Bloom ingdale” as per plat recored In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber County 8 at Folio 51. Taxed as Lot 806 In Square 3103. TERMS: Sold subject to a nrtor building association deed of trust for approximately $4,129.02; fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time ot sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of S3OO In cash or certified check required. Conveyancing, recording, recordation tax. etc., at purchas er’s cost. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the prop erty may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. A. SLATER CLARKE. JOHN SWAGART. au24.27.29.31-se4 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, INC. Auctioneers, 1111 E St. N.W. TRUSTEBB’ SALE OF VALUABLE ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 1024 THIRD STREET NORTH east By virtue of a certain deed ot trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 11391, Folio 485 et seq.. of the land rec cords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the partv secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction In front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE FIFTH DAY OP SEPTEMBER. A.D. 1963. AT THREE-FIFTEEN O'CLOCK P.M . the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 32 in O’Donoghue’s sub division of Square 749 aa per plat recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia in Liber C. H. B. at Folio 137. TERMS: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $3,004.03: fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid In eash. A deposit ot SSOO in cash or certified check required. Conveyancing, record ing. transfer taxes, etc., at pur chaser’s cost. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be compiled with within thirty davs. otherwise deposit forfeited and the property mav be advertised and resold at the discretion ot the trustees. JOHN F. DONAHUE. W OWEN HOHENSTEIN. au24.27,29,3 l-ae4 Trustees, ADAM A. WESCHLEB A BON Aoctioneers-Appralsers UNITED STATES MARBHAL 8 SALE of New Household FURNITURE. BTC. District of Columbia to wit: By virtue of a writ of fieri facias Issued by the Court of General Sessions. Case No. LSI 48117-63 in and for the District aforesaid, at the suit ot Koones A Mont gomery. Inc.. Plaintiff,, against the goods and chattel, ot Miimar Furniture, Inc., a corporation. Defendant,, to me directed. I have aelzed and taken Into exe cution all the right, title, claim, interest and estate at law and in equity ot said Defendants. In and to 2-Pc. Walnut Living Room Group. Chests of Drawers. Dress ers. Bookcase Beds. Bed Ends. 2-Pc. Sofa Bed Groups. Chaise Lon-ue. Box Springs. Arm and Occasional Chairs. Walnut Cre denaa. Knee Hole Desk. Blond and Walnut Step End and Cocktail Tables. Portable Bar and 2 Stools: Chinese Pottery. Pole. Walnut and Brass Lamps; Paintings, Plaques, etc. ALSO Oasis Comb. Water Cooler-Refriger ator, Metal B.P. Desk and Bwlv. Arm Chair. Metal 4-Dr. Letter File, etc., and I hereby glv, notice that on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1963. at 10 o'clock A.M.. I wUi offer for sale the aforementioned Per sonal Property so seised and taken into execution, BY PUBLIC AUC TION to the highest bidder, for CASH, unless sala Judgment Is otherwise satisfied prior to sale. Sale to take place at 2447-49 Good Hope Road 8.1. LUKS C. MOORE. United States Marshal In and for the District of Columbia. au24-se3 PROPOSALS COVEBING THE STREETCAR I TRACKS WITH ASPHALTIC MA TERIALS AT VARIOUS LOCA TIONS WITHIN THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. FOURTH STREET CAR .'RACK COVER—I 963 (IN VITATION NO. C-63134-H/11. CONSIST OF APPROX. 5.000 Tons Sheet Asphalt Surface and 2.700 Tons Modified Asphaltic Concrete Binder. Bidding matrrlal available from Procurement Office. D. C.. Room 404. Pa. Ave. N.W. No deposit required. SBAI.ED BIDS to be opened 3 P.M., E.D.T., Sep tember 24. 1963, in Room 424. 4nu Pa. Ave NW . Washington. D. C. aug10. 24 •ALit—Repossessed 1957 Dodge 8 jedan. Serial No. 37202260. to highest bld received by September 5,,1063, at 4100 Georgia Avenue N W.. Washington 11. D. C.. where the car may be inspected. au22.23.24 llmlnary proposals are requested for: 1. Approximately 115 acres of wooded land, bordered on one ■lde bv a flowing atream. with 2 to 5 acres of sprint-fad lake, or with vear-round flowing springs, on a site luitable for construction of a lake located In Northern Virginia, within 20 miles of Ar lington. 2 Construction thereon of a conservation and recreation park Including nature trails and points of conservation interest, large well-drained camping area, dining pavilion plcnle area, ap proved well and sanitary factlltle, to serve 650 families. Swimming and fishing facilities, sand beach, bath hou«es. 3 building, for a ■hop. atoraee. operation. NRA-ap proved 100-yd. rifle and plitol range, standard sheet and Iran ranees. VBA-approved 28-statlon field areherv course, and nlght llahted archery practice field. Necessary roads, trails, entrance and parking areas. 3. Construc tion of a 32x70-ft. assembly hall. Replies. Box 415-G. Star. au23.24.25 PROPOSALS ' (CONTINUED) SALE—Repossessed 1062 Valiant- G Plymouth 6 ”V-100 f ’ 2-dr. sedan. Serial No. 1126-140561. to highest bid received by September 4, 1963. 