THE HUMAN SIDE OF RELIGION Church Sale Recalls Names and History By CASPAR NANNES Religious News Editor of The Star The announcement this week that historic National Presby terian Church at Connecticut avenue and Eighteenth street N.W., has been sold and eventually will be tom down recalls famous Americans who attended srevices there. Best known to the present generation is former Presi dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, who joined the congregation shortly after his inauguration and attended regularly during his years in the White House. Earlier chief executives of the Nation who worshiped in the structure, then Covenant Presbyterian Church, were Benjamin Harrison and Gro ver Cleveland. The former sat in Pew 43, directly in front of Pew 41 that Gen. Eisen hower occupied. Later Pew 43 was occupied by the late Sec retary of State Foster Dulles, whose grandfather, John W. Foster, also worshiped there when Secretary of State under President Harrison. Covenant and First Churches merged in 1930 to become National Presbyterian Church. Among the numerous public figures who have worshiped in the brown stone structure were FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover, Supreme Court Jus tice Clark and Senator Sten nis, Democrat of Mississippi. Three years after the church was erected its tower collapsed. The Star, comment ing on the occurrence, ob served, “It fell, not like a strong structure of stone, but collapsed like a heap of sand. The report says the wonder is not that it fell, but that it stood at all.” Fortunately, the coming collapse had been foreseen and no one was hurt. When National Presbyter ian Church is razed and an office building erected it will be another step in changing the physical side of Wash ington. Old timers will re gret the passing of a struc ture that gave charm and a touch of the past to the area. But the new National Presby terian Church at 4300 Massa chusetts avenue N.W., should compensate somewhat for the loss. ** * * Three Take Part In Mormon Pageant Three young women of the Washington area took part in the recent Mormon pageant, expressing in dramatic form events told in the Book of Mormon, on Hill Cumorah at Palmyra, N. Y. The first pageant was held in 1937. The local misses are Ma jorie Young and Billye Faye Cromwell, both 16 and both members of the College Park Ward, and Ann Marie Du- Hadway, 17, of the Capitol Ward in Washington. Ind*p*nd*nt, Biblo-Centered IFORCEY | MEMORIAL CHURCH Bl 6440 Piney Branch Rd. N.W. H RAYMOND E. BEFUS Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 10:45 a.m. "COUNTERFEIT CHRISTIANITY" B|| 9:30 a.m.—Bible School 7:00 p.m. "DISORDER IN DISCIPLINE" Wednesday Eve., 7:30 p.m. Praise and Prayer Service Preachina The Whole Counsel of God WISCONSIN SYNOD LUTHERAN CHURCH WISCONSIN SYNOD LUTHERAN MISSION Churchill Road, oft Balls HUI Road. McLean GARY SCHROEDER, Paster JA. 7-3419 Services Held at Churchill Road School DIVINE WORSHIP—II A.M. SUNDAY SCHOO10:15 A.M. Cljriatian &r!?nnl CAPITOL CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 3942 Alabama Avenue S£ A Private Elementery Scheel High Academic Standards Effective Teaching Methods A God-centered Education DAILY BIBLE READING AND PRAYER Reasonable Rates. Call LU. 4-8333 NAZARENE Calvary Church of the Nazarene 5900 Wilson Blvd., Ari., Vs. CURTIS D. WITHROW, Pastor | 6:45 a.m.—Church School J 10:45 a.m. ! "THE ROMANCE OF FAITH" 6:30 p.m.