OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, February 09, 1912, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-02-09/ed-1/seq-14/

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takers cate oi the, shipping jand
financial side in reaL business
"We rather fancy Rocks (Ply
mouth Rocks), Leghorns, Wyan
doltes, Orpingtons and Reds
(Rhode Island Reds)" volunteer
ed Miss Lydia, the "junior" part
ner, "but we also hatch what we
call 'common stock.' Those, we
sell as day-old chicks at $9 a hun
dred. The well bred stock costs
i up to $14 a hundred. All are
higher when bought in lots of
less than 100.
I guess we could get more for
them, but you see we are doing
quite well as it is and want to give
the person who buys them a
chance to make some money,
too. ,
"There is more to hatching
- chickens than most people think,"
said Miss Alma, "for after the
eggs are in the incubator, a great
deal of care must be given, or few
of the eggs will hatch. Temper
ature must be controlled, ventila
tion and moisture must "be regu
lated ; the eggs must be turned at
-regular intervals, and a knowl
edge of incubator hatching must
be had.
"Of course the work does not
end with the hatching. After our
work in culling out the weaker
''ones, and in preparing the pne
' day-old chicks for shipment has
been done, the buyer begins his
work and worry, and if he does
it well he will have a paying poul
try )ard.
"Chicks when they are first
hatched need no food or water
from 48 to 72 hours, that is how
wecan.ship them sofar away;
without food or drink.
Gov. W. E. Glasscock of West
Virginia, who has 57 varieties of
reasons why Col. 1 .
R. should be nomin
ated and elected,
used to be a school
teacher by trade;
now he is an office
holder by profes
sion. In 1900 he got
for himself a place
on the state republi
can committee, stu
died law and landed
a revenue collectorship, which he
resigned to take over the govern
or's mansion.
William Armstrong, Manches-terj-
Conn., was given a wooden
leg by the selectmen, he agreeing
never to sell, hock or exchange it
without a majority vote of the
board of selectmen.
Mrs. Charles Netcher, owner of
a Chicago department store is the
most insured woman in the world
A Maryland legislator has in
troduced a bill making it unlaw
ful for any person to make an as
sertion reflecting on the good
name of a woman.
Of the 3,424 spoken languages
and dialects in the world, Amer
ica alone has 1,624. No wonder
you can't understand half the
folks you meet

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