1 at 4100 Georgia Avenue N.W.. I Washington 11. D.C., wh,ra„the 1 car may be inspected. au22.23.24 i SALE—Repoueaaed 1962 Olds- ! mobile "8”. F-85 Deluxe, 4-dr. ; sedan, serial No. 621 M-12018 to ! highest bld received by September 1 6, 1963, at 1125 15th st, n.w.. ' Washington. D. C.. where the car ‘ may be Inspected, au24.25.26 SALE.—Repossessed 1058 Olds- ) mobile ”8", 8-88, Holiday sedan. c serial No. 588 W-02791 to highest , bid received by September 6. 1963, t at 1125 15th at. n.w.. Washing- • ton. D. C.. where the car may ( be inspected.au24.2s.26 f I SALE.—Repossessed 1063 Plymouth < Special Taxi. 4-dr. sedan, serial < I No. 2826-130387 to highest bld t received bv September 6. 1963 at t 4100 Georgia ave. n.w.. Wash- i ington 11. D. C.. where the car < 1 may be inspected. au24.25.26 I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS.— ] : Project No. CH-DC-16ID). 1 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (OWNBR). Separate sealed bids . for BUILT-IN FURNITURE for MEN’S RESIDENCE HALL. AN ' ADDITION TO NEW NORTH ' DORMITORY will be received by ; REVEREND T. BYRON COLLINS ; at the office of the VICE PRESI- I DENT. GEORGETOWN UNIVER • BITY until ELEVEN o’clock (A M.. . EDBT). SEPTEMBER 10. 1063, ■ i and then at said office publicly I opened and read aloud. The Infor- , mation for Bidders. Form of Bld, IForm of Contract. Plana. Specifi cations. and Forms ot Bid Bond. > Performance and Payment Bond, 1 and other contract documents may be examined at the following: OFFICES OF COOPER A AUER BACH. ARCHITECTS. DODGE RE- - PORTS: OFFICES OP WALTON * MADDEN. ARCHITECTS. BLUE REPORTS. Copies may be obtained , at the office of COOPER & AUER ? BACH located at 1912 BUNDER- J LAND PLACE N.W., WABHING ; TON. D C.. upon payment of S2O for each Kt. Any unsuccessful t bidder, upon returning such set promptly and in good condition 1 will be refunded his payment, and - any non-bldder upon so return e Ing such a Kt will be refunded - $lO. The owner reserves the right c to waive any Informalltiea or to . reject any or all blds. Each bidder < must deposit with his bid. security I in the amount, form and subject J to conditions provided in the In “ formation for Bidders. Attention J of bidders is particularly called to 2 the requirements as to conditions 2 of employment to be observed and > minimum wage rates to be paid ; under the contract. No bidder may . withdraw his bld within thirty days after the actual date of the a opening thereof. AUGUST 15. 1963. PRESIDENT AND DIREC r TORS OF GEORGETOWN UNI t VERSITY.SU23.24 Z ADVEBTIBEMENT FOB BIDS. ' Project No. CH-DC-16IDJ. t GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY « (OWNER). Separate sealed blds V for MEN’S RESIDENCE HALL. AN , ADDITION TO NEW NORTH - DORMITORY for GEORGETOWN it UNIVERSITY will be received by d REVEREND T. BYRON COLLINS o at the office of the VICE PREBI - DENT. GEORGETOWN UNIVER it SITY. until THREE o’clock (P.M., EDSTI. 24 SEPTEMBER. 1963, and then at said office publicly , opened and read aloud. The In- _ formation for Bidders. Form of Bld. Form of Contract. Plans Specifications, and Forms of Bld . Bond. Performance and Payment E Bond, and other contract docu -3 ments may be examined at the A following: OFFICES OF WALTON - * MADDEN. ARCHITECTS . BLUE REPORTS: OFFICES OF 1 COOPER * AUERBACH. ARCHI '• TECTS DODGE REPORTS. Copies " may be obtained at the office of 2 WALTON A MADDEN. ARCHI ! TECTS. located at 3510 RHODE ’ ISLAND AVENUE. MT. RAINIER. - MARYLAND, upon payment of ■ SIOO for each set. Any unsuccess- = ful bidder, upon returning such l - «et promptly and in good condl i, tlon. will be refunded his par- . - ment. and any non-bldder upon f d so returning such set will be - refunded SSO. The owner re- - serves the right to weive any in- F o formalities or to reject any or all e blds. Each bidder must deposit r with his bld. security in the 8 amount, form and subject to the * conditions provided in the Infor- ; mation For Bidders. Attention of . 1 bidders is particularly called to 5 Z the requirements as to conditions , -of employment to be observed arrd . » minimum wage rates to be Paid r under the contract. No bidder s k may withdraw his bld within thirty days after the actual date i- of the opening thereof. AUGUST i f 20. 1063. PRESIDENT AND DI- " H RECTORS OF GEORGETOWN e UNIVERSITY.au23.24 t MONTGOMERY i ' COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS EDUCATIONAL f SERVICES CENTER j 850 N. Washington St. , ! Rockville, Maryland , Notice to Contractors ENGLISH MANOR le ELEMENTARY 5 SCHOOL S Lump sum sealed bids for ? £ furnishing and installing - storm drainage at the f English Manor Elemen tary School, located on 1 Bes to r drive, Rockville, - ’ Maryland, will be received r by the Montgomery t County Public Schools, 850 i North Washington street, t Rockville, Maryland. Bids k s will be deposited in the : named box receptacle lo j cat e d in the ma 1 n en jj trance lobby and bids will i be publicly opened in the ' cafeteria of this building at 4:00 p.m., Daylight Sav- - ing Time, Thursday, Sep- i tember 5, 1963. Each bid must be accom panied by a bid bond for not less than ten (10) per cent of the amount of the , bld from a surety com- ■ ‘ pany acceptable to the I; owner; If a certified check - t is submitted In lieu of bld ' bond, the owner may re- 1 ! quire a statement of such i bidder's financial condi ; tlon. The successful bid - der shall deliver to the 8 owner a one hundred per - cent (100%) performance i bond on Board of Educa i tlon Form A. I. A. Form • A-311, not less than ten . consecutive calendar days ‘ '■ after the contract award, e Plan and specification may r be obtained from the Con-1 b structlon Division, 850 ■ North Washington street, - 8 Rockville, Maryland, on or , after Tuesday, August 27, 1 : > 1963. i ‘ All work must be completed on of before October 15, . 