—Group Meetlnu ; 7:30 p.m. "ONE STEP TO HEAVEN" Wed. 7:30 p.m.. Midweek Prayer Service First Church of the Nazarene I 16th end Webster Streets N.W. Dr. Norman R. Oho, Minister 10:50 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. REV. CLAUDE JONES, Guest Preacher 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 6:00 p.m.—Youth Groups I Visiting Friends end Servicemen Welcome Take Hirer Sarles (■•■) In Op 10th te Webster •». an Bit. SO Air Conditioned pF Miss Young is a great great-granddaughter of the famous Mormon leader Brig ham Young. An honor stu dent at Bladesnburg High School, she plans to study nursing upon graduation. More than 360 persons took part in the pageant, which was seen by nearly 100,000 people during its four-day showing the early part of the month. Twenty-five stages, with the most advanced tech niques of stagecraft and ef fective lighting and sound effects, were used to present the spectacle. Joseph Smith, who accord ing to Mormon church history was led to the gold plates by the heavenly messenger Mo roni in 1823, founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with five other men in 1830. David O. McKay is president of the 2 million member church, which has congrega tions throughout the world. ♦* ♦ • SSOO Name Ballots Used by Church The Greek Orthodox Church of Northern Virginia is em ploying an unusual method of naming its new congregation, one that enables every mem ber to participate. Each ballot having a sug gested name for the church cost SSOO. An individual mem ber may buy a ballot for that amount. But those who do not wish to buy a ballot alone may do so in company with others who have the same name in mind. One procedure is for an in dividual to contribute a sum for a particular name. When SSOO has been reached by oth ers contributing for the name, the ballot will be marked and dropped into contention. In this way every member, no matter how small his gift may be, has a chance to par ticipate in naming the new Greek Orthodox Church of Northern Virginia. *♦ * * Rev. Squires Tells Os Service on Faculty The Rev. Frank L. Squires, who retired from the active ministry after serving Cove nant Baptist Church here from 1947-60, every so often drops a note so his Washing ton friends—and they are many—may know what he is doing. Recently he sent a card from the “cool Cumberland Mountains at Pineville, Ky., where I’ve been serving on the faculty of the summer session, July 2-26, of Clear Creek Baptist School.” Mr. Squires comments that “it is refreshing and invigo rating on campus at this al titude.” Retreat Planned For Catholic Men The annual Labor Day Week End Retreat for Catholic Men will be held Wednesday through September 2 at the St. Ignatius Loyola Retreat House in Faulk ner, Md. The Rev. William Welsh, a member of the faculty of Wood stock (Md.) College, will serve as retreat master for the an nual spiritual retreat for Cath olic men from the metropolitan Washington area as well as from throughout the eastern States. Reservations to attend may be made through the Loyola Re treat House Office, 1263 Thir ty-fifth street N.W., Washing ton 7, D. C. I I aflf ! ■■ fe t ... NEW CHURCH DEDICATED The congregation of Congressional Heights Baptist Church, 11845 Seven Locks road, Rockville, will celebrate its fourth anniversary by dedicating a new $140,000 building at 3 p.m. tomorrow. The new build ing includes a sanctuary with seating for 350 persons and educational facilities. The Rev. Kenneth J. Joner is pastor of the church. Church Workshop Set Wednesday The Right Rev. Msgr. Paul V. Heller, pastor of St. James Catholic Church, will discuss the role of lay women in