OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, April 18, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-04-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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condition the survivors-of -the Ti
. tanic will arrive.
AH day tang wireless messages
have been flashing ashore, and
each one has been-adding-to the
blackness and horror of the pic
ture painted.
Few of the messages are in
full ; many of the rndpubttess aTe
not authentic. Amateur wireless
"operators all,akmg the coast Jhave
been interfering all the tirne.
But from the broken, disjoint
ed messages that have "been re
ceived, much can be learned.
And this i certain : The great
majority of the 705 (survivprs
need' immediate medical atten
tion. The lights of -the Titanic went
out four minutes after she struck
the iceberg that sent her to her
There had been a gay dance in
progress in the main saloon.
The women in flimsy evening
dress, and' the men and thq chil
dren, rushed on "deck, and werie
marshalled toward the- boat
,d tries. -
And then tKe-.-ljght went dut,
and'p.lungecKjLhe whole ship in
( darkness and. horror. .
The whole, of the horrible story
of what followed beforehe boats
with the Wonen and children
were launched 'never villv be,
Imown. V
But there was a'phic, when
men became less than men. y
One "message by wireless -today
says that only 13 of the 20
boats of the Titanic were picked
up by the Carpathia. It was-not
signed and may not be correct.
. Ijt my njean'-twd things 2i
may mean hat) the other seven
boats were picked up by another
vessel: And it may mean that
even -lfoats were smashed or
swampedjn the launching.
The boats that werfi-pieked up
floated helplessly about in the
bitter cold of the ice floes for five
hours before the Carpathia reach
ed them. -
Throughout thjs.afternoon the
Carpathia' flatly refused to an
swer, messages, although within
easy reach of half a dozen ships
and a score ofland stations.
The George Washington, of
the North German Lloyd Jine
kept pounding calls at the Carpa
thia for hour afer hour. She de
ceived no answer.
Late this afternoon, one of the
land stations, after calling the
Carpathia for nearly an hour re
ceived a curt command to "keep
A three year old boy aboard the
Carpathia is the only survivor of
he family of H. J. Allison, weal
thy New ork merchant. Alli
son, his wjfe and their daughter,
Went to therr deaths on the Ti
tanic. The wife and daughter refused
to enter the lifeboats until Allison
coul daccompany them. Allison
would not go until all the women
were taken off.. So they 'placed
the little boy, with his 'nurse, on
one of the first boats.
o o
A Montana man "went insane
making a -fortune Some mil-
lionaires spend -a fortune going
insane ' . x
-i t -j ft , HaJrfr nil

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