1963. No bid may be with » drawn within ten (10)1 •' days after the actual date yof the opening thereof. f ; Payment In full will be ;; made upon acceptance of i 8 work by the owner, or par- ■ tlal payments will be made I > a upon evidence of satisfac £ tory progress. * The conditions contained In 4 h this "Notice to Contrac ■t tors,” by their issuance be n come a part of the con * tract requirements. R The Board of Education re d serves the right to waive J any informalities in or re- „ r ject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD n OF EDUCATION. ' n JAMES H. SHELDON, " Director of Construction? ; NOTE: On the bid form ; provide the following unit « prices: • Sod in place per square ' ti yard ’ S 4” asphalt in place per ’ square yard ! 6" asphalt In place per •• square yard 1 au24 OFFICIAL NOTICES QOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. EXECUTIVE OF FICE. WASH., D. C.. August 22. 1963.—ORDERED: That the Trat fio and Motor Vehicle Regulations for the District of Columbia be and the same are hereby amended aa follows: Amend Part 11. Article XXXVI, Section 174 TEMPORARY REGULATIONS by adding the fol lowing: Parking shall be prohibited from 12:01 A.M. until 11:59 P.M. August 28, 106.3. within the area described below: Beginning at Washington Circle and K Street N.W.; east along the north curb of K Street to Massachusetts Ave nue; southeast along the north curb of Massachusetts Avenue to 2nd Street N.E.: south along the east curb of 2nd Street to D Street 8.K.; west along the south curb of D Street to the west curb of Canal Street 8.W.; north along the west curb of Canal Street to the south curb of Independence Avenue S.W.: west along the south curb of Independence Avenue to the west curb of 14th Street 8.W.; north along the west curb of 14th Street to the south curb of Con stitution Avenue N.W.: west along the south curb of Constitution Avenue to the west curb of 15th Street; north along the west curb of 15th Street to the south curb of Pennsylvania Avenue; west along the south curb of Penn sylvania Avenue to the east curb of 17th Street: south along the east curb of 17th Street to the north curb of Constitution Ave nue; west along the north curb of Constitution Avenue to the west curb of 2.3 rd Street; north along the west curb of 2.3 rd Street to the north curb of K Street; and the following streets lending to the restricted tone: 2nd Street N.E. from Massachusetts Avenue to H Street: 3rd Street N.E. from Maryland Avenue to H Street; P Street N.E. from 3rd Street to Union Station: E Street N.B. from 3rd Street to Massachusetts Ave nue; D Street N.E. from Massa chusetts Avenue to 2nd Street; C Street N.E. from Stanton Park to 2nd Street: New Jersev Avenue S.E. from E Street to D Street: E Street S.E. from South Capitol Street to New Jersey Avenue; South Capitol Street from the bridge to D Street: Virginia Ave nue N.W. from 2.3 rd Street to Rock Creek Parkway; New Hamp shire Avenue N.W. from Rock Creek Parkwav to Washington Circle; 25th Street N.W. from Virginia Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; Pennsylvania Avenue N.W from Washington Circle to M Street. Except that these regula tions shall not apply to the follow ing streets within the restricted area: Streets under the jurisdic tion of the U. 8. Capitol Police (except Louisiana Avenue, from union Station Plaza to Constitu tion Avenue N.W); Indiana Ave nue N.W from Ist Street to 7th Street; F Street N.W. from Ist Street to 15th Street: G Street N.W. from Ist Street to 15th Street: G Place N W.; Eye Street N.W. from New York Avenue to Massachusetts Avenue: Bth Street N.W. from G Street to K Street: sth Street N W. from D Street to Massachusetts Avenue; 4th Street N.W. from D Street to Massachu setts Avenue: 2nd Street N.W. from C Street to Massachusetts Avenue: North Capitol Street from Louisiana Avenue to Massachusetts Avenue. W N. TOBRINER. J. B. DUNCAN. C. M DUKF. Commrs., D. C. I. M. THORNFTT. Secre tary to the Board. au24 PERSONAL ANYONE WHO CASHED A CHECK IN ALLOY’S FORT DAVIS LIQUOR STORE, FRIDAY. AUGUST 16, SATURDAY. AUGUST 17, PLEASE CONTACT MR. ALLOY AT .3847 ALABAMA AVE. 8.1., LU. 2-2400. COIN OPERATED stand-up MacLevv foot viberators (6). ideal money make rHA. 2-2401. EYEGLASS SALE—Lens or frames, fr. $2. Compl. glasses, fr. $7.50. N. Y. JEWELRY C0_719 7th_st._n w. FREE DUMPING of clean fill ma terial only. Annandale, Va. For in formation , JA. H 215. I WILL CARE for 1 or 2 children. 2 yrs. or older, in my home. 589- 8863. MARION-KAY, pure vanilla and pure granulated black pepper, for sale, bv ZION BAPTIST CHURCA. for prompt delivery phone 832-8856. NEED A PERSONALIZED, confi dential phone f.nswering service? Call MILLETTS. 