church affairs at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Our Lady of Good Counsel School, Wolf Trap road, Vienna, Va. Msgr. Heller will speak as part of the first of five work shops planned for this year by the Arlington Deanery Council of Catholic Women. The first work shop will include a panel discussion of the foster home system. Other programs include civil defense, public relations, inter nal church relations, legislation and social action, family life and parent education, spiritual development, and international relations. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHRISTIAN REFORMED 6911 N. HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.E. R. M. HARTWELL. Pastor 8:45, 11 A.M. & 7 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 10 A.M. TH* BACK-TO-GOD HOUR WWDC, SUNDAY, »:tt PJf. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS 610 Maryland Ave. N.E. REV. H. B. CORRELL, Minitter w ** p M * wt 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Junior Church 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Midweek Prayer Service BAPTIST NORTHWEST zzv , —* ~ Clarence W. Cranford, Minister (Mttarij ©apttst Sth and H Sts. N.W. Frank A. Heberlein, Min. of Music 9:00 and 11:15 a m —"THE TREATY AND THE MILLENIUM" Dr. C. C. Goen, Wesley Theological Seminary 10:05 a.m.—Church School 6:00 p.m.—Young People 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. —Church and Church School for the Deaf 7:45 p.m.—"AUGUST 28: RIGHTS OR RIOT?" Dr. Goen Wjrttßt 16th and O Sts. N.W. »•“■* '■ Mort 9:30 and 11:00 a m.—CHAPLAIN ROBERT P. TAYLOR Chief of Chaplains, U. S. Air Force 7:30 p.m.—Vesper Service 9:30 and 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School 6:30 p.m.—Study Groups Nursery During All Services Ample Parking ■■ R l/V /'LI AC t O' J Herbert Gilmers, Jr.. Minister CHEVY CHAjt w " i,rn *”■**• Bev. John Charite Bsrbser, Minister at Edaeatlen 9:45 a.m.—Bible School All A«es 11:00 a m —"THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT" Midweek Services Resume September 18 Natumal baptist memorial Dedicated bv American and Southern Baptist* At a Memorial to Religious Liberte 16th Street and Columbia Road N.W. Moncrief Jordan. Asst. BFnlst“ CTmL A. AlUs. Minister •< Education 9-40 o.m.—Bible School 6:15 p.m.—Training Fellowship 11:00 a.m.—"THE JOY AND THE JOB OF EVERY CHRISTIAN" 7:30 p.m.—"KEEPING THE LINES OPEN" Rev. Jordan, Preaching Both Services Wednesday, 7:30 p/n. —Bible Study and Prayer Free Parking, 1636 Columbia Road AjfO e FOURTEENTH ST. AT COLORADO AVB N.W. IMpTHtlttlf MENTER P. GERMAN, Minister Ate** BENBY J. SMITH. Minister Emeritus 9:40 a.m.—Church School Wed.. 7:48 p.m.—Midweek Service 11:00 a m.—Mornln* Worship Church Located Across Prom llth St. N.W. Terminal dahoma ?arh. 0.(5. "“LSt.W.* - Rev. William L. Scurlack Ministers: Rev. Thoma* F. Shreava 10:00 o.m. —Church School 9 00 and 11:15 o.m—"SHINING UP THE SAINTS" 6:00 p.m.~"THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" Mr. Shreeve, Preaching All Services Air Conditioned Nursery Provided at AU Service* Wtsrimsitt Attrnur -* *VB o V^^LVpu < &TR.S ,MX,, 9:30 a m.—Sunday School w**i“i —Tr,lnlM nnlon 1J :00 a.m.—"CONSUMING ZEAL" 7:30 p.m —"THE CURSE OF SUPERFICIAL CONSECRATION" Nursery Open at All Services rail | Mb sod Qae Sts. N.W.. Rev. Hear, Mila*. Patter Miura 11;00 am .—Sermon by REV. WILLIAM WALTERS Baptist 7:30 p.m—Scrmonette by REV. WALTERS ftenrgrtnimi Supttat T*** *Jy rJUI A Positive Gospel for a Progressive Ate m » DIV SS5 ° Hebratke Ave. N.W. T Ed FI Jr Li JL Robert t. Harris, Miniite* RICHARD DARNS. Oresnlet 9:30 o.m.