m MELVIN VANIMAN- IN 'HIS BIG- AIR BOAT WILL' ATTEMPT TO CROSS ATLANTIC IN FOUR DAYS Combined horsepower, 280 Investment, $100,000. Diameter 47 feet. Length'258 feet. Three engines. JmEBSBm&fsigmS&!x. WIIiiwMHlMBHiilBiMlMlikr-: IliiiilPi&Kv&ii Melvin Vaniman Looking up 'at -His Air-Boat The Big Dirigible "Akron" .Emerging Prom the Hangar. Daring Aviator-Has Ingenious Device to Ballast With Sea water is .rceaay ior inai Flights. Atlantic City, Nov. '2. Vani man will cross the Atlantic in the dirigible balloon "Akron" this fall.- Vaniman says so. ' Sneer, at gas-bag navigation of the air if you will. But talk to Vaniman ten minutes and be. con vinced thair the foth'comtnc: " -- - .-..j.