277-8282. ROOM AND BOARD to settled white woman or couple in exchange for care of elder!v woman and country home. EL. 6-3387. THEATRICAL production company for Washington area forming. Pro fessionals and amateurs in ALL phases welcome. Box 409-X, Star. URGENT! Mother and children lopk ing for home and baby sitter. CH. WALDEN 11—A coming, group liv ing project for young men and women, single or married. For further information and fr*e brochure, call the D. C. WALDEN 11 COMMITTEE. 474-0292. WILL GIVE LOVING CARE U ly lady in private home. Good food. 532-3463. A ROOM FOR RENT in an adult foster home. Colored, elderly lady preferred; lovely home, pleasant surroundings. Call 387-5018. A ROOM FOR RENT in a foster home. Colored, elderly lady pre ferred. lovely home, pleasant sur roundings. 387-5018. HELF-MEN ACCOUNTING STUDENT Young man attending night school or with some accounting back ground for general office work. This man will use duplicating machine, run errands, file, etc., and in spare time will get val uable accounting exper. Good pay and excel, oppor with growing org. for bright, ambitious young man. NA. 8-4893. ACCOUNTANT, for large home building operation in N. Va. Pre fer man with good knowledge of home building and real estate and with some public experience. Ex cellent salary. Send full details to Box 172-D. Star. ACCOUNTING STUDENT, young man attending night school or with some accounting background for general office work. This man will use dupli cating machine, run errands, file, etc. and in spare time will get valu able accounting experience. Must be able to make good pot of coffee. Good pay and excellent opportunity with growing organization for bright ambitious yonng man. NA. 8-4893 ACCOUNTANTS-BOOKKEEPER We Specialize In These Positions ATLAS AGCY., 1420 N. Y. Ave N W Administrative Assistant Must be "Triple Threat" type to exe cute and expedite details of cost and control, parts procurement and gen era! office duties. Previous exper ience in cost accounting, purchasing and production problem* helpful. Must have pleasant personality and be able to work with the public. B S. degree in business administration de sired. Common sense is mandatory. Excellent opportunity to grow with photography* most exciting new camera. Call 942-6800 for Appointment Photogrammetry, Inc. Rockville, Md ADVERTISING SALESMEN— It TOU have sold newspaper, yellow pages or directory advertising, you can sell our exclusive advertising medium with esse. High commis sion plus bonus. Steady work. Some travel required D. C.. Md. and Va. area. Call MR. PATTER SON. Sat. through Mon. at 282-0627. AIR COND. AND HEATING SERVICE MEN Exper. in servicing and Installing central air cond, units and forced sir furnaces. Year around em ployment. salary commensurate with ability. Call 949-7962 bet. 8-11 a m for appointment ARCHITECTURAL DRIFISMAN— Senior draftsman with experience needed for permanent position in Nmall office In Va. suburb. Reply Box 67-D. Star ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMt N «- perfenced In design of office build ings. high-rise and commercial structures. $8,500 and benefits, Waihinrton. D. C. DE. i!-007? _for appointment. ABRIRTANT MANAGER FOR RES TAURANT—Ambitious young man. Good worker Must have exper. References required. Good salary. Apply in person. 3419 Conn, ave. n.w AMT. PART 3 MANAGER. for MM M GM’a (■■UM (rewind volume deal er,. Part, upenenc, neceaa«iy. g a v^’ , ’Bu^. , B ATTENDANTB.~refrMhnMnr7t an d, immediate openings for eve. work. Must be II or over. Apply LEE HIGHWAY DRIVE-IN THEATER Merrifield, Va., between 7:30-* p.m. No phone calls. AUTO BODYMAN, salary open. Long established firm. avail able. Hrs. unlimited. Apply by letter to Box 466 D,_Star._ AI’TO BODY MEN <•.’»- We have immediate openings for 2 expe rienced body men. Clean, well equipped and well-lighted shop Plenty of work year arou H®g pitslization. life insurance, paid holidays and vacation Please ap ply In person to Jack Seifert.! HICKS CHEVROLET. 5929 Geor gia ave. n.w.—Washington's Most -Modern Paint and Body Shop AUTO GLABB MAN Experienced in glass Installation and light upholstery work. Salary open. Hospitalization, vacation and other company benefits Con tact Mr Deßruyn at PALMER FORD INC., 5520 Jamestown rd . Hyattsville, Md AP 7-0110 lAd MlcSaMic. foreign car ex perience, 8 to 5. salary open. KI. 8-9600. When answering advertisements addressed to Mar <x»res do NOT ineUne ofujinat rfff/rrnet. p/to tograunt of fther mater'ait ot v«rtonal valve Copies r erve the purpose. Originals mag oat lo»t. HELF-MEN (CONTINUED) AUTO GLASS INSTALLER —Excellent opportunity for experienced man. outstanding aalary and company ben efits. For detalla call OL. 4-2651 be- Jween_B and 5. AUTO MECHANICS (2). for foreign car Ktvlce. with toola. 40-hour wk. Salary plua commission. Group hos pitalization, retirement, life insurance available. EQUAL OPPOR'iliwt ■ EMPLOYER. See Mr. Klne, PO HANKA OLDSMOBILE, 1126 20th n.w. AUTO FARTS HELP, 1 counterman and 1 helper. General Motors ex per. pref. Call MR. STARLING. OL. 6-7700, AUTO PARTS MAN. 5V>-day week, paid vacation and holidays, hose, and life ins., top salary. See Mr.; Rideout. GIFFORD MOTORS. 