—Sunday School (Nursery 9 a.m. 'til Noon) 11:00 o.m. and 7:00 p.m.—WORSHIP SERVICES Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting DIVINE SCIENCE THE FIRST DIVINE SCIENCE CHURCH 1300 17th St. N.W., Entrance on N St. BYRD D. NEWTON, Speaker 11 :OO a m.— "DOMINION" Ministerial Help end Counseling Phone TE. 6-0482 DIVINE SCIENCE CHURCH OF THE HEALING CHRIST 2025 35th St. N.W. at Wisconsin Ave. DR. GRACE L. FAUS, Minister "PROBLEM OR CHALLENGE" Dr. Martha Chesterfield, Guest Speaker Class Wednesday Evening, 8:00 P.M. DIAL-A-SERMONETTE. FE. 8-1240 LUTHERAN CAPITOL HILL ffitjurrlj of tl|c iMnrmatum M EAST CAPITOL STREET Pallors: J. Brace Weaver, Carol H. Tense 8:45 and 11:00 a.m.—Children’s Church and Music Instruction: Nursery 9:45 a.m.—Church School Classes for All Ages 8:45 and 11:00 a.m.—Pastor Youse, Preaching Air-Conditioned NORTHWEST ST. PAUL S CONNECTICUT AVENUE 4900 Conn, at 36th and Everett Sts. N.W. HENRY B. LUFFBERRY, D.D., Pastor D. P. Kohlenberg, Ass't. H. W. Snyder, D.D., Emeritus 9:30 a.m.—Church School 9:30 a.m.-12 Noon—Nursery 11:00 a m —"COUNTING THE COST," Pastor Kohlenberg /if? g* wA J* Victor Murtlond V 0 4CI L V Gerhard E. Lonski James C. Kocher 4300 16th St. N.W. 9:50 and 11:00 a.m.—Church School 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.—SERVICES OF WORSHIP Nursery at All Services > LUTHER PLACE MEMORIAL Lutheran Church tor Military Membership THOMAS CIRCLE, 14th AND N STREETS N.W. AT THS LUTHSR STATUS The Bev. James M. Slaser. Paster The Bev. Campbell McKinnon, Associate Air-Conditioned 9:50 o.m.—Sunday Church School THE SERVICE—B:4S and 11:00 a.m. "FOUR GREAT AVENUES TO GOD IN CHRIST" Pastor McKinnon 6:00 p.m.—Young Adult Fellowship Free Sunday Parking—Vermont Ave, and tstl N St. N.W. AUGUSTANA V STREET AND NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE N.W. PASTORS: WAYNE R. WOODS. OBED LUNDEEN R E. SNESRUD. MINISTER OP MUSIC 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion—st. Eric’s 9:30 a.m.—Church School 8:80 and 11:00 a.m.—Worship Services •'OUT OF THE DEBTS” BAPTIST NORTHEAST METROPOLITAN T. nHIYTIOT TAYLOR BOWERS. Education nllrllll JOHN KOOISTRA. Musle MOI IIV I j OHN COCHRAN. Youth A SOUTHERN BAPTIST WITNESS ON CAPITOL HILL 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School 10:45 o.m —"KEPT BY HIS POWER" 7:15 p.m.—"HOW CAN I KNOW GOD'S WILL FOR MY LIFE?" 6:00 pjn.—Training Union 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday, Midweek Prayer Service Nursery at All Services Air Conditioned A uzvoXmla Corner Eastern and Michigan Ave*. N.E. AUIIIUiai? MILFORD H. EVANS, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 5:45 p.m.—Training Union 11:00 a m—"MARCHING—REVOLUTION" Rev. Hermon V. Thomason, Guest Minister (Nursery During ALL Services! A Growing Church Serving Northeaet Washington and Nearbt Maryland MARYLAND AVENUE *W.*A EMMANs/pa'sto 1 * E ‘ 9:30 am—Sunday School 0:30 p.m—Tralnln* Union 11:00 o.m.—Morning Worship 7:15 p.m.—Evening Service "WF PREACH THE OLD-FASHIONED GOSPEL" Wednesday. 8:00 p m.— Prayer Meeting BROOKLAND x 9:30 amSunday School Tralnln* Fellowship. 8:00 p.m. 11:00 o.m. —Mr. Howard D. Rees, Guest Speaker 7:00 p.m.—Dr. Word B. Hurlburt, Jr., Missionary to Thailand Nursery for Morning Service Weaneidav, l:it p.m.