OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, November 04, 1911, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1911-11-04/ed-1/seq-12/

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Terrible Slaughter1 Under 'the
Guise of War Creates Bitter
" Feeling. -
.London, Noy. 4. Italian cruel
ties in Tripoli and wholesale mas
sacres of men, women and chil
dren by' Italian troops in North
ern Africa may lead shortly to a
concerted demand by the powers
that Italy observe the rules of
cilieed warfare.
. JPremier Giolitti's denials of
Italian atrocities in Tripoli have
failed signally to eradicate the
impression, that no civilized na
tion has 'ever waged such a terri
ble slaughter under the guise of
war. J Englisti , correspondents
have been' bittejr; in their condem
nation; of the orutalfty of the
Italians. - -
England, in common with Ger
many anp Austria, is preparing to
notify Italythat her conduct of
the war isJJ9t(?leif able. - Austria,
Italy's hereditary' foe, is said to
be on 'the point of threatening
armed intervention. ;if the mur
dersafe not stopped. Germany,
always friendlyto the Turks, is
aroused at the reports of "brutal
ity. Italy's policy of "no quarter"
is said to' be the result of reverses,
its troops having suffered in the
fighting against the allied Turk
and Arab armies in the vicinity of
the city of Tripoli. The report is
generally confirmed'here that the
Italians have been forced to re
treat within the walls of the city
"itself. . - ---
Mother- Probably Fatally In
jured and Father Severely
Burned in Morning Blaze.
A baby was tmrned to death,
its mother was probably fatally
injured, and three other people
were severely ourned in an early
morning fire in a three-story flat
at 1359 Newberry avenue. -
The baby was found dead in
bed, its little body burned to a
crisp. The mother, who leaped
panic-stricken from a third story
window, received internal, injuries-
The father groped, his way
through flames4 and smoke with
another baby in his arms, and
both received painful burns.
The dead:
ANNA -TUBIN, l months
old.. '
The injured-:
mother," internal injuries and
burns; county hospital.
father; severely burned in res
cuing '2-year-old baby, Michael
Reese hospital.
CELIA TUBIN, two years
old; burned, about body; 'Michael
Reese hospital.
who lives on second floor; burn
ed about face and arms .and
bruised; county hospital.
Another fire was burning at
the same time at Jefferson and
Maxwell streets, a block away,
and there was a delay before fire
men arrived to fight the "blaze m
the flat huildiner A - '
t h --. ,.

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