250 V Columbia pike. Ari., Va. AUTO PARTS COUNTERMAN, ft perienced in General Motors parts. Capable of handling whole sale counter. Excellent working conditions and company benefits. Excellent opportunity for the right man. See Mr. B'owman. JIM Mc- KAY CHEVROLET. INC., 698 University drive, Fairfax. Va., • CR. 3-0250. ; AUTO SALESMAN. Join an I man sales force that is making money. ; Paid vacation, hospitalization, demon strator. Apply in person only. See : Will Lazernik. ROCKVILLE MOTOR , CO. 322 Commerce lane, Rockville, i Md. i AUTO SERVICE SALESMAN : Excel, opportunity for rixht man. Prefer man with Ford exper. Apply Mr. Hal Horan. ROCKVILLE MO TOR CO., GA. 4-5000. AUTO. TRUCK i MECHANICS , Openlnxa for experienced truck mechanics, day and evenink ahifts , In our new and modern CMC truck shop. Steady work, time and half after 40 hours. Vacations and holidaya with nay. First-class truck mechanics only. CENTRAL , MOTOR CO.. 610 N Henry at., Alex, OV. 3-1500. Mr. Oarver. AUTOMATIC i TRANSMISSION REMOVER AND REPLACES Twin Post Lifts ' Must be able to r. and r. 3 a day. sober, reliable, have own tools. , No others need apply. Paid vuca : tlons, holidays, free hcspltaliza- > tlon, life Insurance. VAN GUARD , AUTO. TRANS. SERVICE. 3116- t 4100. Mr. Jones. > An Equal Opportunity Employer ! AUTOMOTIVE FARTS COUNTER : MAN, experienced only. Apply in person. SAM AUTO PARTS. 5-.01 Annapolis rd.. Bladensburg, Md. i AUTOMOTIVE TRUCK MECBAN i ICS. hesvy duty. Ist class only, s Factory branch major truck man ufacturer. Excel pay. (uaranteed weekly waee. 40 hrs. plus 2 hrs. - overtime, all beneflta. See MR. MOUDY at 1331 Half at. s.«. ■ BAKER, exper., knowledge of Jewish pastry, bread and rolls. No phone calls. Apply in person SHERIDA-s BAKERY, 6W Ga. ave. n.w. BARTENDER, experienced. Good hours, good pay. Call for ap polntment. Hl, 5-5626. BARTENDERS, experience necessary, 2 full time, 2 part time. Wiaconsin ave., reply Box 364-C. Star. BEAUTY SUPPLIES SALESMAN Established houK, top line, draw against commission, metropolitan ~ Wash, territory, all company bene fits, a chance of a lifetime for your ‘ future. Apply in person, UNION - beauty Supply, 514 12th at. n.w. ' BINDERYMAN. experienced on McCain automatic Inserter, stitcher, trimmer. Apply QUALITY BINDERY. 1- 4812 Lawrence st., Hyattsville, Md. '■ BLDG. SUPERINTENDENT will con sider retired man. Supervise staff, ■ no maintenance operation. Make re- ■ pairs. Lite. bldg. nr. White House Salary commensurate with exper. All - fringe benefits. Give education and v exper. Box 352-C, Star. t BOAT OPERATOR, age 25-30. to I run a 30-ft. Inboard boat. Also. - help with boat rentals. Sat.. Bun. ’ and holidays. Exper. nec Apply in person st TIDAL BASIN BOAT j HOUSE. 15th and Ohio dr. s.w. r BOOKKEEPER, full charge, for y savings and loan assn. Exper. pref. Send resume and salary de y _sired_to_Box Star - BRICKLAYERS. Top wages. Call L UNITED MASONRY. INC., for Job ’. location. 354-7610. - BRICKLAYERS and (killed apprentic t- es. top wages. Apply to Prince Fair- I. fax Plaza Apts., behind Rose Hill shopping center on Franconia rd., ' Springfield, Va. Call HS-Wn. ■ BRICKLAYERS, nt ar by Md. jobs d plenty of work. Top wages Ph r I 589-2698. J BUS OPERATORS, part time only, t( N drive school buses in Prince Georgei I Co.. Md. Chauffeur’s license req - Must have good driving record. Rm r- No. 205, W.M.A. TRANSIT CO., 4421 I- Southern ave._a.e., LU. 2-3300. - BUS DRIVER, part-time, 5-dav wk. ti schl. bus. Mont Co Exper. chauf y feur’a Ucctk. 949-8321. 1 BUTCHER, fully exper.. sober, to take complete charge ot self r aerv. meat dept. Call NO. 7-9059. - ® Fourth st. n.e. Mon. from 6 a.m. to “ 3 p.m. CAFETERIA ATTENDANTS - Apply at Andrews Air Force Bam Ex change, Building T-3712. CAMERA STORE SALESMAN, some knowledge. Apply CONN CAMERA. . 1029 Conn, ave. n.w. i. CARPENTER FOREMAN, field su g pervlsor. familiar with all com- - mercial work. Have good local ref- - erencea. Call TU, 2-1575. ( CARPENTERS— Experienced In re b modeling. 4027 N. Fairfax dr.. Arlington. Va. - CARPENTERS, trim and form, need- . ed In Md- Va. and D. C. Call ,r 567-9413. m£ ALLISON or MR. ti BARKER - CARPENTER Foreman or sub .s contractor. Winter is coming are you guaranteed a full week every n week? Can you build a good cus- 2 tom home? Can you prove it? ,1 Can you estimate a house? Are i you sober and hard working? , Would you like to work for a 311-year-old company, one of the i best and biggest builders for , scattered lot owners? If you are „ a good and solid homebuilder. ~ write me all about yourself in 11 your own handwriting. R. H. - BEST. 1545 Rockville Dike. Rock- vilie. Md. CARPENTER, for cua t o m-bulll ' homes, top man only need applv. ‘ out Bradley blvd . Bethesda, to 6800 block, left on Burdette, for 1 block, right on Arrowood rd., to j dead-end. Aak tor BOL. CARPENTERS g Expert mechanics, call any time, JA. 1.1 8-4511. <1 CARPENTERS wanted, apply at cor >■ ner of Kenilworth ave. and Edmo n“ ston rd., Greenbelt. Md. STOLLER a * SON- INC ’ - J 1 CARPENTERS—First class con crete form carpenters. $.1.85 per hour. Monday morning. Call 3->6- 8263 over week end. Job loth and N Hudson. Arlington. Va. in Clarendon. CARPENTERS, exper. in remodelinc. 7 must have tools and transp. Apply i 6139 Chillum pl. n.e. tcor. Kansa«>. 7:30 to 9 a.m. only. r CARPENTERS. ~immed. opening, . long term employment. Top wages. Men exper. in form work. See Paul, I WAGMAN CONSTRUCTION TRAIL . ER. Royal Duke Apts., Duke and S. t Reynolda__st.,_Aiex.. _ya. CARPET mechanics and helpers. ' guaranteed 52 weeks a year, com pany benefits, top salary. Must have experience. Call DIENER 8 at . CASHIER —Night work. 6 p.m to 5 2 am Must have exper and . refs SOO week and meals Applv e in person. 