—Prater Pellowehip SOUTHWEST #ifth baptist CSUjixrrfj Four Blocks From New Southwest Town Center 609 E Street S.W., Washington, D. C. PORTER H. HARRISON, Pastor 11:00 a m —"EVIDENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" Sunday School—9:4s a.m. Wed., Prayer Service—7:3o p.m. Ministering to Metropolitan Washington for over a Century SOUTHEAST JTmtiayluanta Anemic P*nn*ylvanio Avenue end 30th Street S.E. Dr. Jomet A. Langley, Miniiter Mr. Don McNeely, Minuter of Education and Youth 9:30 o.m.—Sunday School 7:35 p.m.—Training Union 8:30 and 11:00 a m —"MYSTERY AND DIVINE CERTAINTY" 6:30 p m —"LOSING YOUR LIFE TO FIND IT" CONGRESS HEIGHTS 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 6:00 p.m.—Baptist Training Union 8:30 o.m —"WHEN GOD FORGETS" 11:00 o.m.—"ARE YOU AT PEACE WITH GOD?" 7:)5 p.m—REV. GEORGE PARKER, Guest Speaker (Nursery Provided for All Services) Z/W 9th and S. Carolina Ava. S.E. (at Pa. Ava.) Robert H. Gibb*, Pa*tor Vj/aLIA*- Donald L. Swanton, Minister of Mini* A Warm Hearted Welcome In An Air-Conditioned Sanctuary 9:30 o.m. — Bible School 6:15 p.m.—Training Union 11 :00 a m "THE BIBLE CURE FOR INDIFFERENCE" 7:30 p.m.—Guest Speaker, JOHN KACHELMYER from the Christian Academy in Japan Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.—THE POWER HOUR, Midweek Service "Where the •Old-Fothloned Gospel' le Preached end Related to Today's Needs” MARYLAND HILLCREST HEIGHTS 22nd and Iversen Streets 8:30 p.m.—Tralnln* Union WAYNE I. icon. Mialttsr 7:48 p.m—Evening Worthip Kindergarten to Start The First Baptist Church of Laurel, Md., will begin a kin dergarten program September 3. Classes in subjects ranging from foreign languages to democratic living will be held from 9 un til 11:30 a.m. Monday through Fridays at the church at 811 Fifth street in Laurel. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN EVANGELICAL REFORMED DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CLEVELAND PARK 3400 Lowell Street N.W. Rev. James Clark Brown. EM. 3-8211 Worship and Church School 10:00 a.m. CONCORDIA 20th and O Street. N.W. Dr. Henry C. Koeh. EX. 3-1408 Worship, 10:00 a.m. FIRST 10th and G Street! N.W. Rev. David Colwell. NA. 8-4317 Worship, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m GRACE REFORMED 1405 Fifteenth Street N.W. Bev. Robert W. Olewller. DU. 7-3131 Worship, 9:00 and 11:00 a m. INGRAM-CAPITOL HILL 10th and Man. Ave. at A N.I. Rev. Charlee D. Friou. LI. 6-0570 Worship. 11:00 a.m. LINCOLN MEMORIAL Uth and R Streets N.W. Rev. Channing E. Phillips. DE. 2-2069 Worship, 9:30 a.m. PEOPLES 13th and Crittenden Streets N.W. Bev. Arthur F. Elmes. TU. 2-7481 9:30 C.B. Worship, 9:30 a.m. ©LUTHERAN CHURCHES HEAR "THE LUTHERAN HOUR," SUNDAY, 1:30 P.M., WRC, 980 Sunday Church School, 9:45 A.M., All Churches Unlesi Designated With Asterisk For Further Information, Coll Lutheran Inner Mission Society, 232-6373 District of Columbia, N.W. AUGUSTANA LCA V St. at N. H. Ave. N.W. W. R. Woods. O. B. Lundeen. Pastors. 8:30. 0:30 and 11 am. *9:30 am. CHAPEL OF THE DEAF MO. 5101 16th St. N.W., H. W. Hoe mann. Pastor, 11 a.m. CHRIST MO. 5101 let’s St. N.W., W. F. Bruen- Ing. Pastor. W. Wilkie. Vicar, 8:30 and 11 a.m. FIRST TRINITY MO. 4th and E Sts. N.W.. H. B. Roepe. Pastor. A. Kirk. Vicar, 8:30 and 11 a.m. *9:30 a.m. GEORGETOWN LCA 1556 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., J. O. Bolick. Pastor. 11 a.m. MOUNT OLIVET MO. 1306 Vermont Ave. N.W.. W. Schlebel. Pastor. 8 A 11 a.m. *9:30 IT. JAMES ALC 8008 Eastern Ave. N.W., R. S. Spieler. Pastor. 10:00 am. *9:00. ST. MARK-INCARNATION LCA 14th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. J. Strube. Pastor. 11 a.m. District of Columbio, N.E. KELLER MEMORIAL LCA 907 Maryland Ave. N.E. E. R. McVicker. Pastor. 