sr- WtffaS I" 5"" sts-a.y ygrjp- pJj a-- - 6701 Stoney Island ave., and es caped with $85. One suggested locking victims in ice box. "Too cold," answered his pal. Two robbers entered saloon at W. Huron street and N. Hoyne ave., called for drinks, then "stuck up" the bartender and took $15 from cash register. Two "friends" showed Fred Wilt, 1814 Laffin, the "new Illi nois Central station on the lake front. He didn't see the station, but his "friends" saw $11 of his money. y Jewelry valued' at $160 stolen by a burglar from the residence of H. Laturner, 5819 S. Sangamon, Christmas morning, returned yes terday through the mail. Rube Marquard, who flashed for the Giants last year, has sign ed a three-year contract to pitch for New York. The loop coppers were warm ed up yesterday. J. S. Temple ton, who initiated the coffee fund idea, distributed 36 gallons of cof fee and 800 sandwiches among the traffic squad. Three men called at back door of Alex Her'boy, 429 W. 28th place. Fresh eggs, 30 cents a dozen," they yelled. Herboy opened the door. Men bound and gagged him, threatened his wife, and then escaped wth $300 they found in a bureau? Any man should be suspicious when he hears eggs hawked at 30 cents a dozen. The artistic gentleman who ap propriated the two grips of dia monds in Spaulding" & Co.'s Wednesday, is still at large, or at T r -j-T- pf-iVT'V'T some ' other place equally in definite. x Walter Natelspn, who resides at 938 Sheridan road, fined $300 and costs as proprietor of Em press hotel, 1110 N. Clark street. Several men and women arrested there in raid Saturday night. Judge Maxwell said he thought place was disorderly house. k George Larson, owner of Transfer hotel, 1162 N. Clark,, fined $300 on similar charges. Leon A. Berezniak, attorney, who says he is licensed in Indiana and New York, sentenced to five days in county jail for practicing law in Illinois without permission of the court. City sealer has announced that peddlers will be forced to respect' ordinance compelling sale of' vegetables by weight. Only about' 600 out of 1,000 peddlers have provided themselves with scales.' Robert L. Fortune, real estate agent and broker, sued for sep--arate maintenance by his wife, who charged desertion. Sort of mis-fortune. Miss Josephine Besand, owner of rooming house at 4450 Oaken wald, arrested on complaint of W. E. Essick, a former roomer, who says she threw carbolic acid at him. Catherine Jindholm, 11, 2419 W. 21st place, struck by switch' engine on Northwestern tracks and probably fatally injured. She was picking up coal. . William H. Thompson, alias Drummond, who said he "lied to' his wives and was kind to them,"1 WrfN&tfcr. !, J JMiU