3419 Conn, ave. nw. .. CHAUFFEUR—D. C. and Maryland chauffeurs license, settled man - with references. Call JU. 5-580 U , or for apptNnimen l CHAUFFELR-HOUSI MAN I r ness exec. Must be exper. chauf feur and l«t class houseman. Starting salary. $75 wk. enpor- • tunlty for regular raises and other ; benefits. Write giving aae and I Full previous employment record. , Box 301-G Star. ' CHEC KER LUMBER AND MILL- - WORK— 5-day week. Monday • through Friday. C»H CL 6-4476 for Interview COMMONWEALTH CORPORATION. Sprtngftcld._ya. C a H ns r mme d,V Vl*N"A’A’ffi. 7C 4-J44J • chief Admitting ii OFFICER To supervise Admitting Depart ment ot large, modern, private 1. hospital. Central location Zx l pcrience and administrative ab!!« C ity required. Excellent benefits. [. salary open; send resume Indud i. ing salary experience to Box 111 ■ CIGAR CtEßlie exper. only, full ‘ time, good salary. KFNNER’3 r PHARMACY. 17th and Qn w. NO ('I.ERKS. PART“tIMF Downtown bank. Start $1.38 hr . ABBEY PERBONN’ I 1 > I • S U Collector-Salesman I Excellent openina for installment • aaent with car. paying over $l5O • I week to experienced man guaran- • tee and commission. Bee MR : WEINBERO. 1031 7th et n.w COI.I.ECTIONB. part time, islary open hours open. WESTERN 1 AUTO SUPPLY CO.. Oil H st. i n.e.. LI 6-7400. 1 collection MEN—National «les ; finance corp, needs men experl -1 enced In collection work. Excellent • salary, paid vacation and other fringe benefits. Age 20 to 30. For ■ appt, telephone Mr Sands be tween 0:30 am. and 4:30 p m at 587-1763. HELP-MEN commercial real estate SALESMAN—SUBURBAN MAR/- LAND OFFICE Unusual deal to the right man! Must be experi enced In commercial sales apart ments and land. Box 500-D. Star. COMMERCIAL OFFICE LEASING MAN. fully exper. Wash. area, to affiliate with large property , management dept. In resume list , past experience, age and availa -1 bility. Confidential. Box 426-C. ' Star. CONBTBVCTION IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR AGGRESSIVE, : HARD-WORKING. COMPLETELY 1 EXPERIENCED INDIVIDUAL RE- • QUIRED BY F.\6T-GROWING a BUILDER. THE MAN WE WANT ' SHOULD KNOW PURCHASING. . ESTIMATING AND FIj£LD METH i CDS USED IN HOUSING. APARTMENTS AND OFFICE ■ BUILDINGS. GOOD STARTING 1 SALARY. INCENTIVE AND ENORMOUS GROWTH POTEN TIAL AVAILABLE. SEND RESU ME TO BOX 267-C, Star. ’ CONSTKV< TION BUPT., garden ’ apts. Perm. Extensive exper. in il apts. mandatory. Salary open. Re |_cent_refs. 524-2152 tor appt. : CONSULTANT-SALES-Cwant a mar , ried man. 25-45, capable of meeting . public. Neat appearance, college > background for nosition as visual aid ’ consultant for large financial institu t tion. Must have car and be willing . to work hard for exceptional finan < cia! arrangement. Write Box 293-C, , Star. COOK, exper.. must have ref. Excel. n working conds. Apply in person. GEORGE'S HOUSE - OF- BEEF. !. 4660 Suitland rd.. Suitland. Md.. 9 735-4112. % DELICATESSEN, man to work ir ’» restaurant-type delicatessen. Musi know short-order cooking, sand wich making and also retail de- i. licatessen meat case. Must be will v ing to work. Sober. Must be abl< k to work at designated times. Tot salary for right man. starting sal ary S9O wk. Paid vacation. If you think you can qualify, call MR GRAVES. JE. 4-9834. DELIVERY MAN for dental laborato ry. Must have own car. Refs. Fol J! appt, cal! 829-0060. : DESK REC EPT JONISTe for hijth-rjs. I apt. in new s.w. Neat, alert and abh s to assume responsibility. 30 to 4: s yr*, of age. See MISS CARTER , Mon. through Fri., 10 a.m. to , p.m., 1100 6th st. «.w. No phon< calls please. ' DRAFTSMAN, trainee. 22-34. Un usual opportunity with expanding young firm. Blueprint, photo, oi printing exper. helpful. Perm, pos for alert, versatile, non-smoker willing to hustle and work hard Start $65. 638-5588 Sun. bet • 1-6. weekdays 6-8. ; DRIVERS, pvt. school, full or par . time pos. Part time 840-850. Ful j 865-880. 534-9114. - DRIVERS. 890-8100 per week, ful time, paid vac., hosp.. etc. Par time, a.m. or p.m. Apply ARLLSG . TON YELLOW CAB CO. 3826 Le ' highway. N DRIVER (1) ! STOCK WORK (1) "IPor liquor store. Must know city - D. C. permit. Advance. Refs. Gd .! salary, vac bonus 518 9th st a n.w. (Do not phone.) 1.1 DRUG CIaERK. full time, excelled I- opportunity for right man. Hos pitalization. fringe benefits. HIG h GERS DRUGS. 5017 Conn, ave e DRUG CLERK, young, neat, par time, for eve*, and weekends i STANDARD DRUG CO., 3122 14ti - *t- nw - DRYWALL TAPERS and finishers. $ an hour, call HE. 4-7818. n ELEC. MOTOR experienced BEAVERS ELECTRIC MOTO! - SERVICE, 2426 Chillum rd., Wes Hyattsville. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY HOUSE QUO TATIONS MAN, experienced in elec trical auppiies essential. Apply ii " person at MAURICE ELECTRIC Al n SUPPLIES CO., Mr. Green, 113 J 11th aw - ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE BUPPLI outside salesman. Experienced. Goa opportunity. Apply in person. Mr n Green. MAURICE ELECTRICAI N SUPPLY CO., 1134 11th st. n.w. i’ELECTRICIAN'B HELPERS, year round work. Apt. projects and com >•; mercial. 931-479 L !’ ELECTRICIANS— Exper mechanic? and helpers only Work in Va ii Call JE. 2-7100. Monday t( dl Friday 8-5 p.m. ELECTRICIANS’ HELPERS, expert ' enced in commercial wiring, to| ° wages. Call TU. 2-7010. i' ELECTRICIANS. exper. helper! y only STANDARD ELECTRIC CO r 949-2022. ELECTRICIANS, year-rouad werk r old and new', only journeymen nea apply. ST. 3-6656, J. M. J. ENTER - PRISES. _ ELECTRICIANS and helpers. Exper II in new commercial work. DENSO bi ELECTRIC, 809 King st., Silve | Spring, JU, 8-3123, JU. 8-3124. c- ELECTRO MECHANICAL TECHNI r- CIAN. Immed. oppor. with growin iU firm in Silver Spring. Air cond. lat L, Exper. with hydraulic pneumati ' electrical circuits req. Small tool ei a per. desirable. Work with engineer J designers Call MR. HUMPHREY n : 588-4731 bet. 8-4:30. -I ELECTRONIC TEST TECHNICIAN o For alinement and tn testing of communica te tion receivers In the r VHF and UHF range. I Military service school background preferred. Excellent career op r. portunity with our i; young and rapidly growing company. ' Many company bene- j fits include 100% ii educational assistance 1 program. 8 Evening and Saturday ’ Interviews Can Be Arranged ? i Communications Electronics, n Inc. Pt OL. 4-8860 r. ° 4908 Hampden Lane » Bethesda, Md. An Equal Opportunity Employer k Electronic Technician r- Young man lor major Imtallatloi i- and service In commercial sound R Prospects tor advancement. Appl in own handwriting, stating mu - cation. experience and avail r ability Box 452-C. Star. - ENGINEER. RESIDENT, age 35-S d for large apt. bide . must have a a least No. 3D. C. license and be thot oughly exper. In low and high pre, : sure boilers, and large air-cond ma ’’ chinerv. .Must be able to do all kind ' ot building maintenance and be a bl. ’• to auperviM maintenance crew. Mu, also have clean record and check I, able local relerences. Apartment am xood salary No children, send com I, plete record ol last 10 year, em y nlovment and experience to Star 5. Box 392-C, Star. ENGINEER. 3rd clau. exper. in apt i, house maintenance and low-prewun J boilers. Apply CHIEF ENGINEER it 4000 Cathedral ave. n.w. 8 ENGINEER Architectural, me. _ chanical. full time permanent o basis, design, clan review and ti some construction supervision v Annual salary $9,530 to $10,909, and a liberal fringe benefit pro gram Minimum qualifications „ engineering degree or equiv. exper Apply bv letter, to Director ol 1 ' Personnel. Montgomery County -1 Public Schools. 950 N. Wash st. • Rockville. Md. Indicate your ex- - Ipenence and qual.licstion,. ENGINEER, architectural-structural ; Minimum 2 yr,, experience desicr re-en(orced concrete and ,leel bldgs 1 SEKIJP S. NEKSESIAN ASSO CIATES, FE. 6-9463. . ENGINEER, for new otfice bldg, ii >, Arlington. Va. Prefer man with D t ENGR. STRUCTURAL L Minimum .1 yesr* exper.. concrcK - and steel deniin. commercia buildink. Permanent position neai Dupont Circle. MICHAEL K JOHN. Structural Engineer. NA 8-3110. 2 estimator. Plumbing and heatini . estimator for mechanical contrac . tor. Must be experienced, tor , quality individual for commercial ; work Bend resume, salary ex- ■ 1 to Box I” !•(». Star I \l< I FIVE —Complete program ol l» search and placement. Call NA i TIONAL EXECUTIVE SEARCH J 1612 K st. n.w.. EX. 3-7270. EXECUTIVE BECRETART. * res Os Anne Arundel Co with college background, retired Army or Navy officer preferred, to fill new full-time position for AA County chapter of national health or t ftani/ation. Respunsibllltles will )' include fund rai*ln<t and direc ton of patient service program. Initiative and leadership ability are must* 84.500 annually, in creases with growth nf job. Car required, travel psid for Bend lull particulars. Box 71-0, Star. rtx»& KFißvicE Manager, south . «rn ProtMtant Collgg,. fXperlenrM . In food preparation Mirrird Oppor i tunity advancement. Phone .-ollrct . for interview. Elii . N J EL. 4-5500 ■ N6*T. rxprrlenced. ■obsr. for Orr- egn-American restaurant Nights rrman-speaklng preferred. Box 35543. dtar. HELP MEM F EXHIBIT PRODUCTION ■o One cabinet maker, quality wood working. 1 shop technician art - and drafting exper. Salary open, only well exper. call 549-6933. 3 ART DESIGNERS, INC. FURNITURE SALESMAN t Experienced ,ale,man to work in - our new Arlington stere. Many t. benefits, good future. Apply In per son. COLES COLONIAL FURNI- E TUBE. 3021 Wilson blvd. Arllng t ton. Va Y INSULATION MECHANIC!— Large. :- progressive Insulation company 3 needs insulation mechanics for T year-round residential work Top 1, pay. Applv Mon. 7 am.. Mr. •_ Johnson. BILTON INSULATION , * SUPPLY. INC . 2708 S. Nelson E 8, “ -AIL H 7l -6400. 3 INSURANCE, SPECIAL AGENT. fire and multiperil background - req. See Mr. Schramm. EM . PLOYERS GROUP OF INSU RANCE COMPANIES. 3408 Wis- - con»ln ave. n.w. KM. 3-7003, n JANlTOß—Bethesda Svnag. needs 2 10 .? ,o . r eves an d week ends Ref. Call OL, 2-5303, Monday 9-3. « JANITOR COMPLETED APT PROJ EPT )’ ,st act’d ßß ‘-he District line. r»- Cleaning of halls And apartments. S Permanent Job. $46 per week, 5>4 days. Paid vacation and sick - leave. Apply Monday or Tuesday, • KAYWOOD GARDENS APTS. *• 4101 Kay wood place, Mt. Rainier, ' > WA. 7-6200. JANITOR, must be experienced in - maintenance work, sober, local 11 references. Salary open, quarters “ included Apply at EMBASSY • APARTMENTS. 