11 a.m. *9:30 a.m. PEACE MO. 49th Place and Ames St. N.E.. H. A. Schwandt. Pastor 8 and 11 a m.. •9:15 a m. REFORMATION LCA 212 East Capitol St.. J. B Weaver. Carol H. Youse. Pastors. 8:45 and 11 a.m. ST. PETER'S LCA 1725 Michigan Ave. N.E., L. A. McDaniel. Pastor. 8:45 and 11 a m. OUR REDEEMER LCA No. 2 R. I. Ave. N.E.. James H. Bomersllle. Pastor. 11 a.m.. *9:30 and 11 a.m. District of Columbia, S.E. BETHLEHEM MO. 16th and T Sts. N.E., H. T. Bern thal. Pastor. 10:15 a.m„ *9 a.m. HOLY COMFORTER LCA 3319 Alabama Ave. at Branch Ave. BE.. F. G. Senser. Pastor; H. Goebel. Vicar. 8 and 11 a.m.. •9:30 a.m. District of Columbio, S.W. ST. MATTHEWS ALC 222 M St. 8.W., J. A. Scherzer. Pastor. 11 am. Md., Southern Prince Georges Co. BETHANY ALC 5175 Sliver Hill Rd. S.E. F O. Klein, Pastor. 8:15 and 11 a.m., *9:30 a.m. FAITH LCA 5201 Livingston Road. Oxon HUI. Md.. R. Manning, Pastor. 9 and 11 a.m. GRACE MO. La Plata. H. E. Plehn, Pastor. 11 am. OUR SAVIOUR LCA 4915 St. Barnabas Rd. BE.. (21), R. E. Hook. Pastor. 8:30 a.m. and 11 » m - ST. PAUL’S MO. Charlotte Hall. Md.. H. E. Plehn, Pastor. 9:30 a.m. *10:30. THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. Saturday, August 24, 1963 CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Washington City Church of the Brethren Fourth Street and North Carolina Avenue Southeast Ministers: Daane H. Ramsey. Ronald G. Luts 9:45 a.m.—Church School (Nursery Faculties) Worship: 11:00 a.m. ■■THE ESSENCE,” Rev. Luts PLYMOUTH 5301 North Uapltol St. Rev. Theodore S. Ledbetter. 723-5330 Worship 11:00 am. WESTMORELAND Massachusetts Ave. at Western Ave. Rev Thomas C. Dick OL. 4*3900 Worship. 8:30 and 11:00 a m. VIRGINIA BETHEL 4347 Arlington Blvd. (Arlington) Rev. James W. Bright. Jr.. JA. 8-0037 Church School and Worship 9:30 a.m. FAIRFAX COUNTY Rte. 236. Miles West nt Annandale Rev. Hubert S. Beckwith, 280-1670 Summer Worship, 9:30 a.m. ROCK SPRING 6010 Little Fails Road (Arlington) Revs. Sidney Lovett. John Wightman KE 8-4425 Worship dt Church School. 10:00 a.m, HOPE (Alexandria) Rose Hill School. S.W. of Alexandria Rev. Wallace Anderson Jr SO. 8 0228 Worship, 10:00 a.m. MARYLAND Worship, 11:00 a.m.. 354-2666 CAPITOL HEIGHTS 61st Place A C Sts.. Capitol Heights LUTHERAN OUR SAVIOUR MO. Indian Head, Md.. W. Stock, Pastor 8:15 a.m. *9:30 OXON HILL MO. 5735 Oxon Hill Rd.. Oxon HUI. Md . R. G. Schoenheide,. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. Md., Northern Prince Georges Co ASCENSION MO. 7420 Ardmore Rd.. Landover Hills. H. Schroeder. Pastor. 8, *9:30 and 11 a.m. HOLY CROSS MO. 22 Ridge Rd.. Greenbelt. Md . E. H. Blrner. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m., *9:30 a.m. HOPE LCA Guilford Dr. and Knox Rd.. College Park, T. Casper. Pastor. 9 and 11 REDEEMER MO. 3799 East-West Highway. Hyatts ville. W. H. Kohn, Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. ST. JOHN’S LCA 6820 Riverdale Rd.. East Riverdale. M. D. White. Pastor. 8:30. 9:45, 11:10 a.m. *9:40. 11:05 a.m. TRINITY MO. 30th and Bunker Hill Rd.. Mt. Rainier. R. A. Maack. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. TRINITY MO. Sth St.. Bowie. Md.. K Boachboard. Pastor. 9:30 a m. ZION LCA N. H. and Kingwood Dr.. Takoma Park. E. R. Bley. L. H. Rhodes. Pastors 9:30 and 11 a.m. *9:30 and 11 am. Md., Eostern Montgomery County CALVARY MO. 9445 Georgia Ave.. Silver Spring. F. W. Kemper, Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. OLNEY-ASHTON MO. Sherwood Elem. School. Sandy Spring, R. C. Hohenstein, Pastor. 11 a.m. ST. ANDREW’S MO. 12247 Georgia Ave.. SUver Spring. C. S. Mueller, Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. ST. JOHN’S LCA 4629 Aspen HUI Road. RockvUle. H. W. Hlnkeldey. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m.. *9:45 and 11 am. ST. LUKE LCA ColesvlUe Rd. and Highland Dr.. Silver Spring. R. Shaheen. Pastor 8:30. 9:30 and 11 a.m., 5 p.m. •9:30 and 11 a.m. ST. STEPHEN LCA 11612 New Hampshire Ave.. Silver Spring. B. B. Mayberry. Pastor. 8:30. 11 a.m. Md., Western Montgomery County CHRIST ALC 8011 Old Georgetown Road. Bethesda. O. Schuetze. Pastor R. Mach. Vicar, 8:30 and 11 a m CRUSADER ALC 1609 Viera MUI Rd.. Rockville R. Richards. Vicar. 8:30. 9:45 and 11 a.m. EMMANUEL LCA Bradley Blvd, and Seven Lock St.. Bethesda. F E. Relsslg. Pastor. 10 a.m. *lO a.m. PILGRIM MO. 5500 Mass. Ave. NW.. Bethesda. M. C. Poch. R. C. Hohenstein, Pas tors. 8:30. 11 a.m.. *9:30 a.m. BAPTIST MARYLAND SILVER SPRING W ‘ Y “' A JST AIR CONDITIONED Rev. James M. Windham, Minister 11:00 am. "KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE CLOUDS AND YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND” 9:30 a m.—Sunday School «:45 p m —Trainins Union 8:00 p.m.—“ON TO COLLEGE" SERVICE CHURCH FAMILY NlGHT—Wednesday. 8:00 to 8:30 p.m. Including Prayer Meeting. 7:55 p.m. Opposite The Silver Spring Ba* Terminal LUTHER RICE MEMORIAL JOHN A. HOLT, Pastor 801 University Blvd. W., Silver Spring 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 6:15 p.m.—Training Union 11 a m —"CHOOSING THE EASIER PATH," Pastor Preaching 7:30 p.m.—White Bible Ceremony Nursery Provided for Beth Servicer SECOHD BAPTIST Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. 11:00 o.m.—Worship Training Union, 6:45 p.m. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Nursery Open for All Services PETWORTH-MOHTGOMERY HILLS 0721 Geersla Avenae. Sliver Sprint, Md. S. Lewis Morgan, Jr. Nathan C. Brooks 111 Bunday School. 9 45 a m. 11:00 a m.—"UNDER THREAT OF VIOLENCE." Pastor Brook* Broadcast: Radio WFAN-FM 100.3 me. 7:00 p.m.—YOUTH SERVICE MT. ZION BETHESDA A. Brubaker, Minister Georgetown Road and Groevenor 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 5:00 p.m.—Tralnln* Union Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wednesday. 7:30 pm.—Prayer Service ”AN EVANGELISTIC SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH” TDIIkIITV R'99* and Baachwood Rd*., Lewitdale, Md. I KIFXI I I REV. LESLIE E. GOULD, Pastor 10:00 s.m.—Sunday School 11:00 s.m.—"SONS OF GOD" 6:30 p.m.—Tralnln* Union 7:30 pm.—Evening Service Wednesday. 8:00 p m.—Prayer Service Nurserv for AU Servicee 5/44 Masrachueetle Avenue r yyyiMl Westmoreland Hills, Md. Ret T. Richard Wentworth. Pastor 9:45 a m—Bible School 8:58 a m —Primary and J Choir Rehearsal 11:00 am—"THE MEANING OF LIFE 015 pm.—Training Fellowship Discussion 7-30 pm —"THAT WHICH GOD HATES" Wednesday. 7:30 n m —Midweek Prayer Meeting Air Conditioned Nurtery For All Service* Clinton 11:00 a.m—Dr. William J. Crowd*r WOODYARD RD.. CLINTON. MD. 8:00 p.m.—Chaplain J. T. Shipman Richard W. Dutton. Pastor /SPklTn A 8 Ml * Ann»»*ll* Rd. Bl*den*bar* VtlW I KAL c •• LeGATRS. Fatter N u MERI E. SHULTS, Mln. *f Matte 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School 0:45 p.m.—Trtlnln* Union 11:00 a m. and 8 00 p.m—SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES PALMER PARK CHAPEL, Earl Mtrthbara, Paster Sunday School. 9:45 am. Worship. 11:00 a.m. Meetln*. 8401 Landover Rd : Tralnln* Union. 6:00 p m.: 7:15 pm.