1613 Harvard st. n.w., 1-4 p.m. ii ’ JANITOR £ Exper., must have ref. UN 4-s<»’<». : lU JANITOR, age 30-45. for large apart-1 I ment building, must be experienced in use of cleaning equipment and. - materials, and have clean record, o-! Hours 7:30 a.m -4:00 p m., 6-dav or week, also need 2 men for .Saturday and Sunday only. Apply garage. 4201 s| - w - ,nd tor J’ Lab. Tech.—Takoma Pk. 1 Lab under the direction of a board certified pathologist requires tech. - well trained in general clinical lab >- procedure. 40-hr. wk., liberal vaca ig tion and sick leave benefits, life in )r sura nee and pension nlan. salary ac- s. cording to qualification!, 965-1091. I’ LABORERS, general construction, Jl report ready to work. 7:30 a.m. Monday. August 26, scale $1.75 - per hour. Mohican and Huron u B£l ve - Fore,,t Heights. Md. See iU - LINOTYPE OPER.—Day shift, union in shop, overscale pay. min. overtime, r- _re_Ply immediately. Box 14-C. Star, ee LUMBER AND MILLWORK checker —5 day week. Monday through - Friday. Call CL. 6-4476 for in terview. COMMONWEALTH CORP ORATION. Springfield. Va. {LUMBER AND MILLWO? K“position y- available immediately for man 25 to a 35, t. counterman, inventory control and _ related duties. JOHNSON 1 WLM it SATT, INC., N. Sprincfield, Va. Cail s- Mrs. Kerr, CL. 6-4400 for interview. 5 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER lb Permanent full-time ” opening for a man 6. who is between 25-39 •xt years old, high school □_ graduate, and has at £ least a 3rd-class engl- iL neer’s license. Must be familiar with Bunker “C” oil, air condition er.; ing and general main- tenance of a large £ industrial building. Union scale, paid vacation and liberal t 0 company benefits, ri- Work week 40 hours ,p with swing shift on ra monthly basis. Apply Personnel De partment 8:30 a.m. to R- noon weekdays. THE EVENING STAR er 225 Virginia Avenue B.E. <1- I S. KLEIN “On the Square” OF NEW YORK Now Interviewing For Their RUG DEPARTMENT Where Openings Exist For MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAGER RUG STOCK HANDLERS SALESMEN Excellent promotional opportunities for ambi d tious, energetic persons to join growing pro gressive department store group. Many com pany benefits plus top salaries. APPLY IN PERSON S. KLEIN “On the Square” 6000 GREENBELT RD. , n BELTWAY PLAZA REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER ft GREENBELT, MD. 474-6700 so. An Equal Opportunity Employer I S. KLEIN n- “On the Square” R OF NEW YORK ’j NEW STORE IN GREENBELT, MD. 1. HAS AN OPENING FOR B. : ASSISTANT ?! FLOOR MANAGER T For Our Hardgoods Division E 1 Exceptional opportunity for the right man having I' good knowledge of operations and buying In all ‘ r HARDGOODS areas. v - Excellent starting salary plus many company paid s- benefits. •p U APPLY IN PERSON ? S. KLEIN 5, “On the Square” »l 6000 GREENBELT RD. J BELTWAY PLAZA REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER GREENBELT, MD. ? 474-6700 1 An Equal Opportunity Employer i. _________________ ’ (Continued on Next Page) THE EVEN I NG STAR Washington, D. C. ★ Saturdar, August 24, 1963 HELP-MEH MACHINIST, 101 l time, exper. in gen era! machine ahop practice, tools and dice, gig and (ixlurea. Rockville I area, hrs. 7to 3:30 p.m., steady em ployment, age no barrier, call GA. 4 6900 for appt.* I MAINTENANCE MAN for real estate work, qualified in all type, ot main tenant, repair,. DI. ,-324 4. > : MAINTENANCE MAN with car SBO-S9O plus 81,c mi. car al lowance. Local. GREEN S EMFL . i 738 12th st. n.w , MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT for large luxury apartment balld ins In downtown Washington. Must be thoroughly experienced in this kind of work and have good references Attractive apart ment plus good starting salary, with advancement according to merit. This is an excellent oppor tunity for a permanent Job with a good future for the right man. Call MRS. BURT, 483-5101. MAN. car neceaMry, to be trained for permanent position in our serv ice department. Good pay, auto al lowance, commission. Apply between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., 928 Eye at. n.w. • N.W. MAN WANTED, high caliber, to work for professional men to ,ell a vision program. Unusual op portunity for right person. Box . 15-0. Star ; MANAGEMENT AAA-1 INTERNATIONAL CONCERN GUARANTEED SALARY TO START | $575 r PER MONTH ‘ WE HAVE OVER 1,000 OFFICES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, RATED AAA-1 DUN AND BRAD- ( STREET. WE ARE TREMENDOUSLY tX » PANDING OUR GREATER WASH ; INGTON OPERATION. ■ 20 NEW MANAGERS ARE NEEDED FOR THIS EXPANSION. WE ARE LOOKING FOR EXCEP , TIONALLY SHARP AGGRESSIVE I MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF > 18 AND 30 TO GO INTO OUR 90-DAY MANAGER TRAINING - PROGRAM. NO EXPERIENCE ‘ NEEDED. YOU WILL BE LEARNING EXEC UTIVE OFFICE TRAINING PRO -1 CEDURES. SALES PROMOTION. ■ MANAGEMENT INDOCTRI NATION. ETC. . YOU MUST BE ABLE TO START J YOUR TRAINING IMMEDIATELY. 4 IF YOU ARE ACCEPTED AFTER OUR PERSONAL INTERVIEW . WITH YOU. 1 YOU MUST BE EXCEPTIONALLY I NEAT AND ABLE TO CONVERSE INTELLIGENTLY. YOU’LL BE PARTICIPATING IN OUR BRAND IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM WITHIN GREATER WASHINGTON. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW CALL MR. HOWARTH RE. 7-5467 i SUNDAY AND MONDAY j ONLY SUNDAY ' BETWEEN 16 36 A M.-6 PM. MONDAY. BETWEEN 9 A.M.-l P.M $575 ... STARTING SALARY TO THOSK. ACCEPTED AFTER INITIAL 3- DAY INDOCTRINATION TRAIN ING PERIOD. A-13