—Worship WHEATON First Baptist 10014 Oeortla Avenae at Viera Mill Road. Rllver Spring. Md. Rev. B Rana Morrison, Patter. Mr Charlea F McMinn* Mln es Ed. 9:45 am—Bunday School t oo pm —Training Union R 45 and 11 00 am - THF WORM IN THE APPLE” SOO pm—ON TO COLLEGE NIGHT—Don Dickaon. Speaker VIRGINIA ARLINGTON H’.’SliS-iSr&.JBSU 7th and Menre* Sts. Sa., JA. S-73114 6:18 p.m—Tralnla* Untea CLARENDON V. ”"m "jteksen Sunday School. 9:30 am. Mornln* Worthip. 8:30 and 11 am. Tralnln* Union. 7:30 p.m. Worthlp. 6:30 p.m. Nurtery lor All Service! Visitors Welcomed Air Conditioned Religious News BETHESDA 10010 Fernwaod Rd. at Dcmacraey Blvd. 365-3388 Worship—Church School—Nursery 0:30 a.m. CHRIST (Silver Spring) 9525 Colesville Rd. Rev. Robert E. Marston. JU. 9-O4M Worship, 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. ROCKVILLE (Faith) 2208 Rockland Avenue Rev. Kenneth B. Wenteel. GA. 4-8481 10:00 a.m. Worship and Church School TRINITY (Takotna Park) 7300 New Hampshire Avenue Rev. John Henry Sando. HE. 1-0881 Worship, 10:00 a.m. GREENBELT Hillside and Crescent Rev. Kenneth B. Wyatt. OR. 4-6171 Worship. 10:00 a.m. t PILGRIM ~ Georgian Forest Elementary School Rev. Alien M. Grammer Worship. 10:00 a m. ST. PAUL I Lon ho ml Elementary Seheol. KI. 564 Rev. James Tomasek. Jr.. 773-1067 Worship. 11:00 a.m. CHURCH OF THE CROSS MO. 624 Great Falls Rd.. RockvUle, R. Kruger. Pastor. 11 a.m. . RESURRECTION LCA 3101 University Blvd.. West Ken- i sington. R. Forcey, Pastor. 9:30, 11 am. *9:30 a.m. ■ ST. LUKE’S ALC Muncaster Rd.. Redland. Md.. D. D. Thogerson. Pastor. 10 a.m.. *8:45 Virginia, Alexandria BETHANY MO. Beacon HUI and Oak Dr., J. E. Graudln. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. GLORIA DEI LCA Patrick Henry School. 4643 Taney i Ave., R. A. Hlmmelman, Pastor 10 a.m.. *8:45 a.m. GOOD SHEPHERD ALC Braddock Rd. and Luray Ave., C. W. Beyer. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. IMMANUEL MO. I 1801 Russell Rd.. W. D. Menslng. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. 1 MESSIAH ALC Fort Hunt and Belleview Blvd.. P. Dlsbro. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. PEACE LCA 6927 Lincolnia Rd., P. Hlmmelman. Pastor. 9 and 11 a.m. *lO a.m. > ST. JOHN’S MO. Franconia Rd. and St. John Dr., Franconia. A. P. Meyer. Pastor. • 8:30 and 11 a.m. Virginia, Arlington ‘ ADVENT LCA : 23rd South and Arlington Ridge ' Rd.. Arlington. H. M. Schumann. Pastor. 8:45 and 11 a.m. • FAITH ALC > 3313 Arlington Blvd. C. O. Men acing. E. J. Klein, Pastors. 8. 9:30. 11 am. *9:30. 11 a.m. ’ OUR SAVIOUR MO. I 8. Taylor St. at 9th. G. W. C. Wehmeyer. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. , RESURRECTION LCA 6201 N. Washington Blvd., M. 8. Lange. L. Haag. Pastors. 8:45 and , 11 a.m. *lO a.m, Virginia, Falla Church HOLY TRINITY ALC A Ari. Blvd, and Woodlawn Ave. , Wm. Nies. Pastor, 8 and 10:30 a.m. d *9:15. ST. PAUL'S MO. A 1801 Leesburg Pike. G. H. Kuhn. ■„ Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. J; Virginia, Fairfax County . CONCORDIA MO. • Fuller Heights Rd.. Triangle. 11 • r a.m. *9:30 am., E. F. Vonderlage, ’’ Pastor. - EMMANUEL ALC (w W. Maple Ave.. Vienna. Ya.. E. ’ Ibele. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. C GRACE MO. 1. Marumsco School. Botts and Hor- r. ner Rds.. Woodbridge. <3. I. Mcßee. i Pastor. 10:45 a.m. *9:30. C HOPE ALC s. 4604 Ravenwortb Rd.. Annandale, d J. E. Schramm. Pastor. 8:30 and 11:15 a.m. A REDEEMER LCA Chain Bridge Rd. at Westmoreland. 0 McLean. H. A. Kuhn. Pastor. 8:30 and 11 a.m. 1. PRINCE OF PEACE MO. Snrtngfleld. Keene MUI Rd., Ele mentary School. R. Welchman. Pastor. 11 am. A-7